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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,111 Member
    @Becka28 the funny thing is that merfolk like to visit Henford-on-Bagley.

    Calum, Calden, and Reef are regular visitors.
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,111 Member
    edited August 2021
    @Becka28 Speaking of Ekram, he did show up while Jack was struggling with his relationship with Cecilia. He enjoyed watching them as they worked to overcome Cecilia cheating on him.

    Jack broke up with Cecilia because she violated merfolk traditions, but Jack is still committed to her. They just won't be getting married until she's ready to commit. I really thought that removing the noncommittal trait would make a difference. Unfortunately, Cecilia seems to have a relationship with a townie that seems to actively try and disrupt their relationship. The other townie shows up when he does, as if he's trying to pick up Jack when things fall apart.

    Ekram suddenly started to show up as if he could sense the tense situation and seemed to enjoy watching the drama. They don't need to make the dating harder. Sims already don't have boundaries during dates.
    Post edited by Metior_Ice on
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,111 Member
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    sunblondsunblond Posts: 1,035 Member
    edited November 2021
    Episode 5

    Conversation Overheard at the Von Haunt Estate
    Liberty and Marcus go on a date.

    LIBERTY: Ok, when you said you knew how to play chess a little, you were telling a big fib, weren’t you?
    MARCUS: Now there, a feller don’t like to lay all his cards on the table right at the start, now does he?
    LIBERTY: Hummm….
    MARCUS: Truth is, my pappy and I played real regular when I was growin’ up.
    LIBERTY: Uh-huh, and I bet he won all the time at first, until you got as good or better than him.
    MARCUS: Ain’t no moss growin’ on you, is there, Liberty? You’re a right smart girl. I like a woman with a good head on her shoulders, by the way.
    LIBERTY: And I like a man with a bit of mystery to him. It keeps a girl guessing.

    Conversation Overheard at Dock Den

    SUMMER: I promise, just a little longer, until the party, then everything can be open and above board, I swear J-Bird.
    JOAQUIN: Yeah, I’m beginning to think you’re ashamed of me. All this sneaking around and swearing Sergio and Siobhan to secrecy. Neither of us is married or involved with other people, so it never really made any sense to me.
    SUMMER: I told you right in the beginning that my living arrangement was complicated and I’ve explained it to you several times. So don’t pretend you don’t understand. Besides, you know Travis, you two are friends. So you know perfectly well how things are…uh…were with us.
    JOAQUIN: Yeah, well, when a guy has a girl like you, keeping it a secret goes against the grain, that’s just a fact. I want to show you off, I want everyone to know you’re my girlfriend.
    SUMMER: Girlfriend? Just when did that happen?
    JOAQUIN: Oh, come off it Babe, you’re moving in as soon as Sergio and Siobhan moves in together. We’re in this now. Both of us are all in, aren’t we?
    SUMMER: Well, a girl does like to be asked, that’s all.
    JOAUQIN: Summer Holiday, I love you, I’ve been madly, deeply in love with you from the moment you said you would go out with me. And believe me, I know you’re way out of my league. That being said, please, will you be my girlfriend?
    SUMMER: That’s more like it!
    Summer and Joaquin are in love.

    Highlights from the Promotion Party at the BFF Household
    The guests begin to arrive at the party thrown in celebration of their recent promotions.

    Why does everyone congregate in the kitchen at parties?

    Akira still finds it difficult to be civil to J. Huntington III.

    Travis plays referee.

    To everyone’s surprise, Summer and Joaquin appear to be “involved”.

    Liberty seems to be very fond of Marcus.

    Travis does not seem to be a fan of Marcus, however.

    After the party, Jeannie returns to help with the clean up and is waylaid by Travis, before she can even get inside.

    After spending the night, Joaquin enjoys a nice breakfast with the household.

    Conversation Overheard at Crick Cabana
    Alert the media, Akira cooked dinner!

    AKIRA: You know, running over there after the party and spending half the night talking to Travis, well, a lesser man could get pretty jealous.
    JEANNIE: Well, I promised to help with the clean up, you know what a mess there is after a party. It’s not my fault Travis was all bent out of shape and needed someone to vent to.
    AKIRA: Oh, I just bet he did! We both warned him, Nie-chan. But, no one I know ever takes any advice about their love lives. I sure never did, well, not much anyway.
    JEANNIE: No, and saying I told you so, well, that just seems mean spirited now.
    AKIRA: And my wife is far too nice and kind to do something like that, ain’t, uh, isn’t she?
    JEANNIE: Well…..there is a tiny part of me that felt very smug. I’m not proud of that.
    Jeannie tells Akira about her conversation with Travis.

    AKIRA: There’s something else. See, Sergio Romeo, a guy I work with, is Joaquin’s roommate. That’s how Travis and him met, through Sergio, see. Well, Sergio’s getting married to some girl named Fyres, from over in Windenburg, she’s in that club with Summer, I think.
    JEANNIE: O…K…..
    AKIRA: I’m getting to it, just let me finish. Anyway, Sergio and I worked together on a little project a few weeks ago and I remember him saying he was moving into a house with his fiancée. Now here’s the interesting part, OK. And he also said that his roommate, that’s Joaquin, well, that his girlfriend was going to move in…to help with the rent and stuff, that Joaquin couldn’t swing it alone, like it was a money thing, her moving in I mean. But after last night, well, I’m kinda wondering.
    JEANNIE: (gasps) Summer’s going to live with Joaquin, I mean it’s already a done deal then? That’s what you’re saying?
    AKIRA: Now, this Sergio is not the best source of info. He’s kind of a tool. Honestly, he doesn’t strike me as the marrying kind in the first place, so him getting married, well…..
    JEANNIE: Still, he would’ve had no reason to tell you something that wasn’t true, I mean he didn’t know you were a friend of Summer’s, that he was betraying a confidence, did he?
    AKIRA: I don’t see how. I mean we don’t really know each other very well, like, we don’t share with each other at work. Most guys don’t, you know.
    JEANNIE: So you keep saying, yet you somehow seem to come home from work with lots of useful gossip.
    AKIRA: Nie-chan, I’ve told you, men don’t gossip.
    JEANNIE: Ha!…..
    Jeannie is shocked by Akira’s gossip, um, news.

    @BlueSeaWaves Yes, I remember Archie, Anna and Arthur. Baby momma drama, right? Well, I believe Nando prescribed to the “spare the rod and spoil the child” adage, at least in the case of Ben. Too bad.

    @pendragon1980 IIRC, a sim that has high mischief skills has a better chance of getting away with a plagiarized paper.

    @Daravi Yes, you are correct, of course. The 60’s I was thinking about wouldn’t really be teen friendly, not at all!

    @Keidra How glammy all of your sims look, but than Ezio is a Monarch, after all. Is that really Mortimer in the pic, not Alexander?

    @mightysprite I used to hyphenate my same sex couple’s last names too, but it got very unwieldy!

    @Becka28 Oh, I do wish Tiger was not intent on a criminal career, but with a mother like his, well……..

    Post edited by sunblond on
    Origin ID is: sobenewbie
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,111 Member
    @sunblond Your story seems to be heating up. Very interesting turn of events.
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,111 Member
    I'm almost done with Jack's rotation, so the actual story updates will be coming later. It's difficult to figure out what I want to do. Based on merfolk traditions in my game, Jack is bound to Cecilia. He's established his commitment and devotion. I just don't know if things will work out between them.
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    Lady_EarthLady_Earth Posts: 187 Member
    Niijima: The sisters from Persona 5 continue...

    The interesting thing about open love areas is that Sims can go a'banging with others that they're not on a date with. Such has what happened with Joey and Sae's date while she was in the bathroom.

    Sae, now Sae Tribbiani and Joey have a son named Matt (after Joey's actor).

    And yes, the woman (Ariadna Shade) Joey woo-hooed in the first pic gave birth to a daughter named Morgan.

    The Smith family from The Sims 2 will be next.
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,111 Member
    I finally finished creating the Grocery Store that my sim will sell his harvestables at. It's a starter store, but its value is at 60,000 Simoleons. I also added some content from all the packs that add to gardening. It'll include content from Seasons, Get to Work, Cottage Living, Eco Living, Movie Night, Realm of Magic, and I think those are the major packs.

    I have plans to expand the store, and I made sure to leave some space for the expansions. I'll give one hint to what I'm planning and it requires the cooking and baking skills.
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    haneulhaneul Posts: 1,954 Member
    edited August 2021
    Hello - it's been a while, so some of my comments are a bit old. :blush:

    @sarabeth [p882] I love the play room you have for Joanna's four kids. It's too bad that Maximus had to leave (sorry you have lag - I've had a few weird bugs here and there, but my game is luckily stable/lag-free. It's so hard to keep everything running smoothly.) [p890] Healani's so pretty, but Dante is pretty cute too. Good luck to them as a couple.

    @KyreRoen [p884] You have such a detailed backstory <3. I feel bad for Kaylin - I hope that Ren at least talked to her about his decision and didn't unilaterally take it upon himself to save her and Mariela by marrying the threat. [p886] But I'm glad it all worked out (except that it didn't work out for Presley). :)

    @mightysprite [p884] This is a comment on something from last month. :| But I enjoyed reading your post on the Karaoke Legends. I'm glad Darling and Miko are still good friends despite Miko's move. Hopefully, she's able to fully furnish her apartment soon, but she's off to a good start. [p891] I like the Fengs' renovation and that kitchen is huge!

    @ironknight35 [p885] Jesse's dedication to fashion is impressive. She was able to garden in heels while pregnant! Your screenshots are very pretty.

    @Dust_Bunny2010 Welcome back! I remember your posts and Luise and May too. I look forward to learning more about Nikoline.

    @Becka28 [p891] Aoife is adorable. It's sweet that Quin loves parenting. He and Rohan have an adorable family, despite whatever Ekram may think.

    @Metior_Ice [p891] I like your take on Cecilia Kang's traits, but it's too bad she's not faithful to Jack. I'm interested in watching Jack establish his farm. Will he make friends with any cows/llamas or chickens?
    I just found out that, to grow four of every harvestable that doesn't take a full plot, you need at least 84 plots. To grow the new oversized crops, you need even more plots.

    For the less profitable crops, have you thought about grafting them together? And then having more space for more profitable ones if you want some of each crop?

    @sunblond [p891] It seems like Akira struggled with the proposal a bit, but it was accomplished in the end! <3

    @BlueSeaWaves [p891] Ben sounds like a piece of work. I hope Nando wakes up and snaps out of his old timey mindset. I hope you get more time to enjoy the game too.
    He told her he hopes she'll continue to help her brother with the farm when he's gone.
    Infuriating. :o Then he should just give her the farm?

    @Simlily4 I love the looks of Lonán Ferrer and Seo-Joon Hak! They're both attractive and Seo-Joon seems like a fun sim - but if he's supposed to be Korean, maybe change his formal outfit? Most Koreans would never wear something like that.

    Fier Legacy - I'll have a happier update next time?
    Intro & Past Posts in Spoiler
    The Fiers are a vampire family led by an arrogant and socially awkward megalomaniac named Asher who, among other things, hopes to have 100 children. As of now, he's had 17. The youngest five (minus #17) recently became young adults and are discovering the perks of university, so Asher's ready to move on from the life he's built with them in Sulani. Even though everyone is into pursuing an eco lifestyle and protecting the environment and even though Asher employed some draconian conservation policies while working as a top-level conservationist, he's done with that kind of tiny living stuff and had a (gaudy flamboyant) palace built in San Myshuno, where he recently relocated his family and where he intends to raise the next generation of his children.

    Fier Legacy Introduction

    1. Teenage Lifeguard (Delmarya)
    2. Living Her Best Life (Adelise)
    3. Night on the Town
    4. Day of Fier P1
    5. Day of Fier P2
    6. Happy Birthday P1 (Dawn)
    7. Happy Birthday P2 (Dawn)
    8. A First Kiss (Dawn)
    9. Conservationism and a Death Flower for Deli
    10. Vampire Population Control (Asher)
    11. Happy Birthday (Delmarya)
    12. Merry Winterfest
    13. Ambitious Dysis
    14. Gen 4 Enrolls in University
    15. Relaxation? Before University
    16. New Year's Eve
    17. Sulani Bonfire
    18. Midnight Encounter (Delmarya)
    19. Deli Strikes Out (Delmarya)
    20. One Americano and Two Slices of Bread (Delmarya)
    21. Lovestruck Procrastination Queen (Dysis)
    22. Balancing Love and Academics (Dysis)
    23. Saying Goodbye P1
    24. Saying Goodbye P2
    25. Forcing Fun at Foxbury (Dysis)
    26. First Impression = Great, Second Impression = Trash (Delmarya)
    27. Asher's Incompetence (Asher)
    28. A Productive Day
    29. A Day for Love P1 (Dysis)
    30. A Day for Love P2 (Delmarya)
    31. Asher's Advice and Planning a Date
    32. Only the Ice Cream Was Pure Perfection? (Delmarya)
    33. Debating Firsts (Darius)
    34. Limited Romance at the Romance Festival (Delmarya)
    35. Happy Lunar New Year P1 (Delmarya)
    36. Happy Lunar New Year P2 (Asher)
    37. Aster's Past (Delmarya)
    38. Reservations About Everything (Delmarya)
    39. Moving On (from Sulani to San Myshuno)
    40. First Days in San Myshuno
    41. The Spice Festival is too Hot
    42. New Life on the Way
    43. First Fourth Generation Fier Graduates
    44. Enjoying Change & Anticipating More
    45. Joie de Vivre (Delmarya)
    46. Things Are Still Great?
    47. Dysis' Graduation
    48. So Pleased to Meet You
    49. A Park Outing and a Secret Date
    50. A Tale of Two Toddlers
    51. Workaholic Dreams of Becoming an Angel (Investor)
    52. Potty Training and Sickeningly Saccharine Lines
    53. First Kiss (Delmarya)
    54. The End of a Generation

    A funeral was held for two of the three third generation Fier daughters. Cora and Chelsea, both named after the sea and both born and raised in Sulani, had lived long and well.

    Everyone wore the traditional black, expect for Chelsea's daughter, Shawna, who sparkled in lilac and wanted to honor her mother's passing by giving a eulogy highlighting the good and celebrating their happiest memories.

    Asher also spoke. It was difficult for him to talk about his children after their deaths, and his speech wasn't particularly good, but he had wanted to say something about his daughters. He had cared for them and he missed them.

    The thought of doing this again for each of the three of his currently young and very mortal daughters watching him, and continuing on for an eternity without seeing them ... it bothered him. Asher was grateful for his four children who had inherited his immortality and thus, weren't destined to leave (even though he normally wasn't grateful for anything). But even with that, if for the majority of his life he was going to be left with only memories for most of his children, it already felt a bit "too much".

    Dysis noticed that the family portraits on the walls in the Fiers' second home still featured only vampires, but she felt less bothered by it, because it was clear that her father was struggling and that he cared for all of his children. Did he still favor her vampire siblings? Maybe, but he loved her too. Dysis also knew that Asher came from a patriarchal family with very strict rules that he was supposed to uphold, but she didn't know what they were or the extent to which he was upholding them. "Rules" and Asher's traditions were something the family never discussed, and she was smart enough to know that was likely intentional as these rules couldn't be good.

    Asher noticed Dysis lingering behind the others in the ceremonial room and stayed as well. Admittedly, he was not the best father or even one of the best fathers (not that he wasn't trying to be or that he would actually admit that he wasn't), but being a good father was in the realm of possibilities for him. He'd always had the basics down: he liked his kids and, specifically regarding Dysis, he was so incredibly proud of her. She was young and only human; yet, she'd accomplished so much academically, socially... - she was accomplished in basically everything except the arts. Dysis inspired him to push his youngest child, Elmire.
    He told her as much, but also reiterated what he'd told before: she was human, life was short, and as such, it was most important that she lived her life as she saw fit. BUT, of course, there was nothing wrong with piling on the accomplishments to let everyone know how sublimely talented the Fiers were.

    Post edited by haneul on
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    mightyspritemightysprite Posts: 6,057 Member
    edited August 2021
    @Metior_Ice Sounds like you have one or more neighborhoods that voted in the Free Love N.A.P. That's probably the explanation for your townies' romantic behavior in that neighborhood or neighborhoods. For Cecilia in particular, I haven't played her, but I remember the HoB premades come with Sentiments. If she has Smitten or another romantic sentiment for someone, or if that person has a romantic sentiment for her, that would cause romantic interactions between those two more often.
    Anyhow, I love the idea of Jack calling a magical rainstorm anytime he has to water the garden!
    "Honey, the garden is looking a bit dry--"
    Neighbor, 10 minutes later: Do you think the weather has been a bit odd lately?
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    CK213CK213 Posts: 20,550 Member
    edited August 2021
    I am in Simming Limbo right now.
    My sims are stuck at the beginning of their term at Uni while I try to catch up on Legacy/Story Telling forum thread.

    I guess I had a very enjoyable simming spree as I took many pictures, but kept on simming without updating my thread.
    I have seven more installments to post. All simming is on hold until I catch up. :p They will probably announce a new pack before I return to playing my sims.
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    Becka28Becka28 Posts: 1,870 Member
    @Keidra love Ezio as the monarch of Willow Creek. Cassandra looks so beautiful in these updates.

    @hanuel glad to see you back. I love hearing about your family (especially Asher). Thanks for the comments on Aoife.

    @Metior_Ice Jack sounds like he is having an interesting time dating. There are some sims you say hello to and they are ready to marry you and others that are quite a challenge to date and when NPCs get involved its crazy. I hope things work out for him.

    Quin & Rohan update
    previous post

    Aoife continues to be adorable...

    and little Saoirse (pronounced like Sorcha or Sacha ) was born. Another little girl (counting their first girl from the challenge Lucia) that makes 3 girls for them.

    Older sister Nyanza (who raised Quin from when he was a child) was so excited to meet her new neice.

    Quin gets started on working off all the extra calories he ate while pregnant (which of course didn't affect him at all - all my female sims are sooo jealous)

    Quick she's not looking - let auto woohoo...
    HAHAHAHa I was not falling for that a second time. I MCC turned pregnancy off as soon as Saoirse was born as I knew I wouldn't be able to stop them. Doesn't stop them trying though. They never use woohoo only Try for Baby.
    He's so proud of himself
    Quin's agency asked him for some fishing footage so they turned it into a San Myshuno date.
    Quin is a surprisingly good fisherman and really enjoys it.
    But fishing got old quickly so they found other things to do
    They rounded off the day at the Pride cafe. Quin's son was there looking like he had got himself together for once.
    Of course no sims ever sit outside until my sims do then it becomes the stylish spot.

    Back to routine
    Rohan was trying to do his uni work but dropped his lunch in his laptop - a new baby and a toddler can make you very tired.
    Aoife has two very involved Dads - its always a race to see who will get to her when she has a need.. Rohan wins (?) the race to help with potty training
    whereas Quin wins for the hug
    They also spend hours sitting in her room and talking to her
    Luckily there are two children to share now

    What about Beowoof?
    Beowoof could have got hurt and resented all the love he had to share with Aoife and Saoirse but instead he realised that there were more human slaves to adore him.
    Quin was worried at first but soon realised Aoife and Beowoof had truly bonded.
    Beowoof stays in her room when she's asleep to protect her.

    Happy family
    Aoife quickly gets more independent
    You don't look like Rohan and Quin without lots of exercise
    Quin's post pregnancy workout regime appears to have worked so he allows himself a little treat
    Rohan appreciates Quin no matter what he looks like
    The feeling is mutual...
    Even so, Quin decides to guilt run with his teeeny tiny bit of cake
    And then they were at it again - I still have you on no pregnancy guys :)

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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,111 Member
    edited August 2021
    @mightysprite I have the settings set up so that the Neighborhood Action Plans can only be decided by me, and I do not choose that NAP. I play rotational, so this relationship developed on its own while I played the Turei Household. I just didn't realize that the relationships could autonomously progress so quickly on their own. Cecilia has a friendship with a random townie that seems to be filling the role as a former ex. For whatever the reason, there is something between her and that townie. I'm tempted to send Damion after the Townies or simply delete them.

    Honestly, once I have more harvestables, I might delete the shelter for the farm plants. Even if the income would be huge, I don't think I could keep up with the farm with so many plants. I only have a small fraction of the plots filled and the gardening takes almost half the day.

    The neighbors would get used to the morning rainstorms, right?

    @haneul I'll be sure to share the animal interactions. I've got more to come.

    Here's my build for a grocery. Because I use the retail option, I also added some gardening outfits and other gardening tools. Unfortunately, sheds and chicken coops can't be sold via a retail store. Fortunately, most seed packs, except the rare one, and many harvestables can be sold in a retail store as a grocery store.

    This is what Jack's Store Bándearg Gnomes looks like from the world map. Bándearg is Irish for the color pink.


    This is what the Lice Cold Retail Freezer Looks like stocked with harvestables. Not all harvestables can be sold from here, but there are other displays for those.


    This is what I have in the Freezers. As long as they are stocked, Sims can buy their groceries.


    Spinach and other herbs can't be sold from the freezer. Flowers likely can't be sold from the freezer. Their are alternative displays I did not include in the build. This is a starter store, so there are things missing from the build.


    I'm so tired from everything I worked on that I might have accidentally forgotten to replace the toilet in the bathroom, but the Bathrooms are gender neutral. I usually include gender neutral bathrooms because I do have transgender sims. I've taken great care to represent the LGBT community. I also have multiple different ethnic groups represented. I know that representation is important.

    The seeds are for sale from these tables.


    This is the outdoor garden shop. The sprinklers, planters, pots, wedding arch, patchy, mitey mite home, and honey bees are all for sale here. When Jack becomes more successful selling his harvest, I plan to add a second story, and this is the area where the stairs will go. The sprinklers, planters, and pots are arranged so that if a sim buys the planters, pots, and sprinklers, they should have all of their crop watering covered.

    It isn't visible, but the store has a public Easel for painters and a chess table under the tree. The tree has lanterns that light up in the night. The idea is to make it an actually nice place to date.


    Because it's a retail store, it has a place to buy farming attire. The everyday outfits from the Cottage Living Pack are featured as well as Hot Weather Outfits for my Rotation playing Cats and Dogs. The next Heir will be the Green Tail heir.


    This is an above view of the store. It fits nicely within this lot in Magnolia Promenade, the world that comes with Get to Work.


    I apologize for the extra three pictures and no spoilers.
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,111 Member
    The Yellow and Pink colors are customizable. I made sure to use build items that come in a variety of colors. When I get around to sharing the lot in the gallery, anyone who downloads this lot should be able to adjust the colors accordingly.

    A fair warning, this lot uses items from many different packs. It might not be usable for everyone.
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    KeidraKeidra Posts: 460 Member
    Quick note for those that are like "Wait, what just happened?" because I know I kind of sprung this save on everyone with no preamble lol so a long time ago, probably almost two years ago now, I had the thought that I wanted to do something with royalty. Since legacies were the challenge I was most familiar with ( still is ), I decided a royal legacy might be really cool, so I started looking into setting one up. Except I'm tragically bad at trying new things, lol, so I ended up just kind of putting it on the backburner and never actually doing it. I started getting into one with Stella ( Cynemaer's wife ), but she set herself on fire three days into the challenge and I decided that was a sign.

    But I was talking with someone over Discord about it, and was like you know what, we live in weird times, let's do something weird ( for us ). So I grabbed Ezio and we started a royal legacy. I had thoughts of setting up monarchies in all worlds, and running multiple royal families at once on a rotation, but I'm honestly not sure what that'd look like, realistically. Doable though. I should be starting on a new one soon, in that case. I'll think about it, because my primary issue with it is that I'd have to leave them to the game's command for a decent amount of time ( we have a Lot of worlds ) and I have no idea what the ageing system would need to look like to give me ample time with... -counts- 15 families oh god- but I do have a whole list of who'd go where. Maybe I'll save a backup copy of it and then try rotational and if I hate it, I can roll back. lol

    Anyways, did you guys know my cousin's wedding was yesterday? Yeah I'd forgotten until my dad reminded me with a few hours to spare. e_e so that was a thing I panicked about yesterday.
    And yes @sunblond, that is just Mortimer lol I did tweak him pretty heavily. Alexander's still a kid at the moment.

    Ezio sure rises to this occasion. And Cassandra really looks like she belongs in fancy clothes and jewellery tbh.

    Most recent YouTube video dropped! Last bit of the university tutorial/walkthrough I was doing. And if you're interested in a Simlit Discord community message me. c:

    In the time since her arrival, Anissa had become one of Cassandra's closest friends. It was a new experience for her, given she'd never had friends before now. Cassandra was always the weird, but nice!, person everyone else sort of avoided. It was likely merely because they were both servants here, but Anissa didn't ignore her.

    Or maybe Anissa was aware of her relationship with Ezio. They said beggars and servants were the world's information network, after all. Maybe she did know. Cassandra vowed not to think about it too much.

    "Don't worry about what others think so much," Anissa said suddenly.

    Cassie raised an eyebrow. "I wasn't," she said.

    "Of course you weren't," Annie answered. "I've been around long enough to recognise it. It's a normal thing to worry about in situations like this, I think. But you know what they say. You can't walk if you're too worried about crushing the ants beneath you. Focus on your relationship with him. The rest will follow."
    Maybe Anissa was right, and she was worried about things that ultimately didn't matter as much as they seemed. Cassandra spent a lot of time meditating on the subject, considering the different angles of it. Perhaps there truly wasn't an easy answer to something like this.

    Cassandra didn't want to incidentally mar Ezio's reputation; it was very important that the people saw him in a positive light. Her, not as much. The Goths were already the village crazies, it didn't matter near so much if they saw her in a less positive light, yet there was no telling where that negativity would go.

    Cassandra wasn't even queen or anything, how did Ezio handle this pressure day in and day out? Well, she was used to going unnoticed. It stood to reason her world flipped upside down when people suddenly started noticing her. Maybe she'd talk to Ezio about it. He might have some advice for her.

    "Good morning," Ezio greeted as he came in. His palace still wasn't much of a palace, but Cassandra had learnt he had something against dipping into the royal treasury for something like his palace. ( That sounded like him. )

    Cassandra smiled, as Ezio reached over to wrap his arms around her. "Good morning," she answered.

    "How's your day so far?" Ezio asked.

    Cassandra shrugged. "Alright, I suppose," she said.

    "I heard from a little birdy you wanted to talk about something," he said, settling down in a seat.

    Oh. Anissa must have said something. Or maybe Bella had. Cassandra looked nervous for a moment, and then shook her head. "I guess, I just don't know how I fit into your life," she said.

    "I see," Ezio said. He was quiet for a long moment, and then perked up. "I have a reservation at a restaurant in Newcrest for this weekend, if you'd be so kind as to join me. And perhaps after, it'll make more sense."

    "So, not to butt into your life- absolutely to butt into your life by the way- when do you intend on giving the lady a ring?" Morgyn asked.

    Ezio looked less than amused. Morgyn sure was nosy, but given the blond was getting along with Liberty rather well, it seemed Morgyn self-fancied as some kind of a love expert. Ezio thought it was unbelievably insufferable, but knew better than to say that all the same.

    "When I give her a ring," Ezio answered simply.

    Morgyn seemed annoyed with that response. "Come on, you're not even going to tell me?" Morgyn asked.

    Ezio snorted. "I'm definitely not telling you," he said. "You can't keep a secret to save your behind."

    "I can too!" Morgyn said.

    "Right," Ezio said. "And I'm the queen of Sheba." ( He was Not the queen of Sheba. )

    The most recent accomplishment was the rebuilding of Magnolia Palace. Cassandra still wasn't certain if it was up to the level of grandeur that a palace typically held, but it was built atop a lake and featured tall, slender windows that looked stylish and also somehow intimidating.

    With the renovation, they had a television now. Cassandra was grateful for something else to do during the day. With her minimal amount of work, she could turn the television on and use it as background noise to make the palace seem a bit less lonely. Soon enough, Ezio would be hosting banquets and royal audiences at the palace, and Cassandra somewhat looked forward to it.

    As she took an afternoon break, someone wearing red wandered into the palace and to the study, not bothering to say anything to her along the way. She glanced after them, raising an eyebrow. The stranger looked a good deal like Ezio, come to think of it. Ah, perhaps that was the infamous Morgyn Ember...?

    Maybe she should be glad he didn't talk to her then...

    Anissa had more room to work now that the kitchen had been expanded a good deal. There were shelves now, and they had a properly-functioning teapot. That would make fetching the monarch's afternoon tea much easier. It wasn't like there was a lot for her to do in the palace. Ezio never demanded of her more than she could manage, and for that she was grateful. Still, making it easier to cook and brew tea meant she got their meals and tea to them much quicker.

    The less time waiting on a servant, the better, no?

    It'd been a long day spent negotiating and doing diplomacy. Ezio wasn't exactly the greatest at diplomacy; he tended to have a similar instinct to his twin. Burn it, that'll solve everything, right? ( No. ) His palace was looking a lot more like a palace, however. Ezio smiled to himself, and moved to go inside.

    Cassandra met him on the entry ramp, rushing over to him and kissing him silly.

    "What was that for?" he asked, as they separated.

    "Nothing," Cassie answered. "Well, welcome home I guess."

    Ezio smiled. She smiled back and turned to go back inside. There was a reason they were together, he supposed. That was one of them.

    Imagine finding his mother on his porch. Ezio went out to greet her anyway. It'd be rude not to.

    "You've got a bigger palace now I see," Tess said. "It looks nice. The lake is a nice touch."

    "I wanted something unique I suppose," Ezio said.

    "It's quite unique, yes," Tess said. "Your twin tells me you're avoiding discussion of rings."

    Ezio snorted. "Did Morgyn also tell you about how nosy the dolt's being?" he asked.

    "I could guess," Tess said. "But you know Ezio, you're not getting any younger..."

    "I know," Ezio said. "Heirs are good things and all of that. It's not like it hasn't crossed my mind before."

    "I'm just making sure," Tess said. "You get awfully one-track minded."

    Him? One-track minded? What ever gave her that idea?

    Despite the television, despite having all the books she could possibly want, somehow Cassandra still found herself wanting for something to do. And in absence of a piano ( or perhaps a violin ), Cassandra picked up a notebook and started writing whatever came to mind. It turned out she was quite skilled at writing. Being raised by her father, an author, though perhaps not a well-known one, seemed to have helped her figure out the nuances of weaving stories early.

    Incidentally, Ezio was just enough inspiration for her to pen stories of a genre she never thought she could; romance. If things were different, they lived in a slightly different world and they were both just people, maybe their love life would be a little different. And maybe it was okay that such a world only existed in the pages of storybooks.

    "You look lovely," Ezio said warmly.

    Cassandra smiled. "Thank you," she said. "You're looking pretty sharp, too."

    "Oh, that's good," Ezio said, fidgeting slightly. "I wasn't sure about this jacket..."

    "No, it looks good on you," Cassandra said. "How's diplomacy been? Not too grating, I hope."

    Ezio smiled. "Grating, but not too much, no," he said. "Well, seems the mayor of San Myshuno is being replaced. The princess is finally of age and wants to do things a little differently. The Fengs will be... quite angered, I should think."

    "That sounds like a disaster," Cassandra said, taking a sip of her tea.

    "It might become one," Ezio said. "But this depends on if Princess Athena can hold things together. The ball, so to say, is in her court." Just as long as the backlash of whatever happened didn't hit Willow Creek, Ezio was fine with whatever. He glanced up at her, and then cleared his throat. "I uh... your ring came in, but it's the wrong size," he said. "So I had to send it back to be fixed. But... Cassandra, would you marry me?"

    The air rushed out of her lungs. Gently, she set the teacup back onto the table, preferably before she dropped it, staring at him like he'd grown horns.

    After a moment, Ezio fidgeted. "You can say no..." he said.

    "No!" Cassie exclaimed. "Wait, not to that! I mean," and she paused, took a breath, let it out, "yes, I'll marry you."

    "Yeah?" Ezio asked.

    "Yeah," Cassandra answered.

    They'd been sharing a room for quite some time now. Ezio always stayed on his side of the bed, and she on hers. Surprisingly, or not, last night that rule had been broken, and Ezio had ended up half laying over her in his sleep. It was comforting, so she hadn't shoved him off or anything.

    When she got up in the morning, though, he was already awake.

    "Good morning Cassie," he said, leaning over to peck her cheek. "Breakfast is ready."

    "Oh, good," she said. "Good morning. When did you get up?"

    "A few hours ago," Ezio said. "We're attempting to arrange a meeting with princess Athena, but word is her coronation might be first."

    "Oh," Cassie said.

    "There's a card on the dining room table," Ezio said. "And a set of brochures and catalogs. There's no rush, but you're welcome to plan the wedding however you'd like, and spend as much as you want. My only request is, I'd like Morgyn, Liberty, and my mother there, and we'll need some space for a few of the other royal dignitaries, the rest is up to you."

    "Oh," Cassie said. "Do you have a date, at least?"

    "Not particularly," Ezio said. "Any time is fine for me."

    Cassandra frowned slightly. "How about spring?" she asked.

    "That might be nice," Ezio said. "Not too warm, not too cool... spring it is."

    Of course, Bella was the first person Cassandra told. ( After Alexander. ) And she came right over with a gift box.

    "This is passed down through generations to the eldest daughter when they get married," Bella said. "You'll probably be a bit busy on the day, so I'll just give it to you now."

    Cassandra couldn't hide her curiosity, as she slid the lid off the box. Inside was a dreamcatcher, woven together with leather cords, decorated with sparkling crystal beads.

    "The dreamcatcher has two meanings," Bella said. "First, it symbolises the need to catch and hold onto your dreams. No one else will chase them for you. Secondly, it symbolises the interconnected nature of life. We are all a part of the same web. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves."

    "We're timing it for spring," Cassandra said. "That's probably predictable. I guess it'd make more sense if we hosted it in the fall." Fall was her favourite season. Ezio's seemed to be winter, and she didn't mind winter too much either, but it did limit their options for entertaining and clothing. Not that hosting it in the summer wouldn't do the same.

    "Maybe," Bella said. "Whichever one of them makes you happiest, Cassie, that's the one you should go with."

    "I don't know what'd make me happiest," Cassandra said.

    "You're not having second thoughts, are you?" Bella asked.

    "No," Cassandra said. "It's just that I know what this means to the public. This wedding isn't really for us, it's for everyone else. And I know what it'll mean once we are married. I guess the weight on me won't ever be the same as the weight on him. I almost regret that."

    "Why?" Bella asked.

    "I think I want to share the weight with him," Cassandra said. "That he doesn't have to bear it alone."

    "You can help him in other ways," Bella said. "Listening to him when he needs to talk. Spending time with him that doesn't involve politics. Even just ensuring the smooth running and upkeep of the palace, as stereotypical as that is, can alleviate a little of his worries. And if you're ever unsure how to help, just ask."

    Ezio spent a lot of time talking to her. Mostly, they talked about mundane things, like the harvests, the servants, the weather, and now the wedding. Cassandra was planning the vast majority of it, but she still needed to know colour preferences and flavours and whatnot. This wedding may not really be about them, but they should at least like the cake flavour.

    "I've gotten most things set up already," Cassandra said. "I might've called a wedding planner for some help."

    "That's alright," Ezio said. "I'll be announcing our engagement officially this Friday, and you can wear your ring in public. Oh, speaking of your ring, I got it in finally." He pulled something from a pocket, and handed it to her.

    It was a simple band in silver, with a sapphire centre stone. "Oh, it's beautiful!" she said, turning it over in her fingers.

    "I wasn't sure if I should've gone with sapphire or ruby," Ezio said.

    Just so, Cassandra could hear the nervousness in his tone. She leaned over and kissed his cheek. "It's perfect."

    And he smiled.

    "It's about time we got around to this," Tess said.

    "I know," Ezio answered. "But now we've got an official engagement announced, and everyone can rejoice in knowing their monarch is finally getting married."

    "You know the next pressure is going to be your advisers insisting you need to have an heir or five," Tess said. "I suppose you're going to tell them to stuff it?"

    Ezio snorted. "In not as many words," he said, "but probably. I'd rather have children when the time is right, not when everyone else thinks we should."

    "That's for the best," Tess said. "Your twin would be more likely to bend to pressure. Good thing you didn't get that."

    Yes, it probably really was.

    Speaking of Morgyn... Ezio smiled slightly. "Nice to know you do know where my doorbell is," he said.

    "I wasn't avoiding you or anything," Morgyn said. "I've been dabbling in educational ventures. You know, history is a fascinating subject!"

    "I'm sure," Ezio said. "What brings you by?"

    "You announced the engagement," Morgyn said. "I'm invited to your wedding right?"

    Ezio snorted. "You'll probably be best man, why?"

    "Just wondering, it's not like I cared or anything..." Morgyn mumbled.

    Of course not. "Cassandra's doing most of the planning," Ezio said. "I'm a bit too busy, realistically."

    "Oh," Morgyn said. "Well, I imagine you probably are. Hey, if I was going to establish a new monarchy, you'd support me, right?"

    "That's an odd question," Ezio said. "But I would."

    "Oh." Morgyn blinked, smiled brightly, and then hugged Ezio. "Okay thank you, gotta go bye!"

    ... what the heck was that?

    Despite the fact he kept losing to her, Ezio did spend a decent amount of time playing chess with Anissa. She was apparently quite the master of logic skill, and his logic was somewhat lacking, given his limited time to develop it. Spending some of his free time with her, learning the ins and outs of the game primarily by getting his behind whooped, seemed as good a move as any.

    "You're getting too caught up in right now, your grace," Anissa said, gesturing to the board. "You have to think several moves ahead. Don't just plan for the moment, plan for the next several moments. Stay ahead of the game, and never fall behind it."

    Wordlessly, Anissa then picked up the pieces, playing it for several moves forward ( and her guesses as to what moves he'd have made were spot on ), finishing with a checkmate on her side.

    "Learn to understand your opponent as well as you understand yourself," Anissa said. "And he will lose the ability to corner you, in chess, or in politics."

    He decided I was taking too long and autonomously proposed right here.

    She said yes and they got mutual deeply in love sentiments.

    Built the new palace!

    On a lake because yeah.

    I know why Morgyn did this animation, but as this is the one for initiating woohoo... it was a little bit "Do not Ever do that again."

    Weird to have royals just running down the street.

    I scattered fireflies everywhere. Best decision ever.

    Kind of amusing to find the queen-mother just... hanging out fishing back here...

    I am kind to everyone. But if you are unkind to me, kindness is not what you will remember me for.
    I am autistic. Wording isn't my strong suit.

    Stop player on player violence.
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,111 Member
    @Keidra 28 sim days is pretty decent for rotation. I know that some households will feel faster or slower depending on what you do.

    I recommend manually aging up sims. Having auto-aging turned off is recommended, and based on my experience with Cecilia and Shayna Turei, Sims do interact while they aren't played. Cecilia had her affair, and Shayna somehow did the impossible and got on Zeph's bad side. Of course, Zeph being the good sim that he is also managed to autonomously resolve the conflict.

    It could be interesting to find out what your sims have been up to while you play other households.

    For aging up, you need to set your own deadlines.

    For me, I'm aging up non-merfolk and non-vampires, with the exception of Ember Zalrian, at the end of their second rotation. I'm setting up my households for the first rotation, so I will not be aging up my sims.
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    KeidraKeidra Posts: 460 Member
    This is not my first rotational, I have several of them, but thanks. The waffling on it wasn't rotational play itself or how to do it, but more the sheer enormity of playing 15-16 households on rotation and keeping the satellite branches moving, too. But I'm setting it up as I type this so obviously I made a decision.

    The other post was getting long, so I did a wedding photoshoot. Some of the fruits of my labour ( they're gosh darn photogenic and look so good together ) :



    I am kind to everyone. But if you are unkind to me, kindness is not what you will remember me for.
    I am autistic. Wording isn't my strong suit.

    Stop player on player violence.
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,111 Member
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    KeidraKeidra Posts: 460 Member
    edited August 2021
    Alright I got my other monarchs done. A couple have extras but most are solo and need to build 100% from the ground-up like Ezio did.

    King Ian Sinclair of Oasis Springs, ruling from the Desert Bloom Palace ( formerly Desert Bloom Park ).
    Creative, Ambitious, Romantic, Self-Assured, Bookworm
    If he looks familiar, he should, he was based on Don Lothario.
    King Ari Andrade of Newcrest, ruling from Oracle Palace ( formerly Twin Oracle Point ).
    Clumsy, Adventurous, Loves Outdoors, Cheerful, Proper
    If HE looks familiar, he should, he's a third generation Ember ( Ezio's grandson ), from Bryn ( Ezio x Sergio Romeo ). Andrade is his father's surname. And Spanish if I remember right.
    Ngl, he was my favourite of the Eisensterns' third generation, and I was kind of mad he wasn't my heir. He has SO much more sense than Gabriel god lol
    King Magnus Ortega of Windenburg, ruling from Dresden Palace ( formerly Dresden House ).
    Creative, Romantic, Foodie, Bookworm, Art Lover
    He's originally my buddy, @zheplays 's! He also comes with a queen already but I didn't default hook them up with each other because that's too easy.
    Queen Athena Harcourt of San Myshuno, ruling from Starlight Palace ( formerly the Stargazer Lounge ).
    Vegetarian, Adventurous, Self-Assured, Loves Outdoors, Active
    Idk she looks good in emeralds.
    Shock surprise! Queen Lilith Vatore of Forgotten Hollow, ruling from Nightshade Palace ( formerly Straud Mansion ).
    Creative, Outgoing, Family Oriented, Self-Assured, Active
    Actually she was the fastest to makeover because she was already 99% royalty-fied XDDD That says something I'm sure.
    Queen Reyna Parris of Brindleton Bay, ruling from Deadgrass Palace ( formerly Hound's Head ).
    Gloomy, Creative, Bookworm, Mystic ( cc trait ), Music Lover
    She was randomly generated by the game and I saw Potential, so I fiddled, and man she's actually quite stunning.
    King Kameron Jenssen of Del Sol Valley, ruling from Chateau Palace ( formerly Chateau Peak ), which is a hilarious thing to name it.
    Bookworm, Perfectionist, Snob, Materialistic, Geek
    I had to cheat to get him on that lot loool
    Queen Dove Ciresi of Sulani, ruling from Sapphire Palace ( formerly Chieftain's Villa, I would've taken Sapphire Shores but the Chieftain's Villa lot has a good view of Ohan'ali Town that I wanted ).
    Creative, Active, Vegetarian, Loves Outdoors, Cheerful
    She comes with:
    Princess Branwen Ciresi.
    Foodie, Creative, Genius, Geek, Bookworm
    These two are granddaughters of my Kassander Essair, if anyone remembers him probably not, okay... they're both mermaids. Because yeah.
    Morgyn Ember, the monarch of Glimmer-nobody-is-surprised-I-did-this-brook, ruling from Rock Ridge Palace ( formerly Rock Ridge Canyon ).
    Outgoing, Ambitious, Bookworm, Geek, Perfectionist, should be.
    And Morgyn's Queen,
    Liberty Ember, she looks better in red.
    Clumsy, Geek, Outgoing, Bookworm, Self-Assured. Probably staring at her shoes like "who let me near these??? I'm gonna die!"
    King Laurent Varner of Britechester, ruling from Laurel Palace ( formerly Laurel Library ).
    Art Lover, Self-Absorbed, Self-Assured, Perfectionist, Ambitious.
    He is a 4th generation Eisenstern, though you can't tell ( he is Hilda's; used to be female, Lauren ). Genetics be wild.
    Queen Artemisia McKenna of Evergreen Harbour. Probably Queen. Debating Empress. Ruling from Sprucewood Palace ( formerly Sprucewood Square ).
    Foodie, Creative, Vegetarian, Clumsy, Bookworm.
    Princess Kaori Nishidake of Mt. Komorebi, she has not taken the throne yet, she will upon reaching adulthood.
    She will be ruling from Wakaba Palace, formerly 2-5-1 Wakabamori.

    I do not have anyone in Henford-on-Bagley because I do not have CLV yet. I also skipped StrangerVille, though I made it a queen, because I decided I didn't want to deal with its storyline in this save ( too much other stuff to worry about ). Magnolia Promenade was also rolled under the "Willow Creek" header, which theoretically Newcrest should've been too but you know. Semants.

    I am kind to everyone. But if you are unkind to me, kindness is not what you will remember me for.
    I am autistic. Wording isn't my strong suit.

    Stop player on player violence.
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    mightyspritemightysprite Posts: 6,057 Member
    @Keidra I didn't think I'd be interested in a royalty thing but I'm enjoying this so far. And hey if a queen goes fishing at least she retains her crown and heels?
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    CK213CK213 Posts: 20,550 Member
    The hair that could make some simmers give up alpha hair.
    Look at that stuff.
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    KyreRoenKyreRoen Posts: 677 Member
    edited September 2021
    Post edited by KyreRoen on
    Check out my 'Simming Tips' for detailed tips and tricks (TS4).
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    Becka28Becka28 Posts: 1,870 Member
    @keidra Now those aresome Royals I could definitely get behind and support! Its very diffucult to pick but I like Queen Artemisia and King Magnus (what a great sim!). I admire people who play rotationally - I have trouble leaving one family behind to move to te next - I only have one save I am doing that in at the moment.

    Quin & Rohan
    previous update

    A family party
    Quin and Rohan decided to have a large family garden party.
    It is a chance to show off baby Saoirse
    Quin shows his mother
    and Rohan to his grandmother Eleanor

    Venetian is quietly impressed (as the second 100 babies matriarch , I think Venetian is a bit babied out and can't really understand Quin having more when he doesn't have to).
    Eleanor is much more expressive in her joy
    Malcolm coos all over his granddaughter
    Big sister Lucia (oldest child of Quin & Rohan) is also happy to meet her youngest sibling
    The baby of the 100 babies meets his younger half sibling
    Other half siblings can't resist a hug either,

    More family & friends
    Aoife has a lovely time..
    Bopping to the music
    Talking to family
    Nyanza (red boots) talking to the great nanny who cared for both Venetian and Quin. He is the only one who fell victim to the lure of the pool and it was probably because then he could wear zebra print speedos for the whole party.
    Quin's problem child looking very together and happy
    Their best freind from university (the man in the background is her husband)
    Eleanor is a delightful guest
    The man in the brown shirt is her current husband and everyone finds him pleasant with a good sense of humour

    Not everyone is delightful
    Ekram actually agreed to attend the party
    Rohan really wanted him to come and meet Saoirse
    But he is just grumpy and rude and wants nothing to do with Quin's brats (he shouted at Aoife when she tried to talk with him too)
    Poor Rohan is sad, he still wants Ekram's approval , luckily Quin is there to comfort him (Ekram is in the background not enjoying watching Quin be nice to Rohan).
    Rohan didn't stay miserable for long - would you if someone was looking at you like Quin does at Rohan?

    Saoirse ages up
    At the end of the party Saoirse aged up
    She is a little cutie too (and has Lucia style looks)
    Aoife isn't forgotten
    I think they had a lovely day

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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,111 Member
    I only have one sim day before the end of Jack's Rotation. I'm falling in love with his farm.

    This is my favorite area of the farm so far. It really comes to life at night.

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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,111 Member
    Well, I have almost 500 screenshots to sort through before I make a story update. I'm actually excited to relive Jack's story! He was really fun to play.

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