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    SprottenhamSprottenham Posts: 1,152 Member
    edited June 2021
    @AlexaKry Thanks for the reply.

    "Patrick is kind of hairy, hm? Does he have the mullet haircut (Vokuhila (VorneKurzHintenLang) in my language :D) because he is a football player?"
    Haha, that could be. I did base the players of the football team "Sprottenham Totspurs" somewhat loosely on former players from the Tottenham Hotspurs football team. I don't remember excactly now who each players is based on, though. I'm not giving him a moustache. :P

    "If I can remember right they even have a favourite composer, could be Mozart or such." <-- Oh yes, that might actually be. I even read an article a while back that plants that stand near each other can even communicate with each other. Of course, it is very simple and happens through pheromones or something they release into the air, and of course they have no brain like we do to process the information, but they communicate if one of them is attacked (being eaten on by insects or faces another threat) to warn the other plants nearby, and they pick up and understand this information and can activate their defense mechanisms. Very fascinating!

    Oh, it's been such a long time since I've been to school, so I don't excactly remember the length of our school holiday, but I think it must be around 8 weeks. It starts by mid-June and ends by early/mid-August or something. I think I will give the kids here june and july off, then in august it's back to school!

    Gaute did the confession thing on his own, I didn't tell him to do that. I didn't even know that was an option. That's part of the fun for me, having sims being autonomous and do their own things, even if it can have a negative outcome. I don't really want to control them, I want to feel like they are real people with minds of their own, even if they sometimes are very stupid...

    "Does she just want to have this baby or does she love him, too?"

    That's a good question, but I hope she (Solvej) loves him. I think she does, after all. I'm not sure why, though.. he's super hairy and acting inappropriate...I wouldn't fall for that... but, I'm not a woman, so it's not up to me to understand a woman's way of thinking! ;)

    @Tamijo Thank you for commenting and reading.

    "Solvej either love him enough to accept the way he is, or lost all her love, becoming completely numb."

    Hmm, I think it must be the first part because of what they did later. But yeah, it is a little strange maybe that she would want to make babies with him.

    "Some say talking to your plants help them grow, so why not a bit of music."

    Oh yes, that might be, and I mentioned this also when replying to AlexaKry (same post) that I read an article about plants even being able to communicate with each other to warn about danger. I think it is very fascinating.

    "Congrats to Agathi, sure hope Baturney has that perfect excuse."

    Yeah, let's hope, or it could be that they really aren't all that compatible because they are a little opposite personality wise, yet they have now two children together. Hmm, I don't know.

    I am happy you enjoyed the image. I like that view from their house myself, with the farm in the background. That is the old Møllenbakk farm that belongs to the house and also has given name to the property. The lot they live on is called "The Møllenbakk House" or Millground house in english...
    Sub blogs: #01 Sunset Valley. #02: Lake Onebega #03: Sprottenham #04: Bewickton
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member

    That is very smart of Leya to change the subject with Patrik crabbing at her about her career!

    LOL Patrik is always trying to flirt! :D I'm so glad Solveij doesn't care!

    too funny ''At home Gaute has a confession to make. He enjoys watching Leya as she is sleeping.'' it's so odd that the sims will not like that they are watched while sleeping! Because it sounds kind of romantic to me!

    I love Patrik's bunny slippers! he is all he-man and muscular and hairy and chooses those slippers :D

    Yay hearing the Sweet Music!!! I can't wait!

    Bodil is finally being read to--Bodil's face is so beautiful there!

    Oh I thought the father of the baby would always come to the hospital! I wonder what held him up?
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    SprottenhamSprottenham Posts: 1,152 Member
    @DivaDoodle Thank you for the comment.

    Yep, Leya is pretty clever, perhaps maybe even more clever than me..

    "I love Patrik's bunny slippers! he is all he-man and muscular and hairy and chooses those slippers " Haha, yeah, well that's probably a little bit of his soft side or something. :P

    "Yay hearing the Sweet Music!!! I can't wait!" Well, it's going to take about 9 months (because I'm lame and want it to seem realistic) and we are already in june, and by the end of this year, I plan to switch back to Sunset Valley, so... <_< ... >_>

    Sub blogs: #01 Sunset Valley. #02: Lake Onebega #03: Sprottenham #04: Bewickton
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    SprottenhamSprottenham Posts: 1,152 Member
    edited June 2021
    Chapter 11.4 - July Summer Holiday - Day 1 & 2


    As june turns to july, Solvej entertains Rune with some guitar playing. Patrik is asleep and so is the Chitrakaar-Bråheim family. They (not counting Patrik) have to get their rest, because Leya has decided that her little family (herself, Gaute and Bodil) should spend their summer vacation visiting her parents in Bewickton! Bewickton is another coastal community located on the west coast of Simbria (where Sprottenham is located on the east coast), so a quick ride to the regional airport, a couple of plane trips of about 1 hour each, and finishing the last stretch with a rental car from the airport in Cyme Ixotic, and they should be there...


    At the breakfast table the first july morning.


    Gaute: Once we get back from Bewickton I think we should start looking for our own place to stay.. especially now that both you and Solvej is pregnant and all. I feel it's starting to get a little tight in here...


    Gaute: And I don't like this flirting that goes in between you and Patrik..

    Leya immediately chokes on her food.
    I did play a little bit on this save file with another family (did not save), and then they did just that – found another house. So I take that, and Gaute talking about homes, as a clear indication that they actually want to move out and have a place of their own. That makes sense, because it is probably a little cramped with two families in the same household, so I will have them looking for a new home once they get back.


    Solvej: Oooh, ooh, oh.. *regurgitating sounds*.. oouuhwæææh...


    Leya: Bodil! .. You're going to get a new brother or sister!!


    Haha, oh!! When will I get them??


    Oh, it's not going to be for a while yet.. but now we must hurry up and get ready, Bodil! The plane leaves in three hours!
    It's a one hour drive just to get to the airport.


    While they are getting ready, Solvej and Patrik gets romantic again.


    Flight attendant Berta Selstad (plane intercom):
    Good morn' la'ies and gen'lemen, welcome on'oard this flight BD455 to Anilam and Cyme Ixotic with Simbria Airlines. We kin'ly ask that you please fas'en your seatbelts and secure all baggage und'rneath your seat or 'n the overhead compar'ments. We also ask that your seats and table trays are in the upright posh'on before take-off. Please turn off all person'l items and mobile devic'...

    (plane engine starts, it's sound increasing in volume)


    Bodil: Are we going to crash, mommy?

    Leya: Haha, no sweetheart, we are not going to crash! Traveling by airplane is one of the safest things you can do! I am sure we are save.. uh, safe here!

    The plane didn't crash, and they arrived safely at the airport in Cyme Ixotic..

    ..but they didn't make it to Bewickton until night time, because of some delay during transfer at the airport in Anilam.. of course.. but hey, the airline company didn't loose their luggage, so it's not all bad!


    Leya is really excited to finally be back in her old hometown.


    It was to late for them to go visit Leya's parents at this hour, of course, so they went straight to bed in their hotel room at Bewickton Downtown Hotel, just above Drea's Beauty Salon and Tattoo.


    They had rented the family suite on the top floor, and the hotel room was nice enough, except that it could be a little noisy from the dance club, „The Century Fish“, just across the street.

    Day two - visiting Leyas' parents


    Bodil was the first to wake up and make use of the hotel rooms rather limited kitchen facilities. No proper cooking oven, just a microwave in the corner, which probably meant that they would either be eating out, or having dinner over at Leya's parents' house.


    Oh, clever girl, discoving something I had forgotten about.. the hotel actually has it's own kitchen for all guests to use. It's only the hotel rooms that have no cooking oven.


    Bodil is a real clever girl, doing homework on summer vacation..


    And after breakfast it is time for them to visit Leyas' parents. And wow, amazing, their rental car looks just like their car at home! ;)


    This is the home of Leyas' parents and where Leya grew up with her two sisters and two brothers. Hmm, I see no cars parked outside, I hope they are at home..


    Leya is very happy to finally be back home and see her mom again. She can see her mom through the window.
    Leya: Hello, mom!! Here I am!!


    But its her father Deepak that comes to open the door. Deepak is just like Leya, a painter and an artist. And their home is very well decorated..


    Deepak: Welcome back home, Leya! Nice to see you again! Come on in!


    Then they all go inside, and Deepak and Leya naturally have a conversation about art.
    Gaute and Bodil are strangers to Laranya and Deepak (yes, it's been that long since last time Leya was home).


    Gautes first words to Deepak expresses a need to work out. Gaute and Leya are completely different characters, which is why it is so wonderful that they became a couple.

    Deepak is understanding towards Gautes' need for exercise, he has a son that is just the same way. Then it is Bodil's turn to talk.


    „You have a vey nice home“, says Bodil. She has never seen a house this decorated with paintings before.


    Deepak: Your father, Gaute, he reminds me very much of my youngest son, your uncle, Bhavan. He is a fire fighter and very brave and strong. I'm sure the two will like each other.


    Bodil: Oh, I would like to meet uncle Bhavan as well. I have never spoken to a real fire fighter before, but Gaute is only my step father. My father is Glenn, and he is a football player. He is also very strong and brave.


    Deepak: Oh, I see, I'm sorry, I thought Gaute was your father. You would probably also like to meet your aunt, Nitya. She is like your mother, a very talented painter!


    Then everyone except Deepak go upstairs. Laranya is chatting with someone on the computer. Gaute locates the stereo to do an extreme dance and Bodil apparantly has more homework to do. Poor kid..


    Leya has located the tv and the romance channel.


    Deepak stayed downstairs to finish a painting.


    Bodil: When we get back to Sprottenham, Gaute says we will buy a new home. I hope it is one just as nice as this one!

    „Oh, thank you little Bodil. I am sure it will be“ says grandmother Laranya.


    Bodil: And then Patrik can stop thinking about flirting with mom. He's an #$%&#@, I don't like him!


    Gaute:Bodil, don't talk like that when we are visiting grandma...!

    Gaute couldn't say he disagreed with the statement sometimes, but he couldn't let Bodil use such a language..


    Laryana: Haha, you're a raunchy little one aren't you! But you should listen to Gaute, and and not use such foul words about others!


    It looks like Leya is being a little raunchy too, she goes for a naked dip in her parents bubble bath. Leyas parents are quite rich nowadays, but the bubble bath in its own bath house is a recent addition. They didn't have all that luxury when Leya grew up.


    Deepak: Oh, goody, goody, goody, look at little Bodil, goody, goody, goody!


    Bodil: Uggh, grandpa...


    Laranya: Oh, careful! You almost ran into me there!

    Look at grandpa run! Bodil just started a game of tag with Deepak.


    Don't wear out the old man now.. :P


    Gaute has located the trampoline.


    And then someone else is home. This is Nitya, Leyas younger sister, that Deepak talked about earlier. She is 21 years old and still lives at home with her parents.


    Nitya is also a painter, so she goes to do what she likes to do best, to paint in her room.


    ?? What is this supposed to mean, Bodil? Why are you booing at grandma?


    Something must have happened here that I didn't catch, because now Laranya is apologising to Gaute for some reason. She has the flirtatious trait, so maybe she flirted with him.


    And then Gaute proceeds to worship Laranya. You guys are strange. She is your mother-in-law, not some Hindu Goddess! As far as I know anyway..


    Leya reveals to her father that she is pregnant. This picture is a little dim, because Deepak has the frugal personality trait and constantly keeps turning off the lights..


    Then late at night, another one comes home. This is Bhavan, the fire fighter. He is 22 years old, and also still lives at home.


    Where have you been, Bhavan, and why are you coming home so late? :P (It's 2:30 in the night).


    Then the clock turns three, and Deepak thinks it's time for them to return to their hotel and they are pushed off the lot. Bodil sitting in the front seat is really tired, so it was probably about time they left.. nighty night. ;)
    Post edited by Sprottenham on
    Sub blogs: #01 Sunset Valley. #02: Lake Onebega #03: Sprottenham #04: Bewickton
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member

    @Sprottenham that's ok, I can wait, where am I going go? LOL

    I am so crazy about the names Solvej & Rune! I had an online friend once named Solveig, and she had to fly places for her job and once I got to meet her when she flew into my town! That was so fun!

    I Love how you have their country all planned out, and make maps to show us the different towns!

    omg! awesome pic with Gaute saying 'And I don't like this flirting that goes in between you and Patrik..'' and Leya chocking on her food! also Patrik Hears it, Look he is frozen in his tracks at the sink! 😁 LOL

    You show the Inside of the Plane!!! that is So Cool!!! And I LOVE the flight attendants accent! You are so cool!😎 And write such an interesting story! I love it!

    LOL I'm glad the airline didn't lose their luggage! That and not crashing is way more important than arriving late!!!

    Amazing pic where I see Bodil sleep and see someone in the window across the street!

    Yes Leya is a clever girl to find the kitchen that you forgot about! :)

    ''And wow, amazing, their rental car looks just like their car at home! ;) '' hahaha

    Leya's parent's house is beautiful!

    ''Gaute and Leya are completely different characters, which is why it is so wonderful that they became a couple.'' That is so wonderful, I can't wait for it to happen in one of my games!

    kids say the darndest things! But it doesn't look like Gaute takes offence to being 'only a step father.'

    Pretty paintings in the TV room! I really like those!

    wait a minute! Did Bodil really see a flirt and make her dislike Patrik? :o too funny she swore!🤐😁

    :D Granpa pinching Bodil's cheek is so funny! haha I need to let some sims be elders, I forgot how cute!

    😂''And then Gaute proceeds to worship Laranya. You guys are strange. She is your mother-in-law, not some Hindu Goddess!'' hahaha you are so funny!

    Oh I want to know more about that cute fireman brother! What a great pic of him being all happy and thinking hearts!

    Wonderful update! I really enjoyed it!!! 😊
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    TamijoTamijo Posts: 1,072 Member

    Two family might be chaos especially if they can’t keep their hands to themselves. :s
    Very cool with the plane, is that a CC or a DLC.
    Connecting flights sigh. But I guess the travel agency paid the tickets

    rental car looks just like their car at home! :D

    Wow having a man and child the parents haven’t even met. They are not very family orientated are they.
    Not to mention the grandpa do not know who the farther is ;)

    The abstract painting is very nice.


    And then Patrik can stop thinking about flirting with mom. He's an #$%&#@, I don't like him!

    Sister is quite nice just like Leya

    A bit of turmoil near the end of the chapter, but we know they are quite lunatic sometimes, so no big surprise there.

    On a side note: Leya looks somewhat like Norma in my story.
    My active stories: Appaloosa County..*.. Sinful Sisters.....*.....Earlier stories:..*..Survivors the River..*.. A Memoir of Grace "Slick" Joplin
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    SprottenhamSprottenham Posts: 1,152 Member
    edited June 2021

    Oh, that is interesting that you have a friend with the name Solveig and you actually met up! The Solvej in my game was originally thought to be of Danish origin, hence I call her Solvej and not Solveig, but of course, since I realized that they all lived in the Kingdom of Simbria, she is no longer Danish but.. Simbrish or maybe Simbrian.. I'm going to have to ask them what they call themselves. ;)

    "omg! awesome pic with Gaute saying 'And I don't like this flirting that goes in between you and Patrik..'' and Leya chocking on her food! also Patrik Hears it, Look he is frozen in his tracks at the sink! 😁 LOL"

    Oh yes, that scene was so great. It literally happened that way. He spoke the comment with the hearts, and she immediately choked as if he said something that she found uncomfortable!

    Oh thank you very much for the comment on how I write my story and about the plane! It made perfect sense to me to have them go by plane as they had to go across the country to get there of course. ;)

    kids say the darndest things! But it doesn't look like Gaute takes offence to being 'only a step father.' <-- Haha, I didn't think about that, but yes, that is probably true. :P

    "Pretty paintings in the TV room! I really like those!" <-- Oh, thank you for that comment! The picture on the left is one that is in the game, the one on the right is a painting of the mermaid statue on the esplanade (The town I call Bewickton is really Twinbrook from the game).

    "wait a minute! Did Bodil really see a flirt and make her dislike Patrik? :o too funny she swore!🤐😁"

    Oh, I think she has definately picked up on the mood of what is going on.. yeah, I wasn't expecting her to curse either, it came a bit out of the blue! But kids can sometimes, just like you said, say the darndest things and sometimes have a surprisingly foul mouth... like what.. where did that come from!? Who taught you to say that!?

    😂''And then Gaute proceeds to worship Laranya. You guys are strange. She is your mother-in-law, not some Hindu Goddess!'' hahaha you are so funny!

    Thank you again for that. It's interesting how people think I'm funny when I wasn't even trying to be. I just wrote what I was thinking. o_O

    "Oh I want to know more about that cute fireman brother! What a great pic of him being all happy and thinking hearts!"

    Oh yes, I think he must have been somewhere.. doing something.. :P

    Oh, thank you so much for thinking my update is wonderful! I was really worried that a visit to Leyas' family would be to boring for most... :P


    "Two family might be chaos especially if they can’t keep their hands to themselves. " Yeah, but I have now seen that they want to move out, so I will let them do it once they get back from their vacation.

    "Wow having a man and child the parents haven’t even met. They are not very family orientated are they.
    Not to mention the grandpa do not know who the farther is "

    Well, that part is a bit my fault, because I haven't arranged meetings for them until now. ;)

    "Sister is quite nice just like Leya" Thank you for that comment. ^_^

    "On a side note: Leya looks somewhat like Norma in my story." <-- Oh, that is interesting. I never saw that, but I think Norma Dahl is a pretty woman, and she looked very cute in the fire fighter suit of course. I also always thougth Leya is a pretty woman. Leya and her family was originally thought to be a family from India, but now they are Simbrians.. oh yes, that must be what they call themselves..

    The plane seats and plane parts is custom content downloaded as .sims3pack files, a conversion of a plane set from sims 2 called "Sim Air Flight 815". I downloaded it from an italian page.
    Sub blogs: #01 Sunset Valley. #02: Lake Onebega #03: Sprottenham #04: Bewickton
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    SprottenhamSprottenham Posts: 1,152 Member
    Chapter 11.4 - July Summer Holiday - Day 2 and 3.

    Day 2

    As the family spent such a long time over at Leyas' parents house, they slept for well into the afternoon the following day. Leya is the first to wake up.


    And goes to eat some left over tofu hot dogs, probably prepared by another one of the hotel guests.
    Gaute wakes up next, and goes to make a macaroni and cheese lunch. Can't call it breakfast at this hour.


    „I miss Rune“, Bodil thinks. „Why couldn't Solvej and Rune come with us?“


    In the evening they call a taxi* and head to the park to check out the Bewickton Summer Festival, with music already blaring from the nearby nightclubs and the community theatre. „Next time we go somewhere, we are not getting a hotel downtown!“ Leya says to Gaute.

    (*their rental car(s) must be very unreliable, typical vacation trouble I guess, but at least they're not stuck on a highway in the middle of nowhere..)

    „I have always enjoyed a lively town“, Gaute replies. „Maybe we should head out for a drink later.“

    „Not as long as I'm pregnant, Gaute!“ Leya ends the conversation.


    The festival grounds wasn't to lively at first. Leya and Bodil decide to get each their slush (Leya already finished hers) and Gaute decides to practice football (in the background), when a mother and her baby toddler comes along to interrupt the peace..


    It starts to get dark, and Leya goes for an eating contest with some of the locals.

    Gaute takes Bodil roller skating.

    Gaute: Come along, Bodil! Don't be afraid, it's very fun! Just follow me and I'll show you how to do it!

    Bodil doesn't want to stay out so long after dark and rents a bike to get back to the hotel. I have Gaute and Leya follow, so that they can rest and get up at a better time for the next day.


    Before going to bed, Gaute takes a bath and the bathtub breaks.. so he calls the hotel reception to have someone come up and fix it. „Maybe Leya is right and we should get a different hotel next time..“ Gaute thinks.


    Day three
    The next morning Leya hangs out in the hotel lobby, where she meets another of the hotel guests, Synneva Seljeseth, that also have the virtuoso trait.
    Once Bodil has finished eating her breakfast, Leya wants to visit her sister, Udisha. Their rental car looks a little different today..

    This is Udishas home, where she chose to live with her husband, Dudleif* Chitrakaar-Skurchk, much to the Narrators displeasure! She had such a nice home in the better part of town, with her own atelier upstairs for painting.. and she chooses to marry that old fart and live out here...Dudleif is the same age as her dad, Deepak... but if that is the life that makes her happy, then so be it..
    * Dudley Racket in the english version of the game.

    Now, lets see if Udisha is home.

    „Nope, nobody is home“ says Leya, „It's raining and I'm getting hungry, let's go have lunch at the bistro“.

    Poor Bodil has to eat her meal alone, because the game does not allow for children to part of the friend group, which is just silly.. Sims just weren't meant to do things together, such as eating, like a unit or family, I suppose....

    The restaurant had built roofs over the outdoor dining areas, because summers in Bewickton are very rainy which is typical for the west coast areas.

    After lunch Leya wanted to go to the art gallery, but was downvoted by both Gaute and Bodil, so they went to the local indoor swimming pool instead. Good wonders, they have the entire pool to themselves.

    It's not until they are about to leave and go back to the hotel that the swimming pool gets another visitor, Natalie Gregers, a local paparazzi. Sorry, hon, you won't find any celebrities here, just some tourists. ;)
    Sub blogs: #01 Sunset Valley. #02: Lake Onebega #03: Sprottenham #04: Bewickton
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member

    @Sprotten There is so much I like about the first pic, I love the bed! the sheet and covers patterns & Leya looking so sleepy. :) It's funny because usually I never notice patterns, and rarely use them. maybe because it is right there in front and center. I stared at it a long time, Now I want that bed! hehehee

    aw Bodil does look lonesome for her Rune! what a sweet face!

    Did the car escape from their backpack? Is that why the Taxi? lol At least they aren't in bumper to bumper stand still traffic!

    haha Leya! I hardly ever see sims cover their ears at a baby cry! Love it!

    The locals in the eating contest look familiar! that is always so fun to see! I love the one on the far right, she looks like one of my favorites! the insanely colorful dresser! (if that is she)

    LOL the different rental cars! Did you have to keep buying a car? lol what is going on? hahhaha

    ''and she chooses to marry that old fart and live out here..'' HAHHA too funny! But the old fart is a good guy, not like his relatives!

    Yes that bothers me too about no family group outtings. I've never found a mod to remedy that. I always was hoping generations would fix that.

    I love the cover over the terrace at the Bistro, perfect!

    Oh they are lucky to have the pool to themselves! lol about the paparazzi!

    What a fun update on their vacation! I really enjoyed reading it! You are so good to your sims to give them a vacation!

    (Please excuse me and Sorry my comments are so dull, I woke up almost 3 hours later than usual and instead of being more rested and lively, I'm dull and cotton headed! lol No clue why! and I purposely saved your update to read as my treat as I drink my morning cuppa! )
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    SprottenhamSprottenham Posts: 1,152 Member
    @DivaDoodle Haha, it's funny you like it, but I didn't design the bed. I just rolled the dice on it. :P

    I thought it was funny that Leya would cover her ears to a crying baby when she is pregnant... she has something in store for her, then. ;)

    As for the locals at the eating contest, I'm not to familiar with all of them yet, but I think the one all the way to the right is a tattoo artist (?).

    Haha, I didn't buy them a new car! I think they just had more cars in their inventory. Often when I switch household between my sims, they would typically have bought a new car for themselves... but here obviously I stayed with the same househould all the time.. yet, there's taxi one moment and a completely different car the next.. :P

    "HAHHA too funny! But the old fart is a good guy, not like his relatives!" Yes, I did read up on the sims wiki page about their family and it seems like he is.. maybe I shouldn't have called him an old fart.. I was just annoyed she moved out of the nice home she had, where I thought she would live and marry... but she had other plans! :P

    Don't worry, your comments are not dull! And it is nice to see that you read my update while enjoying your morning cup of... coffee?
    Sub blogs: #01 Sunset Valley. #02: Lake Onebega #03: Sprottenham #04: Bewickton
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    TamijoTamijo Posts: 1,072 Member
    edited June 2021
    First day on the road, was not the “perfect” vacation. The noise in the park ruined it at bit, not to mention the hotel shower. Better look for attractions they will all like. :p

    LOL although I got the DLC never played Twinbrook enough to know Dudleif - wonderful name.
    NB: How did you come up with the narrator worst enemy Chitrakaar Skurchk, can hardly believe that as an EA name.

    “Bodil has to eat her meal alone” Can’t you just do go to … with? – I thought you could, well it is a long time since I used active sims play.

    LOL went all that way to see sis, and nobody home. Bummer. :/
    Lovely old worn out shack - she must REALLY love the old fart

    Seems like that are enjoying the pool as a family, that was nice. :)
    My active stories: Appaloosa County..*.. Sinful Sisters.....*.....Earlier stories:..*..Survivors the River..*.. A Memoir of Grace "Slick" Joplin
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    SprottenhamSprottenham Posts: 1,152 Member
    edited June 2021
    Chapter 11.4 - July Summer Holiday - Day 4.

    On day four of their stay, Gaute had found the stereo in the hotel room, starting his morning with a little dance to a classical piece, „Summer Moods“ by William von Siimhoven.

    Pregnant Leya was still asleep for well into the morning, probably needing all the rest she can get.

    Someone must have forgotten to lock the door to the tattoo joint in the basement after closing time, as Queen Bodil had found her way down there to hold a speech to her court.

    „I really want to work out“ says Gaute. „Is there a gym in town?“

    And I'm thinking.. „Dude, chill.. you're on vacation..“, but fine you will have your wish. There is a gym in town, it is located at the spa, so I'll send you there or you'll probably be nagging about it for the rest of the stay..

    Gaute entering Bewickton Spa.

    Uggh, I hate these athletic types. ;)

    Leya had phoned up her siblings, Udisha and Palash, to hear if they could meet up, but they were both at work (apparently not on holiday yet), so that would have to wait.

    Then she thought that they could visit Bodil's uncle Bhavan at the fire station as it was located just behind the hotel. Bodil had never been to a fire station before, so that should be exciting for her. Bodil was fast to go, and was already running ahead.

    Leya: Hey, * pant pant * wait up!
    Probably not that easy to run fast when you're carrying an extra growing body inside of you.

    Leya: Bhavan is downstairs in the workout room, let's go there.
    Bodil: I'm already on my way, mom..

    Leya: Hello, brother, long time no see! It sure rains a lot here in Bewickton!
    Bodil was not to interested in this fireman stuff and has noticed there is an easel on the lot and wants to go paint instead.

    I don't know what Bodil will be when she grows up, but.. probably not a fire fighter.

    Vemund Rokne: Oh, hi, you must be Leya, Bhavans brother, the singer from Sprottenham. I am Vemund, I work here. Nice to meet you.
    Leya is flattered, and feels a little famous.

    Ali Gates hears that she is a singer and wants to dance with her.
    Look at that grin.. But Leya, I wanted you to visit your brother, not do this...

    Leya may be a singer, but she is not a dancer... she is a little clumsy, stepping on his feet over and over..

    Upstairs Bodil has finished her painting. „I have painted Bewickton, and the plane we came here by“ says Bodil.

    Leya tries again to invite Udisha and Palash to the festival lot. They should be finished working by now..

    Udisha agrees to meet up, but Palash declines. I suppose that should be expected. Palash has always been a little difficult and different from the other siblings.

    „Hi, sis! Let's go to the movies!“ Udisha says immediately.

    Leya and Udisha share many of the same interests, and continues to talk about theatre, music and movies.

    Bodil is hungry and joins an eating contest. To the left is Kjersti Jordal, she was part of „The Party Household“ mentioned once earlier, but moved out when she had a baby with one of the local celebrities (I forgot his name now).

    Gaute is till at the gym working out. Aren't you exhausted yet? Wow, you've got some stamina!

    Bodil is doing good in the contest, out-eating the adults. I think we've got a winner! ;)

    „Ha! I am the best!“ says Bodil, and punches a hole in the table...

    I'm sure Udisha and Leya could stand here talking like this all night. The sisters are very similar and get along perfectly.

    Bodil: Want to hear a ghost story?
    Kjersti: Oh, yes, I would love too.
    Kjersti is not only a party animal. She also likes children and works as a teacher at the local school. Don't worry, her work outfit is nothing like what she is currently wearing..

    „I am a winner! I am Queen of the World!“ Bodil thinks before she starts telling her ghost story.

    Eivor Mortensen comes over and starts a water balloon fight with Bodil. I have no idea who Eivor Mortensen is. :P

    Leya chilling with an ice cream by the fountain. I don't know where Udisha went, she has probably gone home.

    Poor Kjersti isn't doing to great. One to many hot dogs from the eating contest, maybe.. Because you know, I can't have an update without a vomiting sim...

    Oh, no, there is Udisha. She hadn't gone home yet, just practiced a round of football.

    Gaute just drove past the festival grounds, he is heading back to the hotel for the night.

    Shortly thereafter it starts raining, and Leya decides it's time for her and Bodil to go home as well.

    Now lets hope this rain will have stopped by tomorrow, because then it's time for the Summer Festival Day in Bewickton! ;)
    Sub blogs: #01 Sunset Valley. #02: Lake Onebega #03: Sprottenham #04: Bewickton
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member

    @Sprottenham hehe so nice, I Love when they dance! :) Good for you Gaute!

    :) ''Queen Bodil had found her way down there to hold a speech to her court.''

    haha Gaute there is always the TV to workout to! Or do you like clang the machines loudly, like the macho men here like to do, probably to get the girls to look over! Which they Do! But the men don't seem to notice the girls are looking over with disdain at having their peace broken by the loud obnoxious clanging! LOL ;)

    Cute! the fireman asked her to dance! :D Yes he has a very nice smiling face! hehe the stepping on toes!

    Ah what a nice painting Bodil makes! I really like that with the cat peeking from around the shrub!

    ''Ha! I am the best!“ says Bodil, and punches a hole in the table'' HAHAHA

    OH! Poor thing! Nothing worse than radioactive vomit! :# LOL

    Wonderful Update I enjoyed reading it! :smiley:
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    SprottenhamSprottenham Posts: 1,152 Member
    @Tamijo Thank you for commenting!

    The name Chitrakaar is the original family name of Udisha, Leya, Deepak etc. It is a hindi last name/word that means artist or painter.

    Skurchk, I don't know where that comes from.. I think the translators of the game just had some fun.. I think the spelling of the Skurchk name is awful. :P

    I looked for all options to have them eat together, but I found no option.. Maybe it would have worked if I first dissolved the friend group that only Gaute and Leya could be a part of. Hmm..

    @DivaDoodle Thank you for the comment!

    Hmm, TV, of course... but the hotel management somehow had forgotten to put TVs inside the hotel rooms... <_<.. >_> .. so he had to go to the gym..
    I don't think Gaute cares or thinks about the clanking from the machines, as long as he can work out.. he might look at the girls, or enjoy looks from girls if there were any there, but I mostly just left him alone to do his thing, because watching a sim working out for hours on end is boring... :P

    I think Bodil definately must have eaten her proteins to be able to punch a hole in that table... or maybe there was something strange in those hot dogs... the color of the vomit may point in that direction.. It gave Bodil superpowers, but worked like kryptonite for Kjersti! Oh no! :P
    Sub blogs: #01 Sunset Valley. #02: Lake Onebega #03: Sprottenham #04: Bewickton
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    TamijoTamijo Posts: 1,072 Member
    edited June 2021
    Nice with a little morning dancing. :)

    Like when children play “the court”

    Great painting for a child.

    Nice that she gets along so well with sister Udisha :)

    Hate the idea of eating contests, disgusting. :s

    Udisha is pretty :p
    My active stories: Appaloosa County..*.. Sinful Sisters.....*.....Earlier stories:..*..Survivors the River..*.. A Memoir of Grace "Slick" Joplin
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    SprottenhamSprottenham Posts: 1,152 Member
    Thanks for the comment again @Tamijo !

    I am happy that you think Udisha is pretty. :)
    Sub blogs: #01 Sunset Valley. #02: Lake Onebega #03: Sprottenham #04: Bewickton
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    SprottenhamSprottenham Posts: 1,152 Member
    Chapter 11.4 - July Summer Holiday - Day 5.

    Youtube video: Greenland Whalefishers - Nothing to say. This is how imagine the band sounds when they play. Merethe has really improved her skills on the keyboard, playing both the flute and the fiddle parts simultaneously. ;)

    Today was Summer Festival Day in Bewickton, so it was time to head to the park again to enjoy the festivities! Leya had invited all of her family to join the festival, and this time Palash actually showed up too.

    Picture: Row closest to camera, left to right: Leya and her father Deepak.
    Row farthest away from camera, left to right: Udisha and Palash.

    Gaute went straight for the skating rink. In the background local band The Bushweeds were lucky to get their first perfomance gig at the festival! Not much audience for them though this early in the day, but atleast they are getting paid for the job..

    It is clear that this is the band is not very experienced with performing, as they were all pretty nervous before getting on stage, and Gerda (the guitarist) is still struggling with some stage fright. This makes her act a little contrary to her usually extroverted party animal self by turning her back towards where the audience should have been. Hopefully she will warm up eventually.

    Oh yeah, that's more like it! Now for next years festival, maybe they should hire some security staff to prevent the audience from going up on stage with band. Leya is standing in the back there behind the piano player. Nitya, Leyas younger sister in front all the way to the left... and this guy in the green top tank is blocking my view of the drummer...

    But all in all the band is delivering a pretty solid performance for their first time truely playing in public! I can only see that they will get more popular after this. :)

    Gaute is watching Leyas parents (Deepak and Laranya) as they flirt with each other. I can't decide if this is cute or weird. :P

    Bodil finally picked up the courage to go for the skating rink alone without Gaute being there to assist her. Leya and Nitya is still up on stage watching the band play..

    Palash is just standing there, watching one of the balloon decorations. He's not watching the concert or hanging out with any of the others. Just walking around seemingly in his own world. He has always been a little weird...

    It's hard to keep track of many sims at the same time, so I don't know where Udisha went, or if Bhavan (Leyas fire fighter brother) has even been there at all. Atleast they were all invited. If Bhavan isn't there, he's probably at the fire station...

    I'm just gonna show one more shot of the band, because I like them so much. Leya is still standing there in the back watching, behind that Pincher-Peddler-Penny-Pincher whatever her name was... :P

    The band just finished playing, and Gerda (the guitarist and front figure) appears super happy about this gig, and possibly already has an idea for the band's next song. Nitya, Leyas sister, apparently wants to be on camera too, so I let her...

    Merete Sagmo, the keyboard player, is thinking about the money they just made. Leya is still standing up on stage, behind the fence.

    Bodil on the skating rink has found a new mentor in local resident Ragni Sara.

    „I want to try the keyboard, it looks so much fun!“ says Nitya. Oof, where is security when you need them... that keyboard is not yours to play! ;)
    Sam Mæle (bass player): Hmm, not bad.. maybe she can join the band as a back-up piano player!
    No, actually, to put it bluntly.. she is pretty terrible... she should probably stick to painting, and you shouldn't be digging that.. :P

    Leya: Oh no, my sister is making a fool of herself!
    Kajsa (the drummer) is standing right behind Leya, and quite frankly, she is a little intimidating.. maybe Nitya should drop the keyboard playing just to make sure..

    Looks like Bodil has made a new friend in this Eivor Mortensen. I'm guessing she has the childish personality trait...

    And surprisingly, Gaute has already gone back to the hotel from the festival, when I was expecting him to want to stay there the longest.

    Leya has found her sister Udisha for me, so she is still there...

    ..but then she should probably also find a toilet. So she decides to go back to the hotel as well. Probably not a bad idea, it has been a long day...

    Haha, right on! But it's probably time for you to go back to the hotel as well soon, Bodil. Please follow your mom.. :P
    The festival grounds have closed, party is over for today. Good night. ;)

    Overview of their hotel room:
    Sub blogs: #01 Sunset Valley. #02: Lake Onebega #03: Sprottenham #04: Bewickton
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    SprottenhamSprottenham Posts: 1,152 Member
    Chapter 11.4 - July Holiday - Day 6

    On their second to last day, Leya wanted to try again to go for a visit to her sister Udishas home. The police car parked outside is a good indication. Udishas husband works in the police (as you may know already). Looks like atleast somebody is home!

    Gaute spots the police car and wants to show Leya and Bodil that he has what it takes to be a police officer. „If this mail box was a criminal, I would knock it out in a split second!“

    Gaute: Look at this biceps, Leya!
    Leya just walks by him like its nothing to ring the door bell. Let's hope somebody answers.

    Dudleif, Udishas husband, comes out.
    Dudleif Chitrakaar-Skurchk: Hi, you must be Leya. It's just me and the kids at home now, but come on in.
    Udisha and Dudleif have two sons together, Nishit (the oldest) and Ole Christian.

    Picture: Nishit playing with the peg box. He is actually (supposed to be..) 5 years and 7 months old, so he isn't to far away to aging up to a child and start school. Toddler life stage in my story line ends on their sixth birthday.

    Picture: Ole Christian playing with the xylophone. Ole Christian is excactly two years old, meaning that today is actually his second birthday! Happy birthday little one!

    Dudleif talks about his job and arresting thieves with Leya, when Gaute wants to show that he can also be daring..

    Gaute: Hey, Dudleif.. check this out!

    Yup, he is eating dirt from the floor.. and just in that moment Udisha just came home. Leya doesn't want to watch and goes away.
    Udisha is cheering, not sure if it's because of the xylophone or Gaute. :P

    Neither of course, it was because she was happy to see her husband.. Now, I never approved of this relationship, because I was hoping that she would find someone younger (and not move out of the house I built for her...) .. but of course, when someone really loves each other, it's not on me to be so cruel as to split them up, so I'm leaving it...

    Leya decided to make a drawing of the chemistry table...

    Gaute rushed inside to dance, and Bodil just clogged the toilet.

    No, come on.. really!? Your sister is visiting you for the first time in years, and this is what you want to do? They woohoo'ed of course, but there was no music at the end on this one, so no pregnancy. But Dudleif still isn't a dud since he already has two children...

    Bodil couldn't avoid hearing the sounds from the bedroom, which is just behind that door..

    Leya avoids a potentially awkward conversation by giving her daughter a hug.

    Or maybe it wasn't so awkward, because it looks like it gave them something to gossip about. ;) But if sound can travel one way through the door, it can probably travel the other way too! :P

    The turtle doves finally emerged from their hideout. Dudleif in his morning robe is not at all trying to hide what just happened...
    ( And runs an inkblot test on Gaute. „Oh, that reminds me of my job in the military“ he says. )

    Leya: It was lucky we came over just today, for Ole Christians birthday!
    Bodil: Haha, yes, are we going to eat cake, uncle?
    Oh, good idea, lets have a birthday party..!

    „I'm on it!“ says Udisha, „I'll make the pumpkin pie!“

    Udisha: Happy birthday, Ole Christian!
    (Of course, they couldn't have an actual birthday party with the cake and candles and all, because then he would age up to the next stage and he's not supposed to do that yet..)

    And as always, its impossible to have everyone sit down and eat at the same time, but it sort of worked out.. sort of..

    „Oh, Leya, you're just as good looking as your sister, what do you say, hmm?“, says Dudleif

    „Ew, no, not at all, old man!“

    Leya: Actually... you're not to bad looking for a man your age, so maybe!


    Dudleif: Don't make fun of me, young lady!

    And they actually do this flirt/rejection thing back and forth a few times.. this looks very similar to what goes on when Patrik flirts with Leya.. why do you seem to always get caught up in these types of games, Leya?

    Bodil: I don't like uncle Dudleif, he is acting just like Patrik.

    Leya attacks Ole Christian with the claw.

    The boys measure up their strength with a pillow fight.

    Udisha has already gone to sleep, and Leya practicing chess is noticeably also getting tired, so it shouldn't be long before they go home now. Shortly after this shot, Leya reached level 10 in the logic skill.

    „I think it's time to call it a night now..“ says Leya. „Let's go back to the hotel“

    Yup, Dudleif has also crawled in beneath the sheets and the toddlers are asleep, so I think it's time to say good night once more. Tomorrow is their last full day in Bewickton before heading back home to Sprottenham..

    Picture: Udisha and Dudleifs home.
    Sub blogs: #01 Sunset Valley. #02: Lake Onebega #03: Sprottenham #04: Bewickton
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member


    LOL love the music that is so funny to think of the sims playing like that in their band! :D

    Oh Good I love the festivals! Glad Palash showed up too!

    It seems Gaute likes to get good at all physical things, lovely the roller skating!

    how cool! Does it really show that they are a bit nervous before going on stage? What a great idea!

    ''maybe they should hire some security staff to prevent the audience from going up on stage with band.'' I was just going to say! LOL

    Oh I think when Gaute is watching it seems cute, it's Leya's parents after all, and he looks happy for them!

    looks like Bodil is having fun skating, also with a new potential friend in the townie, who is having such Fun! lol that smile!

    haha Nitya! good for you to hep yourself to the keyboard!

    uh-oh nothing like an intimidating drummer!

    Oh Bodil has a good throwing arm with the water balloon! that is great!

    hahaha I like when Athletic sims do that strong man pose! so awesome Gaute! Even if Leya ignores it!

    hahaha I love Dudley's face so much! Dudleif is such a better sounding name!

    oh interesting the times you set for the ages! that gives the toddlers plenty of time to learn all the skills!

    I am so glad that Gaute gets all his minerals the Natural way! :D even if Dudleif thinks it's gross!

    Aw I'm glad you left them together! look how they are so in love! It's sweet!

    Gaute is just the greatest! love his dancing and always doing just what makes him happy!

    hahaha so glad to hear the Dudleif isn''t a dud! you are sooo funny!🤣

    happy celebration with pumpkin pie!

    ''Oh, Leya, you're just as good looking as your sister, what do you say, hmm?“, says Dudleif'' eeeek! :o

    ''Leya: Actually... you're not to bad looking for a man your age, so maybe! What..!? WHAT!?! indeed!! lol

    aww poor Bodil! Does she also get upset with Leya? what about Gaute? I see him hitting Dudleif pretty hard with that pillow!!! LOL

    Wonderful enjoyable update!!! :)
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    SprottenhamSprottenham Posts: 1,152 Member
    @DivaDoodle Thanks for the comment!

    Haha, well the cure for the band being nervous was mostly found in how Gerda turned her back to the audience. :P But I thought it would make sense for the band to be nervous for their first public performance. :P

    "Oh I think when Gaute is watching it seems cute, it's Leya's parents after all, and he looks happy for them!" <-- Oh yes, you are probably right, I just found the situation a little strange. :P

    "Aw I'm glad you left them together! look how they are so in love! It's sweet!" <--- I had no choice, I really don't want to break anyone up and make them unhappy, and this is also the most important part of having my sims autonomous... to have them choose their own relationships, who they want to be friends and lovers with. I think that would be more successfull than if I were to choose for them... but they could atleast have moved to her house, not his! She had a better house with a better location... but love probably made her blind...

    Yeah, this one with how Leya flirted with Dudleif just like she does with Patrik made me think.. maybe she's in on it too, somehow.. pulling strings... but no one blames her for anything.

    Bodil was upset with Dudleif, not Leya. Gaute.. I don't know, he didn't seem upset.. but I think he wanted to show off to Leya and to a lesser extent Dudleif, to prove that he was the man or something. :P
    Sub blogs: #01 Sunset Valley. #02: Lake Onebega #03: Sprottenham #04: Bewickton
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    SprottenhamSprottenham Posts: 1,152 Member
    Chapter 11.4 - July Holiday - Day 7
    At the breakfast table party animal Gaute gets an idea.
    Gaute: As this is our last day here, I think we should go to the beach and throw a massive beach party! We can invite everyone in town and have a blast!

    Leya: I suppose you will be sending out the invitations then...

    Gaute: Oh, no problem.. I'll just head to the park and talk to a few people and let the grapevine do the rest..!

    Leya: I'm not all convinced... I was thinking we should instead visit my parents one last time..

    Gaute: Don't be so boring, Leya.. we'll of course invite them too! And all of your siblings and even Dudleif! Everyone in town will be invited! It's going to be the party of the century!
    Leya: Well if you are that optimistic about it..

    And so Gaute went to the park doing his thing and gazing at the ladies.. Leya phoned up her parents and told them about Gautes idea (as well as talking enthustiastically about painting of course) and they agreed to meet up later. (The guy in the background is just a random hotel guest. He could have been a plant for all I care.)

    And then she took Bodil to the art gallery... Leya was super happy about going there. Bodil? Not so much...

    Gaute in the park has sniffed out fellow party animal Kjersti Jordal, and informs her about his idea. She thinks its pretty wild, and promises to spread the word to the towns people.

    Later in the day after lots of talking and handshaking...
    Wow! It looks like Gautes' plan is working! A lot of people have showed up already!

    Of course, Gautes' first idea there is to go for a swim..

    A food stand clerk heard rumors about the party about to happen and thought he would seize the opportunity and set up shop there. Also, the town council was kind enough to place some festival toilets and trash cans. After all, they didn't want the beach party goers to *ahem* make a mess out of the lot... „Keep Bewickton clean and tidy!“ is one of their many mottos.

    Laranya is impressed at what she is seeing. „Wow, that boy Gaute really is one of a kind, isn't he?“

    „Wooow, look at all those people on the beach! Did Gaute really put all this together?“ Bodil is also impressed.

    I don't know who you guys are, but yeaah, let's get this party started! Deepak is seen talking to Palash right behind and to the left of this dancing couple. Udisha is also there with the pink flower on her hair.

    And there are paparazzis of course. I'm guessing this overly sunburnt dude there is a celebrity of some kind.

    This is almost the entire Østreng family, from left to right: Emilie, Christina, Tron, Simone (being carried) and Kjellaug. Christina (being really excited in the cheerleading outfit..) was Nityas date for her prom night. This is the family that lives in the most weather exposed home in all of Bewickton at Outwash Point.
    The Østreng familys home at Outwash Point. I wouldn't want to live here when the winter storms set in!

    Grandmother Laranya has some gossip to share with Bodil. Maybe its something about Dudleif... Leya is also going for a swim.

    Leya and Gaute out swimming, and the store clerk way in the back there got his first customer. Lets hope business is good.

    This makes me think that Gaute is trying to replicate that one scene from the sims intro, to see if it is virtually doable to make something like that... and the couple by the stereo just pulled out some grey board or something to dance on. „We can't get sand in our shoes“ they say....

    Palash is dancing with Chase Bayless. Finally I see the dude do something and enjoying himself instead of just being weird. :P

    Kajsa Tangstad from the band „The Bushweeds“ is also there getting her groove on. Where are the rest of your band members? :) Wouldn't they also love a party?

    I find two of them outside the old Railway Station pub along with their friend Isabell Kolstø. They were in the middle of a discussion on where to spend this night out when Gerda eventually convinced them to head for the beach party. How often does a tourist come along and arrange a massive beach party in Bewickton? As far as any of them knew, practically never! So of course, this was an event they couldn't miss out on.

    Some people, perhaps because they are a little shy and reserved, decided to go for a swim on the opposite end of all the spectacle. And the woman thinking about kisses is Kjersti Jordal, our party animal and teacher from earlier. I don't think you're going to find anyone to kiss for the night standing there.. you're gonna have to join the party! ;)

    Bodil playing in the sand.

    „Yeaaaah, let's partyyy!“ Shouts Gerda. The other two aren't all that excited yet. Merete is perhaps hoping to find love.

    Eventually the family gets hungry and buys food from the food stand clerk.

    Leya: We really won this night, didn't we?
    Bodil: I don't know.. when I get back to the hotel, I'm going to brush my teeth.

    Gaute: Oh, it's so great to spend time outdoors together, don't you think?
    „I like the theatre better“ says Leya.

    Leya: Haha, I'm just kidding! It's really nice to eat out with you on this bench by the beach.
    Bodil: I'm going to get me another hamburger!

    Wow, biggest eater in the family right there...

    Gaute: I think this party could do with some fireworks!


    Gaute: ..will you help me out here, Leya? …..Leya?

    She didn't run away completely. She came back and helped him out.


    Gaute:Hooh! Hooh! Hooh! Am I the man, or am I the MAN?
    Gaute was really proud of himself now.

    „That was amazing, Gaute!“ cheers Leya.

    After the fireworks it started to empty out a little on the beach, the party had after all been going on for several hours already, and people probably saw that as the grand finale, but someone still kept it going. Look at grandpa go! :D

    „Oh, that Gaute probably isn't so bad..“ thinks Nitya. Kajsa is still having a blast.

    Laranya thinks she is the queen of arcade machines.

    „Oh, that firework was a great finale to my party! It pleases me that there are still people down on the beach having fun, but now I want to go back to the hotel“
    Wow, are you starting to feel the age Gaute? Usually as I got to know you, you would be far from one of the first to leave a party..!

    Leya is pregnant and more tired than you, and she wants to go for another swim.. looks like the party isn't completely over yet.. I'll just let them keep going and see how long they last..

    Well, that's a party killer right there.. Chase Bayless (to the right) has had enough of this and heads home.

    Bodil is with Gaute in the hotel lobby.
    Gaute: Come along now, Bodil, it's time to go to bed! We have a long day of travelling home again ahead of us tomorrow...

    Leya is still out swimming, but is headed onshore and is about to go back to the hotel as well.

    The party is dying out on the beach as well, so I think it's time to say goodnight once more.. but it was a good one, and most of the guests had a splendid time!
    Kjersti Jordal, the teacher and Gautes fellow party animal, was a major helper in arranging the party, because Gaute didn't have that as an option, so he needed a local to do it. Here she is at home after the party, and I think she looks pretty happy about it.

    „Oh, what a great night this was and what a perfect way to end our vacation!“ Leya thinks before going back to the hotel.
    Sub blogs: #01 Sunset Valley. #02: Lake Onebega #03: Sprottenham #04: Bewickton
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    AlexaKryAlexaKry Posts: 2,706 Member
    @Sprottenham : Great updates!
    It seems as if the family has lots of fun in their holiday in Bewickton.
    Leya has some different family members. :D I like her dad, he looks so cool with his grey dreadlocks!
    I wonder why she left her hometown and why she didn´t visit her family from time to time or why her family didn´t visit her (for example when Bodil was born)
    Doesn´t Bodil like Gaute? Because her correction of her grandpa regarding to Gaute being her stepdad let´s it look like?
    I think it´s a bit sad for Bodil that she gets notice from this constant flirting between her mum and Patrik. I can understand her figurative language and I wouldn´t forbid that if she was my child. I think one shouldn´t forbid children to talk bad, it´s an expression of their feelings.
    Aww, Bodil and her grandpa play catch together. Hopefully his heart will work after it!! ;)
    :D Gaute likes to dance a lot, right? Whereever there is a stereo he dances.
    Going to the gymn in my holidays??? No way! Holidays are for relaxing, eating lots of things and lying around stuffed full of yummy things!
    Why do you think that flirting between Leya´s parents is strange or awkward? Old people can give and get love, too! It´s so sweet to see oldish people having affection to each other, even after a long relationship. I am old, too, but would be happy to find someone I can spend my rest life with! B)
    He he he the people listening to the band AT the stage! Sims! They don´t understand the concept of personal borders, they are so annyoing sometimes. :D
    The piano lady has a strange sense of fashion: a fur coat with sneakers... Oh mey!!
    :D:D:D the visit to Leya´s sister Udisha´s home was a bit strange, I think. Especially when the heads of home woohoo during the visit... :D
    I sooo hope that Udisha and Dudleif don´t get the same nose as their dad.....
    And then the flirting between Leya nad her brother-in-law- ugh!!
    What a great idea of having a party with the whole town and Leya´s family!
    And so many are there! And all of them have so much fun!
    Good that there was an enterprising man with his food stand so everyone could get something to eat!
    Oh, I like the firework!
    What a great end of the holiday!
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    SprottenhamSprottenham Posts: 1,152 Member
    @AlexaKry Thank you for taking the time to read, watch and reply amidst all your troubles!

    "I wonder why she left her hometown and why she didn´t visit her family from time to time or why her family didn´t visit her (for example when Bodil was born)" <--- Yes, that is a good question... she probably did, and I may have gotten this part wrong. ;)

    I mean, for a long time, I only played with Sunset Valley, because I didn't have any expasion packs.. It is only relatively recently I started to explore the rest of this world that they live in... So things may have happened in the story line that I am not aware of! She certainly had a good relationship with her parents and her sister Udisha. Especially Leya and her sister appeared to be really good friends.

    What I knew, or know about Leyas history (and some background stuff):

    First time she appeared in my story line was many years ago, possibly around 2008ish, when she was still a young adult. At the time she was in an all female choir with seven others from Sprottenham, and they traveled about together. Solvej sings in the same choir, hence they are referred to as singers. So then they visited Sunset Valley, and spent a week at a hotel there. I hadn't discovered the town of Sprottenham yet. I still didn't know about anything outside of Sunset Valley...

    Later that same summer, or the following year a football team came to town. The Sprottenham Totspurs.. They had played a match with Sunset Valleys football team, The Sunset Valley Dolphins. I don't remember who won the match because I didn't pay attention to that.. So that's when I first learned about the name Sprottenham, but didn't know anything about the town itself.. yet...

    And in that team was, among others Patrik C. Jensen, Solvejs future boyfriend and father of Rune, as well as Glenn Hoddelås, the goalkeeper and future partner, now ex-partner, of Leya, and Bodils father...

    But what about Gaute?

    Oh yes, Gaute.. He was at the time more or less a "travelling bum" at the time.. he had a base in Sprottenham ("Gufo Triste"), but he spent most of his time travelling.. and doing extreme sports and just partying. (He has the dare devil trait, and it is not only to eat dirt from the floor....). He would do anything, bungee jumping, base jumping, sky diving...

    He visited Sunset Valley during the summer of 2009, and that's where he met Ranveig Motorsen from Sunset Valley. They had a very short thing going, which later lead to the birth of Robert Bråge, Ranveigs second son. He didn't even know he had made her pregnant, and Ranveig didn't tell him straight away either. After he left he was a little hard to track down, too.... I'm sure she had some doubts about whether she should keep this one or not.. I don't know what the future holds for Robert Bråge, but I guess we should be happy she did!


    "Doesn´t Bodil like Gaute? Because her correction of her grandpa regarding to Gaute being her stepdad let´s it look like?"

    Ah, no, Bodil likes Gaute, I think. She is of course, aware that he is not her real dad, and I also wanted to make it clear for the story line that he was not. But maybe she should call him dad, eventually? Since I grew up with both of my parents, I don't know what is natural for kids that don't..

    "I think one shouldn´t forbid children to talk bad, it´s an expression of their feelings." <--- Hmm, maybe you are right.. but again I am using experiences from my own childhood, and we were not allowed to swear or use bad words... but of course, she should be allowed to express her feelings, so maybe Gaute shouldn't have told her off.. but they did get that red minus above their heads, so she actually said something there that Gaute didn't like.. so.. but atleast her grandmother Laranya seemed to be more understanding, yet also agreeing with Gaute about the language.

    "Going to the gymn in my holidays??? No way! Holidays are for relaxing, eating lots of things and lying around stuffed full of yummy things!" <--- Hahaha, I totally agree, but he wanted to do that.. the guy is full of energy and needs to get it out of his system. I think it's best to allow for it, or he will probably be very cranky. ;)

    "Why do you think that flirting between Leya´s parents is strange or awkward?" <--- I didn't think the flirting was awkward, I thought that was cute. The awkward bit was how Gaute stood there watching them up close...

    "The piano lady has a strange sense of fashion: a fur coat with sneakers... Oh mey!!" <--- Haha, I'm not a fashion expert, so sometimes my sims will wear strange clothes, maybe.. but I thought was a little cool for her, so I kept it that way. Usually I don't spend a lot of time on clothes/make up when making a new sim... I just go with whatever shows up, telling myself that it is what the sim prefers to wear... After all, I want them to have their own personalities and make their own choices....

    "the visit to Leya´s sister Udisha´s home was a bit strange, I think. Especially when the heads of home woohoo during the visit... " <-- Haha, yeah, it wasn't quite what I had expected or hoped for... :P

    Haha, cool you enjoyed the party! In retrospect I think Leya should have spent more time with Bhavan (her fireman brother) and also visited Palash (her slightly odd brother that lives alone in his house...). But maybe next time if she goes for a visit again...
    Sub blogs: #01 Sunset Valley. #02: Lake Onebega #03: Sprottenham #04: Bewickton
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    SprottenhamSprottenham Posts: 1,152 Member
    edited July 2021
    Finally I am done with their summer vacation, and normal life can continue! ;)

    A little history lesson...

    The town of Bewickton that they are now travelling from, was founded more or less as it is today, in 1853 by C. Twinbroke, and was given the name Bewrickton. However, due to the local dialect it was always pronounced as Bew'ickton, without the 'r', and later that also became the official spelling...

    Chapter 11.4 - Part 8 - Going home, and the remaing days of july
    Next morning...
    „My first beach party ever. What a vacation this was after all.. now I am little sad it is ending and we have to go home..“

    Leya has a wonderful reaction to her daughter as she is about to play Queen once more. I love it when they react like that.

    Gaute consolidates Bodil for being a little sad because they have to go home.

    Of course, on the way home they go the same route, by rental car and plane, only backwards.. and no car or plane crashes this time either...
    (PS: They didn't drive on that stretch of road way in the back there.. that road is closed, because of unstable ground. ;) This was my first go at making a town for Sims 3 so it's not always picture perfect... )

    And once they are back home in Sprottenham they see that Solvej has been hard at work building a greenhouse for her plants!


    „Now my plants can grow all year round!“ she says, before she sings a little song to her tomato plant. :)


    Inside Patrik welcomes Queen Bodil with open arms. Leya examines the coating on the wall.. and I hear lots of laughter from outside..

    Oh, Solvej has found a new to have fun, playing with the sprinklers. :)

    Gaute reveals to Patrik the familys intention of moving out and the reason why... Their relationship bar is in the red.

    Patrik answers by complaining about Bodil.

    Gaute yawns at Patrik's complaining. Gaute thinks Bodil is a lovely kid and is really happy to have her as his step daughter.

    Then Patrik starts to yell at Bodil for no good reason, and that was the last drop for Gaute...

    Gaute: We're moving out now! I want no more of this!

    Gaute gets out his phone to figure out what is for sale, and quickly bids on a new house. A few days later, contracts are signed, money is paid, and the family is ready to make their move...

    Unfortunately this means that from now on we're going to have to leave Rune and Solvej (with her garden and unborn child) behind. And, well, Patrik too. But its probably much better for all of them in the long run...

    „Off we go!“ says Gaute. He really can't wait to make it out of there.

    Goodbye to Greenacre Road 15...


    ..and hello to Cliffon 11!

    „This is our new home!“ says Gaute.

    Leya is hungry from moving and goes straight for the kitchen. The house is furnished, but perhaps a little empty looking at the moment, but I am sure they will be able to make it something of their own and feel right at home after a while.

    „I think we should get some different wallpapers.. I see lots of things I want to change already“ Leya thinks.

    „Oh, this is wonderful Gaute! We got a home right next to the park!“ Bodil says while giving Gaute a hug. And yes it is true, their home is right next to the Cliffon park at the end of the street with the same name. It's not a bad area at all!


    Gaute: I salute you, Captain Bodil, Commander of the Chitrakaarian Empire!

    Leya has found a small office room on the first floor. It would perhaps be a great place to turn into an art room for her to do her drawing and painting.

    Bodil wants mom to read a bedtime story. Leya gets a little emotional when she goes upstairs and sees how spatious this home is compared to their previous one. There are four pretty large bedrooms upstairs, a bathroom and a small living space area that leads out to a balcony. And they have it all to themselves!

    Gaute watching sports on tv downstairs. „Hmm.. I want to move this tv set so I can sit on the couch while watching instead of having to stand...“

    But when he turns it off to go to bed, it immediately breaks...

    „Nevermind that.. I want to throw out this old junk and get a new one that works!“ he thinks while freaking out..

    Bonus stuff:


    Additonal bonus stuff:

    It's a video on vimeo, and it is not possible to share those directly on the page, so you're gonna have to go via the link. It's some old video from 2015 (in the story time line. ;)) in Sprottenham. Currently they are in 2021.

    At that point in time, Leya was not with Gaute, but with Bodils father, Glenn Hoddelås... and she had not yet moved in with Solvej and Patrik. That didn't happen until after she broke up with Glenn. Gaute was still a daredevil, party animal, "traveling bum"...

    I tried to put names on everyone in the video when they show up. You will not know about all of them from the story line I have posted, but they are some of the Sprottenham inhabitants...

    Sub blogs: #01 Sunset Valley. #02: Lake Onebega #03: Sprottenham #04: Bewickton
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member

    @Sprottenham aw Bodil does look very sad that vacation is ending.

    I Love how Leya gets excited enough to cheer her daughter! The cheer is is very Best in my opinion! :) so cute!

    Gaute is such a nice Dad! err Step Dad, sorry Bodil! ;)

    Wow I didn't know you made the this town, you mean you made a world, since you mention the road? I'm glad to hear no car or plan crashes on the way back home!

    Nice looking green house, I should say! Does Solveij sing often to her plants? Love that!

    hahaha I love Bodil's expression! I don't think she wants a huge hug from Patrik, of all people! :D

    Looks like Patrik is not very pleased that Gaute will take away his object of flirtation!

    So ''Patrik answers by complaining about Bodil.'' hahaha that seems reasonable Patrik, for you I mean! ;)

    Oh Patrik, don't be so crabby to the poor child! For goodness sakes, man! :o

    Gaute: We're moving out now! I want no more of this!'' Good for you Gaute!

    Yes it is better for all in the long run and hopefully Rune can come over after school to play.

    Such a lovely town! Oh that is a huge looking house Gaute bought!

    hahaha I am not much on decor or noticing others decor, but I Did notice the dining room wallpaper and was thinking the same as Leya! :D

    Oh this is a Great area and the park looks so nice!

    I love the bedtime stories, it is so sweet! but skeleton sheets for a little girl? hahaha well maybe Bodil doesn't mind!

    Hahaha love that freaking out about the broken TV! Yes Gaute needs a working TV placed where he can sit and watch and also have floor room for his workouts he likes to do!

    omg Sprottenham!!! I adore your map and showing the families with the arrows and hearts! that is such a good job you did! very nice looking and creative!

    Hey I love the look of Bodil's birth Father Glenn, will he be making an appearance?

    OMG then I read a bit further and you answer my wish with a Video!!! How magic are you to do that for me?!!! ;):) btw I like Gaute's voice. great video!

    What an excellent update! <3 I really enjoyed it! It shows me how much more creative I Could be, ;) LOL
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