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Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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What happen in your game today/most recently?


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    hushfireflyhushfirefly Posts: 1,931 Member
    edited September 2020
    C Gen is nearly on their way to adulthood! Debating whether they'll be the first to go to Uni. I enjoy playing with both of them that Uni might not be such a slug.
    Twins always seem to bring a friend each every day from school.
    Branwen reached her LTW of Mayor :star: Phaedra managed to benefit from the carpool upgrade :smirk:
    Twins Birthday!!!
    Unexpected and made me totally forget that you can vomit from using the Centrifun(roundabout) too much! Since he waited until this precise moment, my narrative will be his sister growing into a teen was too much for him :lol:
    Teen Cyprian - Fortune Asp - and Capucine - Pleasure Asp.
    For their birthday present, they were allowed to call the Matchmaker. Cyprian went to bed instead of finding a date lol but Capucine took advantage and found a soulmate in Townie Chandler! They have been on a few dates and are so cute :mrgreen:
    Post edited by hushfirefly on
    Every little piece of your life, will mean something to someone.
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    OliwkaWidmoOliwkaWidmo Posts: 45 Member
    I started a slightly legacy challenge inspired game with a female Sim, Anna Maria, whom I sent to university with just 500 simoleons. She lived in a dorm and was a great student. When she was getting her degree, she had 3 people fall in love with her: a mascot, with whom she didn't woohoo, so she had no idea what he looked like under the llama head, with one of her roommates at the dorm, with whom she developed a very strong friendship without me doing anything at all, and then just one flirty interaction was enough to make them fall in love, and with a cheerleader who was her phone friend at first, and then they met up and fooled around at a party.

    She graduated, moved to Riverblossom Hills and built a tiny house for the small amount of money she had. Because she had a degree, she could start her Business career at a relatively high level and was promoted like three days in a row, too. She invited over the mascot guy and they finally woo hooed... And he wasn't ugly! So they moved in together and after a day or two got married. Right before they said "I do" she became visibly pregnant :D
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    CinebarCinebar Posts: 33,618 Member
    edited October 2020
    Been awhile since I posted what is happening in my hoods. I opened an orphanage run by an elder lady, and an adult lady who has to help with home work and social for the kids etc. I first had to make a parent, move in all the kids with the parent and the elder lady (no kin) then move out the parent. Then the elder couldn't keep up with all the homework help and fun things to do and or socials of the kids. So I had to add an adult to help with all that. But they needed money, lol, so I made the old lady get a part time job because I needed the adult to clean up and help the kids, and to cook lots of meals. lol Thinking of dumping some toddlers into the mix. The kids are actually doing pretty good in school, as they grow up. Once they have enough money they may adopt some kids into the orphanage. But right now it only has four bedrooms so it might be hard to expand that Maxis house to hold more beds.

    Trying not to cheat them any money, but they need more kids if it's going to be a large place for kids. Only four kids right now.

    The dad moved into a home garage and runs a garage (ticket machine) he fixes up junkers and hopes someday to open a car dealership.
    But I think he should donate some of his money to the care of his kids in the orphanage. :D But right now he is barely getting by himself.

    In other news in Collinsport, Barnabas has been cursed and is now a vampire (waited a very long time this time). Quentin is about to be cursed and turned into a werewolf, Jennings is going to dump his little sister, Amy, off at Collinwood because he will become a werewolf, and can no longer care for her. He will have to move in there with Amy then move out and back to his shack. The Collins family will gladly take her in for that $20,000. :D

    Victoria has met Elizabeth Collins Stoddard now, and is about to be asked to move in and be the governess of David. I should do this very soon, because his grades are failing and no time to work with him. I think he has a D right now. And a pile of unfinished homework. Got to remember do that before I play them again. The family has no time at all to help him. Carolyn has decided she wants a job in the paranormal field, she has second site. lol Elizabeth has come out of her shell and has become a politician, and because she is she has decided since her family founded this town, she can move lots around to better looking districts and build more places to go and things to do in Collinsport.

    This is the fifth or sixth time I have rebuilt a world, refurnished it with lots and made it a smaller island full of lots and places and things to do.
    I don't have any other subhoods added anymore helps with loading since it is full of characters over a period of five years of a TV show that is a lot of characters to play and adding more and more of them. They live in the mansion on the hill the rest of the town is down in the capetown near the ocean, and very busy with all the trouble that family brings to this town. I built a school and a continuing education adult school. I send Sims there (mod) to gain skill points rather than have to add all those extra things into small houses. Sims can gain skills on community lots with that mod so it works out well when I feel they should go continue their education and gain a skill and socialize with others. Elizabeth goes to the City Hall and gives speeches with a podium, she doesn't mind she gets $5 every few seconds. lol I added a church where they toast each other, and eat at a buffet if someone has enough money to feed everyone, and they hold speeches there, too. I decided against subhoods this time because it has room enough to add all the type lots we can play without having to go to a shopping district and or downtown. I felt those characters would add too many since I have so many already in the mainhood.

    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.
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    OliwkaWidmoOliwkaWidmo Posts: 45 Member
    I'm playing in Pleasantview right now and I was playing as Daniel Pleasant. Mary Sue divorced him a while ago and he had been living in a small house next to Nina Caliente's for a while now. His lifetime want was to have 20 lovers at the same time, so he spent all his time either working, or hitting on women (whom he was mostly meeting online) and woo-hooing them, only to never invite them over again, most of the time. Very nice, sleazy life. He was already an elder and had about 15 lovers when one day he was flirting with a woman by his house, and some other woman, with whom he's been on a date a few days before, was passing by and saw this. She was furious and slapped him, but oh well, he continued his date. Still, he called the angry woman the next day, hoping to make up, because every relationship is precious when you're trying to get to 20 lovers! Eventually she agreed to go on a date with him and fell in love with him again... And then two days later he was woo-hooing with his coworker in a hot tub, and she caught him again. Whoops.

    And then I get a bug: Daniel gets stuck on the hot tub: he's kind of standing on it, instead of sitting in it or standing next to it, and he can't move, he's stuck. At first I was a little 🐸🐸🐸🐸 and thought about leaving without saving, but then I thought: wait, that makes narrative sense! She caught him cheating twice and was so furious she murdered him! Amazing! So I just left him stuck on the hot tub and waited until he starved to death. Serves him right.

    I love this game. Even when there are bugs, they help me with storytelling :smiley:
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    Sorak4Sorak4 Posts: 3,940 Member
    edited November 2020
    Belladonna cove is by far my WEIRDEST neighbourhood by far, you've got weird characters, normal characters and characters from games all in one. I always play with aging off so while the neighbourhood rarely changes there's always some new odd characters coming in every so often. One day as Tara I was mostly out and about exploring some lots.

    Meet Skullomania, he tends to get along with men a lot and frequently just goes out to flirt with every single elderly male Sim I've seen for some reason. But it seems he might have a bit of a problem with stalking Sims too.

    While at a gym I wandered across him getting really petty with a high-class townie. Like he was outright GLUED to fighting her.

    Of course it led to her crying a lot, but once they stopped arguing they would immediately get back to fighting.

    In a good idea, I decide to get Tara to leave by the time they get into slap fights just so they don't end up fighting until either one dies.

    And of course in true fashion with custom paintings I've made sure all my Sims wake up to the nice sight of this painting

    And meet Hwaorang, he likes his neighbour Snoop a lot, like a lot. Built out of a spontanious wish he had to flirt with him, I decided to roll with it. He gets quite over the top with tickling most of the time.

    But if there's one hobby he has, it's going into a little too much detail with random people he meets about health. He likes health. Like a lot.

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    Sorak4Sorak4 Posts: 3,940 Member
    Today was nothing good, not a story, not some strange events... But corruption has set in.
    The dreaded squiggly lines.
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    Rflong7Rflong7 Posts: 36,590 Member
    @Sorak4 wrote: »
    Today was nothing good, not a story, not some strange events... But corruption has set in.
    The dreaded squiggly lines.

    Hi :)
    It doesn't necessarily mean corruption. It can be a miss linked memory. I get them when a Sim cleans up after a fire.
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    SPARKY1922SPARKY1922 Posts: 5,965 Member
    Great stories and pictures everyone :)

    I have only just finished decorating (without cc for now almost unheard of for me to do-) a wonderful house that @Rflong7 created in her Llama Island and moved my family in the fanciest lot in town where they promptly had their first baby and then threw their first house party to celebrate.

    While I have been p[laying/organising in this world I only noticed for the first time today Will wrights face in the mountain-)


    My sims had the baby before the housewarming party :)


    The housewarming party didn't go as well as hoped but at least everyone got to drink/eat and be merry..


    Maybe guests thought they were being ignored while the host went to catch the last rays of sun on his beach :)


    I apologize for the quality of the pictures I am not sure whats going on there..everyone else's pics look less great and mine look blurry yet my game does not look like that?


    I totally understand what you mean regards getting bored lately but i think mine is due to needing to sift through 6 hard drives of stuff and organize all my mods and CC properly for S2 & S3 games as every-time I want to test something I have to scroll through a ton of saves in various folders before finding whatever it is I need and it's starting to get me down.
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    DevalaousDevalaous Posts: 1,286 Member
    SPARKY1922 wrote: »
    I apologize for the quality of the pictures I am not sure whats going on there..everyone else's pics look less great and mine look blurry yet my game does not look like that?

    if your using the ingame screencap feature, it seems to always output tiny resolution pictures, as that resolution was the norm back then. Most people use tools to capture the ingame interface at their native resolution to work around this, which is why you usually see the hud and stuff.

    Rebuilding Sims 2 inside Sims 3 one lot and sim at a time.

    See my Sims 3 studio for latest progress.
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    SPARKY1922SPARKY1922 Posts: 5,965 Member
    Hi @Devalaous

    I have never bothered with an in-game screencap as taking pics in 3&4 series always looked fine as they were and until today I thought 2 pics were okay.. :s

    I am playing the S2 ultimate collection on win 10 and have Microsoft paint and something called Infraview64 but have never used either much and presume from the way you worded in-game I need a different program to those?

    I was wondering if you could recommend something that's easy to learn and use for me to start with? I would need to be able to use whatever program it is across 2 separate hard drives I take in game pics from. Windows 7 non internet hard drive is S3 disc game pics which I transfer over to windows 10 to post on them on Imgur and win 10 for taking sims 2 & 4 pics.
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    Sorak4Sorak4 Posts: 3,940 Member
    SPARKY1922 wrote: »
    Hi @Devalaous

    I have never bothered with an in-game screencap as taking pics in 3&4 series always looked fine as they were and until today I thought 2 pics were okay.. :s

    I am playing the S2 ultimate collection on win 10 and have Microsoft paint and something called Infraview64 but have never used either much and presume from the way you worded in-game I need a different program to those?

    I was wondering if you could recommend something that's easy to learn and use for me to start with? I would need to be able to use whatever program it is across 2 separate hard drives I take in game pics from. Windows 7 non internet hard drive is S3 disc game pics which I transfer over to windows 10 to post on them on Imgur and win 10 for taking sims 2 & 4 pics.

    ShareX is great for that, it's completely configurable and has an area crop option as well as a way to right click and upload images (or do it automatically) I use it a ton. Organises screenshots automatically too with folders by date!
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    DevalaousDevalaous Posts: 1,286 Member
    I play Sims 2 in windowed mode (you have to modify the shortcut to have -w after it to do this, unlike the Stories games) with an app called Borderless Gaming that forces it to use modern borderless fullscreen, making alt-tabbing much faster and more reliable; I simply use the printscreen key on the game window then paste it into MS Paint :D Captures the full 1080p image. Then I just upload that pic to somewhere and post it
    Rebuilding Sims 2 inside Sims 3 one lot and sim at a time.

    See my Sims 3 studio for latest progress.
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    SPARKY1922SPARKY1922 Posts: 5,965 Member

    Thanks very much for that info i will go take a look :)

    Thanks also @Devalaous

    I hate windowed mode with a vengeance (don't know why-) I just love my full screen so I will try it another way for now but thanks for your help it got me on the right road :)
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    Rflong7Rflong7 Posts: 36,590 Member
    Hi :)
    I use One Drive on Win10 to Alt+PrtScrn and it will save to the One Drive (if set up). It numbers them and all.
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    SPARKY1922SPARKY1922 Posts: 5,965 Member
    Hi @Rflong7

    I suppose I could try one drive on windows 10 (does one drive enhance the pictures taken in 2?) but then i would still need to use something else for windows 7 (non internet)

    You are wearing my favorite headgear and slippers again :)
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    Rflong7Rflong7 Posts: 36,590 Member
    Hi @Rflong7

    I suppose I could try one drive on windows 10 (does one drive enhance the pictures taken in 2?) but then i would still need to use something else for windows 7 (non internet)

    You are wearing my favorite headgear and slippers again :)

    Oh, right. You're on Win7. :(
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    SPARKY1922SPARKY1922 Posts: 5,965 Member
    edited November 2020

    can you tell me what maximum size pics i can post on these threads please? I am only on windows 7 for my sims 3 disc game at the moment. Sims 2 is also situated on the win 7 hard drive as well but right now at the ultimate sims 2 plays fine on windows 10 I am sticking with that for now.

    Hi @Sorak4

    I have downloaded ShareX and gone into settings and it's great that i can now set the pics to be taken in game as jpeg as that makes things easier however the pics I have taken after downloading shareX are exactly the same size as I posted above so I want to make them bigger but cannot find a pic resize feature in any of the info dropdown panels so I am wondering if you know how to do that?


    it does not matter how much i change the pixel size on my photos they will barley go any bigger than the ones I posted above?
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    Rflong7Rflong7 Posts: 36,590 Member
    edited November 2020

    can you tell me what maximum size pics i can post on these threads please? I am only on windows 7 for my sims 3 disc game at the moment. Sims 2 is also situated on the win 7 hard drive as well but right now at the ultimate sims 2 plays fine on windows 10 I am sticking with that for now.


    Mine are captured at 1912x1053 because I play in Window mode. They're uploaded to Imgur and then posted here. I believe the site makes them fit if they're too big.

    This is a 600x400 in game picture (large setting).

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    SPARKY1922SPARKY1922 Posts: 5,965 Member

    Apologizes I sent you a message because I did not want to derail this thread going off topic but we must have been posting at the same time-) from what you have written it appears you take your pics the same way as @Devalaous mentioned above in windowed mode which I don't play in so can i only get bigger pics by playing in windowed mode then?

    Apologies to everyone on the thread for going off topic here :)
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    Sorak4Sorak4 Posts: 3,940 Member
    edited November 2020
    SPARKY1922 wrote: »

    can you tell me what maximum size pics i can post on these threads please? I am only on windows 7 for my sims 3 disc game at the moment. Sims 2 is also situated on the win 7 hard drive as well but right now at the ultimate sims 2 plays fine on windows 10 I am sticking with that for now.

    Hi @Sorak4

    I have downloaded ShareX and gone into settings and it's great that i can now set the pics to be taken in game as jpeg as that makes things easier however the pics I have taken after downloading shareX are exactly the same size as I posted above so I want to make them bigger but cannot find a pic resize feature in any of the info dropdown panels so I am wondering if you know how to do that?


    it does not matter how much i change the pixel size on my photos they will barley go any bigger than the ones I posted above?

    That might entirely depend on your game resolution for saving screenies then, since ShareX's default printscreen would save your full monitor (or all of them if multi-monitor) and any alt + prnt screens would save the entire application window. I play mine in 1920x1080 + borderless (due to Sims2RPC on MTS) so general an average Screenshot should look like this res wiseDLk8dea.jpeg
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    SPARKY1922SPARKY1922 Posts: 5,965 Member
    @Sorak4 thank you so much for your help :)

    silly silly me I was still pressing C instead of print screen in game after downloading ShareX and had not realized until you just posted again and mentioned print screen in your post lol so here is Sharex actually working as it should :)


    Thank you everyone for your input on this I can now post S2 pics a reasonable size and once again apologies for derailing the thread for a little while until I got it sorted :)

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    DevalaousDevalaous Posts: 1,286 Member
    SPARKY1922 wrote: »
    I hate windowed mode with a vengeance (don't know why-) I just love my full screen so I will try it another way for now but thanks for your help it got me on the right road :)

    As do I. Sims 4 actually has borderless fullscreen if you have it and want to see what it actually does. Its essentially windowed mode that pretends its full screen, its very good for multi-tasking and streaming as theres no lag when swapping windows. Ever since I found an app that forces anything in windowed mode to use this new tech, ive been applying it to all my games that can support it, including Sims 2, all three Stories games, and Sims 3/Medieval. Doesnt work on games hardcoded with a certain resolution sadly.
    Rebuilding Sims 2 inside Sims 3 one lot and sim at a time.

    See my Sims 3 studio for latest progress.
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    Demery27Demery27 Posts: 222 Member
    I played my Old Folks Facility household which consists of The Goodies and The Bordelli's, Herb and Coral Have since died. Nadine who runs the facility just had a baby girl, who she Named Lettie her husband Cale got fired from his job. I used the newspaper cheat, to put him back in his job and he has gotten two promotions since then. I took Sanjay and Priya out the Bin and placed them in the Tinker household, since I sent Melody to college all four adults have become fast friends. Wanda is thriving in the Education career while Stephen is doing the same in the law enforcement career I assigned Sanjay and Priya in their Respective Careers according to their lifetime wishes.
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    Sorak4Sorak4 Posts: 3,940 Member
    edited November 2020
    I took a break from playing Tara DeBateu and many of the game Sims I added in Belladonna while rebuilding from a corrupted save. Which for one of the things here is redoing what my old neighbourhood was like...
    That 2nd one right there is a want I will not tolerate any Sim having, so of course I built a sutible punishment chamber out of Justins bedroom where he has to be surrounded by a wall of mirrors showing his deprication, smell complaints keep him awake and the minifridge is the only source of food. His parents also grew to outright hate him really quickly as I tripled sped through a week at the Clevelands.


    Call it Karma or just plain irony but Justins own father ended up wanting him drunk.

    Instead after all this chaos I decided I wanted to focus on a Sim University away from all the horrors of BDC. I picked La Fiesta Tech since it sounded nice.

    I seldom play Premades but I didn't have enough creativity at the time to create a group in CAS. So I gravitated towards Tom Freshe and Emily Lee. Most of their first half at Uni was normal aside from someone wanting to spend the duo's term allotment on paintings
    And what looked like one of the mascots wanting Tom drunk

    That is, it was pretty tame until Emily Lee met Roxie. Que instant "wow they look good" and flirting. I decided I'll roll with it. Sure they made out, but they're totes only best friends.

    Did you know that
    I never would've guessed she did like to indeed shop.

    Then I realised Roxie's aspiration. She's a romance Sim... That's rare. I seldom use those so I figured I would roll with that too and try out a storyline where she'll settle down a little post university.

    Didn't know the cooks could cause fires.

    The rest of the trios time at Uni was a bit normal so I didn't really save any screenshots, aside from the fact a knowledge Sim wanted to woohoo multiple people. That's... New? Oh and she also wanted to get engaged so eventually that question was popped on the day of graduation.

    Fortunately due to graduating Uni they all both walked out with extremely high skills, lots of friends and could basically cruise through their eventual careers. I didn't want to instantly pick a random career I saw and went for what was on their LTW. Roxie wanted the show career, Emily wanted to be a spy. Strange choice for someone I always thought would be an artist, but I rolled with that too!

    Roxie got two chance cards that gave around 30k and 50k each, as well as one earlier in her career that got her demoted just to get her promoted straight after walking back to work midday effectively doubling her pay.

    I didn't even think romance Sims could want to marry or even adopt a child. Nethertheless, I rolled with that too. They adopted a boy called Michael. And the marrige itself even gave her green memories instead of the usual red for a romancer.

    After all of this I decided she needed a secondary aspiration and despite the clashes in concept the fact she's been getting those wants. I got her to go Romance/Family.

    ...Don't trust nannie's either, this one kept being a huuuge problem whenever she turned up. Couldn't even dismiss her for the day until the 5th try because she kept trying to insult poor Emily

    Their son Michael looks pretty cool to say the least now he's aged to teenhood. Possibly the best Sim I've ever adopted.

    I still haven't figured out where Tom Freshe will go after he graduated, but knowing me he'll probably find a hot guy or become a crazy dog guy
    Post edited by Sorak4 on
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    Sorak4Sorak4 Posts: 3,940 Member
    edited November 2020
    Back to Belladonna Cove. This'll recap a few days of playing and introduce some characters!
    After recreating my current one last wek and trying to get it back to par. I decided to give the picture for it a new spin. Rather than random households it focuses on some of the more "important" Sims and a little reference to my original neighbourhood

    I decided to try and get Tara this time to run a business, originally there was a certain someone that used to run it, but I felt a rich business man giving a loan out to his daughter was the perfect excuse to get a business running. Also would be nice to try and go for a rank 10 business since I never did before. Her smug area threatens me.

    Justin... May have became a zombie from all his time being trapped in that punishment room, turns out noise/smell complaints overwrite everything in their action que including the basic need to eat, and of course the mess couldn't be cleaned up. Endless complaints leads to a dead Justin eventually.

    I wanted to get my Witch to befriend the same Vampire she used to live with on the old neighbourhood. Old habits never change for me.

    Once I got them to move in, it was almost the same feeling as before just two BFFs and their dog, even if the Witch used to be a Warlock. (Just had to get mods to disable sudden vampire biting because it was ultra difficult to keep her fangs away from necks otherwise)

    Oddlyt enough my dog was most of the home's income, amazing how well my dog remembers these things.

    This townie has seen everything. She probably doesn't want to say anything.

    Let's give a very sad consolation to this burgular who stood in one spot while Tara had enough time to wake up, get changed and walk downstairs just to attack them. They didn't even make it to the 2nd floor of the apartment.
    On the brightside it doesn't leave the burgular memory either!

    Would I? Firstly you're an adult, and she's a teen (and will always be). Secondly I'm running a business trying to deal with all the chaos, thirdly this is the business phone not the personal phone. (Also surprising Tara wants to befriend the burgular she manhandled earlier)

    OOokay, Tara's face was how I felt too. A robot calling a company phone to ask if someones home?

    Confused witch realises she may have flew into the White hardhat fight club

    Is this an Undercover police sting?

    And at last to recap the most recent event, I got my first ever 10 star Business. Tara got silver restocking, gold sales and register by the end all by herself dealing with the most crazy, creepy and odd Sims. Surprisingly 2 best of awards back to back.


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