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The Drifter Challenge - House 001 - Rules


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    Glimmer50Glimmer50 Posts: 2,365 Member
    Thanks Vihisha :) I love yellow and black.

    Okay well it has finally happened. The heir- Caleb is a Young Adult and Peyton lived to see his birthday. She is now 108 years old and at level 9 of her career. At the end, the house was worth $56,456. Her and Caleb have many happy memories and had fun at the end since they could just enjoy their time together. Game Saved. (Actually I moved him out and saved it under House 001 in case I fail house 002).

    So, Caleb has moved out onto Crick Cabana and will start his life. On to House 002. :) Not sure how I am going to approach this challenge yet. Finding the necessities and a girl friend is number one on his list of priorities. He has tons of skills that are level one LOL. Seems he was OCD or something. Debating whether I want him to work- maybe. We will see how that goes. I just know I have to make major progress on the house before my hypothetical baby is a child. Then work like mad to get Outdoor Enthusiast done. Then probably have to get my job back I lose ...ahhh I am way ahead of myself here. Okay on to the challenge LOL.
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    VihishaVihisha Posts: 2,767 Member
    @Glimmer50 YEAY!!! Happy birthday Caleb!! So glad 2 hear that Peyton was still living as well =)
    Very nice job on the house net worth & I'm glad u enjoyed playing the waiting game...u could finally just relax & enjoy the family =)

    Your #1 priorities sound like a good jumping off point! I hope u enjoy House 002! Good luck, my friend! =)
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    VihishaVihisha Posts: 2,767 Member
    Added a new Drifter-Blogger 2 the list!
    They've got a great story going so far =)
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    VihishaVihisha Posts: 2,767 Member
    *Moved From The Main Drifter Thread*
    Fennadev wrote: »
    Here comes my pick spam kk
    This is your first picture of Guusje Mol and yes she is pregnant here.
    My house at that moment, nope, no roof yet bcos I still needed to add more space
    The inside, nothing too much actually, reminds me that I still need to pay my bills
    Huge belly and an upstairs I added.
    Da baby room
    Downstairs at the moment

    And I decided I wanted a little bit of a bigger family this time, so I tried getting Guusje pregnant again, I myself don't even know if it worked at the moment, gonna find out when she wakes up. The baby's name is George(bcos Guusje is with a G)
    Fennadev wrote: »
    I got Guusje pregnant again and this time...
    We saw a ghost
    Talked a bit with our son, George
    And George got not one, but two baby brothers to play with.

    I think I am gonna use bunkbeds to fit the twins in the room, bcos it's just so tiny. It's the baby room together with the unused space next to it.

    Edit; I just saw where the bunk beds are from, and it's a pity bcos now I can't have them, last time I installed a mod of modthesims my game crashed so badly that my laptop decided to restart itself and it didn't come further than it's boot menu. But luckily it worked again after turning it off completely.
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    VihishaVihisha Posts: 2,767 Member
    *Moved From The Main Drifter Thread*
    Rawla wrote: »
    Here is my challenge Sim for the 1st challenge. His name is Abel Painter.
    Abel and his new bride share a bench to sleep in for the first night of their marriage. No woohoo for them. lol
    Edit: Her name is Liberty Lee.
    Here is what their lot looks like currently with their newborn daughter Destiny's bassinet near the painting easel.
    Rawla wrote: »
    Abel's daughter, Destiny, aged up into a child. She turned out cute I think. I love her eyes.
    Rawla wrote: »
    Vihisha wrote: »
    @Rawla Abel has neat eyes & I love his chiseled cheek & jaw bones...I'm not good @ doing faces like that...but I REALLY think he's handsome!
    Awe...good 'ole Liberty Lee =) I think your lot is coming along quite nicely!! That random name generator is MY friend LOL...I use it ALL the time...I just wish there was a random aspiration & traits button yanno!? BTW Destiny is a very pretty young lady. THX sooo much 4 sharing your journey so far & the's a joy 2 c them =)

    @Vihisha - Thanks so much! I had fun making him. I deleted what I had built so far and re-did the floorplan. The house looks MUCH better now. I wish there was a random aspiration/traits button too. Thanks for the compliment of Destiny's looks. She's rather horrible in school though. She has never done homework once. Naughty girl. lol I'm having a lot of fun. Abel is becoming VERY good at painting and is level 9 now. He's made some masterpieces that has really helped the family funds. Liberty Lee has not gotten a promotion yet. I think its because of her ever constant emotion of discomfort when she goes to work. We'll get there eventually... maybe... I hope. lol

    Oh! And Liberty is pregnant with her second child. I thought it would be nice for Destiny to have a little sibling. :)

    Here is a look at the home as it looks now. Sorry for the nighttime pics. Current Lot Value: $16,154


    edit: INSIDE PIC (below) IS RIGHT AFTER CONSTRUCTION. There have been additions in furniture and a few privacy walls in the bathroom since this pic was taken. Sorry


    Edit 2:

    Here is the updated inside pic of Abel's home that he is building and furnishing for his family.

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    VihishaVihisha Posts: 2,767 Member
    *Moved From The Main Drifter Thread*
    Rawla wrote: »
    Destiny is a teenager now. One more life stage and I can begin Drifter Challenge 002! I'm excited. I have a few QUESTIONS.

    1. I created a detached exercise room for the house. Is this allowed?
    2. Can we enter our non-playable Sims' aspiration rewards and buy them rewards with points they might have gained on their own?
    3. I know I had another question but... I forgot what it was. :p


    Destiny Painter and her little sister Crystal Painter.



    Vihisha wrote: »
    @Rawla Glad 2 hear you've got that focused stuff going so your kiddos will do homework =) Gratz on house value met....I can't wait 2 c it!! Happy teen years Destiny!! 13 Sim days or so & you're off into House 002!! Wooo!! BTW..both girls r just lovely!
    Answers 2 your questions:
    1. Yes..adding a detached work out room is perfectly fine...MINIMUM requirements is that the house is a 2-bedroom 1-bath place...ANYTHING that u add on top of that is fair game =)
    2. U may not purchase any rewards using your non playable Sims points....only the main Sim...good news is....if u have any points on Destiny @ the start of House 002..u may use them then
    3. :p I'm so forgetful, myself...I had 2 double check that u didn't actually HAVE another question LOL
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    VihishaVihisha Posts: 2,767 Member
    *Moved From The Main Drifter Thread*
    Rawla wrote: »
    Here is the home. I put it up on the exchange. Agave Adobe - Download


    EDIT: I have since altered a few items within the home. The structure is still the same though. I put the easel in the front right room along with a nice array of inspiring aura lights. In the livingroom against the back wall (right) I now have a desk with computer. I exchanged the floor lamps in the parent's bedroom with bedside tables and lamps. I removed the child's mirror in the kid's room as it made it look cluttered.

    Should I upload the latest version of the home?

    Latest inside pic:
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    VihishaVihisha Posts: 2,767 Member
    *Moved From Main Drifter Thread*
    SimmerPT wrote: »
    @Rawla I'm actualy doing a Let's Play of this challenge on Youtube (h ttps://, if you don't find it just look for Simmer Pt.
    I have uploaded 5 episodes so far and I recorded part 6 today, and it is a good one. Probably it will be up tomorrow.

    But if you want a "small" story here it is:
    My founder's name is Marnie Stanley and she moved to Agave Abode when she won a TV giveaway. So she started a new life in Oasis Springs.
    She always dreamed of being a professional chef and so as soon as she arrived at her new lot she applied for a cooking job as an Assistant dishwasher. This would be a way to make money and maybe someday have a beautiful house were she would raise her future family.
    Her first day was rough! She had no money so she decided to go and collect some stuff around the neighborhood. She managed to get a few things, which she sold to a local collector she casually met there on the street. She just kept this cute little frogs because the collector guy told her that if she breeds them and gets more frogs, she should be able to sell the little ones for quite a bit of money.
    The following days were not easy as well but with a lot of running around collecting and working hard, she managed to save some money and she also got promoted at her job. She was now the Head Dishwasher!!!
    So now that Marnie was getting some money she felt more confident and she wanted to meet some people (of the male kind). Because she didn't have a car to go around other parts of town, she just started introducing herself to the new neighbors that walked across her street. One fine day she was talking with her new friend Ace, then she saw the most handsome guy she ever met. So she asked Ace if he knew him. His answer was that he was a new guy in town, and he came to Oasis Springs for a job as a musician at the local bar. Marnie was so head over heels for this "Adonis" that she quickly asked Ace to introduce him before he left.
    They met (His name was Johan) and the conversation was actually flowing very well, Marnie's romantic side was overflowing and she quickly asked a few cheeky questions and she found out he was single and he was loking for some place to stay. Marnie told him that she might like a roommate to share the bills and the days so they exchanged numbers to talk latter about it and said goodbye.
    The next day Marnie was so excited that she couldn't wait, so she called him. He quickly answered and he said that he would very much like to see her again. In the afternoon, he showed up and before they knew it they hit it of. Some romance was in the air and a first kiss occurred. He confessed that he also liked her very much and they should get to know each other better. They agreed he should move in, because he really didn't have anywhere to sleep and Marnie was more than welcome to share a bed with this homeless guy.
    After a few days of getting to know each other and sleeping in the same bed, Johan made a few attempt to get it to the next level. Their first woohoo was amazing (and unprotected). Marnie was worried. She might be carrying Johan's baby because of this distraction! At the same time she was happy, because she knew that even if she was. Johan loved her and he would stay trough it all with her!!!

    Hope you like it (Shhh! secretly I'm a closeted storyteller)
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    VihishaVihisha Posts: 2,767 Member
    *Moved From The Drifter Main Thread*
    MsPrissy88 wrote: »



    So! When we last left the Wilder household, Devon - Joe's girlfriend - was pregnant. She was already in her 2nd trimester. And even though she was already big as a house, I could only assume that she would get even bigger once she reached her 3rd trimester! Oh my gawwwwwd!! I was not ready for - nor, expecting to see - just how big Devon had really gotten! Ok. A few more (sim) days go by, and she now goes into labor! :o I'm trying to send her TO the hospital, and all **she** wants to do is sleep! lol I finally get her to go -- sending Joe with her. This is the scene in front of the hospital....


    He's going nuts, while she's just in agonizing pain. :p

    We next follow Devon into the hospital, where she and the doctor get her set up in the delivery room. I "shot" two videos, but haven't put them together. I'll just have to make a new post when I get those done. Because, this is the FIRST TIME I have ever had this happen in my game since day 1.....


    T W I N S !!! As you can see, I had to put their names because I thought the game had gone wonky there for a bit! Obviously, it didn't. ha ha
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    VihishaVihisha Posts: 2,767 Member
    *Moved From The Main Drifter Thread*
    MsPrissy88 wrote: »
    Ok. How 'bout a little game update??

    Last we checked into the Wilder household, the twins were born and Joe and Devon were still enjoying their little bundles. Although, Devon NEVER fed them! Joe was doing all the bottle feeding. Joe had given the boys his last name so they would have no trouble inheriting what was truly theirs. And this seemed like the perfect time for Joe to finally tie the knot! Yeah -- In some people's minds eye, now that the "damage" has been done, why would you even want to consider getting married? Well... It is the right thing to do. ;) So, Joe and Devon, late one night, were down in their basement when he had the brilliant thinking of proposing to her and they just immediately eloped.


    Days go on, Joe is still working late hours and bringing home the bacon. Pretty soon it will be time for the boys to age up! Which they did. That's Jayden - the heir - on the right. Trying to play a trick on his (few minutes younger) twin, Bryson. But the two of them really get along.


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    VihishaVihisha Posts: 2,767 Member
    edited June 2015
    *Moved From The Main Drifter Thread*
    MsPrissy88 wrote: »
    FINALLY! My twins have finally aged up to a teen. I was going crazy just doing the same things over and over and.... I even have a new image to show y'all....


    Jayden is on the right. Although I am going to take the twins into CAS and change up their clothes (and looks) a little.
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    VihishaVihisha Posts: 2,767 Member
    *Moved From Main Drifter Thread*
    Glimmer50 wrote: »
    Deleted post. I had one extra bathroom but I deleted it to fit the challenge.

    Okay so I have 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom plus a small studio I use so she can paint. Is that going to disqualify my house for House 001 challenge? In other-words, does that make me fail the challenge? I can remove the room and just let it be part of the bedroom. Right now I just have an opening between it and the master bedroom. Not a door. Excuse the mess.

    Since a picture is worth a thousand words:

    MsPrissy88 wrote: »

    Hi! :#

    As far as I can see, your house is fine the way it is right now! I see the empty room on the left... Will that be the second bedroom? The art room is ok. The rules stated that you must build a two **bedroom**, one bathroom house. When you are finished building and putting everything you want in it, the total cost of the house BEFORE depreciation should be $30,000 or more.

    Hope this helps! :#

    Edit: I see you have a baby already? Did you remember to have your sim -- the one you PLAY WITH -- move a random sim into your house, and *then* woohoo to get the baby?? (just curious)
    Glimmer50 wrote: »
    Yes the second bedroom on the left is the child's bedroom. The Sim I play with-Peyton Banks is married to a Sim she met on the street-Kason. So yeah, he was random, then they had their child. Now, he is an elder and she is an adult and the baby is a child...that all happened in one day LOL. I just hope nobody dies before the child is a young adult.

    Wedding Photo:

    Oh I thought the house had to be 30 grand after depreciation. That is going to be tough anyway. Right now it is worth around 17 grand. But as you can see there is not much in it. I have to do a lot of decorating still. Also she can not complete her aspiration because she is a painter- they need to be able to go to a museum to view paintings which doesn't exist so I am trying to fly her up the job ranks. Luckily he came with a job- not much of one but at least it is something- he is a cook (forget his actual job title) but I can't control him so he never cooks but he does watch the cooking channel. I just wish he would cook something.
    Glimmer50 wrote: »
    Annnnd since I am showing photos. Here is one where she found out she was pregnant. I love this picture. She looks absolutely thrilled doesn't she? LOL

    Glimmer50 wrote: »
    Oh and here is one where she popped the question. I was thrilled when he said yes:
    Vihisha wrote: »
    @Glimmer50 Heeeey!! So glad 2 c some pics of your Drifter happenings. The house requirements r just the u can expand the house as much as u desire beyond that! U r so NOT disqualified from the challenge =) As long as u have @ least 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom...& the house net worth is $30,000 simoleons AFTER depreciation...then you're good on that goal. O my goodness...her reaction 2 being're right...a picture IS worth a thousand words LOL
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    VihishaVihisha Posts: 2,767 Member
    *Moved From Main Drifter Thread*
    Glimmer50 wrote: »
    I am playing this challenge like crazy. I can't seem to stop. Friday I was off work and played for over 12 hours LOL. I am addicted. Oh I have a question: What happens if SHE dies since she was the sim I started with and the child hasn't hit YA yet? Because he has 13 days to get to teen and she has 20 and will hit elder. Then he will have something like 20 before he hits YA so she might die before that happens. So, it is possible she will live to see him hit YA but she might not.

    Oh and just a side note. They were married when she got pregnant :) . I was reading the rules as I played. I don't see anything in there about the main Sim dying though before the heir hits YA.
    Glimmer50 wrote: »
    One more photo or two: Kasen as an elder. He looks better as an elder LOL.

    One more: This is Caleb, who grew into a child on the same day.

    He didn't have a bed so she had to paint and sell a picture and garden to afford a bed. :) Geez, I need some more lights in this house. Sorry for the dark pictures.
    Vihisha wrote: »
    As far as things go if the main Sim dies before the heir reaches YA....u CAN still beat this challenge. House Net worth will need 2 b decently above that $30k mark & heir will have 2 autonomously make it 2 the YA stage. It IS doable...but you've got 2 have all your ducks in a row. Once the main Sim has's completely auto-pilot on your part...things will break...accidents will happen..bills will go unpaid...& you'll just have 2 sit there & watch it (Speed 3 heh). Kasen looks GREAT as an elder =) Great pics...keep me/us posted. Good luck, my friend!!
    Glimmer50 wrote: »
    Thanks for the quick answer. Yeah I do use speed 3 when she is at work and Kason and Caleb are by themselves but sometimes it is funny to watch what they do since I am not controlling them. Like Kason decided to sleep outside on the park bench instead of his bed LOL. Not sure why. They guy is evil but I love his laugh. It cracks me up every time. I would have never played an evil person before but when all was breaking around them, and she was dragging he was laughing up a storm LOL. Poor Peyton.

    I am racing the clock right now to get that house up to speed before she becomes an elder. 20 days. I think it can be done. Worse case: I will try again. I love this challenge so I WILL beat it.
    Vihisha wrote: »
    U betcha @Glimmer50 ! I try & stay up w/giving answers etc. as soon as I'm able. I know if it was me playing someone's challenge & I was "stuck" I wouldn't wanna' wait around forever 4 an answer lol.
    Sim logic: Have a perfectly good bed Decides 2 sleep on wooden bench outside
    I've never played an evil Sim either..but their laughs r quite evil sounding
    Good luck on getting your house value up...u got this! =)
    Overjoyed 2 hear that u love this means I must have done something right!! =)
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    VihishaVihisha Posts: 2,767 Member
    *Moved From Main Drifter Thread*
    MsPrissy88 wrote: »
    Hey Vih! Did you see the post about the twins reaching the teenager stage?? Yup!! (you'll have to scroll up) I had also mentioned that I was going to take them into CAS and change up their outfits and hair. I didn't do anything to their looks! So now I would like to RE-introduce you to Jayden and Bryson Wilder.... teenage boys. **Jayden - my heir - is on the right in the pics.

    Listening intently to their mother, Devon.


    Having a laugh after Jayden told a joke.

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    RawlaRawla Posts: 7,495 Member
    I love that you collected all of the fun 001 house happenings here. Thanks!
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    VihishaVihisha Posts: 2,767 Member
    THX @Rawla thought it might make things a bit easier 4 those browsing specifics on the house mini-challenges & such! :smile:
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    VihishaVihisha Posts: 2,767 Member
    *Moved From The Drifter Main Page*
    Dglbr1969 wrote: »
    Hi All, it has been a while since I posted pics, hope I remember how to do it :blush: Anyway, fingers crossed pics of my house will magically appear on the screen. I am quite proud of it and although I don't build much I enjoyed the journey, will definately save and upload, but will remove the plants before I do just in case it blows somebody's aspirations :smiley:

    The Drifter Challenge House 001

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    RawlaRawla Posts: 7,495 Member
    Thanks for moving these things over @Vihisha :smiley:
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    VihishaVihisha Posts: 2,767 Member
    U betcha! I hope it will help everyone share & c the goings-ons!!
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    AllieMacAllieMac Posts: 925 Member
    edited September 2016
    Show-N-Tell Time... STARTING TO DRIFT

    Here's my first full build for Sims 4. House 001 Exterior.

    Home of Allera (founder) Drifter, her husband Zion, and daughters, Blondie & Blanche.

    Note the extensive landscaping. hehe


    The Kitchen. (Which I absolutely love). That's Blanche, Blondie's younger sister, wondering why no one cleaned up the water on the kitchen floor.

    Rotating around the Great Room. Hi again Blanche!

    That's teenager Blondie with her mother, Allera. I think the nook where the couch & TV are is just screaming for a black baby grand piano. Maybe one day.

    Close-up to show the rest of the brick. Might be time to have a talk with Allera about age-appropriate clothing.

    This table was originally the only seating in the house. I removed it at one point, but it looked odd with it gone.

    Staircase behind the bar.

    Little half bathroom.

    Blanche's room. I didn't spend a lot of time decorating the upstairs. In fact most was just dropped and forgotten. hehe

    Blondie's room. The bathroom is for the girls to share. And that's their Dad Zion in Blondie's bed.

    The Master Bedroom with connecting Bath. Above the dresser are the girls' birth certificates. I tried taking pics with the walls up, but the rooms were too small and the walls to funky for it to work.

    Extra views of the upstairs.

    Anyway, I hope y'all like them and that this wasn't too many to post. :)
    Post edited by AllieMac on
    OriginID: txalikat2
    Drifter Challenge Blog:
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    VihishaVihisha Posts: 2,767 Member
    HEEEEYYY they have a pool out back...never noticed that in the Gallery pics (don't usually do the creations justice)! I LOVE the kitchen & that alcove w/the BIG window & the door...GREAT job! It's nice 2 c the brickwork as the ACCENT walls....again those darn Gallery pics...
    I like where u positioned the staircase. I have yet 2 really construct a multi-lvl home..I really should tackle that! *ponders*
    LOVE the pics...THX 4 sharing them!!
    ~Idea 4 u~ U said that taking a pic w/the walls up was 2 funky & they were 2 small....
    If u use the TAB button 2 take pics in Live Mode...u can usually squeak a nice lookin' pic even in tight quarters :wink:
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    RawlaRawla Posts: 7,495 Member
    Love Love LOVE your house!! :smiley:
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    AllieMacAllieMac Posts: 925 Member
    aww thanks y'all! I really do love the kitchen too. @Rawla if you haven't played with the counters yet, you can see a couple of the types in the kitchen. I spent forever playing with different combinations. Even made some of the little ones blue, but there wasn't enough to get a design I liked, so I stuck with the black.

    I love the big window too and was sooo happy that the game automatically resized it to fill the whole diagonal wall instead of leaving huge gaps on either side. There is another window right in front of the fridge, you can see it from the outside view. I think the door & windows there leading out to the pool is what makes that room work so well. Took me forever to find the right spot for the pot rack too. :) I hate having things block my line of sight, so it's always a balancing act getting it all in there just so. Stairs can be especially tricky. I tend to pick my fav angle of a house and always view it that way.

    I really think I'm going to have to play this house again one day down the road. It seems like the perfect place to hold parties. And I'd like to decorate the downstairs more fully - like adding that piano for starters. I knew while building it that I was going to try to convert it to a starter home, so keep the extras to minimum.

    @Vihisha - I'm glad you noticed the color difference too. I was really surprised when I uploaded it and it looked like the downstairs was all brick. When in reality, there's a ton more blue going on!

    Anyway I'll stop rambling now, except to add... @Vihisha your challenge is the PERFECT way for me to play. I used to build a lot in Sims 2, then not so much in Sims3 bc I would spend an hour just picking out wallpaper for 1 room bc of the color wheel, too many choices, hehe. And when I built a house all at once, I'd get overwhelmed and abandon it before making it look finished. So starting w a blank slate, gaining money bits at a time seems to work perfect for me. While she's out collecting or working etc and I'm watching my extras do their thing, build ideas come in my head and bam it all falls into place seamlessly. I build that one little feature and then wait, get inspired again, so add something, and so on.

    Can't wait to show y'all what I've got going in House 002, it's nothing close to anything I've built before, or EVEN thought of building, it's just building itself. :)

    Ok, I'm really done rambling now.

    OriginID: txalikat2
    Drifter Challenge Blog:
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    VihishaVihisha Posts: 2,767 Member
    <3 it!! Glad that The Drifter Challenge is allowing u the time u need 2 let those creative juices flowing! I guess it's helped a lot more Simmers break out of their shell & actually start building!

    LOVE seeing all the creations!
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    AllieMacAllieMac Posts: 925 Member
    edited September 2016
    Oops meant to add this one, but I missed it. Again this is Blanche. She never outgrew the pool. As a child I was positive she was going to drown, her hunger & energy would be almost completely empty, and she'd keep swimming. Then her Dad would come to give her a hug, she'd get out eat and crawl into bed for a nap, not sleep, just a nap. Silly Simmie.
    Post edited by AllieMac on
    OriginID: txalikat2
    Drifter Challenge Blog:

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