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How Many Will Be Upset If We Type Out LOL?


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    JoAnne65JoAnne65 Posts: 22,959 Member
    Cinebar wrote: »
    JoAnne65 wrote: »
    Cinebar wrote: »
    I loved the lol button. I hated the disagree, just because I felt like it was promoting negativity, but we need the lol button back @SimGuruDrake

    How does me writing disagree and or just pushing a button promote less negativity or are they the same? I'm not quite understanding and I am being serious.
    There is no difference. When someone types 'disagree' without explaining why, it comes across kind of rude and simplistic to me. In a 'your silly post isn't worth to spend a lot of time and words on" way. The only difference is that I can see who says it.
    In fact when I just pressed disagree it was me being kind of rude, not feeling like explaining why. Picture Scrooge with his "Humbug".

    Huh? How is typing out disagree rude? Isn't it up to us how we perceive something? It really is up to us whether we allow others to hurt our feelings and or if something bothers us. But yes, there are times when people have legit reasons to feel angry and outraged by 'words' however, a word is a subjective thing, too. So, if I just write out disagree I'm seen as rude? And you know I really don't want to know who disagrees with me actually if they don't want to debate why and a button is fine. Do you know why? Because that way I will not form any prejudices against them and will never make a mental note who did it. Ignorance is sometimes bliss.
    Meh, rude's too strong. I think I rather meant curt, abruptly. Like I said, it's like Scrooge grumbling 'humbug'. Not rude (I take that back) but not very friendly either. Not very communicative. Why bother telling someone you disagree when you don't explain why? Why would you want to share that information in the first place?

    "Hi there, you with your opinion? I disagree."

    If it sounds as if I hated that button btw and am glad it's gone: I'm not. I didn't care when it was there and I don't care it's gone. I am surprised though the mods apparently allow themselves to get influenced by a few infantile trolls and some very sensitive people. The whole adding buttons, removing them, reintroducing them and removing them again business seems kind of strange to me.
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    nanashi-simsnanashi-sims Posts: 4,142 Member
    Cinebar wrote: »
    Just wondering if typing out lol is as offensive as getting lolled with a button? Not sure where to put this thread since it's not a forum 'suggestion' and doesn't really belong in that area.

    But say you say something and I just write LOL are you going to be offended about that?

    ETA: Or Disagree? What is the difference?

    I type LOL now. No choice. Unfortunately, I end up arguing with people who post replies to my comments and with whom I disagree because I can't simply click disagree and move on. I was so happy to have that button back and now it's gone with the LOL button. I preferred the way SimGuruBChick handled the buttons--she actually asked the community for their feedback and let us vote in a poll :cry:
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    PHOEBESMOM601PHOEBESMOM601 Posts: 14,595 Member
    Cinebar wrote: »
    Cinebar wrote: »
    JoBass24us wrote: »
    To this I can only refer to Stephen Fry. Who I think stated my thoughts on this topic quite eloquently;

    "It's now very common to hear people say, 'I'm rather offended by that.' As if that gives them certain rights, it's actually nothing more....than a whine. 'I find that offensive.' It has no meaning; it has no purpose; it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. 'I'm offended by that.' Well, so what."

    Can I give you my "Greatest post of the day" award?

    No, not in this thread because I can see how that might offend someone (not that it offends me) if we say 'like' to that. Seriously, saying 'like' to that may offend someone.

    Okay I'll remember that in the future. :o

    ETA,,,No I take that back. What I said was completely within forum guidelines.

    If someone doesn't like it......well here.... :p

    Didn't you know like is also offensive? Well, I have read this stuff, too. Example, I say something, you disagree, you get a lot of likes or agrees because you disagreed with me and everyone agreed with you. Bam, I (but never would) get offended because you got more likes for saying something hurtful and or degrading in their eyes.

    Im really confused now. :'(:'(:'(

    "People really love to explore 'failure states. In fact, the failure states are really much more interesting than the success states." ~ Will Wright
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    simgirl1010simgirl1010 Posts: 36,361 Member
    If you saw two adults completely nude having sex on your front lawn would that offend you? Are you saying to be offended has no meaning or the phrase, 'I'm offended', has no meaning.

    For me these days there is just too much attention being paid to the people in the minority that are offended by so much.

    Now I'll risk some gasps and offending people.

    Would I be offended? I might be surprised and then laugh then go about my day. I might call my husband to the window, laugh and say...Oh my god...look at the neighbors. I might take them a blanket. I wouldn't know until it actually happened. Would I call the cops? Unless one of them was harming the other I doubt it. Then again I'm the liberal in a very conservative neighborhood so I'm sure someone else would call the cops. I do have to add I've know a lot of cops in my life and if you stack up the truly horrible things they deal with against being called to that kind of call it would probably make their day. They'd arrest them for being lewd in public or something but they'd probably be laughing inside all the way to the station.

    OMG. Now I have this pic of the next door neighbors in my head. :*
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    PHOEBESMOM601PHOEBESMOM601 Posts: 14,595 Member
    Rflong7 wrote: »
    Rflong7 wrote: »
    No- You may not type out lol or disagree for me. I want to be Awesome'd and Insightful'd so my buttons count increases. :lol:

    If you must type Lol or disagree I would like it in the form of a Lolcat or a Loldog... *included with typing. Sweet and funny gifs which will make me smile, too. But please, no rude gifs. XD

    _I don't care, I just rather have some fun but not in a belittling way. :hugz:

    I disagree that you are not awesome.

    I disagree that you are not right.


    Are you trying to offend me or compliment me? I've always known I'm not quite right.
    "People really love to explore 'failure states. In fact, the failure states are really much more interesting than the success states." ~ Will Wright
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    CinebarCinebar Posts: 33,618 Member
    Rflong7 wrote: »
    No- You may not type out lol or disagree for me. I want to be Awesome'd and Insightful'd so my buttons count increases. :lol:

    If you must type Lol or disagree I would like it in the form of a Lolcat or a Loldog... *included with typing. Sweet and funny gifs which will make me smile, too. But please, no rude gifs. XD

    _I don't care, I just rather have some fun but not in a belittling way. :hugz:

    :'( Every time I try to post a gif it fails. No problem with posting a video or a gif that moves, lol, but just a picture fails every time.
    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.
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    PHOEBESMOM601PHOEBESMOM601 Posts: 14,595 Member
    If you saw two adults completely nude having sex on your front lawn would that offend you? Are you saying to be offended has no meaning or the phrase, 'I'm offended', has no meaning.

    For me these days there is just too much attention being paid to the people in the minority that are offended by so much.

    Now I'll risk some gasps and offending people.

    Would I be offended? I might be surprised and then laugh then go about my day. I might call my husband to the window, laugh and say...Oh my god...look at the neighbors. I might take them a blanket. I wouldn't know until it actually happened. Would I call the cops? Unless one of them was harming the other I doubt it. Then again I'm the liberal in a very conservative neighborhood so I'm sure someone else would call the cops. I do have to add I've know a lot of cops in my life and if you stack up the truly horrible things they deal with against being called to that kind of call it would probably make their day. They'd arrest them for being lewd in public or something but they'd probably be laughing inside all the way to the station.

    OMG. Now I have this pic of the next door neighbors in my head. :*

    Now that just made me spit ice tea all over the front of my shirt!
    "People really love to explore 'failure states. In fact, the failure states are really much more interesting than the success states." ~ Will Wright
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    Rflong7Rflong7 Posts: 36,590 Member
    Rflong7 wrote: »
    Rflong7 wrote: »
    No- You may not type out lol or disagree for me. I want to be Awesome'd and Insightful'd so my buttons count increases. :lol:

    If you must type Lol or disagree I would like it in the form of a Lolcat or a Loldog... *included with typing. Sweet and funny gifs which will make me smile, too. But please, no rude gifs. XD

    _I don't care, I just rather have some fun but not in a belittling way. :hugz:

    I disagree that you are not awesome.

    I disagree that you are not right.


    Are you trying to offend me or compliment me? I've always known I'm not quite right.

    If you're offended with my compliments then I have completely offended you. XD

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    DarleymikeyDarleymikey Posts: 4,047 Member
    Cinebar wrote: »
    You couldn't be more wrong. I'm not trying to weed out who was offended by the buttons and name and shame. See this attitude here and you admitting you have been rude to people and know it, then have the audacity to say it is offensive to hide behind a button of disagree or lol is more than I can comprehend at the moment. You just lolled me all over the place, in your first few lines. But it's o.k. to laugh at me by saying it (which I have seen many do in all the threads) but not o.k. with a button? BTW, I never used the lol button to actually laugh at anyone or to make them feel bad, I only use it if they made a joke.

    Well, if u say so, tho a lot of things being said in this forum certainly implies different intentions. Though, I'm just someone who likes candid honesty.

    Look If ur intentions are as u say and u want to walk on egg shells then go ahead, but I'll also be honest and say that it makes u look weak, because you're essentially saying that ur too scared to say what u really want to say (it's fine if u don't like confrontation, though this thread comes off as very passive aggressive). And, no, I'm not saying that anyone has to be rude in the process. I'll be candid: if u want to walk on egg shells to try not to offend anyone then that's none of my business. If I make an unintentionally or intentionally offensive comment to u, are u not going to tell me that it was rude or offensive or uncalled for because ur walking on eggshells?? And, yes, I've been blatantly offensive to ppl who were blatantly offensive to me, that attitude didn't just come out of the blue.

    I never said it was offensive to hide behind a button. I said that the reasons I might assume they've hit the button could make me feel offended. There's a difference. But so what? What does it matter to anyone if I'm offended that someone hit lol on my super serious post that I think everyone is supposed to agree with because it's so genius? Lol. (I'm laughing at myself)

    I lol'd in my other post because I actually did laugh when I read ur post. Your doing exactly what ur accusing me of doing. I'm talking abt how u asked how would I know the reasons why someone hit lol or disagree, and then went on to say that no one should be offended by it because they don't know the real reasons. I do the same thing that you just did when u mentioned that I lol'd all through my post at you - try to attach a tone to it or try to guess at it based on rereading the post or ask them why or other things to try to determine why. And, guess what? You also called me out on it, so congrats! And you lol'd at me in your post, too.

    I'm not complaining abt and I've never complained abt being disagreed with or lol'd at. Ive gotten a lot of

    I don't know for sure but if I had to guess about her intentions for the thread, it would be to know around whom it is safe to honestly express herself without fear of retribution and being reported as harassing and ending up with her account banned? Nothing wrong with learning who is cool with lol'ing and who might be likely to run to a guru crying

    Yeah, and I call bs on that excuse. It's to shame, laugh at, mock, make fun of the ppl who wanted it removed. I'm not one of them and don't care abt the buttons. I just wish they'd stop changing them so much. It's also, as she claims it's not, to "out" those who might have complained. Sorry if I'm not easily fooled by lies.

    There is no real fear of your account being banned because you lol'ed or disagreed with someone's post, maybe if you're doing it excessively, but if u take her at her word then her charitable self rarely doles them out, so what does she have to worry abt? She doesn't. This thread and that excuse is just a combiner attempt to bully those ppl who wanted the buttons removed. Do u actually believe the excuses your making for her? If so, then I have some edible Fort Knox gold bars to sell you. I hear they're with a fortune. This whole thread and many of her own posts are abt making fun of ppl she seemed too sensitive that they got her precious lol button removed, a button that she said she rarely used.

    Her true intentions are to take her passive aggressive anger out on the ppl whom she feels are responsible for this hugely aggregious offense of getting her lol button removed. I guess since she can't stalk them personally, she'll make fun of them in this thread, and imply that they're so sensitive that she has to walk on egg shells.

    Oh, and, btw, they give u a warning before they ban u.

    Isn't that kind of the truth?

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    PHOEBESMOM601PHOEBESMOM601 Posts: 14,595 Member
    Rflong7 wrote: »
    Rflong7 wrote: »
    Rflong7 wrote: »
    No- You may not type out lol or disagree for me. I want to be Awesome'd and Insightful'd so my buttons count increases. :lol:

    If you must type Lol or disagree I would like it in the form of a Lolcat or a Loldog... *included with typing. Sweet and funny gifs which will make me smile, too. But please, no rude gifs. XD

    _I don't care, I just rather have some fun but not in a belittling way. :hugz:

    I disagree that you are not awesome.

    I disagree that you are not right.


    Are you trying to offend me or compliment me? I've always known I'm not quite right.

    If you're offended with my compliments then I have completely offended you. XD


    Knowing you I'll bet you did it on purpose. :p:p:p

    "People really love to explore 'failure states. In fact, the failure states are really much more interesting than the success states." ~ Will Wright
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    DevilNDisguiseDevilNDisguise Posts: 2,225 Member
    I wouldn't be offended at all. :)
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    Rflong7Rflong7 Posts: 36,590 Member
    Rflong7 wrote: »
    Rflong7 wrote: »
    Rflong7 wrote: »
    No- You may not type out lol or disagree for me. I want to be Awesome'd and Insightful'd so my buttons count increases. :lol:

    If you must type Lol or disagree I would like it in the form of a Lolcat or a Loldog... *included with typing. Sweet and funny gifs which will make me smile, too. But please, no rude gifs. XD

    _I don't care, I just rather have some fun but not in a belittling way. :hugz:

    I disagree that you are not awesome.

    I disagree that you are not right.


    Are you trying to offend me or compliment me? I've always known I'm not quite right.

    If you're offended with my compliments then I have completely offended you. XD


    Knowing you I'll bet you did it on purpose. :p:p:p

    Oh, I see.... you're going There! I got one of the emoji things to use on you, too. 6180743f-1d2e-4741-9fc8-f55bea25ab38_zpsidosi0za.png
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    CinebarCinebar Posts: 33,618 Member
    I wouldn't be offended at all. :)

    :o But you might be the DevilNDesquise, lol

    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.
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    CinebarCinebar Posts: 33,618 Member
    Cinebar wrote: »
    You couldn't be more wrong. I'm not trying to weed out who was offended by the buttons and name and shame. See this attitude here and you admitting you have been rude to people and know it, then have the audacity to say it is offensive to hide behind a button of disagree or lol is more than I can comprehend at the moment. You just lolled me all over the place, in your first few lines. But it's o.k. to laugh at me by saying it (which I have seen many do in all the threads) but not o.k. with a button? BTW, I never used the lol button to actually laugh at anyone or to make them feel bad, I only use it if they made a joke.

    Well, if u say so, tho a lot of things being said in this forum certainly implies different intentions. Though, I'm just someone who likes candid honesty.

    Look If ur intentions are as u say and u want to walk on egg shells then go ahead, but I'll also be honest and say that it makes u look weak, because you're essentially saying that ur too scared to say what u really want to say (it's fine if u don't like confrontation, though this thread comes off as very passive aggressive). And, no, I'm not saying that anyone has to be rude in the process. I'll be candid: if u want to walk on egg shells to try not to offend anyone then that's none of my business. If I make an unintentionally or intentionally offensive comment to u, are u not going to tell me that it was rude or offensive or uncalled for because ur walking on eggshells?? And, yes, I've been blatantly offensive to ppl who were blatantly offensive to me, that attitude didn't just come out of the blue.

    I never said it was offensive to hide behind a button. I said that the reasons I might assume they've hit the button could make me feel offended. There's a difference. But so what? What does it matter to anyone if I'm offended that someone hit lol on my super serious post that I think everyone is supposed to agree with because it's so genius? Lol. (I'm laughing at myself)

    I lol'd in my other post because I actually did laugh when I read ur post. Your doing exactly what ur accusing me of doing. I'm talking abt how u asked how would I know the reasons why someone hit lol or disagree, and then went on to say that no one should be offended by it because they don't know the real reasons. I do the same thing that you just did when u mentioned that I lol'd all through my post at you - try to attach a tone to it or try to guess at it based on rereading the post or ask them why or other things to try to determine why. And, guess what? You also called me out on it, so congrats! And you lol'd at me in your post, too.

    I'm not complaining abt and I've never complained abt being disagreed with or lol'd at. Ive gotten a lot of

    I don't know for sure but if I had to guess about her intentions for the thread, it would be to know around whom it is safe to honestly express herself without fear of retribution and being reported as harassing and ending up with her account banned? Nothing wrong with learning who is cool with lol'ing and who might be likely to run to a guru crying

    Yeah, and I call bs on that excuse. It's to shame, laugh at, mock, make fun of the ppl who wanted it removed. I'm not one of them and don't care abt the buttons. I just wish they'd stop changing them so much. It's also, as she claims it's not, to "out" those who might have complained. Sorry if I'm not easily fooled by lies.

    There is no real fear of your account being banned because you lol'ed or disagreed with someone's post, maybe if you're doing it excessively, but if u take her at her word then her charitable self rarely doles them out, so what does she have to worry abt? She doesn't. This thread and that excuse is just a combiner attempt to bully those ppl who wanted the buttons removed. Do u actually believe the excuses your making for her? If so, then I have some edible Fort Knox gold bars to sell you. I hear they're with a fortune. This whole thread and many of her own posts are abt making fun of ppl she seemed too sensitive that they got her precious lol button removed, a button that she said she rarely used.

    Her true intentions are to take her passive aggressive anger out on the ppl whom she feels are responsible for this hugely aggregious offense of getting her lol button removed. I guess since she can't stalk them personally, she'll make fun of them in this thread, and imply that they're so sensitive that she has to walk on egg shells.

    Oh, and, btw, they give u a warning before they ban u.

    Isn't that kind of the truth?

    Never mind quoted the wrong person and stuck with a draft I can't rid of .
    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.
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    Rflong7Rflong7 Posts: 36,590 Member
    Cinebar wrote: »

    Never mind quoted the wrong person and stuck with a draft I can't rid of .

    Delete it all but 1 character and then hit save draft. :)
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    DarleymikeyDarleymikey Posts: 4,047 Member
    Yeah, I do that a lot.
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    CinebarCinebar Posts: 33,618 Member
    Rflong7 wrote: »
    Cinebar wrote: »

    Never mind quoted the wrong person and stuck with a draft I can't rid of .

    Delete it all but 1 character and then hit save draft. :)

    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.
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    CinebarCinebar Posts: 33,618 Member
    Yeah, I do that a lot.

    Argh, it's so annoying sometimes try to grab the right one and click the wrong one. Sorry.
    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.
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    ParyPary Posts: 6,871 Member
    If you saw two adults completely nude having sex on your front lawn would that offend you? Are you saying to be offended has no meaning or the phrase, 'I'm offended', has no meaning.

    I'd throw a bucket of water over them and laugh!
    I wouldn't be offended or anything. I'd probably point and laugh, and call hubs out of the house for him to have a snicker about it too.
    We're easygoing about all kinds of stuff and tend to take most things at face value until someone says differently.

    I simply just don't understand these days why people seem to actively look for things to be offended by. Is it because so many people feel they have to be politically correct all the time? What for? It's ridiculous. I call a shovel a shovel and if people don't like it, it's on them and not me. I'm not going to waste time or insult normal people's intelligence by sugar coating everything with rainbows and glitter. It's childish and dumb.

    As for having to "own" disagrees or LOL's that's the dumbest thing I've read. Why should someone have to "own" it ? Why is it fine to push the sparkle lollipop buttons and it's fine to leave it at that, but if you wish to disagree with someone you have to explain it? That's utter nonsense.

    Also on the topic of language, since everyone is seeming to just LOVE honesty these days - the use of "u" "ur" "plz" "ppl" and all these other dense and foolish chat speak shortcuts for words drive me insane. At least have the decency to write out posts correctly using proper words and correct grammar. Once I see a post like that I just immediately write it off and ignore whatever the user is "trying" to communicate.
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    ScobreScobre Posts: 20,665 Member
    edited October 2015
    Nope, people will disagree and LOL with me as much as they want. I don't care. I have a life and friends outside of forums. I don't need the internet to boost my e-ego.

    But I am using these for posts now. If people are offended by these, then well, I advise talking to a professional for help and getting out of the house more. I'm too sick right now to try to figure out who is offended by disagree and LOLs. It's too much work and if offended by it, take the time to let others know through your signature. Also to say some should be warned or banned for clicking a button is worthy of a big fat LOL. That gets into the stalking and harassment area.
    “Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.” –Helen Keller
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    PHOEBESMOM601PHOEBESMOM601 Posts: 14,595 Member
    Pary wrote: »
    If you saw two adults completely nude having sex on your front lawn would that offend you? Are you saying to be offended has no meaning or the phrase, 'I'm offended', has no meaning.

    I'd throw a bucket of water over them and laugh!
    I wouldn't be offended or anything. I'd probably point and laugh, and call hubs out of the house for him to have a snicker about it too.
    We're easygoing about all kinds of stuff and tend to take most things at face value until someone says differently.

    I simply just don't understand these days why people seem to actively look for things to be offended by. Is it because so many people feel they have to be politically correct all the time? What for? It's ridiculous. I call a shovel a shovel and if people don't like it, it's on them and not me. I'm not going to waste time or insult normal people's intelligence by sugar coating everything with rainbows and glitter. It's childish and dumb.

    As for having to "own" disagrees or LOL's that's the dumbest thing I've read. Why should someone have to "own" it ? Why is it fine to push the sparkle lollipop buttons and it's fine to leave it at that, but if you wish to disagree with someone you have to explain it? That's utter nonsense.

    Also on the topic of language, since everyone is seeming to just LOVE honesty these days - the use of "u" "ur" "plz" "ppl" and all these other dense and foolish chat speak shortcuts for words drive me insane. At least have the decency to write out posts correctly using proper words and correct grammar. Once I see a post like that I just immediately write it off and ignore whatever the user is "trying" to communicate.

    Underwhelmed by overwhelming PC. A woman after my own heart. <3

    And I feel the same way. Text speak on forum posts is just laziness to me. Do you think some people use it on Job applications?

    "People really love to explore 'failure states. In fact, the failure states are really much more interesting than the success states." ~ Will Wright
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    OriginalNameOriginalName Posts: 347 Member
    edited October 2015
    Pary wrote: »
    If you saw two adults completely nude having sex on your front lawn would that offend you? Are you saying to be offended has no meaning or the phrase, 'I'm offended', has no meaning.

    I'd throw a bucket of water over them and laugh!
    I wouldn't be offended or anything. I'd probably point and laugh, and call hubs out of the house for him to have a snicker about it too.
    We're easygoing about all kinds of stuff and tend to take most things at face value until someone says differently.

    I simply just don't understand these days why people seem to actively look for things to be offended by. Is it because so many people feel they have to be politically correct all the time? What for? It's ridiculous. I call a shovel a shovel and if people don't like it, it's on them and not me. I'm not going to waste time or insult normal people's intelligence by sugar coating everything with rainbows and glitter. It's childish and dumb.

    As for having to "own" disagrees or LOL's that's the dumbest thing I've read. Why should someone have to "own" it ? Why is it fine to push the sparkle lollipop buttons and it's fine to leave it at that, but if you wish to disagree with someone you have to explain it? That's utter nonsense.

    Also on the topic of language, since everyone is seeming to just LOVE honesty these days - the use of "u" "ur" "plz" "ppl" and all these other dense and foolish chat speak shortcuts for words drive me insane. At least have the decency to write out posts correctly using proper words and correct grammar. Once I see a post like that I just immediately write it off and ignore whatever the user is "trying" to communicate.

    Agreed with everything you said and agreed x1,000 on the bolded part. Can't remember if it was this thread or one of the ones about the buttons, but someone kept typing with u, ur, plz, etc .... I have no idea what they said, I read two lines and skipped their whole post which was pretty lengthy so they probably had a lot to say. And I'm no grammar 🐸🐸🐸🐸, I realize my grammar is nowhere close to perfect, but pure laziness when you are trying to communicate your point is a pet peeve of mine.

    +1 Awesome to @Pary :smile:
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    ParyPary Posts: 6,871 Member
    Underwhelmed by overwhelming PC. A woman after my own heart. <3

    And I feel the same way. Text speak on forum posts is just laziness to me. Do you think some people use it on Job applications?

    You know, it wouldn't surprise me.
    Wikispaces classroom has an interesting article on it HERE, with a couple of examples of the beginning of a holiday description assignment, and a job application for a summer position by a 15 year old. The essay is one of the worst I've seen.

    Sims 3 Household Exchange - Share your households!
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    InnaLisa Pose Archive
    Devolution of Sims - a once customisable open world sandbox which has become a DLC Party catalog in a shoebox
    I ♡ Pudding
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    ScobreScobre Posts: 20,665 Member
    I will not.

    I don't care if I get LOLed or disagreed with (even though I had the most disagrees via the forum probably...), it does not bother me.
    Colton, that is why I love having you on forums so much. <3 Sending you lots of love through my buttons.

    Forums wouldn't be the same without you. Congrats on freedom too.
    “Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.” –Helen Keller
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    CinebarCinebar Posts: 33,618 Member
    Pary wrote: »
    If you saw two adults completely nude having sex on your front lawn would that offend you? Are you saying to be offended has no meaning or the phrase, 'I'm offended', has no meaning.

    I'd throw a bucket of water over them and laugh!
    I wouldn't be offended or anything. I'd probably point and laugh, and call hubs out of the house for him to have a snicker about it too.
    We're easygoing about all kinds of stuff and tend to take most things at face value until someone says differently.

    I simply just don't understand these days why people seem to actively look for things to be offended by. Is it because so many people feel they have to be politically correct all the time? What for? It's ridiculous. I call a shovel a shovel and if people don't like it, it's on them and not me. I'm not going to waste time or insult normal people's intelligence by sugar coating everything with rainbows and glitter. It's childish and dumb.

    As for having to "own" disagrees or LOL's that's the dumbest thing I've read. Why should someone have to "own" it ? Why is it fine to push the sparkle lollipop buttons and it's fine to leave it at that, but if you wish to disagree with someone you have to explain it? That's utter nonsense.

    Also on the topic of language, since everyone is seeming to just LOVE honesty these days - the use of "u" "ur" "plz" "ppl" and all these other dense and foolish chat speak shortcuts for words drive me insane. At least have the decency to write out posts correctly using proper words and correct grammar. Once I see a post like that I just immediately write it off and ignore whatever the user is "trying" to communicate.

    You know I never thought of that. How come it is o.k. to hit a like and not explain but I have to explain why I disagree? That's brilliant. Heck, half the time I don't even know what those initials mean. lol

    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.
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