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How Many Will Be Upset If We Type Out LOL?


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    simgirl1010simgirl1010 Posts: 36,361 Member
    Rflong7 wrote: »
    Yeah, I stay out of the Happy Topics that just want happy replies. I see the pictures and I get sad, not happy. I would love for my game to look like the edited pictures and that always makes me sad.
    No matter who I ask the pictures are usually edited or heavily modded or their cards are more then I want to spend on this game. So, I stay out of picture topics or happy topics.

    :sigh: It' like I"m looking in but can't enjoy it.


    I never realized some of the pics in the Happy Play thread were edited. I just thought they were random in game screenshots. Maybe I just focus on the story and gameplay more than the actual pics.

    @Pary, thanks for the bumps. :)

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    Rflong7Rflong7 Posts: 36,590 Member
    edited October 2015
    Rflong7 wrote: »
    Yeah, I stay out of the Happy Topics that just want happy replies. I see the pictures and I get sad, not happy. I would love for my game to look like the edited pictures and that always makes me sad.
    No matter who I ask the pictures are usually edited or heavily modded or their cards are more then I want to spend on this game. So, I stay out of picture topics or happy topics.

    :sigh: It' like I"m looking in but can't enjoy it.


    I never realized some of the pics in the Happy Play thread were edited. I just thought they were random in game screenshots. Maybe I just focus on the story and gameplay more than the actual pics.

    @Pary, thanks for the bumps. :)

    I don't know since I haven't gone in that topic, I did say the Happy Topics. There are/were Share your pictures or Favorite Screenshots that are. I go into new ones and then ask about them. :)

    It's okay. I wasn't putting down the people, just stating what I wanted for my Sims 4 game. :mrgreen:
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    ScobreScobre Posts: 20,665 Member
    I try to refrain my opinions from the happy topics too especially if they are following the rules and not flame baiting people. But I do compliment them on their stories and creations. I'm actually finding there is an amazing room artist from the activity page. What they do with lights is really pretty.
    “Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.” –Helen Keller
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    BrittanyChick22BrittanyChick22 Posts: 2,130 Member
    nope. I will just move on even if the person is loling out disagreement. Lol's/disagrees don't keep me up late at night worrying.

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    CinebarCinebar Posts: 33,618 Member
    edited October 2015
    You guys do all realize that it's up to the moderation staff whether button use or a post is abuse etc., right? No forum user makes it so by hitting Flag and reporting. If people are reporting nonabuse, it should be pretty clear to the staff. It's not your definition of appropriate use or mine that matters.

    Edited to fix an autocorrect miss.

    You do realize to the average person this is not going to make sense don't you. And No people I am speaking about me as the average people, not you. Because look here. How can you notice a pattern of abuse if you don't have the tools to see who hit lol on someone's post? Or are if they are following around someone and disagreeing with them and or lolling them?

    So, if someone thought something was truly funny to them (and yes, there are people who find tragedy funny because that's how they deal even have illnesses which make them laugh when they should cry in some cases) then one person gets to report back it was abuse. How can they determine that? And how do they know who hit a lol button or disagree?

    Maybe people really, really didn't like their idea, or their opinion. Maybe hundred people really didn't like it. Go figure. But I will say this, letting the foxes in the hen house to look after the hen house when foxes abuse others, call them names, have called people who disagree with them 'haters' is so very ironic.

    ETA: If you are asked to do something, how can you do it, when you don't have the tools to know who lolled but have to use bias to determine it is not proper to laugh. Who are we to say what someone finds funny?

    ETA: And or are they allowed to read PMs as is rumored here. You know that would make me really, really uncomfortable if other players, my peers get to read everyone's PMs. Not because things are said that shouldn't be said but because that's like spying when they are no better than me.
    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.
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    CinebarCinebar Posts: 33,618 Member
    edited October 2015
    Scobre wrote: »

    Sort of like bug narrowing, yes. If you think there's a pattern and say so, sometimes you're going to be asked to come back when you have more detail. I had that with a noise complaint this summer. I had to track activity for several weeks; the city wouldn't look into it on their own. Same with someone with a big: sometimes they'll be asked to try to reproduce it in the same and different circumstances to see if there's evidence for a bug report. You make it sound like a conspiracy or something, not normal procedure.

    And it still doesn't mean that user decides if it's harassment or a noise bylaw violation or a bug. It's just providing enough evidence, if it exists, for someone else to make that decision.
    I do think it was a bad idea to mention it luthienrising, to name drop themselves. It actually made me use the ignore feature for the first time which I swore I would never do. Tracking buttons is something that should be left to the mods. It isn't something Simmers should do because it does come off as harassment having them come into thread and demand who is disagreeing with them. I'm not going to deny I haven't hit the button before but I never pay attention to username with any of the buttons, but to assume it was ill intent is harassment. But yes I have noticed accounts on the rise with banning and warnings since the button removal. I will never approve of flame baiting and yes I think mentioning it was flame baiting. But it is ok, it isn't something we have to agree on. I just don't like how they set themselves as a target mentioning it in threads and activity page. Helping with bugs actually does help Simmers. If they wanted to help with the button situation then fine, do so silently. Simmers just should not brag about it. I don't like the method that was used like a witch hunt. Anyway it is in SimGuruDrake's hands now. Removing buttons alone will not solve all the trolling and forum rules being broken on this site. But yes there is a distrust in forums right now.

    One thing I must say is the leaderboard has made myself and quite a few others become targets of the trolls. I think the whole point system needs to be overhauled and buttons need to be removed. There has to be another way to get Simmers to become members.

    Absolutely agree with you here. Especially when those people reporting have to stroke their ego by telling the public they were asked to do it, and then knowing they too have abused. It's ironic. Just like Luthenrising had said she has slipped sometimes herself. But you know I have never laughed or disagreed because I didn't like someone. No, I actually disagree because I don't like the opinion. Period. Half the time I don't even know who I am disagreeing with (notice I write 'OP') because I didn't even look at their name or short term memory and can't remember it.
    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.
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    marcel21marcel21 Posts: 12,341 Member
    edited October 2015
    IceyJ wrote: »
    Cinebar wrote: »
    Just wondering if typing out lol is as offensive as getting lolled with a button? Not sure where to put this thread since it's not a forum 'suggestion' and doesn't really belong in that area.

    But say you say something and I just write LOL are you going to be offended about that?

    ETA: Or Disagree? What is the difference?

    It depends on why ur laughing. If I've written a serious, thoughtful response and u laugh at them I'll wonder what's so funny. If I say something that's meant to make u laugh then I'll understand the lol. Or, if ur lol-ing to be condescending then that could be offensive to me.

    The difference between typing it out and hitting a button for it is that I know who is laughing if u type it and I can ask u abt it or call u out on it. A button can make it frustrating since you have no idea who pushed it or why (the why is not always obvious).

    And just because someone gets offending doesn't mean they're off to report u. Yeah, I wonder how that will go "so-and-so lol'ed at my super serious post. I'm reporting them." The forum mods would roll their eyes at the nonesense. You don't have to walk on egg shells, If anyone is afraid of being offended or called out for their rudeness then this isn't the forum for them, because ppl are going to offend and ppl are going to be called on it. I know I can give as good as I take. I expect ppl to be offended by some things I say and I expect ppl to call me out, and I expect nothing less from some ppl in these forums (I don't think ur one of them based on ur post) and you'd better believe that I do the same. Nothing wrong with it.
    Um, no. No, they wouldn't. They didn't roll their eyes at it when people were complaining about lol'ing serious posts with buttons, what makes you think they'd do so now?
    Cinebar wrote: »
    I have some advice but I'm afraid it would be taken wrong by someone who was hurt by the buttons. Never run for office, and never vote in a union where you can be black balled. Oust. There are many things in life that can hurt the feelings but a button on a 'game' forum shouldn't be one of them.

    This is the passive aggressiveness I'm talking abt. You're too afraid of outright confrontation, yet you do it in a passive aggressive way.

    If ur talking abt me then u can tell me directly. But it seems like you didn't read my posts or u might have selective reading, so I'll give u the tl;dr version: I don't care if the buttons are there or not. Again, you think ur being clever by hiding ur true intentions, but your not. It's quite cowardly, tbh.

    And, btw, how did u ever survive these forums without having your precious lol and disagree button?? It seems like u heavily rely on them other than responding?
    Ok...I'm going to come out with an honest answer and get it off my chest.

    I find LOL silly. I probably care too much about the written word. I really don't like things like ur,PPLE, BRB. IDK or any of the others. In fact when there is a post that contains text speak I pass it by. It just looks lazy to me.

    Yes I know that people who use it are usually on a mobile device but it brings me to another point. Get the phone out of your face and enjoy life around you. Dial a number and talk to someone instead of texting them. If it's inconvenient have some patience and wait till you can.

    But don't mind's just a personal viewpoint. Things like *teehee* and preggers bothers me too.
    Agree. During the vote, I even suggested that LOL be changed to "Funny."
    You guys do all realize that it's up to the moderation staff whether button use or a post is abuse etc., right? No forum user makes it so by hitting Flag and reporting. If people are reporting nonabuse, it should be pretty clear to the staff. It's not your definition of appropriate use or mine that matters.

    Edited to fix an autocorrect miss.
    This is not always the case. I remember certain users who got a kick out of harassing people, name-calling etc. on their walls and deleting the evidence. And it was pretty nasty, offending stuff. They would also posts things like "Leave me alone, this is harassment," and NOT delete that part. The troll would then proceed to report the replies as if they were the ones being targeted. Long story short: The mods cannot always determine who's at fault after the fact and it pains me to see the wrong person get banned.

    Even with shorter disagreements, they've sometimes erupted in other areas of the site and the mods have so much on their plates, they don't take the time to fully figure out who is truly at fault.
    marcel21 wrote: »
    Not at all! I have type it many times over the last 6 years of the sims 3 website forums and home pages and here in the forums ;)

    I don't abuse it tho I type it when somebody as made me laugh from a witty post of either text or a screenshot!

    But aren't you the one who keeps shouting that the buttons were being abused? It seems you would be very, very offended if you didn't agree with the LOL or Disagree... Another one to add to the "Do not LOL list." ;)

    I have a difference of opinion to you and others and everything gets twisted to what I said originally

    So I'M on a list now?

    You ask a question in a thread I give my reply and this is what happens :o

    Theirs a lot of assumptions about me in regards to the buttons Do I care about getting Disagreements or Lols no and never had!

    I do care if other simmers have been abused by them more than I would ever think of them about myself. I have never once said I have a problem dealing with disagreements or Lol! only if people abused them than maybe it was better they were taken away!

    This is another reason why I find it hard to agree with some people about the tonic, its just unfair and untrue to treat people this way because of a difference of opinions and its so sad this is how the forums have become!

    Origin ID MichaelUKingdon

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    CinebarCinebar Posts: 33,618 Member
    marcel21 wrote: »
    IceyJ wrote: »
    Cinebar wrote: »
    Just wondering if typing out lol is as offensive as getting lolled with a button? Not sure where to put this thread since it's not a forum 'suggestion' and doesn't really belong in that area.

    But say you say something and I just write LOL are you going to be offended about that?

    ETA: Or Disagree? What is the difference?

    It depends on why ur laughing. If I've written a serious, thoughtful response and u laugh at them I'll wonder what's so funny. If I say something that's meant to make u laugh then I'll understand the lol. Or, if ur lol-ing to be condescending then that could be offensive to me.

    The difference between typing it out and hitting a button for it is that I know who is laughing if u type it and I can ask u abt it or call u out on it. A button can make it frustrating since you have no idea who pushed it or why (the why is not always obvious).

    And just because someone gets offending doesn't mean they're off to report u. Yeah, I wonder how that will go "so-and-so lol'ed at my super serious post. I'm reporting them." The forum mods would roll their eyes at the nonesense. You don't have to walk on egg shells, If anyone is afraid of being offended or called out for their rudeness then this isn't the forum for them, because ppl are going to offend and ppl are going to be called on it. I know I can give as good as I take. I expect ppl to be offended by some things I say and I expect ppl to call me out, and I expect nothing less from some ppl in these forums (I don't think ur one of them based on ur post) and you'd better believe that I do the same. Nothing wrong with it.
    Um, no. No, they wouldn't. They didn't roll their eyes at it when people were complaining about lol'ing serious posts with buttons, what makes you think they'd do so now?
    Cinebar wrote: »
    I have some advice but I'm afraid it would be taken wrong by someone who was hurt by the buttons. Never run for office, and never vote in a union where you can be black balled. Oust. There are many things in life that can hurt the feelings but a button on a 'game' forum shouldn't be one of them.

    This is the passive aggressiveness I'm talking abt. You're too afraid of outright confrontation, yet you do it in a passive aggressive way.

    If ur talking abt me then u can tell me directly. But it seems like you didn't read my posts or u might have selective reading, so I'll give u the tl;dr version: I don't care if the buttons are there or not. Again, you think ur being clever by hiding ur true intentions, but your not. It's quite cowardly, tbh.

    And, btw, how did u ever survive these forums without having your precious lol and disagree button?? It seems like u heavily rely on them other than responding?
    Ok...I'm going to come out with an honest answer and get it off my chest.

    I find LOL silly. I probably care too much about the written word. I really don't like things like ur,PPLE, BRB. IDK or any of the others. In fact when there is a post that contains text speak I pass it by. It just looks lazy to me.

    Yes I know that people who use it are usually on a mobile device but it brings me to another point. Get the phone out of your face and enjoy life around you. Dial a number and talk to someone instead of texting them. If it's inconvenient have some patience and wait till you can.

    But don't mind's just a personal viewpoint. Things like *teehee* and preggers bothers me too.
    Agree. During the vote, I even suggested that LOL be changed to "Funny."
    You guys do all realize that it's up to the moderation staff whether button use or a post is abuse etc., right? No forum user makes it so by hitting Flag and reporting. If people are reporting nonabuse, it should be pretty clear to the staff. It's not your definition of appropriate use or mine that matters.

    Edited to fix an autocorrect miss.
    This is not always the case. I remember certain users who got a kick out of harassing people, name-calling etc. on their walls and deleting the evidence. And it was pretty nasty, offending stuff. They would also posts things like "Leave me alone, this is harassment," and NOT delete that part. The troll would then proceed to report the replies as if they were the ones being targeted. Long story short: The mods cannot always determine who's at fault after the fact and it pains me to see the wrong person get banned.

    Even with shorter disagreements, they've sometimes erupted in other areas of the site and the mods have so much on their plates, they don't take the time to fully figure out who is truly at fault.
    marcel21 wrote: »
    Not at all! I have type it many times over the last 6 years of the sims 3 website forums and home pages and here in the forums ;)

    I don't abuse it tho I type it when somebody as made me laugh from a witty post of either text or a screenshot!

    But aren't you the one who keeps shouting that the buttons were being abused? It seems you would be very, very offended if you didn't agree with the LOL or Disagree... Another one to add to the "Do not LOL list." ;)

    I have a difference of opinion to you and others and everything gets twisted to what I said originally

    So I'M on a list now?

    You ask a question in a thread I give my reply and this is what happens :o

    Theirs a lot of assumptions about me in regards to the buttons Do I care about getting Disagreements or Lols no and never had!

    I do care if other simmers have been abused by them more than I would ever think of them about myself. I have never once said I have a problem dealing with disagreements or Lol! only if people abused them than maybe it was better they were taken away!

    This is another reason why I find it hard to agree with some people about the tonic, its just unfair and untrue to treat people this way because of a difference of opinions and its so sad this is how the forums have become!

    I'm going to mark you down that if I lol you or disagree with you, you won't feel offended. I may not always explain why. But It saddens me if any abuse was actually going on, why both buttons were removed especially since the majority voted to keep them. And I don't understand if real abuse of a lol is proven (but still how would I know why someone laughs? and more importantly (at my age) why would I care? the whole lot is punished when it seems to me those who were actually abusing like a troll just going through and marking everyone for fun that day (?) just didn't their privileges revoked and a time out? Not the whole majority.

    Because now what do we do when a post is a hundred pages long but it has like fifty pictures in it and it is bouncing all over the place and hard to nail it down (due to picture size is loading and loading and loading) and all you wanted to do is say LOL Because they were hilarious. But now we have to go through that bouncing post and comment. Such a pain.
    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.
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    teaa5teaa5 Posts: 1,407 Member
    edited October 2015
    Cinebar wrote: »
    I have some advice but I'm afraid it would be taken wrong by someone who was hurt by the buttons. Never run for office, and never vote in a union where you can be black balled. Oust. There are many things in life that can hurt the feelings but a button on a 'game' forum shouldn't be one of them.

    This is the passive aggressiveness I'm talking abt. You're too afraid of outright confrontation, yet you do it in a passive aggressive way.

    If ur talking abt me then u can tell me directly. But it seems like you didn't read my posts or u might have selective reading, so I'll give u the tl;dr version: I don't care if the buttons are there or not. Again, you think ur being clever by hiding ur true intentions, but your not. It's quite cowardly, tbh.

    And, btw, how did u ever survive these forums without having your precious lol and disagree button?? It seems like u heavily rely on them other than responding?
    Scobre wrote: »
    Cinebar wrote: »

    My page/wall looks naked. I was proud of my disagrees and lols. Do I believe every lol I had was because I am so funny? No, but I liked them. :) ETA: I Just checked my wall and I have created 666 topics. I think I might need to make one more I don't like that number. :o:D
    I miss my disagree and LOL count too. I'm jealous of people who got 30 disagrees. It is like not matter what, I could never get my count that high. *Cries about being offended about not getting enough disagrees.* Ok Simmers mind read that. ;)

    After "they" took disagree away people started saying they'd use "Insightful" in place of "Disagree" ..... my "Insightful" count rose quickly after that lol :smiley:

    soon "like" will be used sarcastically.. lol and btw gave you "insightful" because I find your post really interesting :)) now I feel that I need to explain all my likes, awesomes, insightful and so on so nobody will be offended... ;)
    Post edited by teaa5 on

    Origin ID : kateteaa Twitter: MunchPumpkins
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    marcel21marcel21 Posts: 12,341 Member
    Cinebar wrote: »
    marcel21 wrote: »
    IceyJ wrote: »
    Cinebar wrote: »
    Just wondering if typing out lol is as offensive as getting lolled with a button? Not sure where to put this thread since it's not a forum 'suggestion' and doesn't really belong in that area.

    But say you say something and I just write LOL are you going to be offended about that?

    ETA: Or Disagree? What is the difference?

    It depends on why ur laughing. If I've written a serious, thoughtful response and u laugh at them I'll wonder what's so funny. If I say something that's meant to make u laugh then I'll understand the lol. Or, if ur lol-ing to be condescending then that could be offensive to me.

    The difference between typing it out and hitting a button for it is that I know who is laughing if u type it and I can ask u abt it or call u out on it. A button can make it frustrating since you have no idea who pushed it or why (the why is not always obvious).

    And just because someone gets offending doesn't mean they're off to report u. Yeah, I wonder how that will go "so-and-so lol'ed at my super serious post. I'm reporting them." The forum mods would roll their eyes at the nonesense. You don't have to walk on egg shells, If anyone is afraid of being offended or called out for their rudeness then this isn't the forum for them, because ppl are going to offend and ppl are going to be called on it. I know I can give as good as I take. I expect ppl to be offended by some things I say and I expect ppl to call me out, and I expect nothing less from some ppl in these forums (I don't think ur one of them based on ur post) and you'd better believe that I do the same. Nothing wrong with it.
    Um, no. No, they wouldn't. They didn't roll their eyes at it when people were complaining about lol'ing serious posts with buttons, what makes you think they'd do so now?
    Cinebar wrote: »
    I have some advice but I'm afraid it would be taken wrong by someone who was hurt by the buttons. Never run for office, and never vote in a union where you can be black balled. Oust. There are many things in life that can hurt the feelings but a button on a 'game' forum shouldn't be one of them.

    This is the passive aggressiveness I'm talking abt. You're too afraid of outright confrontation, yet you do it in a passive aggressive way.

    If ur talking abt me then u can tell me directly. But it seems like you didn't read my posts or u might have selective reading, so I'll give u the tl;dr version: I don't care if the buttons are there or not. Again, you think ur being clever by hiding ur true intentions, but your not. It's quite cowardly, tbh.

    And, btw, how did u ever survive these forums without having your precious lol and disagree button?? It seems like u heavily rely on them other than responding?
    Ok...I'm going to come out with an honest answer and get it off my chest.

    I find LOL silly. I probably care too much about the written word. I really don't like things like ur,PPLE, BRB. IDK or any of the others. In fact when there is a post that contains text speak I pass it by. It just looks lazy to me.

    Yes I know that people who use it are usually on a mobile device but it brings me to another point. Get the phone out of your face and enjoy life around you. Dial a number and talk to someone instead of texting them. If it's inconvenient have some patience and wait till you can.

    But don't mind's just a personal viewpoint. Things like *teehee* and preggers bothers me too.
    Agree. During the vote, I even suggested that LOL be changed to "Funny."
    You guys do all realize that it's up to the moderation staff whether button use or a post is abuse etc., right? No forum user makes it so by hitting Flag and reporting. If people are reporting nonabuse, it should be pretty clear to the staff. It's not your definition of appropriate use or mine that matters.

    Edited to fix an autocorrect miss.
    This is not always the case. I remember certain users who got a kick out of harassing people, name-calling etc. on their walls and deleting the evidence. And it was pretty nasty, offending stuff. They would also posts things like "Leave me alone, this is harassment," and NOT delete that part. The troll would then proceed to report the replies as if they were the ones being targeted. Long story short: The mods cannot always determine who's at fault after the fact and it pains me to see the wrong person get banned.

    Even with shorter disagreements, they've sometimes erupted in other areas of the site and the mods have so much on their plates, they don't take the time to fully figure out who is truly at fault.
    marcel21 wrote: »
    Not at all! I have type it many times over the last 6 years of the sims 3 website forums and home pages and here in the forums ;)

    I don't abuse it tho I type it when somebody as made me laugh from a witty post of either text or a screenshot!

    But aren't you the one who keeps shouting that the buttons were being abused? It seems you would be very, very offended if you didn't agree with the LOL or Disagree... Another one to add to the "Do not LOL list." ;)

    I have a difference of opinion to you and others and everything gets twisted to what I said originally

    So I'M on a list now?

    You ask a question in a thread I give my reply and this is what happens :o

    Theirs a lot of assumptions about me in regards to the buttons Do I care about getting Disagreements or Lols no and never had!

    I do care if other simmers have been abused by them more than I would ever think of them about myself. I have never once said I have a problem dealing with disagreements or Lol! only if people abused them than maybe it was better they were taken away!

    This is another reason why I find it hard to agree with some people about the tonic, its just unfair and untrue to treat people this way because of a difference of opinions and its so sad this is how the forums have become!

    I'm going to mark you down that if I lol you or disagree with you, you won't feel offended. I may not always explain why. But It saddens me if any abuse was actually going on, why both buttons were removed especially since the majority voted to keep them. And I don't understand if real abuse of a lol is proven (but still how would I know why someone laughs? and more importantly (at my age) why would I care? the whole lot is punished when it seems to me those who were actually abusing like a troll just going through and marking everyone for fun that day (?) just didn't their privileges revoked and a time out? Not the whole majority.

    Because now what do we do when a post is a hundred pages long but it has like fifty pictures in it and it is bouncing all over the place and hard to nail it down (due to picture size is loading and loading and loading) and all you wanted to do is say LOL Because they were hilarious. But now we have to go through that bouncing post and comment. Such a pain.

    Hello :)

    Not trying to be rude to you but,

    Honestly it's like talking to a brick wall though :o

    I have just told you and others many times, I do not have a problem with disagreements and lol!

    Am I writing here in simish or something because I would love to know?

    Seriously if no abuse went on than i agree with you fully!

    People were complaining and fighting in the thread they set up on the vote on which button to keep and the Lol button won the votes but because of the problems on the threads they removed both, so okay They should not a punished everybody for it, simmers need to address this with the mods in a petitions and try to get the lol button back!

    I see what you mean with long posts and it can be a nightmare.

    I'v been using the forums for 6 years and so use to sending normal posts and the buttons are very new to me and the disagree button as only been here a few months before it was renamed then removed!

    The only thing I felt strongly about was if others had had abuse than maybe it was for the best for the buttons to be removed and that i had seen some abuse with my own eyes or that i don't miss them because i'm so used to not having them to begin with!

    But that's just my own opinion but its unfair for people to say i have a problem with disagreements and lol all because of my own opinion :'(

    If somebody wants to disagree with me or anybody else they have every right to do so and if somebody wants to send me a lol! they can do so also.

    Origin ID MichaelUKingdon

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    CinebarCinebar Posts: 33,618 Member
    teaa5 wrote: »
    Cinebar wrote: »
    I have some advice but I'm afraid it would be taken wrong by someone who was hurt by the buttons. Never run for office, and never vote in a union where you can be black balled. Oust. There are many things in life that can hurt the feelings but a button on a 'game' forum shouldn't be one of them.

    This is the passive aggressiveness I'm talking abt. You're too afraid of outright confrontation, yet you do it in a passive aggressive way.

    If ur talking abt me then u can tell me directly. But it seems like you didn't read my posts or u might have selective reading, so I'll give u the tl;dr version: I don't care if the buttons are there or not. Again, you think ur being clever by hiding ur true intentions, but your not. It's quite cowardly, tbh.

    And, btw, how did u ever survive these forums without having your precious lol and disagree button?? It seems like u heavily rely on them other than responding?
    Scobre wrote: »
    Cinebar wrote: »

    My page/wall looks naked. I was proud of my disagrees and lols. Do I believe every lol I had was because I am so funny? No, but I liked them. :) ETA: I Just checked my wall and I have created 666 topics. I think I might need to make one more I don't like that number. :o:D
    I miss my disagree and LOL count too. I'm jealous of people who got 30 disagrees. It is like not matter what, I could never get my count that high. *Cries about being offended about not getting enough disagrees.* Ok Simmers mind read that. ;)

    After "they" took disagree away people started saying they'd use "Insightful" in place of "Disagree" ..... my "Insightful" count rose quickly after that lol :smiley:

    soon "like" will be used sarcastically.. lol and btw gave you "insightful" because I find your post really interesting :)) now I feel that I need to explain all my likes, awesomes, insightful and so on so nobody will offended... ;)

    Well, why shouldn't you? It seems it's grand to accept a like and not explain it but by doggies if we hit the disagree or lol we better have an answer for that. Why is it only what a few saw as negativity here has to be explained. Let's just get rid of them all, and no one get a like and stop the darn popularity contests going on in the background (that is the problem) and get rid of the leader board and then no one can 'feel' special. We don't need more jealousy brewing if they implement a very helpful button because egos are easily bruised here and someone would be crying they didn't get any or begging for those numbers. This entire system does nothing but promote envy, strife and hate for one another. And we don't need our peers determining what we meant by a like, disagree or lol then deciphering it and reporting to gurus it was abuse. It bothers me greatly that someone hones in on my 'buttons' and says that person must have meant this to be mean. How do they know and furthermore when half the time I feel their own perception is skewed and not right with main stream thinking of a LOL
    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.
  • Options
    CinebarCinebar Posts: 33,618 Member
    edited October 2015
    Scobre wrote: »

    Again I agree with you and removing buttons doesn't do a thing for the real baiting going on. There is a feeling of sides more than there has been before. I used to chalk it up to enthusiastic fans debating the games but now it seems like there is something more going on and it doesn't feel good.
    Yep exactly. Yes the Berlin wall was just starting to feel like it was falling down, but it is up again. One thing I must say I refuse to be put into a side or a name calling label. If someone has to result to calling me a hater it just shows how much they display it themselves with that comment. It does feel like it is getting personal now. We are talking more about each other than the actual game anymore. Poor mods must get tired of the fighting too. I do respect luthienrising completely. She has always been kind to me regardless how I felt about the Sims 4 which has changed multiple times.

    This is not new. It's been going on since the time we saw the 'eyes' of the new Sims those who didn't like that one strip of three Sims' eyes (which said eyes of the future or something) have been arguing whether to like this game or not. Since two years ago over on the TS3 site under the TS4 section. But what started there is some people can't take people don't like the TS4 and need it improved in a thousand ways before they will play it, or even buy it. Maybe they will never buy it since no open world. But some feel this is their 'baby' and if anyone disagree with them they go off. That is the problem. A disagree is not a 'I hate you, don't like you' it is simply I don't like the game, I don't like that idea etc. I don't know when people will learn the difference. Nor do I know when a troll will learn disagree doesn't mean hey, I'm telling them I hate them. LOL
    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.
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    DarleymikeyDarleymikey Posts: 4,047 Member
    If you saw two adults completely nude having sex on your front lawn would that offend you? Are you saying to be offended has no meaning or the phrase, 'I'm offended', has no meaning.

    I'd be jealous.
  • Options
    teaa5teaa5 Posts: 1,407 Member
    Cinebar wrote: »
    teaa5 wrote: »
    Cinebar wrote: »
    I have some advice but I'm afraid it would be taken wrong by someone who was hurt by the buttons. Never run for office, and never vote in a union where you can be black balled. Oust. There are many things in life that can hurt the feelings but a button on a 'game' forum shouldn't be one of them.

    This is the passive aggressiveness I'm talking abt. You're too afraid of outright confrontation, yet you do it in a passive aggressive way.

    If ur talking abt me then u can tell me directly. But it seems like you didn't read my posts or u might have selective reading, so I'll give u the tl;dr version: I don't care if the buttons are there or not. Again, you think ur being clever by hiding ur true intentions, but your not. It's quite cowardly, tbh.

    And, btw, how did u ever survive these forums without having your precious lol and disagree button?? It seems like u heavily rely on them other than responding?
    Scobre wrote: »
    Cinebar wrote: »

    My page/wall looks naked. I was proud of my disagrees and lols. Do I believe every lol I had was because I am so funny? No, but I liked them. :) ETA: I Just checked my wall and I have created 666 topics. I think I might need to make one more I don't like that number. :o:D
    I miss my disagree and LOL count too. I'm jealous of people who got 30 disagrees. It is like not matter what, I could never get my count that high. *Cries about being offended about not getting enough disagrees.* Ok Simmers mind read that. ;)

    After "they" took disagree away people started saying they'd use "Insightful" in place of "Disagree" ..... my "Insightful" count rose quickly after that lol :smiley:

    soon "like" will be used sarcastically.. lol and btw gave you "insightful" because I find your post really interesting :)) now I feel that I need to explain all my likes, awesomes, insightful and so on so nobody will offended... ;)

    Well, why shouldn't you? It seems it's grand to accept a like and not explain it but by doggies if we hit the disagree or lol we better have an answer for that. Why is it only what a few saw as negativity here has to be explained. Let's just get rid of them all, and no one get a like and stop the darn popularity contests going on in the background (that is the problem) and get rid of the leader board and then no one can 'feel' special. We don't need more jealousy brewing if they implement a very helpful button because egos are easily bruised here and someone would be crying they didn't get any or begging for those numbers. This entire system does nothing but promote envy, strife and hate for one another. And we don't need our peers determining what we meant by a like, disagree or lol then deciphering it and reporting to gurus it was abuse. It bothers me greatly that someone hones in on my 'buttons' and says that person must have meant this to be mean. How do they know and furthermore when half the time I feel their own perception is skewed and not right with main stream thinking of a LOL

    You have my 1000 of insightfuls, awesomes and likes for this comment... and after reading 1000s of opinions.. I will state the following.. if "lol" is not back I want all buttons to go, maxis should stop favoring lots and cas creations and all of this like you said "favoritism" should stop and immediately. In sims 3 there were no buttons.. ( if I remember correctly) and no dam favoritism ( or if there was something I as a user wasn't aware of it..) and that was the best solution ever.. so moderators should come back to it.

    Origin ID : kateteaa Twitter: MunchPumpkins
    Sims 3 wishlist:
    Sims 4 origin wishlist:
  • Options
    CinebarCinebar Posts: 33,618 Member
    teaa5 wrote: »
    Cinebar wrote: »
    teaa5 wrote: »
    Cinebar wrote: »
    I have some advice but I'm afraid it would be taken wrong by someone who was hurt by the buttons. Never run for office, and never vote in a union where you can be black balled. Oust. There are many things in life that can hurt the feelings but a button on a 'game' forum shouldn't be one of them.

    This is the passive aggressiveness I'm talking abt. You're too afraid of outright confrontation, yet you do it in a passive aggressive way.

    If ur talking abt me then u can tell me directly. But it seems like you didn't read my posts or u might have selective reading, so I'll give u the tl;dr version: I don't care if the buttons are there or not. Again, you think ur being clever by hiding ur true intentions, but your not. It's quite cowardly, tbh.

    And, btw, how did u ever survive these forums without having your precious lol and disagree button?? It seems like u heavily rely on them other than responding?
    Scobre wrote: »
    Cinebar wrote: »

    My page/wall looks naked. I was proud of my disagrees and lols. Do I believe every lol I had was because I am so funny? No, but I liked them. :) ETA: I Just checked my wall and I have created 666 topics. I think I might need to make one more I don't like that number. :o:D
    I miss my disagree and LOL count too. I'm jealous of people who got 30 disagrees. It is like not matter what, I could never get my count that high. *Cries about being offended about not getting enough disagrees.* Ok Simmers mind read that. ;)

    After "they" took disagree away people started saying they'd use "Insightful" in place of "Disagree" ..... my "Insightful" count rose quickly after that lol :smiley:

    soon "like" will be used sarcastically.. lol and btw gave you "insightful" because I find your post really interesting :)) now I feel that I need to explain all my likes, awesomes, insightful and so on so nobody will offended... ;)

    Well, why shouldn't you? It seems it's grand to accept a like and not explain it but by doggies if we hit the disagree or lol we better have an answer for that. Why is it only what a few saw as negativity here has to be explained. Let's just get rid of them all, and no one get a like and stop the darn popularity contests going on in the background (that is the problem) and get rid of the leader board and then no one can 'feel' special. We don't need more jealousy brewing if they implement a very helpful button because egos are easily bruised here and someone would be crying they didn't get any or begging for those numbers. This entire system does nothing but promote envy, strife and hate for one another. And we don't need our peers determining what we meant by a like, disagree or lol then deciphering it and reporting to gurus it was abuse. It bothers me greatly that someone hones in on my 'buttons' and says that person must have meant this to be mean. How do they know and furthermore when half the time I feel their own perception is skewed and not right with main stream thinking of a LOL

    You have my 1000 of insightfuls, awesomes and likes for this comment... and after reading 1000s of opinions.. I will state the following.. if "lol" is not back I want all buttons to go, maxis should stop favoring lots and cas creations and all of this like you said "favoritism" should stop and immediately. In sims 3 there were no buttons.. ( if I remember correctly) and no dam favoritism ( or if there was something I as a user wasn't aware of it..) and that was the best solution ever.. so moderators should come back to it.

    Maxis/website gurus didn't favor lots and Sims, worlds etc. Fans did. And then it was promoted on the front of the Exchange on TS3 site. (As it should be). Here we have to recommend to Maxis so if no one knows that then they will never get their stuff favored. LAME.

    And I never appreciate anyone going around here no matter who it is, saying things like they are best buds with gurus etc. They only set themselves up to be disliked by immature people. And bragging rights are not flattering to anyone. But then turn around and play a victim when they are no longer liked by immature others this would bother. Because no one likes a teacher's pet. Rule 101, on the internet. Don't spill the beans.

    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.
  • Options
    friendlysimmersfriendlysimmers Posts: 7,573 Member
    to be honest me i would mind aspecaly if i make a serious post
    If you went the sims5 to remain offline feel free to sign this petition please note that it is also to keep the gallery

    Repose en paix mamie tu va me manquer :

    1923-2016 mamie :'(
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    CinebarCinebar Posts: 33,618 Member
    edited October 2015
    to be honest me i would mind aspecaly if i make a serious post

    I am thinking of what you said here. Now, I have to ask you what is a 'serious' post? Because you know when I take time out of my day to create a thread, and or reply (even if I am joking) then I am being serious. Every comment I have ever made about this game was very serious. Whether I don't like kids can't play games (run and play) or whether we needed dishwashers, or I hated babies are stuck in a crib etc. I was very serious.

    But if you are speaking about when someone speaks of an illness or telling their life story, I usually avoid those threads. Because I am on a game site. And I want to talk about a game. So, you will have no need to wonder if I ever lolled you if you were saying things like that, No, and never would. I don't read those, and rarely if I ever read one of them.
    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.
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    TheDinorhinoTheDinorhino Posts: 618 Member
    LOL wasn't negative? I thought it just meant "I find this post funny".
    Hello, good evening and welcome! My name is TheDinorhino but you can call me Dino for short. I love playing The Sims, especially designing and building within the game. Check out my YouTube channel if you want:
    Origin ID: TheDinorhino
  • Options
    CinebarCinebar Posts: 33,618 Member
    LOL wasn't negative? I thought it just meant "I find this post funny".

    If you see the thread that started last June about people abusing the lol button and then in that one and or another a player saying the gurus asked them to scope out any abuse and report they determined it was abused and not used for it's purpose to say 'I think this is funny' because it seems we aren't allowed to laugh (an honest response) but abuse the button. But I will argue all day long how a player can determine what is funny to someone else and what is not. To me it boils down to this, a few players don't like they were lolled (or no need for the thread last June) and others see it as bullying. I'm sorry but the day the world can tell me what I can laugh at and can't laugh at is the day I go off and live outside of society on some mountain top. Oh, wait, LOL I already do.
    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.
  • Options
    blewis823blewis823 Posts: 9,046 Member
    edited October 2015
    Cinebar wrote: »
    teaa5 wrote: »
    Cinebar wrote: »
    teaa5 wrote: »
    Cinebar wrote: »
    I have some advice but I'm afraid it would be taken wrong by someone who was hurt by the buttons. Never run for office, and never vote in a union where you can be black balled. Oust. There are many things in life that can hurt the feelings but a button on a 'game' forum shouldn't be one of them.

    This is the passive aggressiveness I'm talking abt. You're too afraid of outright confrontation, yet you do it in a passive aggressive way.

    If ur talking abt me then u can tell me directly. But it seems like you didn't read my posts or u might have selective reading, so I'll give u the tl;dr version: I don't care if the buttons are there or not. Again, you think ur being clever by hiding ur true intentions, but your not. It's quite cowardly, tbh.

    And, btw, how did u ever survive these forums without having your precious lol and disagree button?? It seems like u heavily rely on them other than responding?
    Scobre wrote: »
    Cinebar wrote: »

    My page/wall looks naked. I was proud of my disagrees and lols. Do I believe every lol I had was because I am so funny? No, but I liked them. :) ETA: I Just checked my wall and I have created 666 topics. I think I might need to make one more I don't like that number. :o:D
    I miss my disagree and LOL count too. I'm jealous of people who got 30 disagrees. It is like not matter what, I could never get my count that high. *Cries about being offended about not getting enough disagrees.* Ok Simmers mind read that. ;)

    After "they" took disagree away people started saying they'd use "Insightful" in place of "Disagree" ..... my "Insightful" count rose quickly after that lol :smiley:

    soon "like" will be used sarcastically.. lol and btw gave you "insightful" because I find your post really interesting :)) now I feel that I need to explain all my likes, awesomes, insightful and so on so nobody will offended... ;)

    Well, why shouldn't you? It seems it's grand to accept a like and not explain it but by doggies if we hit the disagree or lol we better have an answer for that. Why is it only what a few saw as negativity here has to be explained. Let's just get rid of them all, and no one get a like and stop the darn popularity contests going on in the background (that is the problem) and get rid of the leader board and then no one can 'feel' special. We don't need more jealousy brewing if they implement a very helpful button because egos are easily bruised here and someone would be crying they didn't get any or begging for those numbers. This entire system does nothing but promote envy, strife and hate for one another. And we don't need our peers determining what we meant by a like, disagree or lol then deciphering it and reporting to gurus it was abuse. It bothers me greatly that someone hones in on my 'buttons' and says that person must have meant this to be mean. How do they know and furthermore when half the time I feel their own perception is skewed and not right with main stream thinking of a LOL

    You have my 1000 of insightfuls, awesomes and likes for this comment... and after reading 1000s of opinions.. I will state the following.. if "lol" is not back I want all buttons to go, maxis should stop favoring lots and cas creations and all of this like you said "favoritism" should stop and immediately. In sims 3 there were no buttons.. ( if I remember correctly) and no dam favoritism ( or if there was something I as a user wasn't aware of it..) and that was the best solution ever.. so moderators should come back to it.

    Maxis/website gurus didn't favor lots and Sims, worlds etc. Fans did. And then it was promoted on the front of the Exchange on TS3 site. (As it should be). Here we have to recommend to Maxis so if no one knows that then they will never get their stuff favored. LAME.

    And I never appreciate anyone going around here no matter who it is, saying things like they are best buds with gurus etc. They only set themselves up to be disliked by immature people. And bragging rights are not flattering to anyone. But then turn around and play a victim when they are no longer liked by immature others this would bother. Because no one likes a teacher's pet. Rule 101, on the internet. Don't spill the beans.

    I wouldn't say that I would dislike them but they bear watching. With a side-eye. I appreciate people honesty, lets me know who I can trust and which ones I need to watch or ignore.
    to be honest me i would mind aspecaly if i make a serious post

    Even though I don't have you on block or ignore, I would never answer your posts. Never! Past posts from you and how you handle other simmers make me uncomfortable, especially with the posts that try to control everyone and everything by calling SimGurus in the thread. I do giggle at your posts when I read them, but it's to myself because you can't control that. Not gonna delve more into it.
    Cinebar wrote: »
    to be honest me i would mind aspecaly if i make a serious post

    I am thinking of what you said here. Now, I have to ask you what is a 'serious' post? Because you know when I take time out of my day to create a thread, and or reply (even if I am joking) then I am being serious. Every comment I have ever made about this game was very serious. Whether I don't like kids can't play games (run and play) or whether we needed dishwashers, or I hated babies are stuck in a crib etc. I was very serious.

    But if you are speaking about when someone speaks of an illness or telling their life story, I usually avoid those threads. Because I am on a game site. And I want to talk about a game. So, you will have no need to wonder if I ever lolled you if you were saying things like that, No, and never would. I don't read those, and rarely if I ever read one of them.

    Same here, If I don't know you or have something good to say, why bother? Also, I don't like sharing personal information on this site, it bugs me and makes me feel exposed. LOL, why would I garner insightful posts on a game site, not a good idea.
    Nothing to see. I don't even care about the forums.
  • Options
    IceyJIceyJ Posts: 4,641 Member
    If you saw two adults completely nude having sex on your front lawn would that offend you? Are you saying to be offended has no meaning or the phrase, 'I'm offended', has no meaning.

    I'd be jealous.

  • Options
    SelahFreeAtLastSelahFreeAtLast Posts: 5,102 Member
    I don't care who LOLs or disagrees or likes or...whatever. People have a right to their opinion whether it be anonymous or not.
    I'm pretty thick skinned and not much bothers me.
    ID selahfreeatlast @deema316 on twitter
  • Options
    IceyJIceyJ Posts: 4,641 Member
    edited October 2015
    Cinebar wrote: »
    teaa5 wrote: »
    Cinebar wrote: »
    teaa5 wrote: »
    Cinebar wrote: »
    I have some advice but I'm afraid it would be taken wrong by someone who was hurt by the buttons. Never run for office, and never vote in a union where you can be black balled. Oust. There are many things in life that can hurt the feelings but a button on a 'game' forum shouldn't be one of them.

    This is the passive aggressiveness I'm talking abt. You're too afraid of outright confrontation, yet you do it in a passive aggressive way.

    If ur talking abt me then u can tell me directly. But it seems like you didn't read my posts or u might have selective reading, so I'll give u the tl;dr version: I don't care if the buttons are there or not. Again, you think ur being clever by hiding ur true intentions, but your not. It's quite cowardly, tbh.

    And, btw, how did u ever survive these forums without having your precious lol and disagree button?? It seems like u heavily rely on them other than responding?
    Scobre wrote: »
    Cinebar wrote: »

    My page/wall looks naked. I was proud of my disagrees and lols. Do I believe every lol I had was because I am so funny? No, but I liked them. :) ETA: I Just checked my wall and I have created 666 topics. I think I might need to make one more I don't like that number. :o:D
    I miss my disagree and LOL count too. I'm jealous of people who got 30 disagrees. It is like not matter what, I could never get my count that high. *Cries about being offended about not getting enough disagrees.* Ok Simmers mind read that. ;)

    After "they" took disagree away people started saying they'd use "Insightful" in place of "Disagree" ..... my "Insightful" count rose quickly after that lol :smiley:

    soon "like" will be used sarcastically.. lol and btw gave you "insightful" because I find your post really interesting :)) now I feel that I need to explain all my likes, awesomes, insightful and so on so nobody will offended... ;)

    Well, why shouldn't you? It seems it's grand to accept a like and not explain it but by doggies if we hit the disagree or lol we better have an answer for that. Why is it only what a few saw as negativity here has to be explained. Let's just get rid of them all, and no one get a like and stop the darn popularity contests going on in the background (that is the problem) and get rid of the leader board and then no one can 'feel' special. We don't need more jealousy brewing if they implement a very helpful button because egos are easily bruised here and someone would be crying they didn't get any or begging for those numbers. This entire system does nothing but promote envy, strife and hate for one another. And we don't need our peers determining what we meant by a like, disagree or lol then deciphering it and reporting to gurus it was abuse. It bothers me greatly that someone hones in on my 'buttons' and says that person must have meant this to be mean. How do they know and furthermore when half the time I feel their own perception is skewed and not right with main stream thinking of a LOL

    You have my 1000 of insightfuls, awesomes and likes for this comment... and after reading 1000s of opinions.. I will state the following.. if "lol" is not back I want all buttons to go, maxis should stop favoring lots and cas creations and all of this like you said "favoritism" should stop and immediately. In sims 3 there were no buttons.. ( if I remember correctly) and no dam favoritism ( or if there was something I as a user wasn't aware of it..) and that was the best solution ever.. so moderators should come back to it.

    Maxis/website gurus didn't favor lots and Sims, worlds etc. Fans did. And then it was promoted on the front of the Exchange on TS3 site. (As it should be). Here we have to recommend to Maxis so if no one knows that then they will never get their stuff favored. LAME.

    And I never appreciate anyone going around here no matter who it is, saying things like they are best buds with gurus etc. They only set themselves up to be disliked by immature people. And bragging rights are not flattering to anyone. But then turn around and play a victim when they are no longer liked by immature others this would bother. Because no one likes a teacher's pet. Rule 101, on the internet. Don't spill the beans.

    Agreed, but if I don't like a certain person, it wouldn't be due being teacher's pet or even bragging about it. It would be due to taking advantage of that (alleged) friendship to influence the moderators into taking sides. Making changes based on this influence to go against what the majority wanted. That is what grinds my gears. >:)
  • Options
    5782341b77vl5782341b77vl Posts: 9,149 Member
    edited October 2015
    : lol : lol emoji just take out the spaces :lol:
    : -1 : disagree emoji just take out the spaces :-1:

    just for extra info -

    : +1 : agree/like emoji just remove spaces :+1:
  • Options
    CinebarCinebar Posts: 33,618 Member
    IceyJ wrote: »
    Cinebar wrote: »
    teaa5 wrote: »
    Cinebar wrote: »
    teaa5 wrote: »
    Cinebar wrote: »
    I have some advice but I'm afraid it would be taken wrong by someone who was hurt by the buttons. Never run for office, and never vote in a union where you can be black balled. Oust. There are many things in life that can hurt the feelings but a button on a 'game' forum shouldn't be one of them.

    This is the passive aggressiveness I'm talking abt. You're too afraid of outright confrontation, yet you do it in a passive aggressive way.

    If ur talking abt me then u can tell me directly. But it seems like you didn't read my posts or u might have selective reading, so I'll give u the tl;dr version: I don't care if the buttons are there or not. Again, you think ur being clever by hiding ur true intentions, but your not. It's quite cowardly, tbh.

    And, btw, how did u ever survive these forums without having your precious lol and disagree button?? It seems like u heavily rely on them other than responding?
    Scobre wrote: »
    Cinebar wrote: »

    My page/wall looks naked. I was proud of my disagrees and lols. Do I believe every lol I had was because I am so funny? No, but I liked them. :) ETA: I Just checked my wall and I have created 666 topics. I think I might need to make one more I don't like that number. :o:D
    I miss my disagree and LOL count too. I'm jealous of people who got 30 disagrees. It is like not matter what, I could never get my count that high. *Cries about being offended about not getting enough disagrees.* Ok Simmers mind read that. ;)

    After "they" took disagree away people started saying they'd use "Insightful" in place of "Disagree" ..... my "Insightful" count rose quickly after that lol :smiley:

    soon "like" will be used sarcastically.. lol and btw gave you "insightful" because I find your post really interesting :)) now I feel that I need to explain all my likes, awesomes, insightful and so on so nobody will offended... ;)

    Well, why shouldn't you? It seems it's grand to accept a like and not explain it but by doggies if we hit the disagree or lol we better have an answer for that. Why is it only what a few saw as negativity here has to be explained. Let's just get rid of them all, and no one get a like and stop the darn popularity contests going on in the background (that is the problem) and get rid of the leader board and then no one can 'feel' special. We don't need more jealousy brewing if they implement a very helpful button because egos are easily bruised here and someone would be crying they didn't get any or begging for those numbers. This entire system does nothing but promote envy, strife and hate for one another. And we don't need our peers determining what we meant by a like, disagree or lol then deciphering it and reporting to gurus it was abuse. It bothers me greatly that someone hones in on my 'buttons' and says that person must have meant this to be mean. How do they know and furthermore when half the time I feel their own perception is skewed and not right with main stream thinking of a LOL

    You have my 1000 of insightfuls, awesomes and likes for this comment... and after reading 1000s of opinions.. I will state the following.. if "lol" is not back I want all buttons to go, maxis should stop favoring lots and cas creations and all of this like you said "favoritism" should stop and immediately. In sims 3 there were no buttons.. ( if I remember correctly) and no dam favoritism ( or if there was something I as a user wasn't aware of it..) and that was the best solution ever.. so moderators should come back to it.

    Maxis/website gurus didn't favor lots and Sims, worlds etc. Fans did. And then it was promoted on the front of the Exchange on TS3 site. (As it should be). Here we have to recommend to Maxis so if no one knows that then they will never get their stuff favored. LAME.

    And I never appreciate anyone going around here no matter who it is, saying things like they are best buds with gurus etc. They only set themselves up to be disliked by immature people. And bragging rights are not flattering to anyone. But then turn around and play a victim when they are no longer liked by immature others this would bother. Because no one likes a teacher's pet. Rule 101, on the internet. Don't spill the beans.

    Agreed, but if I don't like a certain person, it wouldn't be due being teacher's pet or even bragging about it. It would be due to taking advantage of that (alleged) friendship to influence the moderators into taking sides. Making changes based on this influence to go against what the majority wanted. That is what grinds my gears. >:)

    Thus, why I said 'teacher's pet'. I'm not saying anyone here is but it can be perceived by children and adults that is what happened. And that doesn't bode well for EA. It looks like favoritism. No matter how you cut it. Not saying anyone would dislike anybody on the internet....but if a person says things to make others believe (no matter who it is) that they can talk to gurus and get them to answer, or respond, and or do something for them, then it becomes a problem for the community and that player or players and divides it even more.
    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.
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