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How Many Will Be Upset If We Type Out LOL?


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    EvalenEvalen Posts: 10,223 Member
    you can add me to your list. I am beyond being hurt. I have had worst things then that happen. I am only thinking of those who would be hurt.
    But remember wheh you LOL at me I will simply reply Lots of Love to you too.
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    PHOEBESMOM601PHOEBESMOM601 Posts: 14,595 Member
    Corey785 wrote: »
    The gurus stated they could see who lol'd or disagreed someone's post, which means try could easily see who abused the buttons. Why not just punish those users instead of everyone else? Ten people are not responsible for one person's actions.

    My argument is that they could see who clicked it but they had no way of knowing intent.

    I could type "I love the color purple" and get disagrees. Maybe someone wants to mess with me and then again maybe they just hate purple. To me it doesn't matter either way.

    Maybe people were being disagreed with because they were posting unpopular opinions or making others feel they were being treated in a snarky or condescending way. It's really not unheard of here for one person to post something snarky and get a warning and yet someone else could post the same thing and not get one. It depends on who happens to get offended.

    People can develop all sorts of notions, prejudices, friendships based on what we say and how we say it.

    We're on the Internet and have no way of seeing body language, hearing a tone or seeing facial expressions.

    Personally I've seen avatars that make me want to form an opinion about people. Some of them make me want to go nice. Some make me want to go ewwwww.....why would you use that? Some give me positive feelings others make me think in a negative way. It's human nature.

    And to round this all off....I have my own personal guidelines for reporting posts. If I see someone being ganged up on by a group I report it. If I see actual obscenity I report it. If I see illegal things I report it. But reporting over an LOL or a disagree....I'd feel like some kind of tattle tale snitch. But again that's my own personal guidelines.

    "People really love to explore 'failure states. In fact, the failure states are really much more interesting than the success states." ~ Will Wright
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    HausOfSuperHausOfSuper Posts: 1,825 Member
    Slawfish wrote: »
    Lolling is offensive if the person didn't say anything obviously funny. If you lol someone for being "ridiculous" (in your opinion), it's offensive. What is the purpose of a lol like that, besides making someone else feel bad?

    Exactly! Not everyone feels the same about that. If you don't think that this is offensive, it doesn't mean you can LOL me for whatever you want, because for me it is.
    Male. INFP. Virgo.
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    CinebarCinebar Posts: 33,618 Member
    Evalen wrote: »
    you can add me to your list. I am beyond being hurt. I have had worst things then that happen. I am only thinking of those who would be hurt.
    But remember wheh you LOL at me I will simply reply Lots of Love to you too.

    We all should learn to love everybody Evalen, but we won't. That would be a perfect world. It does baffle me why someone would hit the disagree button to be 'rude' and or because they don't like someone just because they disagree about a game. I mean go out of their way to find them and hit all their posts with disagrees. To me that is so useless. But trolls do that sort of thing.

    But I think what bothers me more is why the disagree count (and I had thousands, lol) hurt feelings? And or why the lol button which I thought was a happy button and that count hurt feelings? I just don't get it. I think there are many who many have abused in the last year for whatever reason, but I thought it looked nice on our walls.

    I am still baffled why some who complained about it actually used it against people. That is mind boggling. And or were just as happy to lol people with replies as if the other person was being silly, but then offended if they got a lol button pushed on and not spoken to them in other threads.
    That seems a little bit double standards imho.

    I would vote to remove all counts then if we are this sensitive, the leader board (which I never look at unless I have to find something I discussed and or visit my own page which I don't unless I want to say something which isn't all that often on my wall.

    They should come up with a new way to make people members if we can't disagree without hurting feelings and or have a lol button for jokes, and even last year people were offended if people said it with a gif. And they will be again. And it's my opinion if people can't have an honest debate without feathers flying then maybe we should just have a blog here and be done with it.

    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.
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    PHOEBESMOM601PHOEBESMOM601 Posts: 14,595 Member
    Evalen wrote: »
    Evalen wrote: »
    I guess the whole thing is are you laughing with the person or at the person, I have never in life agreed concerning laughing at people. In life it is hurtful and demeaning. Here would be the same. Everything revolves around our intention.

    I think about the *face palm* posts, the kind that get 7 million disagrees. Isn't it more kind to click lol and leave it at that instead of saying "Just what goes on in your head that you would ever post something like that?"

    I still believe that laughing at someone and laughing with them is different. It is easy to post, but would anyone here laugh at someone to their face. Maybe a few, but most people would not. It is cruel and we never know how they really feel about it. Yes laugh with someone is fine, but the difference of laughing at someone, is really meant to ridicule them. You see it all the time with bullies. My feelings are that social media, iPhone, massagers an such have taken away the personal side of things, where is the time when you went to visit someone, theses things lack personal relationship. Remember behind this screen are real live humans with very many emotions.
    We are all simmers here, real people, We do not know what some are going through, or how they will take it. If it is laughing with them then they too will laugh, But laughing at them is not good, lets learn to love one another.
    Slawfish wrote: »
    Lolling is offensive if the person didn't say anything obviously funny. If you lol someone for being "ridiculous" (in your opinion), it's offensive. What is the purpose of a lol like that, besides making someone else feel bad?

    Both of you are assuming that there are just two kinds of laughter for everyone. It sounds like it's either laugh with or laugh at and not any degrees in between.

    "People really love to explore 'failure states. In fact, the failure states are really much more interesting than the success states." ~ Will Wright
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    TheSingingSimmerTheSingingSimmer Posts: 3,348 Member
    Corey785 wrote: »
    The gurus stated they could see who lol'd or disagreed someone's post, which means try could easily see who abused the buttons. Why not just punish those users instead of everyone else? Ten people are not responsible for one person's actions.

    My argument is that they could see who clicked it but they had no way of knowing intent.

    I could type "I love the color purple" and get disagrees. Maybe someone wants to mess with me and then again maybe they just hate purple. To me it doesn't matter either way.

    Maybe people were being disagreed with because they were posting unpopular opinions or making others feel they were being treated in a snarky or condescending way. It's really not unheard of here for one person to post something snarky and get a warning and yet someone else could post the same thing and not get one. It depends on who happens to get offended.

    People can develop all sorts of notions, prejudices, friendships based on what we say and how we say it.

    We're on the Internet and have no way of seeing body language, hearing a tone or seeing facial expressions.

    Personally I've seen avatars that make me want to form an opinion about people. Some of them make me want to go nice. Some make me want to go ewwwww.....why would you use that? Some give me positive feelings others make me think in a negative way. It's human nature.

    And to round this all off....I have my own personal guidelines for reporting posts. If I see someone being ganged up on by a group I report it. If I see actual obscenity I report it. If I see illegal things I report it. But reporting over an LOL or a disagree....I'd feel like some kind of tattle tale snitch. But again that's my own personal guidelines.

    That's a good argument. However, my main point is that they could see who was lol'ing serious posts or disagreeing with only one user in all of their posts. I totally get where you are coming from though.
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    CinebarCinebar Posts: 33,618 Member
    Slawfish wrote: »
    Lolling is offensive if the person didn't say anything obviously funny. If you lol someone for being "ridiculous" (in your opinion), it's offensive. What is the purpose of a lol like that, besides making someone else feel bad?

    Exactly! Not everyone feels the same about that. If you don't think that this is offensive, it doesn't mean you can LOL me for whatever you want, because for me it is.

    But was the whole forum lolling the 'wrong way'? Or is it a few who carry out revenge and or continue in a feud? Or just a troll one day who went through a whole thread and lolled everyone and or disagreed with everyone? I think it was never the whole forum, and we have had some here admit they did it though they shouldn't have and get upset when people disagree with them and or lol them. But they admit they do it, too.

    You know niceness with a smile doesn't show the evil intent, either. And condescending remarks are often made ( I see them often) behind a friendly smile and or a group who gets together and talks over and around the original poster or someone else they don't agree with. It's more than a button problem.
    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.
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    JoBass24usJoBass24us Posts: 1,629 Member
    To this I can only refer to Stephen Fry. Who I think stated my thoughts on this topic quite eloquently;

    "It's now very common to hear people say, 'I'm rather offended by that.' As if that gives them certain rights, it's actually nothing more....than a whine. 'I find that offensive.' It has no meaning; it has no purpose; it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. 'I'm offended by that.' Well, so what."
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    PHOEBESMOM601PHOEBESMOM601 Posts: 14,595 Member
    Corey785 wrote: »
    Corey785 wrote: »
    The gurus stated they could see who lol'd or disagreed someone's post, which means try could easily see who abused the buttons. Why not just punish those users instead of everyone else? Ten people are not responsible for one person's actions.

    My argument is that they could see who clicked it but they had no way of knowing intent.

    I could type "I love the color purple" and get disagrees. Maybe someone wants to mess with me and then again maybe they just hate purple. To me it doesn't matter either way.

    Maybe people were being disagreed with because they were posting unpopular opinions or making others feel they were being treated in a snarky or condescending way. It's really not unheard of here for one person to post something snarky and get a warning and yet someone else could post the same thing and not get one. It depends on who happens to get offended.

    People can develop all sorts of notions, prejudices, friendships based on what we say and how we say it.

    We're on the Internet and have no way of seeing body language, hearing a tone or seeing facial expressions.

    Personally I've seen avatars that make me want to form an opinion about people. Some of them make me want to go nice. Some make me want to go ewwwww.....why would you use that? Some give me positive feelings others make me think in a negative way. It's human nature.

    And to round this all off....I have my own personal guidelines for reporting posts. If I see someone being ganged up on by a group I report it. If I see actual obscenity I report it. If I see illegal things I report it. But reporting over an LOL or a disagree....I'd feel like some kind of tattle tale snitch. But again that's my own personal guidelines.

    That's a good argument. However, my main point is that they could see who was lol'ing serious posts or disagreeing with only one user in all of their posts. I totally get where you are coming from though.

    It really comes down to who is offended by what. A lot of disagrees or lols wouldn't bother me. If someone LOLed a serious post the first thing that would come to my mind is "Yeah you're a butt." and then be done with it. I realize that this is a public forum and there are nice people and butt hats.

    What really got me was someone (out of all these posts on the subject I don't even remember who it was) got upset because someone either did an LOL or a disagree when they posted a picture. Not everyone likes the same things and to expect that is totally unrealistic. I've spent the majority of my adult life as a self employed artist/crafts woman and if I took a negative critique personally I would have quit after my first show.
    "People really love to explore 'failure states. In fact, the failure states are really much more interesting than the success states." ~ Will Wright
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    CinebarCinebar Posts: 33,618 Member
    Corey785 wrote: »
    Corey785 wrote: »
    The gurus stated they could see who lol'd or disagreed someone's post, which means try could easily see who abused the buttons. Why not just punish those users instead of everyone else? Ten people are not responsible for one person's actions.

    My argument is that they could see who clicked it but they had no way of knowing intent.

    I could type "I love the color purple" and get disagrees. Maybe someone wants to mess with me and then again maybe they just hate purple. To me it doesn't matter either way.

    Maybe people were being disagreed with because they were posting unpopular opinions or making others feel they were being treated in a snarky or condescending way. It's really not unheard of here for one person to post something snarky and get a warning and yet someone else could post the same thing and not get one. It depends on who happens to get offended.

    People can develop all sorts of notions, prejudices, friendships based on what we say and how we say it.

    We're on the Internet and have no way of seeing body language, hearing a tone or seeing facial expressions.

    Personally I've seen avatars that make me want to form an opinion about people. Some of them make me want to go nice. Some make me want to go ewwwww.....why would you use that? Some give me positive feelings others make me think in a negative way. It's human nature.

    And to round this all off....I have my own personal guidelines for reporting posts. If I see someone being ganged up on by a group I report it. If I see actual obscenity I report it. If I see illegal things I report it. But reporting over an LOL or a disagree....I'd feel like some kind of tattle tale snitch. But again that's my own personal guidelines.

    That's a good argument. However, my main point is that they could see who was lol'ing serious posts or disagreeing with only one user in all of their posts. I totally get where you are coming from though.

    And I get what you are saying, lol and PhobesMom601. Because if one person follows a person around and lols them to death, shouldn't they be asked why they are doing that by the mods then determine whether that is just somebody with a grudge? or doing it on purpose. But as she said, can we really determine intent. As I said earlier I know people who laugh when bad things happen because that is how they deal with it.

    Others have an illness who do that (really) and I think trying to read a person's mind is more of a problem than a button.
    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.
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    PHOEBESMOM601PHOEBESMOM601 Posts: 14,595 Member
    JoBass24us wrote: »
    To this I can only refer to Stephen Fry. Who I think stated my thoughts on this topic quite eloquently;

    "It's now very common to hear people say, 'I'm rather offended by that.' As if that gives them certain rights, it's actually nothing more....than a whine. 'I find that offensive.' It has no meaning; it has no purpose; it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. 'I'm offended by that.' Well, so what."

    Can I give you my "Greatest post of the day" award?

    "People really love to explore 'failure states. In fact, the failure states are really much more interesting than the success states." ~ Will Wright
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    poisonedsodapoppoisonedsodapop Posts: 1,179 Member
    This forum seems do weird about those dumb buttons. They should just leave them...
    Hoping some day for some toddlers. But also dreading they'll never come. JK THEY ARE HERE!
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    JoBass24usJoBass24us Posts: 1,629 Member
    JoBass24us wrote: »
    To this I can only refer to Stephen Fry. Who I think stated my thoughts on this topic quite eloquently;

    "It's now very common to hear people say, 'I'm rather offended by that.' As if that gives them certain rights, it's actually nothing more....than a whine. 'I find that offensive.' It has no meaning; it has no purpose; it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. 'I'm offended by that.' Well, so what."

    Can I give you my "Greatest post of the day" award?

    Sure, I'll take it! ;)

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    CinebarCinebar Posts: 33,618 Member
    JoBass24us wrote: »
    To this I can only refer to Stephen Fry. Who I think stated my thoughts on this topic quite eloquently;

    "It's now very common to hear people say, 'I'm rather offended by that.' As if that gives them certain rights, it's actually nothing more....than a whine. 'I find that offensive.' It has no meaning; it has no purpose; it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. 'I'm offended by that.' Well, so what."

    Can I give you my "Greatest post of the day" award?

    No, not in this thread because I can see how that might offend someone (not that it offends me) if we say 'like' to that. Seriously, saying 'like' to that may offend someone.
    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.
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    PHOEBESMOM601PHOEBESMOM601 Posts: 14,595 Member
    edited October 2015
    Cinebar wrote: »
    JoBass24us wrote: »
    To this I can only refer to Stephen Fry. Who I think stated my thoughts on this topic quite eloquently;

    "It's now very common to hear people say, 'I'm rather offended by that.' As if that gives them certain rights, it's actually nothing more....than a whine. 'I find that offensive.' It has no meaning; it has no purpose; it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. 'I'm offended by that.' Well, so what."

    Can I give you my "Greatest post of the day" award?

    No, not in this thread because I can see how that might offend someone (not that it offends me) if we say 'like' to that. Seriously, saying 'like' to that may offend someone.

    Okay I'll remember that in the future. :o

    ETA,,,No I take that back. What I said was completely within forum guidelines.

    If someone doesn't like it......well here.... :p

    "People really love to explore 'failure states. In fact, the failure states are really much more interesting than the success states." ~ Will Wright
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    windweaverwindweaver Posts: 7,377 Member
    No, not a problem
    My Origin Name is: Cynconzola8
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    simgirl1010simgirl1010 Posts: 36,361 Member
    If you saw two adults completely nude having sex on your front lawn would that offend you? Are you saying to be offended has no meaning or the phrase, 'I'm offended', has no meaning.
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    SeamoanSeamoan Posts: 1,323 Member
    If you saw two adults completely nude having sex on your front lawn would that offend you? Are you saying to be offended has no meaning or the phrase, 'I'm offended', has no meaning.

    During the day while I'm getting my kids out of the car, yes, people woohoo-ing on in my front yard would get a reaction out of me.

    At night while I'm looking out the window with a warm glass of milk, probably not, people woohoo-ing in my front yard would make me laugh and head off back to bed.

    It's all subjective.
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    JoBass24usJoBass24us Posts: 1,629 Member
    If you saw two adults completely nude having sex on your front lawn would that offend you? Are you saying to be offended has no meaning or the phrase, 'I'm offended', has no meaning.

    That is what I'm saying, it has no meaning. Why? Because it's used, no abused, so frequently that virtually anything can be construed as offensive, case in point, this thread and the silly buttons.

    To answer your question, no I would not be offended by that.. I'd call the police and report the crime of trespass, indecent, and salacious behavior.

    There's a huge difference in the scenario you proposed and silly lol, and disagree buttons.
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    simgirl1010simgirl1010 Posts: 36,361 Member
    Seamoan wrote: »
    If you saw two adults completely nude having sex on your front lawn would that offend you? Are you saying to be offended has no meaning or the phrase, 'I'm offended', has no meaning.

    During the day while I'm getting my kids out of the car, yes, people woohoo-ing on in my front yard would get a reaction out of me.

    At night while I'm looking out the window with a warm glass of milk, probably not, people woohoo-ing in my front yard would make me laugh and head off back to bed.

    It's all subjective.

    LOL. And that's a funny lol. :p
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    Rflong7Rflong7 Posts: 36,590 Member
    edited October 2015
    No- You may not type out lol or disagree for me. I want to be Awesome'd and Insightful'd so my buttons count increases. :lol:

    If you must type Lol or disagree I would like it in the form of a Lolcat or a Loldog... *included with typing. Sweet and funny gifs which will make me smile, too. But please, no rude gifs. XD

    _I don't care, I just rather have some fun but not in a belittling way. :hugz:
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    PHOEBESMOM601PHOEBESMOM601 Posts: 14,595 Member
    If you saw two adults completely nude having sex on your front lawn would that offend you? Are you saying to be offended has no meaning or the phrase, 'I'm offended', has no meaning.

    For me these days there is just too much attention being paid to the people in the minority that are offended by so much.

    Now I'll risk some gasps and offending people.

    Would I be offended? I might be surprised and then laugh then go about my day. I might call my husband to the window, laugh and say...Oh my god...look at the neighbors. I might take them a blanket. I wouldn't know until it actually happened. Would I call the cops? Unless one of them was harming the other I doubt it. Then again I'm the liberal in a very conservative neighborhood so I'm sure someone else would call the cops. I do have to add I've know a lot of cops in my life and if you stack up the truly horrible things they deal with against being called to that kind of call it would probably make their day. They'd arrest them for being lewd in public or something but they'd probably be laughing inside all the way to the station.

    "People really love to explore 'failure states. In fact, the failure states are really much more interesting than the success states." ~ Will Wright
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    PHOEBESMOM601PHOEBESMOM601 Posts: 14,595 Member
    Rflong7 wrote: »
    No- You may not type out lol or disagree for me. I want to be Awesome'd and Insightful'd so my buttons count increases. :lol:

    If you must type Lol or disagree I would like it in the form of a Lolcat or a Loldog... *included with typing. Sweet and funny gifs which will make me smile, too. But please, no rude gifs. XD

    _I don't care, I just rather have some fun but not in a belittling way. :hugz:

    I disagree that you are not awesome.

    "People really love to explore 'failure states. In fact, the failure states are really much more interesting than the success states." ~ Will Wright
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    Rflong7Rflong7 Posts: 36,590 Member
    edited October 2015
    Rflong7 wrote: »
    No- You may not type out lol or disagree for me. I want to be Awesome'd and Insightful'd so my buttons count increases. :lol:

    If you must type Lol or disagree I would like it in the form of a Lolcat or a Loldog... *included with typing. Sweet and funny gifs which will make me smile, too. But please, no rude gifs. XD

    _I don't care, I just rather have some fun but not in a belittling way. :hugz:

    I disagree that you are not awesome.

    I disagree that you are not right.


    *You did make me laugh! :lol:

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    CinebarCinebar Posts: 33,618 Member
    edited October 2015
    Cinebar wrote: »
    JoBass24us wrote: »
    To this I can only refer to Stephen Fry. Who I think stated my thoughts on this topic quite eloquently;

    "It's now very common to hear people say, 'I'm rather offended by that.' As if that gives them certain rights, it's actually nothing more....than a whine. 'I find that offensive.' It has no meaning; it has no purpose; it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. 'I'm offended by that.' Well, so what."

    Can I give you my "Greatest post of the day" award?

    No, not in this thread because I can see how that might offend someone (not that it offends me) if we say 'like' to that. Seriously, saying 'like' to that may offend someone.

    Okay I'll remember that in the future. :o

    ETA,,,No I take that back. What I said was completely within forum guidelines.

    If someone doesn't like it......well here.... :p

    Didn't you know like is also offensive? Well, I have read this stuff, too. Example, I say something, you disagree, you get a lot of likes or agrees because you disagreed with me and everyone agreed with you. Bam, I (but never would) get offended because you got more likes for saying something hurtful and or degrading in their eyes.

    Retracted my last statement since it could be offensive.
    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.
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