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What happened in your sims 3 game today?


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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,137 Member
    @GraceyManor I think those masks either came with Supernatural or Showtime because I never noticed them in my game and I just barely added those two EP's in over the past few months and now I have them in my game. :p

    @Nikkei_Simmer Thanks for the reply comment. :)
    your search terms, "Sims 3", -4, -"TS4"
    ^See, I do that and Sims 4 stuff still manages to squeak through. :(
    I'm with you on that. Super misleading! :grimace:

    I keep thinking that I should post my Stardew Story over at, but it all comes down to time and I just don't have the time to do that right now. :pensive: (And I get the feeling readers over there aren't as nice as they are here. :p ) Plus I would probably have to reword stuff to take out the Sims aspect of the story which honestly, is a big part of it. Can you add pictures to your posts on there or no?
    Yep. If Parker can't see what he's got than he's a mo'ron.
    Why is Satoshi looking all smexy... um... XY chromosome has absolutely no idea. :mrgreen: Perhaps you should ask my wife. :mrgreen:
    ^Lol! :lol:
    Well I actually know why...cause he's got a nice bod and was mostly naked! :mrgreen: Hee hee!
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,137 Member
    My daughter has legit spent the last couple of hours playing Supernaturals in Bridgeport. :grin: She is making me one proud momma. :blush:

    I'm thinking, That's my girl. :smirk:

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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member

    89 The Watcher Watches: Danny & Belinda -> Gladsten <-

    The first thing I do when my game opens, is check to see what everyone is doing.
    Beau "grr"

    Belinda and Bébé
    "Maxy kiss Faefae, Mama" Bébé whispers. Belinda loves her tiny tot's baby breath.
    'Mmhmm that's right, Bébé. Max is in love!" explains Belinda.


    And our newest couple Max and Faelie, still engaged in loving each other from last time! :)

    "Danny thank you for cooking, but I need to clean the counter top, hon" says Belinda
    Of course standing a mere yard away from Belinda, sets Danny off.

    We have visitors! (because Watcher wants to see something, that may or may not need 'fixing'
    while it's still early on. )
    yep, I have a concern about Faelie and Gladsten. Gladsten is Not going to get hurt anymore in this game!
    If I can help it!
    4 times is 3 times too many! (The first was Marigold. broke up with him when the game first started)
    Of course Now I realize my stupidity to not have control over Faelie yet.

    and again
    Gladsten says "hahaha Max you are a very amusing fellow! But One more heart for my wife and I'll clobber you with a rolling pin "

    Frida quit it, NOW!
    "I can't help it watcher, you shouldn't have made Max so lovely"
    I didn't! AlexaKry did!
    "Get mad her then, I LIKE Max!"
    grrrr :#

    "Gladsten "grr"

    I make Max confess to Gladsten, his love for Faelie, to put poor Gladsten more at ease.
    I can see the relief immediately!

    Then Frida comes to her senses and does the right thing

    Danny had been getting a sense that things might need to simmer down outside, so he calls everyone in to eat.

    "Nice house, Max" says Frida "have you lived here long?"
    But Max ignores her because Sushi!
    Danny says "Frida we've had twins since we last saw you!"
    Belinda says "Our household Is growing Frida, with the addition of Max and the twins!
    "And soon I will have a child" says Max to Danny. Max is thinking ahead again, unbeknownst to anyone!

    "Say Faelie, do you have remembrance of Gladsten?" Belinda wants to know.
    "Oh yes, of course I do, we are old friends" says Faelie
    "But was it ever anything more?" asks Belinda
    ''Well who knows, perhaps on a parallel plane of existence, or in a steamy dream ..." Faelie's voice trails off in embarrassment as she becomes aware that Frida and Max are straining their ears to hear her, :open_mouth: not to mention Gladsten overhearing, smiling and blushing at the 'steamy dream' part!
    But He is an Astronaut! so surely he would be able to 'see' any parallel existences so far up in space! so probably it is just a young girl's dream!

    "Yes that's how I remember it too. no dates, no love, the last person Gladsten dated, before Frida, was Marigold." murmurs Belinda
    "That relieves me that you also remember it that way, Belinda" says Faelie. "I don't want to be 'mixed up' again!

    Max did indeed overhear! He approaches Faelie
    "My dear, is there something between you and Gladsten?"
    Max touches her arm and looks in her eyes so he will Know.

    "No, Max."
    "Not even like the hearts you and Frida just had for one another."
    ''Oh No! I forgot we all can see through walls!" thinks Max

    "It's ok Max, It's not like we can help our chemistry!" Faelie smiles, as long as we don't act on it!

    Gladsten wants to get to know Faelie, he understands she has new traits! Max watches him Very closely, he doesn't know if Gladsten might retaliate his own indiscretion of hearts!
    Max thinks he needs to contemplate *the chemistry of hearts*

    Frida has had enough of all this talking!
    "Please excuse me everyone, but the Main reason for sims visiting is to woohoo in your bedrooms!" she says as she grabs Gladsten.
    Max was unaware this fact, but thinks it's a very good idea! He makes a mental note to contemplate *woohoo in others houses*.

    Are you feeling better now, Gladsten?
    "Yes watcher, thank you"


    But now you'll get kicked out Frida!
    "I don't care! it's worth it!" Frida tells me. "My Gladsten is a smokin Hot Toddy!"
    ya he is!

    But Danny invites them back in, because he Understands all too well! :):D

    eeek We have a hole in our house! See where Faelie is standing upstairs? She will fall below and have to climb up the stairs again, to play chess on the laptop! lol

    "I think my wife and I are ready to start a family!" says Max
    "beg pardon Max?" asks Belinda
    "Well you know how much I love your babies, and I just want my own!, It's time!" Max explains
    "Max, you and Faelie aren't married yet." Belinda reminds him
    "But it feels like we Are!" says Max

    "Besides I think I know a way to sneak and get babies!" says Max happily.

    ''You know, I already broke one of Watchers mods! hehehe" Max whispers
    I heard that!!!

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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    edited January 2021
    Actually...@emorrill, you don't have to alter it. Just put it in a Sims 3/Stardew Valley cross-over section. They have cross-overs and some of them are weirder than that: Final Fantasy Series/ER? wth? Sims 3/Stardew Valley is completely plausible as a believable story.

    I started out my resurgence as a fanfiction writer (wrote crack-fic in the 90s - y'know weird off-the-wall fics) on - in my favorite genre of writing: military fic.

    I have done Sims 3/JAG cross-overs with my JAG-Sims. No feedback as of yet, but well... I write for my enjoyment and that's what most writers should do, is write for their own enjoyment. If you enjoy what you write; chances are someone else will too. :) On, no, you can't post pictures...since it is strictly a text-only site. AO3 on the other hand allows pictures, but the bulk of the story should be carried by its text, which make no mistake, yours does. I could read it without the pictures and still know exactly what's going on.

    This was my first ever fic coming back to JAG after a 12 year hiatus of not writing JAG fanfiction...or writing of any sort.

    Storm Clouds Ahead; a JAG fan fiction by CdnJAGScribe (yeah, that's me...)

    And quite a few of the readers are really nice. :D
    This is a sampling of just a few:

    I came across this story looking for another
    You are truly a gifted story teller and write
    I realise it has been decades that this has been left unfinished
    Hope you do finish it.

    It’s truly fast paced and a joy to read


    An excellent story and alternate reality, which popped up via a random search through the fanfiction archives. Well-written, few typos, action clearly paced and this story held my attention throughout.

    I hope you are going to write another chapter on this one (review on last chapter;

    Author: Sorry to disappoint, but I find that the denoument of the story just leaves it properly hanging at the graveyard scene).
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,934 Member
    Hello all. Thank you for the comments. I'll try to reply specifically to you later. Right now I'm just popping in the say I've been giving out Likes and Awesomes and yesterday I spent some time to play my game and recording some video. I've also been making the next video too but so far their romance hasn't progressed much. They are Best Friends though and did engage in a little flirting late last night just before I decided I needed to shut down and get some sleep.

    I got a heap of screen shots but if I post them now you'll know where they went as it's obvious. All I will say is it's somewhere I've never sent any of my couples so far.

    I'm about to do a little work on the video now and then I might play ahead a bit more to hopefully get their romance started. But they still have so much to do around this world.

    Bye for now
    And Happy Simming all.
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,137 Member
    Actually...@emorrill, you don't have to alter it. Just put it in a Sims 3/Stardew Valley cross-over section. They have cross-overs and some of them are weirder than that: Final Fantasy Series/ER? wth? Sims 3/Stardew Valley is completely plausible as a believable story.

    @Nikkei_Simmer Oh my gosh wonderful! :smiley: That makes me feel better!

    (And ditto to the FF and ER crossover! :joy: Now I'm crazy curious to check that out actually as I love both! :lol: )
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member

    Generation One

    Chapter Six

    "Life Around The Chikamori House" (Part Four)

    McIrish Side of the Triplex

    River was upstairs in her room along with Haruo as she was testing out the artists supplies. Together they had assembled her new easel and got it to function the way it was meant to. She planned to use her sketch done yesterday at the beach as a reference image for a beach scene done in oils that she hoped would look as alive as she'd managed to make it in sketch-form. The nice thing about pencil sketches was that not only were they good reference sources drawn from one's own artistic vision but also, as pencils, could be erased to correct a flaw. When she had to do the oil painting, she would get one chance to get a flawless painting.
    River was certainly enjoying the new tools of her artistic career choice. She looked over at Haruo who had his head buried in a notebook busily scrawling away. "You look busy, sweetheart." River commented.

    "Yup", Haruo replied, a bit preoccupied with his task at hand, scribbling industriously, "I have an idea for a book..." he trailed off as he continued the movements of his pen on paper. Every so often, he'd pause, look as though he was cogitating a thought, then go back to scribbling more lines of prose. River grinned in response. Haruo had always been an A-student in English 12. His creative writing had always earned him in the high nineties if not a perfect score of one hundred percent of any graded creative writing assignment. His acumen for the written phrase was second to none. Evidently Haruo was serious about a writing career and doing everything that he could do to make it a reality.
    It would behoove them to get computers, River thought, when they had enough money to do so, and Haruo would need a large capacity hard drive in order to have enough space for all his research. But as far as MS-DOS was concerned that would be a problem. Frankly Wordperfect was starting to take market-share from WordStar and thus would dominate in a world that was starting to make the switch to IBM PC. River figured that would probably be the wise route to go.
    River smiled again to herself; already she was thinking as if they were together as a couple long-since married; that they were pooling their money together: it's not his money or my money; it's OUR money she thought. She looked at her finger surreptitiously so that Haruo wouldn't notice and wishing that there was a ring on that finger already. It was a pleasant thought to think of herself as already spoken for. Come to think of it, River had pondered that Haruo had been a bit cagey about his reasons for going downtown so early in the morning yesterday. Did he have something in his pocket? Well she'd just have to wait and not ruin his surprise. She wasn't certain for sure, but it had to be something.
    She had looked deep within herself to see if she could picture spending the rest of her life with him and her answer was a resounding YES with no hesitation at all. When he would pop the question; despite the witch of a mother in the background, he was worth it. And she would say "yes" wholeheartedly to linking her life with Haruo. He'd always been by her side; her constant friend for the past fifteen years so it was a natural progression from boyfriend/girlfriend to engaged-to-be-married and she was looking forward to moving along that path in their relationship.
    Haruo, on the other hand, was working his way through a rather tough part of his story, completely unaware of the conjugal thoughts trickling through the synapses of River's head. Furrowing his brow, he followed the outline that he'd so painstakingly prepared the night before. With the direction of the plot in place it was a matter of writing connect-the-dots and having his characters work towards the ending while he, as the author, got to throw in red-herrings, plot-twists and other malodorous situations to forestall the eventual demise of the villains in the story as well as a few of the protagonist's sidekicks along the way. Making sure to milk the suspense for as long as possible but to not have the plot course affected to the point where the plot got thrown out the window was certainly a problematic situation but that came with the territory of being a writer.
    River hoped that Haruo would have a successful career as a writer and she believed in him. After all, their family would need two incomes to make ends meet. They would work together as a team to make that a reality. River looked over with affection as she saw Haruo writing copious amounts of text in his notebook as he made progress through the novel he was penning. She thought that certainly was an industrious level of activity that he was exhibiting. She smiled again as she turned back to her own painting and continued to transfer details from her sketch at the beachside to the canvas in preparation for application of oils.
    By the time that they were hungry enough to take a break for a late brunch around two in the afternoon, River had managed to get the details and start to arrange the oil paint tubes in preparation for the palette. Her selection of paint that she chose was a selection of sand, blue, grey, greens and other selections of colours that would compliment the landscape she was planning on painting. The individual colours would line the edges while the center would be where the colours would mix in order to achieve gradient of colours to signify shadow or light on the surface of the object. A must for the palette was white since that would inevitably be mixed to create lighter solutions for a certain colour while black would darken the shade. And that was the constant difficulty with paints as you had to know what colour would mix with another to make a certain shade of purple or pink or whatever colour.
    River sighed; she'd insist that when they built their dream home that they have a dedicated studio so that they could keep all their crafts in that one area. Haruo would have his office where he could do his writing while she would have a cupboard in her space to store paints, thinners, canvases and other artist's items. To the side she would have a tablesaw and a router table so that she could custom frame her paintings. The thought of having such a place was appealing.

    Chikamori's Side of the Triplex

    At 6:30 in the afternoon, Mayumi stomped into the house, out of sorts and looking for a fight. Even though school was out Teacher Development Days were still in effect until the end of the month before she would be allowed to take her own summer holidays. If that wasn't irritating enough she had to contend with teacher evaluations that would determine if the faculty would retain the services of teachers who they found their teaching capabilities less than effective. To be called into the office of the district supervisor for Education and be told that they would be re-evaluating her performance as an educator this coming year if deciding to retain her services once her contract with that school was up was absolutely infuriating. Spot checks, as the age group of her students was too young to assign them evaluations of their own to complete as these would go beyond the "Did you like your teacher?" "Do you feel you learned something in her class?" All they'd get out of students barely past the age of preschool would be a wide-eyed nod and a " uh-huh" which would prove to be completely useless in any objective evaluation of a teacher's teaching abilities.
    But of course to a narcissist like Mayumi, this kind of thorough evaluation of her ability or lack of was abjectly humiliating and infuriating. What right did the foul-up of a school board administrator think he was doing subjecting her to humiliation like that? He was a lesser being than her. He should be grovelling at her feet in abject obeisance begging her to continue to teach those snivelling little toe-lickers. How dare he think he had the right to cast judgement upon her perfection; her flawless performance. Frankly they should all be begging her for pointers on how to keep their classrooms in check, considering the rabble that pervaded their classes. One could hear the cacophony three hall ways over. She'd shut them up in an instant and then they would all cower in fear. Oh she would remember this, District Supervisor Don Mahoney, just you wait you bloviated sack of excrement. You will rue the day you crossed Mayumi the Great and Powerful.
    She stomped into the living-room, heavy steps shaking the house, looking for her favourite scapegoat to persecute. She nearly screamed in outrage. Her miserable excuse for a kid had disappeared somewhere and was nowhere to be found for Mayumi to make his life an absolute misery. Thus she had no-one to take out her frustrations on which only served to put Mayumi in an even worse mood.
    Poor Yasunobu after stopping outside to pay the bills after returning from outside after a day of hard work trying to harvest the plants and make sure that the fruits were ready to be sold, walked into a 🐸🐸🐸🐸-storm of epic proportions at around seven exactly. There was no excuse for jumping a hard-working Yasunobu like that but Mayumi did not care and she went off on him like a tactical nuclear warhead. What transpired was an argument that lasted three hours, which Fiona upon returning overheard and knocked gently on River's door to let her know that Haruo and River should prepare the extra room upstairs so that Haruo could stay the night. Fiona wasn't going to allow him to go back to a home that night that was in the midst of an argument that threatened to get violent.
    Yasunobu, by about the three and a half hour mark, had finally had enough. "Kusobaba!" He roared, "musuko zettai gomi ni atsukatte, boku ga anatanomikata naru to kitai sho-ka? Bakayaro ka? (Stupid woman, you treat our son like garbage, yet you expect me to back you? Are you stupid?)"
    Mayumi sputtered in outrage. She'd never been spoken like that to by her husband. She'd extremely miscalculated the fact that she'd thought of him as a milquetoast always willing to do her bidding. She shrieked, "Dōshita sonani boku ni hanasu ka! (How dare you speak in that way to me!)"
    "Aete, anata no musuko o jūbun gyakutai shita. Atama yokattanara, zutto mae ni anata to rikon surubeki ja, musuko o tsurete Nihon ni kairubeki ja ta.(I dare, you've abused your son enough. if I had been smart I'd have divorced you a long time ago and took my son with me back to Japan but that choice is no longer mine) Shikashi, sono sentaku mohaya boku no monode dewanai!"

    Mayumi's look of hate was enough for Yasunobu,"aMohaya jibun jishin kappuru to minasanai koto saizandekin kara tabun, korekara wa betsu heya neru kata ii da ne. (It's better if we no longer consider ourselves a couple from now on and maybe it would be better if we slept in separate rooms)."
    "Kore wa wasurenai yo! (I'm not going to forget this!)". She screeched.
    "Kitai shinaide!" Yasunobu snapped, "(I wouldn't expect you to!)" and walked out of the living room and upstairs to pack his things in order to move his stuff out of the room that he formerly shared with Mayumi.
    Mayumi shook with rage, seeing red, stomping outside, she let out a screeching howl of anger. How dare this pathetic worm of a husband stand up to her; Mayumi the Great. Did the pathetic little louse realize just what he was doing? How dare he tell Mayumi that he was going to split up with her. She had expected to do that to him if anything. She was outraged that he had taken the initiative to move out of her room and into a private room at the other end of the second floor. Mayumi would have the entire room, Yasunobu had just vacated, to herself but that didn't appease her any. Where did he learn to have the backbone to stand up to her like that? She needed to find out and stamp it out before everyone else got the bright idea of rebellion. Mayumi was so enraged, she vowed to make Yasunobu’s and everyone else’s life a living hell.

    By the time that Yasunobu retreated upstairs, Satoshi had come home from work, noting that Yasunobu was not usually sitting at the dinner table, he headed upstairs to find out what was the matter. Hearing noise coming from the spare bedroom, he poked his nose in the room. Mayumi was already in what was now her room sulking.
    "Nani ga okota node-ka? (Shpuld I ask what's going on?) Satoshi asked clearly rattled by the sight of his brother's now room and the possessions of his that he was slowly moving in to the room. He wondered what was going on as his brother looked rather angry and frustrated.
    "Mayumi to bunru suru. (I'm separating from Mayumi)" Yasunobu said shortly, but then elaborated. "Suiteiru san-kai shinshitsu idō suru to, kanojo ni-kai ni tomaru. (I will move to the third floor; she will stay on the second) Kanojo musuko hihan suru hodo boku gaman shinai. (My wife criticises my son and I won't put up with it.)"
    "Hihan suru? Karakatteru no. Tsuma anata no musuko o hihan shita dakedanai gyakutai shimashita, Yasukun! (Criticize? Are you kidding me? Your wife has been abusing your son, not just criticizing!)".

    Yasunobu nodded, he knew that he had given Mayumi too much slack in her leash and in doing so; he'd created a monster who thought she was a goddess whodeserved to be exalted by all those around her and he was paying the price for his blindness.
    "Bunri yoi daiippodeahou. Musuko hahaoya ni gyakutai sarenai yō ni suru hitsuyō ne (Separation is a good first step but you're also going to have to make sure your son no longer has to be abused by his mother.), "Satoshi pointed out to his brother.
    "Watashi shi-teiru, Satoshi, Haruo; kare saru koto ga dekiru jidai ni chikazuiteru. Umaku ikeba, kare wa shin'yū to shiawase mitsukeru koto ga dekiru. (I know, Satoshi, Haruo is getting to the age where he is able to leave the nest. Hopefully he can find happiness with a close friend.)" Yasunobu said smiling a slow grin. "Kimochi ga aru River to issho ni nareba totte yoi pātonā desho. (i have a feeling that River, if they get together, will be a good partner for him)" Yasunobu thought after letting Satoshi know that hopefully, Haruo and River would figure it out for themselves.
    Satoshi was in agreement and he figured that Haruo and River were destined for each other. He'd seen how close the two of them were and that pairing was no coincidence. River had the strength and internal fortitude to stand up to anything Mayumi could dish out at them and that River would block any attempts of Mayumi's to get at her son. But it didn't stop him from wishing that Mayumi would meet her end in some painful fashion. It would be a fate for that evil hag that was richly deserved.

    (End Chapter Six)
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member

    @thuggishsplicer OK great! I will try to dl him tomorrow morning when I am fresh and brain working! Thank you again! btw I love the name Zé Roberto! :) what made you decide on the Zé ? performer? :)

    @GraceyManor I don't have the pack but is it from University? I saw they can dress up for parties, so maybe?
    I loved your update!

    @emorrill yes I finally found that bad clown thing! you can fix it with retuner! I fixed it but don't remember the details, I think it says on the NRaas site!

    The toddler hug is a mod for toddlers, on MTS look up toddlers and it will be there! sorry I can't look these things up, it's already afternoon so brain is half gone lol

    TY yes Faelie is turning out awesome! I am getting to really like her! I wanted to get rid of Linda but i just can't 'do away' with sims anymore. But I CAN change them LOL

    hahahaha yes she Did say that! Oh My!!! note: do not Ever say that to yer hubby and also change the word 'love' to something more, well, *unseemly*, when I did, Silver Fox was done for the night. :o:*

    ''It should've been called "Profess love." :blush:'' YES!!! I 100% agree with you! but those EA nerdladites back in the day, didn't know about love, not Even a script/code to say "i love you." But they did have the code to break up and divorce! :#

    @bekkasan Love the update! At long last!!!
    I love how ''Jamie wants to continue to try to discover something in the old texts that might help Mary.'' he is a True Friend!
    Holey Moley Jamie is smokin in black! what is he wearing?! it is Awesome! is it outerwear/motorcycle wear? I wish he would face us!!!
    WOW!!! we can finally see Mary!
    Damien is so cute catching the snowflakes!
    Oh No! ''He sneaks a peek over at Rebecca and notices that she seems to be glancing his way with concern on her face, not love.'' Yikes we must get to the bottom of this!

    Very very beautiful wedding bekkasan!!!

    Tamijo ah that is sad to me, he is all alone! But tell me, does he get his social bar high talking to his dog? or is he a loner, so he doesn't mind no one is around?

    Beautiful pictures!
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    edited January 2021
    Annabelle: Thank you, Mr. President for this lovely ball, my husband is
    thrilled to be working along side you.
    Ryan: It's my pleasure to have him with me.Will you excuse me for a moment?
    Annabelle: Of course.

    Linda: I really shouldn't be here....

    Linda: Melanie, you owe me, big time...

    Agent Peter: You look upset, sir.Everything okay?
    Ryan: Not really, but I suppose it will be.

    Sarah: Who is that? I don't recognize her as one of the governer's wives?
    Linda cautiously made her way to the party, trying not to attract attention.

    Ryan knew exactly who it was, but decided to go along with her cherades.
    He approached.

    Ryan: Hello.
    Linda: Hello, Mr...President.
    Ryan: Would you do me the honor of a dance.
    Ryan held his hand out, Linda decided it was okay.

    Linda: It seems you attract much attention, everyone is watching you.
    Ryan: Not They're trying to figure out who this beautiful girl is.
    Linda: Do you always try to charm your citizens?
    Ryan: Only when I think they're worth charming. ;) Care to go for a walk in
    the gardens?
    Linda: I'd love to.

    Ryan: I thought I knew everyone invited.Have we met?
    Linda: I am visiting my cousin.
    Ryan: Who?

    Linda: She's a very lovely cousin.
    Ryan: I'm sure, but who is it?
    Linda: Who is it?
    Ryan: Yes, who is it?

    Linda: My cousin.
    Ryan: So you are visiting your cousin?
    Linda: Yes..
    Ryan: And she?
    Linda: Of course...the daughter of my aunt.
    Ryan chuckles at Linda's attempt to avoid revealing herself.
    Ryan: And your, who is she? Do I know here? Perhaps she is a friend
    of one my staff?
    Linda: She's the mother of my cousin.

    Linda: I'm sure that you met her...of course, yes you met her at the thing..
    Ryan: The thing?
    Linda: The thing.....thing...
    Ryan: Tell me was a dinner or a dance...
    Linda: Perhaps you met her in france...yes in france.
    Ryan: Oh yes...she told me all about you.
    Linda: She did?....Oh, of course she did.

    Ryan: Yes, she said "If you meet my cousin, implore her to stroll for
    a while...How will I know her I said?" easy she said...she's blessed with
    a most irresistible smile.

    Ryan: So please tell your cousins cousin, I'm very glad she came and
    that I need to know her cousins cousin name.

    Linda: You know my cousin's cousin.
    Ryan: yes?
    Linda: Like me she's really rather shy.She sends greetings to
    you all and she's sorry to miss the ball and says to say goodbye.

    breaking this post in to two.
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    Ryan: Not yet...
    Linda: Why?
    Ryan: Let me show you why.



    Linda: Goodbye....
    Ryan: What? No...wait.

    Linda: She says "Goodbye, goodnight."


    Ryan: ....goodnight.
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    Emily4331Emily4331 Posts: 10,850 Member
    @meerkattime Thank you! :3 You can! Look at your avi!

    @Karritz A bit too young for gray? Tell that to me when I was in 7th grade. :grimace: Have you tried darker roots? I think it might be a more complimentary contrast to the pink. :3

    @Nikkei_Simmer You mean to tell me that you don't like how your kid in The Sims 4 goes from 10 year old to fully grown adult, seemingly skipping the teenage years entirely? :lol:

    @Silverofdreams30 Pshhh I can't afford Photoshop. :lol: I think I said in my comments earlier that I edit mostly just the contrast and vibrancy of my photos using the edit function in the Windows Photo viewer. :lol: If I go any further, I use GIMP. Though that's only for the extreme edits (like my Halloween photos, for example). Otherwise, the crispness is probably just thanks to using an HQ graphic rules when I do these little photoshoots. :3
    Well done on the new photos, Grasshopper! :3 I love the magenta lighting. Makes it look like a club!

    @Tamijo Mobster dens? You're speaking my language! :lol: I enjoy the little history for all the new buildings. Horseshoe Disco reminds me of this one building in Red Dead Redemption 2. :tongue:

    @bekkasan Ahaha that'd be rich. Me, meeting a client in my unmatching camo leggings and Pepsi shirt, hair that I probably didn't do anything with that day, sit down, pause to take the strand of hair I just found in my shirt and toss it on the floor, before finally asking the client, "so what's your budget for this makeover?" :lol: But then I'd surprise them and give them an amazing makeover. :sunglasses: You see, the key is to not try with yourself, just with others! :lol:
    Ahhh that snowy scene is gorgeous! :love:
    Mary seeing her living self in the mirror is beautiful. :cry:

    @Satanu_Reeves Your sims are adorable! :heart:

    @alexandrea Aww cute family! Though I did 100% misread, "he looks just like papabear" as "he looks just like paperbag" :lol:

    @emorrill Hehe you're welcome!
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    @Emily4331 -

    I need my requisite years of angst, moping, mood swings and zits. :mrgreen:
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    @Tamijo Your new story sounds like a very challenging one for your sim especially with you not controlling him and his choices are his.
    I look forward to seeing how he copes especially moving down from the village in the mountains where at least he had companions.
    I will start commenting on your story thread for this one.
    hehe, thanks! That was the palest rainbow I've seen yet.
    I love that foggy picture with Janis.

    @thuggishsplicer I really need to push myself harder. I don't think parking at the far end of the parking lot when I go to Walmart counts as exercise. :grin:
    I'm enjoying a few that I've not done in a long time like ghost hunter and detective and architect. did get a shot of Bekkasan! :grin: That tummy shot should inspire me to get busy walking! :smiley:
    I downloaded your family of sims for the Supernatural Island world. I have many singles and couples, but only a couple of other families.
    Gave you rec's on all of them.

    @GraceyManor At least Linda realizes her shortcomings and admits to not listening when she should. She might try listening and she might quit finding herself in trouble.
    Ryan sure put himself out there in front of everyone to get shot down by Linda. I think its time he finds a girl who wants a guy to care about her. It is obviously not Linda.

    @emorrill Thanks for the comments on my pictures. I don't mind the kids fussing but I don't like the fighting.

    @DivaDoodle What a great update. I love seeing Gladsten and Frida come to visit.
    Oops, hearts. Well ya know, hearts don't really mean anything unless they act on it or pursue it.
    It doesn't even take away the faithful moodlet.
    It looks like you might have moved Faelie with MOO and she needs to be reset. They will seem to float in between floors like that. Do you use nrass debug? It is a softer reset than the game one or the MC advance one.
    Max wants babies but doesn't want to get married. Well, I guess he doesn't have to get married unless you as watcher have a rule against that, or if Faelie does! :grin:
    Thanks so much for your comments. :smiley:
    I'm glad you enjoyed the wedding. Jamie was wearing a casual suit with a vest for the wedding. No tie. Not really his style. :grin: I'll have to see if he has a close up in the next set of pictures. If not I'll try to scooch back in a save and take one for ya. :grin:

    @Nikkei_Simmer yaah! About time he stood up to her and shut her down. I just hope Haruo stays out of her way so he doesn't end up taking her wrath.

    @Emily4331 hehe, sitting here in my 'It's 5oclock somewhere' Tshirt and comfy sweatpants, that would be your challenge.
    Thanks so much for the comment on the snow scene and Mary seeing her real self.
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,934 Member
    @Emily thanks for the idea. I might try the darker roots on another sim. That gives me a reason to do the hot pink hair again. I have about 5 or 6 other imaginary friends to make real and I'll run out of ideas by then.

    As for the grey hair, when I was at school I came across a girl who was well on the way for total grey hair at 15. I don't know how young she was when it started. Her original hair colour was dark brown, almost black.
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    Emily4331Emily4331 Posts: 10,850 Member
    @bekkasan So walking into your appointment would be like that Spiderman meme :lol:

    @Karritz The more pink, the better! :tongue: I also have black hair, so it was pretty apparent. It was a target for bullies in my case. :( Which sucks, because it's not like I chose to have premature gray hair. :lol: Kids are ruthless.
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member

    @Nikkei_Simmer No no no! keep Satoshi in his underwear AND Long hair ! <3:D:D:D
    ok I will back down from the clothes but plz long hair! If not this style then another long hair! He is Awesome!!!

    Satoshi: ? why is everyone talking about me?

    oh update! ''It's better if we no longer consider ourselves a couple from now on and maybe it would be better if we slept in separate rooms'' YES!!!!
    ''Mayumi was so enraged, she vowed to make Yasunobu’s and everyone else’s life a living hell.'' um hasn't she been doing that, from day one?

    Oh I am So Happy! She is like a rabid Dog!

    @karritz looking forward to it!

    @bekkasan ah TY I had to move her, they somehow reset themselves right when he was going to talk with her, and I needed to be sure the thought bubble would stay! OK yes I have debug! TY!!!

    Third & 4th picture down: Jamie in his Hot black outfit before he dressed for the wedding and after his green shirt pic! with the zippers or seams all on the pants! <3

    Max just thinks he already Is married. LOL

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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,801 Member
    Langerak Update, Day 1 (150) continued

    Ariana continued to campaign, this time at the Grigsby family home. I don't remember this guys first name but you can easily find it on the wiki. I just couldn't be bothered to look, lol.

    Dwight made food for the family but then decided to eat on his own. Like the time I had Brittany from my Ultimate Sim challenge live here, I'll possibly delete this area so he is forced to eat at the table. However, I may or may not move them into a downloaded house or one already in Riverview. It all depends on what I decide later. Remember, I'm aiming for at least 150 days in each town so they'll be here for several generations.

    Dwight did go out in the dining room shortly after but I have no clue why.

    Daisy had a nice chat with her stepfather, Quinton Sekemoto Langerak. I'm still looking forward to seeing where Daisy goes in this save, I haven't got her dating anyone yet so it's a surprise to me too.

    Quinton might not be her biological father (since Ariana is her only genetic parent) but he loves Daisy like he was. I'm debating on whether Quinton and Ariana should give Daisy a sibling or not. I guess that's another thing everyone will have to wait and see. I'm leaning towards yes but don't hold me to it.
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    thuggishsplicerthuggishsplicer Posts: 1,747 Member
    @DivaDoodle Actually his full name is José Roberto Castro, Zé is a common nickname for José. I just can't remember how I came up with that combination, though.
    **Max is also really cute.
    **LOL at the hole, poor thing.

    @emorrill LOL I remember when your daughter would watch you play and say that the sims were your dolls. So cool she's learning fast.

    @GraceyManor I have a feeling Ryan is gorgeous but he isn't worth it. Linda looks stunning in that dress.
    **I think there's a version of University Life that included a masked party.

    @bekkasan I loved the scene where Mary looks at herself in the mirror. <3
    The wedding looks great, I love that song!
    **I feel the little you move the body, the better. Unfortunately, another doc had already told me I should push myself harder. Right now, my biggest issue is my sleeping time.
    **I have a bunch of families from my oldest save in Appaloosa Plains. Many of them have children; I'm considering uploading them since I may not play with them so early. I'd love to see how they develop in your game since it'll take me some time to play them again (actually, I'm enjoying taking so long to get back to a save).
  • Options
    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,801 Member
    Trying to at least reply to those who tagged me. I'm catching up on reading but don't have a lot of time to comment as I had to work most of the day and only have a few hours before I'm going to bed.

    @Tamijo You're welcome.
    Yeah, she's going to be a smart Sim by the time she becomes a young adult.
    Melanie was a good mother so that's why she's such a great grandma.
    It is hard keeping relationships high with shorter lifespans. I'm sure those who play longer lifespans have the time to keep building them up.

    @bekkasan Yeah, I couldn't not include her in Riverview. I always think of her as Daisy's godmother since she was the one who got the Forbidden Fruit for Ariana. That reminds me, I really need to have Daisy and Cori connect with one another. I may even prolong Cori's life so she sticks around for a bit longer.
    Thanks, I was really surprised how well she turned out. I was trying to find a nice hair for her and then I picked that one and I was like, "Yep, that's her look." I left her clothes though because her birthday is coming up soon. I think I'm going to start making sure all Sims in the save are made over so their clothes look more normal. We've all seen the random outfits townies get.
    It would, lol.
    She is, and I've still got more classes I want to send her to. She won't max all of them, but she'll at least have a variety of things to choose from.
    It is nice. I'm trying to make more of an effort including the extended family. However, some members won't be as connected with the family down the line. Like right now, I included a few distant cousins, but their descendants and my Sims will be less and less related as the generations go.
    They usually are. I have got lucky though because Fawn, Dwight, Irene, and a few others haven't been too bad for names.
    I don't remember a lot of them either. I just remembered George Dean, Don Lothario, the Grigsby's, and Jon Lessen. A few others are starting to come back to me though, just by playing there. I'll be showing a lot of them over the next 150 days there.
    The horses really want some attention, lol

    @Turjan You're welcome.
    No, you really can't tell it much at all. I can when I'm playing her though, it's a bit more obvious since she is hunched over a bit.
    It depends for me. If I really like a Sim and want them in the tree, I have broke up couples.

    ***Got caught up on a few more pages. I'm still about three pages behind but I'll do more tomorrow.
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    I just had to post this I was shooting photos for my next update and spotted the dog in the background

    Looks like Sissy is tired of Linda's behavior as well.

    "Girl, if you don't wake up and stop your nonsense, I'm gonna bite
    you in the tush." XD

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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    Ryan: Thank you, Governor.I will discuss it with my team and we'll get back
    to you.Thank for expressing your concerns.

    Ryan:I didn't think he'd ever stop talking.

    Linda: I'm sorry to just intrude, but I asked Wilson if I could come
    collect my science equipment.
    Ryan: I suppose you won't be coming back again then?
    Linda: Melanie called, she and I are going to take trip to Great Bear.
    The mention of Great Bear piqued Ryan's interest.
    Ryan: Oh?
    Linda: They rebuilt...but are having issue with their water since the eruption.
    They can't drink it.We're going to see if we can help.
    Linda grabbed her bags
    Ryan: Linda, wait...can we please talk? Just five minutes?
    Linda: okay, there doesn't seem to be anyone around.
    Ryan: Lets go sit outside.

    Ryan: I understand why were upset.But you should understand
    my side as well.Anyone who visits federal buildings, is required to
    have a security check.You know that, you had to in Great Bear to get
    into the town hall.
    Linda: That wasn't my issue.The problem was you didn't require it until
    you thought I was getting together with him.

    Ryan: I admit it, yes I was jealous alright? You happy now?
    Linda: Jealous of what?! a business meeting..
    Ryan: Are you serious? Anyone who asks you to dress up and meet
    at a private setting is not just a "business meeting.
    Linda: Why didn't you just say this sooner?
    Ryan: Linda, you're all I ever thought about the entire time.
    Did you really not know that?
    Linda: Why are you saying this?

    Ryan: Linda..
    Linda: Ryan...stop don't.
    Ryan: This is not just random talk...It never was..I just, I can't
    stop..I love you....that slipped out..I'm sorry..

    Linda: Don't apologize...I'm glad you said it...because I feel the
    Ryan: By the's your cousins cousin?
    Linda: I don't know what you mean? XD
    Ryan: You know the daughter of your aunt?
    Linda: She sends her regards.XD
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    edited January 2021
    River and Haruo. :mrgreen: taking some time at Pinochle Pond (their little place to go...)
    (image part of Chapter Seven...) :D

    Bonus image:

    "And frankly, as long as I can be a thorn in her side, by loving you, that'll give me absolute pleasure in putting one over on that hag." River stated, an malevolent smirk on her face as she just absolutely reveled in the idea. "Just watching her squirm, when I kiss you is the highlight of my day in 🐸🐸🐸🐸 her off."
    Screenshot-97.jpg, what hell-fire hath thou wrought.
    Post edited by Nikkei_Simmer on
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    GguyGguy Posts: 254 Member
    edited January 2021
    So here's today update

    Crystal here visited Plasma 501 three in game days in a row, Where she spent most of her time listening to the local musicians, enjoying the beverages and chatting with the local Mixologist. On the last day she was approached by one of the people she used to casually woohoo with, and despite him being totally ok with all of her affairs in the past, he suddenly decided to become jealous and spread a bunch of lies about her. The two fought verbally, and luckily for Crystal, the Mixologist she had befriended had her back in the fight.

    Meanwhile Taylor was being stalked by a rather annoying Paparazzi who went as far as waiting for her in front of her very front door (in her sister's penthouse) just to take a picture. He got stuck in the elevator door before finally falling on the floor. Paparazzi are annoying, but i kinda feel bad for the guy. Like, ouch, that has to hurt!

    After the Paparazzi was finally gone, she went to Waylon's haunt to work for the night, and once there she met a stray cat.


    The next morning Crystal visited the local pawn shop and put a few items up for sale (Patty's Lucky Pawn, uploaded to the exchange for those wanting a Consignment store that fits with Bridgeport's aesthetics)



    When she was done, she went home and i decided to get her hair dyed back to her orignal hair color. (you can still see some gray in there. That was on purpose. After all, we can't have her forget her age and start doing something overly taxing, now can we =P?).

    Oh, and before i forget, Taylor ran into Bart Hammer, and surprise surprise, he's been turned into a vampire. Those eyes look AMAZING (If it hasn't been said before, I'm a huge fan of vampires)

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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,218 Member

    Yes, photoshop is expensive and I prefer PaintShop pro myself, but mostly uses a
    torrent for that.
    Thank you.


    Thank you


    Thank you


    Thank you it was fun.


    Thank you, it was fun to test out.
    The toddlers are so adorable in your recent update.
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    TurjanTurjan Posts: 1,717 Member
    edited January 2021
    Comment time, I guess.

    @Tamijo Thanks. Yeah, they were young, but their commitment lasted. They are still really fond of each other :smile: .
    I like what you did to Steve's room.
    And no, the former IF's weren't better students, I just had less mercy on them, which means they had a full schedule. Given they were raised by their guest families and given those families also had to raise their early child who already goes to school, I thought it's high time they get their own life going. And a good education and the house they got bought make sure they can afford to.
    Your foggy reading pic looks very beautiful.

    @Gguy A band is something I haven't tried yet in the game. It's kind of funny, given I started in Bridgeport.
    Oh yes, Bart Hammer looks great as vampire.

    @DivaDoodle Thank you. Heh, it's funny how you play out your trait changes :smile: . And you are practically part of the family :lol: .
    I already said your sims are pretty, yes? And always smiling :wink: .
    Aww, those little ones.
    So Gladsten gets glad for once :smile: .

    @Emily4331 Thanks. It's the Mikezumi kind of magic though, so pure genetics and a bit of window dressing in the Stylist. The last sims I edited were Helga's grandparents.
    I got my first grey hair with 16, so I can sympathize.

    @Karritz I like your sims. They look very natural, despite the colors and the occult states.

    @Silverofdreams30 I really like your new sims, especially the girl. Awesome shoots.

    @AlexaKry Thanks, yes, simbots are curiously sympathetic. They managed to make them express some emotion with their eyes, too.
    I'm glad you like my sims, you make me blush :wink: . And don't sell yourself short. Your Max seems all the rage lately :smile: . And he's a mashup of two of your other sims, as far as I understood.
    By the way, just to make that clear: When I say that Helga turned out pretty, it's not a pat on my own back, but I'm happy about how the genetics (via the RandomGenetics mod) turned out. Helga wasn't made in CAS, she just got her hair and clothes switched in the Stylist. The last sims I actually edited were her grandparents, in this case my Sunset Valley founder Marcus Stout, plus the SV residents Jamie Jolina, Gobias Koffi and Susan Wainwright. That's what I got from there. Similarly, when I post the pics of her cousins Barney and Fred, I find the subtle differences interesting. That's what the RG mod does. I usually edit the original residents of towns where I start, and their children just get remixed from those edits, if they already exist (I edited some of the original SV kids separately to keep their iconic look though). That's even how I treat Imaginary Friends. I don't think I posted a close-up of Carl, the other IF:
    I just pick two sims of whom I think they will never get kids but look okay, like in Carl's case the consignment store clerk (he was drawn by SP from library stock I think) and I think one of the nasty, crazy residents who probably won't ever find anyone in their life, and then I just press a button. The rest is just Stylist. By the way, some of the sims aren't really that pretty, it's just the hair and what they wear what makes them. I guess you could do even more with make-up, but I hardly ever use any.
    I can feel that you love the family you write about. It's easy to get attached to your sims :smile: . I'm sure Tyler will turn out okay one day.

    @bekkasan Thank you very much. Ah, the heart-shaped house. Amelia Loveland lived there when I started the town, and one of my "time travelers", Jose Frio, married her. Despite the heart-shaped house and the lovey-dovey name, it's a rather loveless marriage.
    I rarely use maids btw, but I find butlers are usually worth the money. I think I wouldn't have survived my first game in Sunset Valley with four toddlers and later eight children in one household, otherwise. The butlers constantly passed out from exhaustion, and some of them quit because they "didn't feel respected in this house" :smiley: , but it helped a lot.
    Given my sims all come from old stock via genetics, they may look a bit samey, but hey, at least they are still are still going strong. But that's where the residents of the new towns come in, to get a bit of variety into the faces.
    Faint rainbow, obvious rainbow or no rainbow at all, your snowy pics always look great :smile: .
    What a lovely wedding. And hey, we got a sneak peek at the real Mary :smiley: . A blurry one, but hey!
    So Rebecca is still suspicious of Jamie? I guess old habits die hard.
    Now I'm really curious about what other discoveries we will get. And the oracle, of course :smile: .

    @Satanu_Reeves Aww, what a nice vacation with a romantic finish. As the SP message tends to say when it comes to saying "Yes", "it makes for a much nicer story that way" :smile: Great couple.

    @Nikkei_Simmer You really have it in for Parker. You say he always gets River in people's games? Point taken, though that was my fault. Then again, it didn't last. The River in my game got a bad rep for dumping sim after sim, and the last one she ever had for any length of time was Iqbal Alvi of all people. Who dumped her in the end :lol: . But yeah, what's wrong with your Holly?
    Your Mayumi got a bit of a caricature by now. If she goes on like that, she will simply explode :lol: .

    @GraceyManor I must admit I wouldn't have had such patience with Linda. Good gracious.
    The masks should be from University Life, for the costume parties there.
    Ah, happy endings. Or is it?

    @alexandrea Thank you, glad you liked the pic :smile: . You have a lovely family.

    @Brandontaylor Thanks, yes, I don't know why I'm so hesitant to mess with imaginary people. It's kind of silly, but it is what it is.
    Good luck in Riverview!
    Ah, the Grigsby family! Yes, some sims are memorable, even if I only shortly looked at the town :lol: .

    @thuggishsplicer Nice you had some time to play. Even nicer that you uploaded your sims :smile: I will have to have a look at them.

    @emorrill As long as Sam stops short of Alex's toothbrush and underwear, the rest is fair game, I guess :wink: . But yeah, I'll be patient :lol: .
    Thanks, I'm glad you like the pics.
    I finished the second university round, some sims moved, and I had to put a couple dozen of sims who had aged up through the stylist. Just one example, Avery Sekemoto (no resemblance to the SV Sekemotos), who comes after his father Len, while his brother looks more like their mother. Unflirty. Has a "no sense of humor" friend. We will see how that one turns out :smiley:

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