Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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What happened in your sims 3 game today?


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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    Haven't played for a few days because....drumroll.....I got a new job. I'm hoping my good job juju goes to @emorrill 's hubby as well.

    ⭐🎉CONGRATS! ⭐🎉 That's wonderful!

    And thank you. :kissing_heart:
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    Emily4331Emily4331 Posts: 10,850 Member
    @DivaDoodle Thank you for the sweet comments :3
    Bébé and Beau are adorable and I love how their names go together.
    Max has such a charming smile. :3

    @bekkasan Thank you! hehe I guess I have graduated from accidentally almost making celebrity look alikes to accidentally making real people look alikes. :tongue:

    @Karritz Okay, but Cathy's hair color is awesomeeee. Well, sans the grey roots. But I feel here there, frankly. :bawling: The woes of premature grey hair!

    @Turjan Thank you! Hehehe yes I also 100% typed her name out and didn't just copy and paste it. :wink: Ya know...she reminded me of one of them too, but I can't figure out who. :lol:
    Helga is quite lovely. :3

    @Sorak4 I wouldn't be able to sleep hearing the tapping of the keyboard all night. :lol: Morrigan would probably get something thrown at her if she tried writing a book in my bedroom. :tongue:

    @emorrill Thank you! :3 If you wanna know my process:
    • Move sim into empty lot and build large square.
    • Use cheats "hideheadlineeffects on" and "moveobjects on" and plop the sim a little bit from the wall, but not in the middle of the room or anything.
    • In build mode, paint the walls and floor black. Unless you want a colorful background.
    • Place lights to illuminate the sim just enough. Contrast is key. I never put overhead lights, only angled floor lights. I play around with colors for the lights for added effect. Though I keep most of them as default white.
    • At this point, I'll also use colorful lighting to make an interesting background if I want to. Though I tend to prefer just the black. Helps bring out the sim. :smile:
    • In buy mode, place pose player somewhere out of sight. I also will stick an OMSP somewhere in case I want to take full body pics and my sims are wearing heels that change their height, as these tend to sink into the ground when using poses.
    • If you don't already have it, Pose Player Interaction Addon is awesome and I use it. So I just click on my sim and select "Photo Shooting>Random Quick Poses." I pause and reposition the sim and lights for poses I like, take the pics, and I like to edit the contrast and add some filters for nicer lighting effects outside of the game. I use GIMP sometimes, but tend to just use the Windows Photo edit tool. This is especially a vital step now for me since Nvidia Freestyle decided it doesn't like me anymore. :lol:

    Anyway, hope all of you are doing well and enjoying your games. :3
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member

    @Gguy I love that you said ''But even so, her sister's deeds will be felt for generations. Especially in the wallet.''

    @Brandontaylor I was rather late to Sims 3, I started with the complete Sims 2, my boys had saved their allowance to get it for my birthday, they felt sorry for their poor Mom that she sucked so bad at their Nintendo games LOL then I got the basic Sims 3 a year later, I don't remember the date, it was soon after that they did the final update patch.

    @bekkasan love to read your comments my dear! yes I'm so happy too that it worked out so well for Belinda and Danny!
    Max is Alfarin, <3 AlexaKry surprised me with him! I was telling her He and Tyler smushed together reminded me of my Silver Fox in his 20's!

    OH you mean Quigley? He is the teen that Daydream Ivy was mean to at the Teen Party (dropped him like a hot potatoe, after dragging him to woohoo, hurting his feelings. :( He was an IF from another game, he is super nice so saved to the bin.
    HA :D Because they are My sims in My town! who else would invite a perfect stanger into their home! :D No, I really like to be with the new sims in my game to make sure everything goes well for them! I made a mistake before of just placing one in a house, intending to come back later and fetch them, and it was a Big Mistake, he was so lonesome & depressed! So I always stay with the new ones to make sure they are OK and happy!!!
    Is Jamie standing in the FIRE? :# Please get him out so his feet don't get burned!!!

    @AlexaKry Wonderful!!! I posted comment over at your place! I hope this means you are truly Back! <3

    @Turjan heheee Sorry about that but i love Jin! :D oh yes a love charm would have worked well! haha oh yes I am always surprised that they are elders, wonder why?

    @Sprottenham so glad you got your loading time down! 3-4 minutes is excellent! I love error trap! another thing I do is to try to remember to upload then delete all the pic I took before I save. I do not know if this actually works but i do it anyway.
    Happy Birthday Oliver! and I will be sure to go read! :) I do love your story!

    @Kkffoo Welcome! To add photos upload them to a hosting site, I was told to use Imgur and I do love it because it's so easy! easy=GOOD for me. once your picture is there click it and it will show on the right hand side the BCCode, that is what you place here on the forums for us to see your pic!

    to place your pic into Imgur just drag it from the games screen shots.!

    Oh I nearly forgot, once you have around 18 posts and I don't know how many awesomes you will be able to posts pics!

    now hurry because we all want to see your posts to awesome them, to help you get there faster! :smile:
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    edited January 2021
    Thief: How did you get here so quick.
    Officer: This house is monitored 24/7 do you know who's house your
    attempting to rob?
    Thief: No.
    Officer: Our newest leader.
    Thief: Uh oh...

    Thief: Alright, I'm going I'm going. Don't get your knickers in a twist.
    Officer: - taps bottom with night stick- Get going.

    Luckily nobody, not even the dog was woken from all the ruckus.

    That afternoon:

    Adam: Yo, Linda.I'm ready to come over and work on our project
    for the lab.
    Linda: Awesome, this will be fun.

    Adam: This is your house?!
    Linda: No, it belongs to the president.I
    Adam: Right, the former mayor of great bear..
    Linda: Yeah, I'm just staying here until I find my own place.
    Adam: Got it.

    Ryan: Who's your friend Linda?
    Linda: This is Adam, he works with me at the lab, we're thinking of putting
    together a storm chasing team.
    Ryan: Hasn't running for your life once been enough?
    Linda: Never.

    Linda: Adam, this is Ryan, former mayor of great bear, and currently
    our "leader of the free world"
    Adam: Mr. President, nice to meet you.
    Ryan: You can call me Ryan.
    Nice to meet you as well.

    Adam: Hey Linda, look at me!
    Linda: What are you doing?! -laughs- omg that's priceless.
    Adam: thought I'd try my robo costume on..You dig?

    Linda: You look ridicioulous! I love it.But we should get to work
    on this.
    Adam: Right, my bad.XD

    Linda: Oh Hi! thought you'd be working on your political work.
    Ryan: I'm finished for the night, thought I'd see how my favorite science
    girl is getting...what is that?
    Adam: We'll send this thing up into a tornado! It'll be awesome!
    Ryan: Oh...wait how do you that?
    Linda: Well, you gotta get close enough to place it in front of the
    storm and get out of there before you get blown away with it.
    Ryan: You better not..
    Adam: Party pooper.XD
    Post edited by GraceyManor on
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    meerkattimemeerkattime Posts: 262 Member
    edited January 2021
    Awesomes given to last two pages. I wanted to say hello because I haven't posted in my favorite thread for a while ;) .

    @Emily4331 Zheyka looks amazing :o . I wish I knew how to make pictures (and sims) as gorgeous as you can. I love her eyes and lips <3 .

    @Silverofdreams30 Jaden looks beautiful :love: . Gotta love those shots in the shower :p .
    Happy birthday, Liam! He's really cute as a toddler and amazing as a teen.

    @DivaDoodle Bébé is super cute. I love the pictures of her and Max <3 .
    I automatically felt a little sorry for Mrs Lothario until I remembered having read that she's married to Danny instead of Don :smiley: .
    Faelie seems to like Max after all. The first pictures in your spoiler are cute.
    Faelie got plenty of back massages. Glad you got him to invite her over...
    Interesting portrait. Very artistic :p
    Love the picture of Danny and Belinda with the same thought bubble watching the kids play.
    Aww for Max and Faelie <3 .
    I love the close shot you have of her face.
    I hope Faelie will stay away from Gladsten.
    I love Belinda's hair! Poor girl, not remembering what happened before :# .
    Aww, the picture of Beau hugging his dad is adorable. All the pictures of them are adorable.
    Max is cute! I hope his love life will continue to be happy.
    Awwww, that looks promising :love: .

    @Brandontaylor Hope you're doing well and glad you find some time for simming too.
    I like Quinton's pajama pants, lol.
    Happy birthdays!
    Happy new life in Riverview! :)

    @GraceyManor Oh my goodness, I would feel out of place in that building as well :| .
    Love the flirty look of Ryan in the last picture <3 .
    Lol @ Adam's costume.

    @MamaSimTee Congrats on the new job!

    @Kkffoo Welcome back to the game! You'll be able to add photos when you have a member status on the forums. It happens fast, especially if you keep on posting on this thread :) .
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    Haven't disappeared. Just filming the screenshots for the next section of Chapter Six of the Selfacy Reboot...

    ...and it's taking a bit of time.
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,931 Member
    @Emily4331 thank you. Actually Cathy has pale yellow roots. She's hopefully a bit young for grey at this point. But I do agree, they look grey. I just didn't want her to have pink eyebrows and I wanted her eyebrows to match her roots.



    Believe it or not, I made sure her favourite colour is pink.
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,799 Member
    Been busy so haven’t had time for playing or feedback. I might have time for some after work but probably won’t play. I do have day 1 in Riverview to post so I’ll try to get that up soon too.
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    TamijoTamijo Posts: 1,072 Member

    @emorrill - nice with the dog name, Oddi is also an actual RL dog that I had growing up at my patents Home, my own dog (sadly passes now) was named Muddi, to keep a related name to her. My wife called her Muddisan (or Muddichan) that why i sometimes use Oddisan in the story.
    My active stories: Appaloosa County..*.. Sinful Sisters.....*.....Earlier stories:..*..Survivors the River..*.. A Memoir of Grace "Slick" Joplin
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    Anyone know if there's a way to delete spawners?
    My lot has a seed spawner spawning thousands of seeds.

    I type testingcheatsenabled true
    then buydebug on

    and I find the spawner on the lot and sell it, but it doesn't go away and shift clicking on it don't work either.
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    Bebe's new look for Young Adult-hood...and her new job as a Playground Monitor at the school where she finished up.
    How nice to see a distinct demarcation between teens and young adults. You really notice the difference.
    Holly and Bebe are both now Young Adults as is "Noel", so all three of them are now taller than the teens they used to go to school with. Phil will turn Young Adult shortly a day before Haruo.
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    SprottenhamSprottenham Posts: 1,152 Member
    @Tamijo It's unfortunate that it rains when you want to have a party, but what can you do. :p Nice looking screenshots, as always.

    @DivaDoodle Max must think that Faelie has some pretty... "eyes" ! :p

    I don't think screenshots will have anything to say on the games perfomance, but of course its a good idea to clean them up, too. :p I literally have hundreds of them since I started posting my story here... I am happy that you like my story. I like they way you write/use The Watcher in your text. :)

    @GraceyManor Hahaha, I agree with Linda. Adam "the cardboard robot man" looks pretty ridiculous. :p

    Sub blogs: #01 Sunset Valley. #02: Lake Onebega #03: Sprottenham #04: Bewickton
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,217 Member
    edited January 2021

    Nice to see you pop in.
    Thank you for the comment.


    Glad you enjoyed that final chapter of the founder,
    more to come.
    I loved the recent update.


    Thank you.


    Haha, it was the end of the founder chapter, generation 1
    have not yet started.


    Thank you, I enjoyed the update.


    Thank you


    You always do the best photoshoots, do you use photoshop at all to
    edit photos? They look so crisp.
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,931 Member
    Anyone know if there's a way to delete spawners?
    My lot has a seed spawner spawning thousands of seeds.

    I type testingcheatsenabled true
    then buydebug on

    and I find the spawner on the lot and sell it, but it doesn't go away and shift clicking on it don't work either.

    If the lot has had the greenhouse on it or the swift gro gardening stations, the spawners are stacked. There are about 10 of them so you have to delete a lot of them before they go away. When I place spawners I often stack them too. This way it looks like deleting a spawner has failed. You just have to keep on deleting them. They will all eventually go.
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    edited January 2021
    @Karritz its the lot itself.I bulldozed my house(there is no greenhouse with the house) even after bulldozing the hole they are still there.whoever built the world must have used hundreds of them then lol and the spawner they used says “do not use”
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    polrbearpolrbear Posts: 939 Member
    I just wanted to stop by and say that I have still *NOT* given up on going through all my CC before doing serious gameplay again...however, it is taking a LOT longer than I expected! :lol:
    I play Sims 2, Sims 3, Sims 4, and The Urbz: Sims in the City on gamecube and ds. Main Game: Sims 352033322186_3a08467dc6_o.png
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    TamijoTamijo Posts: 1,072 Member

    Chapter 7.6 Intruder

    Steve's favorite Music
    About a year later

    A new and much better babysitter came to our house to take care of Jasmin, whenever both Gregg and I had to leave her alone. Her name was Therese Kiser, a younger sister to mother’s friend Tonya Kiser that attended my parent’s anniversary. The sisters moved to town some years ago when their mother was killed in a car crash in Metropolitan where they lived before.


    As a mother I would hope for my son to get involved with a girl like her, so easy to talk to and so good with the child. Steve and Therese were seeing each other in school, but she was not someone he mentioned.


    Steve had now started High school. He was a special boy, seeing himself as a rebel, listening to Punk music and was not too keen on authorities, like politicians, police or his teachers. We did our best to make him understand that he had to study, but it was not easy.


    My next “design” was not a job, it was changing Steve’s room, to fulfil the requirements of a teenager.



    The Jacuzzi was amazing, so great to let the stress out in the hot water.


    So protective and caring the President – I think I’m looking at the 1st. lady
    Wonderful with the Robo costume.

    A rebel is cute when he sleeps with his dog in the bed

    My active stories: Appaloosa County..*.. Sinful Sisters.....*.....Earlier stories:..*..Survivors the River..*.. A Memoir of Grace "Slick" Joplin
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    TamijoTamijo Posts: 1,072 Member
    edited January 2021
    Chapter 7.7 Intruder

    Over the last 3-4 years or so, as mentioned, the town developed with many bars clubs and now 5 subway stations. In this episode I will attempt to run through all the metro stations and nightlife facility’s we got. Giving a short description of each one.

    Appendix 5 Updated City Map:




    The northern most metro station is Office-Tower st. located at the north side of the Tower.
    Originally, in the subway test period the station was constructed at the north side of the stadium, but was moved to the current location to better fulfil the need of the many commuting school children, getting closer to the school main entry. Also the close proximity to the City Hall and the Hospital makes the station one of the busiest in the city.


    Although Office-Tower st. is the official main station located in the city centre, EdnaMary st. is the busiest, connecting the Riverside with the main city. While also being the natural gateway to the many shops, bars end other venues at the south part of Old Town and the Theatre District.


    The last station in the city centre is Ocean st., located at the western most part of the main city mainly servicing commuters to and from The Ocean district and New City District.


    At the southern part of the city in the so called Riverside Area, we got the Horseshoe st.
    At first the station was erected at the film studio but now moved closer to the skyscrapers at the Pomona Promenade. The main road connection Horseshoe District to Riverhouse and Adenture villages, passing the festival ground. Another important hub, with many passengers passing trough every day. The station has as the only one an underground toilet area.


    The last station is the Banzia st.
    Smallest in size and also the one with fewest commuters, located between the Riverhouse and Adenture villages, it mainly services the school children from the two villages.


    Night Life:

    Now let’s take a look at the nightlife, starting from the north we got the brand new very exclusive “The Warm Gun”, the bar has an outside pool area, two bars, music scene and dance floor. A Venue that attempts to attract the young, smart and rather wealthy citizen. Too early to saw if they will succeed.


    At the west side of the city, we got another high-end venue. The Foxtrot bar spa and hotel, the bar is in direct competition with The Warm Gun offering dancefloor and music, with high-end bar services. On top of that a few hotel rooms and a large spa area. All in all, covering three large floors.
    The Foxtrot have succeeded in becoming the “place” to meet the town celebrity, at this point in time the hottest bar in town for those who can get in and afford the large bills.


    Then we got the Nekudemus, a sloppy pub, with a messy clientele where you definitely don’t want to see you daughters hang out. As mentioned earlier the pub is a mobster’s nest, where all sorts of illegal activities take place.


    Right behind Nekudemus another pub called Disneyland after Dark, rumours have it that this is also owned by mobsters, but if that is the case, they run it through an intermediary and the venue is much “cleaner”. A common mans pub, where you can (often) safely bring your girlfriend, a place where the people working or living in the city, meet and get an affordable drink, before heading home after work. The pub has a 2nd floor where local band can perform


    The last pub in the main city is The Ocean, a small simple pub located at the main road connecting the main city with Adenture Village. Mainly attracting locals from Ocean District and those living in the Riverside area villages. The Ocean was the first drinking venue in town, besides the bars connected to the restaurant in the city centre.


    In the Riverside area we got two bars.

    The old Horseshoe Disco (formerly known as Broadway Disco) that was the first actual bar and dance venue in town, almost as old as “The Ocean” pub. This bar often attracts the younger audience and others looking for reasonable prices combined with dance and music.


    Finally we got the Banzia Lounge.
    Originally the only high-end place in the city, back when all the bars was centred around the Horseshoe loop area. With the construction of The Foxtrot and later The Warm Gun, at more attractive locations in the main city, it has been hard for Banzia Lounge to maintain its position and the word is that it runs with negative figures. I don’t think it would surprise anyone if Lounge would shut down and be replaced with something quite different. In that case The Banzia would only be remembered trough the subway station name.


    End of Chapter 7

    After this update I will work on a new save I have been planning for a while – the story is not dead but will be a while where I will set up the other save.

    My active stories: Appaloosa County..*.. Sinful Sisters.....*.....Earlier stories:..*..Survivors the River..*.. A Memoir of Grace "Slick" Joplin
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,217 Member
    I did a little photo shoot with two new sims.
    no edits with any photo program.






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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    Careful eating those Jelly beans.:o Twenty is a risk.XD

    Poor Lea, those pesky fleas must be a bother to her.
    I once jumped into a pool in the middle of winter because
    my friend dared me(this was back in California and it was about
    35-40 out.XD You captured his paranoid feeling perfectly!
    Oh that bathing suit picture. <3 I love the lights you have wrapped
    around the porch, very pretty.

    Sims need to learn to put their dish in the dishwasher apparently lol.
    I love Dwight's undercover uniform.I don't like seeing snakes either.

    Oh goodness, I missed this tag completely.I wish the site would fix that.
    Yeah, there's a spongebob musical, I got stuck watching it with my nephew.
    That one song stuck in my head.XD Only thing missing was lava...I tried to find
    mods or CC, but to no avail.Thankfully we have a disasters mod.(and I must admit
    it was kind of fun causing mayhem in my the point I kept doing it...I'm evil.XD)
    Like I kind of picture the songs playing in the background like a movie, but in this case the girls
    got embarassing.XD

    I got caught up as most as I could.
    I keep attempting to clean my house, but then I walk by my computer and
    end up sitting and playing LOL.
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,931 Member
    @Karritz its the lot itself.I bulldozed my house(there is no greenhouse with the house) even after bulldozing the hole they are still there.whoever built the world must have used hundreds of them then lol and the spawner they used says “do not use”

    Bulldozing won't remove spawners. A few of the spawners are named DO NOT USE.

    I once built a huge house and I put spawners on every level. Eventually I bulldozed it. I was left with spawners floating in the sky. It took me ages to delete them all. And if something has spawned from a spawner it gets a white box that can't be deleted. You have to find the thing that spawned in live mode and catch or collect it first. The whole thing is somewhat painful.
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member
    @GraceyManor I use MC flush to delete spawners on lots when I can't seem to delete them any other way. Usually works just fine. Of course, you need to be careful to do it for the lot, not global or all your spawners in the world could be flushed. :open_mouth:
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    TurjanTurjan Posts: 1,717 Member
    Yes, what bekkasan said. After you flushed them via MC, immediately save, exit the game and reload, or the spawners have a tendency to come back, at least some of the more resilient ones, like those left over from different lot types.
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    TurjanTurjan Posts: 1,717 Member
    I might as well post some more university pics while I'm here.

    Here, all eight of them abuse the science project for a giant jam session during the weekend.
    A pic of Helga's two cousins, the brothers Barney and Fred.
    Here we have Jillian Bean, a former "Jelly Bean", but I stripped her of her IF state. She was the only one of those eight travelers who never had the wish to go to university, never got the wish to actually get a degree, but I had dragged her along, anyway. I guess the face says it all.
    Ironically, she was one of only two people to actually get a degree this round. With an A, no less. The other was her husband Carl, also a former IF.
    The Beans got moved to their own house with their daughter after they got back home, the house Jeffery (the simbot) had occupied before. Before everyone left, we got the night watch to look after them.
    That "after" face :lol: .
    I think I didn't post a pic of Erik Mosqueda, one of the Lunar Lakes locals, whom Helga had picked as her fiancé.
    We were only about a day back home between university stays, but Helga somehow managed to autonomously marry Erik during that time. Talk about efficiency.

    This was the one workday Spiros had per week, btw.
    The "kids" were busy with new preparations.
    And here we are for round two.
    Of course, the spots vacated by the Bean's had been taken over by newcomers. This is Frederick Frio, a son of Jose Frio (also a "lost time traveler" from SV) and Amelia Loveland (another LL local).
    And, last not least, Sue Cooper. She's the daughter of two sims I nicked from Union Cove, Sheldon and Amy from the TV show Big Bang Theory (yes, that marriage is about as exciting as you imagine...). Those two had fled with the time travelers from Cronor.
    Anyway, with everyone else paired up, we all know where this ends.
    Which was the main reason why I took them along, anyway :wink: . Eh, the rest is just uni stuff.
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member

    Another gorgeous sim to join your "bevy" of gorgeous sims. @Silverofdreams30 :)

    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~

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