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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    On that note I just saw there was another patch, so I turned sound back on and am repairing after patch, I saw a thread someone still had issues if they didn't repair after patching again so make sure to do that.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    sunblondsunblond Posts: 1,035 Member

    Excerpts from the Journals of
    Omar Benali
    Kaden Benali

    -Than came over here again, he was telling me about taking his family to the Flea Market last Sunday. I remember going to that way back in the day when I first came to live with Uncle Kyle and Salim, boy does that take me back. Anyway, Than had noticed that there’s an available stall there for artists to sell paintings and he said it was empty and when he asked, he was told that it had been for a while. Then he said that he thought of Josie, that maybe it would be something she might want to do, sell her paintings at the Flea Market. But, he was worried that if he suggested it, that it would come off as him talking down to her about her art and all, and he totally didn’t mean it that way. He just thought that her work would appeal to people who were looking for artwork that they could afford and put in their homes, and that Josie had mentioned to him on several occasions that was her market. Well, I honestly didn’t know, I mean, it’s an artist thing and I kind of don’t get a lot of that kind of thing, to be honest. I’m often totally clueless when Josie and Than talk about art and when they talk to each other about it, I just leave the room. Essentially, he wanted me to bring it up, yeah, get me in hot water instead of himself, right? Well, I agreed, it did seem like it might be a way for her to get her art out there, to give people a chance to buy it and all.
    So, later on I brought it up to her and she did like the idea, she actually got really excited. Then I told her that Than had said she could store her work in his studio and that way it would be easy for all of us to take it over there on the day the Flea Market was opened. Then she said, Oh, I see, Than put you up to this, didn’t he? Well, she had me there, so I confessed he had been reluctant because he didn’t want to come off as being condescending or anything. Well, it was nice of him to worry about that, but honestly, I wouldn’t have thought that, not at all. He’s never said anything disparaging about my work.
    We took some of Josie’s paintings over to Than’s one night and while we were there, Josie and Elliana were talking and Than and I ended up talking a bit too. I told him about how Josie figured out he was behind the idea and wasn’t upset or anything. And he said he was glad, that he really did think that Josie’s work would appeal to people and that she would enjoy actually selling her work and talking with people about it and all.
    Then he said, he’d love to do that and not have to have showings in the Art Gallery, now that he had peaked as an artist, it was stressful to even think about the upcoming show he had scheduled. I had no idea what Than was talking about and said so. Ok, Than started, now don’t get mad or anything Omar. I hate when people tell me that, because I know it’s bad. But, he continued, my career as an artist, well, it’s kind of “founded” on the stuff I did when Becca passed away. Those paintings I did when I was so upset and full of grief, well, I painted to deal with it and all my grief, anger and frustration over her sudden death, it somehow came out on the canvas and it was what made my name in the Art World. The show was called Studies in Grief or something like that but everyone in the art world just calls those paintings The Jeffries Grief Paintings. They sell for more simoleans every time one of them comes up on the art market again. And nothing I’ve done since comes anywhere near those as far as being noteworthy. So, essentially, I’ve peaked as an artist, my best work seems to be behind me now. OK, so I saw those paintings, I wouldn’t give you a plug simolean for any of them, to be honest, they made me feel uncomfortable when I looked at them, Josie loved them, don’t ask me why. Well, Than, I said, does something bad have to happen to inspire you then. No, he replied, I mean, I hope not, but those were full of emotion and my intense feelings then somehow translated onto the canvas in a way I haven’t been able to duplicate since. Oh, that’s a load of bull, Than, you’ve been full of passion and every other emotion under the sun for as long as I’ve known you. Can’t you just paint that, stuff you feel strongly about, your wife and daughter, for example. Does everything have to be abstract squiggly lines to be art, can’t paintings of people that look like people be art too, I said exasperatedly. Well, yes, Omar, but a discussion of art with you will not lead anywhere either of us wants to go, so lets not go there, but you may be on to something. Painting things I feel strongly about from my memories, I kind of like that idea a lot, in fact I have an idea already, so, excuse me. And he was off, I’m familiar with the look he had, after all these years.-

    The Jeffries go to the Flea Market.

    Yousef is at the Flea Market too.

    Than has an idea.

    -One thing I hadn’t counted on after we were married, was that I’d have to put up with that plum Hugh Li-Don. He and Christine are BFF’s since they were little kids and he’s over a lot. I mostly just try to play games on the console with him, in lieu of actually talking to him. He’s really bad at it too, so I enjoy beating him.
    Me and Christine went over to Gibbs Hill to see Rohan and Mariam, I had been meaning to, but with our wedding and then theirs and them moving in with his grandparents. Yeah, he runs the little weekly newspaper there now, and Mariam got a job catering somewhere, I guess with all the college parties there’s a booming business. Plus, Mariam is expecting, I mean, it has to be a honeymoon baby, or close to it. Neither of them was experienced and kind of messed up, if you ask me, but I don’t plan to say anything about that, of course. I didn’t even mention it to Christine.
    Rohan was worried about his grandparents, they are getting up there and aren’t doing so well on their own. Plus, that’s a 3-story, 3-bedroom house, so at least it’s not too crowded. I just worry that Mariam will have a hard time adjusting to it. She was kind of sheltered, Uncle Kareem was pretty strict and all.
    They seemed to be doing well, Mariam seems to have won Rohan’s grandparents over, they seem really fond of her and are thrilled about the great-grandchild on the way. That probably helped a lot. Rohan said he loves being the voice of Gibbs Hill, working at the local paper agrees with him, I guess. And Mariam seems happy and kind of excited about the baby, so, well, I was glad we went and I could see that they are doing OK and all.
    We invited JT and Lori over for brunch on our last day off together, I made Spinach Frittatas and we talked for a while which gave me a chance to get to know Lori and for Christine to get to know them both. I have kind of been trying to cultivate some couple friends for me and Christine, to be honest. Ones our age, I mean. We both have friends who are single we see regularly, but I thought it would be nice to have couple friends we both can hang out with too.
    Christine must have liked the idea, because she suggested we visit our neighbors, the Kalani-Garner’s, she works with Brice Kalani, they are a gay couple who just adopted a little boy. I was kind of hoping to stay away from people with kids, but I agreed. The thing is, well, the thing with Samyr dating Chantel, see Brice is her older brother, and I was just not sure how it would go over, if I’m honest. After we got there, and were talking a bit, I kind of realized Brice didn’t make the connection of who I was and all, so I just told him. I didn’t want him to find out later and think I was hiding it. He said, oh, Kaden Benali, your brother is Samyr Benali, I only met him the one time at Ella’s wedding and that was right before they broke up, and to be honest I had forgotten his name. He seemed like a nice guy, by the way. The thing is, he continued, I wasn’t around much then, I lived in the city and me and Micah were newlyweds and I was kind of in my own little world then, well we both were, I guess. That’s part of why we moved back here when we decided to adopt, we wanted Seth to have the same kind of experiences we did growing up in the ‘burbs, you know? We talked a bit more and then left. They were a nice couple and Seth is a sweet little boy, so I kind of enjoyed meeting them after all, I guess.-

    Kaden avoids Hugh.

    Visiting the Elderberry’s.

    Chatting with JT and Lori.

    Meeting the Kalani-Garners.

    -Well, my twin boys are going off to college, Zayn is going to Ubrite for a Distinguished Degree in Drama, I know, the very idea, but he wants to be the next Johnny Zest, he says, sigh. And Samyr is going to FI to study Physics, just like his old man. I had thought I’d maybe try to rent a house they could share in Gibbs Hill, where Mariam lives with Rohan now, they had a baby boy, by the way, and named him Kavin, but Samyr came to me and said he really wanted to live in the dorm. He also thinks that he needs to be on his own, as in not have his twin brother around all the time, he thinks both of them need it. He wants to stand on his own two feet without his brother or the rest of us there all the time. And, well, that was a thing Becca worried about, I remember her being concerned about the two of them being together all the time and not developing all on their own. And, they have had to share a room, they didn’t get a room of their own much like Kaden did growing up, not to mention always sharing a birthday and a party and all. So, I agreed. Zayn was perfectly fine with it, and seems excited about living in the dorm like me and Kaden did.
    And Samyr and Keely are “just friends” now, they meant it too, she still comes over to see Izzy, and her and Samyr are polite, friendly even, although the way the two of them steal looks at each other, well, not so sure the romance is all that over, just saying.-

    Zayn blows out the candles.

    Samyr makes a wish.

    Plenty of cake for everyone at this party.

    Zayn and Samyr are all grown up.

    (NOTE: Yes, oopsie baby number 5 for the Elderberrys, When I moved them into the house, I played a bit to level up skills and you know, have them actually consummate their marriage. I finally decided to put it even lower, my risky woohoo setting, I mean. I don’t have so many couples that I really want to have babies right now, most of them are too old at this point.)

    Origin ID is: sobenewbie
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,112 Member
    SwanSong93 wrote: »
    @Metior_Ice Yeah, that's the problem when you have many expansion/game/stuff packs installed :D I want to maximize the use of their features... So the cave and diving areas in Sulani are just like rockets, I see...

    They did a lot with Island Living, but they have a lot of opportunity to expand on the ocean living, hence the thread I created in my signature.

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    SwanSong93SwanSong93 Posts: 240 Member
    edited July 2021
    Reality Kings Season 2-Episode 14

    Dane spent the morning of Harvestfest eating Grand Breakfast with his family and appeasing gnomes.
    Ep14a.jpgJordan was invited by Cherie (whom he met during Erik's birthday party) to their mansion in The Pinnacles. Gunther Munch, a freelance writer, was also there visiting Octavia Moon. Jordan enjoyed the wonderful view from the swimming pool.Ep14b.jpg

    After donating $100 to protesters in San Myshuno, Jordan earned Pristine Reputation

    He met there another teenage townie girl named Susan (sister of Hugo's ex-girlfriend).

    Erik and Manuel attended another awards night. Manuel was feeling sad, so Erik cheered him up.

    Show spoiler to find out who among my main protagonists won an award that night.
    Manuel won another award!

    He delivered another emotional speech.

    Shortly after accepting his award, Manuel left the event (most likely to meet up with Summer :heart: ).
    [img]] After Manuel left, it was announced that Erik also won an award![/img]Ep14sc-4.png

    He happily delivered his acceptance speech.

    "Global Superstar" (and now at Level 9 of acting career- "Superstar") Lisa, the mother of Candy and Yuki Behr, arrived late. To Erik's surprise, she initiated a conversation with him, and they became friends. Erik stayed until the end of the event.

    Erik took interest in writing and started with his first book (in a library in Willow Creek), an erotic novel (Romance genre).

    He passed another audition!

    He had to build his fitness skill and practice acting, so he invited Manuel to work out with him in Skye Fitness Gym. Now that Manuel is a "B-Lister," lots of paparazzis and fans gathered.

    Erik took this opportunity to have a street performance (an action scene) with Manuel. Done with his tasks, Erik said goodbye to Manuel who was left there to deal with paparazzis and fans.

    Erik continued writing his first book and finished it in a library in Newcrest.

    He decided to sell it to a publisher, and he earned a nomination for it!

    On the day of his acting gig, he did the usual routine.

    He played another vampire role, and his scenes went well.

    The got another gold and got promoted to "Supporting Actor."

    -To be continued-

    Season 1 Episodes
    Season 2 Episodes
    Episode 1
    Episode 2
    Episode 3
    Episode 4
    Episode 5
    Episode 6
    Episode 7
    Episode 8
    Episode 9
    Episode 10
    Episode 11
    Episode 12
    Episode 13
    Post edited by SwanSong93 on
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    SmellincoffeeSmellincoffee Posts: 971 Member

    "AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH" screamed John Burb as he writhed in pain from the combustable toilet.
    "Omg, I totes have a headache," moaned his daughter Quinn.

    And Daniel Pleasant learned that he shouldn't walk into his adult daughter's house, let alone her bedroom, just because he had keys.
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    HillyBethHillyBeth Posts: 3,505 Member
    Hadley and Marcus's oldest granddaughter became a teenager and she's an aspiring writer. If there's a Manga category, or Comic Book category, she'll write those! But she'll also visit Mt. Komorebi and learn rock climbing, skiing and sledding <3

    Nichole's mother, Emerson, made her cake

    Here is Nichole now! I tried to make her look like she's 13 for now
    Origin ID
    P.A.C.E- Positive Attitude Changes Everything
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    KeidraKeidra Posts: 460 Member
    edited November 2020
    Really fast, here's the Embers.





    For those that don't know, my Morgyn is transmasculine and agender, so eventually will drop Rosalie as a name and transition male. I'll probably actually have to copy-paste Ezio's face onto Morgyn later because I did actually turn him female for this save and that tends to mess up appearances. (I'm fortunate to have Ezio to copy-paste from, it's a function of MCCC.)

    Anyway, last night I mostly played adult-grim-reaper-Ezio, because I was testing a new mod and honestly I've spent five and a half hours playing the toddlers and toddlers are starting to get on my nerves. LOL They're notably different in their interactions though, like Ezio actually does have a fascination with asking about the world and why constantly (poor Lana). Morgyn likes to talk to anyone in range. About legitimately anything.

    Ezio has inquisitive, Morgyn has charmer. It made sense.

    Lana works as a teacher, Tess is an engineer mostly bc she wanted a job. Ezio's capped out all of his skills, Morgyn needs one more. I've been on them for two game-weeks, should be able to switch to the Lees in another in-game day or two (I normally switch Sunday night). I may not make it very far playing tonight, I'm honestly exhausted and may attempt to go back to sleep. Lol

    Find the child, and you will find his cat. Mayor has claimed him, and there is nuttin I can do about it. (But I don't wannoo anyway.)








    In my game, only Ezio can tell Mayor what to do. He will listen to no one else. Mayor's frequently his familiar and now that they've grown up together at least once, I don't think I'll be separating them ever again. Not that I have.

    He wandered around Glimmerbrook a lot in one of the saves I played Ezio in, usually sick and miserable, and I got tired of it so we befriended the cat, adopted him, and took him to the vet. I guess Mayor decided he was sticking to the human that cared enough to blow 700 Simoleons on him, and the least he could do along the way is not scratch his furniture. We only teach him not to scratch furniture, eat human food, and not to wake Sims up. Other than that, it's whatever. (The jumping onto the counters thing is kind of cute. Mind, I don't let my RL cats do that, but it's different in The Sims xD)

    Mayor is spoilt and lives on fresh-cooked gourmet cat food every day. Bc Ezio maxed out cooking and why not. Besides, he also got fresh chef so fresh-cooked gourmet cat food doesn't go bad like dry food does. :wink:
    We're getting a nice collection of photos on the walls. I love. There are more in the kitchen.

    Ama? Meesha bashoo!

    The bathroom seems to be a common discussion place for some reason. Sigh. Lol

    Morgyn just needs to cap thinking, so I set him to playing the thinking game on the toddler tablet.

    And here's adult-grim-reaper-Ezio, because he's evolved a little in the last year. c: I thought earlier I could totally see Ezio and Morgyn as Lana and Akira Kibo's kids (Lana likes to end up with Akira in my game recently, used to be Simeon but he is actually quite mean to her), like legit half-Japanese, because Akira has some facial features that they have that Lana doesn't, and it'd also explain the yellowish undertone to Morgyn's default skin tone and where Ezio got the black hair. Sooo I guess they're French-Viking-Japanese now. Because heck yeah.

    As for sentiments, there are a couple. Lana and Tess have two close sentiments, closer from happy memories and deeply connected, mutually. Tess also adores Lana. Lana adores both Morgyn and Ezio, Tess only adores Ezio. She'll get there. I have a mod in my game of my own making to freeze sentiment decay, I'm waiting to see how it behaves with the only-four-slots thing, like if it'll block new ones from showing up and replacing an existing one or not. But I may not really need more than four anyway, depends.

    I may also end up turning off lifestyles because Tess is unlocking people person and the people it's counting are all family and that's stupid to me. Just because I can stand my family and I have more than four family members, doesn't mean I'm into people, okay? Just. What the actual- Anyways if Ezio gets people person unlocked because he's friends with his mom, aunt, brother, and husband, I'm going to scream. Ezio is not a people person. Unless by people person we mean good at ruining their day. Because he does like to lure unsuspecting folk behind the Old Salt House and drain their plasma. (He's often a vampire-spellcaster hybrid these days. And the grim reaper. Because in The Sims, no one will tell you you're being too Extra.)

    I am kind to everyone. But if you are unkind to me, kindness is not what you will remember me for.
    I am autistic. Wording isn't my strong suit.

    Stop player on player violence.
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    Lucy_HenleyLucy_Henley Posts: 2,997 Member
    OK, I’m so happy about the hot fix, I really want to get back to the Sulani save and have Lucy finish her degree! I’m looking forward to experiencing Sentiments, too. I’m tempted by Snowy Escape but I’ll wait till it’s on sale. I’m sure the fitness-loving van Beerses will love snowboarding, skiing and sledding! Oh yeah, and Lucy can have her second baby too!
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    AlwaysAskingAlwaysAsking Posts: 1,403 Member
    Hi everyone.

    I'm just popping in to say hi, I didn't fall off of the face of the earth. I'm having some personal problems, as usual, but I'm not being able to get them fixed, which is not as usual.

    I'll try to get to a few people here and there. In the meantime, thanks everyone for your nice comments!

    Gallery ID is ARIANNANEAL
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    haneulhaneul Posts: 1,954 Member
    No updates from me, just comments.

    I'm so sorry about your cat. :( That's horrible.

    It seems like things have been rough for you with your save corrupting and your cat. I hope everything gets better somehow.

    (p782) I didn't know about lazy disco napping - what an interesting/powerful combination. Even though I give my sims negative traits, I've always avoided lazy. Are you ever planning to bring Damion back or the Darkfins?

    (p785) I'm glad D&Z were reunited.
    Not to spam, but I will add this. I have respect for people that try to do legacy challenges, especially if they do anything extra to increase the difficulty.

    I've learned a lot from reading your legacy posts even though I've had this game for years. You've shown lots of ways to make it interesting and difficult. I also like how you aren't afraid to change things if they don't work or aren't fun.

    Don is hilarious in your save.

    It's good that Mayor Whiskers put that lottery money to a good cause. How much did Mayor (now Chieftain) Whiskers win? But there are so many anti-environmental people in Sulani in your game. It surprise me. Everyone agrees with my Sims when they spread awareness/enthuse about conservationism.
    It's interesting how the game has given Calum so many jobs because he's so talented.
    @haneul I love that house.
    Thank you!

    @sunblond I can't believe the twins are all grown up now. I like how different they are.

    @Alwaysasking I hope things get better for you! I also hope this thread doesn't become stressful - don't worry about catching up. But we really look forward to your return as long as you feel like it/have time for it.

    @Daephene (p792) Poor Gerardo. His youngest child crying in front of his urn is heart-breaking. :(

    (p797) I love how much Noelle looks like her father.

    @rottmeister (p794)
    Warning: I'm not a writer nor am I a native English speaker. This is probably going to suck.
    I'm actually curious to hear more about Jan, Juliette, Brenda, and the baby. I was shocked when Nicole died.

    ...And I am ALMOST done with my house, saw the new trailer and build videos for the new expansion and realized I need to move there instead.
    I feel the same. But can you just place the home you're working on there?

    I like my Sims' current home (and it won't fit at all in the new world), but they need to eventually live in Mt. Komorebi, so I need to build another home. :( Ironically, I live in Japan so I love that the new world is Japan-inspired, but I also don't want any real life countries coming through too strongly in my game, so I'm not sure how I'd do their home.

    (p798) Magnolia May looks great. She's exactly what I think of when I think of a country singer's daughter.
    @hanuel - OMG, that house is off the charts amazing!!! What lot in what world is that on?
    Thank you! It's on the park lot in San Myshuno (Myshuno Meadows). Unfortunately, I had to use a mod to turn it into a residential lot, which I didn't realize was necessary until after I'd built the house.

    (p789) I can't believe Owen almost missed Archie's birthday. It seems like he constantly makes or is on the brink of making big mistakes with his relationships.

    (p795) I'm glad Sylvia told her family about her marriage. It's sweet that everyone is together and that Bandit returned. Penelope is adorable. I hope (maybe) that she can get along well with her brothers and be a misfit too.

    Christopher's kids all aged to teens included Anna. I gave her the unflirty trait to see if its true its hard to romance sim with this trait. Archie however had no problem, but maybe it was a fluke?

    I've found unflirty sims to be very romantic, ironically. I had one who autonomously proposed to her boyfriend when they were both teenagers. :|

    I'm glad Owen has a job!

    The dryer is a fire trap. I always upgrade it.
    @Hanuel p.798 Thats really a beautiful estate. All theirs bedrooms look amazing! I really like Dawns and Adelise's room, Dyna's as well, they all look great! Asher's room is the best, no doors, thats just cool. Very cool floor map.
    Thank you!

    I'm so sorry about your grandmother. You have my condolences.

    Its kind of a screenshot dump but believe me I took like 300 screenshots. 
    300 screenshots from one play session? Wow. That encourages me to take more. I often feel like I don't have the right shot and just have to make due with what I managed to capture. It's probably because I don't take enough. Hmm…

    I enjoyed Clint and Rosie's day together, but that restaurant … What a disaster. It made me laugh, but having to endure filth and a 3-hour wait for no food. Yikes.

    What a beautiful wedding! I liked all the pictures you shared. The photo you shared of Thorne with all the fainted fans was also hilarious. What power he has!
    @haneul Oh an update with Deli! She’s my girl. I am so sorry that she’s still having difficulty coming to terms with the fact that she’s a vampire. Does no one know the cure and if they do will they tell her?

    Thanks for you comments. Deli's aware of the cure and their garden should have all the necessary ingredients as well, but becoming human might not be the best idea for her.

    @hanuel The mansion is absolutely stunning!! I love the attention to little details and all of the pictures hanging around
    Thank you.
    "Well I bet they're the weird family that nobody likes and you're the only one normal, right? 'Cause that's how it is for me!"
    Sure, Ianto, sure. Despite how smart he is, I don't think he understands how weird and normal work. Unfortunately, if you're unlike most people, you might not be normal even if you're kind of better... :/ But it's nice to see him show empathy. I love how good he is with Caleb. He gives perfect advice.
    "When I don't want to do something... I just don't. And I don't care what others say. I just don't. You should try that sometime."

    I also loved the Christmas outfits. I'm not sure if I remember correctly, but for some reason they remind me of the impressive school Peter attended as a toddler and how cute but mean those kids were. They were so snotty.

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    DuvelinaDuvelina Posts: 2,619 Member


    Sofia was quietly enjoying a soft winter sun, sitting in the back garden of her parents’ house. Lately, she’d been taking more time to herself, thinking over recent events.


    The quiet didn’t last when Halle, Sofia’s littlest sister, joined her on the bench.


    It didn’t take long for Halle to ask for Sofia’s attention, breaking her out of her thoughts. A toddler couldn’t be blamed for not understanding the significance of silence. Sofia hadn’t appreciated it until recently herself. It had been a lesson worth learning, considering the peace it brought into her life.


    For now, Sofia felt content in indulging Halle’s demands. She loved her sister and she hadn’t spent nearly enough time with her. Halle had been a later-in-life baby for her parents and the age gap between the two sisters was major. Little Halle had no preconceptions or ideas about their differing ages and all she wanted to do was spend time with Sofia. She was sad when Sofia wasn’t there, busy with work or out with Luna. Halle climbed on top of Sofia’s back. Sofia ran with it and spread her arms, pretending to be a superhero which made Halle giggle.


    Sofia helped Halle climb up on the slide. Clara and Bjorn had gone all out in buying playground equipment. Halle had her very own slide, ball pit and playset. Sofia had a nice childhood herself but she could see her parents had mellowed with age. Sofia was expected to learn to play the piano from a young age. Playing outside wasn’t something she got to do often. There was no blame there, but Sofia could the effects of her upbringing in her life now.


    Sofia looked down at Halle with a small smile when she slid off the slide. She didn’t dare go at first, it was so high up! With some encouragement from her sibling, Halle took the plunge and ended up enjoying it even.


    Sofia picked up Halle and snuggled her, telling her how proud she was of her for taking that big step all on her own. It clearly made the toddler happy because she couldn’t stop smiling.


    After playing on the playground for a while, the two sisters ended up back on the bench. Sofia sighed and started explaining what was going on with her, although in somewhat of a childish manner and mildly watered down, so most of it wouldn’t go over Halle’s head. She also didn’t mention Hugo’s name, to be on the safe side. Halle could randomly tell someone about Hugo’s son and the whole thing would escalate.


    Halle listened breathlessly. She felt like a proper grownup with the way Sofia was talking to her. No one included her in their adult conversations and Sofia actually explaining these things to her made her feel good about herself.


    Halle couldn’t help but interrupt with one of her questions. How could Sofia have any problems if she was a princess? Princesses shouldn’t have struggles!


    Sofia quickly swooped in to set Halle straight by saying that even the prettiest princesses struggle. She shouldn’t discount someone’s problems because they’re from a certain walk of life or because they look a particular way. A book shouldn’t be judged by its cover.


    Clara walked into the garden, checking on her girls. A huge smile appeared on her face when she heard Sofia talk to Halle. She had raised her well and it warmed her heart to see two of her daughters interact like this.


    When Sofia and Clara started talking, Halle saw her chance and ran off to play some more on her own. The two women watched her go after which Clara asked how Sofia’s day had been.


    With her eyes tracking her little sister, Sofia said she’d be fine. Her talk with Halle had been enlightening. Apparently silence hadn’t been everything she needed today. Talking with her sister was a therapy session in and of itself.


    Clara picked up Halle, telling her it was time for bed. Halle was so tired she didn’t even protest. It was pretty late but Clara hadn’t wanted to interrupt and after seeing them talk together, she thought she’d made the right call.


    Sofia stayed behind and sat back down on the bench, in the darkness of the garden. Halle’s hopefulness made her happy and it was impossible to wipe the smile from her face while she had that thinking time to herself after all.
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    rottmeisterrottmeister Posts: 192 Member
    edited November 2020
    Episode 3: Between worlds

    I'm not quite sure what happened after I fell to the ground ...

    ... It felt like my soul departed from my body. As if I could see myself laying there ... on the ground while I ascended.

    I could see my father pleading to this dark creature I couldn't quite describe.
    Will this creature guide me to the afterlife? Is it here to claim my soul?

    Everything looked blurry like a picture that was taken too quickly.
    I felt serene despite watching the ongoing scene.

    Despite all of my regrets and my horrible life. I felt at peace
    Why would I feel at peace, my whole life was supposed to be ahead of me?
    My mind is a huge mess, going from one extreme to the other. It's like I'm stuck inbetween worlds.
    Serenity and chaos.


    I can barely make out what's happening, but it seems like my father is convincing this ... creature?


    And just like that ... I descended right into my body and felt my arms and legs again.


    I've been given a second chance. I won't make the same mistakes again.
    I pushed myself too far and I paid the price.
    But for now, I will live again.

    I'm no longer the girl who died, I am the woman who lived.


    I'm going to live my life to the fullest and I'll confess my feeling to Luuk.
    My whole life is ahead of me and I will let nothing stop me from doing so.

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    rottmeisterrottmeister Posts: 192 Member
    edited November 2020
    Episode 4: Rags to riches

    Weeks went by and our living conditions hadn't improved much up until my father happily announced that a local company was interested in mass producing a book of his. This was a revelation. We will finally be able to afford rent, food and clothes!

    Our living conditions improved at a rapid pace. After my resurrection he's been writing masterpiece after masterpiece.

    Also thanks to Luuk I made quite a lot of money myself.
    One day when we were hanging out together he found my personal noteblock in which I wrote all of my songs.
    He pushed me to publish them and so I did.
    This is why I want him close to me. He helps me make the right decisions.

    We made so much money we could afford this lovely home in Willow Creek in such a short time.

    My dad became a best selling author and I became a local talent! Sadly he seemed to abuse his popularity by flirting with anything that wore a skirt.
    He didn't care if it destroyed families. I'd be surprised if there were any women he didn't flirt with..
    You name it: Bella Goth? Check! Nina Caliente? Check! Nancy Freaking Landgraab? Check!

    However I don't want to confront him about it ... He saved my life after all.

    I might have to at some point.
    He seems happy on the outside, but sometimes I see him break down crying, out of nowhere.

    He still cares about Brenda despite what he has done.

    To be continued...
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    BeardedgeekBeardedgeek Posts: 5,520 Member
    @haneul Well no, because it was specifically a Container home. However it is moot anyway, since I decided to move to Sulani instead. I just love that world so much.

    Origin ID: A_Bearded_Geek
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,112 Member
    edited November 2020
    Just a short vent in regards to something that might impact future posts from me in this thread.

    I will resume my normal responses and posting when my game is working again.
    If they make a sims 5, I might seriously consider putting on hold every future pack AND game until they deliver on:

    The Merform for the Child Life Stage
    The Merform for the Toddler Life Stage

    (At this point, it's not just about making my sims look like they belong in the setting for the story. it's the principle of the thing. I want to see the follow through because it was half finished. It makes more sense for merchildren to have a merform in an ocean or underwater environment.)

    A merfolk style bassinet (Vampires, Aliens, and Spellcasters have their own bassinet style. Why not merfolk?)
    Underwater Residential Lots
    Underwater Lots
    Speeding up time while sleeping in the water
    More options to change the weather to make the ability a closer equivalent to a weather machine (Having a sim that can change the weather wherever they go without wasting lot space for a weather machine is an advantage for being able to control the weather.)
    A merform in ALL tubs (This includes hot tubs and hot springs).

    And honestly, that's probably the bare-minimum I expected with Island Living.

    They could do half measures again for Sims 5, so if they are actually considering such a thing with all the missed opportunities, bugs, and frustratingly near-complete, but incomplete elements in the Sims 4... I may seriously put the purchase of all future packs on hold regardless of the content they offer until I see the minimum that matters to me.
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    SvineprutterSvineprutter Posts: 2,351 Member
    Great updates everyone. :smile:
    I hope You find your way through tough times.
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    DarkAngel1994DarkAngel1994 Posts: 771 Member

    @RedDestiny92 - Tristan (Gen 8) stands out from the rest. Pretty much like that meme "One of these things is not like the other..."

    Catch up on Tristan's strange mission!
    Prologue - New Guy in Town
    Chapter One - What Could Go Wrong?
    Chapter Two - New Discovery
    Chapter Three - Survivor
    Chapter Four - You Win Some, You Lose Some
    Chapter Five - Surprises
    Tristan headed back to the bar to clear his mind for a bit. As he was having a causal conversation with Lilith, he recognized someone from the other side of the room.

    It was Grandpa Atlas!

    Tristan had a good time hanging out with his grandpa, Uncle Damien, and a good friend of the Family, retired Lieutenant Zack Bishop (not related to Keith).

    Later, Tristan met up with Sheena at her Curio Shop.
    "I saw another security door in the basement, but there were a lot of these purple stuff in the hallway," Tristan explained.
    "It's a good thing you didn't go through. I had a friend who just barged right through, and she ended getting infected," Sheena said, shaking her head at the memory.
    "It...didn't kill her, did it?"
    "Nope, these don't kill ya, kid," she replied and rummaged behind the counter. She took out a yellow rubber suit. "What you need is a hazmat suit. And today's your lucky day: I happen to have a spare."

    Out of nowhere, a small colony of bats flew over Tristan, spooking him.
    "D-Did you see that?!"
    "See what?"
    "There were bats!"
    "Wha?! That's crazy talk!" Sheena exclaimed. "We hardly ever have bats here! How's about you go get some shut eye and deal with this once you have a clear head on your shoulders?"
    "Yeah..." Tristan checked himself for any bites and found nothing. What a relief...what was all that about?

    Remembering what he got from the plant, Tristan offered the red fruit to Elliot as a test.
    "Are you sure this is a good idea?" Elliot asked.
    "Don't worry, El. Would I ever put you in danger?" Tristan asked.
    Elliot thought for a moment and ate the fruit. Suddenly, he began to cough, and his stomach started to hurt, like someone was stabbing him multiple times.
    Tristan backed away as Elliot began to convulse, cackling crazily.

    "Um...Elliot, are you alright?" Tristan asked, waving his hand over the other man's face. He yelped when Elliot turned toward him in a blink of an eye. That's when he realized something: this happened to that guy in downtown after visiting the library not too long ago.
    "Uh, guys, I need help! Hurry!"

    Hearing the commotion from downstairs, Cian and Iris tried to snap - or slap - Elliot, but they failed when Elliot intervened. For someone with low strength stopping two strong people is something.

    It didn't last too long, and Elliot was back to normal...yet.
    Immediately, Tristan engulfed Elliot in a tight embrace.
    "W-What happened?" Elliot asked.
    "You don't remember what happened to ya...?"

    "All I remember was you giving me that fruit and....wait...." Elliot trailed off and pulled away. He glared at Tristan. "That fruit...was it from those plants?!"
    Tristan didn't say a word, but he nodded.
    "Why would you do this to me?!" Elliot yelled, grabbing Tristan's shirt. "Do you have any idea what you've just done?!"

    "I didn't know!" Tristan yelped, holding Elliot back. "I'm sorry..."
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    GreatestPlannerGreatestPlanner Posts: 78 Member
    Just a quick thanks to everyone who is always reading our stories here, truly appreciate it!
    The passed few days I rotated to my next family which is Zen and her roommate Vanessa Juong. I don't really play with Vanessa, just the needed things, so she is more of a roommate of my sim Zen.

    Zen has been trying for a very long time to get more famous and she is always a little behind on Vanessa, but that seemed to have changed this time around. Let's find out what she has been up to lately.

    Slowly she is starting to get to know more and more well known sims. I want her to spend her weekend in nightclubs around town, so I created a club with some of her famous friends in it. I see them as each others entourage to climb the ladder of fame and mingle with other celebs when they are going out.
    They went to an underground club that lays beneath the theater in Del Sol valley. In the same theater they also have meetings every few days with their acting club where they practice their needed skills for a role they got. The club was packed with sims! A few celebrities entered, so most attention was drawn to them. It was very hard to find some little space to even try to lay some connections with them, so all Zen got was some hugs and selfies.

    I had to change the entrance door to give access to everyone, so her boyfriend could enter since he isn't famous.. little annoying that he is not allowed to enter nightclubs cause of her. Hey boyfriend seemed to stay away from most of the crowd the entire evening out and tried to find some time in between to talk with Zen. I feel he might feel left out if she becomes too famous, but we will see how that's going to turn out. Their relationship is doing great anyway and I really like them together.

    After all, I can't blame him with all these handsome looking fellas around. As you see there were a bunch of famous sims in the club that night. The one in the back is already a good friend of her for a long time, even before she met her boyfriend, so it seems right now its the right time for her to crick that relationship up a notch for better connections all around.

    When most of the crowd was too busy with all the famous celebrities in the house, Zen and her friends took some drinks at the bar and laid back for a while. It was already midnight and most of them were probably tired anyway.

    The next few days, after a promotion at work, Zen was now able to hold charity events so I decided to throw one in one of the rooftop lounges I build a few months ago. It's the perfect spot for famous sims to mingle and have some conversations. The party was a success and she got a bunch of donations from her fairly known celebrity friends. Near the end of the party this famous sim Octavia turned up and I thought it was a good chance to blend her in by asking for a generous donation followed by Zen trying to talk to her. Octavia immediately favored Zen and it was pretty easy to become mild friends with her that day. They even share a sentiment now. This might come in handy one day.

    The next few days it was time to focus on work again as Zen met with her acting club in the theater to practice their role for the next day. The theater has a stage and dressing room that is exclusive to this club, so it is really nice to see other members all use the stage to practice any of the given activities. Sometimes random townies or fans walk in to witness the club meeting and have a look at their performance on stage.

    A little towards the end of the club meeting, Zen noticed that a very famous celebrity was spotted behind the theaters and a crowd was gathered there as well. I realized that he was Octavia's husband, so i took my chance to meet him as well which went fairly easy. I decided to use this moment to set up a romantic scene with him that she had to practice for her role anyway and since the paparazzi was there and a bunch of his fans, It seemed like the ultimate chance to gain more fame. In the end they bowed and the crowd cheered for their performance.

    Back at work again on the set where as always Zen's boyfriend works as he is one of the producers there. That's how they met of course.
    I still try to keep their relationship on a low notch when they are at work. So they usually hug and kiss outside and inside they just have more civil conversations :p

    I just wanted to take this shot as I thought it was very cute. That day she got promoted again and she is now a two-star celebrity.

    I have plans to take them to a snowy holiday first for a few days for a romantic getaway together and then perhaps have her move in in his house or even move to a more expensive house together. I am not sure of they are ready financially, but I feel soon enough she needs to be surrounded by only famous sims and live in a rich condo subhood I created for them.

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    Becka28Becka28 Posts: 1,870 Member
    @AlwaysAsking wishing you and your family all the best as always. I hope things calm down again soon for you.

    @Daephene I know what you mean about Not so Berry - I started it once before and didn't even finish mint LOL This time I loved Lincoln as a sim (even if the Rose gen is not the nicest sim in the world) and he and Lucas were very helpful in writing a lot of their story for me. I should have a Yellow gen post soon and my grey sim is a teen and begging to be played. Generations are hard to start but soon become addictive!

    I haven't been on here much lately - just moving Quin and Rohan along slowly (I am hoping to get Snowy escape for Christmas and really want them to try it out).

    However they do seem to work well with the new sentiments -

    Both of them have the deeply in love sentiment for each other and Rohan also has Smitten with Quin ("his heart just seems to beat faster whenever he's around")

    I like it when a game feature actually works. I like the moodlets they get too.

    I spent time on my yellow generation Lincoln and Lucas' daughter Frangipanni (I call her Franni). I have nearly finished the generation but haven't had time to put shots together to post.

    I have been building a home for the grey generation - I wanted a converted warehouse. In the game it wont start out like this it will need to be converted first.
    Grey has very particular interests - so the 3rd floor is a giant basketball gym.

    My sims really enjoyed playtesting (well maybe not the toddler).
    And the bartender really went over and above with the work ethic.

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    DaraviDaravi Posts: 1,153 Member
    1925 - 1926
    Two different lifestyles

    I don't have much too say about the year 1925. There weren't much which could be worth to tell about, it was a relatively seen normal year for this specifc decade. So here some pictures from Wilhelm and his family.

    Wilhelm and his girls
    The daughters helped each other with the schoolprojects.

    Wilhelm told his son a good night story.

    Hedwig came over for a visit.

    I didn't know that children could play with the globe.

    Wilhelm relaxed in the pool.

    Happy Birthday to you, dear Hans.

    After the cas makeover. Well, he got all genes from his mother. Personally I'm not so happy about this.


    Mathilde came to visit. She still has her mischief smile, her teenage daughter is really beautiful.


    Happy Birthday, dear Anna.


    Well, she got also most of the genes from her mother, but I made minor changes (mouth, hair and nose). So now, she's looking handsome.

    1926 instead was a quite interesting year, in a politcal, technological and cultural sense. Germany was accepted in the league of nation, more inventions, and because of we have a new addon, Japan and Germany began to tighten their relationship with cultural exchanges. The german relationship with japan was in his over 150 years (seen from today) most of the time very friendly, even after the ww1, around 30k people from the qingdao-colony rather stayed in Japan than return to Germany.

    Back to Hedwig, she celebrating the life and enjoy the people around her, and began a singing career (which not existed yet, but however I don't care).

    Günther, she and their friends were invited to visit japan.


    They have visited the temple.


    Hedwig and Günther enjoyed their free time.

    Learning how to use the Onsen rightwas hard and they made the citizen angry

    Hedwig performed her song.


    The group played a cardgame.


    Hedwig and Maria met a local celebrity and they became friends.


    Back to Germany, Hedwig brought back two sovenirs (a kimono and she is pegnant again.)


    But this little accident didn't changed her lifestyle.

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    FirandeFirande Posts: 816 Member
    edited November 2020
    @Becka28 Your converted warehouse looks so incredibly good! I absolutely love builds like these, that have character, a personality, and a story to them. It's a really good idea. :blush:

    Today, a cat won the lottery in my game.


    I have no words.
    Origin ID: Fierande | Simlit | Tumblr

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    BeardedgeekBeardedgeek Posts: 5,520 Member
    edited November 2020
    Something fishy is going on... (Btw I LOVE the new hairstyles!!)

    I am pretty sure doing tech reviews in au naturelle will give you a lot of followers (I didn't intend to, I just assumed she would get dressed before getting in front of a webcam...)

    When exploring the islands Agathe found a cave...

    Long story short she found some very tasty-smelling seaweed...
    Origin ID: A_Bearded_Geek
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,112 Member
    First, my game is functional again, so I can play it at least. I shared my save with the people trying to patch things, so if they used my save to find a problem, they had Sulani lots to work with. I hope it helped because it looks like things are running much smoother.



    After a couple weeks, I decided to get a kitten. I had a pure bred maine 🐸🐸🐸🐸, retired from breeding, for 2 or 3 years. I lost him very suddenly to a heart attack, a normal condition pure bred maine coons develop. My recently passed cat was a rescue straight off the street. We had no way of knowing her age, but I'm certain she passed from old age organ failure, or that's what was happening when I took her to the vet.

    My new kitten is a rescue from the Virgin Islands. I want a little more time with my cat, but normally, I'd give any cat or dog, regardless of age or origin, a home if it needed it and I was in a position to care for them properly.

    As for the Dance Machine Trait, it affects energy gain with all forms of sleeping including the speed of energy gain while merfolk sleep in the water. So, the lazy trait just gives the sim more places to nap. I think dancing is a way to maintain a sim's weight, do the trait could also counter weight gain from being sedentary. The only down side is that the combo uses two out of three traits.

    I will always bring back the Darkfins, but I haven't decided on Damion yet. I've created every single sim with a purpose in mind.

    The Darkfins fill a solid antagonistic role, snd they are very good at showing up when Sims are miserable. I put them all in the criminal careers.

    Damion was specifically designed to kill Dylan and Zephyr because I made Dylan and Zeph very hard to kill.
    Dylan and Zeph are not immune to death, but they are extremely hard to kill because I made sure to give them as many ways to avoid death as possible. In fact, I had to cheat Damion's needs 3 times to restore his vampiric energy and finish them off AFTER separating them.

    When Dylan and Zeph are together, they are extremely well equipped to support each other and avoid an emotional death even with vampiric powers at work. If I was controlling Dylan and Zeph, they would be even more resilient. I think the only way to kill them with vampiric powers without cheats is to wait for them to starve by locking them in a room without food or deny their hunger need. I think they could die from laughter, but that's probably their only true weakness, emotionally. But, they can still be saved by random inspired or focused moodlets.

    For Damion to return, I'll need to think of a new purpose for him.

    I still want to do a legacy, but I'll behonest. I just don't have fun counting points or strictly following legacy rules. I'm also not going to give up on the Kailani Household because of a few bugs. However, I may start a separate save for the Kailani Legacy. The idea will be to play the heir in a new house they move into. The founder will live in the normal 50x50 lot, and this founder's home could be a place for family gatherings. However, the heirs will move out and into new homes with nothing but what they can carry in their inventory. I'll also use cheats to reset the sim's age. The Kailani's will probably live in an alternate reality from the Zalrians. My favorite Kailani households will be added to the Zalrian save and represent the different life stages.

    The new "Founder" will be Lir, and he will found the next 10 generations. Reef and Sara, the original founding household, will live on the founder's lot. I will not do old age deaths because I think merfolk don't die of old age as quickly as normal sims.

    I need to move the new save's Mayor Whiskers to Sulani again because I lost my old save, not the lottery fortune! Chieftain Whiskers was a millionaire stray cat. Because Dylan, Zephyr, and Calum get 40,000 simoleons each (120,000 (160,000 if Arihi is pitching in) simoleons a week or however often they receive the funds) from investments right now, I don't think the Zalrians will ever be broke or lose the lottery funds.

    Just wait until you see what Calum's next career will be after he maxes out the painter career.

    I'm going to have to add Merman Don back to the new save as an NPC townie. I wonder if I can make him do a derpy dolphin sound or catch him doing it.

    I still need to catch up on reading more of the Fier Legacy, but the most intriguing thing about it is how you are using vampires. Since you have immortals that won't die of old age, it definitely changes how you play the game.

    I'm still thinking about it, but the Zalrians have the elemental theme: Aether, Water, Air, Fire, and Earth going on, and I almost don't want to split up the household. Arihi is the Aether Elemental because of her ghostly origins. Dylan is the water Elemental. Zephyr is the Air Elemental, and Ember is the Fire Elemental that literally constantly thinks about how much she does not like water.

    As much as I love the idea of my elemental-themed house, I may rebuild it with more normal gameplay functionality if I keep the household together. I like having my merfolk sleep in the water, but this interaction requires manually speeding up time and as the game is, the build does not have the greatest functionality.

    I absolutely love the Fier mansion!
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    Lucy_HenleyLucy_Henley Posts: 2,997 Member
    I had some issues with the Sulani save yesterday, so I didn’t really get to play. I’d get a Last Exception notification the minute I loaded the lot, for example. I’ve guessed at what might be wrong, so hopefully I can play a bit more later. I’ll need to update MCCC first. I think I’ll also get rid of the Go to School mod. I was getting a little bored of it, to be honest, and if you have multiple kids in a household that can be awkward too.
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    BeardedgeekBeardedgeek Posts: 5,520 Member
    edited November 2020
    I had some issues with the Sulani save yesterday, so I didn’t really get to play. I’d get a Last Exception notification the minute I loaded the lot, for example. I’ve guessed at what might be wrong, so hopefully I can play a bit more later. I’ll need to update MCCC first. I think I’ll also get rid of the Go to School mod. I was getting a little bored of it, to be honest, and if you have multiple kids in a household that can be awkward too.

    So far I have never suffered an ill effect of a Last Exception Error. It is also the only mod i have, and i have always gotten (even in fresh installs of the game) about two of those per hour. I just close them and ignore them.
    Quite frankly the fact that they keep popping up, since I run completely without other mods than MCCC, always keep it update and have absolutely no CC in the game and never use MOO indicates that it is the code in the game itself that is simply faulty.
    Origin ID: A_Bearded_Geek

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