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What are your thoughts on the complaining?


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    alyssasim87alyssasim87 Posts: 1,277 Member
    i dont mind the complaning. sometimes people have things to complain about. sometimes people need to vent their frustration with the game. everyone has a right to their own opinions. if someone isnt happy they have a right to voice their concerns. if someone loves the content then they have a right to uplift it. but what i dont agree with is when you whether negative or positive attack someone who thinks differently. if you dont like certain threads you dont have to read them. ive had my share of complaints and im sure ill have new ones in the future. i enjoy reading both happy thoughts and critisism about the game. cuz i understand where everyone is coming from even if i dont agree with it myself. i get why some people feel how they do.
    my origin id is simkitten87

    Im a simmer forever <3
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    CinebarCinebar Posts: 33,618 Member
    I am definitely tired of threads dedicated to complaining but at least I can avoid those by not opening them up. What I really hate is when those really negative complainers leave their complaining threads and air their complaints on threads that are supposed to be positive or neutral. I am sure we all heard you on the last 5 threads you visited. You don't have to repeat your complaints on every thread you visit. You are barking up the wrong tree is what I am saying.
    Why do complaints bother you? It’s not like you made the game so are personally insulted by the (quite often) fair critique. Don’t take it personal. Like what you like. Let’s others like or dislike what they like. As long as people are respectful they shouldn’t be silenced because some people don’t like anything that isn’t positive.

    Yea, unfortunately, people who desperately want you to agree with them tend to be more negative. They use the word "we" in every post like they are speaking for all of us. That in and of itself is disrespectful and incorrect. They don't speak for all of us. I wish the forums would create a complaint category so complainers can hang out with their brethren and not seep their negativity into every thread. And you seem a little put off that people are starting to complain about the negativity. Don't we have a voice too?

    They did, it's called feedback and or specualtion sometimes, but defenders rush in to those to defend a game that is sinking with every pack, into bugville.
    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.
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    InuMiroLoverInuMiroLover Posts: 1,184 Member
    Onverser wrote: »

    I also feel like there's a certain section of the community who think other players don't matter and everything should be for their play style - how dare somebody else get a pack they like instead of you! It's like to some people it doesn't matter what anyone else wants because they want farming and their opinion is more important for some reason. I don't mean this as a personal attack to those who want farming as it really isn't everyone and this is only a small portion of players who are like this but I've seen that kind of thing going round a lot and I really don't like that section of the community. It's kind of an attitude of "Why are they wasting time working on stuff for this side of the community when I want ----" yknow. Idk. I like that they add variety of content and not everything is gonna be for everyone and that's a good thing in my eyes.

    Ive noticed that this attitude tends to pop up particularly when occult play gets focused or even has a slight existence. Ive noticed some realism players treat it as though war was declared on them! At times like that, I wonder if an occult went and set fire to their house if they're taking it so personally.

    And I too would love it if simmers would stop claiming that they speak for the majority. No, I don't care about farming and tbh I really wouldnt be bothered if babies never got an update. Would I be upset if they did occur in the game? No. But it's presence or lack there of isnt a deal breaker for me.
    Some simmers need to learn for real that everyone has different playstyles and what they want doesnt necessarily mean that's what someone else wants. Yeah I know it sucks that a new pack isnt what you're hoping for, but other folks might be excited for it since other packs so far haven't been what they wanted. We can all take turns.
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    afternoonbaboonafternoonbaboon Posts: 252 Member
    Sharonia wrote: »
    Not really. A forum is a place to discuss and options differ from one person to another. I think people should be free to post whatever they want as long as it’s respectful and not against the rules. If people are unhappy with something they should be allowed to express their opinions just as much as a player that is happy can also do the same.

    The forums would be a fairly boring place if we were all sunshine and roses and shared the exact same opinions.

    Completely agree. We all have opinions that should be respected. But the blatant negativity that's been leaking into positive threads is not great. The world is already so disappointing right now that I personally can't stand it creeping into my sweet escape.

    we love you kathleen hanna
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    BabykittyjadeBabykittyjade Posts: 4,975 Member
    I feel like a lot of people got offended by this thread but I don't think the op made this with bad intentions. I personally have no problems with complaints, frustrations or constructive feedback.
    I have plenty of my own some of which I had stated in various threads. And i certainly have nothing against complainers, I love you all which is why I have never put anyone on ignore. I even miss Kaechan, haven't seen her around.

    Some will understand this and some won't but it's the negative energy and vibrations I mentioned before that becomes overwhelming when there is an imbalance. It gets to a point that all of the negativity overshadows the light. And not just constructive feedback but what comes off as deep hatred and lingering frustrations, name calling etc.
    When those negative vibrations are sent out in mass amounts it affects people spiritually, mentally and emotionally rather they recognize it or not. It's important to find that inner peace and contentment within yourself but I'll leave it at that.

    But like I said, people are free spirits to do as they please. I'll just stick to positive things in life.
    Hopefully no one gets offended as that is never my intention.
    Zombies, oh please oh please give us zombies!! :'(
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    OnverserOnverser Posts: 3,364 Member
    Onverser wrote: »

    I also feel like there's a certain section of the community who think other players don't matter and everything should be for their play style - how dare somebody else get a pack they like instead of you! It's like to some people it doesn't matter what anyone else wants because they want farming and their opinion is more important for some reason. I don't mean this as a personal attack to those who want farming as it really isn't everyone and this is only a small portion of players who are like this but I've seen that kind of thing going round a lot and I really don't like that section of the community. It's kind of an attitude of "Why are they wasting time working on stuff for this side of the community when I want ----" yknow. Idk. I like that they add variety of content and not everything is gonna be for everyone and that's a good thing in my eyes.

    Ive noticed that this attitude tends to pop up particularly when occult play gets focused or even has a slight existence. Ive noticed some realism players treat it as though war was declared on them! At times like that, I wonder if an occult went and set fire to their house if they're taking it so personally.

    Exactly. It especially annoys me how many realism players I see insisting on buying vampires and then making tons of threads whining about how there's vampires in their game. Even worse how they toned down spellcasters and made them nonexistant in the main worlds to keep the realism players who insist on buying the packs and then complaining happy. I get frustrated seeing certain realism youtubers who feel the need to trash on occults all the time for absolutely no reason, like they make packs for different play styles you aren't gonna like everything. You can play happy families with parenthood while other people can enjoy the occults, simple, everyones happy.
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    fruitsbasket101fruitsbasket101 Posts: 1,531 Member
    They don't bother me at all. Some of it is warranted and everyone's opinion is different. I know I have left my fair share of complaints but its not because I don't like the sims. I try to stay respectful in my complaints but I realize that others might see it as just another person trying to bad mouth the game and I'm genuinely not trying to. It's because I'm disappointed in the quality and direction a much loved game is going in.
    Have a super fantastic awesome splendid amazing day! -TheQxxn
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    Jordan061102Jordan061102 Posts: 3,918 Member
    Well life comes up with positivity and negativity so just cope with it. Nobody's obliging you to open negative thread.
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    Chicklet453681Chicklet453681 Posts: 2,436 Member
    edited October 2020
    Simmingal wrote: »
    I do feel like it would be better if people didn't make so many separate threads about same subject and just tried to check for the threads to comment before making new one

    by making separate threads it drowns out other subjects and becomes annoying
    especially in case of complaints since they often just make you : ( unless you are feeling like throwing big rage storm over something for anger management

    I totally agree with that! There are currently like 6-7 threads about the Lifestyles and Sentiments. Some are complaining threads, some are speculation. It's really hard to keep up with what/where you posted.

    But the same thing happens with every pack. And some titles are almost identical.

    I think people just have way too high of expectations when it comes to new packs, they are forgetting that this is TS4. Packs have always been watered down and lackluster, that is not going to change, they will never be fully fleshed out with loads of different new gameplay objects and/or mechanisms. It's just not going to change, I'm sorry to say, and it disappoints me too. You can expect nice build/buy and CAS items and a beautiful world (if it's an expansion pack) and a few new "hero" objects (which are probably going to be using some of the same animations or interactions that are already in the game)/ It is what it is.

    All the complaining in the world will not change the formula they have set for this iteration. And it's possible, that this is the future direction they will stick with for any new "Sims" game.

    EA now knows they can get away with providing buggy, half full packs and still make a ton of money. Why would a company stop that practice if it's making them loads of money? As a business person, would you? Would you all of a sudden grow a heart and feel for your consumers because you've been giving them less and less for the same price? No, you wouldn't, you would continue with a tried and true money making scheme.

    This is not new, this has been going on since the basegame.

    I've come to accept it and when I read all of the threads of people hoping for this huge list of things they want in the "next pack", I keep my mouth shut and just think to myself "Do you all forget we're talking about TS4? It's never going to happen".

    I'm not a pessimist, but I'm a realist. If I keep my expectations at a level I know that I can't be disappointed, my mental health is a lot better. If I sat and thought about all the stuff we "got with packs in the previous iterations of The Sims" compared to what we get now, my blood pressure would be thru the roof and I'd probably be driven to drink.

    It's not healthy, and unfortunately it's not going to change.

    The one thing that I think every single person who has purchased the game and the packs has the right to complain about is the BUGS! The bugs need to be fixed much quicker than they do. They can not continue to be an ostrich and bury their head in the sand hoping that if they ignore them long enough people will forget about them once they flash a shiny new DLC in their face. Those complaints never need to stop! As a consumer, that is your right to expect a product to function as advertised!

    And, there's a very big possibility that TS5 will just be more of the same, with a different look.
    Post edited by Chicklet453681 on
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    Cabelle1863Cabelle1863 Posts: 2,251 Member
    I don't have a problem with complaint threads, and I don't have a problem with positivity threads. From what I recall, the mods have stated that members here have the right to post their opinion, positive AND negative, as long as they follow forum guidelines. If a thread doesn't interest me, I just move along to one that does. What I do have a problem with is members who post judgemental, snide, and inappropriate remarks about other members because they don't agree with them. It's so unnecessary and causes the majority of forum issues.
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    SPARKY1922SPARKY1922 Posts: 5,965 Member

    I made a similar post on another thread ( I forget which one now-) what I did not mention was Sims 5 because I actually think it will be even worse than 4 and I have this vision re S4 only players shouting from the rooftops about how bad the game has become at that point lol Seriously though I have continued on with 4 playing it in spurts because I already had too much invested in the series and confess to enjoying some features of the game anyway but I know when 4 is over I will never buy a sims game again. I will stick to playing 1-4 iterations whenever I feel the need and have no hope whatsoever that EA is suddenly going to grow a conscious or start providing a really well thought out quality sims game incorporating all ideas from the very beginning to the present day and it makes me wonder if a lot of us are feeling the same way and if so I think that is when EA will feel the blowback from players when they suddenly become uninterested and unwilling to invest their money in another series having been well bitten before.
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    nerdfashionnerdfashion Posts: 5,947 Member
    I agree. I think there have been a lot less complaint threads than usual this time around though, because this looks like a really good Expansion pack.

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    Zeldaboy180Zeldaboy180 Posts: 5,997 Member
    I cant believe this thread hasn't been closed yet when it's only designed to instigate fighting
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    SimburianSimburian Posts: 6,917 Member
    edited October 2020
    When you come to think of it those very full expansion packs that came with Sims 2/3 that the fans of them love were, in real terms £20 or so (UK anyway) dearer than the expansion packs that we get now and we all got far less pay than we do today. This is based on inflation. So as I haven't had a coffee or Pint of beer out for about 7 months, I have more than enough for a few new packs. Cheers!

    The UK in 2020

    Here are a few average costs worth keeping in mind (according to Numbeo):
    Basic lunch (including a drink) - £12.00.
    Fast food combo meal - £6.00.
    Pint of beer - £4.00. (that's double what it cost in 2001)
    Cappuccino - £2.75.
    1 litre of milk - £0.92.
    Monthly transport pass - £65.00.
    Monthly adult gym membership - £30.00.
    Two movie tickets - £20.00.
    Monthly rent for a 1-bed apartment (city centre) - £750.
    Monthly rent for a 1-bed apartment (outside the city centre) - £600. are a few average costs worth keeping,apartment (outside the city centre) - £600.
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    luxsylvanluxsylvan Posts: 1,922 Member
    I see what you're saying, but a forum is a place for speculation and discussion on both sides. I don't think it's an issue as long as no one derails threads or is personally attacking gurus or otherwise out of line. Don't be positive in a negative thread or negative in a positive one. You (not you specifically but as a general term) don't have to go to threads you disagree with if it puts you out.

    Personally I like the dedicated complaint threads because I know I can go there and voice my opinion, which often includes criticism, without people telling me to shut up and enjoy what we have. But I have also seen the reverse happen where people who enjoy the game are told "no you shouldn't be happy with it"

    Basically do what you want in the appropriate threads, that's why we have them. Any need to police it further will end up silencing either the criticizers/happy players and we'll only ever hear one opinion.
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    phantasmkissphantasmkiss Posts: 1,520 Member
    Complaining is a great deal of fun. That said, I try to limit my own complaints unless I think I can add something constructive. Try. Because again, complaining is fun. It gets the frustration out so that I can go back to enjoying the parts of the game that I do enjoy. Like build mode.

    I ignore a lot of the complaint threads, but sometimes I go in and skim through because mixed in with the moping is... other people's constructive criticism. I quite enjoy constructive criticism. Do I wish it was all constructive? Well yes, of course, but who am I to begrudge others the righteous satisfaction of telling the internet what's wrong with the latest pack?

    *stops ranting to go build something*
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    LizzychicagoLizzychicago Posts: 873 Member
    EDIT: typo

    It might just be me, but is anyone just sick of the complaining that comes out of this forum? Seriously, are you guys actually shocked when we get minuscule gameplay features? I have my own problems with the game (Selling out to Disney? Why!?) but, I'm honestly just grateful we have decent parts of the game. The six different complaint threads for every released pack to date (as well as the base-game) popping up in my feed is exhausting. Maxis is probably trying to please us as best they can, and it's most likely really discouraging to have such vocal negativity around projects they've worked on. Where is the positivity on the main level of the forum?

    Feel free to add your piece, or get into a light hearted debate with me on the issue of complaining.

    Oh man am I sick of people complaining! No matter what it is, what the release, its never good enough. People don't want it, people don't like it, people blah, blah, blah. Its always the same. That's why I'm not active on this forum yet its a game I play every single day since it was released. I've played every The Sims game, have all the packs, ect. I just can't take the whining.
    Check my builds and Sims out on the Gallery, username Lizzychicago!
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    KruegerKrueger Posts: 130 Member
    I'm just so over people rewriting history to fit their own narrative, with the narrative being that Sims 4 is made by a team that has lost all passion, makes decisions that are meant as direct insults to fans, and is only in it for the money.

    Guys, I'm about to drop a bomb on you. The Sims series has always had a problem of being really expensive when you add up all of the DLC. It has always had a problem of being incredibly glitchy and increasing broken with each pack. I has always had a problem with Sims not doing much autonomously, or not having unique personalities, or having bad pathfinding. Trailers have always been misleading about the packs they represent. All of these have been issues since at least Sims 2, aka the golden child of this forum. Frequently requested features have always been added for a price on DLC, and not given away in patches (with a few exceptions) like some recent posts are suggesting should happen and would happen with a more passionate team.

    Stop pretending like 4 is the only iteration to do these things, and the others were flawless games. I mean if want to make the argument that we're four games in so they should have figured out pathfinding, or how to make sims do actions related to traits autonomously more often, ok, fair. But that's not what I see. It's people trying to deny the flaws of last games and claim all of these issues magically sprung up with 4, and I'm just sick of it.

    Sorry for the rant, but for Pete's sake guys. Some on here want to make snotty remarks about how "real fans" and "veterans fans" (which, btw- I really hate some of the gatekeeping on here) hate 4, but in reality all of those veteran fans are fully aware that most of 4's flaws are not actually 4's flaws. They're flaws of the franchise itself. And that's coming from someone who really enjoys all the games l, 3 aside
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    phantasmkissphantasmkiss Posts: 1,520 Member
    Krueger wrote: »
    Guys, I'm about to drop a bomb on you. The Sims series has always had a problem of being really expensive when you add up all of the DLC. It has always had a problem of being incredibly glitchy and increasing broken with each pack.

    This especially. When Sims 4 came out and people were talking about how much faster than Sims 3 it was, they seemed to forget that there was a whole lot of Sims 3 to load for most people, not just a base game. But there are a lot of people new to the Sims franchise and they don't know that. Before I got my new computer, Sims 4 was taking minutes to load between screens whenever my Sims wanted to go somewhere. Every single time. I had downloaded a mod for Sims 3 that fixed some of the bloating issues and it took minutes to load once, at the beginning of the game. Then I was left with potato-face Sims with one body type whose clothing is restricted by gender, but details.

    There are always going to be issues. I understand that. And we're still allowed to complain.

    #complainingisfun #constructivecriticismisbest

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    afternoonbaboonafternoonbaboon Posts: 252 Member
    edited October 2020
    I cant believe this thread hasn't been closed yet when it's only designed to instigate fighting

    I had no intent of instigating fighting, or making a massive thread of it. I was just voicing my opinion on all the gosh darn negativity on this forum. I kind of want to shut this thread down as well...

    we love you kathleen hanna
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    bella_gothbella_goth Posts: 1,770 Member
    @Krueger the AI on sims 4 is terrible. i'm not blaming, i'm aware ts4 had its engine limited due to the scrapped online idea and bla bla. no game is perfect but with time & technology games are meant to upgrade & improve their features.
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    bella_gothbella_goth Posts: 1,770 Member
    I cant believe this thread hasn't been closed yet when it's only designed to instigate fighting

    I had no intent of instigating fighting, or making a massive thread of it. I was just voicing my opinion on all the gosh darn negativity on this forum. I kind of want to shut this thread down as well...

    this kind of threads always ends up on an endless conversation of agree to disagree
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