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What happened in your sims 3 game today?


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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,802 Member
    Likes and awesome handed out. I have limited data on my phone but it allows me to at least read a page or two. When I can, I am going to try to post a new save in a thread I will start later. That will make it easier on me and still allow me to post. It may be a while before a new update is posted, I need my computer for that. I am going to use a human Ava and just have some general fun with no set plot.
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    LunBeautyLunBeauty Posts: 2,734 Member
    @bekkasan Thank you for the comment!
    Those first nine levels are easy, but that progress bar goes super slow once you get to level 9. :lol:
    When they had her, I was panicking like, "I gotta choose a name! What sounds pretty?!" That was the first name that came to mind. :joy:
    I wonder if it is too, but I just eventually gave up and put her in the education career.
    I've played quite a ways ahead and she's a gorgeous teen as well! Like, one of the most gorgeous I've had in my game to date!
    My old laptop also couldn't handle all the EPs at once, so I had to play without some of them.
    Awww, Dedric is so sweet! She looks like she really needed that! :)

    @PalmArrow That looked like a fun slumber party. Of course the hostess would still be asleep. :lol: Outdoor parties are usually nice. I usually have my birthdays at the festival lots. There's lots of room to set up a cake area and then activities for everyone to do after your sim ages up.

    @emorrill Oh no! Food poisoning is never any fun. I hope your daughter feels better too. :( Get as much rest as you possibly can.

    @GraceyManor Yeah, I remember the original fairy tale. I also remember the stepsisters and stepmother getting their comeuppance in much more brutal ways too.

    @PalmArrow Thank you! I think she's precious! Can't wait to show you all pictures of when she's a teen! She's stunning!

    @king_of_simcity7 Nice pictures and can't wait for more of your story!

    @GraceyManor Oh wow, looks like we're getting a bit of magic in this story! That's an interesting twist that Sarah knows how to do magic. I guess she's there for Eleana when it really counts.
    Dangit, Eddie! When will you realise?! You must notice the similarities and look at her horse! I know he has other things on his mind, but he has to have seen the patterns.
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    Doing a bit more writing of some JAG stories since I can’t play Sims 3 right now. ~sigh~
    (After a glorious session of what the Sims would call Unbridled WOOHOO.)
    Meg (gasps): Tosh
    Animal: ...oh...god...
    Meg: Wrong deity; I’m Meg...

    Gotta have some humour in the story. 🤣
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,094 Member
    So annoying when you download a piece of cc and can’t find it in game
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    Miss my Sims so much.
    Meg and Animal; my JAG sims.
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    LunBeautyLunBeauty Posts: 2,734 Member
    More updates coming your way! This is another multi-part one!
    Mariella learned how to walk in no time, thanks to a mod I have that allows toddlers to learn their skills super quick!

    The moment after Luca finished teaching Mari to walk, he got a call from a random townie that he'd only met once, asking if he wanted to go out on a date. He immediately shot that down.

    Mari was taken upstairs, where she was put down to bed. Once she woke up and was taken from her crib, she decided that she wanted to play in one of the toilets.
    **Another mod I have. Originally, the toddler won't be glitching through the toilet. I think this is just an affect of moveobjects on, which I tend to use when furnishing or when sims get stuck somewhere and I need to move them**

    When all of the adults were awake, Rei put Mariella into her highchair and gave her a small bowl of baby food, which Rei devoured, making a bit mess in the process.

    There was still some perfectly good birthday cake left, which the three adults each took a slice of. Not to mention, no one wanted to cook that morning.

    After Rei did some cleaning around the houseboat, she wanted to potty train Rei and teach her how to talk. So, she set about to do those tasks. Actually, she autonomously started teaching Rei how to talk, but had the want in her panel.

    Luca and Camilla had a small conversation, with Camilla asking if her brother and Rei might have anymore children. Luca wasn't sure. He knew Rei wanted another baby, but thought it might be best to wait until Mariella was a little older. He then asked Camilla if she ever wanted children as well. She was a little unsure, but at least it wasn't a definite 'no'.

    Hearing his daughter playing around with the xylophone, he sat down to help her learn how to play.

    Outside, Rei was teaching Sugar how to lay down. It was a long process, but she finally got it.

    Camilla had to go out and give a few makeovers. Her first client was Teodor's daughter, Palmira Medina, who wanted a new wardrobe, sans some Outerwear. She was pretty okay with the end results. Maybe she wasn't too fond of the braids?

    Matthew Mango was much more pleased with his new Everyday Outfit.
    **At least I think it's Matthew Mango. All of these sims start looking the same after awhile. :lol: **

    Camilla came home and began to work on another fashion concept, while Luca began teaching Mari her shapes and Rei took advantage of the fact that her boyfriend was taking care of their daughter and learned a new recipe.

    A while later, Mari was at her activity table, playing with the blocks, Rei was reading another book, and Luca was exercising to get his cardio back up.

    Rei had the want to talk to Mariella and smiled as the little girl babbled on and on.

    Luca had to scold Sugar for chewing up the furniture once again. The rocking chair upstairs had to be replaced due to the dog chewing it to pieces.

    Around dinnertime, everyone had spaghetti with veggie sauce for dinner. Even Mariella had a little, mashed up.

    Camilla offered to take care of the dishes and Mariella, so Rei and Luca hurried upstairs where they had a bit of adult Camilla's bed again.

    Rei's back was feeling sore from her recent 'activities' with Luca and he was only too happy to rub it for her.

    Before bed, Luca did a little reading, while Sugar slept beside him.

    Camilla took Mariella upstairs to give her a bath and put her to bed with a kiss goodnight.

    Before bed, Camilla cleaned the fishtank and scooped out a dead fish, then fed the othes.

    Camilla wanted to try out the new woodfire oven that they had gotten and made some Herbivore's Delight Lasagna, which smelled delicious.

    Sugar was being unnecessarily loud, barking at everything and everyone that walked by, so Camilla scolded her firmly.

    Next part will be up shortly!
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    LunBeautyLunBeauty Posts: 2,734 Member
    Here's the next part!
    Luca had work today, but Rei and Camilla didn't, as Camilla's clients had cancelled on her. So, the two women took Mariella down to the beach where Luca was surveying for a little fun family day.

    Mariella really seemed to like the water and her shrieking giggles pierced the air as Camilla dipped her toes in.

    Rei took advantage of the sun's rays and tried to get herself a tan as she felt she was a bit too pasty.

    A little while later, the two women did some fishing, while Mari played with one of her little toys she had brought along.

    Camilla did some scuba diving, which didn't last too long because there were two sharks swimming around. They didn't attack, but she didn't want to take her chances.

    Back home, Mariella had just finished eating and was now demanding to be taken from her highchair in the most vocal way possible. Camilla just shook her head as she took her niece out, who immediately became a little angel, once she was no longer confined.

    *Sigh* Well, I guess it's my fault for not locking Camilla's bedroom door to only allow her in, but Rei and Luca have a bit of fun in her bed again. At least Rei's nightie matches the sheets. Sorry, Camilla!

    A gem cutter was bought for the family and Camilla took advantage of it to cut a few gems, then sell them.

    Everyone had that delicious lasagna that Camilla had made the next morning.
    **I've been craving lasagna so bad, lately.**

    Camilla took Mariella from her high chair before the little girl had a chance to start throwing another tantrum, then tried to give Decker a bath, but like last time, the cat scratched her all up. He didn't even need a bath, either.

    Sugar had been a good girl all morning, so Camilla stopped to praise her for being non-destructive and neat.

    Camilla tried to concentrate on her concept, but it was hard with the sound of Mariella playing her Xylophone. But there was no other place in the house to set up her drafting table at the moment.

    Luca played a little tug of war with Sugar, who was in need of a little social in her life.

    Camilla was feeling a little lonely and pent up. So, she called Matteo, who agreed to come over right away.

    She played with Decker, while waiting for Matteo to arrive. He lived on the other side of the island. So, it would be a short while.

    Matteo finally arrived and Camilla, who was feeling quite frisky, immediately grabbed him. Matteo reciprocated, as he was feeling very frisky as well.

    Camilla dragged him immediately upstairs and into her bedroom, where she closed and locked the door. She didn't want anyone disturbing her while she got her fix. It was rather enjoyable, too.

    While Matteo took a small nap, Camilla needed to shower and after getting out, got a phone call from Kaelee and spent a little while talking to the young woman. She still seemed quite bitter towards Luca, which Camilla expected. The only thing she could do was listen as the young woman ranted into the phone.

    Decker was showing his non-destructive side by shredding the coffee table and was promptly scolded by whoever was nearby, which happened to be Rei, I think.

    Everyone was hungry again and had some leftover lasagna for dinner.

    Luca and Rei spent a little time together after dinner, then immediately transferred upstairs.

    Matteo came downstairs to tell Camilla how much he cared about her. Camilla expressed that she felt the same way about him.

    Luca and Rei were in CAMILLA'S BED AGAIN!!! Luca even looked at the camera and smirked at me like "What're you gonna do about it?" If I didn't care about Mariella being without a daddy so much, there would be a meteor with his name on it. *grumble grumble*

    Last update for this batch coming shortly!
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    LunBeautyLunBeauty Posts: 2,734 Member
    Luca was immediately booted from Camilla's bed by a phone call from a MARRIED woman asking if he wanted to go out on a date.

    Decker had taken a strong liking to Luca and marked him as his own, while Luca smiled.

    With it being quiet, and everyone else asleep or about to go to sleep, Rei and Luca sat on the roof to watch the stars together.

    Rei was the first one up the next morning and took care of Mariella. Once the little girl was changed and dressed, Rei put her in her highchair and gave her some food.

    Rei made breakfast calzones for breakfast, which didn't appear to contain meat, as Camilla didn't get sick from eating one, fortunately. Mariella finished her breakfast before everyone else, but remained quietly in her highchair until someone was finished to take her out.

    Halfway through eating, Rei got up and ran all the way upstairs to the bathroom, where she threw up. It was the exact same feeling as when she was pregnant with Mariella. Although, it was too soon to tell anything.

    Once back downstairs, Rei picked up her calzone again and Camilla and Luca exchanged knowing looks, but didn't say anything.

    After breakfast, Camilla brushed Sugar and exclaimed that Mariella might possibly have a little brother or sister coming soon. Mariella didn't seem to fully understand, but still smiled at her auntie. Camilla was aware of her own stomach feeling strange, but hadn't thrown up. So, she definitely couldn't be pregnant.

    Luca had the day off and took advantage of that by working out his muscles.
    **I try to do a mixture of both cardio and strength exercises for him. So, he has a good balance of both.**

    Matteo wanted a new hair colour, which Camilla was happy to give him. She still kept it brown, but died it a few shades lighter.

    Mariella was content enough to play on her activity table and not disturb anyone.
    **She has to be one of the easiest toddlers I've ever had. A lot of my other toddlers will cry for no reason, even when there's nothing wrong with them and even if there are plenty of toys for them to play with. Not Mari though, she just goes straight for what she wants.


    She even loved it when her daddy picked her up to give her cuddles and toss her into the air, giggling as she bounced up and down. She was definitely a daddy's girl
    **I love Luca because, even though he doesn't have the family-oriented or nurturing traits, he still interacts with his daughter autonomously like this. I've had other sims with the two traits mentioned above and sometimes, even they don't interact with their kids, unless I tell them too.**

    Luca wanted to play some chess. So, he sat down at the chess table with Rei, who was a much better player than him and beat him easily.

    That's it for this update! The next one should be up within a few days!
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,137 Member
    So annoying when you download a piece of cc and can’t find it in game

    @GraceyManor VERY much so!

    In my experience it means it's conflicting with another mod and that's why it won't show up.

    I had Emily4331 convert a dress for me to Everyday wear and I also hoped it would get the darn thing to show up in my game. Nope. Some other medieval CC outfit it seemed to be conflicting with...
    Golly I should check my Medieval CC Sims folder through Delphy's Dashboard! :flushed: How on earth did I forget about that!? Then I might be able to nail down which CC dress it's conflicting with!
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,137 Member
    Hey friends. :)

    Been hard at work continuing to write Chapter 4. Writing a conversation between 12 different people, with one of them at the head of it, can be fun and hilarious, :smiley: but also challenging at the same time! :confounded: I'm inching closer to concluding the chapter and can't wait to get it posted! :smiley:

    I'm a little behind and I need to make these comments brief as I feel a headache coming on now. :pensive:

    Like be his hand maiden? Something along those lines?
    ^No, more like she could work in the kitchen or something, or the stables. ;)
    Nice recolored Glinda dress there that Eleana is wearing to the ball. :smirk:
    Darn skippy the King noticed her. :mrgreen:
    Ha ha, a home before midnight thing. ;) I'm surprised she didn't leave a shoe behind. :p
    The horse kicking her off and then she starts swimming in the ocean!? :joy: Lol!
    I understand Eleana being hesitant to reveal she was the gal at the ball, but at the same time I'd be more than happy to tell the handsome King it was me! :mrgreen:
    Your story keeps making me want to play
    Stardew Valley.Just haven't gotten around to it yet.
    There was no sand on appaloosa plains beach? :o
    ^Aww. :blush: Hope you can play it sometime.
    Well, it had that lame "sand" that looks more like dirt and your sims can't actually play in or build sandcastles with it. I needed to change that. ;)
    Thank you for the sweet comments and for this:
    (I know you're effected by the windows update, but I barely notice it in your photos! your game is still beautiful!)
    ^I needed that. <3
    Once again, Eleana escapes from the ball...wouldn't Edward notice her horse, Maiden?? :confused:
    Roi co'ck'ing his head here! :joy:
    It sure has seemed like everyone is sick lately. :(
    I know this wasn't directed at me...
    I was wondering if anyone was gonna mention that LOL.
    ^but LunBeauty actually mentioned it first in her feedback post to ya near the top of page 3791. :blush:
    Those Darkspawn look cool! (I hear Darkspawn and I think Dragon Quest 11: Echoes of an Elusive Age :mrgreen: )
    Oooooh I like that picture of Edward kneeling and lifting her chin. <3 archdemon, oh dear. :worried:
    I was gonna say with that dance Edward should finally recognize that the mystery lady is Eleana. :smirk:
    Your leading lady is not going to run away from the King a lot in this story is she? Especially when they get together? :p

    @jonny552 Enjoyed your recent posts. :)
    Welcome baby Wray and Rest in Peace Alex. <3
    I see (About the meds).

    Thank you! Yeah, I liked the bachelor party better than the wedding, which was kind of weird. But funny nevertheless. It's as if the game sent me Arlo Bunch to have a little bit of entertainment. It worked :lol: .
    That's Appaloosa Plains? Well done with the beach, and the other water activities :smiley:
    ^Lol! :joy:
    Yup, it's AP. :) Thanks!

    @LunBeauty I LOVE Chazzy hairs! :star: I didn't realize they take up a lot of space though. :confused: Perhaps I should shop Ifca more. ;)
    Do you have a link to Simlicious website? :)
    I thoroughly enjoyed reading your story posts. :grin:
    Curse the Stylist career glitches. :confounded: You may have already noticed this, but in case not: I discovered in the past that when you do any kind of makeover that the sim did not request, it will immediately result in a bad makeover. :( Like if they want a new Everyday outfit and new accessories to go with their Formal Wear and you decide they'd look good with a better hairstyle and change it, even though they didn't ask for it, in my experience they get angry and don't like your makeover. It's silly, but yeah...
    OMGoodness Mariella is an adorable lil baby! <3 Camilla is going to LOVE being an Aunt! :)
    Matthew Mango striking that pose in a speedo! :lol:
    Teodor. :love:
    Cute they included the baby in their family dinner. :blush:
    Luca's Baywatch run! I love it! :mrgreen:
    Aww, Mariella is such a cutie little toddler in that pic. <3 A good mix between her mom and dad. :)
    I laughed at your comment to Gracey here because I was totally thinking the same thing! :joy:
    I love the King, but he can be a little dense, sometimes. :lol: There are so many hints as to who the maiden at the ball is, plus her horse should be a dead giveaway.
    Thanks for the well wishes. <3

    @Silverofdreams30 Nice that you could spend time with your niece. :)

    @bekkasan Kailena, that's right. :) Such a pretty name.
    That is a totally awesome picture of the StarDew Valley characters as peeps.
    ^Thanks. :blush:
    Thanks for your sweet comments. I knew you would enjoy seeing Harvey and Shane shirtless. :smirk:
    Harvey and Shane both look very gorgeous, but Shane gets my <3. :love:
    ^I know. ;) But like I said, you may not care for his personality. :p (Loved your response to that by the way. :mrgreen: )
    Oh I've been a busy bee writing the new chapter and have been enjoying the heck out of it! :smiley:
    Dang I should check out more of murfeel's CC...
    Who do you think I learned about cliffhangers from? :wink:
    ^Aww. :blush: *Warm fuzzies* :kissing_heart:
    Love the pic of Dedric so lovingly caring for his pregnant wife. :blush:

    Hello. Need to read your chapters.
    ^Yes you do my friend. :blush:
    I have a thread for my Stardew Valley Story ("Pelican Town to Sims Town") in the Stories and Legacies section. :)

    @imdragonit Hey lady! :smiley: Nice to see you back!
    You made Geralt too huh? He's :love:
    has anyone heard anything from craven? I sure miss his crazy wit, beautiful sims and especially his fantastic patterns.
    ^Unfortunately no. Not a single word has anyone received from him since August. :cry: And I'm dead serious. It's like he dropped off the face of the planet and it's worried me and many others for quite some time, but someone did express seeing some activity from him on YouTube so we know he's still alive, but...I daresay he's officially left the Sims community and I NEVER thought that day would come. :pensive: All I've been able to do is pray for him and I hope he returns someday.
    Thank you. <3 I did get a nap, but should've chosen the bed instead of the couch. :confounded:

    @Brandontaylor Congrats on joining the smartphone world, but trust me when I won't ever go back! :smiley::lol: We miss you too. <3

    @PalmArrow George having to step over kids sleeping on the floor in the kitchen. :lol:
    Congrats on the fairly successful sleepover. 👍
    Marcel is a cutie and I look forward to seeing his birthday party. :)
    Thank you for the well wishes. <3

    (After a glorious session of what the Sims would call Unbridled WOOHOO.)
    Meg (gasps): Tosh
    Animal: ...oh...god...
    Meg: Wrong deity; I’m Meg...
    ^LOL! :joy: Niiiiice!

    I guess those weren't very brief... :lol: It always happens like that. :p

    Goodnight and Happy Simming my friends!
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    LunBeautyLunBeauty Posts: 2,734 Member
    @emorrill Chazzy hairs tend to be around 10-15 MB per hair from what I've noticed. Ifca hairs are only between 4-6 MB, which means that they're compressed more. and Both their website and their tumblr. They have lots of nice MM CC and patterns.
    Thank you!
    The thing is, sometimes, I'll give sims some new make-up or hairstyles that they didn't ask for and they still like the makeover. I think it depends on which sim is your customer. Sometimes, I'll even give them an outfit they didn't ask for if I see that what they have doesn't match. I've had a few sims like the extra stuff and others hate it.
    Camilla is a great aunt! She's always autonomously interacting with her. I do wish that extended family members could roll wants for the kids. I know grandparents can, but I've never seen an aunt or uncle roll wants for their niece of nephew.
    I don't normally put my male sims in speedos, but I kind of wanted something different this time. :lol:
    I love Teodor so much! I swear, I want my simself to marry him! :love:
    If I also remember correctly, the baby swing also has that same glitch as the playpen, in that their needs never go down. I could have left her there for the rest of her babyhood. :lol: But I don't like to do that because it feels like cheating.
    The Baywatch run is life!
    I'll admit to using Master Controller to 'Play With Genetics', until I got a pleasing mixture of both Luca and Rei in her.
    I understand wanting to work towards a more shocking reveal as to who the maiden at the ball is, but there have been way too many hints! I'm just impatient for his reaction when he does find out it's her. :lol:
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,094 Member
    A third ball..This time Eleana decides not to use Maiden...She has heard everyone's
    concern about him finally noticing the same horse.XD

    "I've been waiting for you." Edward said, as he approached Eleana."I would think
    after the way I run off, you wouldn't want me back here." He smiled."I'd never think that.Come,
    we've not much time."


    Maker, my sister is dancing with someone? Who would WANT that witch Eleana thought
    as she curiously eyeballed Sarah."Something on your mind?" Edward asked."Oh, nothing..Just
    thinking." "Come, let's go somewhere quiet."

    They continued their dance under the moonlit courtyard.When the music came
    to an end.Edward drew her close.

    Until the clock struck midnight again, and she pulled away."I have to go.I'm sorry, farewell."
    She ran through the courtyard....

    "Maker! What is on these stairs...its so sticky." She could barely move
    and had no choice but to take off her shoes...

    "Eh well, I guess I could always make a new pair..." She heard the doors swing open
    and took off, without maiden she had to run on foot, which wasn't very fast, she'd have
    to find refugee in one of the ruined huts.

    "Maker, not again..." Edward turned to head back inside and noticed her

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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,935 Member
    edited February 2020
    @bekkasan thank you for the info on my YouTube videos showing up in your feed.

    A couple of months ago someone told me the videos being recommended to them when they watched one of my videos were all for toddlers. I checked and they were all nursery rhymes and baby talk.

    I used to wonder why my videos always got about 20 views lasting about 2 seconds and 3 or 4 views where people actually watched most or all of my videos.

    YouTube has a regular info video they do and they talk about changed to the site and ask for feedback. I asked why my videos, made for adults, were being recommended for young children, I never got an answer but suddenly my videos started appearing in the feed for a more mature audience. That was why I started putting 'not meant for children' on the front of them. I don't want to put any official text that looks like it the videos are officially rated, but I wanted parents to know the videos are not meant for their toddlers to watch. It is really bad for my channel if most people don't want to watch the videos. I wanted to stop the constant launch and immediate shut down that had been going on for years. That seems to have happened now so it was worthwhile asking the question even if I didn't get a written response.

    I noticed today all of my favourite channels that I watch no longer have comments on them when I watch with my tablet. But the comments are still there with the PC. I checked my channels too and found the comments are gone from them when I watch on the tablet but not on the PC. I'm wondering what they are up to. Possibly, assuming anyone who watches on a tablet is under 13. All of my videos are marked as not meant for kids. YouTube hasn't changed that.

    I started working on my next video today but didn't get much done. Then when I discovered comments were turned off on my channel when I watched on my tablet, I felt like walking away from YouTube altogether. But then I found the comments were still available on the PC so I'm hoping they are going to leave the PC experience alone.

    I had the computer off for most of the day due to thunder and rain. I just turned it back on about half an hour ago and now we have thunder and heavy rain again.

    Update. Im using a tablet now. Still rain and thunder. But the good news is comments are back on for YouTube on my tablet. Obviously they are experimenting.
    Post edited by Karritz on
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    edited February 2020
    @emorrill :mrgreen: I couldn’t quote the whole passage. It strayed into M territory; in other words not acceptable for this forum. It’s part of Chapter 2 of my “Settling In” JAG story for FFnet and unfortunately it does stray a lot into M which is not allowed on the forums here in terms of descriptive “woohoo”. The cleanest part is just a few paragraphs
    His wound was open though stitched and had to be handled with care, but he would be seeing the doctor about that this morning and hopefully he’d be able to establish a regimen of wound-care that would eventually close up this wound so that he could start rehabilitation exercises.

    “What’s the UOD for the day?” Meg asked as she put on her khakis along with her single silver bars on the collars. The MUC (Meritorious Unit Commendation) and the National Defense Service Medal ribbons were her sole decorations on her service dress khakis.

    Animal put on his spare service dress khakis, crisply ironed , silver oak leafs resplendent on the collars and his six rows of ribbons vastly outnumbered Meg’s rack. On top of that were his Naval Aviator’s wings.

    Let’s just say that it did get a nice review from a friend on FFnet.
    What a truly excellent beginning. Great to see how Meg and Animal began in the pantheon of your works. I often have challenges in sorting out time lines in my stories.

    Great descriptions and nicely-written descriptions as Meg and Animal get "physical" - leaving Harm in the dust behind them. More, please.

    I’ve been writing on FFnet for about 6 years and 3 mo though my fan-fiction roots for JAG go back much farther than that. It’s reviews like this that keep me going on that site.
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,219 Member

    *Waves*, I looove The witcher both the videogames and the Tv series I have not read
    the books it's based on. I love how your Geralt turned out.


    I enjoyed the update, the king seems smitten with her already.


    Nice to see you pop in


    Feel better soon.


    Mariella is such a cute toddler, lovely she learned how to
    walk, I usually use nraas to cheat that lol takes such a long time.
    They seemed to have a nice time by the beach.
    I hate those date calls, especially if a sim is taken already.
    Another baby on the way!!!!

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @Silverofdreams30 *waves back* Thanks :) He still needs some work but I am happy with how he's turning out :)
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    thuggishsplicerthuggishsplicer Posts: 1,747 Member
    @ everybody, Sorry for now answering your previous tags. I think I missed some. :-(

    @GraceyManor What a beautiful setting! I love those medieval outfits!

    -- x -- x --

    I'm finally playing Yvaine Lopez nee Parrott. It's a save from 2015. Initially, I was playing that save but I had too many script errors. I decided to pack most sims and create a new save, cleaning up a fresh Appaloosa Plains.


    I sold two of her horses and I kept Fireball, which was renamed to Braeburn. I think he loves apples.


    However, I ended up getting a mare, this is Epona.


    Since she has alreasy achieved her lifetime wish to be a jockey, Yvaine also takes up sculpting. As soon as he becomes a level 10 horsewoman, I'll quit her job and she'll be focusing on sculpting as her retired job.


    Her husband, Eddie, hasn't finished his lifetime wish to become a rock star. Unfortunately, it's hard for them to be together. In the morning, he sleeps while she's taking care of the horses. At night, she sleeps while he works.


    I'm trying to make their daughter Vincenza befriend their cat Maya, but the cat tackled the poor girl. LOL


    and got scolded.

    --- x --- x ---

    I don't intend to write a story about this. I may write one when I finally stop replaying the Parrotts over and over. However, I'm working on the family tree on Echo so as to put together how this Appaloosa Plains became. Unfortunately, I had to erase the ancestors of these sims.
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    @PalmArrow I was disappointed that the slumber party ended so abruptly without even breakfast when I first did one. I thought the kids would stay up later too.
    The kids age up at 8pm game time if you don't have a party or age them up yourself. I bet he will be a cutie!

    @emorrill Hope you are feeling better. I'm coughing my head off this morning and feel terrible. I'm not working today :( I don't need to spread this to old folks!
    Well, at least Shane is cute to look at! :lol:

    @king_of_simcity7 Nice to see you back from the land of missing simmers! :smiley:

    @GraceyManor Cool monsters. And Sarah is not completely bad since she saved her sister.
    That was smart to go tell the king.
    He must be starting to suspect who she is otherwise why would he ask her to dance in the middle of the day.
    Sometimes that can mean you don't have the EP, pack or mesh it was fashioned from, or something else is interfering.
    Um, she's a peasant right? How does she afford the dresses and the coach? :wink: The gowns are beautiful! Fairy Godmother?
    Love the coach too. Pretty cool cc!
    They look cute dancing together. Shame she still has to hide who she is from him because of her sister.

    @Brandontaylor I'm glad you are still able to enjoy playing even if internet is limited and you can't post much.

    @Nikkei_Simmer Cute new avi!!

    @LunBeauty Lovely pics of your family. She is an adorable toddler.
    Glad Camilla has Matteo to scratch her itch! :lol:
    They seem to be taking things kinda slow.
    lol at the bed issue. Do you assign beds?
    oh...could both be preggers? That could be fun!

    @thuggishsplicer Cute pics. It's nice that you were able to resurrect the save and play the family again.
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,094 Member
    edited February 2020
    @bekkasan she makes her own dresses and remember she and sister run a small laundry washing was actually sunset when they danced outside in her peasant outfit.Nope. O fairy god mother.Just hard work as for the carriage, let’s say her grandmother had to leave something
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,219 Member
    Here are a Max and Jade update.


    They went to the festival area on the Sunday for


    Which seemed to taste just fine.


    My nerdy sim was there too, skating around.


    After lunch, I sent them to the mall.


    Jade wanted to try and grab a prize, so Max sat down and



    It did not work out too well.




    Max saved the date and got it for her.

    All for today

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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    edited February 2020
    @bekkasan - :mrgreen: Thanks, my juvenile side enjoys playing “My Singing Monsters”. He’s a little Furcorn. I think he’s adorable. But my choral vocal range puts me more as a Mammott.
    Mammott sounds pretty much like me when I was in choir in college. Sort of there, periodically lets out a runbling bass bellow and smiles.

    I’d love it if Murfeelee could create a “My Singing Monsters” CC of some of the characters like Mammott and Furcorn which I could dot around my Sims 3 world in my Apocalypse game. They’d make good radiation affected mutations.

    Maw would also be cute.
    02bfef22ca1d5e68df9893384ef88a42.png well as his epic form.
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    PalmArrowPalmArrow Posts: 4,329 Member
    I'm a little upset that my thread Townies do the darndest things has been closed for necroposting. It was not a discussion thread - it was an ongoing thread for sharing a specific type of screenshot, like the Funny screenshots thread, the Genetics thread, the Scenery thread, the Sim dads with their kids thread... I guess I should have taken more care to keep it alive. :(


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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member
    @PalmArrow Why don't you PM the Mod and chat about it, they have opened a couple other picture threads after being closed like that, or start a new one.
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,935 Member
    @PalmArrow I was wondering why it got shut down as well.
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    Busy with Chapter 2 of “Settling In” The title of the Chapter being “Good Morning” and yeah, you could say Meg and Animal definitely had a good morning; a VERY good morning in fact :smirk:
    Animal nodded. He’d known that a 7.62x39 times two would do considerable damage to his shoulder and that he was lucky to have escaped much of the physical ramifications of such wounds in the course of pitched battle however it didn’t make up for disappointment in not being able to start physical rehab quickly. “I understand, sir.”

    “Chin up, Commander, we’ll get you there.” Captain Sharpley assured him, “We’ll do everything possible to lessen the amount of time it takes in order to rehabilitate you to combat-status. What I would like for you to do, even though we do have your x-rays from the post-op on the Mercy is to get another round of X-rays done so that we can establish a bench-mark of where you are at currently in the healing process. Commander.” He made a note in Animal’s patient records and then handed over a radiology request form to Animal. “This is for the radiology unit to put an expedite on the processing of the results and I may have to order a CT scan of the affected area pending the results.”

    Animal nodded. Being poked and prodded by medical technicians was not his idea of a fun experience during the best of times and being wounded and in recovery was far from that.

    When they were finished, Captain Sharpley inspecting the wound, cleaning, applying antibiotic ointment to prevent infection and re-dressing it. “So, head to radiology and let’s get those X-rays so that I can establish a rehabilitation schedule for you to follow. Of course you can also do a bit of cardio so long as you don’t put too much strain on your shoulder. Jogging will be good for you to increase stamina and that will also oxygenate your blood vessels promoting healing of the muscle tissues.” He informed Animal.

    Animal groaned. He hated jogging at the best of times. ROTC had required him to jog to meet physical fitness requirements; those runs being timed and he’d hated every single moment of it with a passion but many of the alternatives to jogging were harder on the body. Biking meant holding the handle bars with the upper torso being supported by arms and shoulder. Swimming involved full rotator movement of the arms and shoulders; the very part of his body, he was supposed to be gentle with.

    Captain Sharpley knew that most military men and women tended to only exercise because it was expected of them; that there were certain physical fitness standards that needed to be in place. Very few enjoyed a brisk morning run. Those who did were clearly masochistic. But this exercise would certainly benefit the naval aviator standing before him who sought to return to the cockpit of his F-14A Tomcat.

    Commander Nakamura was certainly not unfit. He was a muscular specimen of a naval aviator especially for an Asian though it was clear that the period of inactivity from the gym was affecting his build. Commander Nakamura with his five foot ten height and two hundred ten pound build was on the upper end of his BMI and it was his muscularity and chiseled body that kept him from being labeled as obese. He handed Meg several tubes of antibiotic cream and what amounted to a weeks worth of sterile dressings. “Lieutenant JG. I don’t presume to know the current status between the two of you but it would help if you would change his dressings every time he showers. Check back with me should you run out during the course of the week.”

    Had to also look up medical explanations: how exercise affects oxygenation of muscle tissue to promote healing. Research, research research.
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~

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