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Sam Beckett (Quantum Leap) Sims 3 story :)


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    mycami21mycami21 Posts: 752 Member
    @emorrill Just finished reading your latest update. :D Awesome as usual. I hope that there isn't anything seriously wrong with Al. :worried:
    I thought it was so sweet and just like Sam to ask Emma's parents for her hand in marriage. (Hopefully he won't have to leap on his wedding night :p )

    Great outtakes as well. @Mikezumi did do an extremely good job on making Al. Even his YA version is pretty close to the YA real life version. :)

    Hope all is going well {{{hugs}}} I owe you a PM with new pics from those projects I told you about.
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    Pictures and descriptions of the Clue characters and of Boddy mansion I created can be found here

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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    @mycami21 Thanks sweetie. :kissing_heart:

    I'm sure Al will be ok and...God may have a sense of humor, but I think he has enough sense not to leap Sam out on his wedding night! :lol:

    Take your time with a reply PM, I know you are busy. <3

    @simscognito Here's a friendly tag for you so you don't miss the new chapter. <3

    I need to check for any new chapters in your story too. :)
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    MistyZBAMistyZBA Posts: 29 Member
    My guess is that Al has cancer from all those years smoking cigars, or effects of Agent Orange from when he was a P.O.W.
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    simscognitosimscognito Posts: 16,599 Member
    Thanks so much @emorrill for tagging me. :) I was supposed to get to this earlier but got busy then totally forgot about the update.
    This was really beautiful and kinda sad. I wonder what's up with Al? Can holograms have cancer?
    Also congrats Sam and Emma. :smiley: That was a beautiful speech Sam gave her parents. No wonder they gave him their blessing.
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    MistyZBAMistyZBA Posts: 29 Member
    If Al is still living on earth I wonder how he is able to appear as a Sim hologram in the sim universe.
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    MistyZBA wrote: »
    If Al is still living on earth I wonder how he is able to appear as a Sim hologram in the sim universe.

    @MistyZBA Good question.
    However if you remember from many chapters back the reader is informed that the Project Quantum Leap team found a way for Al to reach Sam in this different Universe took months.
    Plus they both (Sam and Al) realize they look a little different in this new universe, matching how the people look on this planet.

    It might be a good idea to go back and read it all from the beginning.

    I know I sure do from time to time because I tend to forget a lot and don't want to repeat anything. ;)
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    MistyZBA wrote: »
    My guess is that Al has cancer from all those years smoking cigars, or effects of Agent Orange from when he was a P.O.W.

    I am happy to report that it is not Cancer...
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    simscognitosimscognito Posts: 16,599 Member
    emorrill wrote: »
    MistyZBA wrote: »
    My guess is that Al has cancer from all those years smoking cigars, or effects of Agent Orange from when he was a P.O.W.

    I am happy to report that it is not Cancer...

    Phew! So I wonder what's wrong then?
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    @simscognito You will see. :blush:


    I'm just going to leave this right here. :smirk:

    Thank you all for your enjoyment and support of Sam's continuing story. <3
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    simscognitosimscognito Posts: 16,599 Member
    @emorrill Those pics were sweet. Loved the first one. :D
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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    All this action but no update :confounded: Rats :D
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member
    @ZeeGee lol, I thought for sure she had snuck in an update while I slept when I saw that I had several notifications on the bookmark. :tongue:
    I know she's been busy with family visiting though. :smiley: They do interfere with simming time, but, it's family, gotta love 'em anyways. :wink:
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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    bekkasan wrote: »
    @ZeeGee lol, I thought for sure she had snuck in an update while I slept when I saw that I had several notifications on the bookmark. :tongue:
    I know she's been busy with family visiting though. :smiley: They do interfere with simming time, but, it's family, gotta love 'em anyways. :wink:

    @bekkasan Gotta love 'em for sure, but you can feign 'tiredness' and sneak in your room to sim. :smile: Huh, Em? JK! I have NEVER done that. :neutral: Enjoy your family. :heart:
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member
    @ZeeGee lol, but tempted am sure. :)
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    MistyZBAMistyZBA Posts: 29 Member
    If Al is at the doctors alot, Maybe he is going to be a new father.
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    simscognitosimscognito Posts: 16,599 Member
    MistyZBA wrote: »
    If Al is at the doctors alot, Maybe he is going to be a new father.

    Omg I haven't thought about that.
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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    I don't think so. Al looks ill, is dressed in drab clothes and has pain in his hip. Doesn't say 'Beth is pregnant' to me. :)
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    MistyZBAMistyZBA Posts: 29 Member
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    @MistyZBA Why don't you just wait until I am able to roll the next chapter out.
    Don't worry too much about Al...he'll be ok. Modern medicine is a wonderful thing. ;)
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    MistyZBAMistyZBA Posts: 29 Member
    Ok. I will stop worrying about Al and let Sam do the worrying.
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    Hey everyone. :smiley:

    I've FINALLY started writing the next Sam Chapter and I'm feeling in the zone! :mrgreen:
    (Why must that always happen at night? I guess it's because I know I won't be disturbed. :p #momproblems )

    Anyway, I wanted to share a tiny little preview of it. :blush:

    As he whispered his idea into the unicorn's ear, it flapped a bit while her tail began to happily sway from side to side. Sam sensed she could understand and the excitement started to fill his entire being as well. "Got it?" he asked for good measure.
    The unicorn instantly nodded and whinnied.

    Stay tuned my friends. :)
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    mycami21mycami21 Posts: 752 Member
    @emorrill Love your teaser paragraph <3 Can't wait to be able to read the whole update :)
    Daily Deal Thread
    What Happened in your game today? 1000 plus pages strong.

    Pictures and descriptions of the Clue characters and of Boddy mansion I created can be found here

    Stephen and Sakura's Werewolf/building challenge

    My Studio
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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    Awesome. :)
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    Hey there friends. :smiley: The next Sam chapter is here!

    It's LONG and picture heavy, but... it's so worth it! :star:
    If you need to take some time out to fully read it I understand. I always appreciate your interest in this story and it has been a joy for me to write for the past year. <3 Thank you! {{{{{Hugs}}}}}

    Enjoy! :blush:


    A Night to Remember

    That evening when Sam returned home from Emma's Parent's house, he couldn't help but immediately call Emma and ask her to come over.

    When she did, he held her tightly in his arms as they snuggled on the couch - after filling their bellies on a late night pizza delivery - watching a crime scene drama on TV. Oftentimes he found himself giving her light kisses on her temple or cheek, unable to control his excitement over asking her to be his wife. With time seeming to run out a big part of him wanted to just propose to her right now on the spot, but the other part really wanted to go through with the plan to make it a much more magical proposal. A night to remember. He only prayed he'd still be around tomorrow evening to do it.

    After a long goodbye, Sam watched longingly as Emma's car idled down the hill wishing he never, ever had to say goodbye to her, but sighed as he knew there was no avoiding that. But regardless, once they'd be joined together as man and wife he knew neither of them would ever be alone again, no matter how many miles parted them.

    Once her car completely disappeared from sight, he jumped into his and made his way over to Louie Falls.


    It was one o'clock in the morning and a tired Sam's heart fell with disappointment as his beloved unicorn friend was no where to be seen. Not even hiding behind the waterfall like she'd sometimes do. With a sigh he stood near the edge of the cliff, gazing out at the stars, hoping he'd be able to catch her tomorrow night. God please don't let me leap just yet. Please. Let me do this.

    Then out of the corner of his eye, far down the mountain at a fishing park near the ocean, he saw a rainbow colored cloud hovering over the place. "It's her!" he cried and he didn't waste any time rushing back to his car to get himself over there.


    Panting heavily, Sam ran closer and closer to the looming cloud until his eyes caught hold upon the unicorn; who'd been obstructed from view by some large flowering bushes. He stopped and smiled as he saw her whinny in the moonlight.


    Once both of her front hooves hit the ground, the unicorn's eyes fixated upon Sam's as well; for their souls were ever connected, always sensing each other's presence.

    "Hey there beautiful girl," Sam greeted her. I really should come up with a name for her someday.

    Stepping closer, the unicorn lowered her head in reverence to him.
    "Please," Sam gently insisted, "you know you don't have to do that."
    But she paid him no mind as a few sparks of light shot out from her horn, beginning to bless him with her magic. It was a common thing for her to do and Sam knew it was her way of showing her utmost respect and love to him.

    His body levitated as usual, the magic tickling his stomach as the little flickers of light swirled around him. It made him think of "Pixie dust" from Peter Pan. The kind of thing he thought was impossible until he arrived in this strange new world. It seemed anything impossible back on Earth was possible here and he loved it.

    Pretty soon his feet touched the ground again. "Thank you," he tenderly expressed to her.


    He stroked her forehead and mane as he whispered, "I'm so glad I found you. I have a request and...I hope you'll understand it."


    As he whispered his idea into the unicorn's ear, it flapped a bit as her tail began to happily sway from side to side. Sam sensed she could understand and the excitement started to fill his entire being as well. "Got it?" he asked for good measure.
    The unicorn instantly nodded and whinnied.
    "Good! And remember, at Louie Falls. Not here." He winked.
    The unicorn whinnied again and broke out into a happy gallop, leaving sparkles of light in her wake.

    Sam watched her admirably again, cantering around in all her majestic beauty; thankful to her and all the comfort she'd given him since he first met her.


    Now, with her on board, he really couldn't wait for tomorrow night!


    With the plan set in place, butterflies filled Sam's stomach as he called Emma out to dinner that next evening. Here it goes!

    He was mostly silent on the drive over to the Bistro though.


    Not only because his life was about to drastically change, in a wonderful way of course, but because he couldn't stop thinking about Al. This was an evening where he certainly didn't want an interruption from his friend, but he'd gladly welcome it...just to know that he's alright and well.

    Upon arriving Sam suggested to Emma that they dine out under the stars and she liked that idea. They took their seats and chatted about random things while waiting for the waiter to bring out their order.

    Once the food arrived they ate in silence for a few minutes, savoring each delectable bite.


    Emma was the first to speak. "So," she paused to fully swallow. "I've noticed you've been a little quiet and reserved this evening. Is everything alright?"
    She knows me all too well, Sam thought. He flashed a smile and replied, "Yeah. I'm just a little worried about Al. He was looking ill and obviously in some pain when we last spoke."
    "Yeah. He told me he was seeing a doctor, but of course when I inquired about the issue he wouldn't tell me anything." He rolled his eyes.
    "Hmm," Emma mumbled. "Well from what you told me about Al, he probably didn't give you any details because he doesn't want to worry you."


    "That's exactly why he didn't tell me!" Sam concurred. "However he doesn't seem to realize that not telling me causes me to worry even more! I'm a doctor! I know every possible bad outcome."
    Emma nodded. That made sense. "I guess that didn't cross his mind. But at least his heart is in the right place," she stated, going back to her meal.
    "I just hope he'll be there for me when I leap," he said somberly. "I really need him you know."
    "I do know," she consoled, taking his hand and rubbing it gently, "I'm sure he's fine and getting treatment. He would never abandon you when you leap. And that's probably the time he'll fill you in on all that's going on. You just gotta trust his judgment and not worry, especially when the time comes that you have to focus on your mission."
    Sam smiled thankfully to her and squeezed her hand in return. She was right. "What would I do without you Emma?"


    "Be a miserable wreck?" she playfully joked.
    "Yeah!" he chuckled. "Ain't that the truth."

    They then shared a sweet peck on the lips and continued eating.



    "Gosh the waterfall looks so gorgeous falling in the moonlight like this," Emma breathed as she and Sam snuggled with each other on the bench overlooking it.


    "It really does," he agreed. "Everything seems to look prettier in the moonlight. Even you." He turned his head to kiss her.

    As Sam poured out his deepest love and affection through each and every kiss, he kept asking himself, C'mon unicorn where are you? They'd been here for nearly an hour and it was getting late; the perfect time for the unicorn to show up.

    "So I have a question for ya," Sam asked as the kissing ended.
    "Do you believe in unicorns?"
    Emma stared at him in surprise as she chuckled. "Umm, well...I'd like to believe they exist because they're so cool but," she sighed in disappointment, "I really don't think they do. Even when some folks in town have claimed seeing one here, but most of the time they were drunk."
    Sam pursed his lips and nodded. "You know...I used to not believe either."
    "Used to?"

    Suddenly a twinkling sound rang through the air.

    Whether Emma could hear it or not Sam didn't know, but he cried out joyfully in his mind saying, Perfect timing unicorn! And since he could always feel her presence, he knew exactly where to look to find her.
    "I guess you can believe now," he said to his love, as he motioned with his head to the right of them. The unicorn emerged from the shadows as Emma glanced over and then let out a loud gasp.


    Unexpected to Sam, she jumped up from the bench in fear and stepped back a bit, eyes still firmly locked on the majestic being.
    "It's ok," Sam consoled, coming to her. "She won't hurt you. She's very friendly."
    Emma's chest rose up and down rapidly as all these thoughts started racing through her mind. "Sam is that really a unicorn!?"
    "I'm not seeing things?"
    "No," he chuckled.
    "'s true!? They're..."
    "Oh my gosh!" She held her hand to her mouth in excited shock.
    "You look just the way I reacted when I first saw her," Sam continued to chuckle, "because I sure as heck never thought I'd see one in my life! They don't exist on Earth!"
    "So they do here. Wow..."
    "I asked her to appear for you tonight," he said, taking her hand. "I wanted you to meet her."
    "You're friends!?"
    "Oh Sam..."


    With a little whistle from Sam, the unicorn came cantering over towards them. Emma breathed in awe as the glorious being stopped right in front of her. "Hello there," she greeted and soon found the unicorn bowing to her like she always did with Sam. "What is she doing?"

    Before Sam could answer though, sparks of light shot out from the unicorn's horn and swirled all around Emma. "Sam?" Emma expressed nervously as her body suddenly lifted from off the ground.


    All Sam could do was laugh. "It's ok," he assured. "She's blessing you."
    Emma wasn't quite sure what this blessing meant, but it had to be some kind of loving gesture because she could feel sensations of love, kindness, and happiness flowing all throughout her veins. It felt warm and calming. Almost spiritual. The feeling was unfortunately short lived as the unicorn soon lowered her back down onto her feet.


    "Wow!" Emma exclaimed. "That felt wonderful! Thank you!" she deeply expressed to the unicorn while rubbing her muzzle and stroking her silky mane. "Sam this is so incredible!" She almost squealed like a little girl, but didn't want to embarrass herself.


    "Thank you girl," Sam addressed to the unicorn with a wink.
    The unicorn raised it's head with a smile, happy to help her human friend in any way.


    "Could I pet you again?" Emma asked her as she reached out her hand. The unicorn gladly allowed her to do so. "I still can't believe this is real Sam," she expressed. "It's almost like a dream come true! I've always loved horses. She's so gorgeous!"
    "Yeah," he whispered. Watching Emma there in all her joy, petting the unicorn, discovering how real she is, there was something alluring about it and he just couldn't take his eyes off her.


    Soon the unicorn began galloping off, running this way and that. Emma watched in awe, expressing small gasps. Sam came beside her and put his arm around her as they watched together for a few moments.

    "Oh Sam!" Emma exclaimed, instantly jumping into his arms. "You're the BEST boyfriend ever!"


    As he lowered her to the ground, she continued. "This night has been so wonderful! I don't know how it could get any more wonderful and magical as this!"


    "Well...I know," he responded with a bright smile.
    Emma studied his face for a moment with a questionable gaze. She looked too cute and Sam knew that now was the time.

    Gazing deeply into her eyes and taking in a deep breath he began, "Emma...I've been meaning to ask you something for a while now." His heart palpitated.
    "Yes?" she questioned playfully. "Sam."
    Blushing, he took her hand and gradually slid down onto one knee.


    "Before I ask though, I want to show you something." He then reached into his back pocket.
    Emma instinctively held her hand to her heart. Perhaps to calm it down if what she was expecting wasn't about to happen. "What is it?" she couldn't help asking.


    Fumbling in his pocket, with a bit of a struggle, Sam finally got the item out. Once Emma caught sight of the black box she cried, "Oh my gosh Sam! Are you doing what I think you're doing?" Grinning brightly, she could feel tears welling up in her eyes and her heart fluttered wildly.


    "Emma Simself?" Sam asked again, holding out the box toward her.
    "Oh Sam!"
    "My love and my best friend..."


    "Will you," he continued, "do me the honor," as he opened up the box, "of marrying me and being mine for life as I'll be yours?"


    Emma threw her hands to her mouth and gasped at the gorgeous ring shimmering in the moonlight before her. "Oh my gosh Sam, it's beautiful!!"


    "I take that as a yes?" he asked with a chuckle.
    "Oh...Yes!" she instantly cried out, holding her hand out. "Yes Sam! Oh my gosh!" The tears rolled down her cheeks now, heart filling with inexpressible joy, unable to stop smiling.
    Sam then carefully slid the ring onto her finger. A perfect fit.



    For a moment Emma swooned in admiration over the most beautiful ring in the world, that was just given to her by the man of her dreams.


    "Oh Sam I love it! It's better than anything I could've picked out!"
    "I'm so glad you love it."
    "Thank you!" she cried, throwing her arms around him. "Oh yes I'll marry you Sam! I love you so much!"


    Meanwhile in the distance, the unicorn felt a sudden change in the cosmos.

    She turned her sights toward the newly engaged couple. As she made her way toward them, noticing how they gazed lovingly into each others eyes, she knew that something predestined had just come to fruition. Planned by the Great Maker himself. That was what he felt. She rejoicingly whinnied alongside them.


    Emma jumped into Sam's arms again and the unicorn took this moment to raise her horn to the sky, expressing all the power she had within her, to create a celebratory beacon of heavenly light that illuminated the night sky like noon day; then it gradually descended upon the couple.


    "Wow!" the two breathed at the same time, gazing up at the light as it fell down around them. Once it faded, Sam stepped over to the unicorn to rub her muzzle and once again thank her for helping to make this night so special and magical.


    The unicorn whinnied happily and used the last of her magic to cast another spell which made her disappear.

    "Aww," Emma sadly said. "Goodbye unicorn. I hope to see you again soon."
    "Don't worry," Sam assured, "if you seek her out, she will come."
    Emma grinned at him and her beautiful moonlight countenance was once again just too hard to resist. "Come 'ere you!" he ordered, pulling her in for a passionate kiss.


    And with a grip on her waist, he lifted her up into the air still lip-locked with her.
    "Oh! Mmm," Emma mumbled.


    He twirled her around for a bit and then carefully placed her back down.
    "Oh Emma I love you," he whispered, pressing his body closer to hers. "I can't wait for you to become my wife."
    "Oh Sam, I can't wait to be your wife."
    He then placed his hands upon her cheek. "You've made me the happiest man in the world tonight. I love you." He pulled her in for another kiss.
    "Mmm, I love you too."


    The kissing grew more vigorous as both of them expressed many "I love yous," in between.

    "The future Mrs. Doctor Samuel Beckett. Has a nice ring to it don't you think?" Sam asked while rubbing his nose with hers.
    "Yes," she chuckled. "It's also kinda sexy..."
    "Mmm, hmm."
    "I can't believe we're getting married!" she squealed a little. "I've been dreaming of this day for SO long! Sometimes I feared it would never happen."
    "I know," he whispered, nibbling at her lower lip. "I just wish I hadn't been so blinded by fear so we could've gotten together much sooner."
    "Well, all is forgiven," she winked. "Besides, relationships are all about timing and I can't think of a better time for us to get together then when we did."
    "I concur."
    "You're my everything Sam. My soul mate from far across the galaxy!" She chuckled.



    "Oh Sam, this has been the happiest night of my entire life," Emma expressed. "Well, second to the night when we first kissed. I mean, that one is pretty hard to beat," she chuckled with a wink.
    "True," Sam chuckled too. "So what do you say we get out of here, back to my place, and fall asleep in each other's arms on the couch in front of a movie or something?"


    "I'd like that," Emma blushed and so did Sam.


    It happened within the blink of an eye.

    Emma jumped in fright and gasped as a bright blue light suddenly encompassed her finance.

    "Emma!" she heard Sam faintly cry.


    But no sooner then he disappeared...and a deathly silence followed.

    Eye's widened and gaping, Emma held her hand to her heart finding it difficult to breathe. One moment there was joy and love, the next moment the love of her life just vanished before her eyes. She couldn't believe it. Tears welled up as her body slightly shook, the evening chill piercing her skin now. "Sam?" she glanced up, asking the night sky.


    She knew he leaped. "But why now?" she whispered with a sniff. Suddenly she felt afraid, uncertain, a whirlwind of negative thoughts filling her mind now. She tried to fight it, tried to assure herself that he would definitely return, but her aching heart caused her to slump to the ground. Would she ever fully be able to get used to this? She held her legs up tightly to her chest, resting her face into them, and sobbed.




    When the light disappeared Sam found himself gazing out over a lake staring at...nothing, but the mountains in the distance.


    He rubbed his neck as he mourned, "Oh Emma..."


    "Curse this leaping around! Couldn't you have picked a different time to do this God!?"

    But just as he was about to complain some more, his eyes caught hold upon his feet and...Are those white sandals? Those sure look girly. His eyes then traveled upward as he discovered he was wearing a skirt too, with a flowery tank top.


    "Eileen!" he heard a man call from a few feet behind him. He turned to face his addresse, standing down by the road. "The kid's are expecting us home now so come on!"
    "Oh...uh...ok!" Sam yelled back with a wave, not before turning back to face the lake with a sigh.

    "Oh boy..."



    Ending with the Quantum Leap theme just because. :blush: It's appropriate.
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    mycami21mycami21 Posts: 752 Member
    @emorrill I just finished reading your update and the words simply beautiful come to mind. <3 It was so sweet of Sam to have the unicorn meet Emma.

    I also thought that it was very sweet of Sam to be so worried about Al while he had other things on his mind (re: the engagement)

    Emma's reaction to seeing the unicorn was priceless and I think it made the engagement that much more romantic. :) BUT.........

    I did let out a long Nooooooo when I saw that Sam leaped right afterwards.

    LOL at having him leap into a woman. :lol:

    Can't wait to read the next update. (But take your time I know your busy)
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