Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    @SjappielovePaul What is the cc?
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    funkeeferretfunkeeferret Posts: 415 Member
    edited November 2017
    Here is a last minute entry for the Gift of Creation Game.

    Creator’s Username: funkeeferret

    Creator or Nominee's Store Wishlist Link on Sims 3 Site:

    Item Title: Funke Family Happenings

    Creation Wishlist Username and # of Item: @Ciane #1. a simple story

    Imgur Link - here is where you can read the story:

    See teaser below.

    Description: Ciane requested a simple story. While building the Palmbury house, I had fun playing the Funke family. They are Townies living in Sunset Valley. I had never played them before, so they were new to me. I added a new person to their household since he had no where else to stay.

    This is a simple story about the Funke Family. There are no earth shattering events, just a glimpse into their lives.
    Meet the Funkes:
    Sabrina and Rhett, their three children - Irene, Spencer, and Carol
    and Sabrina's brother, Justin, a recent arrival to the family unit.


    The Funke's live in Sunset Valley, in a house called Ye Olde Tudor. It's an old house, with dated, dreary furnishings, but there is plenty of room for the whole family. When Sabrina's brother, Justin, got kicked out of his parents' house, he pleaded with her to take him in, short term, of course, until he gets back on his feet. How could she refuse? But before we go any further, let's meet the members of the Funke family.


    Sabrina Funke is all about family. Well, mostly. She married Rhett Funke after they graduated college. Sabrina got a job right away as an intern in a laboratory. Surrounded by rats in cages, Sabrina loved her work. But in recent years, being the full time
    mother of two children and a baby has taken it's toll on Sabrina. Many days, she never even gets out of her pajamas. And the scariest part is, she doesn't even realize it. As much as she loves her family and enjoys nurturing them, she needs a change. She wonders if maybe she should go back to work. She loves Science, but Carol is still a toddler and Sabrina promised herself she will get through this potty training, talking and walking part of Carol's life, and when Carol becomes a child, Sabrina will go back to work.


    Rhett Funke is a great guy, rather clever too. Unfortunately, besides needing a wardrobe makeover, Rhett is more than a bit neurotic. As much as Sabrina loves him, Rhett is difficult to live with. He hasn't had a decent night's sleep in years, ever since the mysterious fire that started in his college dormitory and spread like, well, like wildfire. Rhett and his roommate got out safely, with some minor burns, but he was never the same. The fire was thought to be caused by a small space heater, but no one ever really knew for sure. Because of the constant sleep depravation, Rhett can be a bit of a grump at times.

    Rhett gets up at all hours of the night to make sure everyone is safe, but his latest ritual begins at 4 am, when he gets up to check the stove, the fireplace, the barbecue pit, the furnace, and all other household items or gadgets that could turn his house into a flaming inferno within seconds. He has gotten worse since baby Carol was born and now checks on things like the sink, the refrigerator, the shower, and well, the list goes on.

    He's a good dad though, and loves keeping the house clean. Very clean. Sabrina's own father was a clean freak too, so it's understandable that she admires that familiar trait in Rhett. She remembers the day she fell in love with Rhett was the first time he said, with a sort of
    sparkle in his eye, "I find that if I keep cleaning something, it never gets dirty." As a scientist, Sabrina could really appreciate that.


    Spencer, the Funke's middle child, loves to paint. We don't know much else about Spencer at this time... just that he likes waking up at 5 am every morning.


    On the left is Irene, the Funke's oldest child. She may look sweet, but has a hot temper. The other kids on the block and in school, have learned not to mess with Irene. Some adults are afraid of her too. There have been certain incidents that occurred in the neighborhood that have gone unexplained, but a few neighbors have wondered if Irene was responsible for some of these events since they seem to happen after some sort of disagreement between Irene and whoever had to call the police. Of course Irene was long gone by then.

    On the right is Carol, the Funke's youngest. Why only yesterday, Carol was a toddler. She was a very good baby, and smart too. She is basically a clumsy, artistic, virtuoso. Who knows what life has in store for her.


    Justin Stevens is Sabrina Funke's younger brother. He recently bombed out of college, can't seem to find a job, and according to Sabrina's mother, "All Justin ever wants to do is party, play video games, get drunk and bake cookies! I'm so sick of it! I haven't gotten a good night's sleep since he's been back home. He comes barreling in at 3 AM, starts banging around in the kitchen, cooking, and I'm so exhausted, I could kill him for doing this to me." Then Mom bursts into tears. "And your father is worthless! He won't tell Justin to shape up or ship out. I always have to be the bad guy! ALWAYS!"

    Sabrina has a soft spot for her little brother, mostly because he has always been so gullible. As a child he would give away his lunch to whoever came up with the best hard luck story. As a teen, he would lend out what little money he had and as a result, Justin earned the reputation of being a "really nice guy" to all, and was always broke and lunchless because of it.

    So here he was, begging Sabrina to take him in.
    "Sis, please! I'll help you with the house. You already know I can cook and clean and, AND I'm handy! I can help the kids with their homework and take care of the baby whenever you need help. It'll only be for a month or so. Two months tops. "
    "Alright," said Sabrina. "But just try to stay out of Rhett's way. He's gotten a little nuts since Carol's been born."
    "You mean nuttier, right?" Justin asks trying to sound sincere.
    "Yes, ok!" sighed Sabrina, "Nuttier! Just behave, Justin, and maybe this will work out. I'm going to tell Rhett, this is just til you get back on your feet. Two months tops."
    "Hey, you got it. Thanks, Sis. Love ya."

    To read the rest of the story, see the link above. Thanks for viewing!
    *edited to correct graphical error

    Post edited by funkeeferret on
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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    Okey dokey, we have six entries this month! So I have the names on the paper and they are sitting in a row. Someone throw out a number from 1 to 6 please! If it's not pretty soon I'll be in bed so will do it first thing in the morning. :)
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    SjappielovePaulSjappielovePaul Posts: 4,794 Member
    edited November 2017
    @ZeeGee it's a painting with a compass and a map from Marcorse from TSR.

    ETA; The new link is in the entry post, and to make matters easier; Dalton High once more, this time, without CC!
    Post edited by SjappielovePaul on
    Don't forget to take care of yourself every now and then in this big chaotic world!
    Some links that helped me a lot:
    Missing Store Stencils / Free Kiddy Stuff / Daily Deals / Daily Deals Spreadsheets / The Gifting Directory
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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    And the winner is.... it’s @SjappielovePaul ! Please let @Pinkiesweets4 know where you want your points to go!
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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    @funkeeferret Loved your story! You’re a great writer. Will there be a part 2?!

    @SjappielovePaul I trust Marcorse. I’ll download that pic and use the first download of the school. The game folder I’m using for the school does have some cc.

    And there will again be consolation prizes. Be back with the amount!
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    AndyLove2017AndyLove2017 Posts: 96 Member
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    AndyLove2017AndyLove2017 Posts: 96 Member
    Mpart wrote: »
    Hi guys, I'm really sorry to say I can't participate this month. RL hasn't been the kindest lately and still trying to work with EA on my issue. I absolutely hope I can participate next month. :/

    Hope You get better

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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    @AndyLove2017 That’s great! Next prize will be December 1!
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    AndyLove2017AndyLove2017 Posts: 96 Member
    ZeeGee wrote: »
    @AndyLove2017 That’s great! Next prize will be December 1!

    :( I am a LITTLE late..
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    funkeeferretfunkeeferret Posts: 415 Member
    ZeeGee wrote: »
    And the winner is.... it’s @SjappielovePaul ! Please let @Pinkiesweets4 know where you want your points to go!

    Aw, congrats, @SjappielovePaul! Your school looks amazing ~ enjoy your win! :smiley:
    ZeeGee wrote: »
    @funkeeferret Loved your story! You’re a great writer. Will there be a part 2?!

    And there will again be consolation prizes. Be back with the amount!

    Thank you for the compliment, @ZeeGee. It means a lot. I had fun writing it. I hope to do a part 2 - Carol's Birthday Party. :)

    Oh, that's so sweet about the consolation prizes. :)

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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    :( I am a LITTLE late..

    Not for the November competition! You’re right on time. :)
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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    Oh, I love, Love, LOVE my story @funkeeferret! Thank you so, so much. And what a twist on being a tester family! :) Thank you, thank you, thank you!
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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    edited November 2017
    I have been very remiss in not checking in here more often. I noticed today when I wanted to build something new that the link for the school room video isn't a full url and I can't find what the school room should look like. :(
    ZeeGee wrote: »
    My creation wishlist:

    1) A James Spader sim, the way he looked in Pretty in Pink
    2) a wedding venue using all the Romanza stuff built in Lucky Palms
    3) Animations, any kind! But especially just regular talking, or showing emotions of shock or surprise. *especially wanting a 'drop mic' animation right now* Though I do realize the sim can't actually drop the mic This is a request for sim animations that you can use with the 'animation' tool. You click on it, add the code, and the sims perform the action requested.
    4) A school room something like the one featured in this video: animation vid

    I did look at other wish lists and have something to share all ready. I just need to go in game and share it. :) Then, I will see what else I can come up with for a few other WLs.
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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    @ciane Nice to see you here! Don’t know what happened with that link. It’s a YouTube vid. I’ll fix it next time I’m on the puter.
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    funkeeferretfunkeeferret Posts: 415 Member
    ciane wrote: »
    Oh, I love, Love, LOVE my story @funkeeferret! Thank you so, so much. And what a twist on being a tester family! :) Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    Thanks so much, @ciane. It makes me very happy that you like the story. :smiley: That makes it all worth while, plus it was lots of fun. I want to include more of the little "tests" I ran on the house in a future version of the Funke Family. They were very good about the whole thing and I did have to make some minor changes to the house based on their findings. ;)

    I love how ZeeGee's thread is picking up more steam the longer it goes on. Yey!
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    funkeeferretfunkeeferret Posts: 415 Member
    edited November 2017
    Hi, I deleted the long post because the links are working now. Thanks! :)
    Post edited by funkeeferret on
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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    @funkeeferret Oh my! I need to start checking my links! Thanks so much for all your hard work. I'll get those corrected.

    And now, due to your pointing me in the right direction, I noticed something else. YOU ARE THE OCTOBER WINNER!!! @SjappielovePaul specified in her entry that her winnings go to YOU!! Yippee, yay, hoorah!!! You've pulled off a hat trick. :lol: So please post what gifts you would like with your 2500 SP! :kissing:
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    funkeeferretfunkeeferret Posts: 415 Member
    ZeeGee wrote: »
    @funkeeferret Oh my! I need to start checking my links! Thanks so much for all your hard work. I'll get those corrected.

    And now, due to your pointing me in the right direction, I noticed something else. YOU ARE THE OCTOBER WINNER!!! @SjappielovePaul specified in her entry that her winnings go to YOU!! Yippee, yay, hoorah!!! You've pulled off a hat trick. :lol: So please post what gifts you would like with your 2500 SP! :kissing:

    WHAAAAAAAT!? Seriously? For real? I'm so sorry for not noticing this before, @SjappielovePaul! Is that what she meant? If so, well, I'm so grateful! ... so unbelievably grateful!!!
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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    Okay, I think all links are fixed. If anyone finds another one please let me know. I was typing the name of the link in the link box instead of copy/pasting the link and then renaming it. Duh. :)

    @ciane The video is up!
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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    edited November 2017
    WHAAAAAAAT!? Seriously? For real? I'm so sorry for not noticing this before, @SjappielovePaul! Is that what she meant? If so, well, I'm so grateful! ... so unbelievably grateful!!!

    That's what she meant!! She owns the store so specified you to get her winnings. Her link goes to your wishlist so CONGRATS!!!

    Thanks to everyone who participated, thanks to @Astreia for picking a number, and thanks to @Pinkiesweets4 for sponsoring! Let's have a great November!!
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    SjappielovePaulSjappielovePaul Posts: 4,794 Member
    ZeeGee wrote: »
    @funkeeferret Oh my! I need to start checking my links! Thanks so much for all your hard work. I'll get those corrected.

    And now, due to your pointing me in the right direction, I noticed something else. YOU ARE THE OCTOBER WINNER!!! @SjappielovePaul specified in her entry that her winnings go to YOU!! Yippee, yay, hoorah!!! You've pulled off a hat trick. :lol: So please post what gifts you would like with your 2500 SP! :kissing:

    WHAAAAAAAT!? Seriously? For real? I'm so sorry for not noticing this before, @SjappielovePaul! Is that what she meant? If so, well, I'm so grateful! ... so unbelievably grateful!!!

    Yeahhh I always hide the person so it's a real surprise, so you couldn't help not noticing hehe! I hope you'll enjoy whatever you choose :)
    Don't forget to take care of yourself every now and then in this big chaotic world!
    Some links that helped me a lot:
    Missing Store Stencils / Free Kiddy Stuff / Daily Deals / Daily Deals Spreadsheets / The Gifting Directory
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    SjappielovePaulSjappielovePaul Posts: 4,794 Member
    ZeeGee wrote: »
    And the winner is.... it’s @SjappielovePaul ! Please let @Pinkiesweets4 know where you want your points to go!

    Thank you! I'm glad you all like the school :) it's fun to create again, I've missed it a lot!
    Don't forget to take care of yourself every now and then in this big chaotic world!
    Some links that helped me a lot:
    Missing Store Stencils / Free Kiddy Stuff / Daily Deals / Daily Deals Spreadsheets / The Gifting Directory
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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    edited November 2017
    I think @funkeeferret passed out from the shock :lol:

    ETA: Or maybe she’s shopping, that’s a lotta SP!

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