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Ideas at a Glance for Toddlers


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    LadyTachunkaLadyTachunka Posts: 1,454 Member
    ohhhh they should come out with bubbles again. like toddlers can chase after the bubbles try to pop them or bite them not knowing what they are or the just get excited watching them.
    come on this would be cute for them trying to see them shoot in the hoop
    get little toddler swings outside
    the rocking playground toys
    kiddie pools or have floaties if the toddler wants to go into the normal pool with the family
    outside sprinklers to see them inter act with them
    playhouses outside with a toy grill
    toy lawn mower
    toddler pool side, (but only works if they have their floaties on )

    a few of those could be indoor but i think they can be outdoor as well
    8a35839c629b9a9f3643198909b278c0.gif Been simming since the end of sims 2~Sims Gallery ID:BSAAWaifu
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    LadyTachunkaLadyTachunka Posts: 1,454 Member
    Adding to my post before i loved to garden as a toddler and still till this day so maybe they should add children gardening tools and only if parent are around they help out with the garden.
    they try to catch and eat raw bugs (like phil and lil did on rugrats)
    maybe if they have play pens like in rugrats they can escape from it unless thy have one like they did in the sims 3 store which would be harder to escape from
    maybe there could be either a toddler only trait or something that would make them curious about something and put something in their mouth or study the thing they are curious about
    8a35839c629b9a9f3643198909b278c0.gif Been simming since the end of sims 2~Sims Gallery ID:BSAAWaifu
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    ErszotekErszotek Posts: 3 New Member
    I really hope they include:
    more "childish" meals for toddlers, having them be picky and all that
    Walkers/ Bouncers
    Carriers for the mothers (those wraps a lot of people use for their kids)
    Changing tables
    Bathing toddlers
    I also think a favorite parent option would be cool, (Daddy's girl/ Mommy's boy)
    Bunk beds/ daybeds
    Middle school with clubs like they had in TS3
    Better style
    And I really wish height was different but that can't really be changed, can it?

    * I would pay so much money for an ep with toddlers and preteens *
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    KeyserFnKeyserFn Posts: 1,424 Member
    I'm sorry if I caused a drama on this thread back when it was just 16 pages .I should've read all of them I guess .I do have this feeling Generation is coming soon with Toddlers included how soon who knows I guess whenever the next EP is due

    Origin gtgirl1999
    twitter @gtgirl_99
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    KeyserFnKeyserFn Posts: 1,424 Member
    I like the braids for the little girl it reminds me of Prim from the first Hunger Games movie .She didn't braid her hair like that but still

    Origin gtgirl1999
    twitter @gtgirl_99
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    SimthingOrOtherSimthingOrOther Posts: 8 New Member
    Give us pre-teens as well or I will boycott the game and spread the negative things about The Sims 4 to every person I encounter!
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    NinoosimNinoosim Posts: 387 Member
    Hope you guys don't mind, I set up a tent in the corner, I'm living in this thread :joy: Keep 'em coming!
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    DeadFishyDeadFishy Posts: 2,774 Member
    I'm a little late to the post here, has this post been stickied because EA is bringing toddlers to the game and are looking for feedback?
    Go Raptors!
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    LadyTachunkaLadyTachunka Posts: 1,454 Member
    DeadFishy wrote: »
    I'm a little late to the post here, has this post been stickied because EA is bringing toddlers to the game and are looking for feedback?

    we're not sure to be honest but we're hoping it is for ideas. simgurudrake sticked this thread up
    8a35839c629b9a9f3643198909b278c0.gif Been simming since the end of sims 2~Sims Gallery ID:BSAAWaifu
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    HimRumiHimRumi Posts: 1,445 Member
    I would like pacifiers and sippy cups! Also twin and triplet strollers and for both parents to go on a stroll with the toddler(s) in the stroller. I want toddlers to be able to play with their kid siblings. A form of toddler flu and the toddler is much more quiet, low energy or cries a lot.

    Omg that'd be so amazing :bawling: taking 2 toddlers on a stroll with the stroller. We need this pleaseee. :bawling:@SimGuruLyndsay

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    HimRumiHimRumi Posts: 1,445 Member
    bethyGrace wrote: »
    I think the more progression the better - i.e. The more toddlers can learn, the more engaging they will be. Walking, talking and potty have been the staples so far, along with those toddler skills. How about climbing (onto and out of furniture), feeding themselves, sleeping by themselves, ABC's, nursery rhymes, counting - the more the better.

    The more interactions they can have with their environment, the better. Exploring. Sniffing, TASTING, getting into cupboards (A toddler gate would be a fun item - it could actually be important to keep them out of the kitchen!)

    And of course, the more interactions with mum, dad, siblings, pets and the rest, the better. It would be fun if we could click on the toddler and select "throw tantrum" if we want, and if they threw more tantrums in general - maybe if mum or dad haven't paid them enough attention that day. When a need gets low - throw a tantrum. Their emotions should be abrupt, and heavily dependent on how much love they are receiving and on getting their wants.

    Of course, step one would be to announce they are being put in the game. That would be nice.

    Absolutely what we need for Toddlers.
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    SimthingOrOtherSimthingOrOther Posts: 8 New Member
    @SimGuruDrake @SimGuruLyndsay How about if they came with a new trait, Crybaby trait - It would be perfect for Toddlers and kids, but could work for any age. Different from Gloomy, it would kind of like TS3's over-emotional trait. Crybaby Sims would cry in public more often over more minor things compared to other sims. Sims in TS4, for all the hype about their "emotions" are kind of stoic...
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    The_SimScraperThe_SimScraper Posts: 2,083 Member
    Babysitting a toddler today; We need them to fall and cry sometimes so their Sim mums/dads can pick them up and kiss their hands!
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    SimGamer15SimGamer15 Posts: 2,019 Member
    Don't know if this was mentioned but there should be little cute costumes for the little tots! :)
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    Krisha880Krisha880 Posts: 1,553 Member
    Babysitting a toddler today; We need them to fall and cry sometimes so their Sim mums/dads can pick them up and kiss their hands!

    Not only kiss, but blowing on the (imaginary) wound too! Norwegian toddlers expect someone to be blowing on their wounds!
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    MrsStylesHoranMrsStylesHoran Posts: 2 New Member
    I would like to be able to bath my toddlers, learning them how to walk, talk, read etc. My dream toddler would be a mix of Sims 2 and Sims 3 :smiley:
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    Krisha880Krisha880 Posts: 1,553 Member
    poppykoke wrote: »
    Unique hairstyles too.
    Please try not to make them look the same as the other lifestage hairs.

    Female: Braids, pony tails, pig tails, puff balls, messy hair, multiple braids, relaxed hair.
    Male: Fades, mohawks, poofy curly afros, messy hair, short cuts, pony tails, braids.

    Please give diversity when It comes to Toddler hair.
    Yes, this please!
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    SkullotenSkulloten Posts: 1 New Member
    Here are my suggestions... (i will be taking inspiration from my own childhood, if you don't mind) if any of these ideas have already been noted please feel free to disregard.

    When I was a kid I used to play in the mud with my friends, and sometimes my older brother would join in too . You could have a mud patch with the option to have teens, children, and other toddlers that would come over on play-dates, be able to play in the mud all at once as a group. Of course the teens would have to have a family oriented, or childish trait. and the "hates children " sims would be more inclined to "tell that mud-pies aren't real food" which would cause the collective party to become sad or angry at the offending sim depending on age (younger sims would be sad and older sims would be mad for "ruining the fun"), and level of creativity. of course there could also be an option to eat said mud-pie and cause a happy moodlet or "sickening texture" moodlet depending if said sim was a slob or not this negative moodlet would also cause some toddlers to spit up (Some toddlers do that a lot as it is so what's one more fountain?).

    My dad was really good with woodworking and once made a kitchenette for me out of plywood in the garage (in hindsight probably not the best idea for a toddler who saw the world a a giant teething toy) but as I got older he made small toys and wooden swords for me and the neighborhood kids to play with . maybe you could have this sort of thing as an attachment for the woodworking bench?

    As you can tell as a tod' i had a habit of consuming things that were often deemed "inedible" by normal society (whatever THAT'S supposed to mean), and from time to time by older brother would catch me stuffing bugs (or at least trying to) and flowers into my "nutrition intake port". seeing as there is a pack that promotes the catching of insects and collection of plants (outdoor retreat) could it be possible to add some of the bugs to the main worlds in the hopes of becoming an impromptu toddler snack? Or, heck, why not add plants into that category as well!

    As a child my parents would not only read to me at bedtime, but sometimes make up stories on the spot and recite them to me as I was lulled to sleep. this naturally effected my creativity and writing style... I would like to see this as well in the game if toddlers were added. and why not add this option for children to listen in as well? or maybe depending on the level of creativity the children and teens possessed they could be the story tellers to their younger siblings.

    In addition to story time playing a big role in my creative development so was "pretend play" with my friends. I won't go into too much detail as it's confidential kid stuff only, but i feel the "princess , dragons, and kings" tropes have been overdone. maybe there could be the addition of a "pretend to be a mermaid" (sorry i just HAD to throw mermaids in there. I may have a problem.) option or "pretend to be a construction worker", "pretend to be a spy","pretend to be a movie star", or possibly "pretend to be kid president" options? Naturally these roles would not have to apply to any specific gender.

    All these things being said, i believe i could speak for everyone here if there were the addition of more clothing and toy options for the children ,and special toddler toys wouldn't hurt either (maybe the children could play along with too? or the teens could help teach the wee ones the art of "round peg = round hole, NOT NOSTRIL!!!". and it goes without saying having just as many clothing options for the toddlers (given how much we all seem to love playing with our "baby computer dolls" as my mom would put it.)
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    kayt45kayt45 Posts: 434 Member
    jude72pla wrote: »
    Writin_Reg wrote: »
    My neighbor came up with a good one for toddlers - as she has been baby sitting her 17month old granddaughter for the last 2 days and discovered toddlers love hiding in all sorts of unusual places and making someone look for them.

    Like behind books in the bottom of Lisa's book case.

    Inside and under every chair, bed, couch, cabinet or dresser in Lisa's house.

    In clothes hampers.

    Behind draperies.

    In just about anywhere she can squeeze her little tiny self

    Lisa says the baby has freaked her out hiding and not answering when called so many times the last two days she is resigned to spend the week getting rid of tons of stuff before the baby comes for another small stay. I must say my usually well coiffed and easy going neighbor was quite frayed for the first time in the 12 years I have known her. This is her first grandbaby and her first overnight sleepover. Lol.

    It's funny I had 3 babies and totally forgot how much they liked hiding like that in many of those same kind of places. Mine though would always either tattle on each other or start giggling. LOl.

    When my first born was toddler he would climb up onto the first shelf of the closet in his room with his blanket to nap. The closet was shelves on one side and other side was for hanging clothes.

    My daughter would hide in clothes racks at stores. Made me so mad! She would also nap in the weirdest places. I found her sleeping half inside the bottom shelf of a bookshelf once.
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    KuffiKuffi Posts: 170 Member
    I would like toddlers and preteens to be in the game! I will love them!
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    DivineHysteriaDivineHysteria Posts: 732 Member
    There should be a mat where you can put the baby and toddler, toddler can have a few interactions like play with baby and stuff.

    It'd be cute.
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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    Cinebar wrote: »
    Another idea is if the parent or someone in household got through the terrible twos with their little tyke they would get a relief moodlet, Yeah, they are off to school finally! lol, or a sad moodlet for growing up too soon (not aging on purpose for those who don't want punished) but that little sad feeling you get the first day of school when your baby is getting on that bus. I want parents to know and remember their children.

    The latter would be very fitting for family-oriented sims. :) Could definitely see them all sentimental that their little one is suddenly heading off to school and leaving them at home.

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    KittiezKittiez Posts: 47 Member
    Toddlers in Sims 3 seemed more of a chore than an enjoyable lifestage ; having a limited amount of time to "level up" skills for them. I'd like it a lot better if that requirement was removed.
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