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The Watcher Watches


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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member

    @Alexakry I'm so glad you are here! <3 I missed you! I always worry where you are and how you are doing!

    but now we 3 are here, makes for a party with Tamijo! :):):)

    Well of course Max is perfect!!! I hope you don't mind his mind is in the future! I don't know how his personality came about but it just evolved naturally by watching him! I am really crazy about him, what he thinks and says!

    Yes this is my favorite house with a 'slab' foundation as we call it here! I don't know about thousands of babies though LOL :D;)

    Bébé and Beau look a lot like Danny, and they have his eyes! Thank god since I can't do the genetics thing very well!

    Yes Max Loves to practice the family oriented trait and boss the kids around at every chance! poor kids! I prefer Danny's approach!

    I will have to see Quigley as a YA I haven't done it yet! :o can you believe it!?
    no he is Not better looking than Max! No One Is!

    Oh that is a Very nice idea for you to say they should adopt him! I forgot to think as Quigley and wonder if he would like that! He Is very happy to have been taken in!

    I had to take in a friend of my youngest as he got kicked out of the house. They were going to sleep on the bank of the creek! :o I usually do not go against parents wishes but this was unsafe! I didn't have to take in my nephew as he at least had the sense to stay with friends, when his parents booted him out! Tough Love is hard on all parties involved!

    I am sure Quigley and Fern will find a way, they are pretty clever! ;) as soon as Max bought the future bed, Quigley got the wish to woohoo in it with Fern LOL :D I don't think he even knows where the new house Is! LOL :D
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    AlexaKryAlexaKry Posts: 2,706 Member
    @DivaDoodle : thank you so much! <3
    (I still need time off sometimes)
    hehehe, I´m not a good person to celebrate a party, mostly I sit somewhere and hope I can get something nice to eat and drink.
    Let Quigley get older, I think he looks better than Max! (well, as good as him, or a bit not so good.... :D )
    I couldn´t play kid or teen without peeking on the look! I always do! I´m too curious.
    Quigley is a typical teen, hm? Every thought is on their girl/boyfriends and what they would do together!! :p

    Sad story of the friend of your youngest and your nephew! How can parents kick out their children and leave them in the cold???? I can understand that!!!!
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    TamijoTamijo Posts: 1,072 Member
    edited January 2021
    Hmm I’m sure I commented on some of those updates before - Ohh I did save it in a file (nice):
    92 - 93
    Look like a very nice room Max has
    "I did it! Hooray!" …well :*
    She calls him Maxy - true love.
    Seeing them dance together, hard to imagine how bad things was before.
    “Family heirloom” nice, I like stuff to have a history.

    Fern is a cutie pie, and has a great personality. Watcher likes her!
    I like her too

    "Gosh, Quigley, you look like a lamb to slaughter."

    He is just completely and utterly in love, that is ok ;)
    Both child’s look great after growing up.
    Poor Beau, hate being interrupted like that :s
    My active stories: Appaloosa County..*.. Sinful Sisters.....*.....Earlier stories:..*..Survivors the River..*.. A Memoir of Grace "Slick" Joplin
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member

    @AlexaKry I don't know How they did it, I know it made the poor Mom (my sis in law) so sick in her heart she got physically ill. it was torture but their therapist said it was the only way, and it did work! he is in university now, is appreciative of all he has and plesant to be around his parents!
    With my sons friend, he was living with his grandma as his mother was a beligerant drug addict and couldn't care for him, and granny was good to him but liked to manipulate him and his behavior with threats of taking away inheritence and finally booting him out! But he was very naughty and never did what she asked, I don't know why and he told me he didn't know why either! teens! He even got jailed one time, for not appearing in court for his drinking under age as a teen! He was caught by the cops for some parking violation and the cops ran his record, this was after he turned 18.
    I asked him to tell me all about jail (I was thinking of horrible TV shows about prison! and thought he might need to talk about it :# ) and he said Jail wasn't even bad! they let him help the cook! and he said he had so much fun learning from other cooks and eating the choicest foods they reserved for themsleves! LOL He is married now and has a son, they live in the mid west. Granny died and he got his inheritence.
    Gosh nothing like that ever happened when my husband and I were growing up! It must have been simpler times or we were more sheltered or blind to what was happening, I don't know.

    @Tamijo Thank you! yes trait changes are the Best if you have an icky sim!! ;)

    haha I like how Quigley gets excited for even a Fail at cooking :D

    yes he did look like a lamb to slaughter! all worried LOL he is such a joy!

    'He is just completely and utterly in love, that is ok' yes more than OK for me! :)

    Thank you! I love Danny's kids and love that they have his eyes!

    I know poor Beau, grown ups are the Worst sometimes with all their mushy stuff! :#:o:D
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member
    edited February 2021
    95 The Watcher Watches: Danny & Belinda <3 Faelie's Engagement Party <3

    "Faelie don't you find it strange that Watcher made a 'grande erreur' of resetting our town in broad daylight? And this was supposed to be our first day on the job! I think I need to contemplate this!" says Max

    "Yes, Maxy, you do that. And I am going to use that error to have all the party guests come over as soon as they can! No need to wait until evening for fun!" Faelie laughs as she calls all their friends.

    But Max didn't hear as he had just spotted Fern, and rushed over to happily tell her to improve her exercise skills!

    They set up as quickly as possible! Very excited for the party to begin!

    And marked off the backyard with balloons, since it is to be an outdoor party!
    But alas, everyone wants to come inside (probably to use the beds!) :# LOL

    "Oh Watcher stop being such a stick in the mud! Just put a lounge bed outside and lock the bedroom doors so people won't get kicked out!" laughs Faelie

    good point, since you invited all the woohoo maniacs :D
    I just want to quickly get pics while they are all trapped here at the doorway ;) :
    Smokin hot Amelina to the left, Ayden VanGould, Oscar's profile, Gladsten's hair, Cabana Boi, my sweetest guy's back of head Aiden who is Amelina's husband & Tulip, Dante's wife.

    Musa (Bianca's husband) and Dante wearing the One outfit I can't stand, to teach me a lesson for being so tardy getting back to his house! Dante ignores me, he likes to think entusiastically of his wife, each and every time he sees her.

    "Please get on with it Watcher, this is boring!" says beautiful Louise.

    Louise's husband Oscar, in blue, and for once my lovely Aiden is Not smiling because I am taking too long getting pictures! :#
    I tell Max to invite everyone in.

    Louise is horrified someone had the audacity to come without being invited!
    "Get rid of her Watcher, she is a trouble maker!" Louise really just wants me to get going, because She and Oscar Love to party!

    so Max kicks out the party crasher to Aiden's amusement, and then speaks to Oakley Bean~~ No relation to Victor Bean the kissing booth guy.

    "Excuse me Watcher! Why isn't Oakley my gf? and Why haven't you given me a home yet?" says Victor, exceedingly dissatisfied with the events in his life, so far. He finds Belinda to tell of how cruel and unfair the Watcher is.

    Oh No! Poor Fern was left working out! I fix it for her. Now go have fun!

    "eek what's happening?" says Fern, bewildered by the sudden events.

    'It's ok Fern, I'm here!" says Quigley, to the rescue.

    "aw, my Hero" says Fern, and Quigley gets all flustered.

    "There you are! Dante! thank you for bringing the invisible food! it's my very favorite!" says Faelie

    "Danny we are all just so pleased about your new life and new traits!" says Amelina

    I never thought your evilness was such a big deal, but of course I could never go for that, or you, myself, no offense" she adds

    "It's OK, Amelina, you were never my type, as I always preferred the demure and sweet girls" says Danny "Oh no offense, of course" he adds with a wry smile.

    :D Danny I love you! hahaha

    "Babe this party is lame, do you want to come over?'' says Cabana

    "oh You, hehehe" says Marigold

    Hot Cabana action, and no reaction from you, Tulip?

    "You never fixed my dolls eyes Watcher, You are to blame!" Tulip tells me
    eeek yes I fail at eyes! sorry!
    "hahaha Watcher you are a nutcase, I don't mind at all! it makes me all the more an intriguing Vampire, with my deadly stare!" Tulip laughs

    All of a sudden Tulip, Dante, and Aiden & Amelina say it's time to leave! That can mean only One thing! Oscar and Louise have found a way to woohoo in one of the bedrooms! Even though I locked all the doors!

    Louise! you look guilty! and you are no longer in your party outfit!

    You too Oscar! Aren't you ashamed of yourself?!
    "Of course not Watcher! We are Free Spirits, you already know that! Besides Musa is the one who told us you left the connecting door from the bathroom unlocked." says Oscar.


    "Did you hear, Dante's whole household got kicked out!" says Marigold

    "Amateur's" says Cabana

    "Then the great fire came about! The world as we fairies knew it, and indeed the Entire Universe was in great peril!" says Victor, quite dramatically.

    "And sadly, we had to begin again." Victor sums it all up for Belinda

    "uh ok Victor, thank you for the history lesson" says Belinda and she rushes off to dance.

    We invite people back in so they won't go home before the Party Dancers come, but unfortunately it makes another traffic jam :D
    too bad there isn't an option that says 'please come to the balloons!'

    "Watcher, Oscar's parties were Never like this, without dancers!" Dante reminds me

    They would all be having more fun if they would just go outside! hahahaha

    ut-oh a different traffic jam
    "I'm Not budging Watcher, I should at least have one opportune moment!" complains Quigley
    No sorry Quigley. Dante is King! in other words amskray kid.

    Dante always knows how to remedy such situations. He is very adept at 'if at first you don't succeed."

    Quigley peers over, makes a few notes, and tries to copy the Master. lol

    Wait, what the hey? I Just locked that bathroom door to the bedroom!! lol they always know more than me!
    and :D Dante is still carrying the plate of invisible food! :D

    Ohhh it was the balcony door! well there are just too many doors in this house! Tricky Sims! They always find a way!
    "But of course, Watcher!''

    well, gee, I bow down to your greatness, Dante.

    "yes, yes, now be off with you, I must love my wife!" Dante says, dismissing me.

    oh ofcourse, your majesty.

    what the!
    "It's just His plate of invisible food! We can't hold hands! it is Very annoying Watcher!'' says Tulip

    "And well, I Did mention you leaving, Watcher" says Dante

    "You didn't need to shock her so, my Darling, her heart, she is weak."

    "meh, she probably deserves it"

    Oh Vance is here! Where is Beatrice, Vance?

    "it's the jelly beans, Watcher, it's a problem" says Vance

    Shall I remove them?

    "I Don't Know"

    um ok

    "Care for an amuse bouche, Cabana?" says Dante
    "uh, no thanks," says Cabana "are you going to bite Victor?"

    "Wellll I have been on plasma juice for the longest time...but he is a Fairy, so we'll see" :o

    "You know Watcher, this is really a terrible bachelorette party, with no dancers." says Aiden

    "Aiden is right! Who ever Heard of a bachelorette party with no dancers! The entertainment here is deplorable!
    I don't know How Faelie will ever live it down!" adds Amelina

    "Darling, shall we make our own entertainment?"
    "well, sure!" smiles Aiden. He can never resist his beautiful Amazon wife, no matter how tired he is.

    Just the best face Ever! I love his nice big cheeks! I need to get back to the main house very soon! I'm feel I'm missing everything!
    "you are!" says Aiden
    doh! I Knew it!

    Gladsten, what do you think about the party, are you having a good time?
    "Well it would be nice if there were sleeping bags, while we wait for the dancers" says Gladsten
    "You know this Never happened at Oscar's parties" he adds.

    yes, I've heard, several times now.

    And Victor, what do you...
    never mind

    But Faelie is having fun! what a trooper!

    "Friends if you wish, there are sleeping bags placed out! sorry about the party dancers, we'll have to check on that! I know the girl dancers are very good! The boy dancers must be deadbeats in this town!"

    "Sweetheart, I had a great time! Good food, great dancing, talking and joking with our friends! who needs those yahoo dancers anyway!" says Max

    " you're the best Maxy"

    'note to self, I should contemplate being 'the best' to my beautiful wife' thinks Max
    and the lovers head to bed to get some sleep.

    Meanwhile, Bébé has conned sweet Oscar for a bedtime story!

    "Once upon a time there was a naughty little girl who wouldn't sleep in her own bed" laughs Oscar
    "noooo c'mon Oscar, tell a Good one!" pleads Bébé.

    Quigley finds Fern outside, she brought her own sleeping bag, and thought it a good idea to place it right next to the garbage can. so Watcher places one for Quigley
    Quigley loves to be near her. Even if it is near the garbage can.

    And at last, our households sleeps,

    while some guests join in the ZzzZ

    and others continue to party,

    and party on!

    Post edited by DivaDoodle on
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    TamijoTamijo Posts: 1,072 Member


    Who is this nice girl – should I know her?

    "It's OK, Amelina, you were never my type, as I always preferred the demure and sweet girls"
    Punch taken B)

    My God they are Fu…. WoHo’ing in the middle of the party – this town is insane

    Meanwhile, Bébé has conned sweet Oscar for a bedtime story!
    Love that, haven’t seen someone reading for a child in bed before.
    My active stories: Appaloosa County..*.. Sinful Sisters.....*.....Earlier stories:..*..Survivors the River..*.. A Memoir of Grace "Slick" Joplin
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member

    @Tamijo That girl is Oakley Bean, a homeless from Moonlight falls, with the skin of another sim I had, in another town, who is a funny snob and slob! I was thinking Tristan's Dad, Ayden (who is standing with them) might like her, but I just let things be natural at the party, and they met!

    hahaha Amelina has Never had anyone speak to her like that! :D that was fun!

    oh yes they are awful! that mod I use doesn't have the control I need at other people's houses! LOL so somehow that translates to other peoples homes is their very favorite. I just try to keep it outside, so they don't get kicked out, but I failed this time! :D

    the 'read a bedtime story' is from Generations :) I really love it! There really isn't a certain title to pick, i just make it up according to what the child is interested in.

    Ari being read his hero and princess fairy tales by Daddy Aiden

    Oscar reading to son Luc, his exciting adventure stories

    Tulip reading to daughter Tula, about true love's kiss

    And Dante reading to Tana about the bravest girl in the land! lol
    she konked out early :D
    the reader gives a kiss night-night
    and a pat's their shoulder with a loving look
    it's really cute!
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    TamijoTamijo Posts: 1,072 Member
    It is
    My active stories: Appaloosa County..*.. Sinful Sisters.....*.....Earlier stories:..*..Survivors the River..*.. A Memoir of Grace "Slick" Joplin
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member
    edited February 2021
    96 The Watcher Watches: Danny & Belinda <3 Victor <3

    Danny awakens early and glances at the party aftermath. ''we'll do it Later'' he sighs, then enters his children's room, to watch their beautiful, sweet faces, while they sleep.

    What are you thinking Danny?
    "oh, you know, how lovely they are, and that they grow up so fast, I want to make the most of it, and experience the world through their eyes. I want to teach them kindness and giving"
    Danny goes deep in thought, and decides it is best to teach by example.
    Good ol Danny! An excellent parent!

    Watcher has to set things straight after the party, Musa and Bianca were stuck in a long thought bubble conversation until I finally realized they needed to be reset. That reminds me I need to reset poor Dante with his invisible food hand!
    I get very nervous to reset Dante! I don't want him ever ever to lose his special personality or enthusiastic thought bubbles of his wife, it is just too cute! No one here is like him!

    Oh good!
    They are still the same! YAY!

    "No Tana, I don't think setting fires will bring back Watcher more quickly, we just have to wait!" says Ace
    "ok Ace" says Tana.
    lol ok everything normal here! Good boy Ace! thank goodness you are here for Tana!

    ''Excellent Bébé! You are a natural with your blocks!" says Danny, Very excited about Bébé's accomplishments.

    Danny, can you please ask Frank why he didn't come to the party? "Sure thing, Watcher"
    "Frank, we missed you at the party yesterday." says Danny

    "Yes I'm sorry, I had to teach a night class." Frank lies

    Well I guess we know who will be staying homeless!
    "Well actually I just like parties, but Gosh is she always this mean, Danny?" asks Frank
    "Only to liars, Frank"

    "I never lie, Watcher" a beautiful baritone voice lilts through the air.


    "Please don't forget about me, Watcher, and me wanting a real home and life!' says Victor

    holy mackerel!

    Danny, enough of Frank! lets go find out more about Victor! We barely know him!
    "Do I have to? I want to talk to the liar, I don't know any liars." says Danny
    Yes, You need to be the one. We don't need hearts and stuff interfering with this household!

    "hey there Victor, tell me about yourself, bro" says Danny amiably

    "Well, I'm single, ambitious, excitable and have a green thumb, I have a job in fortune telling, and

    Excuse me a minute guys.
    Frank! :# Stop that! You had your chance last night to be with the single ladies, like you asked of me, and you flaked out!

    "aw c'mon Watcher! be a pal" says Frank

    No you horrible werewolf, now go home!
    "pleeease, I promise to be good!" pleads Frank

    well. alright. one last chance! Be Good!
    lol well he is trying to please Watcher I guess.

    Victor continues "My sign is Leo, I am brave, and my gender preference is straight. I think that answers all the questions."

    "Is your preference from kissing all those girls at the kissing booth?" asks Danny

    "Well yes, I think it's considered a perk." laughs Victor

    "What about kids?" asks Danny "Do you have any?" Danny is good at giving the 3rd degree because he used to be a cop!
    "No not yet. I do get along with kids and teens but I'm not family oriented, if that's what you mean." says Victor

    Belinda sees that the guests are getting hungry and serves everyone.
    Frank is now trying to get on my good side by being helpful, and tries to clear the table before anyone can actually eat. lol
    He finally calms down!

    Max has a good time chatting with Fern

    But as soon as there is a pause in the conversation, well we all know what Max does.
    Poor Fern.

    Our budding artist, Bébé, finishes her painting then decides to speak with Ayden.
    "Oh that man is a snob" thinks Bébé, as she tries to 'get to know' Ayden VanGould.

    "Young lady, you would be wise to demand a large gem when you plan to marry" says Ayden

    "You mean like a pirates treasure of coins and rubies?"

    "I'm only 5 Mister! I don't care about money, just toys!" says Bébé

    "Honey I really like that guy Victor, he is decent and kind, a good egg!" says Danny

    Belinda smiles, she adores Danny's new traits. She is so glad he is now Good, like she is.
    "Danny I love that about you! You would invite the whole world to live here, if you could! It must be your good trait, isn't it?!"
    "Well not the Whole world, hon, just the nice ones! But It's the right thing to do, to help out, and lend a hand! He really wants a home life, you know."

    "Yes, I know, we spoke about it last night. And he came from a Universe that was in great peril, and had to start over again!" says Belinda
    "oh my gosh! I don't even know what to think about that! says Danny "But we have to help him, I just have a very strong feeling about it."

    "Yes Danny, dear, you're right of course, just please don't ask Frank. The shedding, you know" she whispers
    "oh. oh. riiight! gotcha!" says Danny

    I glance around to make sure everyone is OK and
    Wait! what happened to Bébé?

    Did you do that, Ayden?
    "I did"
    Well! at least we know his other trait!

    "Farewell Danny." says Ayden "I thank you for a lovely time! Put some clothes on!"
    "Goodbye Ayden, nice seeing you." says Danny

    Danny heads over to Victor and they chat, Danny steers the conversation to what Victor wants to talk about.

    "Victor, Do you have a garden?" asks Danny and he see Victors eyes light up, then darken
    "No, not yet, but if I ever get a home I would have a garden, a perfect one!" says Victor

    "Well until that time you have your own home, would you like to stay with us?" asks Danny
    "Would it be alright if I plant a few things?" asks Victor
    "Of course, there is plenty of room" says Danny

    "Well in that case I would Love it!" says Victor

    Victor I know you said you don't lie, but
    "I don't ever lie Watcher, but I'm a fairy and I Do like to play tricks!" he tells me

    With all his garden talk I thought Victor would have a perfect garden type of LTW, or professional sports since he is athletic, or Fortune Teller since he was working there. but instead he has the Fireman one!
    He gave no clue to that at all!

    "It was a good trick Watcher! hahaha Plus girls Love firemen!" says Victor

    hmph, Watcher removes that LTW and puts in Perfect Garden. I have it all planned out that he can eventually live at my perfect gardens community lot, I will turn it into a wonderful home!

    An hour later Victor gets his career wish. to garden? Of Course not, he really wants to join the Fireman career!

    "I told you Watcher, girls love firemen! and I want a girlfriend!" says Victor

    I'm just going to give him what he wants.
    I put back his Fireman LTW and go into edit to see if we even have a fire station in the town.

    I make him fix the stereo I broke to free Fern. Yep, it was Max, practicing being a good parent again. ;)
    But Victor will need handiness for his fireman job!

    Belinda changes to her work uniform, I follow to make sure she gets there ok.

    'Don't let Danny invite Frank to move in, Watcher, that boy is trouble with a capital T." says Belinda
    No, no , I won't, don't worry!
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member

    97 The Watcher Watches: Danny & Belinda <3 Victor the Fireman <3

    Victor finishes repairing the stereo and heads out to the fire station to apply for his new job!

    Victor, since no one is here why don't you start upgrading your fire engine!

    "But I want to dance!" says Victor "Besides work doesn't actually start for a couple days"

    You can dance after you upgrade! What if a fire broke out on your first day, and you had a slow fire engine, and the fire went out of control?

    Victor doesn't like visions of uncontrolled fire! He already lived through that! He gets busy!

    Ethereal what are you doing here?

    "Hi Watcher, I'm the most important part of the fire station. Everyone in town relies on me to save them, however I have been here 100 years and there never has been even one fire!
    Now I can barely move so I just sit and read and let cobwebs grow on me."

    Oh that is very sad indeed! would you like a youth potion? There will soon be fires and action, now that Victor is working here.
    "Oh yes Watcher, that would be nice!"

    Victor continues all the upgrades, now he is upgrading the fire alarm.

    And gets a promotion! LOL


    "You must be my new boss?"

    "No I just work here, I'm Ethereal"

    "oh hi, I'm Victor. Say are those cob webs in your hair?"
    "uh Probably, No, it's my wings silly" says Ethereal

    Ethereal is hungry and wants to try the new stove. Wow she is good! I see she is a natural cook.

    Victor takes this time to get his dance grove on.
    He already likes this fire station, and it's amenities. this will be a good place to work!

    The Fae Love to dance, and are Very good at it!

    "I may not look it, but I am very strong, from dancing" says Ethereal.

    "But can you do this?" asks Victor
    "no" Ethereal laughs.

    "I wish I would get a promotion, I have worked here for so long" says Ethereal

    "Well I just got one, just from doing the upgrades! And I haven't even started work yet!" says Victor

    "Oh that's wonderful! I should have thought of that!" replies Ethereal

    They find out they are both excitable!

    Victor finds out Ethereal is easy to impress and decides to impress his new coworker!
    "I'm a natural at sports, Ethereal"
    "wow!" she says lol

    "And I'm great at pranks, too!" Victor brags
    "ooo awesome! Me too!" says Ethereal

    "I'm really good at gardening and making Flowers bloom!" says Ethereal

    Flowers! Well now, that is the hottest pickup line Victor has ever heard in his life! He decides to lay it on thick.

    "You know, I'm a Fireman!"

    "Now don't get too crazy"

    "Well you are kinda cute, Victor" Ethereal flirts

    And happily their embrace lets them discover that they are both Brave!
    Victor really likes this, he is not fond of wimps!

    ''You are so great, Ethereal, come meet my house mates! I want them to know my co-worker!"

    When they get there everyone is already tired, including Ethereal. We didn't realize it was so late.

    ''We have sleeping bags and a fairy house if you want to stay over.
    You can meet everyone tomorrow.'' offers Victor

    "Thank you!" and Ethereal chooses a sleeping bag.

    Victor checks out his new Fairy house.
    "Oh how nice! Very comfy! zzZz " he says

    "Darling, I have a feeling this house is going go get quite crowded" says Faelie
    "I was just thinking the same thing" says Max

    Early in the morning Ethereal thinks she must go home. (this always happens with my firefighters)
    The family will just have to meet her another time.

    Watcher sees that Dante's invisible food hand germs must be catching!

    and reset
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member
    edited February 2021
    98 The Watcher Watches: Danny & Belinda <3 Sunday <3

    Belinda! Just because I am away for a day at Victor's fire station, doesn't mean you all can take a day off from house duties! Those flies can bite you know!

    ''Frank said he wanted to do it! " says Belinda
    No it is everyone's responsibility! And it's your and Danny's house, so the ultimate responsibility is yours! You can always delegate! :)
    "No I'll just do it, those flies are gross!" Belinda says

    ''I need to get going home now' says Fern, pausing for a Very long time, so Watcher will be sure to see her thought bubble!

    Yes sweetie, I know you love him. But this isn't the 1950's, you don't need to marry right out of high school!

    "But Ari and Fawn are already engaged! It's not fair!"

    Well they have been together for years, and they did that because of unusual traumatic circumstances, they will still have to wait.

    oh lawdy this always happens! :# teens giving me heart attacks!

    "hehehe I got you going, huh watcher!"
    "bye now!" and Fern runs off happily
    oh, whew! bye cutie!

    Why are you eating ice cream? the fridge is full of perfectly cooked healthy food!

    "it's Sunday, Watcher!" says Bébé
    oh ok.

    Bébé has improved a bit in art

    And Danny wants to make sure they develop their logic skills!

    "Good job Beau! I have a football for you! I've notice that our stereo breaks much too frequently, so this is a fun way to get your exercise!
    "Wow Daddy Thanks" says Beau and then tries to sneak off to dance. He is a party animal, as well as genius.

    "hang on a minute son" says Danny He must have been observing Max lately, now no kid is spared!

    Belinda also watches Bébé closely, as she wants her to have other skills besides painting.

    Upstairs, Victor and Quigley are chatting and getting to know each other better!
    "Tell me about being a fireman! that is so exciting Victor!" says Quigley
    "Well I suppose it can get Dangerous! But I am very Brave, and looking forward to helping people!" says Victor ('especially if there are any pretty girls involved') he thinks to himself
    "Wow!" says Quigley

    Max walks by and looks fondly at Quigley. ''He is such a great kid! Nice, polite. Always does this studies and chores, and is eager to learn more!'' Max thinks. He is really looking forward to their life together in the new home!

    ''What a wonderful son!'' thinks Max

    Hey Danny, what's up?

    "I am going to create a great gift for my darling Belinda!" Danny tells me excitedly

    Mad Scientist at work!

    "That should do it! I hope she likes it!" thinks Danny

    "hon-ney, I have a sur-prise for you!" says Danny

    "Oh Danny you are just the sweetest cutest guy" says Belinda

    "kiss me you madman!" and Belinda grabs him

    "hey this bed makes music, Danny, and gives a wonderful feeling of bliss!"

    "you like?" asks Danny

    ' :blush: ' thinks Belinda " :smiley: " thinks Danny

    In the side yard, everyone is having fun!

    Well not everyone! Poor Bébé!
    "That was shocking Watcher!"

    But Bébé is a resourceful child, and finds a fun way to wash away the stress and singed smell!

    You are cute even all singed, Bébé!
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    TamijoTamijo Posts: 1,072 Member
    edited February 2021

    Nice intro to Max who is obviously about to join Danny’s household. Why not have a fireman in the house in case of fire, someone else can do the gardens.
    What did Ayden do to Bébé? Laying around half dead.

    More later hard to keep up with your maskingun posting. :)
    My active stories: Appaloosa County..*.. Sinful Sisters.....*.....Earlier stories:..*..Survivors the River..*.. A Memoir of Grace "Slick" Joplin
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member

    @Tamijo lol that's how I feel about your postings too! very fast, but I love that! :smiley: Yes Victor joins in, because Danny is kind like that and can tell a persons essence right away because he Knows things. Also probably having been both evil and good helps in this knowing.

    (also I have to be with new 'from homeless to townie", to find out all about them, and make sure they can fit in and manage! I once was watching this one party dancer, in Sunlit Tides, who just was so freaking helpless. He didn't even know to go home in his other dimension when he was starving and sleepy! He kept passing out right next to the stereo, and never helped himself to the buffet. I had to make the sim I was playing, go back and get him, and take him under wing. and I had to train him to be a normal sim, for a long time before I could let him be autonomous! freaky!

    Ayden has the trait 'no sense of humor' so they can be so boring they can bore a person to sleep, autonomously! lol :D
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member
    edited February 2021
    99 The Watcher Watches: Danny & Belinda <3 Family <3

    "Faelie darling, our son is really quite the remarkable lad! I am so proud of him! And do you notice, he always is smiling and has such a sweet disposition!" says Max "I think he is the sensitive sort, but with a keen logical mind as a good balance!"

    "Which son are you speaking of, darling?" Faelie knows how Max's mind can be in the Future, and He has spoken of their children on many occasions!
    Once she even learned of one of their names! 'Zeke' Faelie smiles shaking her head.

    "I'm speaking of Quigley, of course, darling!" smiles Max

    "Oh Maxy, Quigley isn't our son, not really, though we love him and think of him as 'ours', as in our little family unit! or household unit." Faelie smiles up in Max's eyes, hoping to cheer him up, as her words had a noticed effect on his mouth, stopping his smile.
    "Max it will be so wonderful, and I'm so happy he will come with us to our new home!'' She pats his hand, giving a squeeze.

    'Ah, Aha, I could have sworn ... " Max contemplates
    ''Ah! I see, not in this particular Now, but in all the others!'' he murmurs

    Max tries to explain 'I Have seen him as our son Faelie! And it is marvelous, a simply Marvelous life!
    I always think of him as our son. I have since the moment I first saw the lad, it was like we knew ... there was a particular something!

    A connection of, of, well I don't know what of, but certainly a Something!
    And we are already good parents to him! I say, the very Best parents! of the very Best son!!!" Max starts getting carried away again.

    "Maxy'' Faelie touches his arm, and it brings Max back again, to this reality. A bit. She hugs him

    Danny thinks this fine Sunday afternoon, in this beautiful, peaceful place, is perfect to teach their children fishing! Danny loves to fish, and thinks Every one should know how to fish! Especially if they love sushi, like he does!

    ''Any one want to join in on some fine fishing!?" Danny calls
    Danny is surprised and pleased that the whole household wants to join!
    fishing is new to some of the household.

    But after awhile they get the hang of it!

    Of course some are better than others, but they all have a good time!

    When Belinda heads to work Danny brings the kiddos back home with him, Victor decides to tag along, having had enough fishing for one day! :)

    "Son, I think you did a fine job fishing!
    It was fun for your Mother and I to be here with you and watch you learn!" says Max
    "We're a good family." This makes Faelie smile. dear Max.

    Quigley secretly loves the times when Max refers to him as his son! He just smiles and enjoys the lovely warm feeling of belonging, of pretending. But this time it feels different! Quigley's ears perked up at the word Mother, and he feels like he should speak up.
    He feels he is supposed to be like Max's assistant and remind him when he notices Max is in the future!

    But more and more, as the weeks have passed, Quigley has stayed quiet to just listen to Max talk, learning of the things of the future, and reveling in the moments when Max calls him son.

    Quigley even found that if he sits very quietly, on the floor leaning against Max's arm chair, while he speaks, sometimes Max's hand will graze his head, and give a pat.

    But today Max referred to Faelie as his Mother! He hopes he doesn't get in trouble for just enjoying Max's ramblings and letting it go on for so long! He decides he better be brave, and tell him.

    "Max, as wonderful as that felt to hear you call me son, this is where I should remind you, that you are in your future think again." says Quigley

    "No I'm not Quigley. I am right here in the now.'' Max says softly

    ''Faelie and I love you like our own son,

    I always think of you as my son, our son. We feel that you are our family, and we wish to make it so.''

    '' that is, if you would like that." Max says hopefully.

    Quigley can barely believe it, but this is what he daydreams of!
    Without hesitation he says
    "Are you kidding? I would Love that!!!''

    "my son, my boy'' murmurs Max softly

    "Dad!" says Quigley, hugging him in an exuberant bear hug.

    "Welcome to our family, dear Quigley" says Faelie warmly.

    "Mom!" says Quigley

    "My child" Faelie whispers, giving an extra squeeze as she notices Quigley's eyes are very wet.

    And so began the new family life of Quigley Parrish.

    'You know, my darling, I really do Love this peaceful place!" says Max
    'I asked here before and I ask here again,
    my Faelie,
    Shall we marry by the fishes?"

    he then winks to Quigley "So much better than having a big todo with our friends acting well, quite wild actually, right son?


    "My Maxy"

    "My beautiful wife,

    in all realities and times!" says Max


    Post edited by DivaDoodle on
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    TamijoTamijo Posts: 1,072 Member
    edited February 2021
    Ethereal, :D such a funny story.

    Ethereal, same person just a youth shot? Anyway, got the feeling Victor already love that job.

    Lol was waiting for that one: "You know, I'm a Fireman!"

    Why are you eating ice cream? the fridge is full of perfectly cooked healthy food!
    "it's Sunday, Watcher!" says Bébé - oh ok.
    Over here it is "Friday" candy after school or kindergarden.

    What happened to Bébé! ?

    My active stories: Appaloosa County..*.. Sinful Sisters.....*.....Earlier stories:..*..Survivors the River..*.. A Memoir of Grace "Slick" Joplin
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member
    edited February 2021

    @Tamijo No, Ethereal after becoming younger still wasn't very attractive, so I put a gender switched sim over her, from my bin. I think she looks better and love her eyes but she seems to still have that 'man chin' lol I'll try to fix it, but I'm not very good at it. lol good thing there is an 'undo' button! :D
    Oh! Friday candy sounds fantastic for kids! :)
    Ayden has the trait 'no sense of humor' which makes them so boring (opposite of exciting) they can 'bore a person to sleep', autonomously! lol :D that is what Ayden did to Bébé! she will sleep for a period of time then wake up, with a negative moodlet for a couple of hours!

    @AlexaKry Something Very fun happened! since it is Sunday in the game, Max received his book royalties from the book he wrote in Your game!!! :o:smiley: And the title is in German! And is Very interesting! :) I am so amazed that you take such great thought, even in the Books of your sims!

    But really, isn't that so interesting for Max to get royalties from books he wrote in your land!

    I am SO excited about this! I am going to have him order the book so we can have it!

    Post edited by DivaDoodle on
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member
    edited February 2021
    100 The Watcher Watches: Danny & Belinda <3 Sim Magic <3

    Hey Danny!
    "Hi Watcher!''
    ''Faelie is such a nice girl, she is really good for Max! I'm glad they married.''
    But how do you know that Danny, you weren't even there?

    ''I know things Watcher.''

    Yes, well. What else do you know Danny?
    "My children think Vance is their Uncle.
    It's time you have Bea and Vance marry. Remember he is already my brother in law.''

    Yes I forgot about that!
    "Ahh, Do you have the absent minded trait, Watcher?"
    Well no, I don't think I do.

    Max! you have royalties coming from the book you wrote in the other realm, before you came to us, in this simverse!
    "Ah yes Watcher! I have been waiting for that!" says Max

    But don't you think that is very exciting?! You didn't even write the book here, yet you receive the royalties here!
    This must be some kind of Sim Magic!
    The title is even in a different language! Order the book right now, so we can have it!
    I am very excited about this!

    "Very well, Watcher"

    This is super exciting, don't you think, Max?

    ok, carry on.

    Things are breaking in the house! Luckily Victor needs to improve his handiness skill!
    "I'm Sorry about that Victor, I didn't mean to break it!" says lil Beau, not wanting to be annoying.

    "Aw that's ok little dude, it is not a problem at all," says Victor
    "You're actually doing me a big favor! You can call on me anytime!" he smiles.

    Beau sure likes him! He likes it when Victor calls him 'little dude'! Victor is a CoolGuy! He's a Fireman!
    And already told him he can come to his job any ol' time and he'll let him turn on the Siren!
    "Just wait til I tell all my friends at school!" Beau thinks excitedly.

    Oh No! "Victor! I did something to the computer!" Beau calls, even though he is a bit embarrassed.

    "I'll be right there, little dude!" says Victor 'cute kid' he thinks.

    Quigley wants to talk to his Dad about the future, he finds it so fascinating!

    "Dad can you tell me more of the future, about our family?
    You have said I have a sibling?"

    "Oh yes son, you have siblings! And you all get along great!
    You are all blonde haired, just like your Mother and I.
    All of you share the genius trait, Zeke is a great philosopher.''

    ''Faelie has told me they have not been born yet in this Now." says Max

    "Wow Dad! Yes I can confirm that I have no siblings here, as of yet." says Quigley

    "It's really beautiful to see you all play together, the fun you have, the great debates!'' Max has a far away look in his eyes, then comes back.
    ''Sometimes I have a suspicion that Zara is your favorite!" Max laughs

    'wow, siblings!' Quigley smiles.

    Victor what happened!?
    "Well, as I was working on the stereo, I got a sudden promotion to Fire Safety Inspector!
    But then I got a shock!"

    "Every time that girl is over, the stereo breaks!" says Victor
    ohhh gee, sorry about that! Make sure you shower the singe off before you try again!

    "Fern, do you ever feel like there is a conspiracy, about you using the stereo to work out?" mentions Victor

    "Now that you mention it! It happens nearly every time I use it!" laughs Fern

    "I'm going to write an essay about it for school." she adds

    Max is only half listening to their conversation.
    He is thinking of his son Quigley in one of the many time lines,
    and is so happy and thankful he adopted Quigley in this Now.
    His heart is filled with Gratitude for all that is.

    "Our lives are so strange and lovely! ''
    ''How beautiful Faelie looked when she gave birth to Quigley in the other time" Max thinks.
    His great love makes his heart expand.

    Max goes off to find his beautiful wife.

    Max's great love has an effect on the entire household.
    Victor gets a sudden wish to write a love note to Ethereal.

    "Oh Quigley what a wonderful day it's been." sighs Fern
    "You have a Mom and Dad, a true family and you have a very loving home." Fern is so happy for him.

    "How did you know to show up, Fern, right when I wanted you
    to share the moment?" Quigley asks
    ''I can always find you Quigley, when you need me."

    "I love you Fern, I hope you know that" Quigley says softly.

    Quigley gets a wish to marry her.

    And Watcher doesn't let it fall away.

    Because sometimes they know.

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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member
    edited February 2021

    @ it is so fun to meet someone who plays the way I do.
    It sounds like you know more about their AI than I do and I'm very interested in reading more of your posts!
    I have seen some wishes not be true wishes. I had a little child that had a wish to play in her tree house and when she didn't go to play there after 2 days I thought maybe I should direct her! so I did and you should have seen her sorrowful little face and dragging her feet as slowly as possible, as if I had asked her to please enter a torture chamber LOL! no I didn't make her go!
    sad little Tula headed for the torture chamber tree house.


    so we all went to the fair to cheer her up

    The only time she was super happy was when she was near a teen she had a crush on, she had to show me in thought bubbles because kids can't make love wishes, of course.
    Tula and her crush Tristan

    Tristan shows up at the fair, he always was really nice and liked her company a lot.

    And when she finally aged up he was happy, and she certainly was as well.

    Funny how sometimes even little kids know.
    Post edited by DivaDoodle on
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    SprottenhamSprottenham Posts: 1,152 Member
    Tamijo wrote: »
    More later hard to keep up with your maskingun posting. :)

    *phew* Kind of good to see I'm not the only one finding it a little hard to keep up with the forums. It is not specifically directed at DivaDoodle or anyone else, but with everything that keeps updating around the forums.

    @DivaDoodle I enjoy reading your story, especially lately the part with the fire station and Bébé growing up. Your sims are the cutest, and they always make me smile. ^_^
    DivaDoodle wrote: »

    I have seen some wishes not be true wishes. I had a little child that had a wish to play in her tree house and when she didn't go to play there after 2 days I thought maybe I should direct her! so I did and you should have seen her sorrowful little face and dragging her feet as slowly as possible, as if I had asked her to please enter a torture chamber LOL! no I didn't make her go!
    sad little Tula headed for the torture chamber tree house.

    Wow, really. That's interesting and strange.. I thought their wishes were always their wishes. Umm.. o_O Such a sad face on that child. Ah, maybe I should pay more attention to their thought bubbles. Hmm.

    Sub blogs: #01 Sunset Valley. #02: Lake Onebega #03: Sprottenham #04: Bewickton
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    TamijoTamijo Posts: 1,072 Member

    Sim Magic
    This is so cute:
    “Ahh, Do you have the absent minded trait, Watcher?"
    Well no, I don't think I do.

    Lovely pic with Victor fixing the laptop.
    He He Victors hair when electrocuted
    Great the last shot with Fern

    Think you posted this in the wrong place – seems like a post to answer someone
    Anyway: Cute story about Tula, I’m sure I read it before, but it is very nice, so I am glad to take a replay.
    My active stories: Appaloosa County..*.. Sinful Sisters.....*.....Earlier stories:..*..Survivors the River..*.. A Memoir of Grace "Slick" Joplin
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    AlexaKryAlexaKry Posts: 2,706 Member
    @DivaDoodle : 🐸🐸🐸🐸, so many updates!
    Firstly: That freeking awesome that Max gets money for a book that he wrote in my game! I didn´t know that this could happen and have never heard of this before. Are you sure that your laptop and your game aren´t connected to different realities? No wonder that Max thinks in so many different realities!!!
    (sorry I haven´t answered to your tag, I didn´t get a notice!)

    Such great updates and so many great conversations between you and your Sims!
    So sad that the dancers didn´t appear at the shower for the-bride-to-be! I suspect that they didn´t appear because some of the guests were sent out of the house because the woohooed in the house. So maybe the game thought that the party was over?

    ugh, Dante´s outfit for the party is ugly as hell! The colors don´t match and the shoes don´t fit at all! And don´t let us talk about the "cool" glasses.... :s:p

    I love Victor´s question to the Watcher: "Excuse me Watcher! Why isn't Oakley my gf? and Why haven't you given me a home yet?"
    He really is unsatisfied with you!!! (good that you did understand him there!)

    :D:D:D Cabana´s outfit is so-doesn´t he get a cold???

    Gosh, your Sims are woohoohing like- well- bonobos!!!! You have even placed beds outside in the garden!!! So everybody can watch them! :D

    hehehe, Victor´s history lesson with Belinda seemed boring for her!

    So funny that you thought you´ve locked all the doors to the bedroom but the Sims found the only open door! Or as Dante and Danny say: I know some things!! (interesting picture of Tulip and her hand, good that they weren´t naked!
    Although Dante´s face had the perfect expression as if they were..... :pB)

    So great the reminders of the guests of there being no dancers!!! Running gag! :D

    Lol about Fern and Quigley sleeping next to the garbage, young love, right?

    Aiden van Gould seems like a little casanova, has he already kissed every single girl in town yet??? ;) In my game he was hated by nearly every one.

    Frank the mailman... so funny that the watcher wanted him to add to the household but he lied! Chance missed!
    And Victor just stepping in and telling that he never lies, in his undies!!!! :D of course the watcher had to add him to the family, with his looks! >:)
    Such a funny conversation between Danny and Victor!

    :D:D Bébé´s talk with Aiden, he bored her "to death" with his financial advice for her future!! As if she thought about that! But his proud face: soooooo greatly fitting!!!!!!

    Wow, did Ethereal looked so good when you aged her down or did you modeled her face a bit? Never had thought that this old lady looked so good in her younger years!
    So she and Victor will be colleagues and more?????
    And there we go, your Sims already in flirt mode at the fire station! tststs, what if there would be a fire????
    Interesting and beautiful picture of the fairy wings!!!!!

    What is the thing Danny upgrades the bed? Did he really upgrade the bed?? I´ve never got this thing when playing in the science carreer!

    Lol about Victor´s try to fish!!!! And the proud faces of the beginners when catching the smallest fish at all! :D

    Aww, so great that Max adopted Quigley!!! <3<3<3 The boy must be so happy! I love it that he calls Max and Faelie dad and mum!!!!
    He is so sweet, he deserves his new family!!!! Furthermore Max needs him to get to be remembered in which dimension he is atm! :D Must be very confusing to have the memories of past, present and future and this even from different dimensions!!! Max´ mind must be bursting at some point!
    Such a great talk between Max and Quigley, so happy that the boy doesn´t have to think of being only Max´ assistent anymore!
    sniff: "My child" Faelie whispers, giving an extra squeeze as she notices Quigley's eyes are very wet." mine, too!!!

    And a wedding right after it!!!! Too many positive feelings here!!! <3

    :D Victor makes a great addition to the family, he does get along very well with Beau, Beau breaks it, Victor fixes it!
    Lol about Victor´s guess that there is a conspiracy about Fern and the stereo!!!! :D

    Oh! a nice look into the future of Max and his family; he´ll have a big family, right??? Great that quigley will get siblings!

    Really GREAT updates!
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member

    @AlexaKry <3 I'm so glad you're here! <3 (((hugs))) Missed you!!!

    First of all I find it Incredible about Max's book I have Never heard of such a thing! It is so fitting for Max to have it! How perfect is that for him? I think he is more special than you or I ever thought!

    I had him order the books, but It would only let me order the one. What is his specialty in books, science fiction or which genre?

    Yes there is something very wonderfully weird with either my laptop, or my game or Max himself!
    even more weird---> OK This book is titled ''RoboKracken aus dem Hyperraum'', when I first used Google Translate it said something of "Thought being faster than light' :o which got my Hubby All Excited because he reads many books about that and traveling out of body faster than the speed of light, he says it's instantaneous.

    Then Hubby said ''please ask AlexaKry if I can read the book!--did she copywrite it--but we must we pay her!" :D He didn't know and is terribly disappointed it is only a title!
    But then in the morning I googled it again and it said Hyperraum is Hyperspace so then I understood the title! :) WHY google translate lied to me at first I will never know! :D LOL
    (and Bekkasan said she will tell me if Alfarin in her game will have this book as well! so this will be interesting!)

    2nd I am so Happy you told me a while ago that Max should adopt Quigley! It is a wonderful family! and all are very happy about it! And it is thanks to you! When you said you thought Max should adopt him I put myself in Quigley's shoes and he was terribly lonesome not to belong to anyone. yes he deserves a nice family! and he is a much better son than assistant, he loves to hear is Dad talk of all the different time lines and families they share! Quigley doesn't do Any reminding when the talk is interesting to him! :);)

    omg Victor is so cute! his whole personality and his hands on hips stance, letting out a roar of laughter! I wanted to ask you, do Your male fairies do that as well? bekkasan said she has one male fairy do this. I LOVE this idle!

    Yes Victor demanded Oakley because in my other games he is with Oakley, so he might remember? and I don't know if Ethereal is for him or not! so far they just flirt and kiss, she is like Bianca with her constant flirting. No the old lady to young wasn't a good look, so it is a gender switched sim placed over her. now I am bothered by her weird nose and man chin, but I think I have finally sorted it out.

    :D ''woohooing like bonobos'' :D:D you are so funny!!! Ah yes maybe the party dancers were effected by the bonobos getting kicked out! LOL

    I just want to say everywhere in Sunlit Tides is a bed lounger outside! I should move all my sims there, they would feel so at home! :D

    The Mad Scientist can 'experiment on' most furnishings to make them better or worse, just click on something and it should be an option. sometimes it is music, sometimes it is a feeling, some times the object burns up and Turjan told me he has stuff *poof!* disappear!

    my dear friend, I am so glad you came back and love reading your comments here they are so nice and thoughtful! Thank you! I hope there is more sunshine in your life now and you come back here to the forums and your excellent writing more and more, we all need you and love you! <3
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member

    @Tamijo and @Sprottenham I didn't read up, please excuse me! lol

    I do think maybe Danny is correct in thinking I have absent minded trait!

    I was posting about Tula here to see if the pictures were the ones I wanted, then forgot to delete when posting to that interesting person Deshong04 that is interested in Sims AI in the main "what happened in your game" thread! (But now I think I will leave it because I like to look at little Tula! :)

    Sims AI is very complex and amazing, and this person plays the way I do with SP off and lets them run autonomous as much as possible.

    We have to try to figure out what is really going on and what they are really thinking by their actions, body language, thoughts and wishes, but sometimes it can be misleading even with SP off! It has long fascinated me!

    Thank you! I very much appreciate both your comments! and so happy when you enjoy reading!

    sorry for so many posts, but what else am I going to do! lol :D
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    TamijoTamijo Posts: 1,072 Member

    Yes I did read Deshong04 very interesting thoughts and was aware that this post was like for him.
    My active stories: Appaloosa County..*.. Sinful Sisters.....*.....Earlier stories:..*..Survivors the River..*.. A Memoir of Grace "Slick" Joplin
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member
    edited February 2021
    101 The Watcher Watches: Danny & Belinda <3 Monday <3

    There is just something very wonderful about watching a Fairy Dance at Dawn! :smile:
    I watched him for an hour! He is just so Joyful! :D

    ''Victor, please I must speak with you!'' says Max

    "Max do you notice how Watcher loves to watch me? I always try to look my best!"

    "She watches everyone, you'll soon get used to it. Now, Please be serious Victor,
    I want to tell you about my wonderful son, Quigley!"

    "Oh! He is your son?! But that is wonderful Max!" says Victor

    Max doesn't like that the stereo is broken. He could fix it in a flash, but then remembers Victor needs to improve his skills.
    "If only I could tell him to improve his skills, like I can with my son! it would make my day!" thinks Max.

    "Victor, if you could be please stop joking around and be serious for a minute, the stereo needs fixing!" Max tries.

    But Victor wants to continue looking at Faelie.
    "Girls are so pretty." Victor thinks.
    He is already an Adult and has never had a girlfriend.
    "I devoted too much time playing pranks and dancing, I suppose." He tells me.
    "Yes I should really get a girlfriend, all that kissing looks like fun! I'm missing out!" thinks Victor.

    "oh yes, that miserable stereo!" he thinks

    Quigley was about to play chess. He has a mood and doesn't want to go to school today.
    "You need to get going, young man!" says Belinda
    Beau watches from the kitchen window and hurries himself off to the school bus.

    As soon as Victor arrives at work, he remembers why he likes his job so much!

    But Watcher makes him maintain his fire engine and alarm before he is set free to have fun. Cabana Boi, is in the background coming out of the Stylist, he might have had the stylist design him a new towel. We can hope!

    "Hi there Victor! Care to fairy frolic?" says Ethereal
    'Well Sure!" says Victor

    Victor can't stop staring at Ethereal.
    "You're pretty!" Victor is such an eloquent speaker, a real charmer!
    "woo! but that way too forward for me Victor!" Ethereal fibs.
    "Oh I'm sorry Ethereal! I got carried away!"

    Ethereal likes him! she thinks he is just the cutest, and soon reconsiders.
    Besides she is a flirty little minx!
    and she won't let him alone.

    "I wish to kiss you, may I?" asks Victor, not wanting to be turned away again.


    With their flirting and smooching satisfied they take a pause, then Victor asks her to play football with him.

    "Gosh! I hope she didn't see this!" thinks Victor. these slidy poles can be tricky for a beginner!

    ''What a fun job!'' Victor thinks. "I sure picked out a great career for myself!"
    Watcher hopes things work out for Victor!

    Danny gets off work from his Mad Scientist job. Looks like he is still happy with the outfit and hair he picked out for himself!
    He was thinking about his wonderful Belinda all the way home!

    Belinda stops playing with the virtual reality game as soon as Danny steps foot on the lot, and approaches, to flirt with her husband.

    All it takes is one flirt and they are irresistible to each other!
    They are so in love!

    Quigley aren't you going to do your homework?
    "Not yet, Watcher. I still have a mood, and all I could do was just stare at Fern, all day in class." He tells me
    He reads ''Out of the Wastelands of your Heart." excellent book for a mopey teen! :D

    "Mom, I couldn't concentrate at school today.'' Quigley says. He needs to talk it out, as all these powerful emotions are just too much to bare alone.

    "Oh dear boy, we all have those days" says Faelie, reassuringly.

    "No seriously Mom, all I could do was stare at Fern in class, and think about asking her to marry me!"

    "We love each other and don't think there is any reason to wait to have a wedding." poor Quigley is so full of love and angst!

    "I know what it's like to be so in love, Quigley. And to want that final commitment,
    and to hear those wedding bells, my son." says Faelie.

    "I would like your blessing to ask her, Mom. I already have the wish to propose." Quigley wants his parents blessing but he thinks even if he doesn't get it, he might have to go ahead, without it! he has never felt so serious about anything in his life so far!

    "You're very young to have that wish, son, this may mean something more than we know.
    I think you need to ask Dad what he thinks, as all of us need to be on board with your wedding bells thoughts, and wishes.'' says Faelie gently.
    "ok Mom, I can wait until I at least speak with Dad."

    "Bébé you need to practice your skills! says Faelie
    "Well that was interesting!" says Faelie
    "Kids! they are so creative!" says Belinda

    I check on Victor, to see if a fire will alarm, or anything dire has happened in town.

    ''You're a lovely dancer, Ethereal" says Victor.
    Ethereal's heart skips a beat, she Loves guys that wink!
    "No guys Ever wink in this town! Only cute Texan men wink, isn't that so watcher?"
    Yes it is so.
    "He is so cute!" she tells me.

    Ethereal has said she would stay over.
    "That is music to my ears" says Victor

    Max has been busy researching, so Quigley hasn't had a chance to speak with him yet.
    He doesn't know what to do with himself.
    He decides to write Fern a love letter.

    But this just makes him miss her more!
    It has been 4 solid hours since he has seen her!
    He takes off!
    "please come over Fern, I want you near me in our home."

    When Quigley lacks the option to ask her to stay, Danny comes to the rescue. He has never seen a boy so love sick.
    ''Good ol' Danny, is just so Great!" thinks Quigley

    When Max finishes his research he and Faelie decide to sleep in the outdoor lounge bed, that makes music. Danny did such a fine job making it!
    "We like to see the stars from this comfortable spot." Max tells me.

    This frees up their bed.

    Poor Victor is quite perplexed.
    "There is the pretty girl, but this isn't my room." he sulks
    Then heads to sleep in his fairy house.

    As the crickets cheep, Danny suddenly awakens.
    He thinks of Beau and Bebe, then of Quigley's love madness.
    "Why do they grow up so fast?" he thinks
    He heads to the rocking chair, to watch over his children.

    " I like to make sure they have good dreams" he says

    Good ol' Danny.
    Post edited by DivaDoodle on

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