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  • You're missing the first bracket [ in front of IMG I think
  • Also, has all cc listed in neat little tags, so if you're for specific themes/styles its super easy to browse through
  • I dont think i could play the game without cc, honestly, and I've never had any problems in my game cos of it. I hate clipping too,so if something clips weirdly I just take it out, easy enough. It makes the game so much more customizable for me, plus there's cc for almost everything, from cas to building to decor. As for…
  • I don't think there's such thing as too much cooling, unless it's like, extreme. And the temperature of the cooling pad air is really only whatever the temperature of the room is, so you should be fine. I don't need to use the pad when I'm just like, browsing the internet or whatever though, just when I have a program…
  • It connects via usb. the one I have also has a usb slot on it, so you don't actually lose any usb ports when it's plugged in :)
  • @Colton147147 I have a Thermaltake cooling pad now and it's the only one I've been successful with, actually! It's super quiet too. :)
  • If you can get your hands on a legit cooling pad, (with a fan) try that and see if it makes a difference. My laptop's a few years old, and it handled ts3 and wonderfully until suddenly it didn't, lol. It seemed like the cooling issues came out of the blue with it. I've gone through a couple cooling pads before i found one…
  • Do you have a cooling pad? This happens to my laptop all the time without one. I didn't realize when I bought the laptop, it was less than an inch thick, and unfortunately it can't circulate the air properly and just overheats and shuts off. This happens with the sims and photoshop, for me, but using a cooling pad fixed…
  • Lol i decided i didn't want the growfruit in my game, so ive ignored the patching for the past month haha. Ive just been turning my internet connection off each time i play and turning it back on when im done! You could do that until you're finished the challenge. it sounds like youre pretty cose to finishing it anyway! :)
  • If you just keep killing them off the game will keep respawning them :( youre better off going into cas.fulleditmode and humaninzing them lol. You should be able to find them in manage housholds, under "not in world". I merged all my aliens into one household and made them look human so i dont notice them so much, and…
  • Its like, for finances! So basically at the beginning of the fiscal year they have a new budget and what not, so they have more freedom at the beginning of a fiscal year as opposed to the end of one (march) cos at that point their budgeting and what not would be running out for the year. Also, its basically a clean slate…
  • I had a pretty funny glitch, i guess, in ts4. I decided to stage a photoshoot with a bunch of my sims so i turned off their autonomy and cheated them happy when their needs went yellow. I was messing around with it for like, 2 hrs irl or something. Anyway, lately my pauses have been kinda laggy, so when i hit pause this…
  • @hannahvs3 I checked out pineapple thief! they're good, and super chill. There's something familiar about them, but I'm not sure what it is. I think I'm getting a Deathcab/Muse vibe from them, maybe? I've always loved hard rock but hated metal, but the past year I've been getting more and more into it. I've been really…
  • Sssvitlans is probably the best orgaization wise for cc, everything is tagged into categories and sub categories so its super easy to find specific things. Or you can just browse the s4 tag. Its updated daily :)
    in MODs Comment by sekojrana March 2016
  • @hannahvs3 oh there we go! Haha, i even got two notifications about it! Haha wicked
  • @hannahvs3 maybe its not automatic, and mods have to do it manually? After all the spam thats been happening maybe theyre looking a little closer before the member status goes through? Thats my best guess
  • @hannahvs3 thanks! Haha, i have no idea! I think maybe members get promoted in batches? Seems like theres batch updates in the activity feed or whatever usually, i guess ill get a notification when it happens? Hmm!
  • @hannahvs3 im not sure, im kind of afraid to tho, cos it was instant, it manifested hours later. For my other vaccines, i hung around the clinic for a few hours after just incase, but i havent hard the nerve to get the same one done yet. i also have an autoimmune disease, and it just hit me that that mightve had something…
  • @hannahvs3 it is a lovely place to visit hehe. Id love to visit the netherlands, but i dont see that happening. (I had a severe allergic reaction to a fairly important vaccine when i was younger, so i never did get up to date with it, and countries dont like you to visit them without up to date vaccinations lol) And yes! I…
  • And ive never heard of puneapple theif! Ill look them up when i get home. And yeah, if younlike to travel youd probably go stir crazy here, but i actually love it here haha. I drive around the island in the summer, theres so many places ive still never seen, and alot of tiny little communities (some abandoned!), and…
  • @sillyangel0906 i know right? So underrated! Haha, i used to have them on my ipod but for some reason all their songs werent equalized properly, and they would come on like, 4 times as loud. I used to use audio crossfade feature and id forget about it until a song crept in and then got suddenly deafening hahaha. @hannahvs3…
  • @hannahvs3 oh, that's too bad about AC/DC. And yeah, i can leave in the winter, but plane tickets are often over $1000 (its like, $600 just to fly from one coast of the island to the other, alone lol) and the ferry operates but if the winds get high at all there a good chance the ferry cant dock, so essentially youre stuck…
  • @DevilNDisguise honestly, i feel like saint asonia sounds more like TDG than TDG does now haha. I think adam has a really iconic voice tho, and hes definitely brought over his song style to his new band. I do think both bands are going to do well though, but i think TDG style is shifting a little, but i like the direction…
  • @sillyangel0906 ouuuu youre the first person ive heard mention fuel before! I love them so much! Haha hemorrhage has to be ones of my all time favourite songs! And breaking benjamin is my other fave haha! so happy theyre making new music
  • @hannahvs3 yeah it can be pretty brutal. Haha, not to mention the poor souls that got stuck on the gulf for 20+ hrs last winter. Never take the ferry in the winter lol. Back on topic, though, it seems like this year is gonna be a good year for tours! Lots coming back from hiatus are touring right now. While i was googling…
  • @sillyangel0906 there's rock the yacht, and axes and anchors, but i feel like theres another one thats less descriptive that its on a boat via the name but i cant remember it hahaha (speaking of boats, i love your signature!)
  • Ouuu the idea of a road trip to see a concert sounds like alot of fun, actually. Im in driving distance of nothing lol. But i can take the car on the ferry, and its about 8 hours (in good weather lol) to get to the mainland, so i might road trip one day! Haha, maybe hit up montreal and test out my horrible french lol.…
  • Could you enable cheats and shift+click on the painting to delete it?
  • @hannahvs3 i dont think its against the rules, ive seen people do it lol. And im from newfoundland, although i think even canada forgets about us sometimes haha. But yeah, the tickets alone can be pricey, lol maybe its a good thing we dont get regular tours here afterall haha id be broke! At least when i eventually do make…
  • @hannahvs3 ouu im jealous! My live show experience is very little haha. I live on a tiny little island so bands rarely come here and because of the isolation thing it costs a fortune to actually get off the island and go to where the tours happen haha. Although, speaking of three days grace earlier, they actually did come…
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