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The Legacy-Bachelor Challenge *COMPLETED*


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    QueenarellaQueenarella Posts: 3,379 Member
    It's so weird to only have 4 sims in the household... I hope there will be alien babies soon or at all!

    It seems that my sims always pick the WORST room to die in. It's super small, awful for screenshots,...

    Yes there's an option to "strengthen connection to physical world" but you get a notification that it's time to do this or the spirit will go away :) Sometimes I feel like forgetting this because the ghosts break so much stuff... It's ok with the two bots now but they get lost way too often -.-

    They're basically twins just a few days apart lol Well, Rose should be a teen soon. I need to play ahead a bit because currently I have 0 screenshots for tomorrow's chapter :D

    It's my fault that the parents barely interact with their kids. In the end, Roger and James weren't even friends anymore... :|

    Is it a glitch tho? I clicked "Swoon all" and they all cheered and collapsed :D Didn't look like a glitch to me. And if it is one after all, I hope it stays lol

    I'd say Blue is nicer than Caly tho because of lack of god-complex :D I guess it's normal sims don't always say yes to a fan request.

    Ah, you've asked me before and I totally forgot :| I'll upload them today! It might be that there's already a Straud family with 2 kids or 1 kid and Cam pregnant. But that still means one kid is missing ^^

    When you have two stories,a toilet on the upper storey, then you can see a flame on the ceiling in the lower storey when someone uses the upstairs toilet :D:D

    I have 4 spacerocks in the family inventory. Remember the huge one that made Barbarella go "It's nice to see something from home."? This and 3 small ones. Might put them in Roger's inventory instead ^^
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    Totally up to you of course. I thoroughly enjoy it, and I'm one of the biggest micromanagers around in my opinion. However, when I started playing my EL tester Sims that I fully control, you could almost hear my sigh of relief in Germany. :D It was nice having a break from them, but I miss them terribly. I hope we get a patch soon so I can play them again, and Maralyn. :)

    It's not for everyone and certainly doesn't lend well to the Rags to Riches style, at all. But, it's fun to try things differently in the game now and then. For instance, if I hadn't tried it, I wouldn't have Eddy and that would be a shame. ;)

    Romeo I think did the final reveal showing off how the terrain tools work, yes and he also did the teaser demonstration at the end of another livestream without saying a word, I think during a Maxis Monthly when Kate was still around. Greg! Okay, I knew it was a 'G' name. :D I think it was George who did the EL livestream that made everyone want to buy it, right? o.O I could be wrong. There's so many, I get them mixed up.

    Agreed! There's a yellow and white one in our town that I keep thinking I want to try to build but so far I haven't tackled it. One day...

    I wouldn't say ugly, just very homely in my opinion. Vlad's dark mode is the only actual ugly Sim I think. You're right though, from a distance, lots of premades look fine, but then when you look at them in CAS where you can see all the fine details, it's a different story.

    Exactly what happened to my House 03 Drifter, Adam, who was abducted as an elder and had alien twins. He only lived long enough to see them as toddlers. :(

    LOL I read about that trick in another thread, so funny! :D

    Did you find any you're seriously interested in pursuing?
    I always do and hope it works just so they have one more day to spend exclusively with their loved one, pouring on the love, pampering them, etc. as a way to say their final goodbyes. It doesn't always work out that way, but I love when it does. My favorite Sim, Josh Hunter, did that with his wife, Zoe, in the Asylum challenge. Unfortunately though, when she died the second time, it was in a tiny bathroom and he couldn't get in there. :( Oh well, at least they had the one last day together sharing their love. <3

    That is just so bizarre! One of the weirdest glitches I've ever heard of in the game. Well, besides the one where your Katrina had a baby with a cat. o.O

    Ah, okay, that's true. Only Sims that have won the Lottery or pursued the Rosebud challenge have been that rich in my game. :)

    I figured that was the case, too good to be true and all that. Our Sims aren't that intelligent. Oh well, it was a nice dream while it lasted.

    Mary didn't give two figs about your screenshot, all she cared about was that Daddy was paying attention to someone other than her. :D

    Alrighty, thanks for the info. :)

    I wouldn't be surprised if it's a bug. There are soooo many in the game now as a result of that patch, and for those that have EL, there's even more bugs. *sigh* I wonder what's taking so long with the patch? A lot of Simmers have completely stopped playing their games. Not good. I'm just not playing with saves that I care about in the meanwhile. Glad I can at least do that.

    Ugh, I hope you find them soon! 🤞

    Sure, but not for soup and thin dishes like that they prepare in a pot. It's all the same to the Sims. :D

    I haven't played GF that much so I don't have much experience with all the things celebrities can do like that. I've actually only played with one celebrity so far and Marty would never do that, it's not his style. :) I was just playing him regularly, I think without a celebrity aspiration so maybe that's why I didn't know about the swoon thing.

    Ooo, cool! Another nooboo! I would love to see pics, thank you! Thanks too for saying Maralyn's beautiful, very sweet of you! :)

    Only four stars? That's really good though. It only goes to five. Good luck to her!

    Current Chapter:
    I love that cat ears hoodie, so cute! I dislike the cat ears hairstyle though.

    Aww, poor Brian! My NSB family lived on the Windenburg lot in the country that has a lonnnng, hilly driveway. I watched Caleb make his way up that hill during a blizzard. Poor thing fell three times before he finally made it. To add insult to injury, Velamint ended up using the freeze ray on him. :D

    Was Nathan trying to mentor Mary in chess? Bummer she was acting all angsty teen when he was just trying to be nice. hehe

    Good to know fans don't ask for selfies if I ever do that aspiration.

    Didn't turn the sound off quick enough, eh? :D

    Why did she agree to give that girl an autograph? Something special about her?

    GRRR! There's not much I downright hate about this game, but situational outfits is one thing I most definitely do! 😠

    Aww, Sandy looks SO happy! :)

    Sophie! Hi there pretty lady! Too bad your mouth is so distorted from swooning. Sheesh! Why do all the animations have to be so far over the top?

    hehehe You know, that's one bug from the patch I really don't mind all that much. It's so hilarious! Roger's smirk is priceless! 😏

    Congrats to Roger for maxing Robotics! :)

    You already know my thoughts on James dying so soon from my message. I'll just leave it at that and go cry in a corner... 😭

    Goodbye girls! I hope you find someone to love as much as your parents loved each other. Oh and Bel, PUT DOWN THE TOYS! (I knew this would happen). 🙄

    Happy Friday and have a great weekend! <3
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    QueenarellaQueenarella Posts: 3,379 Member
    "hear my sigh of relief in Germany"? I don't get what you mean here :sweat_smile: I think I'll still wait for the patch and the sale. Tho I'm running out of time where I have time to play :D I don't think I'll be this active here and in the game once teacher training starts... It's said to be super busy.

    No Eddy would indeed be a sad sad world! I'm glad you created him <3

    Yes I remember the little wordless part at the end ^^ Haha, at least it is a name with G. I sometimes say "it's something with G" and then it turns out that there's no G anywhere in the name :joy: Yes, George did the EL livestream :)

    Ooh that sounds nice! As a sims builder it's hard to go around and not think "I could use this in my builds" :D

    Usually premades have one "ugly" feature but that's so massive that I hate it so much and don't want to use them :D Like Summer Holidays has super broad shoulders and slim hips. I know that's a realistic shape but I want my sims women to have a glasshour figure lol Or some have tiny eyes or weird eye shapes, etc... The only one I can say that I do not think has any flaws is Don ^^ But his daughters sometimes turn out a bit... hm. His sons are handsome tho :p Like James ;)

    It's hard to see your sim's kids grow up as half-orphans :/ That's why I usually try to knock up my sims very soon in their YA phase so they're still around when the kids are ya ^^

    There are some apartments that are really nice and I think I could even afford them. The problem is, I have no idea where the government will send me to for the whole thing :D I just looked at apartments close to the school nearest to my bff ^^
    The very few times I had a sim beg for a loved one usually turned out to be a no -.- I think since the base game came out I've won the little thingy like 4 times max :D Grimmy hates my sims, apparently.

    That wasn't a glitch tho but MCCC not recognizing the cat as a non-human sim :D

    I reached 2M now B) But tbh without James harvesting the garden my sims got a bit too busy with life :/

    And here we are and thought Bel is the evil one lol Is there a selfish trait? I think Mary should have it :D

    Every time I start the game I find new bugs. Like my toilets and showers being broken and dirty but I can only use them but not repair or clean them :# Oh, and I found out that the extra long life for mermaids is also a bug :D A good one tho

    There's 5 generations left to find them. One day I will find them :D

    It's the first time I saw the swoon thing, too. I know that some fans do this when they see a celebrity but not all at once :joy:

    It's a girl this time :) Still a baby tho. I think. I haven't checked it yet :sweat_smile:

    OK, the "only" before the 4 stars was unnecessary. Let me brag for a second: Blue is a 4-star celeb, still a young adult, level 6/7 in her career and has 2 kids :pB)
    Bah the hairstyle is awwwwful lol

    Bahahaha I love it when sims slip during a blizzard :D

    Yes, he mentored her. I just caught the one moment she looked at her phone ^^

    They do it just takes some time. The aspiration shouldn't be too easy anyway :p Easy aspirations are... boring :p But hard ones are scary. I'm scared of the Friend of the Animals one :#

    I could have just taken off my headset ^^ But it was already too late... :'(

    I have no idea. I guess there's only a certain chance that your celebrity agrees to fan requests.

    Situational outfits are awful but usually super funny, too :joy:

    I think the swooning isn't that much over the top. I bet there are way too many fans out there who react like this in real life o.O Like have you seen the fangirls for boy bands on tv? All the screaming and crying... that's once made me mute my tv.

    This was the first time I saw Roger smiling/smirking without an evil look in his eyes. He looks so gentle in the screenshot. If you ignore the fact that he's peeing and the toilet is on fire :joy:

    Roger now harvests the garden and when he's got days off from work he'll go on collectible hunts lol

    James didn't die soon :sweat_smile: He had 24.5 bonus days :)

    Bel put it down. She isn't as evil as she wants us to think she is :p

    Have a great weekend! <3

    And I'm off to write today's chapter :)
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    QueenarellaQueenarella Posts: 3,379 Member
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    It means I was so relieved to play Sims I could actually fully control, my satisfied sigh was so loud you could hear it all the way there where you live, in Germany! :D Oh yeah, only a couple months away now until things get seriously busy for you. I couldn't wait to buy it despite the major bugs it has, so I'd certainly understand if you did as well. ;)

    lol I've done that before! Many times! Hubby usually pipes up and says, "Sucks being old, doesn't it?" o.O He can be such a stinker sometimes. :D

    It is such a lovely house! I'm always on the lookout for interesting/unique houses when we're traveling anywhere. Sometimes I'll just look at house plans online for inspiration too. :)

    I never even gave Summer's shoulders a second glance, but her buggy eyes are what bothered me. I fixed them on her and she's really quite pretty now. Don is flawless in my opinion too! I love that Sim! He does make handsome sons, and actually, beautiful daughters too. At least in my game. His daughter Della with my Drifter founder turned out absolutely gorgeous in my opinion. :)

    That's a good idea! I usually wait until they've established themselves financially before trying for a family. Sometimes even wait until they are adults. It's tough having a family right away when playing Rags to Riches style. I might have to give your way a try though and see if my sims can swing having a family sooner. It would be nice for them to see their children grow up at least. :)

    Ohh, I see, you were just dreaming/hoping they'd send you near your BFF, I can understand that. Crossing my fingers that's where you end up! :)
    Well that's a bummer, it's the exact opposite in my game. I think I've only had it fail a couple times, usually it works. Thank Goodness! :)

    There's the Self-Absorbed trait that came with Get Famous. I think that would be close enough to selfish. Maybe she should've had that one eh? :D

    The long life for Mermaids is a glitch? GAH! I hope they don't ever fix it. I love seeing Nalani and the others still around long after others are elders and/or gone.

    Cool, another little girl. No hurry, whenever you have a chance is soon enough. Thanks again! :)

    That's fabulous, I'd want to brag about it too! Go Blue!

    Agreed about aspirations. I always thought the Friend of the World aspiration would be tough. But, thanks to the 'take photo of' glitch (which I hope never gets fixed) it was actually quite easy to make 20 friends for Lana. The easiest aspiration in my opinion is the Body Builder one. Or maybe Beach Life.

    Yeah, the swooning is realistic, it's the face they pull before the swoon that I think looks awful. lol I've seen lots of screaming/crying fans for celebrities in my life and I, uh, MAY or may not have been one myself at the Queen + Adam Lambert concert. 🤫

    Thank you for letting me know that about James! I appreciate it very much. <3

    Current Chapter:
    Aww, they must've gotten to know each other or something. Sad seeing Blue so blue...literally.

    O.O Why do Rose's eyes kind of freak me out? She looks very angry or maybe confident?

    James would've had the Super Sell option which sells them all at once instead of harvesting each plant one by one. Roger would have to level up his gardening skill though to get that. Bummer.

    You should send Roger to alien night at the bar too, that might help to increase his chances for abduction, and how's his Logic skill? I've heard that helps as well.

    Oh darn, looks like at least 8 slots on top of that fireplace. o.O

    Hi Maralyn, Violet, Marielle, John and Freddie too! <3

    LOL Were Rose and Lily actually falling asleep doing homework or something? That's what it looks like. :p

    Whoa! Nathan does NOT look like he died as an elder. I think he wins the sexiest elder award in your Legacy. Sorry Kaden and James... :D

    My Hero of Strangerville would get rotten fish in fanmail too. He also got spoiled cupcakes, lumps of clay and future cubes. Pfft...

    I love the screenie of Linda spying on Blue and Roger, so cute! Annnnd your threat to Roger made me almost spit out my soda. On a sidenote, Roger is the same color as their bedroom walls! o.O Did you do that on purpose?

    Have a good one! <3
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    QueenarellaQueenarella Posts: 3,379 Member
    Oh I thought you meant there was a sigh coming from Germany :joy: Now I get it ^^ I should wait :# I really should wait lol. Maybe one more week. If there's no sale or patch by next Friday, I'll give in to my impatience. Maybe. :D

    But when he calls you old he does know that he's old, too, doesn't he? :p

    I look at houses on Pinterest all the time when I want to build something new. As I build big houses most of the time I need to look up mansions or manors tho :joy:

    You're lucky then ^^ Imo when a girl gets Don's nose it looks misplaced. I don't think they look ugly but the nose just looks odd to me :D But I thought the same about Tempy's nose :D

    The big difference is that I play with 2M cash now so they can blow out the candles and go straight over to baby making :joy:

    Thank you :) I should know it soon. Usually at the start of August. Maybe I'm lucky and they send out the stuff earlier but I doubt it. At least there's sign that it'll be later because of covid as the first stuff that gets sent out already arrived, as far as I've heard ^^
    Maybe it's better this way as you like it and I don't mind my sims dying after a long and great life ^^

    I thought about this trait, too, but it's more like "I can't stop admiring myself in the mirror" and less "me first" imo. But you're right, it's the closest one to being selfish.

    DeKay looked it up for me. It's not a glitch in every game so we're lucky ^^ I thought it's a cool extra for mermaids as they don't have much powers or abilities compared to the other occults we have.

    Another girl? Maralyn has two boys :p And now a girl ^^

    I might even have time to let her do a second aspiration B)

    The Friend of the World aspiration isn't hard - even without the glitch - but it is a lot of work ^^ There are many too easy ones. Leader of the Pack can be done in a few sim days. The Fabulously Wealthy aspiration can be over in a few seconds when your sim is already rich and has dragonfruits :D I'd say most aspirations are easy and only a few are hard. And I call or called a lot of aspirations "scary" or "hard" because I've never tried them :D Like Party Animal.

    Queen is an exception :p You MUST scream at them, Adam included of course :p
    I suppose they got to like each other eventually :)

    In the second screenshot? I'd say she looks determined to fight Grimmy to get her grandpa back :D

    But I used the Harvest All option all the time. :D

    So far I have an alien in the house, said alien is a scientist, I have the space rocks. I think that's all. Roger has no logic skill at all. I might need to have him use the telescope at night, too. There will be an alien baby! I just need to believe in it ^^

    Have I mentioned the kitchen is on the other side of the house?

    Nathan is my Mr. Sexy Ghost :D But also the grumpiest.

    Same for Tempy. Tons and tons of clay... At some point I sold the packs for 0 money.

    He is? I thought the wallpaper is more on the green side than on the blue side :sweat_smile: Nope, not on purpose. But I tried to use a bit more blue shades for Blue :)

    Happy Saturday and 4th of July! <3
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited July 2020
    Whenever you're ready! The pack isn't going anywhere, so there's no hurry unless you have big plans to play with everything included in it. I just couldn't wait since it caters perfectly to my play style. :)

    LOL Of course, he's actually older than I am by almost 3 years. :p

    Mansions for you, cabins, cottages, Craftsman style, Mid Century Modern, country, farm house, Colonial and Victorian for me. Very, very rarely have I built anything modern and even more rarely mansions. However, I did build a post modern for a challenge once a long time ago, that was fun! I actually won the round too. :)

    I guess I did get lucky or she just got her Mom's nose instead of Don's maybe? *shrugs*

    True, your Legacy Sims will never have to worry about finances again. :)

    You're welcome and I hope Covid doesn't delay their decision and getting the information quickly for you. :)
    I think it's more the fact I normally play with aging off. So when I do have to play with it on, I like to try and delay the inevitable as long as possible! Plus, I'm older myself, so that might play a factor. :)

    It's not like that for everybody's game? Huh, I wonder what makes our games different than others for our Mermaids long life. It is a nice extra perk for them since they didn't get much to make them very special really. They do have a lot, but you know what I mean.

    Opps! I misspoke again, I think I was thinking about Cam and Kevin's kids instead of Maralyn's. :D

    It's hard when normally your Sims are homebodies without a lot or even any friends because I'm pushing them to just survive. I've never tried the Leader of the Pack aspiration either. Mostly because my Sims rarely create or are in clubs. So far mostly just the Sims in my Asylum challenge have created a club. But only for the residents so the controlled Sims can, well, somewhat control them. ;)

    I don't think I sat down more than 5 minutes during the entire concert too! My voice was shot for three days afterward and I was extremely sore, especially my feet and legs for a week! I wore a pair of new knee high black leather Fergalicious boots I'd treated myself after losing 50 lbs. and they have a somewhat high heel. Probably not the best thing to wear when standing for so long. lol So, so worth it though! <3
    Anything you can do to up the odds for him getting abducted is great! Has Blue built the satellite yet? There's a setting on that for 'contact aliens.' That sometimes works too! They might just show up at the house for a visit though, in person. Some Simmers get a landing party of around 3-6 alien Sims showing up at their door!

    I'll never understand the lack of logic with your Sims concerning dirty dishes. It's just weird!

    0 money? They're not worth anything? Or did you delete the money they earned from selling them?

    It must just be the lighting or my monitor then with Roger and the wallpaper. It looks almost the exact same shade on my screen. Weird.

    Thanks! It was a wonderful Independence Day here for us. Got to play with my three grandchildren, grill steaks, then play some cards and have some drinks after the children went to bed. Very laidback and relaxing filled with lots of love, laughter and oh so sweet moments. <3
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    QueenarellaQueenarella Posts: 3,379 Member
    I know I repeat myself but I want the CAS and BB stuff :D That's the only reason I want the pack and that's why I want to wait for a sale. I can be rather impatient tho.

    Haha then it's kinda cute he says it :p

    I looked at Victorian gothic houses on Pinterest lately and it would look super cool in the game but 1) it's more a style for small or medium sized houses and 2) it looks complicated to build :D Modern is super easy to build. Just add some squares together, no roof or only the one sided roof, 2-3 different colors, boom, done :D Oh cool! Congratulations :)

    Don's nose on girls looks way too big and kinda odd imo. When you look at my BOTU, my gen 2 heiress Betty is his daughter. Her nose doesn't stand out as her head is huge and she's still super ugly :D

    They might have to be a tad scared if the bills were still around 20K instead of below 1K... No jobs, lots of decoration, and boom, they would get close to 0 again. At least that could happen. Could have happened, more like. Oh, and I would need the gardening glitch for my goldmine :D I played yesterday and Roger seriously got investment money a bit above 100K. Where was this money in generation 1? :joy:

    Thank you :) But I don't think it'll be delayed :)
    You might be older but you're not old :p If you were a sim your bar wouldn't even be blinking by now :)

    At least the site says there are simmers who don't have extra long living mermaids in their games. But it seems to be a very wide spread glitch. I hope it stays lol

    Oh I see :D Yeah, Kevin and Cam have 2 daughters ^^ The youngest - Tia - is the best looking of them all :)

    I never use clubs either. Few times I've used it to for a kids club if one of the kids had the social butterfly aspiration. It's sometimes a bit hard to find kids in the game :D

    Those boots sure look awesome! Haha, only once so far I've made the mistake to wear heels when I had to walk a lot. I'd rather look ugly than do this ever again ^^

    Yes the satelite is in her inventory. I forgot it at the legacy house when she needed it at work -.- :D I'll definitely try the satelite soon!

    What's even weirder is, my sims don't like doing the dishes, cleaning them up or any other way - unless the kids, they do it all the time but
    only their plate... Tempy for example acted like she was allergic to cleaning up dishes :D But now as a ghost, she ALWAYS cleans up dirty dishes when she's out of the urn :joy:

    When you don't open the parcels they are worth 0. But that's better than having a thousand clays lying around :D

    The wallpaper is seafoam on this pic.

    And Roger is sky on this one.

    Sounds like a wonderful holiday spent with loved ones <3
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    That's all true, but I don't like to build HUGE mansions, I love small or even tiny homes, once in awhile something more medium. I don't mind complicated builds either, it's fun for me, a challenge and I love building anyway! :)

    Like I said, I must've just been incredibly lucky then. Maybe Donnie boy will be the Dad of more kids in my game some time in the future. I'll cross my fingers he doesn't have any girls. :p

    Plus, right now the bills are borked. They're so low. I'm hoping that's just a glitch though. Especially for those with rich Sims who are now wondering what their Sims are supposed to do with all their money. I keep wondering if maybe they did that because something is coming up that would be super expensive to buy? I don't know. *shrugs*

    Aww, what a sweet thing to say! *Hugs* <3

    Sometimes hard to find teens too I've noticed, or even other YA other than premades, townies seem to be all adults or elders in my game.

    I would wear high heels every day when I was working, and on my feet a lot so I thought I'd be good to go. Nope. I guess too many years had passed and my feet weren't used to that kind of punishment anymore. :D I only wear my boots now for special occasions, like dinner out, birthdays, etc.

    Could have her make a duplicate? I always do that with the Simray, satellite dish, cloning machine and wormhole generator for my Scientist Sims. :)

    That is very bizarre! o.O

    Wellll, you could always sell them, right? Not that you need the money, but just saying. :)

    I know, but the lighting in that screenshot made Roger's color look very similar to the wallpaper on my monitor.

    It was, very much so. I'm blessed... <3
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    QueenarellaQueenarella Posts: 3,379 Member
    I build mansions most of the time because I need big houses :D I have 4 sims in my house recently and that's a new thing after a long long time :D

    Donnie boy babies :love::D He's my favorite premade to use as a spouse.

    It feels like the bills were changed on purpose :/ You can see now how they're made up and I guess the devs couldn't justify 20K bills with this system so they changed the bills :# My opinion only tho :sweat_smile: Hm, I can't see anything expensive to come. Why would this already be added in this patch and not in a later one? I bet they already had a lot of stuff to work on for this patch :sweat_smile:

    So true! Without MCCC it was almost impossible to find child-young adults. With MCCC that has changed but still... It was sometimes really hard to find a spouse :sweat_smile:

    I should get used to heels more often. I barely wear them, love them tho :D I can't walk in too high heels tho... It's a shame as I'm only like 5'4 or 5'5. My height is somewhere in between those two :D

    I didn't know I could make a duplicate :D Or do you mean just let her create a second one? That's what Blue did when I noticed she needed the satelite at work but it was at home lol

    And one sim ghost cleaned up the toys on the coffee table :|

    Yeah that's what I do. I sell the parcels. Oh you mean the clay? I feel bad selling clay... No idea why tho :joy: We have about 8 in the office by now. So far, no one picked any of it up :D

    If Roger really was the same color my eyes would hurt :joy:
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    QueenarellaQueenarella Posts: 3,379 Member
    And here is today's chapter:

    Chapter 5.10
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    MonaSolstraaleMonaSolstraale Posts: 1,393 Member
    edited July 2020
    Blue has grown up to middle-aged and it seems to cause some midlife crises in marriage :#
    ...suddenly I can recognize Roger's less flattering and malevolent side :/
    The kids are almost past their childhood .... I wonder if Roger ever managed to have an alien baby :| ...
    he seems to fight it by all means >:)
    Melina is very beautiful :love:
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    I understand, you always have large families, which is what usually happens with Legacies. I normally don't, just a single Sim who might get married and have one, maximum two (unless they have triplets) children. I just love smaller, cozier houses anyway. :)

    He's my favorite now too. I've only used him twice so far. As a Baby Daddy (he didn't move in and they didn't marry) to my founder in an official Legacy that I never finished, and the Drifter challenge. I adore him though, he's my favorite premade. Played with him a lot in TS2. <3

    Yes, the bills were changed on purpose, but the lot tax is an actual glitch, there's a thread about it on the EA Answers HQ board. I didn't know that when I wrote my previous reply. So yeah, you're most likely right, nothing expensive coming in another pack/patch. Would be cool though eh? ;)

    It is tough, especially for challenges where you're not allowed to pursue premades, only townies. I try to avoid challenges like that just for that reason. I got really lucky in the Drifter challenge House 02 where Della was supposed to marry a service Sim, for instance a mail carrier, vendor, pizza delivery, etc. Royce turned out to be a diamond in the rough. He was the Pizza guy. :D

    I'm 5'4" and that's the very reason why I love high heels because I'm so short! :D I even wore them in high school with my super straight jeans. :)

    Exactly! Create another one, a duplicate. :)

    Well dangit! Nice while it lasted anyway. :'(

    I love how we all have our little quirks with what do and don't do in the game. It makes it feel unique to us when we play. For instance, I wouldn't dream of ever, and I mean ever breaking up a married couple. I love Makoa in Sulani, but he's married. So I made him an identical twin brother, Takoa. :)

    Chapter Comments:
    Glad your broken plumbing problem was fixed. Weird the bot is still borked though. Also, I keep holding my breath hoping and praying I don't read a chapter where your Gold Mine has been reduced to dirt clumps. Glad to see it hasn't happened, yet. o.O

    Poor Linda, and poor Roger! You need a butler asap! It seems to take a gajillion years to build rockets! At least once it is built the upgrades go pretty quickly.

    I always make my Sims work hard too! That's about the only work tone I use. They only get to work normally after that check is in the box indicating a promotion! Congrats to Blue though and I love the Scientist career uniforms. :)

    Ohhh, I see, it was Barbarella! Should've known. Doesn't she have the neat trait? I seem to recall she was always cleaning when she was alive, I think...

    John looks more bored than disappointed, probably both though. Bored and disappointed there's nothing exciting to record. :D

    Aww, I love how you think Maralyn is so pretty that she distracts you. <3

    Congrats to Rose for completing her aspiration! :smile: And Happy Birthday to Blue! I don't think she looks all that different either, still beautiful! :)

    LOL That look on Roger's face. He looks so angry! Sheesh! Lighten up Roger, she still looks young and sexy and you DON'T need a Mistress. o.O What was he really angry about? Tense from no fun all day cleaning and working on the rocket? I see he's still angry even though they're about to woohoo. :D

    Congrats to Lily for completing her aspiration too!

    Hmm, maybe ghost Sims are neater than when they were alive Sims as an apology for always breaking stuff? I have no idea... :p

    Sunshine! Hi Kitty! From the looks of her color she looks more bored to me, maybe? Perhaps since the kids have completed their aspirations they could play with her a little? Show your Great Grandma some love kids, give her a hug! :)

    Gawd! That townie is me too, I dislike the 'incite cheers' interaction SO much! It's just ridiculous. Have you ever seen a 'real' celebrity do that or heard of one that does? Yeah, me neither. :|

    Good to see Melina again, so pretty! (and Brian earlier forgot to say :) )!

    Rawr! Hello Sexy, I mean, Lonnie, I mean Sexy Lonnie, I mean Sexy Vamp Lonnie! :D I don't blame him for being annoyed, but it had to be done.

    Hello again Lily, glad you're having fun now, go pet Sunshine, that'll be fun too, I promise! :p

    Another great chapter, as always! Looking forward to the next one... Wednesday, right? I get my days all mixed up now what with everything going on in the world and Hubby being off from work. :#
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    QueenarellaQueenarella Posts: 3,379 Member
    @MonaSolstraale No crisis, just Roger beeing mean and dumb at the same time :D
    There was a constant thunderstorm and he was tense 24/7... He looks grumpy on most of the screenshots so I used it for his attitude ^^ He still loves his wife dearly tho :)

    I fear there won't be alien babies... this generation at least. I will give up on the abduction when Roger turns into an elder. If there was an alien baby after that the age difference to the girls would be too big and it would be difficult for the poll.

    Weeeeell, if you think about how a male sim gets impregnated by an alien and how the baby comes out of him then... I can totally understand he doesn't want to do that :joy:

    She is :) The genetics mixed really well for all three girls in this generation! My favorite is Bel tho :sweat_smile:

    I like small houses, too, but my sims always have tons of kids. Even when I only plan three there are suddenly twins, too :p Oh the trauma...

    For whatever reason his trait non-committal doesn't really show up much. He's always a very lovely father and husband imo. Unless you make him complete his aspiration like I did :D

    What's the lot tax? Something on the bill? I haven't looked that close yet.

    You're not allowed to use premades in the legacy challenge either... I don't like many of the premades anyway lol Royce sounds so royal for a pizza delivery guy lol He was meant to be more than that B)

    We're about the same height then ^^ I kinda like my height. Almost all men are taller than me, I can look super innocent even tho I'm far from that lol and I always have enough room in busses, trains, planes, etc :D

    That's even more obvious on those What Happend In Your Game Today threads! There are so many different ways to play the game I wouldn't even think of. Like I didn't know for a long time that rotational playing was a thing. There's one thread that shows the premades 10 years later. Looked at it, love it! Such a great idea, not sure tho if it's "just" makeover in CAS or happened in game :)
    As long as the plumbing is ok I'm fine. The bots are all sold or broken by now so, who cares lol They're annoying anyway. As for the gold mine, so far I'm lucky but even if it should catch the bug (see what I did there? :p ) then it won't be too hard. The family has way over 2M now. I could get 2 more points for scoring when I go up to 5.7M but there's still Roger's investments, the bills are a joke now and there are 5 generations left to make money :D

    It's been a few generations since I had a rocket. I thought it took less time to build one. I hope this one won't get struck by lighnting again :#
    I need it for collectibles... And alien babies lol

    I even let my sims work hard when they already get the tick ^^ Once I've changed it to work normal and then the tick went away... So frustrating :D

    Yeah Barb was neat. My other ghosts clean more than her tho :D

    He got to record Blue on the toilet. Something no drone has ever seen before in the game :joy: He should feel honored lol

    Maggie warned me about Blue's glitch with the chin. It's a tad longer now but that's something I wouldn't have noticed anyway :D She's still pretty :)

    Either Roger was tense from work or there was a thunderstorm. But I think it was work.

    Maybe my sims would be less slobby if I didn't make them skill, work, skill and work all the time :joy: But then again, when I left James and Tempy on free will as elders they constantly played on the water slide.

    She was neutral. Not greyish but all white. No idea why she looked kinda down... But the kids are asleep when Sunshine roams the house :p

    It's even worse than that self-promotion from some YouTubers :D Luckily Blue has got 25 positive reactions really fast. So no more weird cheers for us :D

    Gen 5 is soooo good looking in general lol Bel looks the best, imo. She has that bad b... atttiude written on her face lol

    I did it yesterday. To all vampires in the game. Except for Vlad. It would be soooo weird to humanize Vlad. But I flagged him as no offspring. His kids - Kevin and some rare examples excluded - are as ugly as the night is dark anyway :D

    Wouldn't it be funny to have a vampire who's super sensitive to the sun and then tell them to play with sunshine? :D:D

    New chapter tomorrow :) I need to play a lot because it's so weird to not have tons of screenshots ready to put into a chapter :D But there enough for this week so far :)
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    He was a very loving husband/father in my game too. I've read he's the same way for others. His roving eye for the ladies seems to change once he settles down. Still very randy, but only with his wife. He was very loyal to Ella. Now, in TS2? Totally different story. :D

    Yeah, it's on the bill, the very first thing. For a lot of Simmers it's always 300 simoleans, no matter what size lot they live on or how rich. Hope that's tweaked even if it is by design, that's way too low.

    I thought Pinstar updated the Legacy to allow the use of premades? Or are you using the original rules? Royce wasn't his pizza guy name, I changed it since I couldn't pronounce his original name. :)

    Yup! :) Sometimes I wish I were taller though. For instance; when watching a parade, concert, at the movies, reaching stuff on higher shelves, etc. The biggest problem is standard desk heights are too high for me. I had to buy a drafting chair and a foot rest.

    I love that thread! I think the author plays with them, not just in CAS. Or maybe they do make up their stories, which is cool too, shows great imagination! There's so much variety in how to play, I love that, caters perfectly to my creative side. <3
    I put outside objects that might get hit in household inventory during storms. Or just turn thunderstorms off. ;) If that's allowed?

    It can go backward? o.O Now I'm paranoid and will have to keep an eye on that tick! :D

    Barbarella's probably too busy making drinks at the bar to clean, am I right? :D

    LOL! Is that something drones normally can't do? Or you just don't let them in your game?

    Hey, I can't blame them for wanting to have a little fun in their old age if you've been making them slave away all their lives, can you? Let your elders have some play time before they croak. :D

    Agreed! They're all very attractive. Bel is gorgeous, she looks a lot like Tempy or Melina in my opinion. :)

    Vlad IS special, true. It would feel weird to delete him. I just gave him a make-over instead. :) And I never have to worry about his possible spawn since I don't have MCCC, and never play with him anyway. :D

    You're so funny! Too bad there's no vamps in the house anymore to write that, eh? :p

    Have a good morning when you get up! <3
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    QueenarellaQueenarella Posts: 3,379 Member
    Usually when I don't play Don MCCC marries him off really quickly. 50% of the time he ends up with Salim Benali ^^ The Don from TS2 is a real womanizer. The TS4 version is... maybe you could say lonely at heart and trying to hide it with many affairs. Maybe?

    Oh maybe that'd be the part that makes bills super high if it wasn't bugged. I hope that'll be the case when it's fixed :love: What's wrong with me when I want my sims to pay horrendous bills? :joy:

    Uh I have no idea to be honest :sweat_smile: The last time I played a legacy with townies instead of contestants it said no premades. But maybe it was still just in my head and it had been changed a long time ago :D

    Standards desks are too high? I have my chair set to the lowest level and I love it. My back doesn't hurt when I draw or write all day long ^^ And I think it's also healthier this way?

    I haven't checked it out in a while but it's such a cool idea!
    I have no idea if that's allowed :sweat_smile: And I would totally forget to put everything in the family inventory. I'm a bit of a messy simmer ^^

    Yes it can. Unless it was a bug/glitch and is fixed now. I think if your sim goes a bit too easy at work it goes back... So frustrating.

    Barbarella hasn't found the bar in the new house yet. Weird but true. It's in the kitchen where she has been many times so far.

    The drone turns itself off when a sim uses the toilet, takes a bath or shower and for any action in bed ;)

    That's what I did :p My elders are always on their own so they can do whatever they want ^^ Unless the gym. I locked that one for James and Tempy.

    Bel looks like Melina but with an evil aura ^^ I like that about her. It goes hand in hand with her trait.

    That's the good thing about not having MCCC ^^ It will be weird when my vampires are elders tho. Like Sophie with grey hair will be a shocker :D

    I still have one vampire aspiration left so there will be another vampire one day :p

    Have a great day! <3
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    QueenarellaQueenarella Posts: 3,379 Member
    And here we have today's chapter:

    Chapter 5.11
    Something big happening next chapter on Friday ;)
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    I've read a lot of threads where Don ends up marrying Caleb too for some reason. Hmm, the lonely idea for Don never crossed my mind. Especially since he was put in a house with the Caliente women. But, it is possible to be surrounded by others and be lonely, so who knows.

    I'm guessing you're correct! You're not the only one that wants the bills to be more 'realistic', well, not exactly realistic, but how they were before. I'm almost positive it's a bug and once fixed the bills will be higher for bigger lots with more objects.

    Check out this thread on the forum where someone asked if Legacy Sims can marry premades and Pinstar's wife Mystic came in the thread with an official answer:

    This thread is from 2016 though, so perhaps it's different now? I don't know... *shrugs*

    It wasn't healthier for me. Even on the highest setting on a normal chair, the desk was too high. My feet would dangle in the air and circulation would get cut off from my lower legs. Plus, my arm and wrist were both bent at an odd angle using the mouse causing extreme pain and strain. It's much healthier for me with the set-up I have now.

    Extremely surprising Barbarella hasn't found the bar yet. I bet she will at some point. :)

    Ah, okay. So it was a glitch the drone followed Blue into the bathroom then.

    Cool, yeah, I had to lock the gym for Don too in my Drifter challenge. Maybe I shouldn't have though. If I hadn't, he might've died when I was still playing that house and wouldn't have had to orchestrate a second death for him to get his missing urn. o.O

    You like evil Sims eh? I don't, or mean. Avoid them if I can. Of course, I've read from others who do play them they aren't much different than any other Sims. Have you found that to be true too? #iscurious

    Yeah, it will be weird seeing your vampires old and eventually passing away. But at least you have one more vampire aspiration yet. Will you let that Sim keep their vampirism or 'spay' them too?

    Current Chapter:
    Butt babies eh? :D I love seeing the rockets all lite up at night the best. Love how Sims do that little wave before they climb in and fly away. AND I love how tight the suits are. ;)

    ? I don't see anything going on with Lily's arms?

    Very cool how it was mostly family members that showed up for Blue's Meet and Greet, even ghosts. Hi James!! Sooo good to see you AND Tempy, but first time we've seen James, I think? *Hugs him* I wonder what really made him mad though. Something Bel said to him perhaps? She is evil afterall.

    You're not a monster, but I'll forgive him since he did eventually give her a hug and he was happy about it. I love, love, love what you had them both say, especially James. So sweet! <3

    Congrats on getting them all sitting at the table together and for completing two more collections! \o/ :)

    Welcome Kody! I think you meant he stole Eddie's mustache, but that's fine. He's actually kinda/sorta cute. So happy he's working out for you. :)

    Hello Kevin! Great shot of him, he looks fantastic in that suit and I can see his dimples. :) Enjoy the sunshine!

    Paparazzi, eh? My 5 star celebrity never had any at his house. However, they would show up in droves whenever he left the house. :D Anyway, Congrats to Blue for getting so close to 5 stars. I bet she will be in the next chapter. Soooo curious what this 'big happening' on Friday will be. Perhaps Roger gets abducted? And...preggers? o.O We shall see...

    Is it Friday yet? :D
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    QueenarellaQueenarella Posts: 3,379 Member
    But on purpose, right? In my game it's usually MCCC who does this ^^ I don't see Don as gay but I don't mind it either. Love is love <3 I think you mean alone and not lonely. You can be alone and not feel lonely but you can also be surrounded by thousands of people, maybe even loved ones, and feel lonely. In my head, Don seems to long for true love and the Caliente family is more of... uh, how to say this? :sweat_smile: Let's say they seem to stretch the definition of being "faithful" :D At least that's how they are in my head :p

    There was always a bit of a "risk" with high bills around 20K. Now with the low bills I can let my sims not go to work, concetrate on other stuff (aspirations and such) and won't have to fear that the family uses up all the money and they wouldn't be able to afford the 20K bill again :D

    Oh very interesting to know this! Thank you :) That would explain why Summer Holiday is used as a spouse in many legacies :D I always thought the simmers did this to get rid of her annoying phone calls :joy: There's also the Legacy Challenge Mega Thread where you can ask tons of questions. Pinstar and Mystique answer questions there and if not, EuphorialQueen helps out. :)

    I didn't know the height of a desk could cause so many problems o.O Right now I'm sitting cross-legged on my chair. My sitting habits aren't the healthiest :#

    With 8 ghosts (minus Damien but plus Sunshine) Barbarella doesn't come out that often anymore tho. As soon as you have 6 ghosts you have 2 out each night tho. Nathan and Kaden our out most of the time ^^

    Instead of the Murphy bed you could have also let him exercise and then excercise to the limit. Or do sims who completed the bodybuilder aspiration survive this?

    Evil isn't my favorite trait but it's not on the list of traits I can't stand ^^ Nathan - the one sim I created in this save - was in some way evil/bad, too. For him it was only his aspirations tho. And I still love this pile of pixels lol No, they are different from not-evil sims. They sometimes break out in Muahahahaha evil kinda laughter. Scary and epic at the same time. They get happy when others are in mysery, they have this badboy attitude about them (imo), destroy stuff (doll house) and are rude for no reason.

    The aspiration is vampire family so there will be more than 1 vampire in the save again when I do this aspiration. I also bet there will be vampires among the contestants again. I thought about maybe not humanizing my vampires but instead say "no more vampires for the bachelor/ette
    part". But I know that some love creating vampires and I didn't want to take that away from them. Also, there would have still been way too many vampires in the save :D I think with the aspiration I'll have to see if I use townies to turn that I can delete after the aspiration is done, maybe I can use family members (no idea anymore how the aspiration works) or any other solution. If I use sims like let's say ex-contestants I would just humanize them again :) The only vampire spayed in the save is Vlad. But he's the only vampire left so... :D
    I just let out the weirdest sound that's supposed to be a laughter/giggle when I read "butt babies" :D:D Yeah the waves are kinda cute. With a meanie like Roger they are kinda ironic :D The suits are super tight. But aren't the Space-X suits very slim now, too? In comparison to the NASA suits.

    The arms look a bit long imo ^^

    It was only family memebers I took screenshots of ^^ There were like 5 townies I didn't care about lol Yes, first time we see James as a ghost :) I don't count it as a ghost appearance as it's not at night tho. I have my own weird definition for it lol No he arrived and was neutral, went inside the house and then turned red. Ghosts showing up for the first time after their death are always either red or blue. I guess they still have to process that they died. If that's the reason for the red and blue ghosts that's a nice little detail :)

    Rose looked the most crushed when James passed away. Remember the screenshot where she was on the space ship and wanted to fly to the sky and get her grandpa back?

    I have 10 collections completed by now! 3 more and I can get the 9th point for this section. The 10th point is painting all emotional paintings, if I recall correctly. But that's easy and it'll be done when a sim has the Painter Extraordinaire aspiration :)

    Yes that's what I meant ^^ But isn't a moustache a beard, too? Yes, Kody is a cutie :) He will be a bit weird in the following chapters tho :joy: I guess he adapted to the family vibe.

    Kevin is just a great sim :) And his kids with Cam and all really pretty!

    I think you get paparazzis as soon as you hit the third star. But the ones that show up at your house only come with the fourth star :) Maybe you need a big house or that typical drive way of this lot to get the paparazzis :)

    We shall see what this surprise will turn out to be (and this rhymes lol)

    24 hours and you'll get the new chapter :p
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    Some have paired them on purpose, yes. But other threads said it was MCCC put them together. I meant lonely as in someone to love, true love, not one night stand love or truckboy love. I think that's why he always seems to be such a wonderful husband and father, he found what he's been looking for and isn't lonely for love anymore. Does that make sense?

    Okay, so you like the risk of higher bills, but actually are enjoying the low bills too from what you just wrote, right? Guessing you like the risk factor better though otherwise you wouldn't wish for the higher bills to come back.

    You're welcome, and no, I don't think it's to get rid of her annoying phone calls which, by the way, never happens in my game. I think they like Summer because she's really a very nice Sim and attractive (after a makeover on those buggy eyes). Other than constantly wanting to exercise, she was a great spouse in my Drifter challenge. Yep, I've seen the Mega thread, very informative! :)

    I think it depends on your body style too. What makes me short is my legs, I have a long body. Perhaps that's a factor in why higher desks are uncomfortable for me. I sit cross-legged all the time in regular chairs/couches, but not while using my computer.

    Ah, so she doesn't get much time to find the bar, gotcha. :)

    They'll exercise until in the red and stop, being very uncomfortable. You can't make them exercise or do a lot of things after that from being 'too uncomfortable.' You could in the past, but I think they borked it. I tried all kinds of ways, and could've tried others, but the Murphy bed was the quickest since I was running out of time.

    Okay, thanks for the info., adds to the reasons I don't like evil Sims. Especially the being rude/mean for no reason and destroying stuff.

    Oh, that's right you just turned them human again. Great ideas for what to do for the aspiration. I'd personally just use random townies to turn and then just either turn them back to human or outright delete them in manage worlds afterward.
    I have no idea about the Space X suits, I've never seen one. I think since it was Roger, what you had him say when he waved was perfect. It was like, "Ha, I'm out of here puny Sims, bet you wish you were me! Too bad so sad... you're not!"

    I've noticed that! I always thought the same thing, because they're angry or sad about being dead. So, by your logic James hasn't 'appeared' for the first time yet. That's cool. It was still fun to see him again. :)

    She was and yes, no way I'd ever forget that face she pulled. Glad he finally gave her a hug. :)

    Congrats on having so many collections! You didn't give James the Painter Extraordinaire aspiration when he was trying to get the Forest Freezer Bunny painting? Would've been easy to have him get those emotional paintings for you. Or maybe he just didn't have enough time?

    Uh, no. A beard is located on the chin, neck and cheeks. A mustache is located underneath their nose. Two different things entirely. :)

    I bet it was the big house factor is why Marty didn't get any stalking him at home. He still lived in a modest house on that open lot in the valley. I hadn't moved him to the 'Hollywood Hills' yet. The one and only time they did stalk his house was when he was having an affair with Judith. But they were there for her, not him. :D

    64 Minutes until Friday where I live. LOL But guessing the next chapter won't be for quite awhile after that. Anyway, have a great morning! <3
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    QueenarellaQueenarella Posts: 3,379 Member
    Oh that's interesting. The two were never a couple in any of my saves. Miko Ojo is his wife many times, too ^^ Yes, that's what I meant, too :)

    I like it for now to get the last 2 money points but in general I prefer the high bills. Sorry, I'm a bit of a mess :D

    Hm, I've had it more than once that if my sim only talked to her once, Summer stalked my sim. Always visited, always called. But that's something that annoys me more than most simmers anyway :joy: Brian does this all the time, too, and I'm close to making Roger fight him :D

    I've hever thought about or looked close enough to see if I have short or long legs tbh. I'd say my proportions are average (if you look past the 5 tons of fat lol).

    But when she's out she ignores the bar, too. So maybe she had a change of mind? ^^

    So the death form overexerction (or however this word is called/spelled) is no more? :o I'd rather give up dumpster woohoo than death by woohoo.

    I like them ^^ I'm not a big fan of "perfect wonderland" lol You need ups and downs. How else could you apprecaite the ups without any downs?

    Bahahaha, you know me. I would just delete the townies ^^
    I saw them in the news actually :) They look like this now:

    Oh cool, maybe it wasn't all in my head then but the ghosts being sad/angry about their death might be a real thing in the game :) Like that a lot! Yeah, with my logic he still hasn't come out of his urn yet ^^

    You found the face creepy, didn't you? ^^

    No I didn't. Don't they need to work as a painter for the aspiration? Ugh, this used to be my favorite aspiration and now I don't even remember what you need to do with it ... :D But to be fair, I rememeber you need to have 5 masterpieces. James "only" had 2. Also, I feel like 2 aspirations (kids aspirations don't count) are enough for one sim :) Roger has completed 2 aspirations before he became an adult but I didn't give him a third one. He should focus on work and collections now. And getting an alien baby lol

    Makes sense ^^ I German a beard (Bart) is any facial hair in a man's face. A moustache (Schnurrbart --> already in the name lol) is a more precise word for a special kind of beard. I didn't know it's not like this in English. But good to know now! Thank you :)

    Hm, did you give Marty some perks? Maybe they have an impact on paparazzis, too?

    It was 4:56 am when you posted the comment my time. So it was already Friday :p On to write the chapter soon :)
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    QueenarellaQueenarella Posts: 3,379 Member
    And here is the new chapter!

    Chapter 5.12

    Read after the chapter only:
    The surprise I talked about is linked at the end of the chapter. Or you can find it here.
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    MaggieMarleyMaggieMarley Posts: 5,299 Member
    Both teens now?! Wow guess this means the next bachelor challenge will be soon. I like how they both turned out but Rose is my favorite, maybe it's the big eyes. I see what you mean about her mouth being a bit low but I think you did a good job with her makeup so you barely notice it. When she becomes a YA her chin might lengthen out a bit anyway :)

    Loki <3
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    QueenarellaQueenarella Posts: 3,379 Member
    Yes, both are teens already. Lily is only 3 days younger than Rose. Remember how seconds after Rose was born Roger and Blue were already making the next baby? :D

    Yes, the bachelorette part will start soon. Unless a ton of things happen in game and I take a load of screenshots :D I still need to make the quiz for the casting tho... Could do it now.

    A bit longer chin would be great! It would make her face a bit more normal ^^

    I wanted to give them a dog this time but Rose got a whim for a cat and I couldn't do this to Sunshine :D And here he is, Loki.
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    DCJ504DCJ504 Posts: 116 Member
    Maybe Loki should meet my Ares. Ares is my 12 pound Chihuahua.
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