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The Legacy-Bachelor Challenge *COMPLETED*


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    VanPelt81VanPelt81 Posts: 2,990 Member
    Loved Jolene's snarky poker comment.

    Can't wait to see the winners.
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    QueenarellaQueenarella Posts: 3,379 Member
    @VanPelt81 You can see them now :)

    The new chapter is here!

    G5.D6: I Say Disco, You Say Party
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    MonaSolstraaleMonaSolstraale Posts: 1,394 Member
    Roger you are a tough one :# ...
    …..but first to the positive
    Violet, Purple and Blue :smiley:
    The three brightly colored women won the date ... cool! B)

    Poor Sandy had to leave .... she looks so sad :'(
    Brian also looks sad ...
    Roger has the talent to make the Sims around him mourn

    Now you're writing about a wedding. Sulani has the perfect beach to celebrate weddings
    .... or maybe not ;):lol:
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    QueenarellaQueenarella Posts: 3,379 Member
    @MonaSolstraale Roger is tough and mean and kinda cool B)
    Now that you say it, yes! The color sims won :o How could I miss that? Except for the purple part :D If I missed that I would need to get my eyes checked again.

    Sandy looked devastated. At least Roger was nice to her.

    Brian has to move out as the contestants will move in now :) Make room, placeholder :D

    I guess they'll celebrate the wedding - if I really do that - inside the new house I'm building ^^

    Is this Keoni? Why is he crying? :'(
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    MonaSolstraaleMonaSolstraale Posts: 1,394 Member
    @Queenaralla Yes, it's Keoni :)
    Eternal Sadness is one of his weaknesses ...
    He cries all the time :/
    That made the image of the wedding rather tragically comical :joy:
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    15aewar15aewar Posts: 1,051 Member
    @Queenaralla Yes, it's Keoni :)
    Eternal Sadness is one of his weaknesses ...
    He cries all the time :/
    That made the image of the wedding rather tragically comical :joy:

    They're tears of joy! :D
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    TheYayToastTheYayToast Posts: 1,466 Member
    Ooooh, the latest chapter!
    I agree, I love that the colorful girls won. I can't believe they wouldn't dance together. Ugh.

    I can never get my sims to do the dance battle... I think it's cause other sims won't get off the dance floor?

    Poor Sandy. She did look so heartbroken. She's such a pretty sim!

    I totally burst out laughing at your picture @MonaSolstraale. Poor Keoni.
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    MaggieMarleyMaggieMarley Posts: 5,299 Member
    It's cool that the purple girls both won the group date!
    Roger talking about his parents' birth control failures :D
    Ooooooohhh Blue won the solo date, how exciting!
    An engineer and a scientist - they'd make a brainy couple!
    Aww it's sad to see Sandy go :( Roger's reason made me laugh though :D
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    VanPelt81VanPelt81 Posts: 2,990 Member
    Didn't realize Barbarella was a furry.
    Sad to see both Sandy & Brian go. Roger's response to Brian leaving was hilarious.
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member

    So weird how that happens eh? I reminds me of how several times I've tried to get two Sims together I thought would be a perfect couple, but they ended up not having much chemistry and would keep getting whims for other Sims. Most of the time I just make them be a couple anyway, I'm The Watcher, they tow the line and do what I say! But sometimes, it's just so obvious who they really want and I'll let it happen to make them happy. :)

    I would personally love to see a walk-through of the updated house! Happy to hear the crypt finally got an update as well. Is Sunshine still down there? BTW, blue walls with orange couches sounds fantastic! But I can see how the brightness would hurt your eyes after awhile. I built a bedroom for the One Room One Theme One Week contest using almost entirely yellow. The challenge was to use only one color. The bedroom turned out designed great in my opinion, but it is SO bright! I'd never use it myself without first changing the colors a bit. I named it 'Surface of the Sun.' :D
    He'll gladly play card games like Euchre and Poker, in particular Texas Hold 'Em and 31. But I also love Wild Rummy, Rummy, Canasta, Hearts, Cribbage, just to name a few. But he absolutely refuses to play Monopoly, especially with our Son. He always wins, always! He's such a wheeler dealer with a keen sense of business due in large part to his MBA and politics, you just can't beat the kid! o.O

    Blue seems like she'd be fun to play, and all the other ladies too! I'll check her out next time I go online in game when playing. Thanks! Does she have any CC?

    It looked like a side-eye to me, but I could be wrong. I didn't study the screenshot that closely. It was just a first impression. :)

    Pinky and the Brain will never not make me laugh! :D

    I figured it would be, but hey, it's the best kind of reward for a contest to win someone's heart! ;)

    Current Chapter Comments:
    Well Bummer Regan wouldn't do the group dance. Oh well... Funny seeing Barbarella there as a ghost bear! :D Melina's Hubby looks okay to me, except for that chin strap beard that changes the shape of their jaw. I dislike that thing and never use it on my guys. And of course Tempy was there too. Love she's cheering on Roger! :)

    BTW I love that coat on Melina! She wasn't wearing it when I downloaded the Gen 5 family, must be CC. Oh, and little OT but I have the entire Gen 5 Brennan family together again in my game. I had to make Roger, Brian & Melina teens again to do it, but they're living happily altogether with Sunshine in my custom template save game. <3 I might try to get Roger or Brian with Maralyn when I play her for the Eco EP! We'll see how it goes. ;)

    Love the exchange at the bar between Roger, Violet and Regan. Violet got a little snarky there eh? And yes Roger, you're still a bad*** hehe

    It certainly would be interesting to see what color combos Roger & Regan would get for their children. Could be just about anything! I almost spit out my soda over his comment about James and the reason for all his siblings, especially the twins. :D

    I don't think I'd care to know how my parents felt about anything if they'd abandoned me on a park bench as an infant. They obviously didn't and probably still don't give a hoot about her. :(

    Wow a Scientist and Engineer pairing sounds like a dream power couple! I think their genetics would be interesting too. :)

    Aww, so sorry to see Sandy go @15aewar :( She seemed like such a sweetheart. I can see how the Barbie thing might weird him out a little though I guess. She'll be missed!

    Man, poor Brian, he looks so sad to leave and then cracked me up with the pleasure to meet you comment! Your erratic side is showing Pinky! :D Sweet hug between brothers though. Brain loves Pinky and vice versa! <3

    Great chapter! Have a good morning when you get up! :)
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    QueenarellaQueenarella Posts: 3,379 Member
    @MonaSolstraale Oh that weakness... I gave it to Sophie, too, and it is awful! I wouldn't pick it ever again :#

    It looks like she dumped him right at the altar :sweat_smile:

    The non-colorful girls are cool, too, tho :p Just in case it seems like the ones with color are more in favor :D

    It was weird. The generation before didn't have this problem but this one has it -.- Maybe Regan is just a rebel ^^

    I can't rememeber what interaction I picked to make her look so sad! But she's heartbroken, for sure...

    I only noticed that when I wrote the chapter :joy: I can be a bit blind sometimes.

    The funny thing about Blue is that she wants to be a scientist. @Karababy52 told me in a PM about her current sim being a scientist and there are TONS of alein abductions! I'm scared that might happen if Blue wins o.O

    Yeah, their jobs are an interesting match!

    Sandy looked so devastated I just had to make the screenshot less sad :#

    @VanPelt81 Haha, Barbarella still surrprises us after all this time she's left us :sweat_smile:
    We will see both again :) Mainly in the style of stalking :D

    @Karababy52 You say it: chemistry! I'm convinced we have hidden chemistry in the game. I've had this before so many times that some sims either get along asap and their bar jumps up and then there's the opposite where the bar refuses to move a bit after half a day of spending time together -.- But I like it ^^

    It's not an updated house, it's an all new house B) I started with the crypt this time so I wouldn't forget it. And yes, of course Sunshine is there as well! She's family :) I picked different sofas then. The Moschino ones in black and white with redish-brown wood on it :) I fell in love with them when I saw them but couldn't find a place to put them. Now they're in the living room! I'm done with the furniture stuff inside. I still need to decorate every room, paint the outside and add a bit of landscaping/backyard stuff :) A whole room made of yellow must be a pain for the eye :joy: Yellow is a nice color but not if you plaster the whole place with it :#
    I only know a few of these card games :sweat_smile: Oh but it can be frustrating to always lose at Monopoly. It's a nerve-wrecking game imo :p

    None of the contestants has CC :) I don't want to get more CC as I deleted most of mine a while ago :)

    I still can't tell if it's a side eye or not :D Her eyes are almost closed so it's really hard to tell ^^

    Maybe we'll see them together again :) Probably when (or more like if) I let Roger and his winner have a wedding party.
    I have no idea why she didn't want to dance :/ I changed the beard when I took a screenshot for the family tree. That beard is one of the worst CAS items...

    Yes, that's a CC coat :) One of the few things left. I would search for the link to it but you don't play with CC :sweat_smile: And you have the monsters :p I guess you'd pick Brian as you like him more :D But it's fine :)

    Snarky? I didn't mean to make Violet sound snarky :| They had a great conversation ^^

    It was a reference to his twin sisters :p@afai1261 told me that there are only certain color options for each occult color. I'm not sure what blue and purple could come out with but maybe even a third color? But what do you get when you mix blue and purple? Darker purple :joy:

    Hm, I think when someone grows up with parents it's hard to understand that people who grow up without knowing their (real) parents want to know them and care about them even tho they left them when they were only a baby. I guess it's the "why did you leave me behind?" that makes them be this way. Also, Violet has a secret ;) I'll have to ask @MonaSolstraale if and when I should open up about it but Violet has a secret :p

    Blue could have blue babies like she dreams about :D The jobs sound very similar but I think playing both could be a bit of a challenge :sweat_smile:

    It's a pity Sandy had to go :/

    Brian is such a special sim. Erratic sims are the best anyway lol George is erratic, too!

    Thank you! Have a great day :)
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    QueenarellaQueenarella Posts: 3,379 Member
    And here we have today's (short) chapter :)

    G5.D7: Tetris?
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    MaggieMarleyMaggieMarley Posts: 5,299 Member
    edited June 2020
    video games is such a good idea for a challenge! I'll pinch that one ;)

    3 days wow!! That's longer than it took me to do the temple challenge in my bachelor challenge :o

    Aww poor Roger!

    Can't wait to see who wins the dates :)

    ETA: it would be so funny if Blue won and Roger got abducted and had an alien baby!
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    15aewar15aewar Posts: 1,051 Member
    Sandy Mann is doing pretty well for herself after losing the challenge.
    First, she became a level 2 celebrity.
    Then she found a soulmate. (J Huntington III kept coming to her house. It's adorable!)
    Now they're expecting twins!
    I can't wait to see who won the video game challenge!
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member

    I've seen that happen a lot in my game. Some Sims just don't work out at all as couples no matter how hard you try to make it happen. And yes, I like that too, sometimes. Other times I make it happen anyway just because I had a story or something all planned out in advance for them that I don't want to change. :)

    Ohhh, I thought you'd just updated the old one, very cool it's brand new! I LOVE the Moschino furniture and wallpapers. Actually I love almost everything about that SP and use all the assets quite often, even some of the funkier looking clothes. The photography update for it is fanfreakintastic too! Love it! Can't wait to see the new house! <3
    It is a very frustrating game to play and always takes hours to play whenever we do play it. A lot of times we've just ended up saying we'd play for just one more hour and whoever had the most finances then was the winner because everyone was tired of playing. :D

    You're almost obligated to have a Wedding Party now since Roger said there will be one. He let the cat out of the bag. Meow! :D
    Thanks for the offer anyway with the coat, but yeah, no CC for me at the moment. Aww, I love them both! But, you're right I'd probably pick Brian over Roger, but only because he has the erratic trait and it would be fun to play with two erratic Sims. :)

    Oh no, I just meant a little snarky toward Regan, not in a mean way, more in a competition way. The convo with Roger was a great one though. :)

    Darker purple would be very fun to have I think. But I'm a bit biased since purple is my favorite color anyway. :)

    Yeah, of course you'd wonder why they left you and want answers. That's true. Interested about this secret she has, sounds intriguing.

    Current Chapter Comments:
    Fantastic idea doing a video games challenge! I might have to steal that for my House 07 bachelor/bachelorette contest of the Drifter challenge.

    All the games they can play look pretty cool eh? I've never played Mario Kart before. Is that anything like Crash Bandicoot? Loved playing that on our old PS2, that and Spyro. :)

    Holy Simoly, 3 days! Gah! You weren't kidding when you said it took a long time. That's crazy! o.O

    Oooo, cliffhanger! Darnit! Ya meanie! JK, I love surprises! :D

    I think this is the shortest chapter comments I've ever posted. lol

    Can't wait to find out who won! Have a great morning when you get up! <3
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    VanPelt81VanPelt81 Posts: 2,990 Member
    What a fun challenge for the ladies...
    Had to laugh at Jolene making things difficult for that screen shot.
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    QueenarellaQueenarella Posts: 3,379 Member
    Feel free to use it :) But I'd recommend not to do it when there are still many sims around :D It takes sooooo long.

    You'll find out today :)

    It would be fun but I have no idea if I should give that baby a chance to become heir tho :D It wouldn't be against the Succession Laws ^^ But let's wait and see if she even wins :p

    @15aewar Aw, Sandy recovered well from her heartbreak :) Love the pictures!

    @Karababy52 I always force relationships on my sims, if they want it or not :D But usually the chemistry is ok anway :)

    I finished building and decorating and all that stuff yesterday :) Yes, ALL of it. Landscaping included ^^ I even put some trees on the lot! I barely use trees lol Anyway, I will take some screenshots later today - after I checked out the new patch :love: MAC :love: - and then I'll post them here :)
    I can't remember that I've ever finished a game of monopoly properly. It either ended with someone knocking the board over or we all just gave up. It can be exhausting when you've played for hours already!

    Bad bad Roger! We'll see if there'll be a wedding :D I had tons of parties with Tempy, I can't see them anymore :p

    It would be amazing to see how erratic sims interact with each other :D

    Oh my bad! Sorry :sweat_smile:

    I don't know if there's a darker purple than Regan's tone tho. I think it's the only purple skin color.

    Maybe one day we'll find out about this secret ;)
    Steal all you want :) I don't mind about that. I already told Maggie she can steal all my weird ideas :D We agreed that I can steal any idea from her challenge, too ^^

    I don't know Crash Bandicoot but Mario Kart is all the Super Mario characters doing a kart race and they can drop stuff like bananas, I think ^^ It's super fun but also kinda frustrating. Especially the Rainbow Road...

    It takes about 1 sim hour to play one round. Then you have to get the others on the sofa (takes 30 sim minutes all the time -.-). And there are also the needs. Oh the needs :D

    I always add cliffhangers after challenges :p Love doing that lol

    Haha, probably but it's totally fine ^^ The chapter was short, too!

    Have a great day! <3

    There's always a sim who needs to be special :D
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    MaggieMarleyMaggieMarley Posts: 5,299 Member
    edited June 2020
    I was thinking that if I did a video gaming challenge I'd do it like I did my don't wake the llama challenge in my bachelor challenge. In that, there were 6 contestants and I had everyone play everyone else so there had to be 15 games. Since each game takes about an hour that would have taken me 15 hours had I done it one game at a time. But I always had three games going on at once so in the end it only took 5 hours overall.

    Ok I'm excited now!

    The baby would have to be inelligible to be heir but I still love it when my sims come back pregnant from an abduction! You can use MCCC to set the chance of pregnancy from an abduction to zero if you worry about having loads of alien babies or as a scientist you can build a satellite dish and use it to prevent abductions from occurring.
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    QueenarellaQueenarella Posts: 3,379 Member
    I did this with another challenge that will come soon :) But I didn't pick the couples logically so I had a lot of rounds with only one pair or two pairs at once :D

    I went to buy water and cat food. Took me forever as a lot of people were there... I'll start writing it soon :D

    But only men can get pregnant through abduction and the only rule I have is that the heir must be blood related to the founder. And that would be the case, wouldn't it?

    Well, there's still the option to send the alien baby back to Sixam :D I think I would consider this if I had like 3 alien pregnancies :D
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    MaggieMarleyMaggieMarley Posts: 5,299 Member
    edited June 2020
    Haha it was a real pain having to work out who would play who in each 'wave' of don't wake the llama games such that everyone had someone to play who they hadn't played before. I ended up finding a tool on the internet which could plan who would play who in each wave of games ahead of time.


    Oh yeah that is true... Might be cool if they were eligible to be heir given that it fits with your succession rules. In my old 'legacy' game (which isn't really a legacy since I didn't play by the rules or count points) I wanted each heir to be the biological child of the previous heir and my gen 3 heir was abducted by aliens and had a son. I ended up making the alien baby my gen 4 heir. So, you could do that if you wanted.

    Oh yeah that is true! I can't bring myself to do that though lol so I always end up just setting MCCC for no more abduction pregnancies after the first alien baby or using the satellite to prevent abductions.
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    QueenarellaQueenarella Posts: 3,379 Member
    That helps a lot but I just used a piece of paper and ticked off all the possible pairings ^^

    It's all just theory tho as we don't know the winner of the bachelor challenge yet :p But if Blue won and if Roger got abducted and got pregnant, then the alien could be part of the heir poll :)

    With the surprise pregnancy in gen 4 I can see myself sending an alien baby back :D

    And today's chapter:

    G5.D8: Round and Around and Around
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    MaggieMarleyMaggieMarley Posts: 5,299 Member
    edited June 2020
    You're cleverer than me! I got so confused trying to do it all on paper and I gave up haha
    Oh don't worry I am totally not expecting Blue to win but it was fun thinking of Roger having a little alien bubba. After my success with Veronica and Kevin getting so far I don't expect to get so lucky again!
    It was so weird to see Tempy without blue skin! Good job you saved her in time :)

    Oh dear Roger, no girl likes to hear that (about needing a woman to cook for him)

    I feel like Roger needs a pretty 🐸🐸🐸🐸 wife to put up with his plum so maybe it's a good sign for Regan that he thinks she's a 🐸🐸🐸🐸?

    ETA: Uh so it turns out that the word 'b@dass' is censored on the forum...

    Ah poor Sandy!

    Nice to see all the girls in their formalwear! Love the rose ceremonies.

    Yikes things got a little heated with Daya there at the end! I bet she's beginning to feel lucky he sent her home lol
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    QueenarellaQueenarella Posts: 3,379 Member
    I'm definitely not cleverer :D I had many rounds with only one or two pairings doing the challenge at once :D

    I paused to find her. It would be tragic if she died during the bachelor part!

    A lot of women might even hate to hear that. I would be like "cook for you? Guess we both die" because I'm horrible at it :D

    So he needs a flower wife? :D I hate the censor... Do you mean the "harder" version of badbutt? :D Nevermind, you say it below ^^

    Yeah the rose ceremonies are always so fancy!

    Haha, Daya must be happy she dodged a bullet ^^
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    QueenarellaQueenarella Posts: 3,379 Member
    The new house is finished! I wanted to upload it to the gallery but... it was marked as with CC and there is no CC? Anyway, here's the walk-through.

    Warning: I am not good at taking pictures of rooms :D As it was night in gameplay I went into BB so no tab option either. Also, the winner of the bachelor part was on 3 screenshots but I used my professional skills to hide her :D

    The Outside
    Ignore the holiday decoration... It's been there since Amy was a child :D

    Trees! Can you believe this? I actually did landscaping!

    The old rocket was hit by lightning so for the collections I want we need to build a new one...

    Can you see the house is mint-colored? It has a reason.

    This door is the reason. It used to be dark blue as I love the contrast to the white but I failed to find a proper wall color for the house with it...

    The goldmine - aka greenhouse - is a bit different now. I hope James can reach every plant in there...

    A playground with stone flooring because if you fall it should hurt. How else should they be prepared for adulthood? :joy:

    A better point of view. And yes, a sandbox with a shadow thingy on top. Transparent shadow thingy... That's the best I could find, ok.

    Backyard view from one side. Aaaand I just noticed I forgot to finish the pool. And as you know me, I might never change that...

    Other side.

    The Crypt
    You can see a lot on this one... Not :D

    It looks kinda fancy, right? Honor for the dead and such...

    That's where the urns are placed. Look, they even have privacy!

    Sunshine has her own place, too!

    Ground Floor
    Overview to start with :) See my professional skill result?

    The front door from inside that doesn't really match the wall paper but ... look at this wall paper! :o No decoration needed with this one B)

    My super cool living room. Yes, Moschino sofas!

    Top view, too.

    A bit of an old-fashioned bathroom. And no, the house is not all modern or all old-fashioned. It's a weird mix because I couldn't care less.

    The master bedroom. I will hate the wall paper after a while. Agree?

    Whatever this room should be, it's a hobby room. With music, painting, flower arraning, chess table, mic. Just everything in the hobby category plopped down in one room.

    Another bathroom. Love the rug.

    The office looks just like the old one. I forgot to safe my postcards so my collection plaques are decoration there now.

    Offspring stuff like toddler bedroom, baby bedroom and playroom (No, Mr Grey. Not that kind of playroom!)

    Last but not least, the kitchen.

    What do you think about the colors?

    First Floor
    Overview again.

    One kids' room. Yes, they have to share a room.

    Other kids' room. I know they look not very personalized, more like hotel rooms but... MEH :D If there should ever be more like 4 kids, there's still enough room for more beds.

    Fancy bathroom to tease Veronica.

    Bedroom for the retired heir and their spouse. Barbarella would love it!

    These two rooms were supposed to be an art room and a music room but all that stuff is already in the hobby room. So the left room is for Roger playing robotic Frankenstein and the other one is for any sim who might ever want to do the Music Production skill.

    Bathroom. Obviously.

    AAAND again.

    Gym. The room I spent least time on coz working out is overrated *cough*

    Some random bubble blower because there was an empty space in the hallway.

    And the staircase. And my new favorite pictures :)
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    SkeilahSkeilah Posts: 1,762 Member
    I don't understand people that can build a whole house at once :') I build my house while playing and then I'm continuously like 'oh that could be nice' or 'oh I could change that into that' and 2 months later you don't even recognize the house as how it was at first xD

    BUT I admire those who can build a house all at once, because I can't. It's a really nice house with much different stuff in it!
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