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What happened in your sims 3 game today?


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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    edited January 2020
    Not really a Sims story, but an actual original fic going up at FictionPress;’s sister site for original authors. It’ll be posted tomorrow after the 24hr waiting period while I start working on Chapter two.

    Here’s a bit of a teaser.

    What prompted this story was a question on Quora: “What would you do if every one in the world vanished?
    Thinking back on my trip back, I realized that a lot of the cars were at a complete stop whether impacted against another car, an object or just rolled to a complete stop on the road. And I had absolutely no idea how such a thing could take place. I looked at my watch: eight-thirty five AM. By now the entire block would be up; kids would be heading off to school and the roads would be in use. Today, other than the cars on the street haphazardly stopped, there was no-one. I looked at Katherine. Pursed lips, taut body posture; she’s uneasy. I am too.

    “So what do we do?” She looks at me. As if I have the answers. But nothing’s coming to me right now and my mind is running frantic circles around my head and I slap my hand on the counter in frustration. My voice is pitched higher too from my usual baritone.

    “Kath, I have no idea. Right now I don’t have any idea what’s going on, what we can do, the whole nine yards. We don’t know anything about what’s happened, there isn’t a soul on the street and who knows if this isn’t the prelude to some bad alien movie plot? Because it sure as hell feels like it.” I take a deep breath, “If we go out what if we run into something? We don’t know what’s out there if anything.” This is the point where I started wishing that I had believed all those who I had ridiculed as being completely off their rocker. I felt useless as far as skills were concerned. I had very minimal skills. Maybe the ability to shoot when I was growing up, my dad owned some hunting rifles. But the cops had them now with the gun control act. I’d never bothered with getting my own gun license. I was more interested in playing arcade games than shooting beer cans off the fence-line. I knew how to drive a car -stick-shift or automatic cause my dad taught me to. Other than that: my survival skills were a complete zero, other than swinging an axe to cut down a tree.

    “We can’t hole up in here forever.” Katherine comments as she’s looking at Brutus. “At some point our food is going to run out.” Even more so now that we had Brutus. We also needed to make sure that we had food for him. Did Joe have food for Brutus? Despite my fear I was going to have to go get Brutus food and do some rummaging if anything we needed to make sure that we were stocked. With enough food and supplies so that we could make our way out of here. And go where? My inner voice asks me. I had no answer.

    “I have to go back over to Joe and Mary’s. Get Brutus his food, maybe rummage around and see what else I can find.” Maybe I should shut off some of those cars. The persistent noxious gasoline odour was starting to give me a headache. “Katherine, keep the windows shut and the oven fan on.” Hopefully that might clear the air and allow us to not have to don gas masks we didn’t have.

    “I’m going to get a go-bag together. Knock on the door three times. I’m keeping the kitchen knife with me.” Katherine informed me as she looked over at Brutus. “What about him, are you going to take him?”

    “No, you hang with him. I’ll be able to move faster alone.” I also didn’t want to have Brutus seeing me loot his owner’s home. He wouldn’t understand that they were never coming back.
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,217 Member

    Yeah, at least no silly singo grams in the film career.


    I love the name of that setting haha, gorgeous house too.


    I had fun reading your update, must be such a challenge to keep
    track of so many sims.

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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    @Silverofdreams30 Graces Manor is the name of the haunted mansion at Disney
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    SleepstarSleepstar Posts: 819 Member
    edited January 2020
    Before the Internet went off, I was playing on my Molyneux Save. The teens and Patroclus had a "Snow Day". Then, I decided to end the Smith Family Save and try out Riverview. I used Promethus and his siblings to test out Riverview. They don't have much money (as whatever money they have is going on the house; currently, two weeks in the Save, Promethus and his siblings still haven't got proper flooring. So far, only Canute has a job)
    Currently aiming to get all harvestable produce in The Sims 3 (One EP left)Will complete a Legacy one day (My Wishlist)
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,217 Member

    Really cool.
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    AaeiynAaeiyn Posts: 521 Member
    Gonna have to split my Posts, into two, again. Sorry <3

    @Silverofdreams30 Ironically, a lot of Musicians start off/get distracted with Acting (Minor or Major roles) before proceeding forward with Music via Lucy Hale, Demi Lovato, Jeremy Renner, etc. And, will we see more of Townie Guy? ;)
    For those of you coming into the forums new or like @Aaeiyn coning back after a long hiatus. I haven’t always been suffering Sims 3 withdrawal.

    My Sims 3 Legacy - (slowly being updated to fit the story being currently written)

    My Apocalypse Story -
    That's wonderful!
    lisasc360 wrote: »
    @Aaeiyn Are you posting your "Big Brother" storyline just here or do you have a link to a blog for it?
    Just here. I wouldn't even know where to start, to create a Blog, for it :/
    emorrill wrote: »
    WHAT!? Howard PAID Andrew to pursue Harper!? :open_mouth: Oh man I don't like him all the more! :angry:
    Boo ya! Great advice Andrew gave Harper! :star: That was sweet.
    You know how to throw in the perfect songs for every situation in your stories. :blush: I am proud of you my young Padawan. ;):p (If you don't know what that means it's a Star Wars thing. :p )
    Awwwwww! Yes! This is the ending I wanted! <3<3
    IK this wasn't directed towards me (I'm just extremely involved in @GrayManor 's Story), but I just wanted to say, wasn't it obvious? Was it merely just a coincidence that both Emma and Andrew appear in both Brandon's and Harper's life, to pursue, romantically, at the same time? I think not! The way Emma's demeanor was written was totally obvious, from the start. I even called it 'cause I had said, Emma's demeanor just screams, "whatever, I'm just here to get paid" LOL Also, I understood your Star Wars reference. My Husband is a number one fan, of Star Wars, that he has to remind me that I'm in third place, in his hierarchy. Star Wars, first. Our Cats, second. Then me LOL In fact, I just got done playing Star Wars Battlefront II. Super old original XBOX game. And yes, I agree. Both Brandon and Harper, together, again <3Gitty Face.
    emorrill wrote: »
    @Aaeiyn I think it's cool all the similar tastes and talents we have. :blush:
    I love all animals, but I am more of a bird person. :) I've been a birdwatcher since I was 8 years old. My dad is a birder and he would take me out with him. Memories. <3 I haven't been birdwatching in years though...I need to find a good place to birdwatch around here. I can still identify most birds once I see them, as I memorized the bird book when I was a kid, true story. ;) But yeah been getting a little rusty... *sigh* Darn adulting!
    I think it's pretty cool, too. I love all animals, as well, except on not quite big on birds. I'm more of a feline, person. I just find them to be incredibly majestic, especially a nice black panther. I've always been into Black Cats. I never thought of them to be "bad luck". My Black Cat gives love, just like any other Cat. I, also, like Tigers, and I've come to find, I have my own little versions of both a Black Panther and Tiger. Here's my Orange Goofball. If I had to choose a select few, of birds, that spark my interest would definitely be both Crows and Ravens, along with Flamingos.
    emorrill wrote: »
    @Aaeiyn I see. Glad you found this thread. :mrgreen:
    Same. Everyone's been really nice <3
    emorrill wrote: »
    @Aaeiyn Oh my gosh PREACH! :star: I am 100% in agreement with you on this. The necroposting rule is so lame! And they have the date of the thread so tiny in the top left corner of the post that you can hardly see it to pay attention to whether you are posting on an old thread or not. :unamused:
    Right? It's not even the fact that a Thread does have their Timestamps, it's just a simple matter of Newbies responding to said issue / bringing up the issue, again, as proof, they're going through the same thing and getting in trouble, for it. Makes no sense, but it is what is.
    emorrill wrote: »
    @Aaeiyn Ah so you are a Sebastian fan then? :smirk: You seem to be quite the gamer. Have you played Stardew Valley? I didn't think I'd grow to like it as much as I have. ;)
    Sebastian is "aight" :p I'm into some Games. No, I have not played Stardew Valley. Haven't even heard about it, until you mentioned it, to me. I'll have to find some YT Videos, about it.
    emorrill wrote: »
    @Aaeiyn Boy Ivan isn't wasting any time with Danielle is he? :open_mouth: I wonder if he is really falling in love with her or if he's just using her to help him win the game. :confused: Like we've never know who you can trust in all this...
    Ivan is really in love with Danielle ;)
    emorrill wrote: »
    @Aaeiyn So Genevieve was the swing vote.
    It was actually Hendrik. Geneveive is indebted to Celeste, and Harold has his own agenda which includes keeping Celeste.
    emorrill wrote: »
    @Aaeiyn Well said Moogega. :star: She sounds like such a good person.
    Moogega is a wonderful person. She, most likely, wouldn't have ever been put on the Block, had Ivan not gotten greedy, in trying to kick out Celeste ;)
    emorrill wrote: »
    @Aaeiyn Yup with Harold as HoH Ivan, Hendrick and everyone who likes them is scr'ewed. :(
    And see this is why I have weird feelings about Harold (and he's hinted at it in the past that I was just reminded of). He seems to want to evict all the men so he's the only one left with all the women. And he's an old fart! Sorry, but that's creepy! :grimace:
    Aww, now I feel bad for Ivan and Hendrick based on what they said. :(
    Harold: Reason why I chose both Celeste and Danielle to be safe from eviction, I think they're the prettiest girls, left in this House.
    ^Yup my feelings are validated. He's a dirty old man. :grimace:
    Ditto to what Celeste and Genevieve said. 👍
    Gosh this is getting dramatic! I love it. :smiley:
    Yep, Harold wants to be alone, with all the Girls. Harold has zero intentions in kicking any of the women. And, when I said, earlier, that Harold was telling the truth about keeping Raychelle safe, this is why. Harold doesn't want any of the women, to leave ;) Glad you're enjoying it. I do have some more Plotting Dialogue, to share, as soon as I'm done responding to Comments.

    @lisasc360 Ah, you're in Moonlight Falls! The Goodfellow Family are like the only Fairies, in that Town, aside from one, that lives with a Vampire.
    Man, I only played Sims 3 University a few years back, and that was the same time I had Sims 4. Really never gave much thought to Sims 3 until recently, and I'm loving every bit of it!
    Glad you're enjoying yourself.

    @Nikkei_Simmer Hope you're enjoying everyone's stories <3
    I’ve played some Sims 4 recently, so haven’t been on here for a bit. I have just played the Asquiths for a good bit, and I have a lot of photos. Suffice it to say that Ros and Martin are parents...
    Congratulations to both Ros and Martin!

    @Karritz Will have to check it out, some time :)

    @GrayManor Oh my heart! First all, Gitty Face, over their beautiful kiss! Second of all, NNNOOOO!!! Third of all, beautiful shot, of Harper running in the Rain. Adds to the gloom, of what's happening. Not sure if you meant for that to happen or not but kudos, anyway! Also, wonderful job, on the Haunted Mansion ;)

    @Nikkei_Simmer Well, I'm just confused as Katherine and Joe, is that his name? No idea what's going on, but it sounds, intense.
    @Aaeiyn I had fun reading your update, must be such a challenge to keep
    track of so many sims.
    It's nice to hear. Not really quite a challenge. Especially after a Sim gets evicted LOL :D

    @Sleepstar Cool (no pun, intended)
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,217 Member
    edited January 2020
    Today's update


    My own created Sim Maxwell, Max for short was invited to a
    party Jade wanted to have.


    The party never really started cause the guests left to work lol,
    I added Max to my sims house though so I can control
    both of them.




    such intense looks.


    He was on his way out before I added him to the family.



    They cant help tp stare each other out lol




    The heat of the moment kiss for the win, they are not official yet, but they
    will share the house and I will have them go on dates.

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    AaeiynAaeiyn Posts: 521 Member
    edited January 2020
    @Silverofdreams30 Well, this will be interesting. How will Townie Guy fit into this new story, of your's? >:)

    Plotting Phase
    After the Nomination Ceremony, Danielle needed some air. Celeste goes out to join an upset Danielle. "Why is he doing this, Celeste? Why did he keep both of us, safe?" Danielle asked, as she's trying to hold back her tears. Celeste, hesitantly, replies with "because he's playing the Game. He wants all of the power, to be in his hands. Knowing that you and I are going to vote, differently, concedes all power to him, to kick out whoever he wants." "To kick out Ivan, you mean?" Danielle snippitly replies back. Celeste, still talking in a low, upset voice, herself "yes. He wants to remove all of the men, so he can have all of us girls, to himself." Danielle begins sobbing, uncontrollably "this can't be happening." Celeste, comforts her and says "we can fix this, Danielle. We can fix this, together. But I need you to get your head into the Game and away from your Heart." Danielle, no longer sad but angry "what are you trying to say, Celeste?" Celeste says "you and I have to work, together, if we have any chance of eliminating Harold. Which means, I need you to not vote, for me, when the time comes." Danielle responds with "I'm not doing anything, without Ivan." Celeste says, "does that mean you're leaving Madgenta, behind?" Danielle realized her hypocrisy and began sobbing, again. Celeste continues "Danielle, this is a Game, and you need to treat it, as such. If you want Ivan to continue being here, then I need you to work with me." Danielle asks "does that mean, you're voting for Ivan to stay?" Celeste, knowing Ivan will be handed the Game, in this scenario, was better than Harold winning and says "yes, but only if I can stay, too." Danielle responds with "then let's do it. Let's keep Ivan here, so we can work on getting Harold, out of here." Celeste, feeling elated and being a bigger person, says "deal."

    Meanwhile, in the Diary Room...
    Celeste: While, I don't necessarily want to keep Ivan, in this Game, it's better than allowing a Monster, like Harold, win over him. My only concern is, with keeping Ivan, Geneveive will be the next target, and I'm not exactly sure how to convince Danielle, not to vote for her.

    Danielle: I'm really happy, that Celeste is willing to shove her ego, aside, and allow Ivan to stay. 'Cause I don't want any of us girls to even be alone with Harold. I wouldn't even wish that on Raychelle.

    Danielle grabs both Ivan and Madgenta, to join her and Celeste, at the backyard patio table. Danielle begins with "so, Celeste is on board with keeping Ivan, in this game, to protect us, from Harold." Both Ivan and Madgenta are excited to hear the news. Celeste presents her competitive side, again "Before anyone gets too excited, I just want everybody at this table to know, that I had only made a promise to keep Ivan safe. Which means, I'm voting against you, Madgenta." All three, Danielle, Ivan and Madgenta were quite shocked. Danielle exclaimed "Celeste, that's not fair..." but before Danielle could finish her sentence, Celeste snapped "Fair? Let me tell you what's fair, Ivan stays, Madgenta goes, along with Hendrik, and Geneveive stays. You'll (directed at Danielle) have your one support, Ivan, like I'll have Geneveive. It would be unfair, to me, to be left alone, with you three Power Houses." None of them said anything, after that. Except for Madgenta, "Celeste, you are right. We need to discuss what's fair." All three, Celeste, Danielle and Ivan were taken a back by Madgenta's response. Madgenta closes with "don't worry, we'll make it fair.", and she walks away. Ending this meeting.

    Meanwhile, in the Diary Room...
    Celeste: I'm rather confused on what Madgenta meant, when she conceded to my point about being fair, to me, as well. I'm assuming that's a good thing, on my end, anyway. Wonder how both Danielle and Ivan are taking it.

    Danielle: I have no idea how we're going to protect Ivan, if Celeste is being stubborn on how we're doing the voting. Also, what the heck was Madgenta, on about? I don't see how we're being "unfair", to Celeste. Whatever that means. I'm really worried about what Madgenta is going to pull, here.

    Madgenta: It's pretty clear, that Celeste is playing the game. In order for my Team (via Danielle and Ivan) to win is to concede power, over to her. I believe her, when she says she wants to eliminate Harold. Best way to do that is to go against his plans, and I think I know how. Neither Danielle nor Celeste is going to like it, though.

    Ivan: I'm a little bit on edge, in working with Celeste. The same person, who's been gunning, for me, this entire time, is suddenly wanting to protect me. I don't even know what's going on, anymore. It's unclear, to me, what Madgenta has up her sleeves. It better be genius.

    Madgenta gathers both Danielle and Celeste over to the Hammocks. Madgenta opens with "Ladies, it's come to my attention, that we have a problem. That problem being Harold. The only way to end his tyranny is to go against his wishes. We all know his targets are both Ivan and Hendrik. But I believe he's wanting Ivan out, more than Hendrik. Protecting Ivan is a must, at this point. The other Point, I have to address, is that Harold wants to be alone with a House full of girls, and we can't let that happen. And, to be fair, to everyone, I'm asking both of you, to vote for me."

    Both Danielle and Celeste were shocked. Celeste, apologetically says "Madgenta, when I said I was voting for you, it's not because I dislike you..." Madgenta cuts her off, by putting her hand up and says "Celeste, I know. This goes beyond all of this. I, also, don't want my best friend to have to choose between her boyfriend and her best friend. I'd rather ease that decision, for her." Danielle's eyes begin to fill with tears, again and says "Madgenta, don't..." Madgenta interrupts her and says "Danielle, don't. This is the only way." All three of them participate in a Group Hug.

    Meanwhile, in the Diary Room...
    Celeste: I'm, literally, in shock, that Madgenta is asking for both Danielle and I to vote for her, to be evicted. Danielle is really lucky to have a friend like Madgenta, to take the fall, for her. I wish I had that decency. As much as I'm thankful, for her sacrifice, this game is beginning to mentally break me down *begins sobbing* I know that people watching this, think I'm just this horrible person, but I'm not. It's the Game, and I'm just playing the Game. I care, deeply, for everyone here. It's not easy, manipulating these people, who are supposed to be your friends, just to be one step closer, to the prize.

    Danielle: This has got to be the most depressing Week, thus far, in this House. My boyfriend's on the block, I'm being blackmailed to vote against my best friend, meanwhile my best friend is sacrificing herself, in order to keep the peace. I don't know how much longer I can deal with this *begins sobbing* It's so hard, trying to win this Game without feeling attacked, somehow.

    Madgenta: I know that my sacrifice, is the right thing to do. Yeah, I'm not going to win, but I have the upmost trust, that either Danielle, Celeste or Ivan will. Any one of them, is better than Harold. Heck, I'm even cheering for both Geneveive or Hendrik over Harold, at this point. Harold is evil and needs to go.

    Harold asks Celeste to meet him, in his Head of House (HoH) Suite. Celeste takes a seat, on the Desk Chair, near the door, in case she needs to make a quick escape. Harold relaxes on his bed. Harold opens up with "Celeste, I need to ensure that both Ivan and Hendrik are going to be evicted." Celeste, being careful with her words, responds with "I assure you, I will be voting the right way." Harold smiles "excellent. I'd want nothing more than to continue having you ladies, enjoy this house with me." Celeste nods, gets up but before she's able leave, Harold says "you don't really expect me to believe your carefully selected choice of words, do you?" Celeste turns around and asks "what do you mean?" Harold replies with "you never said you were voting against either Ivan nor Hendrik" Celeste repeated herself "I already told you, I'm voting the right way". Harold asks "the right way, for whom?" Celeste replies with "for me, of course" and leaves.

    Meanwhile, in the Diary Room...
    Harold: I'm afraid the House has conspired a plan to keep Ivan, in this House. I can't let that happen. I need to figure out who they're voting out and take them off the block, when Power of Veto (PoV) arrives, and I win it, of course. I didn't come this far, just to have Pretty Boy win one, over me.

    Celeste: Harold has got some nerve, trying to pressure me into voting the way he wants me, to/threatening me. Does he really think that's going to win him votes, when Final Two arrives? Some advice, Harold, word gets out.

    Celeste needs to have a talk with Geneveive, so she pulled her aside, near the Bathroom. Celeste opens with "So, Harold is trying to threaten and blackmail me, into voting for both Ivan and Hendrik." Geneveive shakes her head and responds with "he's such a creep." Celeste tells Geneveive about her conversations with Danielle, Ivan and Madgenta. Geneveive was shocked and exclaims "oh my goodness, Madgenta is sacrificing, herself?" Celeste nods. Geneveive says "forget Harold. He can't touch you, not while your Support system is still around." Celeste felt comforted by Geneveive's words. Celeste says "OK, I'm going to go with the plan that Madgenta initiated." Geneveive smiles and says "Harold has no idea what's coming."

    Meanwhile, in the Diary Room...
    Celeste: Harold is such a sleaze. I can't wait for the day, until we evict him. He's getting on everybody's nerves. Does he honestly believe that he's going to win, this way? I, at least, have some integrity!

    Geneveive: I'm learning a lot from Celeste, and I still can't believe I'm making it, as far as I have. I started off being practically hated, but it appears that I'm part of the clan, now, and it feels good, to feel wanted and needed. Can't wait to help evict Harold, out of this House!
    Post edited by Aaeiyn on
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,217 Member

    Ha, sadly townie guy was just a background extra that happened to be in the same area lol.
    Max is the one I created for Jade just had to get them into the same place at the
    same time lol
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,217 Member
    so @emorrill Wanted me indirectly to create a nerd sim since I mostly
    create male sims that are handsome haha, its a bit of a challenge but I decided to
    go for it



    I present my gaming nerd sim Trevor hehe.
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    KevinL5275KevinL5275 Posts: 2,489 Member
    Holy cow this thread has picked up, been gone about a week and now I'm so far behind.:( lol.

    Uhm, you have nothing on me. I'm still reading posts from July of 2019!! That's why you havent heard from me here, LOL.
    I'm a 49 year old married man, with a beautiful wife, a cat, and a simverted personality.My Sims 3 Pictures
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    edited January 2020
    Aaeiyn wrote: »
    @Nikkei_Simmer Well, I'm just confused as Katherine and Joe, is that his name? No idea what's going on, but it sounds, intense.

    The main couple in the story are a couple called Tatsu and Katherine, survivors of an event where the entire population except for a handful of survivors has inexplicably vanished. I know, it’s a little hard to get if only a small snippet of the fic is used.

    Joe and Mary were Brutus(the Rottweiler)’s former owners, they’re two of those inexplicably vanished.

    First chapter posted:
    Post edited by Nikkei_Simmer on
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,931 Member
    Hello All

    I have now made my latest video public. Here's the link.

    This one is a stand alone video - sort of. It isn't part of any story line but is part of just about every video story I've already done.

    I had a crazy idea to send all of my sims on holiday to Sunlit Tides together. The challenge was how many of them could I fit into a single lot. You'll need to watch the video to find out the answer to that one.

    They all enjoyed mixing with each other and lots of sim friendships were made at their seaside Summer vacation. While there they were able to enjoy the facilities provided by my Bluewater Fun Park roller coaster build. It is CC free and is in my studio.

    As with all other builds and sims in my studio, I made them while my game was free of 3rd party custom content and mods.

    Happy Simming

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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,349 Member
    When Margo was done reading her book, she ran up the path that leads to the street and seen Waylon and Gator Wolff out for a nighttime stroll to Moonlight Point. Margo senses that they may be werewolves themselves and decides that she will try to go and meet the family soon when it's daylight out. Maybe if they are were's themselves that they can help teach her the ways of the lycans.

    After she ran past the Wolff boys, she spotted a deer leaping past her.

    Once she got home, she put together the computer that she order the other day right after she moved to Moonlight Falls as well as the desk and chair for her to use. So the first thing she does once everything is put together is searching the web for any info on lycan myth and lore. She read some stuff on the History Channel website as well as other websites. But she found most of them stating the werewolves are just myths and nothing more. Margo thought to her self that if werewolves aren't real, then why is she turning into one on nights with a full moon. Margo figures that she would be better off asking one the werewolf families in town how this is even possible and hopefully they can shed some light on the whole werewolf myth.

    While Margo was inside on her computer, a deer showed up outside of her house.

    Margo was feeling a bit hungry, so she headed to the kitchen and grabbed herself a pre-made salad from the refrigerator and took it over to the table to eat it.

    She really enjoyed her salad and loved the taste of it especially after her werewolf side had eaten a hot dog earlier tonight.

    After she cleaned up her plate, she headed to the bookshelf so that she could grab a couple of the recipe books that she brought from the bookstore the other day. She wants to learn every recipe there is whether it be vegetarian meals or not as she would like to cook food for people that's not vegetarians when she has visitors over. She would like to have a variety of dishes around the house so if she has occasions such as parties and cookouts and all, there would be stuff for everyone there. (Sorry Margo, but that is not the way to look for books on the bookshelf.)

    She took 3 books from the shelf and went into her bedroom to lay on the bed to read them.

    When she finished reading her recipe books, she had to use the bathroom. She ended up clogging up the toilet so she had to unclog the toilet so that she can flush it all down.

    And since Margo has a wish to upgrade 5 items, she went and upgraded the toilet so that it can clean itself after every flush.

    Margo was feeling quite dirty after the day and night that she had, she so took herself and nice hot shower. If only the bathroom was big enough, she would get rid of the shower and get a bathtub combo shower to use as she loves taking hot soapy bubble baths as well.
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    Hey everyone. Been feeling kinda blah today, :( you know how it can be sometimes when real life challenges begin to weigh on you.

    As far as a first chapter for my Stardew Valley story, I haven't taken any pictures or written anything yet. :pensive: I'm hoping to feel better so I can write better. :star: That's why I'm holding off on it for a little bit.
    Plus I've gotta do a little more research on the characters and in other things that'll I'll be throwing into the story so that I know what I'm talking about when I write it. 👍

    Gonna throw out some quick comments here. Thanks for all the entertainment and laughs through your posts everyone. I need it. <3

    @lisasc360 So I guess we see that Vegetarian sims, even in wolf form, can still get sick when consuming meat. :)
    Pip's wings are pretty. :love:
    I can't stand that married sims get the hearts for other sims, but I guess, now that I think about it, it makes sense because naturally us married folks notice when someone is good looking, we just don't act on it. And actually it's more the sims acting on those feelings, while they are still married, that bothers me! :angry:
    Sad Margo doesn't remember what she does when she's a werewolf :cry: Not even the people she meets...
    Yup, get your study on girl! ;)
    When I got a phone call that doesn't have a name on the caller ID, I still pick because sometimes we have some of our doctor's that when they call, their name doesn't show up. Even some of our utility companies don't show their name on my caller ID. But when I do pick up and say "Hello" 2 or 3 times and no one answers, I will go on about them being a spammer and that we don't deal with spammers so they better hang before I report them to the FBI for fraud. Of course whoever it is always hangs up before I can finish my little rant to I once had one guy from India that was trying to tell me that I won a trip and so when I called him a spammer, he tried to tell me that we was legit. But I still told him that he was a spammer and that I wasn't falling for his lies since I hadn't even entered my name into any contest. He then got really nasty with me and called names and such. I hung on
    ^Yup I'll answer most calls too because we have a couple of physicians from the valley that will call us.
    Dang girl you are so brave! :lol: That was amusing! And we both know that guy got nasty with you because you called him out on the truth. :unamused: People these days...
    Aww, cute deer prance. :blush:
    Gotta love when sims step into the bookshelves. :lol:
    Lol! I saw the heart on the butt and thought maybe someone came over and Margo got frisky with them in the shower. :lol: Nope!
    Hope she has a nice chat with the Wolff family and gains some knowledge.

    @Nikkei_Simmer I can only imagine... :( I pray you and your wife will find great jobs very very soon. 🙏 And we'll still be here when you get back to simming. :)
    Yup. Positive thinking always makes life better. :star: Hang in there my friend.
    Though I won’t be buying any calendars any time soon. I want to keep breathing.
    ^Lol! :lol: And your wife probably wouldn't approve of that either. :smirk:;):p

    @Karritz When I have some time I'll watch your new video. :)

    @GraceyManor Well hello Gracey Manor. :p
    Ugh, Emma is still around? :unamused:
    That dress looks really nice on Harper. :)
    That song is beautiful! <3 And it has a GREAT message to it!
    Yeah! Caught in the act Howard! :smiley: Woo!
    Oh crud, Howard just HAD to go there and reveal the truth about Brandon using Harper in the beginning. A last ditch effort if there ever was one... :unamused:
    Oh Harper...I understand being a little upset by that, but you needed to listen to his explanation and not storm off. 🤦‍♀️

    @Aaeiyn Thanks for all the sweet reply comments to my replies. :blush:
    I'm also a cat person. :blush: I've grown to love dogs more, but cats I will always prefer. (Can't have one though because I'm allergic. :confounded: Hopefully taking allergy shots will help with that.) Your kitties are so pretty and adorable. <3
    I never knew about Stardew Valley until people mentioned it on here as well. :lol: You may find some interesting YouTube videos on it. :p
    Good to know Ivan isn't being fake towards Danielle. ;)
    Harold is a naughty man. I hope he doesn't win, but why do I get the feeling he will? :(
    Poor Danielle. :cry: But Celeste is right; she needs to put aside the feelings of her heart and play the game so they can prevent Harold from winning!
    Yay they're working together to out Harold. :star:
    'Cause I don't want any of us girls to even be alone with Harold. I wouldn't even wish that on Raychelle.
    Woah to Celeste revealing she's voting against Madgenta to her face! :open_mouth: seems it has to be done. (She made a fair point. Pun wasn't intended, but I love it! :lol: )
    That was an unexpected yet very kind gesture by Madgenta. <3
    It's true Harold is no dummy, but good for Celeste finally standing up to him. :star:
    So will Genevieve vote Madgenta out too? Guess we'll see? :smirk:
    Can't wait for more! :smiley:

    @Silverofdreams30 Max is SO dreamy! :love: Oh my it just got hotter in here! *fans self again*
    That leather jacket! :star:
    Jade is a lucky girl. ;) They sure seemed to hit it off quick!
    Hee hee! Rad nerd sim you created there! :grin: Those pants! :lol:
    He is totally channeling Napoleon Dynamite. :p

    @KevinL5275 You're not as far behind as I was thinking. ;) Read faster! :p;)

    Happy Simming everyone. :)
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    "There you are!" Emma shouted as she spotted Harper running down the back road.
    "Howard's too coward...I'll get rid of you once and for all."

    Harper was too upset and lost to see the car coming.

    Emma smacked into Harper at 50 MPH sending her flying into the yard.

    "Harper! Harper!!!!! Harper laid motionless on the cold ground, small
    amount of blood ran from her forehead.
    Background music: You're trying not to think about what went wrong
    Trying not to stop 'til you get where you goin'
    You're trying to stay awake so I bet you turn on the radio and the song goes
    I can't live without you, I can't live without you, baby
    I can't live without you, I can't live without you, baby, baby

    "You! You..there's no words to describe what you are Howard."
    "You have no proof I did it...Emma however may be the one you want.."
    "I don't're both working together!!"

    Background Music:
    The highway won't hold you tonight
    The highway don't know you're alive
    The highway don't care if you're all alone, but I do, I do.
    The highway won't dry your tears
    The highway don't need you here
    The highway don't care if you're coming home, but I do, I do.

    Brandon called 911 for a hit and run accident.Emergency services


    Harper managed to moan a little.."Don't's coming..Harper
    I'm sorry...this is my fault...I'll never forgive myself..."
    Background music:
    I bet you got a dead cell phone in your shotgun seat
    Yeah, I bet you're bending God's ear talking 'bout me.
    You're trying not to let the first tear fall out
    Trying not to think about turning around
    You're trying not to get lost in the sound but that song is always on, so you sing along
    I can't live without you, I can't live without you, baby
    I can't live without you I can't live without you baby, oh baby

    The ambulance pulled away; rushing Harper code 3 to the Trauma Center
    in downtown Twin towns.

    "If she dies..Howard..." Brandon raced for the hospital trying
    to get to Harper.
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    edited January 2020
    @GraceyManor Well goodness, I wasn't expecting that! :scream:

    I hope Harper will be okay and that Emma will be put away for the crime she's done, and Howard too for conspiring with her, no matter the fact that she's a celebrity!

    Edit: By the way you staged that very well. :star:
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,217 Member

    Thank you, I laughed at that Napoleon comment, he sure does look a bit like
    that character hehe.
    I hope you feel better today hugs.


    Wow, that was a dramatic update hope
    she's okay.


    I'm job hunting myself, been for a few months so I know how it
    is goodl luck.


    Great updates

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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @Aaeiyn I have put up a thread with all of the new Sims and their names :smile:
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    @Aaeiyn Well Ivan got the girl. I hope he really cares and is not using her.
    Harold is really creepy, but the guys are underestimating him.
    I was surprised to see Moogega go vs Celeste as Moogega seemed the least troublesome of the two. The reasons were interesting.
    It really is a shame Harold won Hoh! What luck.
    Goodness what a mess of plotting and scheming trying to work out a plan against Harold. I love it!

    @GraceyManor It does make sense that Brandon said it, not Harper. I did read it wrong.
    Well dag, just when things were going so well you have another running gal! :lol: I'll admit learning how things started would be a shock, but he didn't have to continue pursuing her and she should know that his feelings are real and have more faith in him and his love.
    Well, that was unexpected and certainly a really bad consequence of running away. I sure hope they catch Emma and Howard!

    @Silverofdreams30 I hope Jade will be happier in the acting career.
    Maxwell is so cute! He and Jade look terrific together. Looks like they like each other too! :smiley:
    Your geek sim Trevor is adorable. :smiley:

    @Nikkei_Simmer It is great that you have the outlet of writing about your sims since you can't play them right now. I've got your fanfic page bookmarked but haven't had time to read. Work has been very busy this week. I haven't even played the game. :cry: I am still praying that you find a job and things improve for you and your family.

    @emorrill Oh my! :open_mouth::love: That is one muscular guy! And doesn't he have the sweetest smile! :wink:
    :::hugs::: Hope you feel better soon.

    @lisasc360 The Goodfellow's are a nice family to come and visit with her.
    Bummer that being a wolf didn't keep her from being sick. Guess dining on the raw meat is out for her! :lol:
    Cute deer!

    @lucidgreenn Welcome, glad you are enjoying the game.

    @Lucy_Henley Congrats to Ros and Martin.

    @Karritz were very ambitious since I know you have tons of sims. I think I've pretty much maxed how many I want on one lot in game right now. Luckily they are all behaving themselves and not flirting with the wrong people.
    I do hope you get some views. It is pretty long, but will try to watch it in snippets of time. :wink:

    @Sleepstar Nice to see you got some simming time. :smiley:

    I hope I have some time to write a chapter today, but in the meantime the family enjoys a picnic lunch prepared by Wisteria and Gardenia.
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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,349 Member
    When Margo was done with her shower, she went and put on clean clothes so that the could go to the Summer Festival that she saw the other day but couldn't go as it wasn't open yet.

    The first thing that Margo does when she gets there is to head over to the photo tent so that she can get a picture of herself at the Summer Festival.

    After she was done getting her picture done, she went over to the Whack-a-Gnome machine and put her money in so that she could play. She has a lot of pent up frustration ever since she found out that she attacked someone back in her hometown that she needs to let out.

    She smacked herself in the mouth with the whack-a-gnome mallet which hurt like heck. She's hoping that she didn't break any teeth or even her jaw.

    Then she saw the claw machine, so she decided to try her hand at getting something from it but was unsuccessful as the bear dropped before she could get it over the slot.

    She tried again and had picked up a pink bunny but it still dropped before she could move the arm back over the slot.

    Margo had a few choice words for the machine as she pointed her finger at it as well as throw her fist to it.

    She tried again figuring that the 3rd time is the charm but it still fell before she could get it.

    She decided that she had enough of the claw machine as all she was doing was wasting her money to try to get something that she wanted but couldn't have. So she decided to try some roller skating instead.

    She almost lost her balance here but managed to stay upright.

    After she got onto the skating rink, Rick Durwood, Branch Timbly and Doreen Caliente all decided to go skating as well. Rick only stayed on for about 1 round of skating while everyone else stayed. Even Bianca Crumplebottom was there as she also got onto the skating rink after Rick left.

    Doreen and Bianca decided to skate together while Branch wanted to skate with Margo. Poor Doreen and Bianca both fell down as they lost their balance.

    Then it was Margo and Branch who fell down. Margo fell on her rump while Branch fell flat on his face hoping that he didn't break his glasses.

    Then it was Margo and Doreen skating together while Bianca and Branch skated together as well.
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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,349 Member
    Margo lost her balance so Doreen tried her best to grab her hand but was unsuccessful, so Margo fell on her rump again. Poor Margo's rump is going to be all bruised up from falling so much.

    Then Doreen fell flat in her face when she lost grip of Margo's hand.

    Margo got a text from Pip Goodfellow inviting her over to his place for a party.

    But then after she saw the text message from Pip about the party, she got an alert over the phone letting the residents of Moonlight Falls that Flora Goodfellow had done passed away.

    Margo couldn't decide whether to go over to the Goodfellow's home for the party or just skipped but in the end she decided to go over so that she could give them her condolences about their loss. So when she got there and standing in their yard, she heard Pip in the house crying over his loss.

    So Margo climbs up the steps to the Goodfellow's tree house and rung the doorbell and was told to come on inside. So she goes and sits at the kitchen breakfast counter while Pip was fixing some Mac and Cheese for dinner. Dahlia who just left their little fairy house had also came inside as well.

    So Margo decided to give Dahlia a friendly introduction since she didn't have time the other day to meet them while they were all at the beach.

    Margo and Dahlia had a nice little chat about the stars and the constellations.

    Margo then made her introductions to Pip since they didn't really have a proper introduction the other day at the beach.

    She also gave him her condolences over his loss of his mother which caused both of them to cry.

    Margo grabbed herself a bowl of Mac and Cheese and ate it despite the fact that Pip burnt it. Of course Pip is quite upset about his mother's death, so she understands that Pip's mind isn't into cooking good meals at the moment.

    Margo headed on home and saw that her rocking chair had came today while she was out, so she decided to try it out.

    After she tried out her rocking chair, she hung up her picture of the Summer Festival behind her rocking chair.

    She then goes and get a book from the bookshelf and sits back in her rocker to read it. It's the Cooking with Salt Vol. 1 book even though she is a natural cook, she just want's to make sure that she's a very good cook.
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    Hey everyone. :) I'm feeling much better today, thank you all for your sweet words. :kissing_heart: The motivation is returning.

    Gonna do a little bit of comments here. I need to work on stuff in my game still to get ready for my new story. :smiley: I'm doing it! :star:

    @Silverofdreams30 Hee hee! I figured you would get a kick out of seeing just how similar your sim looked to Napoleon. :lol: It's a hilarious movie if you ever find it and get the chance to watch it. It's a certain kind of humor that isn't everyone's cup of tea, but it was mine! :lol:
    Oh heck, let me show you a video clip from the movie here that I'm sure will have you dying laughing. :joy: (And he was actually really GOOD! :star: )
    Hope you can view it in your area...
    ^He did that to help his buddy Pedro out to win class President. Because before Pedro's little speech there they were lamenting backstage that they had no clue he needed to do a skit to promote himself so Pedro was feeling downhearted that he had nothing to show... It was sweet. :star:

    @bekkasan That firefighter did have a sweet smile. Guys with lovely smiles catch my eye, like my hubby. <3
    Thanks. <3 I'm feeling much better today. God is good. 🙏
    OMGosh I LOVE that picture of all of them picnic-ing. <3 Cute! I can't wait for the next chapter! :grin:

    @lisasc360 Sounds like Margo mostly had fun at the Summer Festival. ;) Letting her aggression out on the whack-a-gnome cracked me up. :lol: And the part where Branch fell flat on his face without breaking his glasses!
    Aww, sad about Flora. :cry: And for her family.
    Burned mac and always makes me cringe seeing that. :grimace: 🤮
    Of course Pip is quite upset about his mother's death, so she understands that Pip's mind isn't into cooking good meals at the moment.
    ^Good point. I like that. :)
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    Lucy_HenleyLucy_Henley Posts: 2,997 Member
    Ros's maternity outfit of choice was a trench coat. Considering that Lucky Palms is a desert world and has a climate to match, it's odd. That's the thing I like about Sims 4 pregnancy, no weird maternity gear.


    She went to the bookstore and bought a load of recipes. One of the ones she bought was cheesesteak, her favourite meal. I'm guessing she's improving the Cooking skill here rather than learning a new recipe, though, seeing as the bar above her head is the blue skill one rather than the green recipe one.


    Fairly early on in the pregnancy, she's looking pretty big. That's another odd thing about Sims 3 pregnancies, they often look tiny when they go into labour. (I know that some women do carry small, of course, but Sims 4 is more realistic size-wise).


    Labour! I decided to send her home to give birth; having a homebirth means you're automatically friends with the baby.


    Freakout time! You notice the Sleepy thought bubble... yeah, after calming down he went to sleep. *eyeroll*


    TRIPLETS! That's why she looked pretty big. Two boys and one girl; James, Nicholas and Lucy in birth order. I was gonna name Lucy "Katie", but I realised that James and Nicholas had full names (as opposed to Jamie and Nick/Nicky) so Lucy fit better. Maybe a name for a grandchild?


    Paparazzi showed up... one of them didn't fancy going home, and passed out.


    Whilst Martin was at work, there was a small explosion. The notification said he was "slightly singed"... I don't call this "slightly" singed.


    Taking out the trash.


    Martin had a lot of Barren plants to deal with.


    Such dedicated gardeners get a little upset after throwing away plants. Dude... they weren't going to bear any new produce. And you can always plant new ones!!


    Working on the martial arts skill. I always like setting up a stereo outside and getting it to play Chinese music to add to the atmosphere.


    Martin decided to quit the Science career and become a self-employed gardener again, as he had so much produce in his inventory. After selling everything, he made so much money he immediately got promoted to level 5!!


    He mastered Gardening! One third of the way to his Lifetime Wish. As you can guess, he was pretty pleased with himself.


    As I'm using the Long lifespan in this save, babyhood is six days. Which meant a LOT of screaming. So, I decided to max all motives and make needs static for a few days, because Ros and Martin weren't sleeping properly.
    Here, Ros is showing off her meditation skills.


    Chillin' on the balcony.


    I aged the babies to toddlers. Here's little Lucy. I'll get screenshots of James and Nicholas when I next play them.


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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    Hey friends. :)

    If any of you have been curious and would like to read an update on where I'm at with my writing and where I plan to go with it, check it out on my blog post HERE. :)

    Happy Simming! <3

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