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What happened in your sims 3 game today?


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    Computerglitch8Computerglitch8 Posts: 17 Member
    > @Mindsimscreate said:
    > It seems like you guys are all friends on here, and I am kinda of new to the forums but am starting to believe sims 4 is really boring. I think I might try to start playing sims 3 even though I’d be totally new here and not really know what to do. So, am I welcome here or is this just for you guys to tell each other what happened in your game? Also, what time/ how often do you come back to this forum? Thanks for reading/ answering my questions :)

    hey! im brand new too! (not even a member yet!) but dont worry about any of that! just relax and join whatever conversation you want/comment whenever you want! from what ive seen the people here are really friendly, but i dont think anyone really like, knows each other personally. so dont worry and just go with the flow! :D
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,224 Member

    I give feedback tomorrow but


    Welcome to the thread, everyone is welcomed to post what
    happened in their game on here. I'm from Sweden so my time
    is usually different to come on than most of the other people here.
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    HejixHejix Posts: 1,056 Member
    It seems like you guys are all friends on here, and I am kinda of new to the forums but am starting to believe sims 4 is really boring. I think I might try to start playing sims 3 even though I’d be totally new here and not really know what to do. So, am I welcome here or is this just for you guys to tell each other what happened in your game? Also, what time/ how often do you come back to this forum? Thanks for reading/ answering my questions :)

    You are welcome here,we are very nice people.

    The only requirement is you make a hottie sim girl everyday so i can kidnap her and put her in my sim dungeon and..... :neutral:

    I mean ugh umm hi. :p

    And you should start playing 3 it is fun,open world no loading screens with cars boats windsurfing motorcycles swimming in oceans can live on islands, build houses any spot on the map lots of pets not just a mouse 72 large dog breeds,46 small dog breeds,46 cat breeds,30 horse breeds you can ride anywhere,many species of rodents,snakes,turtles,lizards,small birds,large birds all interactive not tied to a cage etc etc could go on all day.

    I just joined not long ago, and indeed people here are very friendly. It doesn't take long before everyone @ at everybody. ;)

    You post whatever you like, but be warned, this thread constantly explodes, is pretty addicting and hard to stay up to date. Which is a good thing? It means it's alive!

    Before you know it, you'll recognize the style and personality of each simmer. It's cool.
    I want to play ALL the premade families! One day...
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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,390 Member
    It seems like you guys are all friends on here, and I am kinda of new to the forums but am starting to believe sims 4 is really boring. I think I might try to start playing sims 3 even though I’d be totally new here and not really know what to do. So, am I welcome here or is this just for you guys to tell each other what happened in your game? Also, what time/ how often do you come back to this forum? Thanks for reading/ answering my questions :)

    Hello and welcome to the thread @Mindsimscreate... :)

    Yes, we are a friendly bunch over here in this section and welcome any new TS3 players/members with open arms... :smiley:
    I think that you will enjoy playing TS3 with it's open world and other things such as CASt (Create a style). TS3 also has a tool over on their old site for creating our own patterns which I would recommend checking it. It's called Create-a-pattern and is really fun to use and add your own pattern creations to the game... :)
    We have TS3 players from all time zones in this thread, so you might see someone posting at or after midnight depending on where they're or you're from... :)

    Also you'll want to watch out for that @CravenLestat as he likes to threaten to steal our Simselves and lock them up in dungeons and use them to create his baby army in his :p And if you should go and download his simself into your game, you do need to keep a really close eye on him as his SS will fall in love with other players SS. Just ask my SS what he did to her since he couldn't get her as his girlfriend as she already has someone in her life as well as a son with her bf... ;)
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    thuggishsplicerthuggishsplicer Posts: 1,747 Member
    @Hejix Luckily Catherine isn't my sim. She would have to get used to the vanilla stuff since I have very little CC.
    I played The Sims Medieval only once. I've got both the base game and the expansion. I'll try to install it once I buy a new driver. I did like that mash-up, it's like the game playing the game. LOL

    >>> My neighbors are fighting! :-O Sooner or later there will be some glass breaking <<<

    @bekkasan I've just figured out that Anubis site has a catalog! My life would have been so much easier if I had noticed that before! I've got only that dress but I like to see the patterns of the others.
    Speaking of patterns, thanks for the tip. I'm going to study that tutorial later. There seems to be too many steps and programs involved. If I ever master it, I'll let you know.
    **Tomorrow will be my Dwight day. I'll only play after cleaning up the house.

    @Brandontaylor As soon as I complete another sim-year I'll show what happened to those households. XD I keep an eye on them.

    @TadOlson Great update!

    @Puddinroy Nice seeing you!

    @CravenLestat OMG! I saved that photo for reference. Perhaps I'll reproduce that living room (in Andrews house FOR Jackie!).
    You also like custom paintings! That's a nice one.

    @Mindsimscreate This topic is one of the hottest at this corner of the forum. People seem to post something all the time. I often loose track and I can't answer everything regularly (I must admit I skip many things so that I can buy time). Just relax and share your stories. Happy Simming!

    --- x --- x ---

    My sims did very little today, even though Dillon's lifetime with is to become a journalist, he's been working at the hospital because his father wants to see him as a doctor. I usually ignore these wishes, but I decided to play along this time.

    I spent a little while reviewing and adding new paintings to my game because @PalmArrow 's patterns inspired me.



    I got tired of the small paitings and decided to have some BIG ones. "Salem Harbor" by Fitz Hugh Lane, "Water Lillies" by Monet, "Starry Night" by Van Gogh and "The Grands Boulevards" by Renoir. XD


    I'm having some issues with these ones thumbnails. Two Mondrians, one plain and the other with Uncle Scrooge, Lichtenstein, Monet and I managed to change the writing on my Archie Comic to simlish! XD
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member
    @PalmArrow Thanks for commenting. It is amazing what you can create with those OMSP devices :wink: and MOO. I wanted the mess as realistic as I could get it. :)

    @LunBeauty Glad you got the previous save working then. :)

    @TadOlson Thanks for commenting. Lots of paintings being sold!

    @emorrill Don't have a clue about the warning. Too much geek speak in it for me to understand! :open_mouth:
    Like that placement of the beach ball huh? :lol:

    @Brandontaylor Hope Christopher will pop in and peek at little Andrew during a visit sometime. So sad!
    Glad to see that Brittany is enjoying herself as a grandma.
    I do like her new look and hope she finds a new husband. Does it have to be from the town or can you make a spouse for her?
    Andrew is cute! Happy Birthday!

    @Puddinroy Thanks for the comments. :)

    @king_of_simcity7 Thanks for the comments. :)

    @Computerglitch8 Yup, that won't work. Mods.

    @Mindsimscreate Everyone is welcome, we were all new to Sims 3 and the thread at one time or another. @CravenLestat is kinda like that uncle that we all have and put up with because he is family and ya know, family is important.

    @CravenLestat See my comment to @PalmArrow :grin: Yep, but nasty was necessary for the story! I'm glad to know that I grossed y'all out! It was fun setting it up.

    @thuggishsplicer I have some boots of hers and that set with the shorts and necklace and shoes and a cute dress. I did download a couple of new things as well as that summery dress while there this morning.
    I do hope you figure the pattern thing out. My brain is too old for complicated instructions. I seem to bog down when it gets wordy!
    I love all the paintings, but especially the big sailing ships and the water lilies. Awesome!
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,935 Member
    Hello again. Yet another day begins with no possibility of progress on my various Sim projects. I’m sitting in a cafe. Just had an omelette for breakfast. Now I have to wait until early afternoon for my car to get a major service. Then tomorrow it’ll be new tyres. That shouldn’t take all day but will make it difficult to make much progress.

    Today I’m going to read a play. Emma. I have to do some portraits of some of the actors to be used as stage props and the director gave me a copy of the script to read. It is being surprisingly helpful. I need to have an idea of the characters I’m going to paint. That’ll take me away from sims for a while too. I’m beginning to feel a sense of urgency to get the video I’m currently working on done. Maybe this afternoon I’ll make some time to get that done.

    I’m the meantime. Happy Simming
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    imdragonitimdragonit Posts: 1,019 Member
    @Mindsimscreate everyone on here is fantastic & friendly :)@CravenLestat will tease you like crazy but can tell you just about anything on sims3 :p seriously sims3 is a great game...welcome
    @all great updates :)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    edited January 2019
    Typed up some feedback yesterday but didn't get around to posting it as I got carried away with Netflix :D Yesterday was the start of a heatwave that will go all week so I might not be around much until it is over. I will still look in as I always do but might not post much except for a few updates I have to put together of game time already played.
    Happy Simming :)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Jason got Jay up and ready for the day :)
    The family enjoyed plum cobbler for breakfast. Jason cooked it the day before and I thought I had given him a watermelon but I must have misclicked when I was dragging the fruit into his inventory. I wanted watermelon and grape cobbler in the fridge for future pregnancies as those are the two flavours my sims wish for.
    Jaxon rolled a wish to toss his little brother in the air :)
    Ian and Paul did the gardening.
    Pia had no waking wishes so I got her started on the fishing skill. She would be attending Scouts later in the day and would learn the fishing skill there but I thought she might enjoy actual fishing more :)
    Josie finally got her wish to level up in painting! She is now level 8 :)
    Josh got the first stroll :)
    Jason made watermelon cobbler this time :D
    Once again, Jaxon used the basketball hoop after harvesting the eggs :) His athletic trait seems to be more dominant now he is a teen than his angler trait. I have had other anglers who would do nothing but fish!
    Josh finished off potty training Jay when they got home from their stroll :)
    Jason must have been lonely while Josh was busy and interrupted Ian and Paul's flirting for a chat :)
    Jason got his stroll when Jay finishing going potty :)
    Before he had gone too far, I directed him to the park. I had already sent Josh and he beat them even though he started out later.
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Page 3245

    @Brandontaylor Thanks for the lovely comments :) Although I am all about free will for my sims, I do like them to eat together. Fortunately my sims don't work outside the home so that means that I don't need to juggle times to make it happen. If I had working sims, I imagine it would be very different.
    Naughty Josh was sick because he snuck a try for baby when I was distracted with Paul going into labor :# I nearly terminated the pregnancy but decided he could keep it if he wanted it that bad :D
    What a nerve Terrence has asking Brittany on a date!
    Awwww Christopher still has it! What a sweet husband :)
    Congrats on the final promotion at the bookstore :)
    Oh no! A birthday cake fire!
    Lauren grew up beautifully!
    Congrats on the proposal :)
    Nice park wedding!
    Congrats to Brittany on becoming human again :)
    Congrats on the move to Riverview :) The house looks great!

    @Springfairy556 Why would Destiny want a man with anything as mundane as a pulse (or reflection) when Edward can whip her off to such a pretty place in the blink of an eye ;)

    @thuggishsplicer Thank you :) I am rather fond of my boys myself ;)
    You did a great job on the gym! I can still recognize it as the SV gym but it looks so much classier :)

    @LunBeauty It was good the doctor was able to see them so soon after their vacation! Congrats on the pregnancy :)
    The nectar making career is a good choice. Claude will be able to help out at home :)
    For me it was doughnuts and icecream when I was pregnant :D
    Fun pics of Luna and Claude playing in the snow :)
    Lovely Christmas tree!
    Congrats on the birth of Violet :)

    @TinySpaceFox Awww Phoenix is dreaming about turkey :) I love his curly tail :)
    Glad you found the hair :)
    Thanks for the lovely comments :)
    I really love the watercolour Josie did as well :) It will be perfect for a kid's room :)

    @Silverofdreams30 Thanks for the sweet comments :)

    @meerkattime Thanks for the lovely comments :) I didn't make Goodwin's nose bigger but I did use female only sliders to make his female version's nose bigger :) Of course I did tweak on Goodwin's nose but I think that was because his nostrils were too small.
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Josh kept trying to talk to the NPC firefighter while Jason was teaching Jay how to walk so I had him call my SS for a chat :D
    The teens had a field trip to the Science Facility. Gwendolyn Svard was chaperone. Either she is pregnant or she is wearing her athletic outfit although I don't think I normally use that top.
    When Josh finished chatting with my SS he kept trying to talk to the firefighter so I gave up and let him. Fortunately they did not get on at all and I did nothing to smooth things over for them :D
    I sent Paul and Ian to the park a little later :)
    I'd forgotten to add toddler toys to the park when I set up the town so Jay had to play with his teddy while his dads spent some time together.
    I remembered that the teens were going to Prom so I sent everyone home. Jay worked on his peg box skills :)
    I invited Cort and Lara over while the teens did their homework.
    They arrived while the kids were still doing their homework so I had Jason invite them in.
    Jason tried to talk with Lara but Jaxon went straight for her when he was done :D Josie didn't waste any time getting to Cort either :D
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Page 3246

    @Silverofdreams30 JCW does look sad that Aurora had to leave :(
    Jeromy is really enjoying his bath! :)
    Great edits on Alexy and Kai! :)

    @JadeGreen Sounds like Gail is having an exciting time at uni! Sorry she got arrested and about the dorm fire but at least Gail was prepared for food shortages :D

    @king_of_simcity7 Fun pics of your sims dancing for your next video :)

    @bekkasan Thanks for the lovely comments :) Josh can't be trusted and I usually check what he's doing when I see him instigating woohoo but I was distracted so he took advantage of it! :D

    @MoonandStars83 Thank you :) I forgot to have Jason plant the seed because I have been distracted with all the kids in the house. Although there is a chance it could be a money tree, my guess would be flame fruit because of the area the seed was found in. I do remember when my sims have lived there in the past that most of the special seeds were flame fruit or plasma fruit.
    I agree that werewolves should change back autonomously! Not that I play them but it would make sense that if the moodlet is causing it, it should go when the moodlet does.
    Sorry about the game crashing while playing the Moores :(
    Nice pics from your games :)

    @CravenLestat Your puppy is adorable in his sweater :)

    @Springfairy556 Thanks :)

    @Brandontaylor Thanks for the lovely comments :) The weather is always since I don't have Seasons installed! ;)
    I also like moodlets that help skilling which is why I also use incense in the house.
    I don't send my sims to Prom without dates. On the couple of occasions that I did I was very angry with the "fights" they supposedly got into and on being hooked up with totally unacceptable partners :#
    I listened to lots of Elvis back in the day because my mother was a huge fan! :)

    @coco Thanks for the lovely comments :) The mirror was a souvenir from a field trip to the Theatre. Since it is in the pink room I assume that Aideen, first child in my 5x5 save got it.
    It's not so much that I don't like BFFs but that when sims are friends with several teens they roll wishes every morning to be BFF with all of them and, even after becoming BFF with someone, they will still roll the wishes each morning.
    I've been distracted by the kids so Jason hasn't planted his seed yet but I should try to remember it now there is a break from little ones :)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Jaxon is a naughty boy! :D
    Josie and Cort are just as bad and were about to do the same :D
    They didn't manage it, though, because they went for the same bed as Jaxon and Lara :D Meanwhile, Josh decided he wanted to chat with Lara :D
    The limo arrived before the kids could get in any more trouble :D
    They looked lovely :)
    Pia got home late because of Scouts.
    Because she didn't get her favourite on her birthday because of Josh's pregnancy craving, I had Jason summon grilled salmon for dinner :)
    Paul's state of undress is the only explanation you need for why he and Ian were late to dinner :D
    Ian and Paul watched the stars :)
    Pia had a wish to learn minnow bait and to catch a goldfish so I sent her fishing.
    Jason and Josh watched the stars after a quick skinny dip in the pool :D
    I saw Paul heading to Jay and was happily surprised when he played with him :)
    Since he was already carrying him, I had him settle him for the night as well :)
    Ian had a wish to play a game with Pia :)
    The teens came home hungry so I had them eat before going to bed. They were voted Queen and King of Prom :)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Page 3247

    @Springfairy556 How exciting that you saw Craig being eaten by the Cow Plant! I have never seen it in my game but know that it has happened. Did Destiny drink the milk when it was produced? It gives a great moodlet!
    Edward doesn't look too impressed at being told to stay in the attic during the party!
    Bea is really upset! :D
    That was lovely of Edward to go down to Destiny when her date didn't show up :)
    Awww a kiss :)

    @king_of_simcity7 Thanks :)
    I wonder where Sarah knows Hana from? Since Sarah and Darwin share the same political views they might make a good couple :)

    @CravenLestat How many times have I told you that my sims are not gay!? They are just manly men who want families but whose Watcher won't let them play with girls because She hates them! :D

    @LunBeauty Thanks for the lovely comments :)
    Josie doesn't need to be a "good" girl until she grows up! I would never expect that from my sims. I might be old but not old fashioned ;)
    This is not the first time my sims have reacted negatively to teens becoming BFF. I have no idea what could be so offensive about it unless it's because they see it as cheating because my teens are usually in relationships.

    @TinySpaceFox I can't bring myself to lick batter of the spoon because all I can think about it that the eggs are raw! :# Still, cute pic of Martin :)
    Thanks for the lovely comments :)
    The mirror was a souvenir from a field trip to the Theatre which was brought home by Aideen, the first child in my 5x5 save :)

    @Silverofdreams30 Thanks for the lovely comments :) I like having a fishing pond in the yard so that kids can fish before 6am without needing a parent to go with them :)

    @bekkasan Thanks for the lovely comments :)
    This is no the first time I have had that happen when my sims became BFFs. As I wrote in my comment to LunBeauty I think it's because it is seen as cheating because they are in relationships.
    I don't find it sad that my toddlers age up alone. It's not like they have memories and it means that they don't lose half a day celebrating and can get on to the fun stuff in life :)
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @Mikezumi Thanks for the comments and feedback :smile: I will reveal more soon :smile:
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    abeabe Posts: 79 Member
    I've been playing this sort of new legacy where I have one immortal vampire Sim who has to start a family in every world I have downloaded, moving on after the spouse dies. It's been fun! Right now I've been playing Isla Paradiso, where my vampire Haywood has been in a relationship with Florita Hernandez, and basically the dad to her kids Palmira (with her ex-husband Teodor) and Carter (with Alfonso Alto). Last time I played they got engaged!
    (I also gave her a bit of a make-over - dont have good pics but I just redid her clothes and gave her tattoos basically)
    Carter aged up and he looks JUST like Alfonso! I sent him (and Palmira) to boarding school
    They got married on the beach! Surrounded by all their friends, it was lovely!
    And then spent their honeymoon out at sea on their houseboat relaxing!

    Check out my legacies and sims at!
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    Managed to survive the night shift!

    I also got some free food as usual: :smile: The hardest week of the month should be done now hopefully and I have two days off

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    cocococo Posts: 2,729 Member
    Hi everyone, I hope you all had a great weekend! It went by so quickly and suddenly it's Monday again :weary:
    I have just spent the morning catching up again. You will have to forgive me that I'll only make comments for the last page as I don't have a lot of time today.

    @king_of_simcity7 (you too @Charlottesmom) Here is my finished Big Ben! Sorry it's not a great picture, you should be able to see the full size here :smiley:
    It was a lot of fun to build and it's very detailed. On the back of the building is a clock that can turn all of the hands on the clock tower. There's also a bell inside which you can hardly see. The attention to detail is amazing! Sadly I had two missing pieces and I had to track down a place that sold spare parts. I drove all the way to the other side of town and it only cost me 50 cents :lol:

    pg. 3257
    @hejix Catherine is a very amusing sim. She would probably be a really evil ruler :lol:
    @lunbeauty Sorry your game is still crashing. Are you using a HQ mod? CTDs (crash to desktop) usually happen in my experience because the game has unexpectedly reached its memory usage. If this is the case it can be very tricky to get it to stop. Things like, smaller worlds, using less cc, patterns, no pets, less detailed houses and sims helps. And of course lowering graphics can help big time but who wants to do that :disappointed:
    I enjoyed reading all of your updates! The triplets are just gorgeous. I think Fallon is my favourite just because of how different she looks. I will have to wait until they all become at least teens to be able to really tell how they look. Violet is such a grown up little miss. Claude is such an overprotective dad lol. I'm surprised that Luna wants another one. So much for having no more and only adoption from now on :lol:
    @bekkasan I'm a for a sob stories and Dwight's case is very sad indeed. I especially felt for him when he fell down the stairs. For a guy like him that used to be very active and move around a lot, I can't imagine how hard it would be to be so limited with movement and bombarded with pain :cry:
    In some ways I imagine it would feel like his house is his prison. I have a couple of friends who has chronic pain and they use something called 'spoons' which represent the amount of mental and physical energy they have for day to day activities. Anyway, it just reminds me a lot of what Dwight is going through.
    It was very funny when he looked out the window and caught a glimpse of Lorelei. He definitely has to put his "Sherlock Simholmes" (you get a :cookie: for that one) hat on and solve this mystery!
    I'm glad that he was able to get to the doctors and put on a health and exercise plan. He seems happier using his muscles again. Those stone formations look interesting, I never unlocked many of the dive lots but maybe it's like an underwater Stonehenge.
    @tadolson Nice Jankowsky update. They need more wall space so they can keep the paintings.
    @emorrill Sorry I have no idea what that message means :frowning: It says bad compression flags, was it scanning any merged package files? That's just a guess I have no clue.
    I was very very entertained by your 'It's Raining Men' Star Trek video :lol: You definitely deserved an awesome. I miss that show, I really should get back to it soon. I think I was up to watching The Animated Series.
    @brandontaylor It was too bad that Christopher couldn't stick around long enough to see his grandson being born. It would have been a very bittersweet time for the family. Now Brittany will need to start shopping around for new husbands :lol:. I like her new hair and the blue jeans look good on her. Don Lothario would be an intersting choice but knowing his personality he's probably got 5 girlfriends already.
    @cravenlestat Great job on Jessica. She was great in True Blood. She looks innocent but looks can be deceiving :smirk:
    @computerglitch8 Hi there. Sorry the outfits reset. I hope the try for a baby worked.
    @mindsimscreate Welcome! Yes, we're all friends here but that's because nearly all of us are here every day commenting on each other's sims. Of course you are totally welcome to share your own pictures :smiley:

    pg. 3258
    @thuggishsplicer Do you have these paintings uploaded anywhere? They are stunning! I love them all especially the Monet waterlilies paintings :smile:
    @karritz I hope the omelette was nice. I hope the car service doesn't take as long as it has in the past. I also need to ring up and book mine in. My car is just over 101,000 kms but it's been making a very annoying rattling sound lately. Is this play Emma by Jane Austen? If so, that's my favourite book. I'd recommend watching the BBC 1996 version of it if you are interested, that one is my very favourite adaption.
    @mikezumi Try and stay cool, I hope you have some ice blocks or zooper doopers at your house :smile:
    I love that you also take your sims favourite flavour foods into account. Josie will be a master painter soon. The cobbler sounds delicious. Jaxon being more interested in athletic activities is a nice change from the anglers. Jason just wants to be the center of attention :tongue:
    That firefighter should be tuning the truck or something, not sitting around during the middle of the day. Looks like Josh regrets his decision to meet the firefighter lol. I'm glad it's just a teddy and not an IF that Jay is playing with. Jay's tantrum at the peg box is adorable.
    I didn't realise that you could get the mirror as a souvenir. Thanks for the explanation about the BFFs. I can see from a wish point of view why it wouldn't be ideal, and you would rather that they spend time with everybody.
    I hope Josh is giving Lara "the talk", seems like these teens need it! :lol: Josie looks nice in her yellow dress. Jax also looks great in his blazer. At least Pia got her favourite meal eventually. Paul and Ian are at least wearing clothes. I guess Paul and Ian aren't actually related to Josh and Jason but since they live together it's fine to call Paul an uncle. Congrats on the teens getting Prom King and Queen.
    @abe Your game sounds like fun. Your vampire sim must have more children than he can count! Lovely wedding pics, I like Florita's dress and hair. Looks like a nice and relaxing honeymoon :smile:
    @king_of_simcity7 Where's the green vegetables? :tongue: Enjoy your days off :smile:
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,094 Member
    Ah the sims medieval.I tried so much to like the game, but the quests were a no go for me.
    Felt so limited, that's why I love playing Praaven in my sims 3.I love the purple dress, your sim is wearing.

    Than you for linking the house.

    She kind of forgot that.And he just just popped in anyways.
    She's like me, I'm always questioning my
    For sure look into it, makes it so much easier to have meals together.
    Ouch, having your behind on fire must hurt lol.Andrew is such a cute toddler.

    looks like the dishes need to be cleaned lol.
    :D @ the beach ball lol. Loreleli seems like such a curious mermaid.XD
    Lovely tropical screenshots.

    Su Su! Welcome =) Yeah I was the same way.I actually would just pop on and post an update here and there as I was too shy to jump in
    But after awhile I felt comfy enough to start leaving feedback as well.Some write stories, some just provide screenies, some do both.
    Whatever tickles your fancy XD

    I've done that before.Have all my feedback typed and then get distracted.
    We're about to have a cold front.
    Mmm, plum cobbler sounds good right about now.
    Aww, cute catfish lol.
    And that painting is adorable!
    Its a dirty job, but someone's got to do it.XD
    Exactly.I wish my guy could whisk me away to beautiful places in the blink of an eye lol.
    Yeah, Edward was hurt.But Bea was really annoyed and angry lol.
    He had a feeling her date would pull that stunt
    Yeah I actually watched Craig get was disturbing.She did drink the milk, I was afraid to
    let her.Wasn't sure what it would do lol.
    Now now children let's not fight over beds lol.
    Oh prom night! How fun.Hope they stay safe.

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    CravenLestatCravenLestat Posts: 13,735 Member
    edited January 2019
    @Mikezumi That cobbler looks gross,usually sim food makes me hungry but that looks like something from the Sweeney Todd recipe book.Watermelon cobbler :s

    @king_of_simcity7 At least you got free meat and not watermelon cobbler :# don't let mikezumi's sims cook at your restaurant.

    @abe Right as he proposed he stepped on her sand castle she spent hours on,the engagement was off and she stomped off furiously. :D

    @Coco My friend joke intended would tackle you for that.He is a Lego freak and his house is filled to the brim of completed lego sets his room and 2 others are crowded with pirate ships,buildings and cars etc plus tries to get every mini fig ever made.I buy him the mystery bag mini figs all the time took him forever to get the clown he wanted.
    I Play Sims 3 On A Potato

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    TinySpaceFoxTinySpaceFox Posts: 1,110 Member
    Book club time! They autonomously sat next to each other, by the way :>

    Pages 3254-3255

    @thuggishsplicer Congrats on getting the Country Livin' set for free! What a steal! :smiley:
    I love how bright the modern kitchen set looks!
    Happy birthday to... Keith! :>
    Thank you for the lovely comments! Zelda's always one to be concerned about, no matter how old she is or what she's wearing :tongue:

    @Springfairy556 Perfect choice of song for Edward and Destiny (ha, see what I did there? :tongue: though in all honesty I <3 that song!) Suits Mr. Hopeless Romantic especially well if you ask me :tongue:
    And that leap into arms and kiss at the end! Wonderful :>

    @CravenLestat hey, you on now? I'm ready to welcome the beautiful Jessie into my game! :smiley: Thank you so much for sharing her with me!

    @LunBeauty At least Luna looks reasonably happy on the treadmill there. You know it's bad when getting all hot and sweaty and tired becomes your way of taking a break from the kids!
    Oooohhhh, look at the tiny baby kitty :love: hello Ginger! I want to pick her up and cuddle her :> She might shred my face to pieces but I don't care!
    I love that hidden litterbox! Good to see the dogs (and the kids) won't be hassling her!
    40k in royalties! Those kids (and pets) sure have got a cushy life ahead of them!
    It always makes me awww when I see Sim couples doing romantic stuff autonomously! :)
    LunBeauty wrote: »
    Good on you backing up your important stuff, Luna, but I question your computer-repair skills :tongue:
    Ginger aged up into a beautiful cat! :) I love how ladylike she looks!
    Happy birthday to Violet and the triplets! Oh, Rae is cute as a button! :)
    Triple potty training! Now that's efficiency!
    One big plus of having a plumbot do the gardening is that they never get dirty :tongue:
    Aw sure, Violet's too young to use the stove, but look at her go with the chemistry table! There she goes, mixing up potentially dangerous chemicals without adult supervision (or even safety gear!)
    What a lovely painting by Claude :)
    Good luck to Claude with his new investigator job!
    Oh Deena... maybe she was hankering for a little more screen time there :tongue:
    I see Violet's quite the active little girl! :> I bet she'll become one of those artist (and music) prodigies ;)
    What's there to know about gardening that Luna and Claude couldn't just teach her, hmm? Isn't that how kids learn? :tongue:
    Ah, I see, the parents are just a little bit busy.... with... grown-up stuff ;)
    Jared looks sooo much better after your makeover, great job :) Shame about the ugly-a$$ bed in the background. Why must EA premade houses be so hideous?
    Fact is, maths su'cks no matter how old you are :tongue:
    It sure is a good thing those plumbots are waterproof! But at the same time they can die from drowning :/
    Geeze Luna, you want another kid? Let's hope it doesn't turn out to be another set of triplets!
    Claude needs to take a chill pill... I'm sure Violet's friends won't care for causing trouble! Surely they wouldn't fight or anything, except maybe for the top bunk :tongue:
    Yes Claude, and how old were you when you met Luna and started dating? :innocent:

    @king_of_simcity7 Cool shots of the industrial area :) Still can't wait to see the inside of one of those buildings ;)
    Oh there we go, how convenient! Sarah and Darwin really lucked out there, finding a place to hide that's also full of Messiah supporters!
    Darwin looks a tad nervous there... is it because of all the new people and the bright lights and the pounding music, or is it because of Sarah? ;)

    @Brandontaylor Thanks so much for the lovely comments :) Ah, don't we all have those days where we wish we were Sims? Would certainly be nice to get rich quick off of selling wildflowers! :D

    @Silverofdreams30 No problem at all! I hope the Conleys enjoy the new place :>
    Looks like Isla's getting soaked!
    Alex joined her, how nice! Now they can be soaked together :tongue: At least Alex is wearing something more appropriate!
    Wonder if Ty and Audra are using that telescope to keep an eye on Luna and Sean?

    @TadOlson Paint, work, and then bed! Seems like Ami and Eli don't get much time to relax...
    Thanks for the comment :)

    @bekkasan Glad to hear the party was a success even if no one could get to the food! At least Lorelei brought some of her own so she wouldn't go hungry :tongue:
    Good to see that Dwight's slowly putting his life back together, starting with having a shower! He even went outside!
    Sure would be a little easier to get used to the new place if you had some company, Dwight... ;) I really wonder how he gets along with other Sims!
    Ha, you finally saw the stranger who's been splashing in your pool!
    bekkasan wrote: »
    I just love the lack of expression on his face in this pic. He's absolutely stunned (as I would be if I ever saw a mermaid)!
    Don't doubt yourself Dwight! You saw her with your own two eyes! You weren't even inebriated or anything!
    Looks like someone didn't bother covering their tracks! Dwight is hot on their heels now! Good idea, perhaps the next-door neighbour would be able to help you get to the bottom of this ;)

    @PalmArrow I love the bright, modern look of your new pattern! Reminds me of the tiles of a mosaic :)
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    CravenLestatCravenLestat Posts: 13,735 Member
    @TinySpaceFox Yes brb :p

    @imdragonit Hello there you wonderful simmy person how are you <3 .And stop hiding and start creating :#
    I Play Sims 3 On A Potato

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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @coco Good work on Big Ben :smile:

    @CravenLestat I work in a hotel. Due to the overtime I have hardly spent any money for the past week! :smiley:

    @TinySpaceFox Thanks for the comments :smile: Darwin is not yet familiar with the environment
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,094 Member
    Thanks! Its one of my favorite songs.
    I tried to match the original music video as best as I could.XD

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