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What happened in your sims 3 game today?


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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,362 Member
    @meerkattime, thank you for the Princess Tiara gift. My Sims and I will love it... :) And I hope you enjoy the duck and bear pattern in your game... :)

    @lisasc360 I've been trying to get my mage ready for BfA. Decided on maining a frost mage. Farming wakening essence for my good legendaries mostly. :smile: I had no idea he played! I hear a lot of celebs did or do play because they can be just normal people when no one knows that it's them.
    I was supposed to try to get the rest of my characters over on the PvP server that I'm on to level 110 but got sidetracked between playing my warlock and other low characters on Steamweedle Cartel server because I was trying to get my low toons to WoD as that is where I'm the happiest at when playing WoW. I'll probably be over on my PvP server when the game comes out if the hubby has a computer by then as we couldn't get Windows 10 to install on his new hard drive. So he took it to Best Buy hoping that they could do it for him but it still wouldn't install. And since we can't really afford to buy a brand new computer at the moment, he's thinking about trying Rent-a-Center as they have gaming PC's for rent to buy.

    @lisasc360 I think Fred Claus is the name of a movie lol. Adorable pictures of Nathan. Aw I hope Scout doesn't feel too left out.
    hehehe, that's where I got the name from... :) Thank you... :) Neither do I as I don't want the puppy to be taken away... :)

    @lisasc360 -Great update!Thanks for your comment.
    Thank you... :) And you're welcome... :) Great update and pictures... :)

    @lisasc360 Your SS and husband are such good parents. :) It kind of makes me want to play my SS. I always put her in the world with my current saves, but I never really control her unless it's to check up on something.
    Thank you... :) You should try it but I understand if you don't want to as I know some people feel strange playing themselves in the game. Some even said that they feel it would be bad luck if something happens to their SS and or the spouse.

    @PalmArrow, nice update... :)

    @ilikethesims30, great update. Yeah my SS had taken sick when she used the Woohoo perfume as well. I think Craven posted a list of the perfumes and the moodlets that we got from them... :)

    @Silverofdreams30, thank you... :)
    Great updates and pictures... :)

    @lisasc360 Thanks for the comments on the house. :smiley:
    You're welcome... :)

    @Charlottesmom, great pictures of Kate and Mortimer... :

    Sorry to hear about your little birdie... :cry:
    @lisasc360 , Cute update, Scout is very cute!
    **it really is like a day in the life of... :smiley:
    Thank you... :)
    hehehe, it sure is... :smiley:

    @CravenLestat, love the pictures of the Modern Day set clothes. I already have this set and I think it's pretty neat. I feel like it's a great fit for the houses over in Lucky Palms in my opinion... :)
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    LunBeautyLunBeauty Posts: 2,734 Member
    Before I reply to comments, I decided that I'm going to start up another save. Yes, I know, three saves, how will I be able to keep up with all of them? Well, I feel like if I play my Legacy family all the time, I'll get bored with them and end up abandoning them. So, I need something else to prevent me from getting burnt out on that family. I decided that I'm going to start up a save with my simself. I got inspired by @lisasc360 and her updates regarding her simself. I haven't decided what world I'm going to play in. I'm leaning towards Riverview, Sunset Valley, or Hidden Springs as those are all worlds that look very similar to places I used to live in my younger days.

    Anyways, I'll probably work on setting things up over the next few days. :)

    @Charlottesmom I gave Robina a lot of trait chips that would allow her to socialize with other sims, feel emotions, that sort of thing, while also giving her the Cooking chip and the Cleaning one so that she can do housework too. She can also learn skills, so I have her learning Gardening and she's able to Fertilize plants as well.
    I used to do that with my dog as well. My mom hated it, lol.
    So do I! I've tried having a few of my sims in the past tend the kissing booth, but no one came to kiss them. :D
    I actually really like Albert. He has interesting features, so I'm hopeful that their kids will be a good genetic mix.
    I love Cid, just he's a bit of a stinker in this save. :lol:
    Yes, they did. I just didn't get the picture right when it flashed. I sometimes like using the love tester to test the strength of a couple. There have been times in the past when I've had a couple break up because of a low score.
    Ghost Hunting is my favorite of the Ambitions Careers.
    I've had toddlers like that in my game. No matter how full their needs were and how much attention they had, they just screamed. Then again, there are toddlers like that in real life.
    I was always the girl that the other girls turned against because they liked their friend better than me. Not to mention, I would call someone out when they were wrong.

    @CravenLestat Absolutely gorgeous! I especially love the second and third hairs! I use the third one on my toddlers and kids all the time!

    @lisasc360 You've inspired me to start up a save with my SS and see how it goes. :) I don't want her to live alone, I might make my sister's simself and add her in as a roommate, maybe sister's boyfriend too. Maybe I should make my boyfriend as well. So many possibilities!
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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,362 Member
    @lisasc360 You've inspired me to start up a save with my SS and see how it goes. :) I don't want her to live alone, I might make my sister's simself and add her in as a roommate, maybe sister's boyfriend too. Maybe I should make my boyfriend as well. So many possibilities!
    Awww, thank you... :) I do believe that you will have fun playing your SS in the game. I guess one of the reasons why I love this game so much is that we can have Sims created after us and have them do things that we wouldn't do in real life or can't do as there may be something that's in the game that doesn't exist in rl... :)
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @Charlottesmom Thanks for the comments :smile: I will have more from them soon when I send them to University
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    I have been out to London today for the first time in 3 months and have some pictures to share :smile:
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,218 Member
    edited July 2018
    @LunBeauty Will be great to follow your new save.

    @meerkattime Thank you, I did find a fan,
    its a mini one everything bigger were sold out

    @Charlottesmom I forgot to reply to your question about Death note.
    It is the series our Netflix has.

    Everyone: Great updates

    Btw I found the house my sims lives in.
    It is from sunset Valley Americana.
    also Ty had the party animal trait but I have now switched it out.
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    @Charlottesmom Love the details in your story for understanding what the kids are feeling and why. You really know how to capture it in the pics also.
    I had actually forgot that Mortimer and Kate had a short thing going on. :)
    Riley is so adorable though....who could resist that face, those ears! :love:
    Yup...I do know what ya have to do to get those dream pics. :) Sure is fun for them :wink:
    I got all my chapters done today. Gotta take the test now. :)
    Thanks for the comments on the house. :)

    @msbeckycat Cute pic of the parents and babies.

    @CravenLestat Lovely pics of the set and outfits.

    Marshall and Adam just came out of the diner and it was sundown and transformed to their were forms. 2 more days til graduation! I did let these two go on a hunt and they brought a few sparklies back with them. I didn't take any other pictures while playing this day as I was studying while I let the day run. I <3 Adam and Marshall and had to get a picture of their cute wolfies selves!
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    msbeckycatmsbeckycat Posts: 3,445 Member
    @bekkasan thanks just got my Sims 4 for Xbox and installing it
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    I am on a train home that has been delayed
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    PuddinroyPuddinroy Posts: 4,451 Member
    @king_of_simcity7: That stinks about the train. Hope you get home quickly. I've enjoyed seeing your sims. Who's the sim in your avatar?

    @msbeckycat: Have fun with the Sims 4 on Xbox.

    @coco: Awesome updates

    @meerkattime: Awesome updates

    @TadOlson: Awesome updates

    @Mikezumi: Awesome updates. What are gender specific sliders anyways?

    @LunBeauty: Awesome updates.

    @CravenLestat: Awesome videos and patterns. I love the magizines.

    @lisasc360: Awesome updates

    @Charlottesmom: Awesome updates

    @emorrill: Awesome updates

    @Nikkei_Simmer: Awesome updates and patterns

    @bekkasan: Awesome updates

    @PalmArrow: Awesome updates

    @ilikethesims30: Awesome updates

    @Karritz: Awesome updates

    @all: Thanks for letting me read and comment on your stories/videos/patterns. They make me go awww. :)
    :) Smile!

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    MKSizzleMKSizzle Posts: 557 Member
    Just a quick update on my game.

    Ian had a birthday and is now a child.


    Some things never change, though. Still loves the sandbox!

    And loves his new bed.


    He is determined to be a great cook like his grandpa, and is so stubborn that he swears he can cook for himself, even if Grandpa is making a great steak dinner. And even if he burns it he will eat it anyway!!


    Sebastian had his birthday on the same day and now he is a toddler. (I always seem to do that for some reason. Birthdays always happening on the same day. Haha.)


    Ben is taking some of his precious and teaching him how to talk.


    Connie is finally the Leader of the Free World. I call her President Grandma now.


    And, of course, welcome to the world baby Colin. That's right, 3 boys. This is gonna be fun. And yes, the freaky baby eyes are hereditary. I need to fix that haha.


    Alright so I might take a little break from the family to explore other things in my game because I never get to. I might start a new save, maybe I will do some more house building. I just need to make the game fresh. Who knows what will happen?
    The Palmer Legacy -- Generation 1

    It all started with Zack & Blair....

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    msbeckycatmsbeckycat Posts: 3,445 Member
    @Puddinroy I thought it would have more to it. It is only the base game. Oh well, it's okay
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    MrSpacemanMrSpaceman Posts: 382 Member
    Just a brief post. I've lost this new save, because I left my computer for too long and when I came back, I found out, that it closed all the windows, browsers etc. But anyway, I didn't have any plans about playing for this sim long enough, so I'm not upset, but still want to share. I was wondering if I could create my favorite musician from real life.

    I made him a young adult (he's actually in his 60s), because I thought that would be a better variant when he has to start his life owning absolutely nothing. But I dressed him in his current style, so he looks the way he really looks, but he's younger.




    I spent all his money to buy him the most expensive guitar.


    And he seemed to be disappointed to have a zero guitar skill, so he practised all day long before he became so sleepy, that he was about to faint (I didn't control him, was just watching).


    Then he broke his phone and had no money to fix it.


    So he went for a short walk and met a baby horse, which made him excited.


    And from this point it's over. I'm not sad, but I guess it'd be more fun to play for him again.
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    MoonandStars83MoonandStars83 Posts: 1,735 Member
    @Charlottesmom You could always look up sphynx rescues if you want a hypoallergenic cat.
    ****I still think Mortimer belongs with Bella. But that's just me.
    ****He was a random townie from Sunset Valley (if you haven't grabbed him yet, here's the link).
    ****Pretty sure it was a draw. The fireflies had the numbers, but the kittens had go at 'em spirit.

    @twinsister27 Great update! Can't wait to see what happens with the McQuires.

    @Emily4331 I like Anna's dress.

    @MKSizzle Just that they were bushy. Most people don't give their Sims bushy eyebrows. With the new haircut, he looks like the guy who played Christopher in Gilmore Girls.
    ****Congrats on the birthdays and the new baby.

    @imdragonit Circus looks great so far. Can't wait to see what you come up with.

    @lanlyn Great pics.
    ****I have the yoga rugs, I even have the mod that makes them autonomous. Not sure about the incense tables, though.
    ****I have that issue sometimes. It usually resolves itself the next day after the computer shutting down or sleeping overnight.

    @emorrill Great makeovers!

    @lisasc360 Can't win 'em all, I guess.
    ****I saw Rampage in theaters. It's not too bad for a mindless action flick.

    @msbeckycat You can feel sorry for them and laugh. We won't tell anyone.
    ****Cute picture.

    @TadOlson Great update! Glad that one family finally has something resembling a roof.

    @Mikezumi Great makeover. He looks a little bit like your Jared.

    @LunBeauty I did not know that. I opened a gmail account for my blog.

    @PalmArrow Great update. Both Myra and Rosalind are lovely.

    @ilikethesims30 Poor Rachel. At least the kiln didn't explode in her face.

    @Silverofdreams30 Great makeovers.

    @Puddinroy Thank you for reading our stories.

    @Vincent_Vengeance Sorry about your game. Your new Sim looks great, though.


    Spent last night adding a basement bathroom to Gary's Pawn and reuploaded it to MTS. Still waiting to hear back.

    Happy Simming, all!!
    I voted for you, Kevin.
    My Sims 3 Exhange Studio
    My Blog // Click me if you dare.
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    MrSpacemanMrSpaceman Posts: 382 Member
    @MoonandStars83 Thank you. I'm wondering if he's still available or he was deleted. Because I hope he still is in the menu of the town. I need to check out.

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    Emily4331Emily4331 Posts: 10,850 Member
    edited July 2018
    @lisasc360 can't relate. lol I adored Legion content and hated WoD content. :lol: Rent-a-center is a good idea. Hope it all works out!

    @Charlottesmom Rubbing it into good ol' Bruce? :lol:
    I hope Dylan still has his gorgeous hair.
    It is turning into my favorite world, for sure! Especially because I have a sim crush on Andrew. :love:

    @LunBeauty Yeah, but I was too lazy to fix it. :tongue:

    @coco Thank you!
    He could very well be from MySims. They did look pretty chibi anime esque in that.
    I don't have them set to superwater, but I do use a lighting mod by Burntwaffles that also changes the look of the water.
    LOL he does have quite the 🐸🐸🐸🐸
    Oh btw, Killing Stalking is now a weekly release. :astonished: Every monday, I think.

    @CravenLestat Love the pics! The second one is my favorite. :3

    @MKSizzle Oh my god! That is nightmarish with the eyes. :lol: I guess whoever made the custom eyes you use didn't account for babies? No idea what would cause that otherwise.
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    Emily4331Emily4331 Posts: 10,850 Member
    If I missed anyone with my comment - thank you for the comments! I tried to look at my notifications, but they hate me today. :lol:
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    imdragonitimdragonit Posts: 1,019 Member
    @all just want to remind you all that I <3 your updates & really, really do enjoy them :) don't do a lot of commenting as I'm a hunt & peck typist love your stories, Sims & builds. They give me endless enjoyment :o:)
    @Charlottesmom <3 seeing reminder of " when they were young "
    @bekkasan the changes you made to your house were perfect <3 it!
    @CravenLestat your women & shoots are amazing :o
    @Mikezumi you're really going to enjoy that set craven gifted you, lots of fun stuff to do with it still adore your Sims :)
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    imdragonitimdragonit Posts: 1,019 Member
    Still a wip, but really happy with the circus so far
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    Emily4331Emily4331 Posts: 10,850 Member
    So Anna must've been a bit shocked when she saw Bruce as an elder. After all, Anna herself was still a young adult, though approaching adulthood.

    She had always had a crush on Andrew...

    And I guess he felt the same :astonished:

    Mistakes were made.
    (grr at his hair changing for pjs!)

    Now Anna has a tough decision to make. Two roads diverge in her heart. One leads to a happy family with Bruce. The other to an unknown future with Andrew. Though her marriage to Bruce is overall fine, there are times Anna feels the urge to move on. Bruce has never told her about where his boys' mother is. Will she ever know? She doesn't like those teens...and they don't like her. Is it even worth it to stick around? If she goes with Andrew, she'd be breaking up another family. But is his wife really worthy of his love? Yes, truly, Anna has a lot of thinking to do.
    To act happy, or to be happy.
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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,035 Member
    edited July 2018
    Frustration Level: 10/10

    My Sims 3 Launcher is borked, and I can't log in to the Sims 3 server/website through the game launcher, the main menu, or options. I can play the game, but have no access to achievements, notifications, in-game gifts, downloads, or uploads.

    I have tried every suggestion I've found online and some I thought of myself. I finally contacted EA support this morning and that was useless. After their feeble attempts to help, I was eventually told to contact Steam since my current game setup is from there. Steam says to contact EA and offers no help because it's not their game. It's a total runaround. But I know the problem is with EA; they just won't admit it.

    I usually avoid the Launcher when I play the game because it's so glitchy. The issue started when I tried to upload a lot to the Exchange. Something went seriously wrong (as often happens with the launcher). Now my log-in info is completely messed up. I've cleared game caches, browser caches, reset my password, tried to re-register my game, replaced game files with backup copies. I've reinstalled supporting apps such as Java, Adobe Air and Flash. Logged off and on again at the Sims and EA websites. Updated my Origin client just in case. Verified my game files through Steam. Optimized my drives. Restarted computer, router, and modem. Did 3 trace and ping tests for connectivity to the Sims 3 server. And I forget what else! Nothing I've done has helped.

    Where does this leave me? Stepping away from this game until my head clears again. :s Maybe if I'm lucky, the launcher will magical heal itself. :D In the meantime, I suppose I'll work on past updates for my blog and play a different game.

    I did take some random screenshots when I was in the game yesterday.

    Tyron was chatting online with Cheri and got hearts.

    Paladin played a computer game in the Parlor. He had the "Love is in the Air" moodlet from the incense! A little young for romantic urges, aren't you son? :#

    Faith played Frisbee catch with Natalia.

    Disciplined Sherry. Level 6 in Sim Fu. Tough Farazian minion!

    Avant Garde Archie disgusted with the palm plant, and Bookworm Mikel quietly reading on the MultiTab.

    Emad and Bebhinn making the house presentable. Bed making isn't usually a priority for me.

    But a clean lot is. I don't like seeing pee puddles in the yard!

    Bebhinn won §5000 with her lotto ticket. Not grand, but not bad!

    She was happy about it.

    Emad was heading to the yoga rug, but I cancelled the action. I wanted him to work on martial arts instead. He managed to get in one yoga stretch before he switched gears!

    Bebhinn practiced yoga though.

    I was surprised to see Mikel pick up a sunshine on his own. I didn't know sims would do that. Mikel often chooses unusual autonomous actions. I sell the sunshine bursts right away for §100 each, but if Mikel wants to pick them up, I will leave one lying around for him. They give +40 moodlets for several hours.
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    imdragonitimdragonit Posts: 1,019 Member
    @lanlyn have you already tried logging out on forums, store, launching IE clearing this & then signing back in? This often works for me. Fantastic update :) I adore your Sims!
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    CravenLestatCravenLestat Posts: 13,735 Member
    edited July 2018
    @lanlyn Open your internet explorer,even if you do not use it ever as a browser you still have to open it then go to the little gear symbol top right of the pageand hit it.It opens internet options,there will be a tab that says clear browsing history,again even if you do not use IE it happens so clear history.Afterwards either hit the refresh on your launcher if is the white screen with blue text will say refresh or just close out and reopen.
    I Play Sims 3 On A Potato


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