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What happened in your sims 3 game today?


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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @LunBeauty Thanks for the feedback :smile:
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    Some random gameplay: :smile:

    Jason cooks breakfast. Luckily no fires!


    Lauren gets a job in journalism


    Jason gets sent to work in the culinary career


    I then get him to watch the cook channel to work on his skills


    The Sims 2!


    A fire!


    Meanwhile Lauren works on her writing skill


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    jillbgjillbg Posts: 4,600 Member
    lanlyn wrote: »
    jillbg wrote: »
    @lanlyn Oh, I'm such a cheater - I just MC them with zombie moodlets to take my pics! ;)
    @jillbg I think you must have meant to tag @LunBeauty. I haven't had a chance to give feedback yet today. I will be reading your latest chapter though. I always enjoy them. :) And I love your new pics from the rewritten chapters. Will you be giving a list of the chapters you've revised if the story's changed significantly?

    Gaah! I changed your name, @lanlyn but then forgot to save... So sorry! :s I have rewritten Part 1- chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, 12, 14, 15, 28, 30, 31, 32 and 33 is in process... The story has changed some, the characters are deeper and I've changed things to become more plausible! :)

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    jillbgjillbg Posts: 4,600 Member
    Sorry, @LunBeauty I tagged @lanlyn by mistake... :# Just wanted to tell you that I'm such a cheater - I just MC them with zombie moodlets to take my pics! ;)

    @polrbear I hate the sims zombies, they are so lame! But they came in handy in this chapter where they are part of an Italian low-budget copy of The Walking Dead! ;) I have them disabled too, as I said to @LunBeauty , I cheat with the zombie moodlets!
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,223 Member

    @Charlottesmom The world is called Great Bear.
    Its a country side world.
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,223 Member
    Here is an update


    Luna focused on her homework


    Audra and Ty relaxed by the TV and with a cooking recipe


    After homework Luna enjoyed a book for fun





    Sent Audra out a bit to look for flower seeds and such


    She did not find any by the center park


    Noticed my edited Lisa Bunch there

    All for today

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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,390 Member
    Great updates everyone... :)

    @Charlottesmom, cute ghost babies... :)
    How's the robin doing?

    @polrbear, great updates and pictures... :)

    @Emily4331, nice clothes on your Sims... :)
    @lisasc360 Poor Pluto! Surprised you have time to play. See you in Bnet all the time :tongue:
    hehehe, that he is... :p Yeah I take turns playing between TS3 and WoW. I just had renew my subscription a couple of weeks ago as I had let it lapsed. So when that happens, I can only play whatever characters that are below level 20/21. I was also trying to complete The Loremaster achievement so that I could get the title from it. I still need to complete the Pathfinder 1.1 one of these days, probably most likely when I get one of my characters to 120. I've also been working on my Goblin Priest so that I can get her Inscription up as well as getting her up to level 90 so that I can go back to WoD which is my favorite area to play in. I have a Tauren Druid and an Undead Rogue over there but I also want my Priest to be over there as well.

    @lisasc360 Question for you,what is your opinion of Emit Revelart??? Can not explain it but find him to be the most annoying sim for some reason like the way he just can show up everywhere and make himself right at home.It is a coincidence he is a klepto and just walks in your house...I think not.You know how many simmers probably do not keep and eye on him.
    I've really haven't thought about him a whole lot as I usually don't use the portal in all of my saves. I've only used the portal maybe about 3-4 times since having ITF. But I think when I used the portal in my SS story, it was the first time that Emit had even came into the house and went into my bedroom to scan my safe in there. The other times that I've activated the portal for Emit to come through, he's stayed outside scanning items such as the mailbox.

    Nice video and cute patterns... :)

    @lisasc360 Travelling into the future isn't as easy as it seems. Pluto isn't having any luck with the elevator and his jet pack so far :frowning:
    Some very interesting plumbots on display. Uh oh, Pluto luck just got worse with him being abducted. That salad sounds icky. Beautiful scenery :smile:
    No it doesn't seem easy for Pluto but hopefully he will get the hang of things soon... :)
    hehehe, sure is some very interesting plumbots. That 2nd plumbot that Pluto was looking at looks like it could be an older model of plumbots because of the colors and the way it looks... :)

    @emorrill, Love the Sam update. It's good that Emma's parents gave Sam his blessing to ask for her hand in marriage. Let's just hope that Sam doesn't jump or something before popping the question. I hope Al is okay and not very sick or dying... :)

    @lisasc360 Your Oasis Landing game looks fun. I haven't really played in that world very much, but I've kind of explored around it and it's really nice. :)
    Thank you... :) Yeah that's me, I don't really play all that much in there as I only do the assignments that a sim gets when they first arrive there and once they explore the crashed ship, then I usually send them back home. My SS story was the only one that I really did more in and maybe my Scooby-Doo story as well... :)
    @lisasc360 Plumbots are really useful. :) One of my families had one and, even though I could control it, I left it on free will most of the time and it did way better than a butler or Bonehilda ever could. Uh-oh! I hope those aliens were friendly and didn't leave him with a little...present. :lol:
    That they are useful to have around. I had my Frankie Frankenstein build one so that it could help with Lily's garden... :) I hope so as well but I am hoping for an alien pregnancy for Pluto... :)

    Great updates and pictures... :)
    I guess the students at the uni might be stressed out which could explain their mean behavior one minute and nice the next minute... :p

    @lisasc360 Good scenes from ITTF :smile:
    Thank you... :)
    Great pictures of your Sims and builds... :)

    @Nabril, great update and pictures of your sim trying to perform magic tricks... :)

    @mikezumi, Love the update... :)
    Nice paintings... :)

    @lisasc360 -Great picture!Great update!
    Thank you... :)

    I almost had a scare with my PC last night as it had froze up when trying to get into IE and my mouse pointer froze in place and my icons on my toolbar had disappeared but then it all started working again. So had restarted my PC and ran a speed test. Then the hubby came into the computer room to get on his PC and had the same problem that I had. But when he had restarted his PC and everything came back up, he couldn't bring anything up, so he restarted it again only for it to go into repair mode several times over and over again. So he gave up and now needs to buy a new hard drive for his PC. His hard drive is only 1 1/2 to 2 years old.

    So this is what my speed tests are now. I just can't get used to seeing them this high now. I did another one after this one and it was 202.14Mbps. Now that's fast... :smiley: Love my new internet and the speeds that come with it... <3
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @lisasc360 Thanks for the feedback :smile:
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    mysterionzmysterionz Posts: 3,608 Member
    Good stuff going on guys!! I won't be able to play the sims for a while as I have to recover from a surgery I got
    Oh hamburgers!
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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,390 Member
    Bubbz3388 wrote: »
    Good stuff going on guys!! I won't be able to play the sims for a while as I have to recover from a surgery I got

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    Emily4331Emily4331 Posts: 10,850 Member
    @lisasc360 I don't really have much to do on live other than leveling allied races. I've done everything else. :lol: But I did get the beta (thanks to my brother :smiley: ) and I have been playing that a bit. Did all the horde dungeons last night. They're super fun and easy to learn. :3


    Rebi has been sleeping a lot as she got a cold :(

    But when she isn't, she's trying to get some dudes.
    Like her boss....who is married. :grimace:

    Or this chef...who is married.

    And of course the first single guy is a jerk...

    But perhaps Rebi isn't picky at this point. :lol:

    Anyway, friends are just as important, so Rebi had a fun day with her boss. Doing what she enjoys most: gambling. :lol:

    And doing what her controller loves most...eating pizza. :lol:

    And had some more summer fun!





    Also, here's an albino raccoon.

    Now since everyone else in this god forsaken town has a girlfriend or is married, I figured meh. Why not.

    And, I mean, it got us this sweet house.

    But maybe a teeny

    Mistake. :grimace:

    Well, this could make things interesting. :lol:
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,141 Member
    edited June 2018
    Thank you everyone for the comments on the recent Sam chapter. <3 They fill my heart with so much joy.
    Will do my replies soon here, but first...

    Some outtakes! :mrgreen:

    Well helllooooooo YA Al! :love:


    Well done making him look so much like Dean Stockwell @Mikezumi :star:


    Emma and Sam fooling around :smirk: (Even though that HASN'T happened in the story yet!! )

    Sam's hand. :lol:


    Sam running into this kitty at the ring shop. :)

    @Charlottesmom ^That is Bianca and Drew's cat. :blush: More on them later!
    Oops! Actually that was in the other save so....I'm not sure who's cat this is. :p

    I can't say I wasn't surprised when this happened, but I was like, "Oh boy..."


    And this picture to close it all off with. ;)


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    PalmArrowPalmArrow Posts: 4,329 Member
    On day of his band's first gig, William woke up just as the sun was rising from the sea.

    He ran to the beach and changed into his swimming suit. He wouldn't visit a dive spot today, but there was time for some snorkeling.


    He swam back to shore just in time. While he was eating leftover sushi for breakfast and reading the morning paper, the weather began to change.


    William arrived at The hideaway, his gig location, a little before the set time. Ruru was not there yet, but William decided to start playing alone.

    Ruru arrived about half an hour late.

    "Wait, let me just tune my guitar..."


    Although no one else was there to hear them but the mixologist, William and Ruru enjoyed the gig very much.

    They congratulated each other on great playing. They only earned 270 simoleons each, but the future might hold greater things in store for them!
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    PalmArrowPalmArrow Posts: 4,329 Member
    @emorrill , yay, a Sam update!
    I love the jewelry shop, and Emma's parents' house and garden! i'm worried about Al, though!

    Sam is just adorable in this picture:

    emorrill wrote: »


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    therealsunsetvalleytherealsunsetvalley Posts: 438 Member
    Household 07: Alto

    Holly Alto moved out from her parents and sisters and choose to live alone in that sweet Shearwater house with beautifull view, 120 Wright Way. She still hasn't healed her broken heart after Parker dumped her for Tamara Donner. After all he's her first love, and as she thought, the love of her life. So moving out and starting new chapter may be the right step for her. Actually her parents kicked her out, because Eleanor (Holly's younger sister) needed her room, haha. So they bought her this lovelly house to get rid of her. She's now in her 3rd week as an Young Adult, her fifth trait is Saavy Sculptor and her LTW is The Home Design Hotshot. She already works in Architectural Design career and even did some jobs like redesigning Claire Ursine living room. Before Season 04 in my game some Sims go to University for the first time and Holly is one of them (the others are Malcolm Landgraab, Bebe Hart, Kaylynn Langerak, Michael Bachelor and 3 new other Sims). So she's set to live with them in dormitory and after University to live in this house and follow her LTW. I have plans for her, but can't tell yet. She's such a perfect victim, mwahaha. Just kidding, I like her very much. But times flies you know. Will Holly be able to fall in love again, or is she so messed up by Parker that only toxic relashionships are on her way?








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    PalmArrowPalmArrow Posts: 4,329 Member
    @jillbg yay, a new revised chapter! I just quickly scrolled through the pictures and they are beautiful. I'm looking forward to reading it!

    @lisasc360 , I'm enjoying your Into the Future updates very much. i don't have that EP, and Pluto Mars is such an entertaining character!

    @Charlottesmom , yay, two ghost babies! Congratulations!
    I like the look of the enlarged house!
    It was fun to read about the switching between households you had to do to have L and Lee eat ambrosia

    @polrbear , Jenny and Sarah are a beautiful couple couple! I like Zelena's clothes.

    @king_of_simcity7 , i like it when you post pictures of real buildings and of the sim builds they inspired!
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,141 Member
    edited June 2018
    ***Replies and Feedback***

    Staring on page 2750. :)

    @Charlottesmom You sure know how to add additions onto small houses! :astonished:
    I've never seen a ghost sim changed by Ambrosia. I need to try it someday. ;) Welcome back Lee!
    His Casper shirt! :lol: I love it!!!
    Man Paulo looks good aged up! :love:
    Gorgeous Unicorn! :star:
    L cross-eyed. :lol: (Yeah, you show off that sexy bare chest! :smirk: )
    Hope you're able to get started back on Misunderstood again. <3

    @Emily4331 Wow. How are you so familiar with different kinds of fashion? :)
    I hate Summer and love the Winter too. :blush:

    @bekkasan and @Charlottesmom Once I get back into my game to try out those new tiaras I will message you both. I will show some pics to you too @coco . :blush:

    @coco Your reply comments to Sam's chapter were such a joy to read. <3 Thank you!
    Aww, I hope I didn't cause you to shed too many tears? ;)
    Sam was definitely more happy to see Al than freaked that he woke up to find him staring at him :lol: But yeah some mixed feelings going on.
    I didn't even realize that Al nearly blended in with the wall in those clothes. :p
    The thought of him leaping after they get married and have children is scary and would be awful for Emma.
    ^Indeed. :( But Emma knows the risks and she's willing to bear it to be with the love of her life. <3
    I think sometimes we have to take a leap of faith (see what I did there :wink:) and do what's right for us.
    ^I did see what you did there. :blush: And yes... <3
    Oh no he didn't, that's disgusting Al :lol:
    ^This cracked me up! :joy: Because I was thinking THIS while reading it!
    Sam's car is definitely sexy! :p
    Thank you for all the wonderful comments again. {{{Hugs}}} I need to get started on the next chapter soon!


    @king_of_simcyt7 Cool inspiration build. :) You did a great job on it!
    It's always nostalgic seeing the Sims 2 on the TVs! :blush:

    @LunBeauty You did Norm Cramsky a world of good. ;) In one of my saves years back I had one of my sim ladies hook up with him at Uni, then invited him over back in her home world, added him to the household and they made babies and lived happily ever after. :p
    Poor Norm getting rejected. :( I guess Nicole is into the ladies? ;)
    Skip Taylor. :love:
    Kiera's sweet to tell that girl she's fine the way she is. <3
    Gangnam Style! :lol:
    The duck throw! :lol: Man that guy is skinny! :open_mouth:
    Oh my you had to show Skip shirtless. <3 **fans self**
    So much drama! :smiley:
    That guy with the ponytail Elise got in the fight with...I never liked him. :angry:
    Nice new look you gave Anoki. :)
    Goodness Cid...he's gotta be Bipolar. :p
    I'm curious which skin you use on the guy sims? Is it default?
    Great updates! :grin:

    This is officially the longest thread I've seen on any game forum!
    ^Indeed. :) It still amazes me how far it's come and how active it is.
    Golden ghost? That must be a Supernatural thing huh? I don't have it in my game. :(
    Those smiley faces above the crowd's head tells me they weren't very impressed. :lol: But glad they were.
    Nice of Audrey to cure the Countess. :)

    @CravenLestat Lovely video showing off all your new patterns. :) (Where'd you get the Sim mannequins? )
    Oh yeah, did you happen to notice who was behind the register at the ring store in Sam's recent chapter? :smirk:

    @Mikezumi Reading about the family's adventures in Sunlit Tides was a joy! :) I can tell you aren't ready to say goodbye to Cain and Niall. :cry:
    Glad they all made it home safely. :)
    Making out with my man at the art gallery is probably what I would be doing too. :p I do like Art, but sim art museums are boring in my opinion. I always feel like I gotta spruce them up. But then I realize that would take too much time so I don't. :lol:
    Alvin. :love: Lachie is a lucky man.
    Fish and Chips. :yum: I'm so hungry at the moment! :lol:

    He didn't just do that!! :neutral:
    He did. :open_mouth::lol:
    ^LOL! :joy: Yup!
    I know that was SO unexpected (and maybe a bit inappopriate for the moment ;) ) but it just came to me how funny it would be for Al to fart and then just leave the room! :lol: I had to add it in. Plus it was put in to show more of the gastrointestinal distress going on within him. I can't say more. ;)
    I was wondering when someone would comment on the jewelry store (it took some creativity to set up that display) and Emma's mother saying Sam is cute. :blush: Thank you sweet lady! <3 I always enjoy your comments! They fill my heart with joy. {{{Hugs}}} <3 one please! :tongue:
    ^I know it! :p I need to get started on it soon before life happens and it gets pushed onto the backburner. *sigh*

    @TadOlson Are you referring to the tiaras? I converted them to package files and they showed up just fine. :) Will post pics later and try to remember to tag you.
    Hope you're having a good day. :blush:

    @Silverofdreams30 Glad you enjoyed the recent Sam chapter. :blush: Thank you always for the comments. <3
    Did you change Luna's hair color? It's cute. :)
    Alex is such a cutie in that picture. Walking in the room, gracing it with his presence like his dad! :p


    @jillbg **Waves** :) I love seeing all the new pics you are taking for Grey Witches. Guess I am rereading it at a very good time! :blush:

    @emorrill, Love the Sam update. It's good that Emma's parents gave Sam his blessing to ask for her hand in marriage. Let's just hope that Sam doesn't jump or something before popping the question. I hope Al is okay and not very sick or dying... :)
    ^Thank you for the comments. <3
    In Bold: Lol! Yes. :lol: But I can't reveal anything. ;)
    I can assure you that Al is not dying. (That I will say...I wonder how many others will see this. ;) )

    @Bubbz3388 Hey there. :) Thanks for popping in!
    Hope you have a speedy recovery!

    @Emily4331 That chef guy! :love: It must be his dazzling eyes...
    What a bummer most everyone is taken in that town... :(
    Oh boy...I sense lots of drama coming up. :lol:
    I have to say it's nice to see you active on the thread again because it tells me that you are feeling better and I'm happy for you. <3 Depression is such a pain to live with, and even with being on meds it still likes to rear it's ugly head! :confounded: I know it all too well...
    I hope you stay in high spirits. :)

    @PalmArrow I've been enjoying William's story. :) (Did he ever do the firewalk to become an official resident of ST? ;) I can't remember if you posted that or not...)
    Hope their band grows and kicks off! :star:
    Thank you for the comments. <3 Glad you enjoyed it.
    And I agree, Sam looked too adorable in that picture that I couldn't help putting it in! (It wasn't originally in the plan to put it in ;) ).

    @therealsunsetvalley Nice makeovers as always of the SV sims. :)

    Caught up for now, hope I can keep up. :blush: (No time to fix typos so, sorry for those...)

    Thank you all again for your lovely comments on Sam's new chapter and for posting your enjoyable updates! I LOVE this thread! <3

    Happy Simming! :smiley:
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    CravenLestatCravenLestat Posts: 13,735 Member
    edited June 2018
    @therealsunsetvalley If you like Holly you will really like Hannah Jones in Riverview.She has that same plain pretty look but with just an outfit change only looks great.I have a bunch of pics of her but here was a recent one where she showed up at the festival grounds in RV.Am not a fan of that festival lot do not like it's setup.

    This is her walking in the door,it is her default Formal I believe.But with outfit change and makeup/hair she is cute


    See that smoke on the right in my screenie had a witch lighting the place on fire >:) with a bunch of sims in it.

    Edit: In case people don't believe me,I hate that lot

    I Play Sims 3 On A Potato

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    PalmArrowPalmArrow Posts: 4,329 Member
    @LunBeauty , Kiera and Elise are so pretty! I enjoyed seeing what all the University sims were doing on their own. I never had a townie just walk up to one of my sims and beat them up, that was really weird!
    Mika Moore looks so cute with the hair you've given her.

    @Mikezumi , your second Sunlit Tides wedding was as beautiful as the first! I had to laugh at the family sitting at the tables instead of around the wedding arch, though!
    I feel a little sad now that your sims have left Sunlit Tides and returned to where they will keep aging!

    @Silverofdreams30 , Luna's hair is very pretty!

    @Nabril , having a witch magician is an awesome idea!
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    CravenLestatCravenLestat Posts: 13,735 Member
    edited June 2018
    @emorrill The mannequins are from ITF,they are found under surfaces/displays.You can choose M/F any age range and dress them in any clothes you own even CC and use any patterns,also can wear whatever shoes you want them to have.

    But here is the creepy part

    When you dress a mannequin it takes you in CASt and the mannequin is...

    ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!! :s seriously

    They are great for making stores and yes you buy outfits straight from the mannequin and your sim changes into it,it deducts the money.But they are also great decor for a home.They can be in a lot of poses so if you are picky keep changing them until you get a pose you like.I wanted mine in the video to both have same pose so took a few tries

    I Play Sims 3 On A Potato

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    PalmArrowPalmArrow Posts: 4,329 Member
    emorrill wrote: »

    @PalmArrow I've been enjoying William's story. :) (Did he ever do the firewalk to become an official resident of ST? ;) I can't remember if you posted that or not...)
    Hope their band grows and kicks off! :star:
    @emorrill , thanks! :) William did do the firewalk - you can see the update here:
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @PalmArrow Thanks for the feedback :smile: I still have more real life places that I built to share! Also beautiful picture of the sunrise :smile:

    @Emily4331 Nice update and good summer pictures :smile:

    @emorrill Thanks for the feedback and nice outtakes :smile:

    @therealsunsetvalley Nice pictures of Holly Alto :smile:

    @CravenLestat Cute pictures of Hannah Jones :smile:
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    MoonandStars83MoonandStars83 Posts: 1,735 Member
    @lisasc360 The aliens in my games only seem to be interested in women and plumbots.

    @jillbg I didn't know children could pick up toddlers (unless it's a pose pack).

    @Charlottesmom Such a pretty unicorn.

    @polrbear I think there's a mod on MTS that gets rid of plant crying.

    @Emily4331 Summer all the way. I'd rather be too warm than freezing all the time.
    ****Always gotta check those family trees.

    @OriginalMara Maybe they're trying to show you what you've been missing.

    @meerkattime Enjoy whatever it is you'll be doing.

    @emorrill Congrats on the (pending) engagement.

    @LunBeauty Is it weird that I kind of love the fact that the Stimulus Response Test is pretty much just throwing a rubber duckie at someone?
    ****Looks like they're having fun in college.

    @Nabril I don't think I've ever seen pets fight in the game.

    @Mikezumi I could swear my Sims always keep the skills they acquire when on vacation.

    @therealsunsetvalley Lovely makeovers.

    @king_of_simcity7 Congrats to Jason and Lauren.

    @Silverofdreams30 Did Luna's hair color change? I could have sworn it was darker when she was younger.

    @Bubbz3388 Hope you feel better soon.


    Lots of updates!!

    Friday I was with the Lestat save. Caitlin is skilled up and ready to age next time I play. The Mummy I had gotten out of the sarcophagus died (I never did learn her name because it was something weird.) Once Caitlin ages up to child and the right lunar cycle rolls around, I'll get Aria and Cid working on the next round. I have a pic of Aria and Cid flirting, with some rando (I think he's the housekeeper) in the background.

    Saturday I went to see Jurassic World and didn't have time to play.

    Sunday I played the Holcombs. I found the only alien in her friend list (I cheated her knowing everyone), and had her invite them over for a visit. After a trip through CAS, which included a gender switch, I ended up cheating Zan (??) into the household since the Ask to Move In cue wasn't popping up. I have a pic of him and Brianna flirting.

    Last night I was with the Moores. Other than Lisa getting the start of the Omni Plant opportunity, nothing much happened. Raphael still isn't showing any signs of wanting to swim unsupervised. I also haven't seen Melodie's ghost yet (unless she just hasn't come in the house). I have a pic of Lisa holding the family's kitten, who I believe is named Haverson.

    Happy Simming, all!!
    I voted for you, Kevin.
    My Sims 3 Exhange Studio
    My Blog // Click me if you dare.
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @MoonandStars83 Thanks for the comment and nice update :smile:

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