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What happened in your sims 3 game today?


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    CravenLestatCravenLestat Posts: 13,735 Member
    edited June 2018
    @coco You are the fan,this is my favorite the mashup of performances of "What is love" but flows even with outfits being different on totally different times etc.Twice has such good dance routines you can record them different shows and it just works.

    I Play Sims 3 On A Potato

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    cocococo Posts: 2,727 Member
    @CravenLestat I am. I'm in their official fanclub even though I'll probably never get to see them live. That mash up is amazing, it flows so well that I hardly noticed that it was made up of different performances. I haven't heard anything from CLC lately I wonder what they've been up to.
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    Well, my game is still giving me cloudy days, even though it says its sunny.XD
    Anyways, took my sims on a camping trip for the weekend.


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    CravenLestatCravenLestat Posts: 13,735 Member
    Patterns from my video All on first page of my studio

    Get what you need or don't need cause what you think you don't need you need because not wanting something is denying that you really want it.

    What do you mean that makes no sense :rage: Stop thinking so much and get them all


    @lanlyn Now you can use more on her genie costume

    I Play Sims 3 On A Potato

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    PalmArrowPalmArrow Posts: 4,329 Member
    @CravenLestat , I will take a look at the patterns, but you get an immediate awesome just for that Leslie Nielsen quote!
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @meerkattime Nice pictures from Sardinia :smile:

    @lanlyn Thanks for the feedback :smile: Sorry that your game crashed :(

    @coco Thanks for the comments and feedback :smile: Nice pictures :smile:

    @Springfairy556 Nice pictures of the camping trip :smile:

    @CravenLestat I will have to try your new patterns out :smile:
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    TinySpaceFoxTinySpaceFox Posts: 1,110 Member
    edited June 2018
    I'm behind again aaaaaa

    Pages 2750-2751

    @Charlottesmom You know how a lot of developed countries with low birth rates have monetary incentives and such for couples who have a certain number of kids?
    $500,000 for producing not one but two ghost babies
    I love how the house is so big but still looks so cosy :> Wooden exteriors are <3
    Heya Beau! Oh, I'm sure Meggie will be fine, she can resist the clutches of a hot vampire, can't she?
    Welcome back Lee! How does it feel to have a body again?
    Vacuum-cleaner mouth :tongue:
    Cotton candy unicorn! <3
    *calmly eats popcorn while watching potential drama unfold with Beau, Light and L*
    Hello again L! I've missed yo-
    Haha, I like using the strikethrough effect on text when I type in something that's a bit of an afterthought, or something that's not directly relevant to what's being discussed. I crossed out the text about Seb because though I am proud of him, I thought it didn't really fit with the tone of my statement (which was comparing him to Noctis).

    @Cororon Hope it's all good now, and that you get plenty of play time to make up for that lost time! :)

    @polrbear I don't know, I always found it hilarious that Sims would cry over the death of a plant :tongue:
    What a beautiful view from the backyard :)
    polrbear wrote:
    "Behold! With intense concentration and the power of my magical staff, I have made this tuna levitate!"
    Good luck with finding those gems! I can totally imagine Liv giving Kimbra a heart-cut pink diamond :>
    Ah, the benefit to having the prom couple together in the same household is that you can control what they wear to prom, and so they won't mess up the picture :tongue:
    Congratulations on Jenny becoming prom queen! And uh, on Chase being crowned prom king. What a night!

    @Emily4331 Whoa, what a collection! Honestly I'm really not the partying/clubbing type (I don't even drink), but those clothes you picked out look pretty darn awesome :) *bows before the venerable Queen of Custom Content*
    Halfway to Christmas? Ugh, where does the time go?
    Kiera and Elise are looking... wild :tongue: Elise still has that big cat look going on, and I'd say Kiera looks like a graceful swan in that outfit :)
    Kiki's a nice girl indeed, if a little sunburnt :tongue: Cleaning the floor never felt so dirty!

    @Karritz Hope Mickey gets better, it's great to hear he's taking his medicine.
    Glad to hear that the audition and the performance went well! And that you've been treating yourself with some well-deserved Simming :)

    That is all. :D

    @meerkattime Welcome to the on-and-off lurker club! I hope all goes well, and I'm looking forward to seeing your posts again :>

    @emorrill Ooh! Time for another long read :> Here we go...
    Maybe Al had his own extended plans for Love Day? :tongue:
    Go on Sam, do it! Do it for love! I'm sure Al is fine, he can take his time. We don't need him barging in and disrupting your big moment, do we? :tongue:
    emorrill wrote:
    It was almost like fate was trying to tell him something; he swore he could see a glittering halo resting above it.
    You know Sam, video games have taught me that shiny objects, the ones that really stand out, are important for quests. :tongue:
    Yay, got the ring! Quest part 1 completed successfully! :tongue:
    Aw hey, I was right, looks like Love Day turned into Love Week for Al and Beth!
    emorrill wrote:
    "And why is that?" Sam asked, folding his arms with a smirk. "Because she's a woman?"41203051900_4e66c2737d_z.jpg

    "No!" he countered. "An old fart actually. Although, I'd prefer it if he was a woman."
    Love how you captured the expressions here :) especially Sam's smirk. I can imagine him doing a little eyebrow-wiggle thing.
    I'm just speechless at the dialogue between Al and Sam about the proposal. Like, really. But it's the best kind of speechless. :)
    emorrill wrote:
    Another blessing! Sam would be honoured :smiley: But anyway I hope to see Al better soon :>
    Ah yes, now it's time for part 2 of the quest: Meet the In-Laws! You'll do great Sam!
    emorrill wrote:
    Emma's dad went on. "So from what we understand from Emma you were married once before?"
    Sam froze. He didn't expect that to come up.

    Whoop, there's the kicker! But I'm sure Sam totally understands that Emma's dad is just doing what dads do, looking out for his daughter.
    Yay, he got Emma's parents' blessings! Quest part 2 completed successfully!
    Can't wait for more, and wishing Sam luck on the final part of his quest :tongue:
    RE Sam and the CC eyes: I was simply saying how I felt, just like Sam would've done, you know? :>

    @king_of_simcity7 heheh, nice of you to build more toilets for the beach! Can't have Sims peeing themselves, it would only mess up the place :tongue:

    @LunBeauty Cute and weird is totally my thing!
    Nicole is so pretty with that hair! The bow is adorable on her :>
    LunBeauty wrote:
    They grabbed their freebies, mostly multiple cans of soda before claiming a few arcade machines.
    Priorities... your Sims have them right :D
    I love the mascot dances! As long as they stay away from my house, I'm cool with them.
    You have fun with anatomy, Elise... you have fun... at least you don't have to learn the anatomy of more than one species. And you lucky Simmies don't have to deal with textbooks like this:
    And this, fellow Simmers, is why I'm so sporadic in my forum activity during the school term.
    I think I'm on Levi's side with this one, I wouldn't be too happy either if a rubber ducky suddenly came flying towards me.
    *Calmly eats popcorn waiting for drama to unfold with Ayana and the guys*
    Yay! Drama! Fight, fight, fight!
    Norm's pretty good for staying out of this though :tongue: oh wait, seems he's got his own problems with Walter.
    LunBeauty wrote:
    Elise played the bass for a little bit, hoping to earn a few tips, but University students were most likely pretty cheap because no one dropped a penny.
    Mmm, it's not that they don't want to, it's just that they can't. You know, fees have gone up.
    You know, I absolutely love the faces Sims make in lectures! They're so accurate it hurts.
    LunBeauty wrote:
    I see Cid wants to keep out of the drama too. Great choice :tongue:
    If Kiera's anything like me when it comes to drama, she's probably soaking it all up and just enjoying it. Drama is only fun when you're not involved :tongue:

    @Nabril Golden ghost kids? Charlottesmom would be proud :tongue:
    Nabril wrote:
    I'm honestly a little disappointed that Sims can't die from failing the sword-in-the-box trick. Oh well, they had to keep it T-rated.
    Yay, Audrey did it!
    Man, look at the hairstyle the proprietor's got! I can never take a Sim with that hairstyle seriously.
    Good on Audrey for de-zombifying the Countess! She can go home and take a nice long sleep now, I'm sure it was tiring being a zombie!
    Nabril wrote:

    @CravenLestat I see nothing evil about your patterns at all, they're lovely! :> I especially love the first one. Now I need a blue striped camo jacket in my life.

    @Mikezumi Hello Euan! Nice of you to stop by :> No basketball in the afterlife?
    Mikezumi wrote:
    Well, now that Niall has the mixology skill... romantic drinks for everyone! Yay! Woohoo! (now that word has double meaning :tongue:)
    Heh, how nice to have a carousel just down the road from your place.
    Aw, clearly Marisa and Rory each think the other is more beautiful than any piece of art in the gallery :>
    Mikezumi wrote:
    I don't think I want to know what he's reading.
    That was pretty funny though, Alvin taking so long to come over that Lachie could pull out a book and read some.
    Mikezumi wrote:
    how Rory could see through Marisa's head is a mystery ;)
    That sounds like it could be an insult! :D Rory can see through Marisa's head because there's nothing in it?
    Such a nice big space, perfect for stargazing! Just get rid of the carousel (light pollution) and it'll be perfect :tongue:
    Accckkk... if I ever come across that painting Rory did, I'll be selling it immediately :x
    One serving of fish and chips is never enough, eh, Cain? ;)
    Mikezumi wrote:
    "Why do I have to talk to you through a wall, dad?"
    Because dad thinks talking to a wall is more entertaining than talking to you. Nah, I'm kidding :tongue:
    Brett! Nice of you to visit :>

    @therealsunsetvalley Hey, Agnes looks a little older here. Must've been a while since she lost her husband, and it doesn't look like she's taking it well :(
    Love the clothes you chose for her! That swimwear though... I love how she still has a little frown even though she's wearing something so bright and cheery :tongue:

    @TadOlson You're a natural with NRaas :) I'm still learning how to use it well, but the "interactions" lists on the NRaas site are really handy.

    Gotta stop here so I can grab some lunch. Will continue with catching up later! :)
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    A small update again: :smile:

    Lauren's exboyfriend Carl (the one who cheated on her) has no problem wearing no clothes!


    Hana earns a promotion at work


    She works on her writing skill with Lauren


    Dom is still being strange and single!


    Hana later relaxes outside


    Jasmine comes out to join her

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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @TinySpaceFox Thanks for the comment :smile:
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    ZhakiraPZhakiraP Posts: 1,439 Member
    @lanlyn Thank you, I´m using a HD override mod for horses coats.
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    LunBeautyLunBeauty Posts: 2,734 Member
    @king_of_simcity7 Very nice update!

    @jillbg Haha :p I always play on a singular lunar phase, mostly because that green lighting that comes with the full moon bugs me to no end, so I never get zombies. But I agree, the zombies in the Sims 3 are very lame and when I used to have them in my game, I don't think my sims were ever bitten.

    @Silverofdreams30 Very cute update! Lisa Bunch is cute. :) I think all the Bunch family could use a lot of TLC in CAS.

    @lisasc360 I think I ended up selling the time portal that usually pops up with new households with my legacy family. I don't see anyone going to the future anytime soon.
    Irwin keeps rolling the want to build a plumbot and, despite tone of the rules I made saying that I'd have no sims from outside of the family helping out with chores and the kids, I might make a bit of an exception since you can actually control the plumbot's actions and they never die, so it'd be able to see all the generations grow up if I do manage to get that far. :)
    The University sims are an interesting bunch. :p

    @Emily4331 Rebi just has no luck with men. :lol:
    Oops, well at least it makes things interesting. :D

    @emorrill Nice outtakes! :)
    :lol: I like taking pictures of my sims rolling around in the sack sometimes too.
    I don't blame Emma's mom for being attracted. I'd have to lock my mom up somewhere if I was dating someone like Sam. :p

    @PalmArrow Nice update! They looked so cute jamming out together. Too bad there was no one else there. I guess they were all staying inside because of the rain.

    @therealsunsetvalley Great job on Holly! :)

    @emorrill Norm Cramsky is actually really cute once he's aged down! The only thing I did was adjust his nose, but left everything else alone.
    Don't worry, my next update shows Norm doing very well for himself. ;)
    Mmmm Skip :love:
    That guy did not like the duck throw. Most other sims laugh about it, but he whined and then complained to Elise.
    Skip is always shirtless in my game. I swear, I don't think I've ever seen the guy go to class or get dressed.
    My jaw dropped when he just attacked her like that! She doesn't even know him and I saw an action pop up in her queue for be attacked and before I could cancel it out, he jumped her. They'd never even met each other before. I didn't think that could happen.
    My next update I'm going to start working on shortly kinda made me not like Anoki just a bit. :D
    He's very bi-polar. He was positively sweet to Ria Gade when they were together in that Uni save I had. I still love him though. :p I ended up adding him to Meadow Glen in hopes that maybe Lucy would make a match with him or Eddy Mullis. ;)
    My default skin is Kurasoberina Primer HD+, but right now I'm using UHD version, which is Non-default for my sims. That skin, itself, is over 80 MB. I also play with this HQ Mod I used to use this one: but I noticed that my sims were taking a bit to render in and figured that my computer didn't agree with the mod too much despite me having a really good Nvidia graphics card.

    @PalmArrow Thank you! I'm happy with how Jessica and Irwin's kids turned out. De Anda Hall is my favorite of the dorms because I always get interesting sims there who do interesting things. I've never had a townie beat up one of my sims randomly either.
    Mika Moore is probably my favorite premade from University. She has the Commitment Issues trait, but it never really shows. I usually like to make up a story that she has that trait because she's been hurt a lot in the past, so it's hard for her to trust guys enough to be in a fully committed relationship with them. Because every time I play University, she stays single the entire time and I've never really seen her be romantic with anyone.

    @MoonandStars83 I don't really understand that interaction, but most sims seem to like it and it makes my sims happy. So I just let them do it. :lol:
    Very nice update! :)

    @Charlottesmom Happy birthday to your eldest! :) I know that when I became an adult, I was able to finally have more mature conversations with my mom and it really changed our relationship.
    I just cancelled out the moodlet for him. :lol: Although if he'd really died, I would have exited without saving, even if I had to play the entire day over. I have a habit of saving religiously because my game gets moody sometimes and crashes randomly.
    I'm not sure what the law is on Starlings in Australia. The Starling my partner's mom has ended up passing away. She had it for a long time too. :(
    I do have a certain unnamable mod set to let sims Try For Babies autonomously, but I also think Story Progression played a part in that too since I want my towns to be populated.
    I actually figured out why I was getting deformed sims. In one of my settings in Story Progression, I had it at 0.3:0.2, when I really should've had it at -0.3:0.2. So I fixed it, got rid of all the sims, aside from the ones that were involved with the family or weren't deformed and now my game seems to be generating normal looking sims. :lol:
    Normally I don't kill sims off, but I was really peeved off at the time.
    Grayson will behave himself if he knows what's good for him.
    Sid is one of my favorite dormies. Tbh, I only see Skip in his everyday clothes once and then the rest of the time he's in his underwear.
    I don't remember his name either. I gave him a tiny bit of a make-over and fixed his facial features a bit, but let him keep his hat because it looked cute on him. :) Apparently my game generated him with no traits.
    Uni has some really good looking sims. You can tell that the creators had really improved when it came to making sims.
    Boring! Uni would be boring without the streaking!

    Sad to see your L and Light household go, but I know you want to get back to your main save. :) I'll miss them though!

    @lanlyn Thanks for the comments!

    @Emily4331 Sid and Eddy are my favorite University pre-mades! :love:
    Although Jeffrey Dean also has a special place in my heart too.
    Ayana likes all those Baskin Robbins flavors. ;) She can never stick with just one.
    I think they do. I also have a bunch of Nraas Mods and one of them allows sims to ask others about their gender preference.
    My game is also moody sometimes and has a period where it'll crash for no reason, even when I know I don't have anything bad in it. Very nice outtakes though! :)

    @coco The Uni sims really like to complain about everything. I don't think Skip even knows what a shirt is! All I did with Walter was tweak his nose a bit. He has quite a honker. :lol: I found out that Ayana is romantic interests with Walter, but still goes from guy to guy and he doesn't seem to mind. I have jealousy level in one of my mods set to medium. Kiera's a Party Animal, so you'll see her streaking a few times. :p No, Elise didn't get any bad moodlets, lol. Mika is beautiful! I always figured that she might be of Asian descent. Her name and features kind of hint at it.
    I didn't touch Gender preferences, so Kiera being bi is something I didn't plan on happening. Thanks for all the comments!

    @Springfairy556 I wish I could play with weather on, but even though I have a good gaming computer, the game still throws a fit every time I try to have snow or rain. Nice camping pictures! :)

    @TinySpaceFox I love Nicole Lawry. She didn't really do too much while Elise and Kiera were there.
    At least those sodas fill my sims hunger bars in a pinch. :p
    I mean, sims do have textbooks. I assume that's what they study from. :D
    I probably wouldn't know what to think if someone threw a rubber duck at me. :lol:
    I don't think Uni sims really care about cheating because Ayana has been making out with guys all over the place and Walter doesn't say a thing.
    Norm doesn't like Walter at all, but he is the only guy who doesn't seem interested in Ayana. He's such a good sim. :)
    They could've at least dropped $5. :(
    I feel my sims' pain when they have to attend lectures.
    The funny thing is that, I made Ayana selectable for just a bit to see her relationships and she and Sid are best friends despite how much he argues with her!
    I'm kinda the same sometimes. It depends on what kind of drama though. :lol:

    @king_of_simcity7 Nice update! :)
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    polrbearpolrbear Posts: 939 Member
    Oh my gosh guys! I know there was at least one single fellow witchy simmer on here with me, so I just wanted to say...

    I found a sims 3 cc decorative tarot deck w/ spread, and the creator had used the exact same deck I have. So now my sims and I can have the same tarot deck. :open_mouth: As long as it works of course! I'm more excited than I probably should be - it's not like they can use it or anything LOL

    Still need to test it out to make sure it even works, but...

    For anyone wondering and wanting to see, they are here.
    I play Sims 2, Sims 3, Sims 4, and The Urbz: Sims in the City on gamecube and ds. Main Game: Sims 352033322186_3a08467dc6_o.png
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,218 Member
    @coco Which group is that? I dont listen much to japaanaese or korean pop music so dont
    know much about that hehe. . I only know of some kpop
    groups like superjunior and a girlgroup I now dont remember name of lol.
    Thank you for the feedback.

    @Springfairy556 Very nice update

    @LunBeauty I agree haha.
    I am always editing my townies.
    Thank you.

    @Emily4331 Thank you it was nice.

    @king_of_simcity7 Nice update

    @lanlyn Hate when game crash for no reason.
    Great update.

    @Charlottesmom oh another ghost toddler cute.
    Love the random gameplays.

    @bekkasan Thank you

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    jillbgjillbg Posts: 4,600 Member
    bekkasan wrote: »
    @jillbg Great pics of the zombies and Granny!
    Love the witches!
    @bekkasan Thank you! :) I finally found something to use with the weather stone

    @jillbg , I find it amazing how much I've barely even scratched the surface of Sims 3, I love learning new things and learn tons of new stuff from this thread..
    @Charlottesmom Being something of a shopaholic when it comes to shoes and bags in RL, I also bought everything released concerning TS3 as soon as it was released aka getting lots of stuff and not having the time to use it! :# There are worlds I haven't set my foot in, and interactions and supernatural states I've never used! :/ So there are things to explore for the next few years... :) Must admit that I'm still hoping for a TS5 up to my expectations... :s
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @LunBeauty and @Silverofdreams30 Thanks for the feedback :smile:
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    jillbgjillbg Posts: 4,600 Member
    Emily4331 wrote: »
    @jillbg Yeah, I just try to do what I can. I used to spend 2-3 hours making comments before. It's exhausting. lol Too many active people in the thread :tongue:
    Your picture taking is beyond compare!
    Thank you @Emily4331 :D Taking pictures is something I enjoy both in TS3 and RL! <3
    LunBeauty wrote: »
    @jillbg I love the pictures with the witches dueling with lightning. Was that photoshopped or can that really happen in the game? :o
    @LunBeauty It's actually the witches interaction that comes with the weatherstone - asking for rain or whatever! :)
    PalmArrow wrote: »
    @jillbg yay, a new revised chapter! I just quickly scrolled through the pictures and they are beautiful. I'm looking forward to reading it!
    @PalmArrow I'm glad you enjoyed the pictures! I hope you'll like the "new" story as much! :)
    emorrill wrote: »
    @jillbg **Waves** :) I love seeing all the new pics you are taking for Grey Witches. Guess I am rereading it at a very good time! :blush:
    You are, @emorrill ... :) I just couldn't leave the first chapters' pics like that, not only does pose player enlargen the possibilities of picture taking, but the lighting of the pics were truly awful... :#
    @jillbg I didn't know children could pick up toddlers (unless it's a pose pack).
    You're so right, @MoonandStars83 Unfortunately they can't, it's just a pose... :/
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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,035 Member
    @polrbear I'm a tarot card reader. I used to collect decks for the art work and have over 100 decks. I also have that particular deck you found in the mod. It's the Gilded Tarot, right? I have the physical deck and a digital copy in my computer tarot program.


    Have you seen the sim tarot paintings that @GaiaHypothesis made? They're from the Rider-Waite deck. She made two sets of 5.


    Download links for both sets: Tarot Paintings by GaiaHypothesis
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    jillbgjillbg Posts: 4,600 Member
    @jillbg , I'm going to consider it a blessing I didn't get that far into your story when I started reading a while back, knowing you rewrote some chapters makes me want to attack it as I was already engrossed before..(real life got in the way but will have plenty of free time next week to read). :smiley:
    @Charlottesmom Enjoy the new chapters, they're more of a book now! :) I will finish the Monte Vista chapters as fast as I possibly can, then I'll go back into Midnight Hollow with brntwaffles' lighting mod! Can't wait to see how that will come out! :D

    lanlyn wrote: »
    @jillbg Thank you for the list of revised chapters. I'll take a look! RE: Chapter 01-31. I listened to the music you chose while I read the story. Very nice. ...LOL at the talkative taxi driver! So typical. I find them annoying, but my husband loves to gab. Sigh. ...Funny that Granny thought of conjuring up some fake money for the driver. ...Lovely scenery screenshots. ...Hmm, Shasta's reception of her daughter. And Taïga's new half-brother Rowan. I can understand how Taïga must have felt during all that. The rejection. ...The Raukar! ...And then the zombies. That was twist! Ha! ...Taïga and her brother playing together at the pool was darling. And with the other kids. That was a great close-up of Taïga smiling on the slide. ...The initiation ceremony was interesting. Nice job with that. ...I also liked the picture of Taïga by herself at the pool with the sunset reflecting on the water. ...LOL at the perfect "frog" dive.
    Really nice feedback @lanlyn ! Thank you so much! :D It's not easy to have witches in the story and at the same time keep them as low key and "real" as possible. If I had magic, geez, I'd probably use it too much! :# So restraints there are - magic money disappearing after a while, no magic on kids, magic food having consequences on kids, of course, but also on any other not witchy being. That's getting the story more difficult, but also in my opinion a bit more interesting. :) Just like with love stories - you hang on as long as the frustrating tension is palpable, once they settle in and have a "normal" life it gets kind of boring...
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    jillbgjillbg Posts: 4,600 Member
    LunBeauty wrote: »
    @jillbg Haha :p I always play on a singular lunar phase, mostly because that green lighting that comes with the full moon bugs me to no end, so I never get zombies. But I agree, the zombies in the Sims 3 are very lame and when I used to have them in my game, I don't think my sims were ever bitten.
    @LunBeauty Lol! They usually just stand around growling or, God forbid, dancing! :s The only thing they are really dangerous for are your plants! :# It would be nice if the other sims got some action, getting bitten if they don't run etc. They just get the frightened or menaced moodlet, as with vampires and werewolves. Frustrating. Bleh.
    Concerning the lighting, I use a mod to arrange that! :)

    coco wrote: »
    pg. 2748
    pg. 2749
    @jillbg I'm smiling while listening to that lovely Romance In Venice soundtrack. I love your writing so can't wait to get into it... Monte Vista is a stunning world and fits very well as Italy. I recognise their Tuscan mansion as the house my sims use when they holiday to MV. It has a gorgeous view from half way up the hill! I sense Taïga's hesitation and fear of being rejected while she watches her mother kiss her baby son. It's a lovely moment to see Taïga and Shasta finally reunite. Rowan is such a cute little toddler. With all the adults fawning over him, it's no wonder that Taïga feels a bit left out. Oh no... I think Taïga would love to stay with her mother forever if she had the choice, only Shasta doesn't see it that way. That storm cloud looks like very bad news. I was starting to think those zombies were dressed very strangely, that's what makes it all the more embarrassing for Granny. Taïga has really warmed to having Rowan as her brother, the two are very adorable playing together. Taïga looks to be having fun making friends at the pool. I hope she won't get in trouble. The scene with the Raukar was intense with Leonardo and Granny connected with lightning. I had to laugh at Goopy trying so hard to impress Taïga but she's too busy talking to Derek. Beautiful writing, and it was so much run reading with the Italian music in the background :grin:
    @coco I'm glad you like both the story and the "soundtrack"! :) I love to listen to music when I read, and it usually helps set the mood right for what is to come! :)
    Taïga can't help loving Rowan, it's hard to dislike an innocent toddler... Oh, how I miss those chubby arms of my kids, holding on tight to my leg to find reassurance. Now they are teens and I'm not as needed anymore, at least not in that strong physical way as before.... *sighs* Back to your comment - You bet she was embarrassed. Luckily she didn't tell the story at the breakfast table! :s But I guess Shasta will tell her husband. Then again, maybe not. She's one uppity b*t*h and probably doesn't want anyone to know she has an embarrassing mother! :p
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    jillbgjillbg Posts: 4,600 Member
    edited June 2018
    @lanlyn Just read the last page, and saw you're a Tarot reader! :) Interesting! Do you do readings for your friends and family, or do you prefer not knowing too much about them? It's a question I've always asked myself...
    Maybe I can ask you for advice, I'm writing on the last chapter (Part2) and there's a Tarot reader in that one and I don't want her to spew out nonsense... :# When I'm done, I'll tell you what she saw in the cards, and if you want to, you might tell me what cards were concerned?
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Lachie had a wish to fish before 6am :)
    He caught his first shark but wasn't impressed.
    Brett, who had arrived just before I closed my game, was dancing :)
    The family enjoyed crepes for breakfast.
    Brett came over and I thought he just wanted to be close to his family.
    I could have been wrong. Perhaps he wanted to fart on Niall's breakfast ;)
    Rory's waking wish was to water the plants. Lachie's waking wish was to donate §100 to one of his causes.
    After clearing the dishes, Cain chatted with Brett :)
    Brett vanished but not before Cain got a wish to complain about video games.
    Niall has a wish to master the athletic skill so I had him work out for a while. He didn't have to suffer too long because it was Graduation day.
    Alvin was just shy of reaching level 6 in logic. He had two wishes locked in - one to level up and one to reach level 6. He got his wishes in a matter of minutes and then rolled a wish to make Sleeping Elixir.
    When Rory was done with the watering he interrupted Cain's MA training for a chat.
    Bad Cain! You don't complain about art to an artistic sim! :#
    After Alvin made the Sleeping Elixir he helped Lachie finish the gardening.
    I told Lachie to change into his everyday outfit and he struck a pose immediately after :)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Page 2749

    @jillbg Great pics of Granny and the zombies! I would be terrified to see zombies in my game!

    @krabby_pattiess Thank you :) I am rather fond of them myself ;)

    @Nikkei_Simmer It will do Tatsuyoshi to spar with a master even if he gets his butt handed to him ;)
    Haruo does love his kids and only wants the best for them :)
    Happy birthday Karina! She's a cute child :)
    Happy birthday to Alanna's little one as well :)
    Lovely scenic shots!

    @LunBeauty Thanks for the nice comments :)
    I find when chairs can't be got at is because there's a social jig there. I always check with MC when something like that happens.
    I will be sad when Cain and Niall go too. I am sad when any of my sims go but I also know I haven't seen the end of them :)
    Feeding each other wedding cake would have been a nice touch. Still, I am happy with what I have and I have only been playing with Generations installed for a little over a year so wedding cake is completely new to me.
    Fun time at the Fall Festival :)
    Poor Lucy :( she should have staked her claim sooner perhaps.
    RIP Torrance!
    I hope Lucy forgives her sister - family is important.
    Well! Her conversation with Kiera didn't go so well.
    Probably a good idea not getting Beverly involved.
    That was sweet of Grayson to see how she was :)
    Yay for ghost Midnight showing up :)
    Congrats to your SS on the pregnancy :)
    Happy birthday Elise and Kiera!
    They aged up well :)
    I am sure they will do well at uni :)

    @KaylaNR Sounds like a fun save. I hope you have fun with your evil witch :) If the seed is glowing red it is plasma fruit. I think Forbidden Fruit seeds can only be got from the Science Research Station but I could be wrong.

    @therealsunsetvalley Nice makeover of Lawrence Lum :)

    @king_of_simcity7 Lovely scenic shots :)

    @lisasc360 Pluto looked like he was having fun until he took a dive ;)
    Pluto seemed to be doing a lot better in the second update until he was abduced :p
    Lovely scenic shots of Oasis Landing :)

    @MadMuffie I am all about love and babies so my sims oblige ;)
    Congrats on the birth of Moffy :)

    @MoonandStars83 Thanks and I did get it :)

    @jillbg Adorable shots with the toddler :) Love the kiss on the cheek <3

    @polrbear Thanks for the lovely comments :)
    I turned off pregnancy for Marisa because I don't save vacations anyway and I didn't need her being sick (if that even happens on vacation) because of pregnancy.
    I am only keeping Marisa because of Rory although I won't be keeping them for long.
    Yes, Niall is Marisa's brother-in-law - you got it right :)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    When the gardening was done, the family headed to the Town Hall for the graduation ceremony.
    Lachie didn't look happy about his bad hair cut ;)
    I loved the way Lachie ended up in front of Niall and Cain as they were going in. Cain looked very proud of his son :)
    Lachie graduated with merit. I have never seen this before. He didn't get a ribbon either. :( Rory was voted Most Popular, Marisa Most Artistic and Alvin Most Likely to Take Over the World.
    Niall rolled a wish to catch a bug during the ceremony. He was obviously as bored as I ;)
    When I zoomed back to the house everyone was in Lachie's queue!
    Marisa got frisky with Rory :)
    Niall came out of one of the bedrooms for a drink. I know what you've been up to, Niall! ;)
    He rolled a wish to make an outstanding drink so I had him create his own drink. Rory and Alvin came over for a drink :) Lachie was still working on his wish to level up in cooking.
    While Niall was busy creating a new drink, Cain broke space rocks. I sent Lachie out to collect some of the gems as it was getting a bit cluttered.
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Page 2750

    @Charlottesmom That's a lot of money for a house extension!
    The house looks great! I am sure they will be happy there :)
    Good thinking bringing in Beau :)
    I wonder what happened to the ambrosia!
    I love the animations when sims become human after ambrosia :)
    Oh! I wonder why he wasn't accepting Meggie's advances!
    Ah! Eve! I had a total blank where her name was concerned!
    LOL at Beau giving flowers to Meggie! Glad you moved him before it got worse! :D
    Nice seeing Lotta :)
    LOL That was nice of Light to let Beau have a drink even though he looks terrified :D
    I didn't know drinking could cause hearts!
    Yep L and Light do love each other :)
    LOL Behave yourself Light! Beau is there to help not to be flirted with!
    That look was really directed at you! :o

    @Cororon Sorry about the migraine. Hope you feel better now.

    @polrbear I always love seeing kids using the toy oven. Cute pic of Zelena baking :)
    That is a great pic of Liv and what a big tuna!
    Adorable prom photo!

    @Emily4331 The old lady in me cringes at the club wear!
    Lovely makeovers of LunBeauty's girls!
    I am a wuss - I like spring and autumn. Summer is too hot and winter is too cold ;)

    @bekkasan Thanks for the lovely comments :)
    It's a good thing that sims don't have heart attacks because I would have to take away Lachie's evil trait to protect his dads!
    I was happy that Lachie's face wasn't expressionless during the cake cutting. Marisa was pretty good at hers too, only become emotionless at the very end.

    @Charlottesmom Thanks for the lovely comments :)
    The family ended up having 7 days in Sunlit Tides.
    I was totally oblivious about teens and the stroller! My teens are usually wonderful big brothers and sisters and love to play with them but I never thought to give them strollers.
    The jellybean ghosts are a lovely colour but I am glad Meggie survived ;)

    @Nikkei_Simmer Give River a shawl right now! No self-respecting Japanese man would allow his wife out in public like that! ;)

    @coco Thanks for the lovely comments :) I didn't purposely choose a ginger for Lachie although I did notice the ginger/blonde pairing after the fact. My population is very small and there is not a lot of choice. Alvin happened to be the right age and gender and was groomed (personality wise) from toddlerhood to be a partner for Lachie.

    @emorrill Love the ring shopping <3
    I do hope there's nothing serious wrong with Al! :(
    What a cute house Emma's parents live in!
    Awwww What a lovely greeting once they realized who he is :)
    What a grilling! Of course they only want the best for Emma!
    How could they not give such a good man their blessing? I knew they would :)
    What a lovely update! Now Sam and Emma can plan a wedding :)

    @Emily4331 Thanks :) Marisa is quite pretty but still female ;)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Marisa received an invitation to Samuel Lothario's party. Only Cain rolled a wish to attend so I sent him with Niall. Cain rolled a wish to become friends with Samuel but Samuel wouldn't get off the computer for an introduction.
    I'd completely forgotten about the violin in Niall's inventory until he pulled it out!
    Lonnie was also there and trying to chat with the host.
    I was debating resetting Samuel but decided to look at the Debug Enabler options instead. I forced a break! :D
    I checked back home and Lachie and Alvin were playing catch. I didn't have to check on Marisa and Rory as I knew they were working on painting wishes.
    I only watched the boys play catch for a few seconds so Cain must work fast!
    The party continued without my boys ;)
    I know Samuel is somehow related but can't remember the connection. He's very handsome even as an adult.
    Because it was an afternoon party, the boys got home in time for dinner.
    Star watching time :)
    Lachie and Alvin had been skinny dipping before they watched the stars.

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