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What happened in your sims 3 game today?


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    CororonCororon Posts: 4,276 Member
    Thanks for the comments! I meant to play more, but a plum migraine put a stop to that. :neutral:

    @coco Oh, you remember them. :smiley::heart:

    @Mikezumi Nah, Tox managed to flee! He's a nice spider, but can't always be trusted. ^^;

    @MoonandStars83 No, the green mutated spider is the critter. :tongue:
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    polrbearpolrbear Posts: 939 Member
    Kimbra and Liv # 34

    Chase does his homework with Sarah and her girlfriend:

    Liv had harvested one plant until it couldn't be harvested anymore, it died of old age :( She is torn up as usual:

    Zelena already has a cooking skill point waiting for her when she becomes a teenager. Here she is baking cookies :)

    Jenny has lots of Sarah wishes all the time:

    They had dinner alone together under the canopy at twilight:

    I love this picture of Liv:

    Kimbra found a 500$+ sunstone. She has found 8 unique types of gems so far. 2 more types and she will unlock the heart shaped cut.

    Friday was prom night! Sarah had already asked Jenny to come with her, and since Jenny was part of the family already, everything went off without a hitch. Everyone got in the limo and got to prom!

    Jenny was voted prom queen! Apparently Sarah doted on her all evening, getting her punch, and made a great impression! Jenny revealed that she liked Sarah a lot. Meanwhile, Chase got into THREE fights, got rejected TWICE, and then finally got voted prom king. LOL

    Jenny and Sarah's prom memorabilia above their bed.

    Since Zelena was the only kiddie home, her mama made her favourite meal for her! Tri-Tip Tofu Steak!

    Although the heir and her girlfriend were tired after returning from prom, they only wanted eachother:
    I play Sims 2, Sims 3, Sims 4, and The Urbz: Sims in the City on gamecube and ds. Main Game: Sims 352033322186_3a08467dc6_o.png
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    Emily4331Emily4331 Posts: 10,850 Member
    PS. Are you like me and hate Summer, love Winter?

    It's halfway to Christmas! :smiley:
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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,362 Member
    Great updates everyone... :)

    @lisasc360 What an interesting update! I loved the photos :) Pluto’s adventures are awesome and I love the colours in the photos!
    Thank you... :)

    Great update... :)
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    @lanlyn Thanks for the comments on my updates. :)

    @Mikezumi Strange glitch at the table.
    Lots of loving going on early in the morning.
    Congrats on the engagement! Was wondering when that would happen. :)
    That was weird that the beach was broke.
    Alvin looks funny with the splash picture.
    lol at Marissa walking in on the elders woohooing!
    No, that was not a very good look for Lachie!
    Cane's are good for something :)
    Congrats on getting the set!
    Lol, that was an easy fix for the table!
    Lachie is gonna give his Dad's a heart attack scaring them like that!
    Pretty pictures and lots of activity at the overlook.
    Thanks for the comments. :) I do love mustangs and that overlook in Bridgeport does have some awesome views.
    Dag, they sat so for away during the wedding. Silly sims!!
    Congrats on the wedding!
    At least Lachie didn't look completely bored while Alvin was cutting the cake!
    Thanks for the comments on the kiddos! :)

    @Emily4331 Rebi is very pretty!

    @coco really scary when your teacher doesn't know how to spell!
    Thanks for the comments! Much appreciated. :)
    I do love the plate replacement patterns. It does show up on even the bistro lots or parks if you eat outside.
    I had hoped to have the wedding posted last night, but, I was tired and my brain gave out. Gotta work today, but maybe this evening.
    Lots of fun pictures. The babies make me all gooey. :)
    Great fun day out for the girls!
    Kara looks great with the second baby!
    Spencer looks tired of homework!

    @LunBeauty Thank you for the comment. :)
    I enjoyed the updates.
    Sorry about Midnight.
    Congrats on Killian, young adult!
    Congrats on the engagement and the wedding!
    Sweet that Grayson asked Beverly!
    Bummer about the patterns. Patterns made with the CAP program require special way to convert them to package files. There are a couple of threads in the CAP section on conversion.
    Bummer about the drama with Torrence and Keira.

    @krabby_pattiess Cute pictures.

    @CravenLestat Pretty cover!

    @king_of_simcity7 That is a lot of motel rooms!
    Thanks for the comments.
    Great windsurfing pics.

    @ZhakiraP Beautiful pics of the horses and unicorn.
    She does look cranky!

    @Charlottesmom Thanks for the comments :) I do believe I am a bit of a romantic.
    Oh...I forgot about what's her name!
    They did a darn good job making Noctis. I don't know if I looked at his but.t. I'll check it out later. :)
    I have missed playing with kids so this is fun!
    I picked 4 or 5 depending on if she can move 4 out from under the hair on the one side. They were all beautiful.
    Great update! I'm glad you fixed the ghost boys. I do like the animation of the cure. :)
    Lol at Lee keeping Meggie away!

    @therealsunsetvalley Parker looks great. Love the outfits.
    Lawrence looks great too.

    @Silverofdreams30 Great pics. The town looks lovely.
    Cute pic of Alex swinging. He looks so happy!

    @Emily4331 Comments are lovely to give and get. It is up to each of us to know what we can and cannot do. Don't let anyone make you feel guilty for not commenting if you don't have time. I would love to give long comments to more than I do, but, I just don't have the time. I do try to say something to most everyone. Comment when you can, don't sweat it when you can't.
    Thanks for the tag on the jacket.
    omg!! those pants with laces for the and legs. I'm just getting to old!! You do not want to know what went thru my mind when I saw the picture. Remember, am a nurse.
    I generally love summer, but it was hot as hades today! I'm not crazy about cold weather!

    @TinySpaceFox Thanks for your comments on the toddlers. They have a bit longer in that age.

    @jillbg Great pics of the zombies and Granny!
    Love the witches!

    @KaylaNR Welcome, sounds like a great save. Good luck, hope you get the plant sim.

    @lisasc360 Great update. Ouch!!

    @polrbear Thanks for the comments. :) Hope you feel better after your sleep.
    The girls look great and it sure sounds like Chase had an interesting time at the prom with the fights and all. At least he wasn't bored. :)
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    Emily4331Emily4331 Posts: 10,850 Member
    @bekkasan ahahah I love those pants just for how absurd they are. :tongue: I try to make my comments right then to avoid the huge strings, but sometimes I am too busy. :(
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    Emily4331Emily4331 Posts: 10,850 Member
    @CravenLestat Look, Kiera was talking about your...Just kidding. :wink:

    @LunBeauty These two also reminded me of Lionesses. :lol: Got a family of wild cats! Meow! :tongue:




    I tried to stay with animal print. So Kiera has snakeskin boots and Elise, like her brother, has leopard print on her fur jacket. :3

    And a special gift for @CravenLestat :wink: Kiki got on her hands and knees to clean your floor. :( What a nice girl!

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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,934 Member
    Hello all

    I'm sort of back. After the weekend I was at a loss and disorentied most of yesterday. I've been working on the singing for the past couple of weeks and then it was suddenly all over and I didn't know what to do with myself.

    Also have to start Mickey on his medication for Cushings. He had his first dose this morning.

    @bekkasan @charlottesmom @lanlyn @jillbg @MoonandStars83 @TinySpaceFox @coco and anyone else I missed or who might be interested

    Thank you for your wishes of good luck for my concert and audition.

    The audition went ok. We started doing a dance - we were divided into two groups. Group 1 was anyone who had no clue and Group 2 were people who knew how to dance. I was in Group 1. We seemed to do a satisfactory job.

    Then came the singing. I chose a song for the composer not for my voice type. I have a big range so it isn't hard to choose a song that totally misses my strength and I'm not accustomed to doing auditions so I suppose I messed up with the choice of song.

    I had only a little over a week to learn it so my voice still wasn't strong while singing it. It is set in the weakest part of my range so that didn't help either.

    I stood close to the musical director and directors.

    The piano was next to them and very loud. The musical director (who I've never seen or heard of before) said he couldn't hear me for the piano. The pianist (who I do know from the play I was in last year) tried to move the piano away from him a bit.

    One of the directors gave me a big grin and a thumbs up so maybe it wasn't too bad in her opinion (she's a professional speech and drama teacher).

    Apparently the musical director was impressed by the fact that my lower range goes down a long way. But my strength is in my upper range that didn't even get tested so I suspect if I get in I'll be singing alto in the chorus. Not entirely happy with that idea. But the positive thought is spending 5 months singing alto ought to strengthen my lower range somewhat. I am actually a high soprano - very high. Due to the song I chose I didn't sing in my upper range at all for the audition. I chose the song because it was the only one I could find by the composer of the music we'll be singing in the musical.

    While there I decided to read for a part - which I hadn't intended to do but they wanted people to read so I thought I might as well since I was already there. At least that went well.

    Apparently they have more people to audition this week as not everyone could make it to Saturday's audition.

    Then the concert was on Sunday afternoon.

    I thought we did well all things considered. But the audience had other ideas. They loved it. My friend who hasn't been to one of our concerts before was pretty close to overwhelmed by the whole thing and said she'll be back for the next concert. She usually goes to professional concerts (a lot of them) and is on stage a lot herself (a lot more than I am) and she was totally blown away by the whole thing. So I suspect it went very well from the audience's point of view.

    Now that concert's over the choir doesn't get a break, we start learning a bunch of new Cantatas on Thursday night. I still don't know if I'm in the play or not so I suppose, if I don't know before Thursday night, I'll just go back to choir and carry on from there. I decide what to do when I know more.

    I've done no Simming yet - I did do the narration for the next episode of the 30 Grandchildren Badge yesterday so I'll edit that today and post it. I don't have much hope of actually getting the badge though. I've now set up a special Sims 3 folder just for that badge. Thought I'd do that before anyone ages up to YA.

    @polrbear thanks for the info on that hair from TSR. I do have it but not for child. I have the toddler version only so will leave it in my game for now unless I discover that toddler version is also corrupt. I do have another hair that is causing me problems with toddlers but haven't tracked it down yet.

    That's it from me for now. Still need to get myself organised but hope to get a video posted today.

    Happy Simming all
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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    Thank you all for the feedback on my updates. Also, I didn't mean to make anyone feel upset or guilty with the comment thanking people who leave feedback, I said I fully understand that not everyone has the time...

    @krabby_pattiess , Lovely engagement pictures! Blair just wants some attention too...

    @LunBeauty , That's bizarre with all the pattern duplicates.

    @king_of_simcity7 , LOL!! You really do have a thing for toilets!
    **I used to hate windsurfing, it was always too fast for me and scared me! (IRL)

    @ZhakiraP , Never peeve a fairy!! The unicorn is majestic...LOVE!!

    @Mikezumi , How long are the boys gonna be on vacation I thought you said 9 days?
    **Wonder why that scare did get cancelled.
    **Maybe the paperboy was open minded and thought it was sweet those oldies are in love.. :heart:
    **Lachie is going to give the guys heart attacks!!
    **Rory and Marisa really are a sweet couple!
    **The apology system in Sims 3 really is backa*ss wards!!
    **Yikes boys that woohooo was right out there! Luckily Marisa didn't have to pee, she would have gotten an eyeful...
    **Hazel is funny...
    **The wedding scenery...beautiful!!
    **Awwww! The smiles over by the cake! :heart:
    **I'm sure the tramporilla does have residual flirt in may take years to get it out if L is in the room (I agree with her, he's flirtworthy even from a very old coot!), I've actually been more into Light lately though, been taking a bunch of screenshots of him. I gotta knock off the Light/L fan fictions!!
    **I thought for sure you knew about tens being able to use the stroller, they can do tons of stuff with toddlers, it shocked me.
    **Bryce is the best big brother, I don't have to direct him ever when in a brother situation. He will be a YA again very soon, I need him for a very special update in Misunderstood.
    **Fire ghost Meggie plus Fire ghost Lee would have guaranteed ghost babies for sure. :wink: I really wanted a jellybean ghost though.
    **I totally agree the lighting in ST is gorgeous!! if not a tad bright.
    **Lachie's expression is saying "oh crud I must have lost my wedding ring!" LOL!!

    @coco , Even though "old", the pictures are great!!
    **I had no idea pregnant Sims could play basketball...that is good to know.
    **Oh geeze does that pregnant on the beach laying in the sun picture bring up good memories of when I was pregnant with my eldest..
    **Sun looks cute in the "tangled legs" picture.
    **Kara is so pretty! Looks like she'll be a natural mommy.
    **Sun and Saville!! CUTE!
    **Special request, can you post a picture of dang it was it Saville's brother or Sun's brother..(my mind is jello tonight!!) the cute one I commented on....just when you get a chance.

    @therealsunsetvalley , Parker looks great!! I love SV Sims the best...

    @Silverofdreams30 , Nice looking buildings in the world, that's not Bridgeport right?
    **Liam is nice!!!
    **Yikes BEES!!!
    **Alex looks adorable playing with the dollhouse, I could never figure out why the kids are so mean to the dad doll.
    **Come on Ty, use those muscles!
    **Love the picture of Audra, Ty and the kids eating..

    @Simsophonique , Sound like it's a nice one! Bigger is always better (most of the time)..
    **Romain is cool, I adore Vampires, he does look a bit mean though.
    **Agreed, I like the ghost babies too.

    @TinySpaceFox , Wait, why did you cross out that you were proud of the way Sebastian came out??

    @jillbg , I find it amazing how much I've barely even scratched the surface of Sims 3, I love learning new things and learn tons of new stuff from this thread..

    2749........ :smiley:
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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    @bekkasan , Em said she found some new tiaras for consideration, can’t wait to see them, I really like some but like she said they were just too big.
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    edited June 2018
    @Emily4331 - Oooh...BillSims has a lot of great stuff. :D

    *cough* ahem... River's dress... (Yep, used a BillSims dress)... :D
    Emily4331 wrote: »
    PS. Are you like me and hate Summer, love Winter?

    It's halfway to Christmas! :smiley:

    Don't know if I hate Summer, but I prefer Winter way more than Summer. Now if I was living in a province that had snow more often, then it'd be the bees knees. :D

    Yay, half way to Christmas!!! :D
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    CravenLestatCravenLestat Posts: 13,735 Member
    edited June 2018
    @lisasc360 Question for you,what is your opinion of Emit Revelart??? Can not explain it but find him to be the most annoying sim for some reason like the way he just can show up everywhere and make himself right at home.It is a coincidence he is a klepto and just walks in your house...I think not.You know how many simmers probably do not keep and eye on him.

    @Emily4331 Thank you,I really love that screenie,the lighting the face expression outfit and pose.And just so happens my current maid suddenly came down with a bad case of Rigor mortis and will not be able to come to work. :D

    What do you mean I killed her just to hire a new hot maid without concern that she has no housekeeping qualifications.Purely speculation
    I Play Sims 3 On A Potato

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    OriginalMaraOriginalMara Posts: 1,669 Member
    @Charlottesmom -- Thanks! The outfit itself wasn't so bad, in pieces... just not for being a waiter! :lol:

    @MoonandStars83 -- Haha, not my personal active Sims, but definitely! Yesterday while playing I saw another couple utilize a different photo booth. Madeline Buckshot and her young boyfriend.
    Been playing several Sim years in my other game, never saw it once.... it's only been 3-4 days in this game, and I've seen it twice!
    (Mod settings are exactly the same).
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 New Member
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
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    cocococo Posts: 2,727 Member
    pg. 2748
    @Mikezumi I feel bad for Alvin, I really don't like how sims get angry from being splashed. At least sims don't have proper memories and everything is fixed with a simple apology. Nice strategic placement of that tree to hide Lachie and Alvin :lol:
    Such a beautiful spot for a wedding! Too bad the family are sitting in the wrong chairs. I bet they can't even here the vows from that far away. Now time for the big moment, yay they're finally married! I wonder if you purposely chose a ginger for Lachie because they kind of represent younger versions of Niall and Cain. They both look so happy to eat that cake.
    Lachie's evil chuckle made me laugh, Alvin better get used to hearing that for the rest of his life :lol:. Looks like their Sunlit Tides holiday has been a great success :smile:
    @Charlottesmom I finished uni ages ago thankfully, it's just a 24 month part time course I'm doing at an arts college. But no, they definitely aren't making it easy for me :angry:. I had to look up Green Card, it actually sounds pretty funny. I love light-hearted romantic comedies. I can't say much for Gerard's hair in that movie lol but Andie MacDowell is great to watch.
    Lol everyone wins except for L and Light, although I suppose they have each other now which might count as a win for them.
    @therealsunsetvalley Thank you. I enjoyed seeing what outfits you chose for Parker. I've never thought of using those baggy jeans, but as outerwear they actually work well.
    @Silverofdreams30 Love the look of the buildings. Liam has grown up fast! Poor Audra, at least she's covered up appropriately.
    Barbecued fish and chips sounds interesting. Beautiful family. Love the shot of Ty and Alex watching tv together.
    @king_of_simcity7 Cool pictures of everyone windsurfing.
    @emily4331 I understand not having the time to do long comments. I struggle to get them done sometimes but it makes me feel good to write them out. Ultimately it's up to how much time you have, no need to worry about it :smile:
    @tinyspacefox I'm with you on that one, everyone would slowly leave the forums altogether if this thread died :frowning:. Good job finishing and submitting your writing! Oh Seb... Could I please have the link to your Stardew Valley sims again? Sorry I think I forgot to download them before. I remember the interview and look forward to the next part! :smile:

    pg. 2749
    @jillbg I'm smiling while listening to that lovely Romance In Venice soundtrack. I love your writing so can't wait to get into it... Monte Vista is a stunning world and fits very well as Italy. I recognise their Tuscan mansion as the house my sims use when they holiday to MV. It has a gorgeous view from half way up the hill! I sense Taïga's hesitation and fear of being rejected while she watches her mother kiss her baby son. It's a lovely moment to see Taïga and Shasta finally reunite. Rowan is such a cute little toddler. With all the adults fawning over him, it's no wonder that Taïga feels a bit left out. Oh no... I think Taïga would love to stay with her mother forever if she had the choice, only Shasta doesn't see it that way. That storm cloud looks like very bad news. I was starting to think those zombies were dressed very strangely, that's what makes it all the more embarrassing for Granny. Taïga has really warmed to having Rowan as her brother, the two are very adorable playing together. Taïga looks to be having fun making friends at the pool. I hope she won't get in trouble. The scene with the Raukar was intense with Leonardo and Granny connected with lightning. I had to laugh at Goopy trying so hard to impress Taïga but she's too busy talking to Derek. Beautiful writing, and it was so much run reading with the Italian music in the background :grin:
    @Nikkei_Simmer Oh no this isn't going to end well... actually I'm surprised that Tatsuyoshi isn't more hurt than he is. River came along at the right moment :lol: Haruo may seem cold to outsiders, but I think everything he does is out of love.
    Seems like yesterday that Karina became a toddler and now she's a child :tongue:. I hope Alanna and Kunio are able to support themselves so that they don't need to move back in again.
    @lunbeauty Thanks! I'm pretty sure they're one of burntwaffles default sets but I don't have my files on hand to check. I think they're these ones.
    Poor Lucy, I feel sad for her getting her heart broken like that. Hopefully Kiera can make it up to her. Ghost Midnight looks cool! The girls grew up stunning once again. They're a great mix of their parents. It's sad for Jess that they're both leaving so suddenly but going to university will be a good experience for them both.
    @polrbear I hope that long sleep gave you some much needed energy! :smile:
    Thanks for the lovely comments :smile:
    @kaylanr Erin sounds like a fun witch to play. Good luck getting your first Plant Sim! :smile:
    @therealsunsetvalley Lawrence Lum is kind of a cutie. Love the added beanie for his outerwear look :smile:
    @king_of_simcity7 There's lots of things to see and do in Simbourne :smile:
    @lisasc360 Travelling into the future isn't as easy as it seems. Pluto isn't having any luck with the elevator and his jet pack so far :frowning:
    Some very interesting plumbots on display. Uh oh, Pluto luck just got worse with him being abducted. That salad sounds icky. Beautiful scenery :smile:
    @madmuffie Sorry Darius died but maybe Callie's life will get better now, especially with her new baby son :smile:
    @Emily4331 There's pretzel m&ms?!?!!? Had no idea that was a thing :lol:

    pg. 2750
    @Charlottesmom I love the look of that greenhouse or observatory tower in the back left corner. There's still heaps of room for the kids to play. It's always a good time with Beau around. Plus I'm sure Becky would have grumbled about having to learn so many skills :lol:. That's odd that the ambrosia disappeared. I'm glad that Lee got it in the end. The colours are beautiful! I've never actually played a ghost sim or used ambrosia before. Ahhh of course Eve was her name, I'm silly for forgetting it. Lots of hearts everywhere! If Beau isn't careful he might be dealing with an upset Lotta. Haha that's one severe look L is giving you after being cured.
    Haha you're close but I give you a pass because it's hard to remember everything on here. Hori (a name I wish I could change but he's stuck with it now), is Saville's brother-in-law and Emiko's husband. I'll have to go through my pictures to see what I have for you :heart:
    @cororon Course I do! I may forget names and stuff like that but you make awesome poses which are very hard to forget :heart:
    @polrbear Sims get so emotional when they lose a plant, she'll be fine lol. Sarah and Jenny must be in the honeymoon part of their relationship. I don't know how Liv is going to catch that fish when she has her eyes closed. Both the girl's prom dresses are beautiful and Sarah did well to get prom queen.
    @Emily4331 OOOOHHHHH thanks for listing all your cc goodies :star:. My sims are much more casual in their outfits, just like me lol. Do you have any favourite jeans or simple shirts?
    Oh no really? Halfway to Christmas... madness :lol:
    @bekkasan Thanks for the lovely comments :kissing_heart:
    @karritz Wow you have been very busy lately. I'm so glad that the concert went well and your friend really enjoyed it :smiley:
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,137 Member
    Alrighty my friends. Here it is! :blush: (Finally... **wipes brow** )

    Enjoy! <3

    Meeting the Parents

    Sam paced around his living room anxiously asking, "C'mon Al, where are you?"

    It'd been two days since that wonderful Valentine's Day...Err, Love Day...with Emma and Sam was sure Al would've checked in by now, especially since it was nearing a week since they last talked. He was dying to tell him of his plan to propose to Emma! If only there were a way to communicate with him first on my end, he lamented while rubbing his forehead; that having been a wish for years during all his leaping around. I mean, I know I asked him to give me and Emma some privacy, but...I didn't mean for him to disappear for this long! Something was wrong, he could feel it.


    Or maybe that feeling mostly came from his uneasiness over whether the new day placed before him would be the one where he'd leap a place only God knew where. I have to act fast, he'd thought, concerning the proposal. I can't wait any longer! Of course he knew he could despite leaping soon, Emma wasn't going anywhere, but it was his excitement that mostly pushed him. He couldn't wait any longer to ask her to be his, forever. But it sure would be nice to tell my best friend about it first...


    The next morning there was still no sign of Al. But Sam had to push his concerns aside and head on over to the local jewelry shop to pick out a ring for his dear Emma.


    He wondered if he should wait and just have her pick out the ring of her choice, since they'd hinted at getting married anyway, but he really wanted this to be a surprise! Plus he found comfort in the fact that the ring could be exchanged for another of equal or lesser value if she happened to not like it, but he had a feeling she was going to LOVE the one that his eyes suddenly fixated upon.


    It was almost like fate was trying to tell him something; he swore he could see a glittering halo resting above it. It was gorgeous, just like her, he thought, and the perfect ring.



    The following morning a bird was singing its heart out, high in the tree outside Sam's bedroom window. The earlier the sun began to rise at this time of year, the earlier the bird would start singing. Sometimes it bothered Sam, but other times he found it a pleasurable sound to wake up to. This world's Robin for sure!

    As he started opening his eyes, finding that he was still in his own bed and rejoicing a bit, they suddenly caught hold of a figure standing in the corner of the room. He flinched for a moment, until he saw the cigar smoke rising above the figure's head. "Al!?" he cried, his vision finally coming into focus. "Geez!"


    "Sorry kid," Al expressed for startling him.
    "Where on Earth have you been!?" he asked harshly, throwing the covers off and jumping out of bed to greet his friend.
    "Hey, you asked me to give you and Emma some space so I did. Plus I found it a great opportunity to have some long, overdue alone time with Beth." He smirked as his blushing cheeks lit up his unusually pale face.
    "I appreciate that Al," Sam paused, "I really do, but I didn't expect you to disappear for a whole week! You kinda had me worried..."
    Al blew out another puff of smoke as he said, "Well, some things came up that I couldn't avoid." He looked away, hoping to drive away any more inquiry.


    Shrugging it off, Sam started with a bright grin, "There's something I've been dying to tell you," until he suddenly took notice of Al's drab clothing which was...odd. Very odd.


    Then as he studied his face it looked somber, with a solemn expression written upon it.


    "Are you alright?" he asked, a knot developing in his stomach.

    Al waved off the obvious concern he could sense from his friend. "Yeah, I'm alright kid," he replied. "Just been feeling a little...sick lately." He tried to not wince in pain as he rested his hand on his hip.
    "Sick as sick?"
    "It's nothing serious Sam..."
    Nevertheless, Sam took a step forward to take a closer look at him, which caused Al to lean back a bit.


    "You don't look so good. What symptoms have you been having?"
    "Now, don't go all doctoring on me kid," he asked, "My doctor back home is taking care of me so don't you worry about a thing." He drew in another puff of smoke.


    Doctor? Sam thought. Since when does he see a doctor? Al had never been fond of them since returning home after being a POW in Vietnam. Something must really be wrong then. But he wondered... "A VA doctor?"
    Al blew out the smoke slowly. "Of course," he seemed hesitant to reply.
    "But you hate VA doctors."
    "Well," he paused, 🐸🐸🐸🐸'king his head a bit, "this one I like."
    "And why is that?" Sam asked, folding his arms with a smirk. "Because she's a woman?"


    "No!" he countered. "An old fart actually. Although, I'd prefer it if he was a woman."


    Sam rolled his eyes.
    "But seriously there's nothing to worry about kid. I'm in good hands and will be on the mend soon. So, what was it you wanted to tell me?"

    Having to accept that, Sam pushed his concerns aside and allowed his excitement to resurface; a huge grin appearing on his face again. "Ok...umm," he stammered, trying to find the right way to announce it. "Al, I'm going to ask Emma to marry me."


    Al's eyes widened and his eyebrows shot up as he removed the cigar from his mouth. "Really!?"
    "Wow," he whispered, thinking for a moment. "That's exciting news. I'm happy for you kid. Really, I am. Emma is one heck of a lady, but," he paused, hating to see Sam's face fall in doing so, "are you sure that marrying her is really the best idea?"


    In that moment Sam tried to stop his mouth from dropping, feeling incredibly dumbfounded by Al's response. "Uh," he began, "I've never been more sure about anything in all my life!" Carefully he studied Al's eyes, trying to read if he really meant that. "Besides I...I thought you were rooting for this to happen all along!"


    "I was, I was," Al confirmed, "mostly that you'd hook up with her and believe me kid I've never been more proud of you since you finally decided to pursue the relationship."


    He then stopped to rub at his stomach. "But marriage...that's a huge commitment!"


    "Yes Al, if anyone's fully aware of that it's you!" he declared, partially rolling his eyes.


    "What I mean to say's a huge commitment for someone like you who leaps around in time, and to other universes obviously, for you to keep. I mean," he winced again, "What if God decides to send you to some other universe huh? You know how unpredictable He is. He could smite that bracelet of yours to dust if He wanted to! And then you'd leave that poor woman destitute with your children and--"


    "Al," Sam calmed, going to place a hand on his shoulder, but remembering he couldn't. "Do you think I haven't thought about that same thing? I've prayed so long and hard about this. He won't send me out of this universe. He won't," he assured. "This is where I'm meant to stay. He's told me that," he expressed, holding his hands to his heart.


    "Marrying Emma feels right. It IS right! And I can't live another minute without her by my side; without having her in my future."
    Al looked into Sam's eyes with slight tears, touched by his words.
    "I'm tired of not having a family to leap back to Al. I need a family. My own family! And she's the one I want to create it with. I love her. She's my other half, and I want to spend the rest of my life with her. That's why I'm going to propose."

    With a nod, Al smiled at Sam proudly and happily surrendered, "Ok kid. I support you 100 percent. You definitely have my blessing."


    "Thanks Al," Sam expressed with glistening eyes. "And...I want you to be my best man."
    Al grinned again, feeling touched. "Best man? Aren't you forgetting that no one can see me?"
    "No...I'll most likely ask my buddy Liam to be my best man, but," he smiled at Al lovingly, "you're the best man."
    Once again Al felt a deep warmth inside his heart and tried desperately to hide it. "I'd be honored Sam," he expressed. "I'd hug you, but with me being a hologram and all..."
    "Yeah," Sam chuckled.


    There was a bit of silence as the two exchanged glances at each other, until Al winced in pain again, stepping away, and pulling out the Handlink to open the chamber door. "Well, I better be going."
    "Are you sure you're alright?" Sam couldn't help asking.
    "Yeah, I just need to rest for a bit." The door opened from behind him. "Take care kid. I'll be back as soon as I'm able and I want to hear all about the proposal."
    "Will do. You take care too Al."
    As Al turned to enter through the doorway and Sam turned in goodbye, an unexpected sound rang throughout the air...



    "Ooh yeah that felt good!" Al breathed in relief.
    In an awkward surprise, Sam slowly turned around. "Wow Al. Did you really just--"
    "Chill out Sam. It's not like you can smell it! I'm a hologram remember?"
    Hands on his hips, Sam simply looked down and shook his head.


    "Oof, but I can smell it," Al admitted, waving his hand around. "See ya later kid." He quickly stepped over the threshold and the door closed.

    Sam then burst out laughing.


    "See ya Al."



    The next morning Sam woke up bright and early. He phoned Emma and told her he would be gone all day attending a seminar on Concierge Medicine (which he fully intended to do one of these days) and hated to lie to her, but surprising her with the proposal would definitely make up for it. He also phoned Catarina to let her know he'd be absent as well. I really can't go anywhere for long without letting her know...

    Last night he looked up on the internet the residents of Sunset Valley - Wasn't Sunset Valley the name of the city Thornton and Morgana lived in, in that other world? Huh. Must be a popular city name in this universe. - and found the Simself's residence address. It would be a four hour drive, so Sam had to make it a quick trip in order to be back by sundown.

    As he entered the car and got comfortable in the seat, he gripped the steering wheel for a moment, taking in a few deep breaths.


    He'd never forget how nerve wracking it was meeting Donna's parents for the first time and he didn't feel any different now. He did feel confident that Emma's parents would like him, but he wondered if that feeling would change when he'd inform them of his "work" situation. Obviously he'd have to devote a lot of time to his "work" and Emma would be left alone to care for the kids. He's kind of like a soldier, sometimes called on deployment, so their daughter would be living the life of a military wife. Some parents don't want that kind of lifestyle for their children (and grandchildren) so he hoped and prayed they'd be understanding.

    Nevertheless he was really looking forward to meeting the people who gave his sweet Emma life and raised her to be the wonderful woman she is now. "Here goes nothing," he whispered as he started the car, revved it up, and drove out on his way.


    Emma's parents home was a charming sight to behold. It was everything Sam imagined it would be.


    A quaint, Victorian style home, complete with a backyard and small pond; a stone bridge over it leading towards the cutest little gazebo.


    To top it off the whole lot was adorned with many types of flowers, each blooming with a different color from the rainbow. It was a gorgeous place and it put a smile on Sam's face that he just couldn't hide.

    It suddenly made him think of his parent's farm home back in Indiana. Tears began to well up as he thought of his mother, Tom, and Katie. Oh how he missed them so! How he loved them. He made a mental note to ask Al to deliver a message to them, especially since he'd be getting married soon. Hopefully!

    He pulled his pants up and tucked in his shirt a bit more as he approached the door; the nervousness really settling in. C'mon Sam, it's going to be alright! There's nothing to be nervous about. If they are anything like Emma, they'll be wonderful. Just take a deep out.


    Gently, he knocked on the door.

    Within a few seconds, Emma's father answered the door. "Hello," he greeted the stranger. "What can I do for you?" Emma's mother then appeared beside him in curiosity.


    Sam hoped he didn't have the most ridiculous smile upon his face. "Good day Mr. and Mrs. Simself," he greeted. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything. I'm Sam Beckett, you're--"
    "Oh yes!" Emma's mother expressed with excitement, stepping forward. "Hello Sam! Emma's told us so many wonderful things about you."
    He blushed.
    "Indeed," her husband agreed. "What can we do for you Sam?"


    "Well," Sam paused, hands firmly resting in his pockets. "I wanted to ask for a moment of your time?"
    "Certainly!" Emma's mother declared, "please come in!"

    Emma's father stepped aside to allow Sam in and shot a glance at his wife.
    "He's cute!" she mouthed to him, causing him to shake his head with a smile.


    Emma's parents grew more impressed with Sam then they'd originally been, after talking with him for nearly an hour. It was a great pleasure getting to know him better. It almost felt like he was already part of the family, with the way they conversed so openly and felt so comfortable around each other.


    When the moment came for Sam to ask for their permission and blessing in taking Emma's hand in marriage, her mother grinned brightly, holding back a squeal, while her father seemed to have some reservations. He admired the man for asking his permission and was certainly willing to give his blessing, but he wanted to ask Sam a few important questions before doing so.

    "Do you feel you're at a place financially to take care of my daughter?"
    "Yes Sir. Concierge Medicine pays well, along with my other job. I wish! And if those ever fall through I have many options to fall back on."


    He nodded happily. "And it sounds like you enjoy children?"
    "Very much so! I've waited a long time to have children of my own and I'm really looking forward to it."
    Emma's mother smiled brightly at him again, thinking of more grandchildren.
    Emma's dad went on. "So from what we understand from Emma you were married once before?"
    Sam froze. He didn't expect that to come up.


    He hoped his face didn't go pale as he looked down for a second and answered, "Yes sir."
    "What happened there? If you don't mind me asking."
    "Not at all. Well," he sighed, leaning back into the couch. "My work kept me away a lot was hard on my wife." He gulped. "It was a situation that still saddens me to this day, one that we tried to fix - If I'd been given the opportunity - but I want you both to know that we separated on very good terms."

    "So," Emma's dad began, leaning back into the couch as well. "Not trying to accuse you as being an uncommitted man, but there are certain traditions and values we live by in this family do I know that you will be there for my daughter, regardless of your employment situation, and not give up on your marriage when times get hard?"
    Emma's mother pursed her lips.


    A valid question, Sam thought. All he could do now was say what was in his heart. "Mr. Simself," he leaned forward now, fingers woven together upon his knees. "I've never been one to make the same mistake twice. My past marriage was a very complicated situation and it was difficult for me to separate from it. I struggled for a long while after it happened. Marriage vows have always been sacred to me. I saw the devotion to those vows in my parents."


    Tears began to well up in Emma's mother's eyes as she listened.
    "That being said Sir, we didn't simply give up on our just didn't work out."
    There was a moment of silence.


    "I love your daughter," Sam continued, "more than words can express. She stuck with me when times got hard in my life and I will spend the rest of mine doing the same for her. I promise you I will treat her well, I will support her and our children, I'll never give up on them and be there for them in every possible moment. I want to make a future with her and grow old with her. I go into this marriage for life. Please...I hope you'll trust me and the desires of my I humbly ask for your blessing."

    For a few seconds Emma's parents exchanged glances with one another, while Sam's heart pounded and his brow perspired. He knew that most likely he would have to reveal the truth about him to them someday, but now was not the time.

    When Emma's father finally spoke, his eyes lit up.

    "Well then have our blessing."


    There were smiles abound as thanks were given, hands were shaken, and hugs were exchanged.


    Finally for Sam...everything felt right in his world. He couldn't be more grateful!

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    Emily4331Emily4331 Posts: 10,850 Member
    Got time. Going to make some comments on the last two pages.

    @Mikezumi Thank you! :3
    Marisa is gorgeous!
    Pff silly simmies not using the right chairs! :lol:
    Grats on the wedding. :heart:
    Thank you! I had fun making him over! :3
    Yeah, I just need to fiddle around with alt tabbing to get my ENB to work. No idea why. lol
    Thank you!
    (side note: if I type doubles, it's because I have a new mechanical keyboard and need to turn the repeat rate down lol)
    My goodness, Lachie! Hahah that face during his cackle. Scary! :lol:

    @coco You take pictures at the perfect times lol. Do you plan that out?
    Oh my gosh pregnant sims sunbathing is so freaking cute. Look at the baby bump :3
    Love the selfie! :3

    @king_of_simcity7 Thank you :3

    @Charlottesmom Thank you :)
    You guys all good at building. :lol: I'm still stuck making squares. :lol:
    I'd suck Light's blood if I was a vampire :3! Hahaha so innocent...but so not. :tongue:

    @therealsunsetvalley Parker has such a big...personality. :wink:

    @Silverofdreams30 Eek! I could never be a beekeeper :grimace:
    Yep. Always act like I'm on fire when a bug is near!
    Thank you!
    Love the swingset pic :3
    What are they eating at dinner? I can't tell D:

    @TinySpaceFox I love Stardew Valley! The new multiplayer beta is awesome. Great sim of Sebastian! He's who I'm going after. :tongue:
    Thank you!
    Queen of CC and Queen of Pic Spam :tongue:
    Thank you! I love my Ida sim so much :heart:
    Right? Darn mascots. :lol:

    @jillbg Yeah, I just try to do what I can. I used to spend 2-3 hours making comments before. It's exhausting. lol Too many active people in the thread :tongue:
    Your picture taking is beyond compare!

    @Nikkei_Simmer Brianna is sick of Haruo's antics, it seems :tongue:
    Love the sparring!
    Karina is adorable as a child!
    Lovely scenery :)
    LOL right? Billsims ftw

    @polrbear Have chronic mental illness! Totally know what you mean!
    Thank you!
    He was! hahah! Little creepy llama :grimace:
    Darn CC shoes making sims taller! Gotta pic your kiss angles or you'll see it hitting the nose :tongue:
    Cute prom pic! Your sims are gorgeous!
    See? Hitting the nose! :lol:

    @LunBeauty At first glance, thought Kiera was on fire :astonished:
    The kids got so much of Irwin in them now that I have seen them up close. You got lucky with genetics! No clones, just nice mixtures. :smile:
    Come, Midnight! Let's disperse this petty rabble! +10 if you get that reference :tongue:
    Dinahhhhhhh :heart:
    Can't wait to see Elise and Kiera's time in uni! Better get good grades :tongue:

    @lisasc360 Poor Pluto! Surprised you have time to play. See you in Bnet all the time :tongue:

    @MoonandStars83 Hehe true, true.
    Take my word for it, Sims 3 feet > Sims 4 feet. :lol:

    @bekkasan Thank you!
    I love cold weather. I can fix being cold much easier than being hot. :tongue:

    @CravenLestat You're welcome, sir. :3
    You work that maid to death! You can't hide it! Joke's on you, Kiki isn't a maid. She's an undercover cop. This is a sting! Now you're off to jail, mister, for the kidnapping of multiple women and the murder of one! :naughty:

    @coco yesss and they are the best!
    hehe You're welcome. My sims are the opposite of me. I dress for comfort, they dress for fashion. :tongue:
    Not really, most jeans I find are a bit meh. But a lot of my favorite more casual clothes for all ages can be found here:

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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,137 Member
    Now that I've finished and posted the next Sam chapter :mrgreen: I can get back to proper replies and feedback to you all. :kissing_heart:

    I will start those after Sam's post. Thank you for understanding my friends. {{{{Hugs}}}}
    And as always thank you for your support and interest in my story as well. <3

    Dag Dag!
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    TinySpaceFoxTinySpaceFox Posts: 1,110 Member
    edited June 2018
    @coco here’s the link to my original post, it contains the individual Dropbox links for the Stardew boys, and a list of CC that they’re using.
    (Emily4331 probably has all of that CC already :tongue:)

    @Emily4331 Seb really is everyone’s favourite, huh? No love for poor Alex :< anyway, glad to hear you liked my Seb Sim :) and thanks for the link to the sketchbook pixels site! My Sims also dress very casually, so it looks like I’m in for another CC-downloading spree :tongue:
    Such a travesty that Sims can only have 3 outfits in each category without mods. Oh wait I just read about NRaas Dresser…
    My Alex and my Sebastian need new jackets. They shall have new jackets.

    Full feedback to come later today!
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    LunBeautyLunBeauty Posts: 2,734 Member
    @Nikkei_Simmer Karina turned out cute! :) Lots of redheads in this family definitely. :)

    @therealsunsetvalley I've never played the Roomies houshold, but Lawrence is quite nice looking. ;) I might just have to extract him and add him into my legacy world.

    @king_of_simcity7 Gorgeous scenery pictures!

    @lisasc360 Your Oasis Landing game looks fun. I haven't really played in that world very much, but I've kind of explored around it and it's really nice. :)

    @MadMuffie Can't wait to read more of your story. Moffy certainly doesn't look very happy.

    @MoonandStars83 Thanks for the comment!

    @lisasc360 Plumbots are really useful. :) One of my families had one and, even though I could control it, I left it on free will most of the time and it did way better than a butler or Bonehilda ever could. Uh-oh! I hope those aliens were friendly and didn't leave him with a little...present. :lol:

    @jillbg I love the pictures with the witches dueling with lightning. Was that photoshopped or can that really happen in the game? :o

    @polrbear Well my child stage is only 10 days, and my teen stage is 15. :lol: So that's why it seems to go by so fast.
    I love Cherry!
    Paranormal Investigator is a fun little career to have. There's always some type of action.
    There wasn't really any room in the house to put a snake. :(
    I was so annoyed when I looked back and saw Torrance and Kiera flirting with each other. Neither of them have any traits that would've made it easier for them to accept and they barely had any relationship with each other. Plus the fact that he had flirted with Lucy a few minutes beforehand.

    @Charlottesmom Always some sort of drama with your households isn't there? :lol: I wonder why he won't let Meggie hug him. Maybe he's just in a bad mood? Happy you got them back to normal. :lol:

    @polrbear Nice update! Poor Chase getting rejected for two dances. I've noticed that when you have more than one teen at prom, usually one has an amazing time and the other not so much. :lol:

    @bekkasan Midnight had a long life and had been with Jessica since the beginning.
    Yeah, I spent last night redownloading the patterns and installing them through the launcher. So, hopefully they'll be there when I go into my game today.
    The drama really wrote itself. There was no staging from me. The only things I controlled were the sit down conversations and I had to turn Free Will Off for those so the sims wouldn't keep getting up because they can't stay seated for more than two seconds in my game.

    @Emily4331 I love the whole animal print theme you have going on with my sims. :) Seeing them up close like that, you can tell that they look very different from each other. :love:

    @coco Ooooh, okay! I've used burntwaffles eyes before. I was also a little upset over what Torrance did because I thought they would've made really beautiful babies.
    I know I kind of sped through this generation a bit, but honestly, not a lot happens during the first generation anyways and I'm eager to get Lucy established.

    @emorrill So glad that Emma's father gave their blessing. It's always awkward meeting the parents. I always think of that movie with Ben Stiller and Robert De Niro. :lol:
    Also, did Al really just pass gas? :D

    @Emily4331 I'm glad you like my sims! That means a lot coming from you since your sims are always so gorgeous!
    Irwin's genetics are very strong, so they do dominate Jessica's genetics just a bit more.
    My SS seems to be channeling me a bit because I love Tuxedo cats!
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,137 Member
    edited June 2018
    LunBeauty wrote: »

    @emorrill So glad that Emma's father gave their blessing. It's always awkward meeting the parents. I always think of that movie with Ben Stiller and Robert De Niro. :lol:
    Also, did Al really just pass gas? :D

    @LunBeauty Yes...yes he did. :smirk:

    It was thrown in to show that he's currently having some gastrointestinal issues...
    And also to be humorous. :lol:

    More on that will be revealed later. :)
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    cocococo Posts: 2,727 Member
    edited June 2018
    @emorrill This update is going to make me a blubbering mess isn't it? I'm a bit worried that we haven't seen or heard from Al in ages too. In any other story it would be creepy to wake up with someone watching you in the corner of the room.. but it's Al! Ok this is making me really worried. Something is definitely bothering Al, he doesn't seem his usual cheerful self and he could practically disappear into the background with those grey clothes. I really hope this sickness of his is nothing :fearful:.
    Oh my, Al has some very valid concerns about Sam marrying Emma. The thought of him leaping after they get married and have children is scary and would be awful for Emma. It's lovely that Sam has strong faith and belief in Him and I hope he's right. I think sometimes we have to take a leap of faith (see what I did there :wink:) and do what's right for us. Sam and Emma belong together, and I believe that Sam knows that it was his destiny to land there and meet her.
    Why is Al wincing in pain? :cry:. I really wish they could hug each other for real. Oh no he didn't, that's disgusting Al :lol:
    Sam has a very sexy red car lol. Emma's parents have a gorgeous house! I love all the brightly coloured flowers and stonework. It must hurt Sam to know that he might not see his parents again... I think Sam has nothing to worry about, his future in-laws already adore him :smile:
    Sam's speech has me feeling like Emma's mother, I can totally feel the water works starting haha. Stunning update. I seriously can't wait for what happens next! :heart:
    @Emily4331 Aww shucks stop it. I play very very slow these days as I'm always taking pictures. I like to focus on sims faces and pausing through interactions so I can get the perfect expression. My stories end up writing themselves sometimes. It's amazing what a sims face can convey. I totally agree about pregnant sims sunbathing being adorable! :grin:
    It's hard finding the perfect jeans in this game. I want something that's slim but not too tight and looks realistic. It's not easy haha. I love most of sketchbookpixels stuff but sometimes it doesn't look quite right in my game. I suppose it's to do with the ruffles and creases they put in. Blurry textures or patterns drive me nuts too lol.
    @TinySpaceFox Thanks again! I can't help but love a broody or misunderstood guy and Seb fits that spot perfectly. I've been planning out a story in my head with him in it and maybe some of the other guys but I won't be able to play it out for ages I don't think.
    @lunbeauty Burnt Waffles has so many good resources, I love her stuff. I'm eager to see Lucy grow up and make her own way in life :smile:
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @MoonandStars83 Thanks for the feedback :smile:

    @lisasc360 Good scenes from ITTF :smile:

    @jillbg Cute toddler pictures :smile:

    @polrbear Thanks for the comments and feedback :smile: Nice updates :smile:

    @Charlottesmom I have a lot of toilets in my game lol Nice start on the build and good update :smile:

    @Emily4331 Good pictures of your Sims :smile:

    @bekkasan Thanks for the comments ad feedback :smile:

    @coco Thanks for the feedback :smile:

    @LunBeauty Thanks or the feedback :smile:

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