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    venusdemilosimsvenusdemilosims Posts: 1,918 Member
    edited September 2016
    Coming in quickly cause I gotta make a long trip today...

    @KevinL5275 Master controller, dear. ;) And technically Jana is almost 18 so...
    Haven't had a chance to look in Sunlit Tides yet. So much real life stuff going on now.
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    TadOlsonTadOlson Posts: 11,380 Member
    @venusdemilosims -Thanks for the comment.
    @KevinL5275 -It might take traveler if you're sending them to the offworld campus.MC and other NRaas Mods may be required.
    Oak Leaf,South Dakota-Winter-1847.
    Davis and Lacey Bell were both up early that morning and Lacey got interrupted by a strange event outside.
    He lost over an hour and ended up running late getting ready for the day.
    They were both studying for most of the day after chores.
    It was noon when they stopped to get ready for work.
    They left for work at 2:30 in the afternoon and got home at 6PM though they weren't in bed until 8PM.
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    BorderMollieBorderMollie Posts: 17 Member
    @TadOlson For some reason I really love pictures of houses with the walls down during a snowstorm. They feel warm and inviting I guess.

    I wish I could upload pictures :( But they're coming, just wait...
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    KevinL5275KevinL5275 Posts: 2,489 Member
    Coming in quickly cause I gotta make a long trip today...

    @KevinL5275 Master controller, dear. ;) And technically Jana is almost 18 so...
    Haven't had a chance to look in Sunlit Tides yet. So much real life stuff going on now.
    TadOlson wrote: »
    @KevinL5275 -It might take traveler if you're sending them to the offworld campus.MC and other NRaas Mods may be required.

    Sorry for my confusion. :) In my mind, 18 or 19 is still a teenager, but in game that would be considered young adults. That's where I'm confused. But I see, using MC and Traveler you could have them visit the University world. So does the game let you give them a home in the Uni world, and give them classes, or are you having to do that all yourself?
    I'm a 49 year old married man, with a beautiful wife, a cat, and a simverted personality.My Sims 3 Pictures
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,218 Member
    @TadOlson Great update as usual

    @venusdemilosims Great update
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    ddsims3worldddsims3world Posts: 4,519 Member
    I'll post replies in later time, but because I've been busy w/ Sims 3 & my latest house update.

    Got pics of the update:



    I expanded the back building & the hot tub area gets bit more private & extra luxury like as well.

    Updated interior pics w/ replies next time.
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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,035 Member
    edited September 2016
    @venusdemilosims I can see why Andy and Savannah are worn out from dealing with troubled teens. It's the same in RL--trying to help someone who isn't ready to be helped. As for Skylar, no amount of intervention is going to make a difference unless Skylar herself wants to improve her life. Trite, but true. ...Jana going weeks without speaking to anyone! Interesting background on how Jana and Kaydence came to know each other.

    @Silverofdreams30 I hope Bianca gets to know Teodor even if they just remain friends. And that other new guy in town! Wonder what his personality is.

    @earthgirl Congrats on Elie. ...Darla aged up to be a pretty teen. Neat mind manipulations pics! ...And I like the shape of that pool.

    @KevinL525 LOL. Caprice could have been sharing any number of secrets, but the one I had in mind involved Hera photobombing my screenshot. She wasn't suppose to be visible! ;)

    @TadOlson That's awesome about Toby Bell. Imagine raising an alien child in 1847! And then Lacey got abducted again! :o

    @BorderMollie Welcome to the forums. It doesn't take long to become a full member. Keep posting. :)

    @ddsims3world The square fountains go really well with that build. Nice.

    I've been trying to catch up on writing my updates. But here's an extra pic that I thought was pretty.

    Caprice has been using Bloom a lot lately--for her lifetime wish.
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    TadOlsonTadOlson Posts: 11,380 Member
    @BorderMollie -Thanks for the comment.I do walls down for playing because I have to control my sims with free will being low.I upload my pictures to Flickr.
    @Silverofdreams30 -Thanks for the comment.
    @ddsims3world -Great pictures!
    @lanlyn -Toby's very cute and I stopped abductions from resulting in pregnancies for a while.Toby was born in the game though not yet in the updates.Great picture!
    Oak Leaf,South Dakota-Winter-1847.
    Davis and Lacey Bell were both up early that winter morning and getting ready for the day though Lacey noticed he'd put on weight.
    They spent the morning working on stories before having to get ready for work in the afternoon.
    They got off work at 6PM and were getting into bed by 7:30 in the evening.
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    venusdemilosimsvenusdemilosims Posts: 1,918 Member
    edited September 2016
    @KevinL5275 I was in such a rush this morning... but yeah, it's MasterController and the Traveler setting. They aren't visiting, they're actual students. The game treats them as any other student would be, except for lacking certain animations and of course the graduation cap and gown.

    @ddsims3world Another fabulous build from you!

    @TadOlson Oh man, Lacey getting abducted again right after he delivers a baby! They must really like him.

    @lanlyn Wow, still more stuff I haven't done in this game. I've played a fairy but never used the Bloom effect with him. Looks neat!
    Yeah, I agree with you, Andy and Savannah are just about emotionally spent at this point, particularly Savannah. Andy, as Andy does, is trying to keep her spirits up. Savannah loves Skylar like mad, but she is just drained - even though compared to her older sister Sierra who ended up in a psych ward for a time because her problems went far beyond normal angst, Skylar's behavior is relatively tame. Skylar has her issues, but they're unlikely to land her in a psych ward.
    Jana and Kaydence came to know each other because they were the only two girls in their technology class. Jana is so desperate to become friends with Kaydence that she is willing to go out of character to do so. It's safe to assume that Jana has never met anyone as dazzling as Kaydence, both in terms of the celebrity and fame, and of course her physical appearance and charisma.
    In game the desperation appears to be mutual now, as Kaydence is spinning wants to be friends with Jana. For all of Kaydence's gifts and accomplishments, her biggest weakness appears to be her complete lack of social skills. She wants to reach out but isn't sure how to do it. I've thrown parties in game with her and all of them have bombed. For the daughter of party animals, she's definitely not a party person. I think the fact that she's a workaholic and a genius, that doesn't help her social skills much, as she'd rather read than talk to other sims. How two party animals in show business got a workaholic for a daughter, well that's another topic for another time :lol:
    Post edited by venusdemilosims on
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,218 Member
    edited September 2016
    @lanlyn thank you, yeah she did hit it off with the second guy so they will get to know eachother but probably meetig more to
    see which of them she really get along well with. I love when sims have chemistry togheter but only really
    happened once in my all games so far haha. Wonderful update aswell.

    @Tadolson Great update

    @ddsims3world nice house.
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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,035 Member
    @TadOlson Were you able to give Toby traits? I can't remember how that works with alien babies.

    @venusdemilosims It seems Jana and Kaydence are both trying to step out of their comfort zones. Not easy, but they'll be able to understand each other. They should make good friends I think. ...Good grief! Kaydence is the daughter of two party animals? Poor kid. I can sort of relate to that. Both my mom and dad were highly emotional people, not party animals, just swimming in emotions. And my sister was also dramatic. I tend to be more reserved, preferring a quieter environment. Growing up was...interesting. :s

    @Silverofdreams30 I have a few couples who are almost perfectly matched. It does make a difference!
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,218 Member
    @lanlyn That is cool, I only had it happen once in all my games,
    hopefully can happen again.
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    venusdemilosimsvenusdemilosims Posts: 1,918 Member
    edited October 2016
    @lanlyn Yep, Kaydence is the only child of superstar actor Sebastian and vocal legend Madison, two party animals who lived the showbiz lifestyle.



    This is Kaydence's biological mother, Madison, a showgirl if there ever was one.


    Her concerts were almost always sold out. In fact, one major factor in their breakup was the fact that Madison became much more famous and successful than Sebastian - even though when they met, the opposite was true.



    Their Starlight Shores mansion was almost always full of people.


    They entertained constantly.


    Madison and Sebastian didn't agree on much, but there were two things they did agree on when it came to their daughter: they wanted her to have a musical name, since both of them were involved in some way with music, and they wanted her name to stand out.


    Meanwhile, their young daughter was usually upstairs, with her nose in a book. At first, Madison was excited to have a daughter, if for no other reason than to make a miniature version of herself. She put makeup on Kaydence and revealing clothing. Eventually, though, Kaydence's true nature won out. She'd never had a play date, even with the other showbiz kids. She preferred to socialize with the adults, if she socialized at all. Madison couldn't believe that a daughter of hers preferred books to socializing.


    In fact, Kaydence and her cousin, Skylar, met exactly once as children. This is that one meeting. The frostiness between them is evident even here.

    My real-life childhood was somewhat similar, as I was the youngest child and my sisters were older and gone most of the time, so since they were teenagers they didn't spend much time with me. Also, my oldest sister was a top flight athlete, so being in her shadow was, well, not fun. Thankfully, by the time I got to high school, most of the people who went to school with her and/or taught her were long gone. ;)

    @Silverofdreams30 Best of luck to Bianca in her search for 'the one.'


    Back in Sunset Valley, Sebastian was spending some 'quality' time with his soon-to-be ex-wife, Cherise, attempting to hammer out the final details of their divorce. They decided to have an outdoor lunch together at the bistro. Most of their disagreements had been worked out away from court, but there was one major sticking point between the two of them - custody of their two young children, Jazz Lyric and Moonlight Sonata.


    Sebastian was desperate to avoid another messy split - years earlier, he and Kaydence's mother, vocal legend 'Madison Avenue' spent nearly a year in court to determine where she would essentially spend the rest of her childhood. Jazz and Sonata were younger than Kaydence and much less aware of what was happening.
    "What if we split custody fifty-fifty," Sebastian proposed, "that way, they'll know both sides of their heritage. We can't keep it from them."


    "We can't split us down the middle, Sebastian," Cherise countered between bites of her cheese plate. "The kids need both of us in their lives, not just me, not just you. They need us together. We need to provide a united front for them." She reminded him that she'd grown up in a broken home, and she didn't want that for her children.


    "I agree with you in principle, Cherise," Sebastian replied. "I just don't know that, given the current circumstances, if it's possible."
    "Well," Cherise demanded, "we need to make it possible. This isn't about you or me. It's about them."


    As an aside... is Sebastian beginning to have second thoughts about divorcing this woman, since she went to the salon and got a makeover?
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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,035 Member
    @venusdemilosims Enjoyed the backstory on Kaydence's parents. And loved the pic of Madison at the table looking over at Sebastian. ...Oh man, Sebastian and Cherise discussing divorce terms! Divorce is a horrible experience. So much pain. ...I like Cherise's new look though. Very pretty.

    PS: I was the oldest child in my family. My sister was 2 years younger. She was a little rebel and the one who unfortunately got compared to me. But I was very protective of her. I loved her spirit! She could be a real comedienne. A drama queen too. :D We were so different, but still very close. I liked to write and tell stories; she loved to act and make people laugh. :#
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,218 Member
    @venusdemilosims I really enjoyed the backstory greatp hotos.
    I am still in process to take screens for an upload.
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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,035 Member
    edited October 2016
    I've finished a new update for Rinn Fada. It's sort of long with a bunch of dialogue, but these next two updates tell a lot about Bunter's backstory. I decided to post the whole thing to the forums rather than just a link to my blog post. But I did include links to the chapters leading up to this one since those past chapters were shared quite awhile back. They're here if you want to read about the earlier events.

    The events leading up to this chapter in the story are found here:

    Emad attempts to sabotage Bunter's relationship with Caprice. Wimsel-Vale Wedding

    But he pays the price for that ... Once a Beast, Always a Beast

    ... only to be rescued by Caprice herself. Her Nurturing Nature

    Then Emad tries again to steal Caprice from Bunter. Trust and Truth


    06-12. Bunter's Tale Of Djinn: Part 1

    Having stood bravely up to Emad, Caprice thinks about what she does and does not know about the two Djinn in her life. She sensed that some of the things Emad said were true, but her intuition told her the facts were distorted. Marvin may have kept secrets from her, but Emad was spinning stories too.

    Caprice: Bless, I don't know what's going on. Why are these brothers fighting like this?
    Bless: Well, I'm not a Charisma Dragon, but both those Djinn sound like smooth talkers to me. Watch your heart, fairy girl. And keep an eye on their auras. Auras don't lie.
    Caprice: Very good advice, Bless!

    Bunter's aura was in a bit of a flux by the time he got home from his crazy rat quest. His first reaction was annoyance at the waste of time. And yet, Bunter had felt touched by the old man's defense of his ugly dogs and their strange devotion to him. Was there some odd sort of love to be found in that crumbling shack?

    Love! He was being sentimental again. That was his problem. Always had been. Mushy minded. Wishing for things he couldn't have. Hadn't centuries of being locked in a lamp taught him enough about who grants wishes and who receives them?

    But Bunter HAD forged a true friendship with His Lordship. That was real. Did he dare hope for a relationship equally lasting with Caprice?

    Bunter thought about his brother. Now there was a lasting relationship he could live without! He had to deal with Emad more effectively now that the wedding was over. He glanced over to the aquarium beside him.

    That's when Bunter realized matters had suddenly gone all wrong. Emad, that slimy Cephalopod, was missing!

    And as he stared dumbfounded, wondering how Emad had escaped, Caprice stepped up between him and the aquarium. She seemed ... angry.

    Caprice: Looking for Emad?
    Bunter: What?
    Caprice: Well, he's gone. I freed him. Not that I knew I was pulling your BROTHER out of that tank. I thought it was just an unhappy octopus wanting the sea again. Imagine my shock when Emad materialized.

    Bunter: Caprice! Are you all right?
    Caprice: A little late to be asking me that, isn't it Mr Bunter? Good thing Emad didn't decide to take revenge on ME for what YOU did to him!

    For a moment, Bunter couldn't speak. Bloody Hel...

    Then he recovered his wits.

    Bunter: It--it's not what it looks like! Honest. I don't know what Emad told you, but I guarantee he was lying! I had to put him in a--a safe place for a short while, until after the wedding.
    Caprice: A safe place, Mr Bunter? Using fire magic to trap him?
    Bunter: It's just that too much was happening, and Emad was causing trouble. I needed to protect the family! Caprice, you've got to believe me.

    Caprice looked at the glow of colors radiating from the man before her. Shades of red, black, yellow. His emotions and thoughts were all erratic, a swirling tirade. Angry, destructive, but surprisingly, afraid. ... She hesitated.

    And Bunter immediately rushed on. Cajoling.

    Bunter: I'm so sorry you got mixed up in this. I would never have exposed you to any danger. Far from it! I was trying to shield you from, uh, worrisome unpleasantness.
    Caprice: Worrisome unpleasantness? That's what you call this? Really, Marvin! You have to stop hiding things from me. I mean it. I can't be with you if you keep this up!

    Caprice saw Bunter's aura blaze bright yellow, then violet. Yes, that was definitely fear she saw. But he was also summoning inner powers. He was trying to get a sense of HER feelings, read HER thoughts. Why, of all the nerve!

    Marvin was going to schmooze her again! The man was so predictable!

    Bunter reached out to Caprice. If he could only touch her, she'd remember her feelings for him. It was the only thing Bunter could think to do. He'd made a real hash of things.

    He had to get Caprice away from the scene of his crime. Then he could set things straight. ... Caprice loved the outdoors. Yes, that would soothe her. All right then! Bunter cleared his throat.

    Bunter: Let's find a quiet spot in a garden somewhere, luv, under the moonlight. I'll explain everything, I promise.
    Caprice: Very well, Marvin. But make your mind up right now. It's the whole truth ... or we're finished.

    Again Bunter's aura flashed bright yellow. He had finally gotten the message.

    Bunter and Caprice sat beside each other in the library park. Things weren't too cozy though.

    Bunter: I hardly know where to begin. I guess you want to know about me and my brother. ... We're only half-brothers, for one thing. Different fathers. All Djinn though. Emad's father Hadi Faraz and our mother Ava were married. Entertainers. Faraz was a magician. Mother, a singer. Emad became an acrobat.

    Caprice: What about you?
    Bunter: Well, I did some acting. But our family was fated. It actually broke up before I was even born.

    Caprice: What happened?
    Bunter: My mother had an affair with a warrior passing near their camp. This was back in 1250 Persia, you remember. Maman told Emad's father about her lover. She was going to run away with him and take Emad with her. Instead, she received word that Rahim Bahador had been killed in battle.

    Caprice: Oh no! Your father?
    Bunter: Yes. And then Maman discovered she was expecting me. But it was too late. Faraz would have nothing to do with her. He took off, and Maman was left alone to provide for herself and two sons.

    Bunter was silent for a minute, then continued his tale.

    Bunter: Djinn are natural beings of fire, but I also inherited my father's enhanced fire and warrior blood. My real name is Majid Bahador. And make no mistake; I was a little devil.

    Bunter: Emad's a water genie. Conflicting aspects there, water with fire. Growing up, he was even wilder than I was. But Maman was air. Adaptable and clever. She was a survivor, so we made out ok, despite us boys.

    Caprice: Your mother must have loved your father very much, risking everything to follow him. I'm so sorry he died.

    Bunter: The truth is, Caprice, I'm--illegitimate. But Maman accepted and loved me. I reminded her of my father Rahim, you see. She always said I looked like him, same ways about us.
    Caprice: You are your mother's child of love, Marvin. Not illigitimate! She never thought of you that way.

    Bunter: ...No. But every year, Emad grew more and more jealous of me--and resentful of losing his own father. He didn't blame Maman. He blamed me.
    Caprice: That's unfair!

    Bunter: Oh, he wasn't always so mean. And most of the time, I was too spoiled to notice. I must have been an annoying little brat! I idolized Emad though. He was my big brother ... and my stand-in father. But that was a heavy role for someone like Emad.

    Bunter: There's more to this story, Caprice. I want you to understand who Emad and I really are. The rest of our history isn't easy to share, and I'm afraid you won't be able to accept it all. But it has to be told. ... First though, I have something else to say--about us.

    Caprice focused her attention on Bunter's aura. It was blue with gold and green threads shining through. The light was clear and unwavering. She knew Marvin would tell her the truth. They moved closer together.

    Bunter: Caprice, I love you!

    Then he kissed her. And for a time, dark secrets were forgotten.

    Part 2 of Bunter's Djinn Tale coming soon.

    EDIT: A few of my blog words got plummed. :/
    Post edited by lanlyn on
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    venusdemilosimsvenusdemilosims Posts: 1,918 Member
    edited October 2016
    @lanlyn Awesome updates, will definitely read once I have time! Love the pix of Bunter and Caprice, and Caprice with the dragon.

    P.S. Did you and your sister act out the plays you wrote? Lol

    Game just crashed on desktop. I need to have the fan cleaned out on the laptop.


    Later that evening, Sebastian and his soon-to-be ex-wife attended a party given by some friends of theirs. He ran into a performer pal, Paulette, who, in discussing his latest role, was attempting to acquire movie tickets from him.


    "I'll see what I can do," he'd told her.


    Suddenly, his phone rang. It was his daughter, Kaydence, away at college for the second time.


    "What's up?" Sebastian asked. The actor, who'd gotten custody of Kaydence when she was seven years old, had known as soon as the papers were signed that she wasn't your 'typical' little girl, especially knowing that she shared family lineage with a man who once played guitar for the Grim Reaper and a woman whose best friends were ghosts. That much had been proven via a DNA test in court. Though he and Madison never married, Kaydence carried the Jolina-Plumb name. Now, he'd stewarded her growth into a young woman in her own right. "Hi, Daddy!"
    "How's college?"
    "Pretty good, the usual."
    Though they shared goings-on, Sebastian's impending divorce never came up in conversation.
    "Kaydence - have you been time traveling again?"
    Kaydence laughed, but suddenly turned serious. "There was another abduction last night."


    "Female student at Malan (one of the dorms) this time," Kaydence reported. "Same story as the last one. She went out to check out strange bright lights in the sky."


    "Before she knew it she was whisked away."


    "All this in plain view of the police, who was patrolling the area."


    Even more suspiciously, even with all the abductions around Kaydence, Kaydence herself doesn't get abducted. Aliens drop by and visit her and snoop around her place. They don't take her.


    Sebastian knew Kaydence by now. About a year ago, she'd dropped a bombshell on him, that she'd invented a mood altering 'happiness dew' that turned sims different colors, and the imaginary world she'd created in her mind and was the subject of her book, was a real place that she traveled to on several occasions.
    Sebastian knew that when Kaydence got absorbed into something, she didn't let it go. And he could tell by her voice that this alien mystery had consumed her.
    "Kaydence," he asked knowingly, "what are you up to?"


    The next day in science lab, Kaydence was excited about successfully learning the formula for a bladder flow potion.


    She then told Jana, who'd come into the lab, about the latest person to get abducted on campus. "These abductions keep happening," Jana repeated. "What we have to find out is why."
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,218 Member
    edited October 2016
    Here is a new update I edited my photos in psp 9 to touch them up a bit.

    @lanlyn Great update I love playing with fairies but have not done it much lately lovely photos.

    @venusdemilosims Great update as usual .


    I let her move to a bigger house.


    When Bianca finished her bbq she went inside to eat they tasted very nice.


    she did enjoy a quiet day fishing.


    As day went by it was time to sleep.

    bit short this time and not much happened but a few photos.

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    TadOlsonTadOlson Posts: 11,380 Member
    @venusdemilosims -It would've been fine if he'd been abducted again because I'd already added that alien abduction Mod and fixed the problem so there would be no more alien pregnancies unless the target was an adult.Great updates!
    @Silverofdreams30 -Thanks for the comment.Great update!
    @lanlyn -The game gave her two traits and a popup from NRaas gave the option to either add two more or edit the ones she got.I'll be changing things later by adding another trait when she becomes a toddler.Great update!
    The Jankowskys were asleep when I checked on them.
    Lee King was playing with Spot when I ran a home inspection on her home.
    The Campbells were taking care of their child in their home inspection.
    The Ivanovitch family is needing to further expand their house.
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    venusdemilosimsvenusdemilosims Posts: 1,918 Member
    edited October 2016
    @TadOlson Glad to see green grass again after all the snow. Nice update.

    @Silverofdreams30 Bianca's house is gorgeous!

    This one is kind of random and all over the place as I still haven't been able to get my game to work since last night's crash.


    Kaydence's mom, Madison, is pop music's biggest superstar. Her concerts are often sold out.


    But even though she is known as quite the performer, her parenting skills are, well, not exactly up to snuff. Mommy dearest was gobsmacked at her daughter's interest in video games and 'techy' stuff such as robotics.


    There is no doubt that her daughter, Kaydence, bears a distinct physical resemblance to her. Despite the distinct physical resemblance, mother and daughter actually have little in common.


    Well, they do have some things in common. Here's Kaydence striking a pose (unprompted) in a science lab. And, like her mother, Kaydence is a clotheshorse who likes to look good.


    And Kaydence did help put together her mother's most recent concert, a technological extravaganza inspired by her 'family vacation' with her parents into her future world.


    Meanwhile, Sebastian has been doing all he can to attempt to normalize things for his young son, Jazz Lyric, in the midst of his impending divorce from Jazz's mother, Cherise. Here he plays a tune for Jazz before bed while the family plumbot, T4$H4, watches.


    In addition to attempting to figure out what was behind the recent spate of alien abductions on campus, Kaydence was working on her second Simtopia book. And she knew exactly what would be in it:


    Her and Sierra's daring rescue of Sierra's brother and sister-in-law, AJ and Alexandra, military pilots who had been captured by aliens and held hostage on Lunar Lakes.


    Of course, she couldn't tell anyone this had actually happened,


    so in writing it, she buried it under a cloak of disguise, saying that Astra and a computer expert had to free an alien princess and her newlywed human husband.
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    JamesRobbins8JamesRobbins8 Posts: 3 New Member
    I absolutely love reading about all of your games! Your houses and Sims look great, I will upload some of mine once I have played later.
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,218 Member
    Here is another update.


    Bianca moved again,
    I liked the layout better in this house.


    poor girl can not eat in peace I have to take a screen haha.


    she loves to paint, for some reason all my sims lvoe to paint.


    she went to visit her parents ofcourse they were out busy bees, so she then got to spend
    some hours in town shopping groceries and go to the spa.


    I also sent her out to a night club.

    @venusdemilosims Great update as usual.

    This is all for now.

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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,035 Member
    edited October 2016
    @venusdemilosims I like how you've taken the game's abduction scenarios and woven them into your story. It makes you think about what it would really be like if aliens abducted people. ...Liked seeing some of your other random story pics too. ...RE: my sis and I. Yes, we did put on a few plays with friends, just for fun. :)

    @Silverofdreams30 I like the house you had--with all the windows, but I think the new one you chose looks cozier. Warm and inviting. The garden areas are very pretty.

    @TadOlson I enjoyed reading about your home inspections. I haven't attempted to do any rotational play in Sims 3, but I actually liked playing different households in Sims 2. Kind of miss that, but I'm afraid my saves would get too big if I tried to play more than one household in Sims 3. My very first family's world got corrupted because I did too much in that one world. I was barely able to rescue everyone from that save. Don't want to deal with that ever again. :s I've never lost one of my created sims from crashes or glitches. "No sim left behind." :D

    @JamesRobbins8 Hi and welcome. Hope you decide to post pics when you're able.

    I'm working on the second part of Bunter's story, but have had other things going on this week in RL, so it's taking me awhile to catch up with my game updates.

    Here's an outtake pic, though. Caprice is projecting her creativity aura on herself and Bunter as they jam together. They were gaining music skills very quickly. :#
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    EvalenEvalen Posts: 10,223 Member
    Love all you guys stores and pictures, love the story about all the abductions on campus. All the pictures are nice, good job all of you. Love reading about your sims and stories,
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    KevinL5275KevinL5275 Posts: 2,489 Member
    edited October 2016
    "All this in plain view of the police, who was patrolling the area."


    "I heard there was this cute guy named @CravenLestat here on Earth. I just *had* to come and check him out! Where can I find him?"
    I'm a 49 year old married man, with a beautiful wife, a cat, and a simverted personality.My Sims 3 Pictures

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