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Rebuilding Worlds Vol. 2


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    OJennOJenn Posts: 8,429 Member
    Love Day came and went and Jade was more than over it.

    Instead, she decided to take her mind off things and hang out with friends at the cafe. Jordan and Amaya are her two new besties.

    But maybe there is something more there?

    The awfulness of Love Day seem to go on forever and at one point Jade couldn't stand being near family

    Soon enough she'd get her wish with her and Atlas having birthdays just around the corner. I don't think Iris is ready for them to go just yet.

    Just before aging up I caught Jade outside with this little thought. Hold on there let's focus on college first Jade.

    With the first portion of her aspiration completed, Jade was ready to age up!

    But Atlas was first since he's the oldest twin (by mere seconds)

    I am a bit torn on his career and hobby but I like to think that he and Aiyden came to a compromise, in addition to learning Fabrication.


    For Jade, well it seemed like she wanted to follow in her mother's footsteps


    Before heading off Jade made sure that Amaya aged up too.

    With Jade's career choice there was only one school that was the obvious choice. And it was not her parent's alma mater, which they didn't mind as long as she was happy they would be too. (I used this to find out which degree she needed for her career)

    For her birthday Jade was gifted a sketchpad so that she could hone her more artistic skills

    Soon the big day came and Jade and her brother Atlas would learn about their scholarships.

    They didn't get any, which is strange because they should have received the Evergreen Harbor resident one

    Atlas was discouraged and decided to put his education on hold to build some skills. But Jade was determined to start straight away. Her parents agreed to cover the cost so long as she worked towards getting scholarships after her first term.

    In the meantime, Atlas has been working on getting to know his little guy, Flash. Turns out he is a smart doggo and Atlas can have intellectual conversations with him ♥ Atlas is also on the second part of his aspiration.

    Turns out Amaya had always had a small crush on Atlas

    And they're an item now which I think is adorable since Amaya is Jade's best friend

    Despite her career choice, I think Jade will blend both of the things her parents love together, next stop Uni! (and maybe creating a family tree lol)
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    MionaxMionax Posts: 287 Member
    @OJenn Those classmates were cruel for the Love Day party. She was brave to ask someone. It looks like Jordan might be interested. He's good looking. Jade and Atlas grew up looking great! I don't envy you to choose an heir between them. Great update :)
    Origin ID:Mionax
    Origin #: madebymionax
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    MionaxMionax Posts: 287 Member
    A small house tour and extras from Mionax News Desk...

    Ashton's bedroom, he chose to take the smaller room and bed since this was really his sister's home and he wanted her to be comfortable in the larger bedroom as it would be hers when he moved out anyway. She helped him decorate the walls with a smile. Thus the kid decals that she teased him with. "Never grow up. Keep that sense of fun." She says with a grin. You can see him sneaking a quiet moment to knit. (autonomously) giving his sister 'alone time'.


    House tour:
    Living room


    Kitchen/Dining new angle

    Laundry room and larger bedroom has another bathroom instead of a walk-in closet.

    Main bathroom

    Top View

    Backyard and Mariam's greenhouse

    The knock on the door was Knox, her parent's long-time friend. He wanted to check up on them for their parents and for himself. He was like an uncle.

    He then went into his green eco living speech that he hoped the 'kids' would heed. He was glad to see they were listening intently.
    I couldn't get rid of Ashton's yellow plumbob so I hid it in the wall picture design.

    Ashton was a great big brother and guardian. He helped Mariam with her homework. Even when he should have been skilling himself for his workplace.


    In the middle of helping Mariam with her homework one day, Savanna, one of the middle twins called with this strange invitation.

    He said to 'count me in'. Why? I don't know. I hope this ends well for him....

    Origin ID:Mionax
    Origin #: madebymionax
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    IllusoryThrallIllusoryThrall Posts: 1,335 Member
    @Mionax Ooh.. I can't wait to see what happens next for Ashton. I got one of those calls once, but I wasn't able to say "yes" because I was on my Drifter at the time. I love the house, by the way, the pops of color around the house really seem to bring it to life.

    @OJenn I loved the update! It's kind of weird that they didn't get any scholarships. I'm glad Atlas seems to have found someone he clicks with, although I hope Jade doesn't get upset that he chose her bestie for it!

    @JordanNicoleJJ You did a wonderful job on their home and the community lot! I love the grass roof as well as the trellis and awning you added. Suri is gorgeous! Love the red theme you went for on her, it looks good with her hair color. That's funny that MCCC jumped in on getting the extended family all married off as fast as it did. I had the same thing happen in my Mermaid save - my heir's mom just kept getting divorced and remarried when she was already on a sparkling age bar... and then I had one of her nieces marry into the other branch of the family.. I mean technically they're blood relatives, but Sims didn't recognize it, unfortunately. Loved the book title name! That was very clever!

    @Wentcrazy I'm glad they got settled into their new home okay thanks to Iris' and Aiyden's hard work. It was really sweet of him to make dinner for her to celebrate the new job! Also: I adore the kitchen you built. It looks so homey!

    Also, I hope that those who are sick or had bad days over the last week are feeling better soon! JordanNicole, I really hope your boyfriend's Covid test comes back negative! I am sending "get well" vibes your way.
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    IllusoryThrallIllusoryThrall Posts: 1,335 Member
    Chapter 1.2
    So, here we are, back in Evergreen Harbor, with a pair of sims who are really not getting along very well. I keep trying to get them to make friends, but it’s slow going.
    Eventually, I give up and send them to the new Maker Space. Iris is less than impressed, while Aiyden seems overjoyed by all the gadgets he now has access to.
    While Iris attempts to find something to occupy herself, he climbs up the ladder to do some recycling. He needs bits and pieces to start working on his first commission – a simple rug.
    The rug turns out to be more difficult than he had initially expected, and takes two tries to get it right before he feels he can send it on to his client. (I add a computer to the office, so he can keep working on gigs while staying at the Maker Space.)
    Iris, however, gets bored of dumpster diving for stuff for Aiyden to salvage, and cancels out all her interactions to go buy something to eat from the food stall. I really can’t blame her.
    Aiyden gets some mentoring from a Master Maker in the area, but even the mentoring can’t keep him from being dragged into the machine and spat back out. Embarrassed, he apologized to the mentor, and started over.
    … Only to have the machine break on him. Sighing in frustration, he decides to risk his life and try to fix it. Luckily, everything works out for him, and soon he’s able to complete his second rug commission of the day.

    Looking around, Aiyden realizes that it had gotten dark and Iris must have gotten bored or tired and went home. Following her example, he trudged home. Tomorrow was soon enough to get another commission.
    Aiyden’s commissions were all done for the day, and Iris had finished her work, too. With a huge storm outside, neither felt like leaving the house, so they sat around and chatted instead.
    Sometime during the evening, Aiyden discovered his feelings for Iris and swooped in to surprise her with a kiss. It may have been sudden, but she didn’t say “no”… in fact, she actually kissed him back.
    After a long conversation and some more flirting, Iris agreed to be his girlfriend, although both seemed to feel that was as far as they should go for the night and they still slept in their own beds.
    Iris usually completed her “work from home” task easily and followed Aiyden to the Maker Space to help him find salvage for his growing obsession with fabricating. He wasn’t making much money doing it, but he was slowly getting better.
    … Well, sort-of.
    Love Day came around, and Aiyden decided it was time to take their relationship to the next level.
    He bought her flowers, and she seemed to really appreciate them, taking a moment to gently sniff them and put them in a vase in the kitchen. Where she came up with a vase at, nobody knows.
    Iris then thanked Aiyden for the roses in the only way she could think of.
    Together, they decided on a romantic date to the new restaurant in town, and they were pleasantly surprised that it wasn’t a hole-in-the-wall dump.
    While Aiyden used the facilities, Iris ordered for them, so that the food was ready to be delivered by the time he got back to his seat. The waiter, however, seemed very new to his job, and dumped the entire order on the floor. Apologizing profusely, he headed back to the kitchen to push a rush order in for replacements.
    When dinner came, Aiyden raged inwardly at the fact that she had ordered him spaghetti, of all things, but he didn’t take it out on her. At least the drinks were good… and it wasn’t her fault she hadn’t known about his dislike of spaghetti sauce.
    Another storm had moved in by the time they were done eating, and the two of them were soaked by the time they finally got home. Getting out of their wet clothes and warming each other up was great fun, however, and it seemed Iris sleeping upstairs may have become a thing of the past.
    By this time, I had worked them so hard that Aiyden was finally able to buy some equipment for working from home, and he seemed to really enjoy making candles. Although working with the hot wax while half-naked may not have been the best choice…
    That night, the Romance Festival was in town, and the two new lovebirds couldn’t help but attend. Aiyden’s first concern was consulting the love guru, who had interesting advice. “At least your flaws are evenly matched.” … What did that even mean? Shrugging, Aiyden decided that maybe the guru wasn’t all that wise after all, and called Iris over.
    Taking advantage of the flirty vibes and the drink that went to both of their heads, Aiyden read her some flowery poetry and romanced her, ignoring the guru watching happily.
    He then dropped to one knee… and pulled a ring out of thin air.
    Iris took the question very seriously, and thought for a long moment before deciding to say “yes”.
    She then kissed him impulsively and jumped unceremoniously into Aiyden’s arms. She was lucky he managed to overcome his surprise and catch her!
    Iris pointed out the wedding arch, and they decided there was no time like the present.
    They hardly noticed the celebratory fireworks, as they were completely wrapped up in each other.
    Aiyden seemed particularly pensive the next morning, and didn’t talk much during breakfast – but Iris couldn’t seem to be quiet. At least her cooking was improving, though!
    Unbeknownst to either of them, alone in the garage, Little Moo grew up to be.. well, not so little. I’m just praying Aiyden keeps his paws off the Cowplant. (Spoiler: he’s already discovered gardening by playing with it, so I’m going to have to watch him closely!)
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    MionaxMionax Posts: 287 Member
    @IllusoryThrall Its great that they are romancing now. The romance guru's statements are funny. Wedding! Poor Aiyden has such trouble with fabricating. I like that Iris helps him find things to recycle. She is good and supportive of him. Yicks the cowplant! The drained for it carefully. You can have a Sim get drained just by analyzing a plant I've noticed. Good update. :smiley:
    Origin ID:Mionax
    Origin #: madebymionax
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    tipsycowplanttipsycowplant Posts: 1,757 Member
    Cause some people have asked for an update on my bf -- he ended up testing negative for covid, but he did have a bad staph infection (it only got so bad because they assumed it was covid and didn't test for anything else at first. They caught it the second time though!). He'll be fine though, he's feeling much better now. :smile:

    @Kiwicantdie I think the dad call was added with Eco Lifestyle, cause it's definitely not a mod (I only have MCCC and NPCC). And yeah MCCC literally created sooo much drama the second I installed it...I'm trying to embrace it, but I feel so bad for Suri's family and Eden :sweat_smile: The eco footprints are being super weird in my game now -- downtown Willow Creek was 'industrial', and when they got home Port Promise was actually 'green' for once, but it went back to neutral after a few hours of playing. Kinda annoying honestly, cause it doesn't feel like I've earned it, it's just the coding being super weird :tongue:

    @debjameswhite Funny you mention marrying Heath and Lia because I didn't notice they were NOT married, and MCCC already created some drama there...they're both married to other people (one of them is married to an alien :flushed: ), and they both have kids already. But at least they all still live together :sweat_smile: MCCC really needs to take a chill pill lol.

    @OJenn Your praise of my house means so much, since I think of you as the building master :blush: I went through the settings of both mods, and there are some things I worry might conflict, but honestly it seems to be working fine! Awwww poor Jade! Love Day is overrated anyway. Ooooo yes I'm so here for Jordan and Jade!!! Woah woah woah when did Atlas get so handsome?? That hair looks so good on him, and I just adore his outdoorsy style & personality :love: But I agree, his career is a bit weird given everything else. And Jade is drop-dead gorgeous! The florist career fits her so perfectly. I love them both so much :heart: Aw it sucks that they didn't get any scholarships, it's very weird that they didn't at least get the resident one. I don't blame Atlas for putting education on hold. I can totally see him making a great veterinarian someday though. I can't wait to see Jade's uni experience!

    @Heckstress17 Well if you get tired of the house you built (though I'm sure it's better than you're giving yourself credit for), feel free to use my shell & post ALL the pics of how you decorate it, because I'd love to see it! I feel honored when someone likes my shells enough to use them :blush: Suri is like the most innocent sim I've ever played, and Haven & Suri are the most innocent couple, for that matter...until they woohoo'd for the first time, now they're woohoo maniacs :lol: Suri's mom is my spirit animal -- she's an elder in my game now, and she's still acting like a wild college kid. Her new husband must be keeping her feeling young :wink::joy: I didn't want to build either, but I needed more stuff for my sims to do. The marketplace is like my least favorite version of that lot, but it has the most activities (except for maybe the maker space), so it's staying for now lol.

    @Mionax The house is so colorful & cute! I love that greenhouse. Is gardening going to be your family skill? I still haven't picked one, and I probably need to soon :grimace: Ashton is such a good big bro, what a great sim :blush: What was that weird phone call about??? I've never seen that before and I'm so intrigued! You'll have to tell us how it goes!

    @IllusoryThrall Fabrication is tough-going at first, for sure. Aiyden was always getting dragged into the machine or breaking it when he first started in my game, but it happens less frequently with higher fabrication skill. Ooo look at him being all romantic all of a sudden! Yikes...that look on his face when he got spaghetti is not promising... but if the love guru says it'll work out, then I have faith in them lol. An impulsive romance festival engagement/wedding sounds about right for these two lol. Oh better get some babies made before the cowplant eats Aiyden! :flushed::joy:
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    MionaxMionax Posts: 287 Member
    edited August 2020

    @Mionax The house is so colorful & cute! I love that greenhouse. Is gardening going to be your family skill? I still haven't picked one, and I probably need to soon :grimace: Ashton is such a good big bro, what a great sim :blush: What was that weird phone call about??? I've never seen that before and I'm so intrigued! You'll have to tell us how it goes!

    Iris has passed on Gardening for Mariam. Mariam could pass on a different skill as she seems to like to play music and knit. My next update will include pictures of before and after of his needs panel. I'll get that up soon since I've played and taken too many pictures again tonight. The next update might be a lot longer than I'm used to giving.

    @JordanNicoleJJ Also, I'm very glad your bf is going to be ok. :smile:

    Origin ID:Mionax
    Origin #: madebymionax
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    MionaxMionax Posts: 287 Member
    edited August 2020
    From Mionax news desk... a lot has happened.

    First we will bring you an update on Ashton's strange experience with the motive trials. We still know almost nothing about them. First he heads out to this 'secret spot' which we have not been able to determine the location of yet.


    Then he returns ready to wet himself. For a naturally gloomy person with desperate needs, he sure looks like he's in a happy mood. He did end up peeing himself just outside the bathroom door.


    While he was gone Mariam shoveled some snow from the back porch and became more responsible.


    Then she practiced on the piano her family surprised her with as a home-warming gift.


    She raised her skill in this instrument that she'd come to love.


    After Ashton comes home and cleans himself up, he makes dinner while Mariam finishes the dishes.

    The next morning Mariam surprised her big brother with her first homecooked meal on the stove. It turned out excellent. Ashton was grateful and both enjoyed a nice breakfast together.



    It was soon springtime. The ground was thawed enough for Mariam to finally plant her fruit trees. She had three different kinds. Pomegranate, Grow Fruit, and Plantain. Four of each were planted, just in case some did not grow well in the poor soil.


    When her gardening was done, she decided to take a look around by jogging. You can see her house and the resturant called The Brickworks in this photo. I didn't realize it was so close.



    She was old enough now to vote on the community board. She was excited to do so until she saw the massive crowd there. But she bolstered her courage and did it anyway. Ashton was very proud of her. He'd already voted the day before. He did not influence her and even chose not to tell her what he'd voted for. She ended up voting for Performing arts. He had voted for Something else. But that was ok. Both were good choices.


    When she was done voting she happened to glance again at the crowds. The red-haired man was gone. But instead there was a red-haired teen. He'd smiled kindly at her and there was something about him that drew her to him. The crowds seemed to fade as she made her way over to say hello.


    On that first encounter she learned that his name was Aleksey McGhee and he was a genius. Over time she kept seeing him around. He always seemed to be wearing the same thing but it did not appear to be dirty or in poor wear. Mariam wondered about him a great deal. It finally came out his secret. He was living on the docks and was alone in the world. He was not 'poor me' over this. Instead he viewed it as just the way things were and tried to make the best of things. Mariam, not out of charity or pity finally gave him a key to her house when time seemed to pass and long conversations were enjoyed by both. "Come by sometime." She'd told him. "Here's a key. Just let yourself in anytime."

    He was surprised and smiled at the gesture. He said he would.


    More time passed and Mariam began to learn something about the way she felt for Aleksey that she wanted to share. She'd developed a crush on him. She told him so and it was a little embarrassing when she immediately realized that her body order on this occasion was not so great. She'd just been jogging again and hadn't been home yet to clean up. Aleksey...(Alek) took it all in stride like the best friend he'd become.


    Immediately after he sneaks a rose out of his pocket, gently flicks off a little piece of lint and holds it out to her with the kindest of words. Evidently her sentiments for him were not one-sided.



    Mariam was speechless and overjoyed. Her heart pounded with excitement and joy. Digging in her own pockets the only thing she had on hand to give to him was an unfinished knitted sock project. He said he loved it. And he looked very sincere too as if he'd never been given anything before and was humbled by her gracious gift. She secretly vowed to give him something much better in the future when she could.


    With Alek and Mariam flirting one evening and then one morning in the kitchen, Ashton took notice and watched them carefully without interfering. He was a good chaperon. He mused about the fact that his baby sister was growing up so fast. Soon it would be time for him to leave her home and start his own life somewhere else.



    With a spring snow, Alek went outside while Mariam took a shower. He looks like an angel.


    He has such a pure face.


    Ashton knew what was coming even long before Alek and Mariam did. But the inevitable finally happened that very night. Alek and Mariam became more than just best friends.


    Back inside where it was warmer, Ashton felt something was going to happen between the two 'kids' and so took his leave to the other side of the large room and busied himself there, while still being close enough to stop any 'messing around' should it get that far. Both kids were good kids and they were not the sort to do so. Instead the special moment came. They shared their first kiss. It was perfect.


    Post edited by Mionax on
    Origin ID:Mionax
    Origin #: madebymionax
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    debjameswhitedebjameswhite Posts: 1,612 Member
    I'm on purpose not reading comments right now because I want them for tomorrow with my coffee!! But guys I had to share with you the addition to my family today. Please meet Mercury and Sol.
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    MionaxMionax Posts: 287 Member
    Mercury and Sol <3
    Origin ID:Mionax
    Origin #: madebymionax
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    tipsycowplanttipsycowplant Posts: 1,757 Member
    Rebuild Evergreen Harbor: Gen 2

    Haven and Suri decided they didn't want a big wedding -- just parents and siblings -- mostly because they were going to use Haven's big signing bonus to fly everyone out to beautiful Sulani for the ceremony! They paid a local wedding planner to get everything ready, and a beautifully decorated beach was waiting for them when they got off the plane.

    The ceremony went flawlessly, and they timed it just right to have a gorgeous sunset in all of the wedding photos.

    Mr. and Mrs. Haven Greene, everybody! :heart:

    Now -- time to kick off the reception with cake! :smiley:

    "Cake?! I want cake!!" This little cutie is Ana, Eden's plus-one :blush:

    The only thing Ana loves more than cake is grandma Iris! (Probably cause she knows grandma will get her cake. :lol: )

    Suri's mom did not bring a plus-one, thankfully -- we didn't need that kind of family drama at the wedding :tongue: She already almost started something when she sat with Haven's family instead of Suri's at the ceremony :sweat_smile:

    But she was surprisingly well-behaved (for once lol). She even made peace with her ex-husband over a glass of wine. (That's Suri's dad and little brother, by the way. I don't think I've introduced them yet.)

    Speaking of well-behaved, I was a little worried about having a toddler at the wedding, but Ana was perfect! Turns out she has the Independent trait, and she was content to play in the sand by herself while her mom got wine drunk the adults celebrated :smile:

    After several drinks, Suri asked Haven to dance :smirk:

    He totally surprised me -- he actually had some moves! (And in the background, you can see a wine-drunk Eden making a fool of herself at the bar as her mini-me runs away in embarrassment :lol: )

    Suri was feeling it :smirk:can we please talk about how gorgeous she is?? i love her so much :bawling:

    After their dance, they called it a night and stumbled down the beach toward their home-away-from-home to continue the party...alone :wink:



    They woke up with the sun, full of energy. They wanted to do as much as possible before Haven has to go home to start his new job. Nothing was open yet, so they spent the early morning exploring the water near their vacation home.

    The reefs were beautiful, but it was even more special because several dolphins were playing nearby! Haven, a self-proclaimed "child of the ocean," was in heaven. Now he just has to convince Suri to leave behind her friends, family, and the fate of Evergreen Harbor, and move here instead :lol:

    I think she could get on board with moving to Sulani someday -- after they've raised a family and made a difference in Evergreen Harbor. (I think I just figured out their retirement plan lol.)

    Around mid-morning, they hopped on the provided jet skiis and sped over to the spa for massages :sunglasses:


    They're ready to start a family now, so Suri got a really expensive but supposedly effective "fertility massage."

    Haven opted for a deep tissue massage...which honestly just looked really, really painful :lol:

    Apparently his masseuse was still in training and had no idea what she was doing. In Haven's words, "Worst massage ever." :grimace:

    They spent the rest of the morning relaxing in the sauna, trying to undo the damage his massage caused. I'd say it worked lol.

    Their "busy" morning wore them out, so they went home for a nice afternoon nap. That's the life right there :relieved:

    The woke up tan and hungry, so they wandered in search of food until they found a local was grilling up some pork in a shack on the beach.

    Haven brought up moving to Sulani for the hundredth time that day, and Suri finally agreed -- but only when they're old and retired and have nothing better to do. That was enough to shut him up for now at least :lol:

    They had one last stop on their itinerary -- a brand new, open-air tiki bar on the volcanic island. What could possibly go wrong? :lol:

    Haven showed off some more of his "sweet dance moves" :tongue: They both gained a level in the dancing skill, which satisfied the random skill day "holiday" lol. Also, I used @OJenn 's randomizer to roll a random hobby (skill) for him, and he got dancing, so props to me for actually trying to improve on that skill lol.


    The dance floor got pretty crowded, so they headed down to the beach and tried their hand at "fire dancing." They were just casually amazing at it on their first try :tongue:


    At this point, Suri spotted a pretty waterfall in the distance and convinced Haven to go check it out with her...

    When did she get so adventurous?? She used to be so shy and innocent. Now she's a world-traveling, deep-diving, fire-dancing explorer :joy:

    Haven just melts in her hands. (I get it, bro. I love her too.)

    They stayed up late to enjoy what little time they had left in Sulani. Haven didn't want to think about going home. He was home -- he had everything he needed right here.

    But deep down he knew they couldn't stay. He needs to get to work...because they're going to need a nursery soon! :smiley:
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    MionaxMionax Posts: 287 Member
    @JordanNicoleJJ Incredible wedding photos! I love that you went to a new neighborhood for the event. I didn't think to do that. (Spoiler: It rained) Poor Haven has to go home to Smog-ville and leave paradise behind. For now. Nooboo on the way!
    Origin ID:Mionax
    Origin #: madebymionax
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    RhythrinRhythrin Posts: 184 Member
    Hey lovelies! I logged on to update and saw I had 51 messages to go through, what a treat!
    So let me get right to it, I'll update after~

    @debjameswhite Oh woah I see a few familiair faces in your townies! It'll be fun seeing them interact with your current household. I love how good Heath is with Hailey! Not all stepfathers are as attentive as he is. I love the names, Weston and Sawyer, they're a cute set of toddlers! As for Hailey, she's a beate! I love that ping pong table, what pack does it come with? I don't think I have it in my game... Haha I love the mother daughter yoga bonding! They look like they're having fun. Aww congrats on the fox, I've never had a fox as a pet! OHHHH CONGRATS ON MERCURY AND SOL... They're so cute!!!

    @Francisca464 Aww I'm sorry to see Iris isn't having a great time in your first couple simdays. I hope she settles in soon enough. Haha Bob from accounting, I love the name. :') Ohh she looks so in her element with the bees, it's nice to see them both getting used to their new surroundings. Oh yeah, I don't know what that whole prank thing is about, either, but it feels like some sort of broken mechanic to me.. Aww come one Aiyden, don't be a sourplum on loveday!! How romantic, ending a lovely date with dumpster woohoo. You're right though, the cuddle at the end certainly is cute!

    @Wentcrazy Woah! I love your version of the Greene's. It's amazing to see how different they all turned out to be in everyones saves! I love Iris hairstyle(s), en Aiyden's too! I'm happy you joined us, I'm eager to find out more in your game. :blush: Ooooh I love the exterior of your house! I'm kind of bad with rustique modern myself, but you seem to nail it! I love the layout of your house too, I'm excited to see how you'll decorate it! Poor Aiyden, not being in his element yet must be hard for the guy. It's good him and Iris both found jobs quick though!

    @IllusoryThrall Ooooh your kitchen looks neat! I love the black mixed with terracotta, very unique. Haha, and straight into dumpster diving, I do love that we can recycle and use the bits for our projects though! How cool that Aiyden found a coffeemaker! I do hope Iris and Aiyden will get along eventually, lol :wink: Aww they're getting married!? How cute!!! Oh no, I hope Aiyden stays well away from Moo...

    @OJenn I think Jade will be an amazing student! The dog is a cutie, too, I hope him and Atlas get along. Lol, Aiyden certainly can do every activity in an angry mood, I hope there's at least SOME things that calm him down? I wonder who that lady is that's making those de-stress drinks? I've never seen her before.... Poor Jade, not having the best time around loveday. Ohh, what a handy tool for finding out the right degree, I'll definitely use it. Both Atlas and Jade are total stunners as young adults!

    @Mionax Ohhh what a cute house for Mariam, I love your layout and take on the floorplan. Mariam seems to do a lot better on her own indeed, planting plants, playing piano, trying spicy foods and the bubble blower... etc. She's having a blast! The house is so cute! How nice of Ashton to give his sister the bigger space. How nice of Knox to show up, I swear he's a delight in every game, he's just such a friendly sim. Aleksy seems like a mysterious but friendly type.. How nice of Mariam to give him a key! I hope she's not too trusting of strangers though,.. He seems to return her feelings for him, which is lovely to see! How cute that they're boyfriend and girlfriend now!

    @JordanNicoleJJ Ohhh yay! I'm so glad to see Haven and Suri moved in together. Ughhh they're total cuties. Ahh Suri sounds like such a sweet girl. She's gonna knock it outta the park as a mom, I'm sure. I LOVE the cat outfit. Those new year shots are so cute, I really should start playing more with the season events myself, too. Oof, steamy shots in the jacuzzi. I love how Suri looks into the camera there, that's a cute shot! Your marketplace looks really neat and bustling with activity, I'm glad Suri and her family had a lot of fun doing karaoke. Oh no, SMOG in Willow Creek!? The shot looks cool though, but I can understand how it would put a damper on things for them. Their dinner date was really nice, and I'm glad it also ended with a 'happy ending' for the both of them :tongue:. Congrats on Haven's graduation! I loved the beach wedding!! They look so happy and the ceremony was beautiful. Sulani is a great place to have a beach wedding~ And you're right, Suri keeps surprising me with her beauty. They're gonna make such beautiful babies! :love: Their honeymoon is one of my dreams, it looks so relaxing and soothing. YESSS a bump! I'm so excited to see their nooboos~

    Thanks for the lovely updates guys! I'll go make one myself now~
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    RhythrinRhythrin Posts: 184 Member
    edited August 2020
    Update 2: baby time!

    At first I thought Luana seemed to enjoy her pregnancy, she was always smiling, even after work.

    Manu also seemed to look forward to parenthood. He was dumpster diving in the areas nearby with a big goofy grin on his face.

    After that he went to play some games. And can I just say he makes the best expressions :lol:

    But after a day or two, Luana got sick every. single. morning.

    She gave me a very displeased look, lol.

    Manu spent most of his free time working on recycling and fabricating.

    Luana usually followed him into their makerspace garage to do her own little side projects. She's been wanting to make fizz out of their homegrown fruits!

    I'm glad to say Luana wasn't sick during the day, and returned to her happy smiling self, especially when she saw Manu around.

    Manu had a little mishap with his fabricator. He was really sad!

    Luckily, our first batch of Fizz was just done!

    Look how cute! This is a strawberry batch.

    So how to cheer up a sad Manu? Here's the instructions:
    Worked like a treat!

    Luana's bump has gotten progressively bigger now.

    Manu was excited about their little boy or girl to join them soon.

    Luana about had it with the morning sickness though.

    On the last couple days of her pregnancy she was in a lot of discomfort.
    Oh yeah, you'll be seeing Luana in her swimmingwear a LOT, she needs to swim daily to stay hydrated and I usually don't bother with changing her into something else, because I've tried that and well,.. They couldn't keep up with laundry.

    And before I knew it, Luana went into labour!
    Manu was panicking in the background, but I forgot to take a shot..

    And there she is! Meet their little girl Aleyne! ♥

    They look so happy to finally meet her.

    Soon the baby started crying for food, but Manu persisted on holding her first.

    He went for a kiss but Aleyne wasn't having any of it! That resulted in this hilarious shot.

    I went with a vibrant blue and yellow theme for this room, but as Aleyne grows I'll probably be evolving it to much more muted colours.

    Look how lovingly Luana holds her little girl. She's going to be an amazing mom I bet.

    Luana also got a beebox and some flowers to keep the bees busy. (I think snapdragon looks the most like lavender so I went with those.)

    Now that Luana wasn't pregnant anymore, she tried some of her second batch of Fizz, grape!

    Luana and Manu have been autonomously embracing and flirting after the birth of their girl lately.

    Their growing family only seems to make them grow fonder of each other.

    And before I knew it..

    They were up to some trouble.

    The morning after, she seemed to be sick again....

    But she still went to work, and after work Manu and her were still holding to their ritualy of chatting and dining together.

    Just after Luana took care of Aylene, she got the notification that she was eating for two again!

    I didn't take a screenshot of the confetti, but she rushed to Manu to go tell him.

    "So, uhm, I know it's only been a couple weeks since the birth of Aylene but.. we're expecting...again!!!"

    Manu was upset at first.

    But I secretly think he's just as thrilled to have their family growing fast. Luana seemed relieved.

    Meepsy was still getting attention too, he's been happily frolicking about in his cage.

    Luana is the first sim who I remember has been so morningsick during her pregnancy.

    It takes a good portion of her morning sulking.

    Manu always seems to be aple to cheer her up though.

    Luana's bees love their snapdragon lavender garden, and Luana herself is quite pleased, too.

    Even if Luana is taking a nap, Manu stays nearby.

    After her nap she joined him in playing some chess.

    And here he is giving Meepsy some much needed attention!

    Then one night, it was time.

    They just about finished the new room for their next nooboo, as Luana went into labour.

    A boy this time! Meet little Kadri. :blush:

    I know things seem to be going fast in this update. But I've been playing a ton and not making as much pictures so this has been at least 4 simweeks of playing or so, but little Aylene was already growing up to be a toddler!

    She seems to have her dads skintone and her moms hair.

    She's a cutie, even when she's sad because she's sleepy.

    That's it for now, I'm gonna go back and play a bunch more, LOL. I need to get used to taking more pictures, as now I feel it seems like I've been rushing through the game. I've really not,... I think? Eh, either way, I'm having fun and that's what counts most :)
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    debjameswhitedebjameswhite Posts: 1,612 Member
    So I was in the middle of writing comments...and kittens. Of course they are into everything and they are stressing my dogs who don't know what they are and my mother's cat has decided I'm satan but they're so cute and sweet so it's ok that they have walked across my computer a million times and shut it down three times and now deleted my comments. It's all good. Let's try again. This took me all morning. It's lunch time now. Thank you Mercury and Sol!!

    @OJenn I really hope there is something between Jade and Jordan! I would love to see them together. In the picture of Jade and Atlas hugging I really noticed the kitchen and how much I liked the decorating. Then Jade's little thought bubble just made me laugh. She looks so cute. I really like this randomizer. There are some things I just wouldn't try otherwise so I'm looking forward to it. Even just that I used it for Heath was awesome. It gave me a great story! I can't believe the kids didn't get any scholarships! Are you going to send Jade to university? I still shudder when I think about our last experiences there! Amaya and Atlas together makes me happy too! Your game is so perfect right now!

    @Mionax Aww I love that Ashton is a knitter. The house tour is great. You did a really good job. Haha! Good job with the plumbob! I wouldn't have even noticed if you hadn't said anything!. Oh I have had that scary invitation too but I don't think I ever went...maybe I did? Can't wati to see how it goes. Weee! I get to see right now! Poor Ashton! You're right, for being so miserable he looks pretty happy. It's nice to see the siblings working so well together. I wish they had a nice upright piano in sims. I would like something in the middle of keyboard and grand piano. I'm sure this will work out fine, but I'm terrified that Mariam gave a homeless guy on on the docks a key to her house. Awww I feel bad she was embarrassed about being stinky. Alek was good to not notice. Awww see I knew it would work out ok. They're very cute together. Nice find!

    @IllusoryThrall I'm sad and enthralled at the same time about Iris and Aiyden's relationship. At least one of them is having fun at the community center. Poor Iris she looks so miserable. OH hooray! Not only are they friendly, but they had a first kiss! Hooray!! I think it's sweet that Iris helps Aiyden find things I love that they moved to the next level and their date was mostly sweet :) Poor Aiyden though getting spaghetti for dinner! Oh my gosh we went from not even liking each other to a proposal! I love it.

    @JordanNicoleJJ I'm glad to hear your boyfriend is going to be OK. Glad it wasn't covid! Curses MCC! hehe Oh well, I'm sure they'll still make nice babies :)

    OOOOO destination wedding! I love it!! Wow, they almost look like they're holding hands! I love the picture of Iris with Ana. So sweet. Awww I love this wedding so much! Yes we can talk about how gorgeous she is!! Where did you get her? What did you do for this? Did you temporarily move them to Sulani for the wedding or did you just have them visit a lot and stay there until they were done? I love this. I wish the game let you vacation down there. I also love your lot! So pretty. Love everything about this update. EEEEEEE Nooboo!!!! <3
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    MionaxMionax Posts: 287 Member
    @Rythrin Aleyne is adorable. And now a cute little brother. You have a lovely family that has grown. I like your décor for the kids' rooms. Very good update! :)
    Origin ID:Mionax
    Origin #: madebymionax
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    debjameswhitedebjameswhite Posts: 1,612 Member
    @Rhythrin I just realized I missed your update. Luana and Manu are so pretty in your game :) Awww poor Luana feeling sick every day. I'm glad she ended up feeling better later. The fabricator mishaps are pretty funny :) Aww cheering up Manu was cute. Oh I keep forgetting Luana is a mermaid! awww sweet nooboo. Congratulations on your baby girl. I love that another is coming right on her heels! Oooo the bee garden is so pretty! Meepsy is so cute and unusual. Hooray for a boy! Don't worry about it seeming fast :) I just did the same thing. I played forever without pictures. The family has suddenly expanded! Anyways, little Aylene is so cute!
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    Heckstress17Heckstress17 Posts: 2,306 Member
    edited August 2020
    Evergreen Harbor: Update 9

    The day before Silas became a YA he finally heard back from the Universities about his scholarship applications.

    He didn't receive any scholarships (A bug? Because like @OJenn 's twins, he should've received one just for Living In Evergreen Harbor), but he did get accepted! Not to any distinguished degree programs :lol: but he'll take what he can get.

    Later that night he aged up!

    His final trait is Clumsy, just like his Mom. Which reminds me, I haven't ever seen Iris do anything even remotely clumsy. I'd actually forgotten she had that trait.

    He's actually really cute?! Like he grew into his facial features waaaaay more then I expected. :heart:

    The next day he enrolled at Foxbury University in their culinary program. His Mom is so proud, and only slightly disappointed he can no longer ask for her help with homework.

    Iris found Aiyden's ghost angrily wandering around and shared the news about Silas' college acceptance with him. :smile:

    Silas' girlfriend, Ashlynn, also had her birthday and aged up right after him. So their romance never had to come to a halt. Their birthdays timed up perfectly.

    They immediately took advantage of being grownups :wink: (He still has his childhood single bed, so this was their only option lol)

    I've been working Fawn a little too hard :neutral: I guess I should ease up on my heir expectations lol

    When the weekend came she got a break from homework and skilling. She met up with Zach and her new friends Selene and Jonas. (It was right about here that I realized I needed to build a casual restaurant for Evergreen Harbor. Teens chillin' at the most expensive place in town is a little weird lol.)

    Selene is so pretty @Kiwicantdie I don't think I'll ever get over it. She and Fawn are going to be BFF's :wink:

    And, Jonas is Zach's scouting friend. He was very social, which of course Fawn liked. She also learned he was gloomy, but you could never tell.

    I was surprised when I got the notification it was Valentine's day. It seems like it was only yesterday Iris and Aiyden were celebrating it. It was now their sons turn to celebrate. He took Ashlynn to a waterside restaurant in San Myshuno to celebrate.

    Love was definitely in the air :heart:

    Then Silas surprised Ashlynn by proposing!

    I was a little worried she'd turn him down, but she said yes! They've come a long way since she was rejecting him as a teen. Silas was so happy :heart::love:

    Fawn's Valentine's day wasn't going so well. She had a bad day at school, and an even worse day when she got home. She called Zach to ask him on a date only to be told he was now a YA and all their romantic feelings were now inappropriate... (I was super bummed out because Zach and Fawn have a nearly full romance bar. They never kissed, or became official, but it was getting there.)

    Instead of crying alone on Valentine's day Fawn took a chance and invited Jonas to hangout. Not a date, just a hangout. She was so relieved when he agreed, and even happier when he flirted with her!

    I was so surprised when he gave her a rose. I guess he really likes her!

    Fawn loved how sweet he was, and decided to be brave and ask to turn their hangout into an actual date. It was Valentine's day after all.

    They walked a few buildings down the block and ended up at the same restaurant they had eaten at earlier in the week with their friends. Fawn was impressed when Jonas took the lead and ordered for them.

    Fawn ended up earning a legendary date reward, and she and Jonas' relationship skyrocketed.

    But like I said, I've been working poor Fawn a little too hard :joy: Her date took place immediately after school and her needs were in the red big time... yeaaaaaah... that's her passed out in a puddle of her own pee :lol:

    Sorry Fawn! I still think this was a successful Valentine's day.

    For Iris... not so much. She really felt Aiyden's absence. :disappointed:

    I was so sad to get the notification that her time was coming to an end. When the romance festival came around I knew exactly what I had to do.

    Iris deserved to see at least one of her kids get married, so despite the pouring rain, Silas and Ashlynn were ready to tie the knot. (I uploaded Silas and Ashlynn)

    It was way less then ideal :lol: and I swear every sim nearby showed up with their umbrellas just to ruin this shot.

    Even the fireworks were kinda lame lol

    But at least Fawn and Iris got to attend the wedding. Even if Iris was supremely uncomfortable, I still think she was happy to be at her sons wedding.

    Love was apparently still in the air in Evergreen Harbor. Jonas called Fawn up for another date shortly after their 1st. (I can't remember where I downloaded his family from, but he was a child and his last name's Jewell. Is he anyone on here's sim? Just curious, he's super cute!)

    They ended up at the bowling alley in Willow Creek.

    Where they were big on the PDA.

    and Fawn finally got enough nerve to go in for her very 1st kiss! Jonas looked so scared :lol:

    but he quickly became comfortable with all the kissing :wink: they're now boyfriend and girlfriend, which completes phase 1 of Fawns Soulmate Aspiration. Next, become a YA and marry your BFF!

    There's 2 days left until Fawn becomes a YA. I still need to finish her house and pick a career for her! The pressure's on. I'll be back to comment later because I'm currently on a sims binge. I'm loving all the updates!
    Post edited by Heckstress17 on
    Origin ID:Heckstress17
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    Heckstress17Heckstress17 Posts: 2,306 Member
    I'm back for comments! :mrgreen:

    @debjameswhite - Your new kitties look so cute curled up together! I'm happy for you :heart:

    @OJenn - Jade looked so sad after her Valentine's day rejection. Fawn had that exact same thing happen to her. Aw Jordan :heart: I really hope magic happens between him and Jade. If I had kept playing my Willow Creek save he would've been my heir. But whoa Jade :lol: dreaming of babies already lol gotta find a man first! Atlas aged up handsomely (I need to see a side by side of him and @Mionax Ashton!). I still have a soft spot for your Iris mini me, but Jade is beautiful, and the floral designer career sounds fun. It's disappointing about the twins lack of scholarships, but Aiyden and Iris will take care of them. Amaya and Atlas make a cute couple. It's adorable that Amaya is dating her BFF's brother. I hope that means we'll still being seeing lots of them both. I'm looking forward to seeing Jade's college years. Are you planning to have her live on campus or move to her new house asap?

    @Mionax - Nice house tour! I like the living room with the keyboard and knitting table the most. The main bathroom is great too. I like the shower. Aw, Uncle Knox came over to talk the kids ears off :heart: Gotta love the guy. Ashton is such a great big brother/caregiver. I'm glad he survived his trip to the motive trials? :lol: Weird. Anyway, Mariam is such a responsible teen! I like that she conquered her social anxiety and voted at the community board. Seeing her meet and fall in love with Alek was so cute. He did look really angelic in that picture of him making a snow angel.

    @IllusoryThrall - Aiyden and Iris made nice quicker then I thought they would, but I'm not complaining. They've really been working hard, they deserve a little time for themselves. So it was good to see them share their 1st kiss and that cute selfie. I think Iris is having a positive effect on Aiyden already. He didn't even seem mad to be covered in paint from the fabricator lol. Their date night was nice to see too. Even if their waiter really set Aiyden off with his food fail :grimace: You can never go wrong with a romance festival proposal and wedding :heart: I just hope Big Moo doesn't turn into a problem.

    @JordanNicoleJJ - I'm sorry to hear your bf has a staff infection. That's serious stuff. Good thing it's being treated. Your quiet sims days are numbered! :lol: jk.

    What a beautiful wedding :love::love::love: *insert Panic At The Disco lyrics here* but seriously omg your destination wedding was so pretty :heart: All of the guest were sitting! The couple walked down the aisle together! You timed it to be at sunset!? How did you pull off this perfection?? Suri's mom though :joy: she's my spirit animal too. Little Ana is adorable. I'm so glad I get to see Iris be a Grandma. Anyway, omg there's a little vacation villa too?! Perfection! The coral reefs are so pretty. Did you ever get a new laptop? Your screenshots look amazing. I need a massage in a tropical paradise now too. Just not with Haven's masseuse lol poor guy. Hahaha those dance pics. Haven is living his best life for sure. I'm with him, do they have to leave? I vote for everyone to rebuild Sulani next lol! Seriously, all of your pictures are gorgeous :love: AND they have a baby on the way! Best update ever! 10/10 :lol: Are they almost adults?

    @Rhythrin - Aw, you're right, in the beginning Luana did seem to be having a happy pregnancy. Too bad the morning sickness kicked in. She still looks super pretty, even when miserable :lol: Poor Manu's fabricator was mean to him lol but Luana's fizzy drinks perked him right up. And how cute is that packaging?! I'm totally gonna mess around with fizzing now. I had no idea mermaid's had to swim once a day! Makes sense, and now her little hidden swimming grotto makes even more sense. Welcome baby Aylene! I am totally gonna misspell that name so I apologize ahead of time lol. Mom and Dad look so happy :love: even if Aylene isn't too fond of Daddy yet :lol: omg look how pretty Luana looks when she's about to break the baby news to Manu :heart: Their babies are gonna age up beautifully. Little Aylene looks just like her Dad! Look at those round cheeks! She's so cute. I can't wait to see how Kadri ages up. Great update! :smiley:
    Origin ID:Heckstress17
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    MionaxMionax Posts: 287 Member
    @Heckstress17 Silas aged up looking very nice. Wow he proposed. She said yes! Fawn is adorable even when she's face down and tail up. lol She's finding love too! They make a cute couple. Great wedding despite the party crashers with their evil umbrellas. Poor Iris. She looks so unhappy. I'm glad she got to live long enough to see her son's wedding. That's great how it worked out. Very good update!
    Origin ID:Mionax
    Origin #: madebymionax
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    MionaxMionax Posts: 287 Member
    edited August 2020
    Another update from Mionax News Desk...

    Alek stayed the night one night and it was nice for him to have a proper bed to sleep in. Ashton had taken the couch so Alek could have his room. Come breakfast time Ashton was not so much tired as he was sad. The time for him to leave the home was fast approaching. His little sister was growing up so fast. And with Alek there to help her...His thoughts were melancholy at best as he got ready for work.


    Mariam took a little while to knit before school while Alek ate a second helping of fruit salad. School always made her stressful. Knitting sometimes helped.


    With Ashton gone to work and Mariam at school, Alek cleaned up a bit and then headed out. He wanted to care for this family that had come to mean so much to him. Ashton was the coolest big brother and becoming a good friend to him. Mariam...oh what could be said about Mariam. She was his everything.



    Coming home from school for the very last time, as stressed as usual despite it being over, she decided to put what school and her big brother had taught her about finances. She organized the books and paid the bills for the first time. It was a real eye opener.


    Then she did some laundry. (...which I forgot to put into the dryer. Its still sitting there. :o:D )


    When Ashton came home from work to find everything had been done in his absence he knew it was time. But there was one thing more he needed to do on Mariam's behalf. Two days previously Alek had stopped by when Ashton was home and Mariam had just headed out to jog off some stress. There was an important question that he wanted to ask Ashton's sister and he asked for Ashton's blessing. Unbeknown to him he'd also gotten to know Mariam's parents and had gotten their blessing the day before. Alek wanted to do things right. Having received Ashton's knowing smile, handshake and then bro-hug and blessing the worry in Alek's features melted away. Now all he had to do was ask Mariam. He left before she came home.

    On Mariam's last day of school when she'd become a young adult (and so would he) he came again later in the evening to ask one last person this very special request. "Be my everything forever?" Her response was immediate and Alek's heart soared with joy and relief and love.


    Ashton with a knowing smile on his face came to congratulate his baby sister first with a handshake...


    And then with a big hug when the lump in his throat prevented him from expressing himself in that moment.


    She jogged to her parent's house to tell them the big news while Alek chatted with Ashton. They were delighted to hear the news and promised to help with all of the wedding expenses. Her parent's had gotten wealthy and could readily afford it which was a great relief to Mariam who now knew all too well how finances worked and how tight Ashton and her's was getting. Mariam jogged home in good spirits.


    The next day Alek came over again and both shared a cake that Mariam had baked. (sorry no pics) Here you can see Mariam and Alek's makeovers in CAS.




    The day of the wedding finally came and what should have been a sunny day turned into a sopping mess. (I forgot to check the weather on the calendar. oops) Her parent's spared no expense, even when Mariam asked to have the wedding in her own backyard.


    Here comes the wedding picture spam...






    They left a LOT of stuff in Mariam and Alek's household inventory. Enough to go well over 100k when most were sold. The rest was used.

    Now that Ashton's last quest to help his sister through the stresses of preparing for her wedding were over and Alek now moving in, it was time for Ashton to pack his things and make his quiet goodbyes with promises to visit and call. With Mariam's heart so full of happiness and love and very distracted with Alek, he felt this was the best way to depart. Giving his parent's both a hug, he kept his promise to them to keep Mariam safe and well. They were very proud of what he'd done for their youngest. For Mariam.

    Thus exits Ashton and now enters Alek into Mariam's life.
    Origin ID:Mionax
    Origin #: madebymionax
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    IllusoryThrallIllusoryThrall Posts: 1,335 Member
    @Mionax I'm going to miss Ashton, he was such a good big brother! I hope Mariam invites him over from time to time :smiley: What a gorgeous wedding, and Alek seems like a great catch for her!

    @Heckstress17 I've found that getting the "live in such and such town" scholarship seems to be hit or miss. I have only actually gotten it a couple of times despite applying for it with every university sim I've had. Dunno, maybe it's bugged? Silas and Ashlynn look so good together! Too bad about the rainy wedding ruined by umbrellas, it seems rainy weddings are going around this topic today. Oh, and I love Jonas, he's so cute! I have to congratulate Fawn on taking advantage of the moment and snatching him up!

    @Rhythrin Oh my goodness, I feel so badly for Luana's morning sickness. I had the same issue IRL (only I was sick basically all day every day) when I was pregnant with my son, and it's AWFUL. Luckily, the baby coming always seems to make everything all better again. Aylene is so cute! I love that hairstyle on toddlers. Congrats on getting so much played! You were definitely on a roll!

    @JordanNicoleJJ I adored the destination wedding. I wish I had thought of something like that with my stories, but I'm always in such a hurry to get sims moving on with their life I get the cute wedding pics and forget about making it special. Oops. I had to laugh out loud at the adults getting a little too happy at the bar while the toddler ran the other way. I'm glad that wasn't me getting that deep tissue massage - it just looked horribly painful! I would have spent the rest of the day relaxing, too! Oh, and I'm so glad to hear your bf is Covid-clear. I bet that's a huge weight off your shoulders!

    @debjameswhite Your new kitties are so adorable!! Congrats on the new household members! It's always funny how other pets in the household react to additions. I hope things settle down quickly. (Of course, that's not including chasing after kittens .. that'll keep you occupied for a while, I think.)
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    KiwicantdieKiwicantdie Posts: 1,305 Member
    Back for the updates! I just love the amount of notifications I'm getting from all of you <3
    Also, my relatives got back home sooner, so I had time to sims-binge. I'll update later!

    @OJenn I still have a few vacation time left, I just hope that my relatives let me breathe and enjoy it. Is it weird that I loved lockdown just 'cause I didn't get swarmed by their weekly visits? :joy: My September exam session is right behind the corner :grimace: but this thread comes first. It's been months since I felt like playing the game all day long.
    Can I just say that you seem to have had such a unique genetic blend in your twins, compared to the other Greene fams in others' games? It was already clear when they were kiddos, but now as teens they stand up even more! Poor Jade and her bad love day. That pic of her having diaper related thoughts almost killed me :joy: maybe she's thinking about babysitting?? :joy: I love how both Jade and Atlas turned out, especially their traits! What a bummer with the scholarships! I hope that she'll get it later on. I love that Amaya and Atlas finally got together <3 they're definitely the cutest!

    @Heckstress17 kudos to you and your son for going through virtual kindergarten. I know that it's the least ideal thing for you and for him. I really hope that in a few months things get better over there... lockdown worked for us, so I hope and pray that getting to the fall and winter won't worsen the situation. It will for sure here in Italy, but I'm crossing my fingers for all of us, wherever we live.
    I'm bummed that you too seemed to not get any scholarship for Silas. Must be another bug! Anyway, Silas became such a cutie as a young adult! I totally agree that he grew into his facial features! I almost lost it at superangryghost!Aiyden looking at Silas' college acceptance :joy: he's mad even from the grave lol. Silas and Ashlynn looked adorable together, I can't really blame them for wanting to jump right into the shower together to, uhm, celebrate young adulthood :joy: -poor Fawn, tho! She seems like you're making her grind sooo much! I totally didn't expect to see Selene in your game! :love: omg she looks soo good, I miss her so much :bawling: (I still can't believe I didn't pick her as my heir 🐸🐸🐸🐸 :joy: ) I'm glad to know that she'll hang out with Fawn a lot <3 Look, the moment I saw Jonas I was like "that's the one!" :joy: can you blame me? Silas and Ashlynn's proposal and then wedding was kind of a surprise but not really? I was anticipating it, but I was still surprised to see it happen so fast! Btw that view from San Myshuno's restaurant is STUNNING :flushed: for a second I almost couldn't recognize the place. I totally called Fawn and Jonas, tho :mrgreen: I mean, he even gifted her a rose?? I can't believe that their date ended up with her passing out in her own pee, tho :joy::bawling: poor Fawn! (I can't wait for her to be a young adult, tho!)

    @Mionax nice house tour! It looks really spacious! I hate open floor plans 'cause I never know how to decorate them, but you did a great job with it! The furniture looks really well placed <3 omg Savanna's call tho :joy: what was that???? I wouldn't trust it in a million years :joy: omg Ashton's poor needs :bawling: he looked so happy tho, so I hope everything went well for him, wherever he went. Oooooh look at Mariam and Aleksey! Poor Mariam was so smelly :sweat_smile:so relatable? that gift was really sweet. Yay for the new romance <3 Alek seemed to be such a good roommate too, not just a romantic interest, you could see that he totally wanted to give back to them. It was nice seeing Mariam grow up and learn just how many responsabilities one has as an adult sim <3 Ashton is such a cool bigger brother! It's nice that he was so involved in Mariam's teen years, almost in a parent-like role. You did so good with their young adult makeovers! Mariam's such a good looking sim :flushed: the wedding was super nice, despite the weather. Here in Italy we say that if it rains on your wedding day, you're one super lucky bride :mrgreen:

    @IllusoryThrall I love that your Greenes were struggling to get along in the beginning <3 that pic of super dirty & tired Iris spoke to me :joy: the grind is real. I'm not sure why I didn't expect them to get to the boyfriend-girlfriend kind of relationship so soon, but hey, of course they would :wink: their date at the restaurant was so cute. Lol I felt for the poor waiter, I know what it feels like messing up that bad. OMG a proposal already?? Wow, their relationship really did skyrocket at the speed of light :grimace: I love it!

    @JordanNicoleJJ I'm glad to hear that your bf tested negative! I hope he'll recover soon. What a year we're all having... :cold_sweat:
    I'm actually enjoying your MCCC drama a lot lol. Did you enable cheating/divorcing in the settings or were Suri's parents not actually married? It happened to me a few times, when I created a partner's background family, to forget to make the parents married and then MCCC swooped in and split the household :joy: God, I just hope that the devs fix the eco footprint issue sooner than later. At this rate I might not even see it fixed before I finish the whole 10 gens in Evergreen Harbor *facepalm*
    OMG that Sulani wedding :flushed: so gorgeous! The whole setting, the light, the sunset, the fitting clothing, all of it was so perfect for these two!! <3 I especially enjoy the fact that the soontobe :mrgreen: grandparents could be there <3 Haven is such a lucky sim, I'll just never get over how gorgeous Suri is! Extending the wedding to a honeymoon was such a good idea! How could they ever get back to Evergreen Harbor after experiencing Sulani? I totally feel Haven for wanting to stay, or at least to get back to Sulani once they're old. The spa was also such a great idea! I'm getting a lot of good building ideas for the time I'll play 10 gens in Sulani, I'll definitely make sure to credit you :mrgreen: look at that steamy waterfall woohoo :smirk: I KNEW it had to lead to nooboo! I can't wait to see their fam growing, really!

    @Rhythrin Luana looked adorable as pregnant sim <3 buuuuut I totally get her first sickness. All of my female sims somehow get super sick during pregnancy and they seem to go through hell or something. Multicolored Manu looked amazing instead :mrgreen: the strawberry Fizz looked so yummy, I almost wanted to taste it myself. Omg they had a little girl :bawling: welcome, Aleyne! You'll be a big sister before you even know it :tongue: Btw, you did such an amazing job with the nursery, I love the color scheme! It's something I would have never gone for and you made it look so great! Kadri's room looked amazing too! Aleyne looked like the most adorable toddler ever!! Her chubby cheeks :bawling: so precious!
    Origin ID: Kiwicantdie
    Willow Creek | Evergreen Harbor
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    KiwicantdieKiwicantdie Posts: 1,305 Member
    Evergreen Harbor: Update 4

    Ok, so, last time I left with the arrival of unexpected twins Max and Maddy. Aiyden and Iris' lives got much much busier than before, maybe for the better (maybe for the worst?), definitely not for their overall energy.


    Being a lazy sim, Iris seemed to be suffering the most. Her energy bar was constantly depleted since she was awakened at night every other hour, for either food or diapers.


    Noticing the trouble she was going through, Aiyden stepped up his game and started taking care of the majority of the house chores, cowplant included.


    Don't do it bro, it's not safe :joy:


    He also ground a lot to get a promotion, tho, and his fabricator got really tired of being overworked.





    For the few hours that Iris managed to be awake, he also did his best to take care of the newborns to let her work on her Plopsy. They needed the money still, so she had to ship at least something every now and then. They couldn't really afford the parenting only sort of lifestyle.


    The "first time parents" phase didn't go well, as you can imagine :joy: it took only 24 hours from the twins' birth for them to reach the peak of stress.


    ... thankfully, there's a super fast way to relieve stress in game :joy:


    It was the middle of the night when I noticed time suddenly slowing down and lights turning on in the kitchen, and I found this:


    @debjameswhite Lia got inside the house uninvited, past midnight, to get cake's ingredients out of the fridge :joy: she immediately put them down on the coffee table.


    Then exited the front door :joy:


    Got back inside from the back door :joy:


    Reached the fridge once again :joy:


    And put the ingredients on the coffee table a second time, before leaving for good :joy:


    She left before Iris or Aiyden could wake up to ask what the heck she was doing, strutting towards her house without a care in the world :joy:


    Maybe all she wanted was to surprise the twins with twin cakes? After all, it was their birthday that very morning. I couldn't with this pic :joy: look at Max floating upwards like he's being summoned by the aliens :joy:


    Max got the Inquisitive trait, while Maddy got the Charming one. I found them really fitting for their personalities. Also, thanks to the inheritable freckles mod that @JordanNicoleJJ suggested, they both got the cheek mole from mama Iris! (and freckles, obviously, though of different kind). It's too early to tell how they'll look like, but at first glance it's obvious that Aiyden's genes are all over the twins. Maddy got Iris' eyes, though, while Max seems to be slightly lighter in his skin tone.



    @debjameswhite I also got this notification later on that same day! I thought it was so nice for them to adopt!


    ... if Aiyden thought that dealing with toddlers could be less stressful in any way, he soon realized how wrong he was.


    Max and Maddy were immediately sent off to the toddler skill grind and I'm not even sorry about it.


    Maddy has a super cheerful and bubbly personality, but she has a few "single child" moments that betray some sort of inner diva.


    Max, on the other hand, sticks quite well to his inquisitive trait and gives off totally chill and quiet vibes. He's a really well-behaved little kiddo, not necessarily shy but really calm.


    Due to Aiyden's work requirements, I had to take the family back to the community space shortly after the twins aged up. Let's just say that I should have not brought Max and Maddy along... :tongue:


    Maddy was super bummed about the smell and the trash. Plus, there was nothing for them to do but throw paint on the floor or just fall asleep on the ground.


    Max seemed to be ok or, at the very least, be completely oblivious of the mess he was thrown into, as he got to spend some time playing with dad after he had rummaged through the trash.


    ... poor Maddy didn't have a good time, at all. First she fell asleep on the ground...


    Then she got woken up by her brother, which she immediately attacked and bit.



    If you're asking where Iris was in the meantime, well, she just crashed in the woohoo/pee bush, too tired to function or to even care.


    When they got back home later that evening, she was still too tired to make it to the bed.



    Outside, the cowplant was ready for someone's flesh :joy:
    "Aiydeeeeeeeeeeen, do you like cake?"


    Trying to make up for the horrible night at the community trash-dump space, Iris and Aiyden decided to bring the kiddos to Willow Creek for a day out at the park. Summer had just begun and the sun, thankfully, was shining. Apparently, the weather outside was so nice that even ghosts had to get out to bask in the light :joy:


    Here's a few pics of them enjoying Willow Creek's fresh air + the twins being adorable at the playground.




    Aiyden also had a chance to work on his logic skill to get that promotion. He met a familiar face :wink:


    Max and Maddy have a really interesting relationship. I wouldn't say that they're besties, at all. They get along really well, besides a couple of hiccups, but they seem to be quite... in their own lane, in a sense? As if they're two single children living parallel lives together, under the same roof. I don't know if I'm making any sense, but I feel this way. Max pays attention to Maddy when she's speaking to him, but for the rest of the time he doesn't even mind about her and he's focused in learning his own things. Maddy has this "single child" attitude and seems to believe that her twin brother's there only by accident :joy:



    They get to play together a lot, tho. Especially now that's summer and they can go play with the sprinkler. They don't (and won't ever) get a pool, so that's the only water fun they can get besides taking baths.


    A: "Hi, lovely cowplant! Would you please eat this nice fish I just cooked for you rather than just chomp on one of my kiddos?"


    A few more pics of Maddy 'cause she's so cute.



    And a few of Max 'cause he's adorable.




    But of course, things had to get much harder. As I was minding my own business with 3x speed on during the night, Iris suddenly got out of bed in a cloud of confetti. Yup. Pregnant, again. And again, an oopsie baby from me getting too lazy to fix their own fun/social needs and getting them to woohoo to make them happier asap. It's all my fault.


    Never again. I'm sorry, Iris & Aiyden. I know you're still young and healthy, but that's the last time I'll get you two to woohoo, ever.
    *the face you make when you have two under one-year-olds in da house and realize that there are even more mouths to feed coming*


    She had to break the news to Aiyden, obviously, and... well, let's just say that it wasn't as tragic as the first time.


    That very same ominous morning, I made another horrible discovery. The cowplant, somehow, had died. It's really weird, because I made sure to feed it so often, even when the cake was not out! At least Aiyden's safe now??


    After learning about her second (and last, please, dear god) pregnancy, Iris got back to work on the onesies that the twins were never able to wear. When Maddy and Max were newborns, she hadn't reached the knitting level to unlock the onesies. This time, I wanted her to be ready.


    Also, later that night we got a super unexpected visit?? @Heckstress17 Jace came knocking on the front door for whatever reason? I don't even remember the Greenes ever meeting him! Iris didn't even know he was a vampire, so she even let him inside to see what he might have wanted.


    ... he immediately went back to fix the water sprinkler :joy: and that's it :joy: I mean- good job, Jace!


    And that's it. After one scary moment when I thought he might be wanting to feed on Iris, he transformed into a bat and flew away.
    You better run, Jace. Pablita might start wondering where you went.


    Having toddlers to take care of made it so that Iris' pregnancy flew by. Before I could get into the mindset of having more toddlers in the house, she was already in her third trimester.


    She got into the habit of waddling downtown to go and sit on the furthest away possible bench :joy: why??? Maybe she wanted to exercise a little?


    I mean- I can't really blame her. The view was... well, maybe not beautiful, but definitely nice.


    She was also able to meet more townies that way, without having to go back to the trashy community space. She had a chance to vote on transforming it into a maker space, and that's what she did. @Heckstress17 might recognize a familiar face, which came to vote all the way from Willow Creek :wink:



    Aiyden was slightly stressed and worried about his wife's new habit. He knew that she could take care of herself, but she was also about to give birth. Plus, he didn't love being alone in the house and having to look after Max and Maddy all by himself, while she was out socializing.


    One thing was sure: Iris' waddling speed wasn't fast enough for her to walk all the way back home from downtown to the bathroom.



    The other only sure thing were Lia's break-ins :joy::joy::joy: she just couldn't help but sneak inside the Greene's house uninvited and take the cake's ingredients out of the fridge, always in the middle of the night. This is Aiyden catching the "cake spirit" on the fourth or fifth night :joy:


    Not many hours after having sent Lia home, Iris went into labor and I started sweating profusely.


    Thankfully, it was only one!


    A happy sparkly pic for a happy sparkly single birth!


    - aaaand Aiyden bolted out of the room before I could get him to come and meet his son :joy: I guess he'll sleep voluntarily on the couch, just to prevent being awakened from his sleep.


    This time I was ready: Iris had actually knitted a new onesie!



    That's all for now, I think I've spammed enough. I'll end this update with one last thing for @debjameswhite <3 MCCC hasn't married them yet, but it seems to get things right?

    Origin ID: Kiwicantdie
    Willow Creek | Evergreen Harbor

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