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Midnight Hollow, The Ballan Family


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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    @AlexaKry Hehe, I had several scenerio's I was thinking about, but I kinda liked going with the soulmate one the best. There will be more stuff about soulmates in future episodes of the story as well, so I don't want folks to forget about the soulmates.

    @emorrill Thanks! It was hard to decide which way to go but I liked this version the best of what I wrote out.

    @AbellaKellaher Yaay! Lovely to see you here!
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member
    @AlexaKry I am anxious to start that part too! These guys keep sidetracking me with deaths, ghosts, babies and resurrections. lol
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    Midnight Hollow, The Ballan Family
    Adam's Quest

    Jennifer woke up as Marshall arrives home from his night out hunting with Adam. She welcomes him home with hugs and kisses and sends him to bed alone. They have a busy day ahead of them and she wanted him to get a nap before they leave town. She takes a shower, dresses and heads downstairs to start breakfast. The house is quiet and she is the only one up. She feels a little queasy and fixes a cup of tea her Mom always said would settle an upset stomach. She sips the tea while she fixes breakfast. She decides to try her hand at French toast and found a fresh apple to use in the mix. Everyone eventually arrives downstairs and enjoys the French toast to start off the morning.

    They pack up all their personal belongings and catch a late afternoon flight to Shang Simla arriving early the next morning. Flora looks at the map on the base camp boards to find the tomb her soulmate had been exploring. She points to the Halls of the Lost Army. "That's it! He said it was in the main part of The Forbidden City."
    Victor spent quite a bit of time in China over the years and built a splendid home in the outskirts of Shang Simla a few centuries ago. Autumn used it as a base when she explored in China. Alice suggested they stay there as it would allow more privacy. Arriving at the house, Alice assigns bedrooms and they toss their suitcases in them and regroup in the living room to discuss plans. Alice thinks to herself that her Mom must not have ever stayed here or this place would surely be a lot prettier and more colorful.

    Adam explains to Flora that he would prefer she not accompany them to the tomb. He wants to be sure there are no further hidden dangers in the tomb before allowing any of the women in the tomb. He met with some resistance from the ladies, but reminded Alice that it was not just her life at stake. Tombs can be very dangerous. Flora's soulmate was an experienced adventurer and he still became a casualty of the tomb. Flora agrees to wait and convinces Alice, Jennifer and Wisteria to explore the town and collect some supplies they might need.

    They go to town and walk around the beautiful streets looking at the sights and meeting a few of the locals. Soon it is time for the guys to go. Alice reminds Adam to be careful. She looks at Dedric and whispers "Keep him safe." Dedric smiles and nods. "We will be ok. Please don't worry. It's not good for the baby."

    The building has been closed since the last explorer disappeared in it. Adam talks to a local official to get permission to go inside. Marshall chats with the officials wife asking her about local legends in the hopes he could get an idea for a book based in this region. The official tells Adam there was a bad rock slide and several areas have collapsed. He had some workers go in and start shoring up the walls, but that work has not been completed yet. They were not able to enter the collapsed area to even retrieve the body of the explorer.
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @bekkasan Nice update :smile: It is a shame that the Tomb is too dangerous to enter
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    AlexaKryAlexaKry Posts: 2,706 Member
    bekkasan wrote: »
    Midnight Hollow, The Ballan Family
    Adam's Quest


    "one apple to feed them all!" I always wonder how less ingredients they need to make meals!

    Another great update!
    :D But all women have to stay out of the tombs and go shopping instead? Isn´t this a bit old-fashioned? ;)
    I wonder what they´ll discover!!
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    Midnight Hollow, The Ballan Family
    Adam's Quest

    Permission was granted to enter the tomb. Adam is very persuasive when he needs to be, and a large donation to a Shang Simla charity for orphaned dragons sealed the deal. They easily make their way through the upper areas of the underground tomb since the explorer had already opened these areas of the tomb. They reached the area where the collapse occurred and a huge pile of rocks is baring their way. Adam, Marshall and Dedric move the statues out of the way and then tackle the rocks that are blocking something in the corner of the room.

    Adam works tirelessly, attacking the rocks repeatedly with the pickaxe and manages to bring the pile down a little bit. Marshall takes over and helps to bring the pile of rocks down. Dedric takes a turn and chips away at the rock pile until it is small enough that the last few rocks fall into the hole that was covered by the huge pile of rocks. A ladder that is remarkably intact leads down into another level of the tomb.

    Meanwhile, the ladies finish their shopping in town and carry the supplies back to the house. They venture out to a place on the tourist map called The Scholars Garden enjoying the beauty of the gardens and fishing to catch a few of the exotic fish that are swimming in the waters.

    This new area is much older than the rooms above. The walls are dirt and the ground is covered with small rocks and dirt. They read a plaque hung on the dirt wall warning intruders from entering this area of the tomb. They turn and walk over to a backpack and tent that is still wrapped in its canvas carry bag. Dedric searches the backpack and finds it belongs to the man they seek. Bryce Torra. Across the room caught under a rock slide is a skeleton. An urn with the remains of Bryce Torra mark the spot of his death. Adam looks at the urn. "I hope Alice can bring him back. It seems unfair that he and Flora did not get to spend their lives together." Marshall and Dwight nod in solemn agreement.
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    @king_of_simcity7 oh, Adam finds a way! Thanks for commenting.

    @AlexaKry Thanks for commenting! lol...I knew someone would call me on keeping the girls out even though I explained why. :lol: I'm old and am a bit old fashioned at times. If Alice had not been pregnant might be different. was hard enough controlling the three guys in the tomb, can't imagine all 7 as they went through. It was bad enough making sure the 4 ladies were not out finding new boyfriends or flirting in Shang Simla! :tongue: I finally made them go fishing to keep them busy.
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @bekkasan Interesting update with the tomb :smile: The skeleton on the floor reminds me of Tomb Raider where you knew that you where somewhere dangerous! I like how the girls are just fishing while the men do all the hard work :D
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    AlexaKryAlexaKry Posts: 2,706 Member
    @bekkasan : you´re right with controlling more than one Sim while exploring a tomb: it is a nightmare!
    But the division into boys and girls made me chuckle! :D
    I would have thought that Wisteria would have gone with them, at least one of them should be able to think properly! ;)
    But the boys were lucky that they just had to use their muscles to find Flora´s soulmate! B)
    Hopefully Alice can help again!
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    PuddinroyPuddinroy Posts: 4,451 Member
    @bekkasan: Awesome updates. I love the update with the tomb. I'm enjoying the story.
    :) Smile!

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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    @AlexaKry :smiley: yes, that is true they did get to use their muscles and didn't have too many puzzles to solve.

    @Puddinroy Hi! Thanks for commenting. I'm glad you are enjoying it.
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    Midnight Hollow, The Ballan Family
    Adam's Quest

    Having found Bryce, Flora's soulmate, Marshall, Dedric and Adam make sure this area of the tomb is safe by shoring up the walls and checking for any traps. They finish the work and return home and get a good nights sleep. They awaken refreshed and after a good breakfast the household goes to the tomb. Flora is distraught and falls to her knees at the sight of her loved one's bones lying under the rocks. "Oh how he must have suffered!" she exclaims. "He did not tell me how he died, just that he died in a tomb." Wisteria provides a soothing aura to help Flora with this moment.

    Dedric helps her to stand and she turns to Alice pleading with her to bring him back to her. Alice promises to do her best and she tells them she will do it this evening. Alice decides not to wait until the next full moon. She feels stronger in her witchcraft, and with the support of her friends she knows she does not need to wait to do the ritual.

    They enjoy being tourists while waiting for evening to come. They all had a desire to see the local cemetery so they followed the guidebook to the cemetery. It is very peaceful and serene place by day, with gorgeous views of the surroundings. After touring the cemetery they decide to go to the Hot Springs and swim to cool off and relax. Adam and Dedric examine the huge boulder blocking a portion of the entrance to the Hot Springs. A puzzle they do not have time to solve this trip. Dedric and Wisteria have a hold your breath contest and Dedric won. He stayed down there so long Wisteria was afraid he would drown. They enjoyed the day exploring and relaxing, and finally going back to the house for dinner. Wisteria made mushroom omelets, one of the new recipes she learned. She had picked up fresh mushrooms and eggs from the market while they were in town yesterday. There is so much to do in Shang Simla that they decide they would love to come back someday.

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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    Sad how they found Bryce :( Nice scenes of Shang Simlar at the end though
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member
    @king_of_simcity7 Thanks for the comments. It was sad, but necessary.
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    AlexaKryAlexaKry Posts: 2,706 Member
    bekkasan wrote: »
    Midnight Hollow, The Ballan Family
    Adam's Quest

    Isn't it interesting, that suddenly all of them can eat with sticks? 😀
    Hopefully Alice knows how strong she really is! It is very dangerous to resurrect someone! She has to take care!!! 😱😱
    Poor Flora! But there is hope!
    What a beautiful cementary, I've never been at the cementary in China, I didn't even know there is one! 😁
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    @bekkasan It was a joy coming back to the forum and being able to read 2 new chapters of Adam's Quest. :mrgreen:
    Permission was granted to enter the tomb. Adam is very persuasive when he needs to be, and a large donation to a Shang Simla charity for orphaned dragons sealed the deal.
    ^I knew they'd find a way to get in! And Adam has been learning persuasive tricks from his father in law huh? :smirk:
    Orphaned Dragons. :lol: That's really cute. :blush:
    Having just explored this tomb ;) (Not really, It's been a few months, but I took a bunch of pictures and relived it. :p ) I don't remember there being a pile of rubble in the middle of all those statues...?
    A ladder! :open_mouth: Wait...lady you added this room addition to the tomb for your story didn't you?? :smiley: SWEET!
    Yeah you'll have no trouble breaking all that rubble up with your physique Marshall! :love:
    Aww, it's nice to see the ladies are enjoying each other's company at the Scholar's Garden. (Regarding something that was mentioned earlier) I had no problem with the men wanting the women to stay behind while they took care of things. ;) To me, that was showing how much they love their ladies and were being gentlemen. And not to mention Adam wanting to protect Alice from anything that could harm their unborn child, I can totally understand that. <3 Anyhoo... :p
    The way you staged Bryce's remains there...awesome! :star: Though it would be very sad to happen upon in real life. :(
    Flora is distraught and falls to her knees at the sight of her loved one's bones lying under the rocks. "Oh how he must have suffered!" she exclaims. "He did not tell me how he died, just that he died in a tomb."
    ^Aww. :cry:
    Sweet of Wisteria to give her a comforting aura in that moment. <3
    I'm glad Alice feels strong enough to do what she needs to do now. I doubt Flora would be able to wait until the next full moon! :(
    I LOVE Shang Simla's cemetery. :star: So unique and pretty.
    Yeah the Pangu's Axe quest is a bit lengthy. ;)
    Love this picture of them all chillin' :blush:
    I can't wait to see how Bryce looks ;) and the joy on Flora, and everyone else's, faces when she sees him in the flesh. <3
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,801 Member
    @bekkasan Comments are for pages 11 and 12.
    I still love the idea that Rafe turned his ship into a casino.
    I'm hoping that Seth and Shea do end up together.
    Christina is a cute little girl.
    Fairy wings must be a great conversation starter.
    Seth and Shea just make a great couple.
    Looks like Rafe and Autumn had a good time exploring tombs together.
    Glad to see Seth and Shea also did some exploring.
    Great pictures of the Temple!
    Beautiful wedding!
    Looks like Seth and Shea are having a nice honeymoon with Rafe and Autumn gone camping.
    Oh no, poor Seth! I do remember him being cursed when I first started posting on the forums.
    Too bad destroying the mummy wouldn't end the curse.
    Interesting, I can't wait for Seth and Shea to have a child. I'm interested in this seer thing.
    Loved all the updates on these two pages! Once I get to what I remember, I probably won't comment on the posts until I get to the latest ones that I haven't read yet. I'm really looking forward to getting caught up so I can fully enjoy the story.
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    @AlexaKry Thanks so much for commenting! I love seeing them eat with the chopsticks.
    The cemetery is really beautiful. It was designed on a hill and the views from it are just so gorgeous.

    @emorrill Thanks so much for commenting!
    Yes, I didn't want to mess up one of the bigger tombs so I decided to just add a room below the one in the city for the trapped room that her soulmate was in. I had to hide the ladder, wasn't enough room to build a staircase, so rubble from a rock slide hide that quite well.

    @Brandontaylor I'm glad you are enjoying the story and it does make the stuff happening now make more sense. Thanks for commenting. I was happy that Seth and Shea got together. I think they make a cute couple.
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member
    edited September 2019
    Midnight Hollow, The Ballan Family
    Adam's Quest

    They gather at the tomb as the sun begins to sink in the sky and make their way into the lower levels. Alice and Dedric set the protection spells. Wisteria and Dedric surround the group with their auras. Alice starts her chant, and suddenly the urn jumps and shakes and rattles and soars up into the air circling around and around. "The urn is haunted!"she shouts. Alice stops the ritual. She turns to Flora who is patiently waiting on a bench. "I'm sorry, we must take it to consecrated grounds to get rid of the haunt." Alice picks up the urn and Adam leads the way out of the building. They find their way to the local cemetery quickly having visited the cemetery on their tour earlier today.

    Alice quickly gets rid of the haunt that was in the urn with a simple vanishing spell and consigns it to the mausoleum where it can inflict no harm. She decides to complete the ritual here rather than go back into the tomb. It is extremely close to dawn to make the trek back to the tomb. They gather once more with the protection spells in place and the aura's surrounding them. She resumes the ritual asking all witches past and present to help support the group. She begins her chant of restoration and calls forth Bryce Torra. The restoration spell seems to be working. The window between the two worlds is opening. A ghostly man miraculously appears out of the swirling mist directly in front of Alice. "How do you do?" he politely asks with a charming smile. "Such a beautiful young one to be calling forth ghosts. I see you have many brave lads and beautiful lasses with you. Bryce Torra at your service. Are you perhaps Alice?" He bows a courtly bow to each of the ladies in the group.

    Flora dashes up from where she had been sitting nervously, nearly bowling him over as she throws herself into his eager arms. He eagerly embraces her tightly as she exclaims joyfully, "Bryce! oh Bryce!" With a happy sigh she snuggles into his arms so happy to have his ghostly arms about her.
    Bryce, happily hugs her back and murmurs sweet words into her ears. "Your dear friends came through for you. It is astonishing to be back in the world of the living my beautiful Flora."

    Adam takes charge and gets everyone moving back to the house. They settle in the dining room talking about the nights adventures and going back to Moonlight Falls as soon as possible. Alice is in the kitchen fixing up one more batch of Ambrosia.

    She sets it on the table and invites Bryce to sit down and eat it. He looks around at the group and shrugs his shoulders. "I guess I will have an audience for this transition."
    "Yes sir", Alice tells him. "We don't want anything to go wrong."

    Bryce finishes the dish and feels an unusual warmth spreading through him. He has been so cold these last few weeks.

    Bryce touches his face and realizes he has come back to life. He is jubilant! He turns and takes Flora in his arms giving her a very passionate kiss which she returns with just as much passion.

    The group watches the passionate reunion of the older couple with awe. Dedric looks over at Adam and grins. "Maybe we better just wait and leave in the morning."
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    @bekkasan I was so happy to see a new story update posted from you! :smiley:
    Alrighty, the resurrection begins. :star:
    Alice starts her chant, and suddenly the urn jumps and shakes and rattles and soars up into the air circling around and around.
    ^Oh my gosh I could totally picture that! :grin: You wrote that well.
    Haunted? :flushed: Why does that worry me......
    (Marshall's face looks so cute in that second picture <3 )
    Oh thank goodness Alice was able to get rid of the haunt. :relieved:
    "How do you do?" he politely asks with a charming smile. "Such a beautiful young one to be calling forth ghosts. I see you have many brave lads and beautiful lasses with you. Bryce Torra at your service. Are you perhaps Alice?" He bows a courtly bow to each of the ladies in the group.
    ^Aww, what a lovely gentleman he sounds like. :blush:
    Reading that moment of Flora jumping into his arms and the words they exchanged got me a little teary-eyed. :'-) Such a beautiful reunion! <3
    Bring on the ambrosia! :mrgreen:
    He looks around at the group and shrugs his shoulders. "I guess I will have an audience for this transition."
    "Yes sir", Alice tells him. "We don't want anything to go wrong."
    ^ :lol: Cute. :blush:
    Aww, he's so happy! He's a good lookin' older fairy guy. ;) And he totally looks like an legit explorer in that garb. :p
    Lovely kiss! <3
    Dedric looks over at Adam and grins. "Maybe we better just wait and leave in the morning."
    ^ :smirk:
    I loved this part of the story so much! <3 I look forward to the next one!
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member
    @emorrill I am glad you enjoyed the update. It was a fun one to write. I love happy endings and he and Flora deserved one.
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @bekkasan Congratulations to Alice for bringing Bryce back :smile:
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    AlexaKryAlexaKry Posts: 2,706 Member
    @bekkasan : as @emorrill already said: Bryce sounds like a nice, polite (English?) gentleman!
    And Flora was so happy! <3
    Hopefully they´ll have a few wonderful centuries together!
    But the haunting makes me suspicious!! Hopefully Alice did her job correctly!! :o
    Looking forward for the next chapter!
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    @king_of_simcity7 Thanks for the comment. She's getting stronger in her magic. :smiley:

    @AlexaKry Thanks so much for commenting. Yes, I kinda pictured him as an old fashioned gent from the Sim Isles. With one of those accents that everything he says just sounds so lovely. :wink:
    Flora was very happy. I think you will like my next update. I need to get busy writing it.
    The haunting was kind of a funny accident, but I liked the picture of the urn floating around so added it to the story. :lol:
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