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The Sims 4: Werewolves - Official Screenshot Thread


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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,035 Member
    While Lux was pregnant, I tried to keep her happy. She was struggling with rage, nausea, hunger, fatigue and aches all at the same time. 😣
    Things didn't always go so well. Bigby and Lux visited the Chapel Lounge where they got married, and Blossom the elderly bartender died. 😯
    It was a grave experience. 😉
    So Lux thought she'd present a werewolf comedy routine. Very well received. 😄
    Singing to the fox, not so much. 🙄
    But her werewolf friends were there for her. 🙂
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    ShaeShae Posts: 303 Member
    @Shae I'm sure he's just jealous of how pretty your vampire and wants tips on how to make his hair look so

    Aww, Greg shouldn't be jealous. His glow-up is coming soon, LOL! I tend to make over my main NPCs so they can fit in with the overall aesthetic of my game.

    Just a visually impaired gamer who enjoys taking ordinary Sims and making them extraordinary.
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    @lanlyn oh okay hmm maybe a coincidence it would be nice if we could add all the pack things to our clubs to make our own packs but it is nice you can control that so well. I can't wait to see their babies they are so cute together.
    @Shae I am also looking forward to that too, that is always a fun way to go.
    First I was in a different house and panned over wanting my sim to talk to Lou and saw mama not so dearest tried to bully her way to the center of attention. Like...what are you doing? Go away.
    I really like the passing over of leadership, like showing your neck in this pose like you trust them with your life and more, I guess is the feel for me anyways. Wolfgang was so proud.
    Rory was really down about being weak without the feud with her family to push her along maybe it's time for a break, he assures her she's just as amazing now as she was when they met.
    She has been fixing up the cabin to be a better home for their family she didn't think she'd enjoy nesting but it worked well for her.
    Meanwhile Knox is trying to remind Lou that it was the pair of them for so long they can't just switch sides.

    "She's not really the same person...people change in relationship."

    "and looking at you sometimes it's for the best." he had to butter him up this was much more a family than he was used to after all, why throw it away.
    I didn't get any notes of what they were feeling and they could talk but only got to take a little sliver of hate away....they'll make do for those around them who knows why they are like this now they've always been close.

    Maybe I can fix it.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    MaggieMarleyMaggieMarley Posts: 5,299 Member
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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,035 Member
    edited July 2022
    Once Lux and Bigby had gained some parenting skills and had become good friends with Randel, I aged him up to toddler. I gave him the Wild trait because his parents are also active and restless. I quickly chose better outfits for him in CAS. After that, he waddled straight outside and babbled to a plant. 😄
    His genetics surprised me. He didn't look too much like his parents. For one thing, his skin was darker. He does have the same eye color as Bigby. And his hair is red, which comes from his mother's natural root hair color, not the styled highlighted colors.
    Randel: "Are you reawwy my daddy?" 🙁
    Bigby: "Sure thing, kid. Now let's teach you to howl like a big wolf."
    Bigby: "That's my boy!" 😊
    By that time, Randel was tired. He headed for the play tent and curled up to sleep.
    When he woke up, he immediately shed his clothes. 😯
    Randel's first solid meal, a ham and cheese sandwich.
    Bigby didn't care for potty training. It must have hurt his sensitive nose. 😆
    A bedtime story and the end of Randel's first day exploring the world.
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,159 Member
    Today was a big day in the Howell household. No it wasn't the fact that Lou made it through the day without setting anything on fire. Today was Evie's birthday. Everybody was there except for Aunt Rory who couldn't make it but told Ava and Lou to bring Evie by the hangout after her party. The day started off the usual manner, with Ava in the gym. Except when I caught up to her she wasn't working out, she has engaged in some headbanging. Ava has developed a taste for metal music when she works out.

    Ava got busy making two birthday cakes. She only intended to make one, but...

    You guessed it, Lou things happened. He might have made through an entire day with setting fire to anything, but he can't stay out of trouble. Seems he couldn't wait for Evie and he ate a big piece of her cake before the birthday girl had a chance. That man can't stay out of trouble.

    The birthday girl blows out the candles

    And gets a big birthday hug from mom

    The moon is so pretty, just like Evie. She looks up at the moon and for the first time in her short life she begins to understand the importance of it in her life ahead.

    Aunt Rory gives Evie the honor of choosing that night's color for the sacred Wildfangs bonfire

    Even though Evie is a legacy, Rory officially welcomes her into the Wildfangs circle. For now Evie is only a friend of the pack and she can't wait to become a full member. All things in due time child, you'll be a Wildfang eventually.

    Rory, Lux, and Ava hanging out and welcoming Evie into the women's circle of the Wildfangs. Lou is outnumbered and completely surrounded by women. As far as he's concerned this isn't necessarily a bad thing.

    She might be a big girl now, but there's still plenty to learn and skills to refine. Mom's still the best howling teacher.

    It was a fun night, and there will be many more just like it to look forward to.
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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,035 Member
    Moon Lighter werewolves dancing at the Chapel lounge.
    Randel the littlest werewolf and mama Lux.
    Another furry friend. 😊
    Mrs Crumplebottom the Church Lady ... not a werewolf. 😁
    Trying to find ways to keep my werewolves calm.
    Aromatherapy for a wolf.
    But the tranquility doesn't last long. I think Bigby just enjoys being enraged. 😒
    Bigby picked Randel up and then set him down in the corner. Randel couldn't get out! I had to teleport him. 😄
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,159 Member
    lanlyn wrote: »
    Mrs Crumplebottom the Church Lady ... not a werewolf. 😁

    Seeing that picture one thing came instantly to mind...

    Seeing what Bigby did to Randel, and Lou's misadventures in parenting, I'm beginning to think becoming werewolves does something to men's brains. It short circuits that small part of their brain that should make them stop and ask themselves, "Is this really the smartest decision I can make in this situation?" At his current pace Lou is going to burn their house down, and I worry about his long term survivability. Allowing that man anywhere in the vicinity of fire is not going to end well.
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    Lou, Lux, and Baby daddy Bob are perhaps...built different.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    KerriganKerrigan Posts: 1,578 Member
    "Fear of the Wolves taints human plasma!"

    The Nightfisher and Lilith Vatore plan their war on the Werewolves.

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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,035 Member
    edited July 2022
    lanlyn wrote: »
    Mrs Crumplebottom the Church Lady ... not a werewolf. 😁
    Seeing that picture one thing came instantly to mind...
    @DaniRose2143 That's exactly who I thought of when I saw Agnes playing the chapel organ. 🤣

    @RedDestiny92 Is that a werewolf lock-up room? All those fridges just waiting to be attacked! 😏

    @Kerrigan Nightfisher is one awesome, but scary sim! 😧
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    @lanlyn yep yep, you can click on those fridges but it is funny to just watch them decide what to destroy. I also lock Greg and his mate in the backyard and throw them some things to break down...they may need to move.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,035 Member
    @RedDestiny92 😄 I try to lock my raging sims outside. I have a couple of old chairs for them to scratch up. But recently I gave Lux and Bigby the Super Speed ability, and now they're hard to catch! Bigby in particular is a menace.

    The first time he went into a rage while I had Speed enabled, he rushed into the house before I knew it and attacked the sofa. The mail carrier came by in time to see him transform. She tried to run away but fell in a dead faint and got caught in the porch doorway. 🙄
    I got him outside and thought he'd gained control, but he was having too much fun. He rushed back inside and broke the stove.
    All right, buddy, you break it, you fix it! 😉
    I guess the mail carrier spread rumors about Bigby because he got warnings from both packs. I didn't think the Wildfangs cared about rages. 😒
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    chillabychillaby Posts: 35 Member
    I made Judith Ward a Werewolf... :) She proceeded to destroy her mansion, pee on the violinist, and acquire an abhorrent reputation. :sweat_smile:
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    PlumbeebPlumbeeb Posts: 619 Member
    My Sim (Bess Morgan) asking Kristopher for a cursed bite. The moodlet she got afterwards was pretty funny, something like 'New wolf in town' with a sheriffs badge. Pretty neat touch! :lol:


    Sims 4 Wish List:
    • > Option to toggle on/off random townie generation.
    • > Turn vacation worlds into residential worlds.
    • > Option to purchase separate worlds or a world pack.
    • > Sleepwear kit.
    • > Atomic age kit.
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    @lanlyn Ah yes I would have but they have a smaller yard than Greg does but it is too funny how their abilities can be used against you like that, nyeh nyeh catch me if you can, couch I hate you! lol

    As for the packs they might need a little tuning there they should really respond to things going against them like scaring sims into dropping their wallets or failing to hunt for the pack or something more than an understandable rage we'll see I guess.

    I have some random nonsense here.
    After getting over their fury attack, Greg decided to help his wife with the household chores and I saw they can eat the toddler paint.
    I mean he didn't like it but still you just spent all night smashing vaccums you might as well get the floor spotless...
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,035 Member
    @RedDestiny92 My werewolves don't have the ability to eat anything. I bet it's hilarious to see what they go for! Their stomachs must be made of cast iron, and fury just burns everything to ash. 😆
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,159 Member
    edited July 2022
    lanlyn wrote: »
    @RedDestiny92 My werewolves don't have the ability to eat anything. I bet it's hilarious to see what they go for! Their stomachs must be made of cast iron, and fury just burns everything to ash. 😆

    They will eat nearly anything. Judith has eaten the big screen tv at Orchid A Go Go, and had the option to eat the karaoke machine at Planet Honey Pop. Sadly she didn't get the option to eat anything related to GeekCon.
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    It's fun alright, Lux really likes vaccum cleaners so I guess they clean up the calories she could be getting?

    Also I'm not sure what ability did it but while I had Rory raging outside she got somewhere? in her queue and disappeared off the lot when she came back her fury was gone and she had a moodlet that said her memory was fuzzy on what she did. I like watching their ears move when they do also it's the little things.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,159 Member
    It's fun alright, Lux really likes vaccum cleaners so I guess they clean up the calories she could be getting?

    Also I'm not sure what ability did it but while I had Rory raging outside she got somewhere? in her queue and disappeared off the lot when she came back her fury was gone and she had a moodlet that said her memory was fuzzy on what she did. I like watching their ears move when they do also it's the little things.

    Does she have the Hunting ability? I think Judith did that one time during a rampage. Occasionally they will have something pop up in their queue that just says "somewhere...", and then they just pop back in. Now that I type that, I wonder if they don't go up on top of that mountain peak or whatever you wanna call it. I never thought to look for them up there. Agnes got that "somewhere..." thing as her first rampage was ending and the camera snapped to her as she was standing up there naked.
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    I think that's it, lol people should have the option to get her purse and hit her when she does stuff like that.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    KerriganKerrigan Posts: 1,578 Member
    edited July 2022
    This snaggletoothed woofer is a random townie and she is showing up everywhere. She's hilarious looking with that little hoodie on and she's always getting angry at other sims. She's got so much personality!


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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,159 Member
    @Kerrigan That is the extremely rare instance of a townie that has to be captured and saved for future use.😁
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    KerriganKerrigan Posts: 1,578 Member
    @Kerrigan That is the extremely rare instance of a townie that has to be captured and saved for future use.😁

    "So have you saved me to your gallery yet??"



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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,035 Member
    Lux and Bigby live in Windenburg, not Moonwood Mill. But I needed to find them a larger lot to give their growing family more space. I moved their house off the island to the Windenburg mainland. Another werewolf couple live nearby.
    I brought their rec rm up from the basement and set it behind the house. I then attached a sheltered dog kennel and planted 3 trees.
    Since Bigby and Lux completed their werewolf aspirations, Lux started the Super Parent aspiration and Bigby chose Friend of the Animals. But he'd already trained out bad behaviors for Ruff and Reddy, so he adopted a puppy, Rally. She's a small breed; independent, hunter, playful.
    Here's the whole family in the rec rm. Randel can Play on the yoga mat. He took his shoes off too, just like older sims.
    Bigby didn't make it through his workout.
    Randel's first winter. His mom knitted the cap.
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