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What happened in your sims 3 game today?


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    TurjanTurjan Posts: 1,717 Member
    edited July 2020
    @Turjan LOL your uni mascot turned into a Las Vegas showgirl :D I need that glitch
    Not sure why, but I often have them glitch on return trips. The results are unpredictable, but this specific outfit was definitely a nice one :smile: .
    The next example probably won't be interesting to you, but this is a male mascot in a different savegame of mine:
    Still beats the original :wink: .

    @Silverofdreams30 Are Pauline's eyes supposed to look like that, or did she blink?

    @king_of_simcity7 Thank you for posting those pics of Jennifer. I hope you don't lose the will to recreate whatever you are missing.

    @Nikkei_Simmer :smiley: I can definitely see the resemblance! I don't know the show - but not because I'm too young. I guess I beat you in that regard. But yes, it looks like the same face and the same expression :smile: . Good find!

    @PalmArrow Glad you liked it. It came as a complete surprise to me. I had lots of time machines in many of my games, but this never ever happened, and I didn't even know it could happen. The Pleasantview game keeps on giving in that regard. Enrico built the time machine when he was still a child, and although he rolled wishes to travel to the past and to the future, the game didn't allow him to go. So Flavio was the first to try his luck, and on this very first trip, he came back with a cool new bike outfit (sort of :lol: ):
    At least he was wearing a helmet now :smile: .

    @ZhakiraP I can see how you got to love the Pleasantview bunch. They are really interesting personalities, and my short "test drive" of this Sims3 version has now be going on for quite a long time. Sadly, I never played the Sims2 and am quite new to the whole franchise, but it's nice the sims evoke some nostalgia in some people in this thread :smile:
    Nice new makeovers again, and I see you play them rotationally. Cool. The Timbley pic is very dynamic :smile: . I could see the potential in Rick Durwood and Doreen Caliente, but Rick was turned into a vampire quickly, which lifted the interactions to a whole new power level. My main sim was mostly engaged with the Crumplebottom sisters and some of his direct neighbors, like Dante Morganthe.

    @bekkasan You're welcome, and thank you for the nice comments. That "child" came definitely as a surprise, and it was mere hours later.
    Me putting blame on Jane might seem unjust, but I get definite Jamie Jolina vibes from her, and I dealt with those for such a long time I'm a bit burned out on them. She's got lots of good traits (like Jamie) and is flirty (like Jamie). I'll move her out as soon as possible. Regarding Oliver, don't worry, they both have the "No jealousy" LTR, and I disabled the celebrity disgrace system ages ago, so nothing should result from this. However, I have the feeling something broke in my game or I messed something up, because Flavio is drawing in suitors like a honeypot the flies, and he usually refused any advances, so I'm a bit at a loss of what happened here. I'll have to check some of the setting of two mods I use, whether I set anything wrong, and check his LTR's. For example, I gave Oliver the "Master of Seduction" LTR as I knew he would never use it autonomously (he's a loner), but I may have accidentally given it to Flavio, too, who certainly doesn't need it. I hope I'll get this sorted out, as many sims lost their "eternally faithful" moodlet within a couple of days.
    That's a lovely pic of Bonehilda. I have her coffin in the garden, but I rarely let her out, as Coral is "shy" and always gets a "scared" moodlet every time she sees her.

    @Puddinroy Thank you!
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,801 Member
    Page 3909, continued

    @CravenLestat Okay, I should clarify a bit. I can make them but they aren't usually as great as others.
    Cori looks great! Not sure if I have everything she needs or not.
    Sounds like you had fun yesterday, mowing and everything. I got to do that tomorrow, looks like a high of 91F for me.
    I missed you last night more than likely. Won't be on much tonight either but we can see about tomorrow if it works for you.

    @PalmArrow Yeah, it sure was. I didn't keep them very long though as Evan had to move out due to the 'rules' I set for myself.
    Thanks, it won't always be sad but at the moment it is.
    That always stinks when you are playing and the game freezes or decides to crash.
    Glad to see there are some Wainwright descendants.
    Kind of nice inside the science building.
    Did Marissella get many tips?
    Also nice to see a Steel descendant.
    The kids change into those outfits so fast it's hard to keep up with them.
    Great update!

    @Nikkei_Simmer Cool, didn't know about the Butsadan. That's a neat tradition though.

    @Silverofdreams30 She does, that's coming soon. I'm thinking a cat for now.

    @king_of_simcity7 Thanks.
    Me too, especially if I got a story part to do that I want it to be sunny. This part I didn't care if it rained but it can be annoying.
    Sorry to hear that, that really stinks.

    @bekkasan You're welcome.
    Thanks, she's pregnant with his child now too.
    Me too. I don't have a mod to make fairies live a normal lifespan so she'll probably outlive him unfortunately. Hopefully they have lots of kids though, I'd like to see how many the triplets have all together.
    Lol, I just let them eat whatever.
    Yep, I'm not sure if Fiona would be this way but she got selected, lol
    Yeah, I should have got some but didn't think about it. They should still be there though so I can get them next time hopefully.
    I may have overdone that just a bit. It does come off as a bit sensitive but I guess there are some people like that in RL.
    Glad you liked it!
    Thanks! She's not exactly the same but close enough. Still got to figure out what her last trait was though, I can't remember it or find it in the story thread I made for the challenge.
    Lol, always one Sim that has to complain. Great screenshot though!

    @ZhakiraP You're welcome.

    @Sleepstar Hope Bede and Rose found a lot of gems and metals!

    ***Will try to get more feedback done if I can. Going to fireworks tonight in a nearby town as our town cancelled theirs a few months ago when they probably could have had them still. Anyway, the Langerak update is coming soon as I think I got time to get it ready.
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,218 Member

    She blinked bad sim.
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,801 Member
    Langerak Family Update

    First of all, the Sims who were added to the household with Rain. They didn't stay in the household too long as I need the space for Ariana's boyfriend and all of her future children.
    Corinne Sekemoto, eldest daughter of Rain Forest and Sam Sekemoto.

    Jamil Sekemoto, second child of the same couple.

    And the family cat, Mags Sekemoto

    Ariana and the rest of the family transformed due to the full moon but only Jamil passed out. Ariana talked with her brother while Rain took care of Jamil who was hungry and getting tired.

    Rain and Corinne were both hungry so they autonomously grabbed leftovers to eat while Dwight read a book for work and Melanie worked on another book.

    Aunt Ariana helped her future sister-in-law take care of Jamil. Rain had to take care of her own needs at that moment so Ariana put him to bed.

    Everyone went to bed as it was getting late but L4U-RN practiced martial arts for something to do.

    Emily came back to visit in the family cemetery but her son Eric isn't happy to see a ghost while Fawn isn't happy to see her husband either, unless they were both reacting to Emily.

    ***This was the shorter update due to the fact it was just to finish a day. I've got another one but I'll have to see if I got time to post it before I have to leave. Right now I'm going to try and do more feedback to try and get somewhat caught up.
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    Midnight Hollow, The Ballan Family
    Adam's Quest

    Adam called Dwight, the Moonlight Falls clan leader to set up a meeting. They scheduled an early breakfast meeting. Most of the clan came to the meeting as much for the free breakfast as seeing Adam and Marshall again. The clan enjoyed participating together in the hunts when they were visiting in Moonlight Falls. Catching up with the very active clan made for an enjoyable and noisy breakfast. They discovered fewer attacks were occurring in the mountains than in the past. Dwight told them younger members of the rogue werewolf clans were leaving the clan and the mountains. They are discovering life in towns is much more to their liking. Several young werewolves have approached him over the last few years. Because no one could vouch for them they must first prove themselves worthy of joining. They are with one of his clan brothers at a farm learning his clan ways as well as getting tutored as they were poorly educated. From what he has discovered from them only a few werewolves from the original rogue clan are still living in the mountains. Before leaving Pappy greets Adam with an enthusiastic hug.

    They tell everyone goodbye and drive to the outskirts of Moonlight Falls. Adam parks his car and leaves it in a lot near the mountain path. The rest of the journey will be on foot. They must cross the mountains to enter the lands where Adam was born and lived his early life. First, they must go through the forest to follow the mountain path. When he left the clan as a child, he made his way to Moonlight Falls living for a time in the forest. He would leave the safety of the forest at night to scavenge in town for books and other supplies. The forest has changed considerably in the intervening years with the paths becoming overgrown. They take their dragons out and permit them to fly freely while they make their way into the depths. Surprisingly, the dragons stay very close seeming to not like the denseness of the forest.

    It begins to rain. Adam thinks the path they are on will take them to an old factory. He soon spies it in the distance and they hurry to it. The fog rises with the heat and humidity brought by the rain. They take shelter at the factory that has been abandoned since Adam's time in the woods. When the rain stops they explore around the factory. It is hot and sticky and they are both uncomfortable from the rain and sweating. Adam laughs when he finds the outhouse behind the building. "That wasn't here during my day. That would have been useful."

    They arrive at the mountain pass and much to their dismay there has been a rock slide. Adam looks at the rocks realizing they will have to take a different route to get over the mountains. It is much too steep and dangerous to attempt to climb over the rocks. They could easily trigger another slide and be caught up in it. The trip will be longer, but should not prove dangerous based on the information from Dwight.
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,137 Member
    Hey everyone. :)

    in Chapter 8 of my Stardew Valley story the guys and gals are heading to the beach! :mrgreen:

    Those of you who are familiar with Appaloosa Plains may remember that the beach there is pretty.....lackluster. :neutral: More like, a country beach that hasn't been kept up in years. I mean, I get it, since it's a country town that's the look they were going with, but...yeah no. I needed something that looks a little more like a tropical beach. Cause when I think beach, I think sand and palm trees. ;)

    So to jog some of y'all's memories, here's a couple of angles of the original beach in all its glory......


    I mean, it's not terrible, just not very pretty imo.

    (I removed those buoys from the water because I thought they took away from the natural prettiness of the "ocean." )

    So I got right to work revamping (modernizing) this boring beach to my liking. :blush: Starting with the platform deck (or whatever it's called).

    Darker wood is always in style (lighter wood seems to have been a thing of the '90s and is getting phased out. :p ) so that's what I went with, changing the outlining fence as well.


    I realized I needed to change the roof style and colors and I almost went with this:


    ...but no. With this being a beach I had to go with thatch all the way! :star:


    Next I went to work on changing up the terrain. Adding better sand, dark sand, and light grassy spots in some areas and of course added tropical trees. 🌴

    The exterior of the bathrooms called my attention and I thought that adding a dark green look to it provided a nice contrast. :)


    And of course I added some outdoor public showers on the other side of the building that looked like they were meant to be there in the first place. ;) (As well as adding some much needed outdoor lighting! EA has always been terrible about proper lighting on their lots...)


    The inside of the bathrooms looked just fine.


    I of course needed to add my own personal (and preferable) touches to make them feel like more realistic public bathrooms including soap dispensers on the wall, paper towels, and a trash can. :blush:


    The finished product: :smiley:

    (Why yes that may be a giant pink wisteria tree - cc - peeking out in the top right corner of the picture. :blush: Why? Because I can...and I LOVE wisteria! <3 )


    I'm a little saddened by the fact that the lot doesn't go into the water so the light sandy terrain on the lot doesn't match the greenish sandy terrain in the world. I REALLY wish terrain could be changed in World Editor for this VERY reason. *sigh* I thought about plopping down another beach lot, but I wasn't sure if it would fit and y'all know what other issues I was thinking of. Oh do what you gotta do sometimes. ;) I'm very happy with the way it turned out. :)

    Hopefully I can get to work on staging and writing the next chapter soon. 🤞 Until then, Happy Simming my friends. :)
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,801 Member
    Page 3910

    @emorrill Thank you, hopefully there will be many more to come. Got to do some on Ava too but next time I play will be the Langeraks.
    Glad you liked it. It was sad about Susan but there is a reason for her death other than the fact Boyd is part of Ava's future.
    That's coming up soon, although it may not be Boyd for her first one. :wink:
    You're welcome.
    She really does, although she got Christopher's lips. I know the original version of her I edited her lips just a bit as they were really thin so tried to do that with the new version. She may come into the Ava story in the future, not sure how yet but I have a few ideas. Technically she's Ava's granddaughter anyway but getting Christopher into the story will be hard at that point due to the fact he'll be dead or old.
    Thanks for the comments!

    @MoonandStars83 You're welcome.
    Thank you on both comments. I did have fun last night and am going to another fireworks show tonight.
    Tawny looks pretty, hope she does well at Uni!

    @Turjan Thanks! Yeah, eventually she will be with Boyd long enough to have Avery. First of all I'm thinking she'll get with someone else.
    You're welcome. I know, you'd think Don would have invited more women.
    Hope it works out well for you. I may be modifying my lifespan to 100 days soon, although with my werewolves, they live longer anyway.
    Lol, didn't notice the skin problems.
    Thanks! I wish I still had the original save but at least this version is close enough. Gotta figure out her fifth trait though still.
    Looks pretty surprised by the pictures.
    Geez, Tam and Eliza must have had a lot of energy that night.
    Yeah, looks better than what they normally wear.
    Congrats on all the A's!
    Congrats on the engagement and wedding too!
    I'm betting they'll have a time machine baby.
    Congrats on Oliver and Flavio's engagement too.
    Cool, I was right. Cool outfit too.
    Okay, that was not cool Jane. Not cool at all.
    Well, she is pretty so guess we can't blame him then.
    Great updates!

    @CravenLestat Cute laptop!
    Never messed with CAP before but looks like it'd be fun to use.
    Another great looking female! I've always wondered, how many have you made or do you even know?
    Great job on Plumdots logo and the one for Wisteria!

    @Nikkei_Simmer Great screenshots!

    @Silverofdreams30 She looks great! I sometimes use bin Sims too but edit them to my liking.

    @king_of_simcity7 Nice to see some screenshots of Jennifer.

    @Simsophonique It'd be nice if we did have it as a place to hangout. Cool that Hogwarts is called Poudlard in French. I always find it interesting to see the names in other languages.

    @ZhakiraP I always thought it was neat that the Durwood family were based off of Bewitched. It was before my time but I've seen several episodes. They look great, by the way.
    Yeah, triplets are a handful to take care of.
    I love the look of Marigold, she is a pretty Sim.

    @bekkasan Thanks, it's been great so far.
    Glad she is somewhat useful, lol

    @Puddinroy Hi!
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    MoonandStars83MoonandStars83 Posts: 1,735 Member
    @rubyskywalker Congrats on getting UL. Good luck with your DCOM Sims.

    @Turjan I try to clean them regularly. Most of the time, it's just because they're old saves adjusting to new mods, or I've been in-game too long.
    ****I've had that glitch happen before.
    ****Good old Time Machine Baby.

    @Silverofdreams30 She's not lonely. Her dorm mates are just not very good at keeping themselves fed.
    ****A little too much rouge, but still a pretty Sim.

    @CravenLestat Thanks for the tip. I don't make a lot of patterns, but it's still a good tip.
    ****Pretty Sim.

    @Shadow_Assassin Great pics!

    @Brandontaylor Happy 4th!
    ****Pretty kitty!
    ****Finicky ghosts.

    @ZhakiraP Great pics!

    @bekkasan I wanna say it's called Mermaid hair. It's one of my faves that isn't by LeahLillith.
    ****Great Bonehilda pic.
    ****Great start to the Quest. Hope they find a way past the rock slide.

    @Puddinroy Happy 4th!

    @Sleepstar Congrats to Iris and Dennis!

    @emorrill Looks like a nice lot make over..


    Today I loaded up the Gordon save. Not too much happened. Partly because I spent most of my time in-game watching a movie with my mom in another room. At one point, I did notice an abundance of horses in her yard, though. I also got rid of a few spawners that had duplicated when I placed the lot.


    Horse Pic 1

    Horse Pic 2
    I voted for you, Kevin.
    My Sims 3 Exhange Studio
    My Blog // Click me if you dare.
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,801 Member
    Had an eventful 4th of July evening. Went to see the fireworks at a nearby town and sat in a stores parking lot as it was closed and watched them from there. Some people were shooting fireworks in the parking lot and someone my brother knows blew a chunk out of his hand. He went to the hospital and seems to be okay but it wasn’t fun for him.

    Anyway, will finish feedback sometime tomorrow and share the rest of the Langerak update then. I’ll probably be playing them again tomorrow as well and work on Ava midweek. Hope you all have a great night or day and happy Simming!
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,934 Member
    Hello all. I've been absent for a while. Needed to get a few things done. I even had to stop working on my video and it was almost finished. It is getting late here now so I probably won't get a chance to work on it today but I hope to be back at it tomorrow. I'm keen to play ahead too and get a few more of the household aged up and start moving them out. In case you forget what video I'm working it, it's Episode 36 of Generation 1 of the Perfect Genetics Challenge. I'm going to have to try to remember to start Generation 2 at Episode 1 when I get to it. I might try to get this current generation finished before I move on to a new video series. I don't have any pictures to post today as I haven't been in my game. I've been loading it up and shutting down again at the end of the day without even looking at it.

    I've been quickly working through all of your posts and have handed out lots of Awesomes.

    Thank you for you comments about my Wedding Venue. Yes, you have seen it before many times. I post pictures of it every so often. I hope to make good use of it in my videos and I have a lot of potential brides and grooms coming up in my Perfect Genetics Challenge. I'll be getting most of them married and videoing the weddings just so I can use the venue. :)

    I'm glad to see you back with us again. I'm sure you've enjoyed your break but I hope you don't forget about us here completely.

    Your sim, Marisella, has the same hair as one of my witches and every time I see her I think its my witch whose name I current can't recall. But I do know her hair and clothes. lol

    I enjoy seeing your pictures and have been handing out Awesomes.

    @Brandontaylor I hope you are still enjoying the videos. You have a lot to catch up on. I'm hoping to put the finishing touches to the episode I've been working on for about a week now. I had to drop everything for the past 3 days and do a few other things due to deadlines and things. But I think I'm back now.
    I enjoyed your updates.

    @MoonandStars83 Thank you. I'm glad you like the look of my Wedding Venue.

    @MamaSimTee congratulations on the new laptop. I hope you get all of your issues sorted out and can play your game in peace.

    Thanks for the comment on the WeddingVenue. It's on the exchange if you ever want to add it to your game. It has the fountain of Youth from Hidden Springs out back and I find whenever I add that to a venue it needs replacing when I place the venue in my game. Even if I just have the venue in my library. I've got it in a few venues and it does the same thing every time. It just sits there and doesn't function at all until it is replaced with a fresh copy.

    @thuggishsplicer nice gnome pictures. Have you ever thought of adding you gnome pictures to the Mysterious Mr Gnome thread in the store section?

    @CravenLestat I did enjoy your new fairy. She is stunning - very eye-catching. I saw her and thought typical CravenLestat. At least he's back again. It's good to see your creations returning here.

    I think I might try those alien eye sliders one day. I'm tempted to do it on one or more of my Imaginary Friends made real, but I also like to leave them alone and just adjust their hair and clothes and give them new skins. But I want to use those sliders too.

    @coco nice photoshoot. I'm happy you've returned too. You aren't really in the 'woods' are you? I've been to your home state a few times now and didn't notice any actual woods. Maybe I didn't look hard enough. I'll try harder next time.

    @bekkasan thank you. You've seen that wedding venue many times now.

    I know the feeling about keeping track of sims. After a while I get to know them - I find I mostly recognise them by their clothes or hair which is why I tend to try to use different outfits for all of my sims. I rarely double up even in games I haven't played for years if there was a sim in them that an outfit reminds me of. Some outfits I do reuse often though so it isn't a hard and fast rule. I usually have the game open when I'm making my videos so I can refer to it when I can't think of a name or which sim is which, especially when there are a lot of newly arrived imaginary friends made real for example.

    I thought it interesting that in the main household in Moonlight Falls most of the imaginary friends turned out to be males and in the Donna household they ended up mostly being female. I think I did choose a female name for the last one though - just in case.

    @king_of_simcity7 I'm sorry you've lost your sims. Have you tried turning them into Sims3Pack files and keeping them backed up somewhere. All you need to do is share them. They end up in the Exports folder inside the Sims 3 folder. Just take them out of there and save them somewhere safe. They can be installed placed in the Downloads folder and installed when needed like any other Sims3Pack file.

    @Puddinroy Hello.

    @emorrill @MrHawk provided lots of the terrain paints from various worlds. I've got a few installed but rarely use them. I'm not sure if he has them in his studio or not it has about 59 pages. Here's the link if you feel motivated to look.

    He's done a massive job in revealing hidden stensils for store objects. Most store objects have multiple stensils but EA only enabled one of them so we can't choose different patterns on them. MrHawk's studio of full of the missing stensils. I have lots of them in my game but not all of them. After all it'd take a lot of time to download all of them.

    He's also got a web site but I forget what it is called. The terrain paint might be there.

    That's it from me for today. Happy Simming all.
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    "So, does it taste?"
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,218 Member

    Good shes not lonelyI hope you had a nice weekend. Yeah its not easy creating a no cc sim hehe.
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @Karritz Unfortunately I had not backed up many save files. I wish I had done though :(
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,934 Member
    @Karritz Unfortunately I had not backed up many save files. I wish I had done though :(

    I wondered if I was wasting space by doing that but I've been happy to be able to go back to them and rediscover old sims. I used to burn them to DVD but I am relying on external hard drives now. I have 4 at the moment, each one is about 8TB so I've got a lot of stuff backed up and it's not all sim related. But there is a lot of duplication between the drives. Every so often I come across an old DVD and sometimes I have a look at what or who can be found on it.
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    Silver_PicharizSilver_Pichariz Posts: 32 Member
    Fowler-Brooke's save:
    Jon has passed away of starvation. Jaynes adopted a child called Niamh Jennings. Seaneka is struggling with work. Chia is being considered being taken away.
    Love The Sims 3: Could Play it for twelve hours straight if I could.
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    ilikethesims30ilikethesims30 Posts: 556 Member
    Justine's Night with Speedy

    Justine was a little cash-strapped, so she decided to enter a Cross-Country competition with Speedy.


    After their big win....


    But it seemed that neither of them wanted the night to end, so they went to the garden place from Supernatural. She had to keep Speedy from eating the plants :D .

    Did you know that Storybrook County has camping grounds? I didn't and I've had this world for 2 years.....



    Complete with surfing.....



    Then the sun was completely up. It got too hot to stay outside, so they rode home. Speedy stayed on the porch, while Justine went next door to visit her good friend, Stacie.


    Speedy is living up to his name......


    That's all for now, folks. Happy Simming :smile: !

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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member
    @ZhakiraP :smiley: She is certainly entertaining to watch as long as she leaves my kids alone! :lol: I have the mod now, just got to put it in my game.

    @CravenLestat Wisteria will love her new laptop. I'm going to try and get it in the game today. The little thingie that adds flash drive ports so I can transfer stuff broke yesterday. :( I'm not putting the desktop on the net at this time to dl things. I have to take the mouse out to put the flash drive in and then of course I don't have the mouse to use to navigate. It's a quandary!! I think the puter has some ports on the back of the tower. I'm going to pull it away from the wall and look later today.

    @king_of_simcity7 Oh, that is a bummer. I have an external that I've saved a bunch of stuff on. Kinda scary that it can age out. :cold_sweat:

    @Puddinroy Hello! She's so funny!

    @Turjan I'm gonna have to use that time machine more often in-game. Victor has one in his underground chambers of their house, as well as the future portal in a locked and hidden room. It sure adds some unplanned surprises for the story. :lol: I totally love the purple cycle and Flavio's outfit is just too much. :grin:

    @Brandontaylor Adding those folks even temporary must have made things busy for you.
    Poor Jamil fainting from the werewolf changes.
    It's nice to see the ghosts but apparently they don't like seeing each other. Silly sims!
    Bummer about the guy's hand. I've heard and seen a few injuries in my job related to fireworks, I won't touch them. Many of the neighbors did fireworks and I peeked out the window but with all the trees couldn't really see anything.

    @emorrill I love the changes you made to the lot. You turned it from tired and worn out to fresh and inviting.
    I love the wisteria tree too.

    @MoonandStars83 Thanks for the comments and the tip about the hair. I've got a few that are 'mermaid' hair but they don't look good in my game on the laptop. I'm testing all my cc hairs on my desktop now. Some things definitely look better on it.
    Great horses. I've seen a few in my game and I keep forgetting to take pictures of them. I'm usually focused on the story. I need to limit them too. They were running around on one of the beach lots.

    @Mikezumi Thank you very much for the compliment on the forest shots. I appreciate it very much. :smiley:

    @Karritz Yes, I've seen it before and notice something new each time. This time it reminded me I need to put the mod in my desktop for the stained glass windows from @cinderellimouse so thanks :smiley:

    @Nikkei_Simmer yep, at least it is cooked.

    @Silver_Pichariz Sounds like the sims are being neglected. :cry:

    @ilikethesims30 Great update. Congrats on their big win. I don't have that world, but it is awesome you can find new things to do in it after two years. It must be large.

    Dedric not only gets awakened in the night by his children but apparently his dragon can wake him up too.
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    Silver_PicharizSilver_Pichariz Posts: 32 Member
    @bekkasan I thought it was bc of poor school grades, in my situation.
    Love The Sims 3: Could Play it for twelve hours straight if I could.
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    MamaSimTeeMamaSimTee Posts: 963 Member
    @CravenLestat I'm here! I'll be around most of the day.
    <insert inspiring comment here> :)
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member
    @bekkasan I thought it was bc of poor school grades, in my situation.

    Sims don't die of starvation from poor grades though. :tongue::grin:
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,218 Member
    edited July 2020
    My birthday has been very calm today due to the virus stuff going on.
    But at least the sun has been up.

    I will comment tomorrow on the posts from today.
    Tonight I am going to watch Valley girl 2020 again
    I loved that film.
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    MamaSimTeeMamaSimTee Posts: 963 Member
    @Silverofdreams30 Happy birthday!!
    <insert inspiring comment here> :)
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    Shadow_AssassinShadow_Assassin Posts: 1,675 Member
    Actually he looks like his brother Ashley when without makeup
    Entrance to the abyss
    It's a scratch-off ticket
    There's a "_" in my usename. My usename is Shadow_Assassin, not ShadowAssassin or others

    Sometimes it's not me who talks to you, it's machine translation

    She/Her but you can call me as any pronouns
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    CravenLestatCravenLestat Posts: 13,735 Member
    @MamaSimTee I am on,got to switch laptops.Was opening simfileshare puzzled like where is that sim....durr sims 3 is not even on this one at all.
    I Play Sims 3 On A Potato


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