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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    Okay it was sayinh i didnt have the base game which of course I do but it wouldnt show those worlds. I repaired the base game only, cleared the cache folder and the local thumbcache file and now its working just in case anyone else sees that.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    MorkovkaMorkovka Posts: 662 Member
    @Nushnushganay Luckily wasn't having a drink while reading it :lol: But... that's not really out-of-character, right?

    @ryttu3k "Do you want Caleb or to be Caleb?" "...What if we are related, born centuries apart and look exactly the same?" :lol:
    Well, hello nonbinary trans-masc Darling, I'm a fan :smirk:

    @Keidra I'm really looking forward to see how things work out for the four of them. Nothing wrong with a little revenge for one huge let-down :blush:

    @sarabeth2984 Lovely families! I especially fancy the elves :love:
    Bowling alley in Straud mansion? Julia has truly changed him :lol:

    @RedDestiny92 I had that glitch once before the patch. So not sure it's related.

    @DarkAngel1994 Haha, looks like they grabbed themselves "half-the-dorm" room. Well, gonna need space for them activities :wink:

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    MorkovkaMorkovka Posts: 662 Member

    Ezra and Bianca really needed some time alone, they've been so patient - like soulmates-before-first-kiss patient, wow :smiley:
    And their home it a bit too crowded with them "kids" and also doesn't have any real beds, and Ezra thinks a coffin or bat form are not the right thing for a girl's first woohoo, vampire or not.
    So they rented a lovely holiday cottage in Granite Falls.
    (Which turned out to be not coded for Vampires DLC at all, because Bianca wasn't getting any sun damage and she still doesn't have the perk - let's call it a Winterfest miracle then :neutral: )

    Anyway, have some holiday vampire cuteness :blush:
    (yep, undead but ticklish)
    Guess Bianca got tired with all the waiting.
    Alrighty, no more waiting then!
    Too soon for the ring?
    I don't care! I love them and they sure as hell love each other! :love:

    P.S. Let's hope the "kids" - Wanda and Vlad - are doing fine back home and didn't do anything stupid, like oopsing a baby Vatore-Straud into the world that's not ready :lol:
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    @Morkovka perhaps but you never know when this game decides to be ornery, aw I love their holiday photos they are just too cute together, I really love the kiss by the tree. For that reason alone there is no such thing as too soon for a ring.
    With the issue fixed I made this easy on the eyes wizard, Nef and his son Demi are quite loveable in their own ways.
    Even though little Demi's eyes are still a bit sensitive to light he still plays it cool hmm?
    Nef doesn't know what to do about his son, he thinks he needs a mother but then he's afraid to leave him alone long enough to find one though there is a cute new neighbor to consider during his rise to fame...also perhaps you know the drill, I patch and avoid my saves for a bit so...moving on.
    Might be hard to see but he does in fact take after his father in every way...also I've never seen the show but Baby Yoda? Love him to bits and now he must be everywhere I also shrunk his statue a bit.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    Becka28Becka28 Posts: 1,870 Member
    edited December 2019
    @Nushnushganay enjoying the latest installment of Gaston etc - I am really intrigued as to what is happening with the bugs and Gaston being drugged. (I really should learn how to do links as words like that)

    @TheLastStar and @Morkovka such wonderful screenshots of Morgyn <3 (and Morkovka - Emily is the sea monster that lies near Windenburg's island - CL has a snow globe featuring Emily too. She looks like the Loch Ness monster a bit. I have been trying to see her forever and this was the very first time I have (when I wasn't even trying).I adore Ezra and Bianca - and they are so cute and happy.

    @sarabeth2984 I love watching Vlad do ordinary things. I can imagine the dialogue in his head as he is fascinated about everything (I imagine him as have being been quite disconnected from the everyday world). They look like they have a great time together.

    @AlwaysAsking Oh Knox is good looking but a rogue isn't he. He has very cute freckles. Diego is much better off without him. And I am glad we saw Diego and Dash getting on. I think you should take it as a compliment to your writing that all the romantics on the thread believed Don and Dash could maybe have worked (or how deeply you got us to believe in Don's act). I am not sure about male entertainers - Jessica is in the entertainer career and she has always worn a series of black dresses that ended in the fish tailed black ballgown. Maybe its the male entertainer career only?

    As for your question - Jessica didn't have a child with Bjorn until after they were married. Jessica first met Bjorn when Clara picked her up and took her home as Clara's date (Jessica was new in game maybe 1 or 2 sim days so in my head she had no idea Clara was married). Bjorn was home and they both started flirting with her and she avoided both of them for a long time after that (it was one of the creepiest things I have seen in game). Bjorn was then Jessica's platonic friend for a long time and they had a brief romantic fling while Clara was dating her current husband (and Cyrus had left Jess an emotional mess) but she left Bjorn when he wouldn't respond to the leave spouse interaction. Bjorn and she got back together when Clara left Bjorn to marry her current husband and Jessica had broken up with Romeo (a boyfriend after Cyrus who was the biggest dirtbag she ever dated - worse than Cyrus, can't trust those NPCs) Clara's earlier dig about Jessica stealing Bjorn was a bit unfair and more about hurt feelings that Jessica preferred Bjorn not her (it is a very old save so has become complex and sounds quite ridiculous when you write it all out) But in some ways - Jessica knows Bjorn isn't perfect and went into things knowing something like this was always a possibility.

    This update contains Griffin who is @sarabeth2984 sim and features often in her stories. He is related to Bjorn and is also a vampire - so Uncle is the term I have gone with in my save. (Thank you Sarabeth2984 for your awesome sim - although you were right about being careful around him - after just two interactions Jess and Griffin had a huge flirty bar despite her having very sad buffs and still crying - I couldn't keep them together long or all the Diego fans would have been very upset at what may have happened).

    And maybe just a little more sad - but things are going to get better - i promise.

    Jessica came to the Landgraab mansion - Geoffrey informed her that the executor of the will wanted to talk with her. Jessica was confused - they had written their will together years ago. What could the executor want?

    She was surprised and pleased to see it was Griffin.

    She wanted to know what was happening? Why Griffin was now the executor? Had Bjorn changed the will?

    Griffin didn't fancy what he was about to say and do to Jessica. He was angry at Bjorn for putting him here in this situation. Jessica knew that this was not going to make her happy - she wasn't sure she could face what's ahead.

    Isn't it better if you just tell me she asked. Griffin said she needed to read it for herself. Truth be told he couldn't bear to tell her.

    Jessica was shocked - there was another woman - more children, the will was changed to leave them money, home in San Myshunoand a few personal things for the children. She had thought her heart had broken when Bjorn died but she didn't realise it could shatter further.

    Did he love her? Did we mean nothing? Was he going to leave me? Do I know this woman? Jessica had questions - more than Griffin had answers.

    He loved you more than you know said Griffin. But he wasn't perfect. I don't think he wanted to leave or be with her but he loved his children - all of them. That's the only reason he would have hurt you this way - telling you like this.

    I need to know - did she pretend to be my friend, come to my house while stealing my life, my heart said Jessica.
    She lives in the city, she's not part of your circle. Don't torture yourself begged Griffin.

    I feel like a fool, she said. what am I to believe if I can't even believe my own heart, my own life anymore.

    Griffin assured her that Bjorn had always loved her, her family their life. But, he said, You and I both know he was insecure, he got sad he needed reassurance - I think he made some bad choices and then couldn't stop - because of the children.

    Suddenly Jessica wasn't angry anymore just regretful - he tried to tell me I think she said. But he couldn't do it. I should have seen it .. i...

    Don't blame yourself for his issues. begged Griffin. Whenever he talked of you I know he truly loved you - what's happened was because of him, his choices, his fault - you were not to blame if you have to blame someone - its on him.

    Jessica needed to leave, to think but mostly to get away. She thanked Griffin for being there for her. He promised to be there if she or the family needed him.

    Jessica went to see her closest friend -
    she didn't care if the paparazzi saw her or what lies they wanted to print. She had barely finished knocking when Diego ran out the door and grabbed her into a hug - it was so quick I nearly missed the screenshot.

    She had a lot to say:

    Diego invited her in but apparently sims don't get bereavement leave so she was whisked off to work.

    Viktor and Max
    Viktor's heart was aching. He decided to visit Max.
    Max was very friendly in his greeting (they don't normally say hello like this and Viktor's face is quite shocked.)
    Max didn't tell Viktor he was so sad or so sorry or any of that stuff everyone else kept saying to him. Viktor felt he could be real with Max.
    I killed my Dad - I'm terrible said Viktor - if we hadn't set that fire ,he wouldn't have got so mad and he'd be here now. I ruined my family.
    Don't be a whiny plum said Max. I have no Mother or father - my worthless brother and stupid sister couldn't wait to get out of here and leave me behind and you don't see me boohooing around. Everyone leaves - thats just life. Better to know it now.
    Viktor didn't want Max to see how much his words hurt, he hid in the cupboard and cried.
    Max had a change of mood again,as he often did. Get out here Bjergsen and eat some of this. We losers have got to stick together. There's always a place for you in our club. Viktor thought- this is where I belong, what I deserve and agreed to join. Max was very pleased.
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    ryttu3kryttu3k Posts: 1,148 Member
    @TheLastStar oh man seriously. I literally jumped on my bed in glee when I saw their gender settings. Like the first trailer came out and I was like 'Oh I like their androgyny I'm claiming them for Team NB' and then it happened.

    @Keidra should work XD;; I just want to make sure because Raylan and Caleb are going to flirt and it is going to be awkward XD And yeah, it must be so weird to be a Sim in a lot that's being built! And then then all the playtesting, like, "But why do I need to have a shower? I just had a bath (for no reason)!" It's going to be so interesting seeing how those relationships go!

    That screencap of Morgyn is lovely <3

    @sarabeth2984 ooh, yeah, it'd be good if you could get that autonomous request. Makes it feel more organic, I think?

    I like the Stranges! Spellcasters are rad for making supernatural Sims, yeah. Fairy magic and stuff ties in nicely! Also Vlad is weirdly relatable right now. Once I got nine consecutive gutter balls and a total score of 29. It wasn't my best moment XD

    @Nushnushganay oh I know, Morgyn and Raylan keep having at it and I'm just like, "Is this really the time?" XD And the link totally works!

    Going to put this in a spoiler for those who want to read for themselves:
    Wow I do not trust Sunglasses Guy... yeah, I was right :-\ Oh jeez, that doesn't look like your standard prison cell. Something else going on, besides some impulsive and bad decisions?

    @DarkAngel1994 ooh, mind sharing the link to the scooter? Lovely Romance Festival! And great job on Jonathan's grades! New dorms are looking good, and I honestly don't mind the mixed-colour lights in the kitchen. Scruberoo is so useful, especially when it comes to prizes XD

    @Morkovka hey hey they're not identical! Raylan has grey eyes and Caleb has brown ;) (Also piercings, tattoos, and a dress sense that developed in the 21st century, but still XD)

    For the holiday home, was it overcast the whole time? Vampires can go out fine if it's cloudy. This is lovely and romantic and that baby Vatore-Straud line is hilariously ominous :D

    @Becka28 ohh, poor Jessica :( That must be the worst way to find out, honestly. Griffin was very sweet with her. Max, that is not what you say to someone who just lost their dad, dangit!!
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    KeidraKeidra Posts: 460 Member
    edited December 2019
    Well that sure went better for Ezra than the day ahem someone just had ahem. xDD
    (They're really kinda cute!)

    Try not to think about it too much xDD And I have answers for that!
    Yes it is. Morgyn and Damian are entirely unfair and I'm basically dying with two of them around all the time. Damian and Cassandra's daughter is going to be heartbreakingly pretty, I'll bet.

    Onto the fun!
    Recap: Damian Ember the Morgyn Ember CAS Clone and Cassandra Goth moved in together in San Myshuno, got a posh apartment, stole the Vatores, turned them human, and shipped them off to college. And then stole Morgyn. And turned Caleb into a spellcaster. Cassandra and Damian are now married and have a daughter named Esmeralda (Esme for short), and Caleb and Morgyn are tap-dancing around feelings. And Lilith just wants a latte and to be left alone to her treadmill.
    [ Last Update ]

    "Come here my precious Esme," Cassandra cooed. Esmeralda looked at her mother in confusion for a moment, and then stepped forward once... twice... "That's a good girl!" Cassandra said.
    "She's going to make it this time," Damian said, barely a whisper, to the side.
    "Yes she is," Cassandra agreed. And sure enough, the not quite so little girl fell into Cassandra's arms in triumph.
    "Yaaay!" Damian said.
    "Yaaaay!" Cassandra repeated.
    Esme giggled. These two big people were weirdos, but at least they weren't scary.
    "Why are you wearing a coat?" Lilith asked between bites. "Aren't you hot?"
    Damian fidgeted. "I just feel better with it on right now." Sometimes, Damian needed extra layers of... something, because he felt oddly vulnerable and the covering at least helped stave it off. Oddly, he didn't have that problem around Cassandra.
    "If you say so," Lilith said. "Hey, where's Esme?"
    "Upstairs, probably," Damian answered. "Why?"
    "She's too cute," Lilith replied. "I wanna go hang out with her and maybe read something. You know, and then go jogging."
    "Of course." What else would Lilith be doing?

    An odd splashing sound came from the bathroom. Morgyn meandered in just in time to catch Esme splashing in the toilet. Morgyn thought it was amusing.
    "ESME!" Cassandra, not so much. "We don't play in the toilet!"
    "Awh come on, Cass," Morgyn said, bemused. "When you're two, splashing in the toilet is one of the funnest things!"
    "Don't encourage her," Cassandra said, almost snarling.
    "Wow, the mama tiger came out." That was a first. Morgyn didn't know she had it in her.
    "And if uncle Morgyn starts encouraging you to play in the toilet," Cassandra said, looking at Esme, "we'll just dump toilet water over those pretty blond curls, won't we?"
    Esme giggled. She still didn't know what these big people were talking about most of the time, but the face unky Morgyn just made was funny.
    "Hey!" Morgyn protested. "Don't teach her that!"
    "Don't tell my kid she can play in the toilet, and I won't dump toilet water on your head!"
    "... fair."
    "Good. Glad we had this discussion."
    Was that a discussion? Because it really didn't feel like one...

    "Soo... how are things with you and Cassandra...?" Morgyn wouldn't know anymore. Gone were the days Morgyn was across the hall from Cassandra and Damian's shower, and thank the Watcher for that one.
    "Alright," Damian answered, and then tilted his head at the chess table. "Have you told Caleb yet?"
    Morgyn blinked. "Told him what?"
    "What do you mean, told him what?" That was a dumb question if he'd ever heard one.
    Damian simply gave Morgyn a look. That look was very similar to some of the looks Morgyn gave Damian on occasion, and at that moment, the former Sage learnt what it felt like to be on the receiving end of one of those. (Not great.)
    "There's no point," Morgyn corrected.
    "And why is that?"
    "It just is."
    Damian sighed, nudging a chess piece across the board. "I didn't cover for you so you could waste opportunities like this."
    "I'm fine with things how they are," Morgyn said. "And Caleb doesn't know what he's getting into."
    "So tell him," Damian said, tone flat. "You know what your problem is? You're afraid he might actually love you anyway."
    "That is not why," Morgyn argued.
    Damian huffed a sigh, standing, and leaning over the board. "You can lie to Caleb," Damian whispered, "and you might even be able to lie to yourself. But you can't lie to me. I know you, Morgyn, better than anyone else, and you can't tell me that's not why. Because it sure as heck all was why I was afraid of Cassandra. And you know what? You can't spend the rest of your life afraid."
    Damian walked away, and Morgyn sighed and slid down in the chair. Maybe Damian was right. Not that Morgyn would ever admit it.

    "WEEEEE, up you go, you ready?"
    Cassandra giggled, watching the two of them. Damian had been so excited to be a father, and now that Esme was here, he was living up to the challenge quite well. So well, in fact, it was almost scary, because Cassandra couldn't help but wonder what terrible things were in store thanks to everything going so well for so long. She was trying not to let the depressing thoughts take up too much of her mind.

    "What's wrong?" Damian asked, setting Esme down. The girl toddled off, giggling and babbling (and probably drooling) without a care in the world.
    "Nothing," Cassandra answered softly. "Just thinking."
    "About?" Damian pressed. Sometimes, Cassandra seemed partially here and partially somewhere else, and he could relate. He always was, too. But this time, right now, he wanted to be fully in the same place she was.
    Cassandra shook her head. "Nothing," she said. "Everything. I don't know. About where our lives are going, and how excited I am to see that place."
    Damian smiled softly, reaching over and gently taking Cassandra's hands. "I want you to know something," he said, very quietly, leaning closer so she could hear. "Before you, I didn't think it was possible to love someone that wasn't Morgyn so much. I didn't think it was possible for someone that wasn't Morgyn to love me so much. Every morning I wake up and I see you and I think, 'Wow, I am so lucky.' Even if, someday in the future, we fall apart, and we can't say we love one another anymore, I want you to know you've given me something I never thought I'd have. Thank you, Cassie."
    Cassandra smiled, turning slightly pink, and bowed her head a bit. And then, she drew in a breath, and said, "You should've used that for your wedding vows."
    Damian paused a moment, and then laughed. "I know," he said. "Now I think of that."
    But of course.

    Maybe Damian was right. Maybe Damian was wrong.
    Which one did Morgyn bank on? Which voice was the voice Morgyn was supposed to listen to? It was difficult to sort out, and some part of Morgyn resented Damian for bringing that up and using it as a weapon. Morgyn was already angry enough over it, not at Damian, at the stupid idiot that Morgyn had been back then that'd run away from it all and pretended it wasn't a problem.
    But Morgyn never talked about that, and neither did Damian. Sometimes it felt like there was a giant chasm between them full of words neither of them wanted to say, and sometimes it felt like that with Caleb, too.
    Maybe Damian was right. But... maybe Damian was wrong...
    For the most part, Morgyn tried to put it out of mind, and then Caleb came down the stairs, and suavely sat down across the chess table. Morgyn quirked an eyebrow upward.
    "I uh..." Caleb looked a bit nervous. "I had something to tell you, if you wouldn't mind listening."
    "Okay," Morgyn agreed. "What's that?"
    Caleb fidgeted. "Would you mind standing up for a second?"
    "Sure..." And Morgyn stood up. Caleb stood up, too, and one second Caleb was fidgeting even more, and Morgyn was very confused, and then their lips met, for just a moment, and Morgyn just about died on the spot.
    Maybe Damian was right...
    "Oh," Morgyn breathed.
    "... is that a bad-?"
    "No!" Morgyn's head shook. "No, just... somehow unexpected."
    "I... I've liked you for a long time, Morgyn," Caleb said. "I just don't know how to express it. ... last time I was human, I'd be giving your father a bunch of chickens about now, but things don't work that way anymore."
    Morgyn laughed. "Ah, no, they don't. I'd say that was effective."
    "Would... could I call myself your boyfriend?" Caleb asked. He sounded so hopeful.
    Morgyn almost died again. "... yeah," was the breathless answer. "Yeah you can."
    Caleb instantly lit up, and Morgyn's heart kind of melted. That was adorable, and it made Morgyn kind of giddy.
    "Then... how about fiancee?" Caleb asked, kneeling down and holding up a ring.
    When did he get - it didn't matter when he got. Morgyn heaved a very put-upon sigh, glancing toward the wall. "Zero tact."
    "Just... zero tact." And with that, Morgyn walked off.

    ( he l i t e r a l l y. This boi. Listen. I heard the sound from it play and then saw it in the corner and I'm like CALEB NO because I knew Morgyn was going to say no, they'd been dating for like, two minutes, and unfortunately it rolled too fast, I couldn't stop him, and that's the story of how Caleb's a dork and embarrassed himself for a day. Morgyn still does romantic interactions with him autonomously, so he didn't REALLY mess up, but you know. )

    ( For those that were wondering, it took legit like ten minutes IRL to go from no pink bar to dating. Funny story. When Cassandra finally got Damian to the point where he'd accept romantic socials beyond "compliment appearance," she went all in and did a flirt and blew a couple kisses and then they did their first kiss and started dating, and somehow this small number of romantic interactions shot their romance number to 88. I saw this. Caleb got Morgyn to accept romantic socials beyond CA just fine within the first few seconds of going for it, but when they started dating, it only bumped their romance number to 55. So I don't know how to take this but I'm going with Cassandra and Damian are a fated bond. The gods greater than the Watcher hath spoken. )

    Caleb couldn't help the squirming as he sat down in his seat.
    Lilith glanced over at him from her game. "You look like you swallowed a fire wyrm," she said.
    "I might've done something... really stupid..." Caleb said.
    Lilith arched an eyebrow. "Now I'm just intrigued."
    "You see," Caleb started, "I got this... ring..."
    "Oh no..."
    "And... I asked Morgyn..."
    "Ohhhh no..." Lilith shook her head, sighing. "Caleb, that was way too fast."
    "Yeah," Caleb said. "I figured that out... about when Morgyn walked away."
    Lilith drew in a sharp breath. "Oh dear. If you're lucky, you didn't do any real damage. Morgyn might let you live it down eventually. I sure won't, though."
    "Seriously?" Caleb asked.
    "Hey, remember that time you tried to give Morgyn a ring the day you confessed your feelings?"
    Caleb groaned, head thunking into the table. "Watcher strike me dead."

    "So, you ready?" Bella asked. This was Caleb's first trip to Magic Realm, and it was mostly brought on because Bella, Cassandra's mother, challenged him to a magic duel. And it was something to get his mind off Morgyn.
    "As ready as I'll ever be," Caleb answered.
    "You look like you've had a rough day," she said.
    "I'd rather not think about it."
    "Ohh," Bella said. "One of those..."

    "Here we are," Bella said, stopping.
    Caleb stopped, too. "How does this work?"
    "The goal is to knock your opponent of their feet," Bella answered, waving her arms and drawing her magic to her fingers. "Get creative! I wanna see what you've learned!"

    ( *fearsome squeaking* )

    "Nicely done!" Bella said, standing up and brushing the dust off her dress. "You did really well for your first duel."
    "Thanks," Caleb said, smiling a little. It was nice to know he hadn't messed everything up today.
    "You can duel other spellcasters for spells, potion ingredients, and such. It's good practise, and lots of fun, too. It was nice to duel you!"
    "Thanks Mrs. Goth," Caleb said.
    "Oh, you can call me Bella," she answered. "You're Cassandra's oldest friend, you know, you've earned that right."
    "I am?" Caleb asked.
    "Sure," Bella replied. "And, since I've never said it before, thank you for being her friend. You made a big difference in her life."
    Caleb got a wry expression. "I don't think so."
    "You did," Bella insisted. "Without you being friends with and encouraging her, I don't think she'd have ever left the manor and made her own life. You make more of a difference in her life than you think. Well, have a nice night. I have to make sure Alexander's actually sleeping."
    As Bella left, Caleb wondered. Maybe that was a kind of love. Maybe love wasn't always passion and romance. And maybe he had more to learn about being human than he thought.

    "This is it, right?" she asked. Her sister smirked to herself, and nodded.
    "Yes," Sarnai replied. "This is it. Forgotten Hollow, and it's just fortunate the Count was kind enough to leave us somewhere to live, yes it is..."
    Lakshmi resisted the urge to hold her head. Sarnai was never quite all there in the head. Well, no. There was a time she was, but Lakshmi had long forgotten that time. Sarnai was turned too young. It was a little traumatic, and she was never the same.
    "What are we doing first?" Lakshmi asked. It was easier to nudge Sarnai the right way than try to make sense of her psychobabble.
    Sarnai tilted her head, and then grinned like the Cheshire cat. "The ones in the Realm go first," she said. "You tell us, Laky. Tell us how to get past the barriers."

    ( For those that don't recognise Sarnai, she is the one on the left, Lakshmi is the one on the right. Sarnai is a vampire, Lakshmi is a spellcaster. )

    ( Sorry not sorry. Happy simming! )
    Post edited by Keidra on

    I am kind to everyone. But if you are unkind to me, kindness is not what you will remember me for.
    I am autistic. Wording isn't my strong suit.

    Stop player on player violence.
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    KoteykaKoteyka Posts: 537 Member
    edited August 2020
    I actually find a lot of characters that come across as autistic aren't written intentionally so - content creators say things like, "Well, I never researched autism specifically, I based them on myself / a family member / a friend", without realising specifically that they were still basing them on autistic people. Dan Harmon (creator of Community) realised he was autistic while writing Abed, for instance; he hadn't realised he was writing an autistic character until other people pointed it out, researched it, and realised he was autistic himself
    That's really interesting! The research I did a while ago mostly made me realise that I probably have a mix of aspergers, OCD and anxiety in small forms. But since none of that really makes me struggle, I'm too lazy to go to a psychiatrist and actually get diagnosed with anything. :p
    Whatever Peter has, I just call it "some unnamed form of sim autism". It's not 100% accurate but it's the sims so I guess it doesn't have to be. What matters is that he's highly intelligent but the world just doesn't seem to care.
    Man, the juxtaposition of Tony giving orders with the Family Rules board behind him :-\
    You noticed that! Yes, that Family Rules board sure looks like mockery now...
    Thank you!

    It hurts to read it honestly. How much more Steve and Peter take before they are irrevocably broken. How much more Tony can do it before he loses his moral compass. It's too dark :(
    This may just be the darkest I ever went with my sims :( I remember when I downloaded a bunch of sad poses I was like "yep, that'll last me forever", but now I've almost ran out of them... I blame "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", "Torchwood" and other gut-wrenching TV shows for that.
    The dangerous thing with Tony is that although for now he's only wearing a mask, one day he might just not be able to take it off.
    Thank you!

    I think I never commented on your post with Peter talking.
    You didn't but there's no need to worry about that. :) As much as I enjoy reading your comments, real life and health should always come first!
    It's sad that he still feels like he has no friends, but I guess he just doesn't feel confident enough to make friends.
    Oh, Peter's actually not shy at all! Everyone wants him to be, but he's not. He's okay with making friends, joining in other people's conversations and overall communicating. He just does it a bit weirdly and awkwardly which makes his classmates want to avoid him. They expected him to be a quiet nerdy teenager they can ignore and occasionally make fun of but Peter doesn't fall into that category, and that irritates everyone around him. Especially Orange.
    it must be difficult to realize that you think and talk differently from other people.
    It surely is, but Peter doesn't worry too much. He's aware and acknowledges that he's different, but sees no need to make a big deal out of it. Mostly thanks to Steve who treats him as normal as any other kid.
    But holy cow, don't know how much worse Tony can get. Apparently Steve doesn't think he can get any worse at this point.
    They've really hit rock bottom there... :disappointed:
    I was really worried about Steve at the event. When you said that he didn't feel good and he wanted to call home I was afraid he was actually very sick.
    He was sick! I have the Slice of Life mod and it made him catch some kind of flu there. He was constantly getting dizzy moodlets and headaches.
    Nick needs to die at this point. I'm not taking anything less 😢 (Probably not going to happen, is it? 😄)
    Well... I mean everybody dies eventually... question is, how and when will it happen? Maybe he'll die of starvation due to being homeless or in some horrible jail, maybe he'll die peacefully from old age in a warm and comfy bed with a huge pile of simoleons hid in his vault... who knows? I certainly don't! :p
    It's awful that Peter heard all of that argument, especially when he said "your son" as if Peter isn't his. I'm glad Peter continues to believe his feelings. I'm not sure how he take it otherwise.
    Peter is highly intelligent. Not to throw any shade on Steve, he's obviously a wonderful man with the biggest and kindest heart, but there are just some things that he can't put together. Also, unlike Peter, he's not involved in the industry. Peter does modelling and ballet, so he's a bit more aware of what could've happened.
    Thank you!

    Wow. I know Tony secretly feels bad about his treatment towards Steve and Peter but I don’t feel sorry for him. Steve deserves better, Peter too. He’s a good looking talented guy and can become successful in his career and find love again
    I get that it's hard to feel sorry for Tony right now. They all really do deserve much, much better.
    Thank you!

    "We need to talk."

    Tony looked away.
    "Okay. Talk."

    Steve took a deep breath.
    "I'm tired of the way things are. I'm tired of the way you're treating me. I kept telling myself it will get better but I can't do that anymore. So I want to know why."
    "Why? Why what?"
    "Why are you being like this."
    "Look, I'm just the way I am. That's all."

    "No, Tony! You became different! You became hard and cold and you act like you don't care about anyone except for yourself... But I remember the old Tony. And I want to know what changed. I need to know... was it something I did?"
    "There was no old Tony, Steve. It was an act."

    "I'm an actor," coldly replied Tony. "Worlds best actor, to be exact. I act my whole life, that's how I survive. Get over it."

    "Now I see no reason to continue this discussion so please excuse me. Also go get another haircut before you've overgrown again. I don't need you embarrassing me in public with your unfashionable taste."

    "Stop!" yelled Steve, still remaining in shock. "We're not done!"
    More under the cut:
    "There is nothing to be done, Steve!"

    "Yes there is! Your "I'm an actor" excuse is not good enough! So for years you pretended to be a decent guy and then suddenly grew tired of it? I don't believe that! Tell me the truth!"

    "I don't need to give you an explanation! Things change, people change, I change! Now leave me alone!"

    "Tony, I'm only trying to figure things out... I can't live like this anymore, I just can't! I'm tired of falling asleep drowning in my own tears, I'm tired of being afraid, I'm tired of-"

    "You're tired? I'm tired! You do nothing but whine and take up space!"

    "Please Tony, just- just tell me why you changed! I want the old Tony back..."

    "Well he's long gone!" Tony desperately grabbed Steve's hand. "He's long gone, why can't you see that!?"

    Steve shook his head in disbelief.
    "No, I don't believe that, he must still be somewhere in you... Please, Tony, I need you to tell me. Who done this to you, why can't things just go back the way they were?"

    Tony sighed. He gently took Steve's hand. It was so soft, so warm... Tony still remembered how good it felt to hold hands back when they were young, naive and saw the world just so darn simple.
    Why couldn't things just go back the way they were? Why couldn't they? Why couldn't they? Oh Tony, are you really asking yourself that question?
    Tony thought that this might be the last time he ever gets to touch Steve.

    "Please Tony. I know there's still some part of you that loves me... things can't just change overnight..." whispered Steve. "There must be a reason why you're hurting me so much. I need you to give me an answer. An answer - not an excuse."

    "I can't tell you."
    "Why not? Could you at least try? Tony, I'm begging you... just tell me. Is there..." Steve softly sighed, uncertain if he should continue the sentence. Surely Tony wouldn't. He promised their very first night together that he would never do that. He knew how much it would hurt Steve, he knew Steve would never be able to go through that again. Surely he would never...
    But Steve had to ask. He had to be sure. So he did.
    "Is there someone else?"

    Tony felt as if he was struck by lighting.
    He knows. He knows. He knows he knows heknowsheknowsheknows so what's the point in lying what's the point in all of this. He already despises you. You're nothing to him. You're worthless. Just spare him from suffering like you should've done ages ago.
    "And what if there is?" he whispered.

    Steve didn't reply. His whole body was shaking. Tony could feel it through the hand Steve still had on his chest.
    "No," he finally said under his breath, feeling the last remains of his love to Tony, his love the man who once promised to be with him forever, shattering to pieces. "No, no, no, no..."

    "No, no, no, please tell me you're lying. I still love you, Tony, I love you with all of my heart I- I- I can't help it... please tell me you're lying, please! You knew that I couldn't go through that, not again... you knew and you promised that you would never... oh god..."
    The farther he went, the more his voice trembled, turning sounds into whimpers. Tony remained silent.
    "Is he... is he nice?"
    Tony slowly nodded.
    "And... you're happy with him?"
    Another nod.

    Steve sighed and held back tears. He wasn't going to cry this time.
    "I'll go pack my stuff," he said softly.

    "Took you long enough."

    Steve turned away.
    "There really is nothing of you left," he whispered.


    "I'm not talking to you until you and Dad stop yelling at each other," muttered Peter. "And I'm in your room only because the lighting is better."
    Steve smiled sadly.
    "We won't be doing that anymore."

    "Really? Cool! Really... really cool! So you guy are all better now?"

    "Peter there's- there's something I need to tell you," softly said Steve. "Me and Dad... We decided it would be best for me and you to live somewhere else for a while. So I need you to go pack everything you need because we're leaving tonight and-"


    "No, no, no, you can't break up. You can't. You can't! Pa wait!"

    "Pa, wait up! You can't break up Pa, you can't!"

    "Peter, I'm scared for you, I'm worried about your safety. We can't live like this anymore."

    "Dad would never hurt me!"
    "You don't know that."
    "I do! It isn't him, he doesn't want to do this! If you would just- if you would just give me another week I'd figure it out! You can't leave, your love was supposed to be forever love!"

    Steve sighed. Forever love.
    "Yeah. I used to think so too."

    "You can't break up, not now! Please Pa, you just can't..."

    "We're done, Peter," coldly said Tony. "I'm sorry, I know this is hard for you, but we are. There's no going back."

    "Dad!" Peter immediately turned. Steve sighed.
    "Peter leave him, he's not worth it..."
    "No! Dad, what's going on?"

    "Just... just leave it, Peter," quietly said Tony. "Go with Steve."

    "I'm not going anywhere without you! I'm not leaving you and neither is Pa!" shouted Peter. "I know this isn't you doing this, I know you're like possessed or something..."

    "Alright, you watched way too much movies."

    "I've been in the industry since I was five, I'm not oblivious to this stuff. And I'm not a kid anymore, I'm fourteen years old, I can help if you just tell me-"

    "No!" sharply yelled Tony. "No you can't! I'm not telling you because if I do then they'll come for you too! And you clearly are a kid if you don't understand that! Now get lost!"

    "I'm not leaving you! Please-"

    Tony grabbed Peter.
    "Now you listen to me, boy," he furiously snarled, desperately hoping Steve isn't listening. "Pack up you bags, go with your Pa, move to some nice little town. Be a good boy, go to college, become a scientist or whatever you wanted to be. Live a happy normal life."
    "But Dad-"

    "I'm giving you enough money to start fresh. And don't you ever come back to this rotten place because they'll be coming for you next and that smart brain of yours is too darn valuable to be destroyed by them. UNDERSTOOD?"

    "Who are they, Dad?" mumbled Peter.
    "Doesn't matter. Now you are not going to talk to anyone about anything you're suspecting. Not even Pa. Especially not Pa. I love you and I love him. I've hurt you both enough."
    "But I... I love you too, Dad..."
    "Forget it," growled Tony. "I'm a ruined man, Peter. I failed you, I failed Steve. I don't deserve love."

    Peter sighed.
    "I so hate you for doing this."

    "I know," weakly replied Tony. "I'm sorry. Now go."

    "I'm going to need a bigger suitcase, Pa."

    "Peter, you don't have to take all of your toys... you don't even use most of these..."

    "I'm not leaving any of my stuff here, okay? You know I'm already pretty bummed I can't take Matthew-The-Huge-Teddy and my chemistry set and my bed and my voidcritters station and- and- It's my stuff and I don't want to leave it behind!!"

    Peter collapsed on the floor and broke down in tears.
    "I don't want to go, Pa... Why do we have to go..."

    "I was so close to figuring it out and you- you just thrown away everything..."

    "I don't think I'm ever falling in love, Pa."

    "I'm so sorry, Peter. I'm so, so, so sorry..."




    "Hey, Tessie... Came to comfort me?"

    "You're a good dog, Tessa. You're a good dog."

    "We'll be okay, Tessie. You and me - we'll figure this out. I promise."

    I still remember walking in here for the first time. Everything seemed so big, and frightening but I wasn't afraid because Tony was standing next to me. Now Tony is the reason I'm afraid. And yet I still love him. Peter's right, our love was forever love. To me, at least. Tony will probably forget about us the second we shut the door on the way out...

    How could it end like this?

    What the hell, Tony? Did you just transfer 50,000 simoleons somewhere? Do that again and I'm changing the password and giving you out money strictly when I decide you need it!
    "Steve... he's leaving me. And he's taking Peter too... I couldn't just let them go without nothing."

    Oh... Well. It's for your own good they left. I'm glad you finally stopped being selfish and realised you don't deserve them. Now we can focus on what truly matters. Meanwhile - congratulations! The show has been released and is already a huge success.

    You just earned five stars and the Celebrity Tile!.. Tony? Aren't you happy?
    "Yeah. Yeah, that's great. That's um... really great..."

    "All set?"

    "We're not... we're not ever coming back, are we."

    "I don't know, Peter. I honestly don't know."

    "C'mon, Stanley. Up you go..."



    It will be better this way.
    |Beginning|Previous update|Next update|
    Post edited by Koteyka on
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    NushnushganayNushnushganay Posts: 9,418 Member
    @Koteyka I must be different from everyone else, because I don't see Tony as evil, but as having a knife to his throat. Wouldn't anyone do what he's doing, if the ones they loved were under threat for their lives, unless he did? He's in an agonizing position and the evil person doing it...if I said what ought to happen to them, it would get removed from the forum. But Tony, evil? Not even. He's gutting himself to save them.
    Racism is EVERYONE's fight #BLM #StopAsianHate
    Let's make Liberty and Justice For All a reality.

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    NushnushganayNushnushganay Posts: 9,418 Member
    edited December 2019
    @Becka28 As usual I love your writing and the pics to go with it. The scene about the other family was so on. And the way Max was eating up that misery. Of course he would welcome him enthusiastically!
    Racism is EVERYONE's fight #BLM #StopAsianHate
    Let's make Liberty and Justice For All a reality.

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    NushnushganayNushnushganay Posts: 9,418 Member
    @RedDestiny92 Your character Nef is really nicely done! Love the look!
    Racism is EVERYONE's fight #BLM #StopAsianHate
    Let's make Liberty and Justice For All a reality.

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    NushnushganayNushnushganay Posts: 9,418 Member
    @Morkovka Well, not out of character for Caleb to get turned on by what he saw, but to stop his rescue mission so he could exploit the moment? Creepy, but funny as heck when it happened.

    And your phrase "Well, hello nonbinary trans-masc Darling, I'm a fan" ought to be a meme!
    Racism is EVERYONE's fight #BLM #StopAsianHate
    Let's make Liberty and Justice For All a reality.

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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    edited December 2019
    Okay now that I have slept..honestly I probably have issues but back here again to play catch up.
    @ryttu3k it always amuses when I find an item I dont care for working on a sim. Eliza and Bob are the only ones so far but they arent main so it doesnt count. Well I can be pretty casual but I particular in uni so I'd probably rotate daily for homework and classes and maybe stay at home or in uni housing for rotating with regular sims guess I'll see.

    @sarabeth2984 oh sure its really nice there its always a cute trip to take. Im glad you enjoyed both I feel like even though I love sharing sim stories here I rarely go for that exact way, trying to match mor story with gameplay it was fun.
    I really like Sam and Annie, its like she got bored with humans so someone evil was perfect for her. For your elves you may need to repair your game and take them into cas to manually fix their ears. Though I like them too.
    Vlad building relationships despite his weakness makes me laugh. I always cheat his vampire lore skill and give him the drink. They are really cute together the odd pair I would call them.
    @Becka28 I'm not going to give him the benefit of the doubt. He might have convinced himself he loved Jess but one doesnt need to go looking when they hurt and love. He was selfish , and shes better off without him. Can you tell your story made me hate him? Lol though she needed to know how little she meant to him to properly heal while Diego waits for his proper place beside her. If he gets it anyway. I guess the poor boy is 'lucky'he has Max. Hopefully he doesnt grow as bitter as he is though.
    @Koteyka ah its so depressing, more than it has been. I feel like mr. Puppeter isnt going to just die peacefully so Tony will have to live like this since he cant just give up his fame and run off with his family. I feel like he would still find them. Though I wish he could have had a moment alone with their luggage or some way to slip a peter a note. Knowing Steve would try to help even if he knew he couldnt but Peter would still listen. Something vague like - I'm sorry I know it doesn't mean much but I am. Tell your dad it's not true, there is only him and know how much I love you both. It's just too dangerous for you to see that for yourself anymore. One day maybe you'll hear me out to learn why even if you never choose to forgive me.
    Guy's got it bad though maybe Peter could get Steve to listen even after its been a while.
    Mmhmm dont think I dont get I dont get emotionally invested in your sims too.
    @Nushnushganay glad you like him I went a little over board ha. Also he almost turned out a bit different my guy selected some options for me I just wanted him to have everything.
    Of course awesome out even when I dont say awesomes out...but you know
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    OraKholOraKhol Posts: 28 Member
    @Morkovka 🤣🤣 I never realized how cute they would be together!! I hardly ever play as Townies unless I end up married to one, but how cute is that!! Caleb and Morgyn. My new OTP
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    MorkovkaMorkovka Posts: 662 Member
    @Keidra Ouch my heart! :heart: That first kiss was so cute. But... proposal??? Oh, Caleb, that was just... he'd probably have more luck with a bunch of chickens :sweat_smile: That's one adorkable plot twist!
    (although I'm too uneducated to get the cultural (historical?) reference about the chikens, it made me laugh)
    As for "what terrible things were in store thanks to everything going so well for so long" - oh I do know this feeling so well. It really makes it impossible to enjoy it when everything is going well. It plums :/

    @OraKhol Jump right on our happy Cagyn train! :wink:

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    MorkovkaMorkovka Posts: 662 Member
    (now just me doing silly stuff)
    Realm got itself a subtisute Sage for when Morgyn's away.
    And they are cuuute! :love:
    Caleb is mightily confused.
    Hope this is the right one.
    Oh, no, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, let me fix this.
    Oh, no, that made it worse.
    I mean look at this face...
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    ChristelleChristelle Posts: 144 Member
    ID: Stel85
    My newest Sims: Cline Brothers (on the gallery)

    And here is a bit about them... Like how these 2 turned out...

    Jaxon is the geeky brother, while Philip is more artsy. They recently moved into a new town, hoping that no one would know who they are as they want to find themselves and be successful in their own way not due to their family. They came to meet some townies, hope to fall in love, get a degree and have a future. Will their future be good or evil? Who are the Clines? Did these two come to take over the town? That is all up to you...


    So in my adventure, this is what happened today...

    Jaxon struggled a lot to to study although he was the one I thought would do well, he was in every class, did his homework, furthered his skills, did presentations, still 1 F and 1 D found their way onto his report, while his brother Philip missed a class and 1 homework due to rather playing on his guitar than showing up for class, he only received A+, A and his lowest was 1 C, but he completed his degree. While brother Jaxon, still has 2 more classes to complete.

    They mingled with a few of the townies but each favoured a blonde, maybe due to being twins, just as they both had a good friendship with each of the 2 blondies, Jaxon had an experience, he had a visit from a UFO. So his student life has been super hectic so far.

    Jaxon has a very close relationship with Summer Holiday and Philip has a very close relationship with Candy Behr

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    AngeliqueAdelaideAngeliqueAdelaide Posts: 1,033 Member
    edited December 2019
    Can´t get enough of your Morgyn, so very lovely <3 Wow, looks like there will be a fight for Caleb´s heart (and the other parts of him :D )
    Ezra and Bianca are adorable!

    Your post about Gaston, Caleb and the... ahem show Caleb gave you was hilarious. Almost makes me reconsider disabling that part of that mod (I had to, because come on, there are children around, you don´t have to do it in the middle of the living room. Oh well, here comes another reason why they need therapy when they grow up.)

    Poor Christie Sigworth indeed, the game really did her dirty, considering that both of her parents are good-looking. She is even worse than the unedited version of Alexander Goth. Bella and Moertimer had another son in this save, Gunther (Esme´s husband) and he is rather handsome. I think that the faulth lies in the devs trying to create as cute as possible kids, but not checking if they will still look cute when they grow up.
    Darling Walsh looks great! I never know what to do with them, so they just...are. I have aging off in my main save, so they must be still a teen.

    Morgyn has all the looks, charms and ambitions to make a sucessful politician. He is already midway there, as he just became a rising star thanks to a chance card. Morgyn is well aware of that a large chunk of his success is based on how good he looks on flyers and magazine covers, so he may have to start taking his campaign more seriously if he wants to keep his popularity.
    I miss Antoniette too. It´s the downside of having a large rotation that it will take time to get to everyone. But Antoniette is next on my list, right after I check on her poor son Aedion and his army of toddlers. The poor thing needs some new friends and possibly a new love interest.
    I keep enjoying the adventures of Vlad the Hipster, never stop!

    So the secret is out of the bag now! Is Jessica gonna tell her kids that they have more half-siblings?
    What are Max´s other traits in your game? Mine rolled cat-lover as his second one, which kind of suits his thorny personality.

    It feels kind of wrong to put awesome on such sad, frustrating update, but as your storytelling skills are awesome, here we go. Do you have plans of how much longer this story is gonna last?
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    NushnushganayNushnushganay Posts: 9,418 Member
    edited December 2019
    The Tale of Gaston, Episode 12, is now out!

    "And he was looking at the IV with terror on his face. Excellent. Response in the face of fear would be very informative."
    Post edited by Nushnushganay on
    Racism is EVERYONE's fight #BLM #StopAsianHate
    Let's make Liberty and Justice For All a reality.

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    KeidraKeidra Posts: 460 Member
    edited December 2019
    It was baaaaad. It was sooo baaaaad.
    He's not even romantic he doesn't have an excuse idk what that was. It was SOOO BAAAAD. Caleb no. Lol It's okay, Morgyn's not mad at him at least. And he can try again later when the pink bar's a bit higher. If this ends up like Caleb constantly asking Morgyn to marry him and Morgyn always saying no until one day finally Morgyn says yes, I'm really just going to l a u g h.

    The chickens thing was a reference to bride prices, paid by the groom or his family to the bride's family. I know that bride prices are very common in East Asia, and in the Middle East (Jewish and Islamic tradition) and Africa, but I'm not sure it ever reached most of Europe. My Caleb and Morgyn are from the Spain-France region, which was under Islamic rule for a while, so even if the practice itself didn't stick, theoretically the concept of it did and both understood that reference lol

    Yeah... unfortunately for Cass, she's not just being paranoid, either. :c I'm going to start chucking bombs into their happiness shortly ccc: I mean um, I'm so terrible, really.
    (This is their fault. This is their story, I'm just trying not to go crazy telling it believably. I was perfectly happy just playing, but nooo.)

    P.S. Sage-rage is beautiful. xD
    Post edited by Keidra on

    I am kind to everyone. But if you are unkind to me, kindness is not what you will remember me for.
    I am autistic. Wording isn't my strong suit.

    Stop player on player violence.
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    ryttu3kryttu3k Posts: 1,148 Member
    @Keidra with Ember and Goth genes? She'll be a stunner for sure!

    Aww, Esme's first steps! The toilet water conversation is priceless XD Oh my god Caleb that's. You literally just had your first kiss why. Why would you do that. Oh my god he's a disaster XD (Also my own Caleb got a whim to propose just after his first kiss with Johnny, too. He didn't act on it, at least XD) Excellent, fearsome squeaking has become a meme :D WELL THAT LAST BIT IS OMINOUS!

    @Koteyka heh, that's fair. Anxiety is super commonly comorbid along with autism, and OCD is a subset of anxiety, so it wouldn't be surprising to have the three in combination. And of course, everything is on a spectrum, from 'debilitating' to 'just kinda happens'.

    O u c h. I mean... the fact that Tony basically confirmed to Peter that something was going on is probably a good start? It means that he and Steve can maybe start putting the pieces together. And I agree with Nush, honestly, I don't see Tony as evil so much as desperate. He's a victim in this as well.

    @DeafSimmer Miles is a good guy, trying to help Jarvis. The poor kid, he's in a really hard place.

    @RedDestiny92 yeah, I might have to do a lot of daily rotation! Only issue with micromanaging is that I won't be able to to ensure they do the Listen Attentively bit in class, but at least I can get homework and assignments done. Eh, I'll figure it out!

    @Morkovka wow, Caleb is just going "I'm not sure if this is a dream or a nightmare but either way someone slap m-- NOT LITERALLY!" XD Untamed wrath looks a bit 'angry kitten' as well, honestly XD

    @AngeliqueAdelaide I only started playing with ageing on recently, so it's an experience! And yeah, if you edit kids when they're still kids, their teen looks can be........ 'questionable' is the nice way to put it XD

    @Nushnushganay out of curiosity, do you prefer comments on the other thread, or here? Can do either one! Either way, here are comments on episode 12!
    Poor Caleb and his foodie sensibilities XD Off to GeekCon! Oh jeez, Sunglasses Man is back... glad Caleb has that little ability! Man, I do not blame Gaston for being terrified :-\ Wait, what did Caleb do to make Sunglasses Man interested in him? D: Is Gaston just kind of incidental, caught up in it?
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    sarabeth2984sarabeth2984 Posts: 849 Member
    Happy Friday the 13th! Hope everyone has an awesome weekend ahead! Here's some comments:)
    @keidra -I love that pic of Morgyn! He’s gorgeous:)
    @darkangel1994 -I love what you did with Jonathan’s dorm room! The color scheme is awesome :)
    @morkovka -Thanks for liking my elves! I like them too:) OMG I am so in love with Bianca and Ezra. They make an adorable couple. It looks like they had an awesome romantic Winterfest at their cabin in Granite Falls. And kudos to Ezra for making such an effort to make it romantic! Every one of those screenshots was awesome! Especially the kiss by the tree!!
    @reddestiny92- Oh Nef and Demi are such cool looking Wizards!! Looking forward to seeing more of them! Also, is that Baby Yoda statue CC? Its so squee!
    Thanks for liking Annie and Samuel! I actually downloaded them from the Gallery. I need to post the creator because they did a great job on this couple! According to the description Samuel is supposed to be a vampire hunter who is unaware that his wife is a vampire lol. I downloaded them and adjusted their skills a bit. He usually winds up divorcing her in my last saves I had them in. I know she’s great friends with Bella Goth as they are coworkers (Bella is a fellow vamp too:) I hope they can at least make it last awhile. Vlad and Jules are definitely weird together and I am so loving it!
    @becka28 -Julia and Vlad are definitely growing on me too:) I do agree, I think Vlad is disconnected with the modern world since he stays in that big creepy mansion day and night and has no friends. I kind of feel sorry for him, I know he has the evil and loner trait but he’s actually fairly sociable to his close friends and family and enjoys their company. I just wanted to throw him out into the modern world so he can what he’s been missing.
    Oh my gosh it was awesome seeing Griffin in your game (I hope he was on his best behavior!)! I’m sorry he had to be to break the bad news about Bjorn’s other family to Jessica. It looks like he did break the news gently though :( That must have been so difficult for her! But Diego was an awesome friend to comfort her so quickly! I think they are well suited for each other too. I hope Viktor finds a better friend than Max!
    @ryttu3k -I absolutely love what you did with Darling Walsh! He looks awesome!
    Caleb and his fearsome squeaking lol! I am so sorry that Morgyn turned him down, but Caleb did rush the proposal a bit too fast! I still think they are going to make an awesome couple though:)
    @angeliqueadelaide -Oh yeah! Poor Aedion! He had like 4 toddlers and cats in a tiny apartment right. I look forward to seeing how he is doing!:)
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    TheLastStarTheLastStar Posts: 164 Member
    edited December 2019
    I decided to visit some of my other households because I haven't checked in on them in awhile

    First I went to see Aziraphale and Crowley. Since the last time I played with them I downloaded Crowley's tattoo so I put that on him but other than that they're pretty much the same.

    I then saw a skating rink pop up near their house, and I had Crowley at home by himself while Aziraphale was at work (Aziraphale is a conservationist, seemed fitting for an angel). So I took Crowley down to have a skate. Turns out Demon's aren't very steady of their feet

    He's beauty

    He's grace

    He fell flat on his face

    Next I went to visit Taro and Kalen (OCs) and I don't know what's going on here. Taro woke up from sleeping completely naked for some reason (maybe he was uncomfortable in his pjs???) Anyway, he woke up and went downstairs to go to the toilet, and Kalen thought this was a great opportunity to go have a chat with him:

    Nothing like getting a pep-talk from your boyfriend when you're stark naked and taking your morning poop!
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    NushnushganayNushnushganay Posts: 9,418 Member
    @ryttu3k As for where to put comments, I have no idea if it even matters. Here or there, either way is fine :) do whatever's more comfortable for you. Caleb's going to do his best to educate Morgan's palate, while she does her best to loosen him the heck up a little. :D Caleb is not of great interest to Sunglasses Man except that he's connected to Gaston, and Gaston is of great interest. Acting as if Caleb were of interest was a ruse meant to elicit reactions from Gaston, for evaluation purposes. All will be revealed (rubs hands together wickedly).
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