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*´¨`*•.¸.• The Social Club •.¸.•*´¨`* Part 1-38


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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member

    'I think that Simon is on his way,' Humara said to Nick and Tammy while they were waiting around near one of the rides.
    'We could have enough time to get on a ride before he gets here suggested Nick.
    Humara called Anna and Megan over and suggested that they go on one of the rides. Anna was also with a guy who happened to be Tony who Simon had disliked from when he was with Leanda.
    'Is this ride opening at last?' Anna asked referring to one of the roller coasters.
    'If we get on it now then we could avoid the queue,' suggested Nick as a few others from the group had come over.
    The group decided to get on the ride while they had the chance while Simon was on his way in the taxi. Once the ride had finished Nick had suggested that they could go on it again while the queue was still short.
    Megan and Tammy decided to give it a miss while Nick went on the ride again with Humara and Anna and Tony.


    'Simon has texted me again,' said Humara while they were in the queue.
    'Who is Simon?' asked Tony.
    'The guy who is seeing Humara,' said Anna.
    'We are just friends,' said Humara.
    'I thought that you where seeing him?' replied Anna.
    'Well, sort of,' replied Humara.
    'You fallen out have you?' asked Nick curiously.
    'Not really,' replied Humara 'but he has been trying to text me all evening while I am trying to have a good time,'
    'Is he that guy who worked in the canteen?' asked Tony.
    'Yeah I have taken over from him,' said Nick.
    'I know him, he was the one who went out with Leanda?' replied Tony.
    'When did you meet him?' asked Nick knowing full well the situation that had happened.
    'He was out with Leanda one night,' said Tony 'he got funny with her though because she was talking to me and my mate Craig.
    'He gets like that sometimes,' added Nick wondering what Humara thought of it.


    By that time Simon had just arrived but as he texted Humara she went onto the ride so Simon also text Nick and then looked around to find everyone else. He quickly saw Tammy, Megan, Jamie and Dorley who where by a candyfloss stall.

    'They finally let you out of work then?' Jamie said to him when he saw him.
    'Where is everyone else?' asked Simon.
    'Pretty much everywhere,' replied Jamie.
    'Humara has gone on a ride,' said Tammy 'but she knows that you are coming,'



    Simon waited for Humara to finish on the roller coaster and then she finally appeared. She said hi to him when she saw him but seemed to be more interested in spending time with Anna which was something that also annoyed Tammy and Megan. Simon was not pleased to see Tony with the group but Tony said nothing to him except gave him a nod. Nick was getting along with Tony very well however which made Simon nervous.


    'What are we doing now?' asked Jamie.
    'We could try the second rollercoaster that they have just opened up,' suggested Anna.
    'Let's do that then,' suggested Nick as Anna and Humara walked off ahead.
    'Humara, your boyfriend is here!' called out Tony.
    'He is not my boyfriend,' laughed Humara and Simon's heart sank. He knew that he and Humara were just friends but he did not like the way that she had been with him over the past week. It was all since the previous Saturday that she had been like this and it all seemed to be thanks to Nick who no doubt was having the time of his life.

    'That guy is a plum,' Jamie said to Simon while referring to Tony.
    'Do you know him?' Simon asked.
    'I have seen him around,' replied Jamie 'he comes into the canteen often,'
    'I used to go to school with him,' said Dorley 'he is alright some times,'
    'He disrespects you though' added Jamie.
    'Why is he hanging around with us?' complained Simon.
    'Anna seems to know him,' said Jamie glumly.



    The group made their way towards the next ride and Simon was lucky enough to get to talk to Humara in the queue while Nick was on the phone to one of the other guys telling them where the group was. Humara seemed to be a bit better with Simon when she was not distracted and Simon hoped that he was just being paranoid again and tried to spend as much time with her as possible but he still felt himself watching Nick. It seemed that everything that Nick had suggested Humara agreed to as well or at least that is what Simon thought. Eventually it was getting late so the group decided to head off towards a nearby bar for a drink.

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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    @king_of_simcity7 Sounds like Simon is getting too clingy for Humara. Maybe he should play hard to get. :lol:
    I sure am glad I'm not young anymore and don't have to play those kind of games. :flushed:
    I'm enjoying the conflict and drama though.
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @bekkasan Thanks for the feedback :smile: I don't miss those types of dramas either but i don't mind throwing it into The Sims! :D
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    @king_of_simcity7 The dialogue was great in this chapter! :star:

    So here's my thinking: Nick and Tony are je'rks. They've got this macho air about them and think they are God's gift to women.
    Second: I completely understand Simon's I have felt very much like him in cases where I was friends with a guy and it felt like we were moving into something more, but then he seemed to back off. It's never easy knowing how people are really thinking and that drove me INSANE! :grimace:
    So in that regard I can't be mad at Humara because...she was (is) probably having conflicting feelings for Simon and Nick and she's not sure how to sort it out. Since she and Simon were never an "official" couple, Simon shouldn't feel so hurt about her stepping back a bit (although I know that's easier said than done). She just needs space and is doing her best to have a good time with her friends with all these conflicting feelings looming around in the back of her mind. I get it. I've been there before (as a woman myself. ;) )
    In conclusion: I think Humara needs to let Simon know that she just sees him as a friend right now and if Simon really cares for her, he'll wait patiently for her to come around. ;) If she doesn't come around then at least he still has his friendship with her.
    Great writing! These situations are very believable and man they get me all emotionally attached to everyone. :p
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @emorrill Thanks for the comments :smile: This situation is very hard to deal with as from a male point of view it becomes competitive as it is not just about winning the girl but more so, not lose.

    The fear of losing is stronger than the triumph of winning. If Nick was not there then it would be easier to win Humara but at the moment it is him who has something to lose rather than Nick. The competition will be heavy!

    I am glad that you are enjoying the story and feel that you can relate to it. There will be more to come as I have a couple of days off :smile:
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member

    The bar that they went to was a seafront bar and was busy but as the weather seemed to be reasonable some of the group found a table outside. Simon managed to get sitting next to Humara who was now spending more time with Tammy considering that Anna was ignoring everyone else for Tony's attention and Tammy sympathised with Simon so made sure that Nick did not get in their way. Tammy had been suspicious of Nick while working in their canteen placement as he tended to slack off and of course had the day off sick the previous week.

    The rest of the evening went reasonably well and after a few drinks Simon started to feel more confident again. He suggested to Humara that they meet up in the week.


    could meet you after the skills centre if you want?' suggested Simon.
    'If I am not busy replied Humara.
    'What have you got planned?' Simon asked?
    'I don't know yet,' replied Humara sounding annoyed. Simon knew that it would be better to back off as Humara was obviously slipping back into being distant but Simon tried one last time.
    'Maybe we could go to the cinema?' he suggested.
    'Yeah, maybe,' replied Humara looking away.
    'Maybe we could go for a walk?' suggested Simon.
    'I don't know what I am doing next week though,' said Humara 'I will let you know,'
    'Okay I will text you tomorrow or something?' suggested Simon sounding disappointed.
    'Yeah, maybe, you don't need to text me all the time though,' she replied. Simon was now feeling anxious.
    'I don't text you all the time do I?' he asked.
    'Well you texted me tonight while you were meant to be at work. You don't need to text me every minute of the day!'


    She then noticed that Tony had gone inside leaving Anna by herself at another table so Humara got up and asked her to go inside with her. Tammy and Megan had noticed that something seemed odd as well and where not impressed.


    'Why is she asking Anna to go inside with her?' Tammy asked Megan.
    'It is like she follows Anna around all the time!' complained Megan.
    'I think that she might have had an argument with Simon,' said Tammy. Nick had also noticed what went on and came over to Simon with Warren and Dom.
    'So what's up?' said Nick pretending that he did not know what was going on.
    'You go on any big rides today?' Warren asked Simon oblivious to the whole thing.
    'I went on a couple,' replied Simon.
    'Dom chickened out on all the big rides!' joked Warren.
    'Rubbish!' joked Dom 'you should have hung out with us, Warren was annoying me all evening!'
    'It is a shame that you had to work for most of it,' said Nick pretending to be sympathetic 'at least you are out now though!'

    Simon was not in the mood for Nick and felt that Nick had something to do with what was going on but he didn't want to ask any questions incase it gave Nick more ammunition. At the moment it seemed like Nick was in control of everything and Simon had enough of it.

    'You not with Humara then?' Nick asked slyly.
    'She has gone inside with Anna,' replied Simon.
    'Fair enough,' replied Nick.

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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    @king_of_simcity7 It seems as if Simon is being a bit oblivious to Humara's hints that he is bugging her. You very rarely have a guy I like! :tongue:
    Simon is definitely proving himself as very needy with his texting and repeated asking if she will do this or that when she already told him she would if she was not busy.
    Seems like she is using him until someone better comes along and she doesn't want to answer until the last minute....which is shameful.
    I don't like her either. :lol:
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @bekkasan Hopefully you will grow to like Simon more over time. At the moment he is being poked with a stick and the worse is being brought out of him!
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member

    Humara had gone inside with Anna to the female toilets and started complaining about Simon.

    'He is getting clingy now,' complained Humara.
    'Tell him to back off then,' suggested Anna.
    'I don't want to sound harsh though,' replied Humara 'he just seems moody when he cannot see me,'
    'You are not his girlfriend though,' added Anna.
    'I know,' replied Humara.
    'Do you still like him then?' Anna asked.
    'Not sure,' replied Humara 'I like him but I don't know if he is going to get funny with me if he cannot see me as often as he wants. It is not my fault that he is on a work placement that he does not like. He should just quite it if he does not like it,'
    'What about Nick though?' asked Anna 'you seem to get along well with him?'
    'Don't know,' said Humara 'I am not saying anything yet,'



    Humara eventually returned with Anna. Tony had now appeared outside and was mostly with Nick as he did not know many other people in the group. Anna called him over and he went up to her.

    'You having a good night with us?' she asked Tony.
    'It would be better if you did not hang out with so many weirdos!' he joked.
    'I am not a weirdo!' replied Humara.
    'I am talking about those goons,' said Tony referring to Warren and Dom.
    'Oh, those two,' said Anna.
    'We should go somewhere else, just ditch this lot,' suggested Tony. By this point Simon had gone inside to get another drink.
    'Maybe do it without Simon seeing me,' said Humara.
    'Don't worry about him,' said Tony.
    'I don't want to be mean though,' said Humara.
    'Let's just go!' said Anna.
    'I am meant to be staying with Tammy though,' said Humara.
    'Well I am meant to be staying with Megan,' replied Anna.
    'Invite them both then?' suggested Tony.


    Humara and Anna then went up to Tammy and Megan and suggested going somewhere else although they were happy staying at the bar with everyone else.

    'I would rather stay here,' said Tammy.
    'I just need some space from Simon for a bit,' said Humara.
    'Why don't you just talk to him then?' suggested Tammy.
    'I don't want him to get funny with me,' replied Humara.

    Simon had then reappeared and had the impression that Humara might have been talking about him. She quickly grabbed Anna and they again headed back into towards the female toilets. Tammy and Megan where not happy about it either.

    'What is going on?' asked Simon.
    'Not sure,' replied Tammy 'she has been like it since she started talking to Anna,'

    Simon looked over and noticed that Nick was talking to Tony although Warren and Dom where trying to get into their conversation much to Tony's embarrassment.


    'It is since last week since Nick,' complained Simon.
    'Has she ever mentioned anything to you?' he asked Tammy.
    'She hasn't,' said Tammy 'I met her earlier and asked how things were going with you both and she said that they were fine,'
    Simon was now confused. Were things fine all along and had he got things wrong?
    'So nothing is going on with her and Nick then?' he asked Tammy.
    'I don't know,' replied Tammy.
    'It does seem odd though,' added Megan 'Has she been like this more since they met up the other night?'

    Simon's heart skipped a beat.

    'They met up the other night?' he asked feeling a sense of unease come over him.
    'Oh, you didn't know,' said Megan.
    'We didn't know if we wanted to tell you,' said Tammy 'but the reason why she was off sick the other day was because she had been out with Nick, Anna and Tony the other night,'
    'Right, okay,' said Simon.
    'I don't think anything happened between them though,' said Tammy 'They were drinking in town and she said it was not that late. I know that she went home by herself the other night because when I was last round her place she was arguing with her sister about waking her sister up when she came home late and she shares the room with her sister,'


    Simon was not sure what to think but it seemed to be coming together now. Nick was clearly up to something and had something to do with Humara going off him.


    Humara then reappeared with Anna but they sat by themselves for a bit. Simon then decided to go home so he quickly mentioned to her that he was heading off and left to get in a taxi. He was tempted to question her but a part of him hoped that she still liked him. The best that he could do was just leave. He got in a taxi and just went off. He did not text her when he got home and did not want to think of anything else happening. He just wanted to block it out.
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    @king_of_simcity7 I'm actually glad Simon just went home rather than stayed. I'm glad he didn't text her too. I hope he finds someone who likes him as much as he likes her. I dunno if Humara is the one. If she really liked him she wouldn't be playing off Nick like that. Maybe absence will make the heart grow fonder? Maybe not?
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    sassygray5sassygray5 Posts: 546 Member
    edited July 2019
    I’m glad Simon left too... he’s only making things worse for himself by being so clingy. But I also agree he deserves better and if Humara isn’t sure about him then he’s better off finding someone who is! It seems like the friends in the group like stirring up drama between them.
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    PalmArrowPalmArrow Posts: 4,329 Member
    I agree with everyone else: Simon did the best thing he could by going home. If Humara is more interested in spending time with someone else than with him, the worst thing he could do is get possessive.
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @bekkasan Thanks for the comment :smile: I will write a Synopsis before i go onto part 21 :smile:

    @sassygray5 Thanks for the comments :smile:

    @PalmArrow Thanks for the comment :smile:
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    Part 21A


    The next day was hard for Simon. He spent most of the day trying not to text Humara but she was all that he could think about. Was there really something going with her and Nick? What happened when they met up the previous week. He constantly looked at his phone to see if she would text him but she never did. Perhaps it was clear that she was not interested in him anymore and was probably with Nick. Simon would be plagued by thoughts of her being in bed with Nick and no doubt that Nick was laughing at him. Eventually later in the afternoon he gave in and sent her a text message seeing how she was. Big mistake. He was now looking at his phone seeing if she would reply. No doubt she would ignore his messages. Perhaps Nick had seen the messages and they were having a laugh at him together. Then to his surprise she text him back.

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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    Part 21B

    He simply text her asking how she was and if she got home ok the night before and her reply seemed to be nice. They managed to text for a while and everything seemed to be fine. He asked her what she was up to and she said that she was just at home bored watching TV with her sister. Everything seemed to be normal. Simon could now relax. Was he just being stupid over thinking things? He wanted to suggest that they meet up but he decided to wait a while to see how things went. He felt that because he had chosen to go home early the night before he could have perhaps saved any problems. It was a wise decision he felt as he did not fall into the trap of falling out with her.


    The next few days went reasonably well and Simon would still manage to text Humara a few times although things were still not the same as before. His next day off would be Thursday were he decided to go to the skills centre to visit and he thought that might be a good time to perhaps suggest to Humara that they meet up again. The first couple of days at work were slow as Brett was still off work sick and he was having problems with one of the chefs named Wes who constantly liked to prank other people and put them down. Simon wanted to think of ways to try and leave but would Sue let him? He just wanted things to go back to how they were before.

    Finally on Thursday Simon made his way to the college and was pleased that Humara was there. Perhaps she had not been meeting up with Nick during the week? He turned up in time for the morning break to see Humara and make conversation with her. Nick would still be working so this could be an advantage for Simon.


    'So what are you up to at the weekend?' he asked her when he saw her.
    'Not sure yet,' Humara replied plainly.
    'Has anyone got anything planned?' Simon asked.
    'I don't know,' replied Humara 'no one has said anything is happening yet,'
    'I am off tomorrow night if you want to meet up?' suggested Simon.
    'I don't think that I am doing anything,' said Humara 'I could let you know tomorrow?'
    'I will be here tomorrow,' said Simon.
    'Are you working Saturday?' Humara asked him.
    'I will be in the evening,' replied Simon.
    'Fair enough,'
    'I am trying to leave though,' added Simon.
    'You should leave then?' replied Humara.
    'I am trying to,' said Simon 'I will try to talk to Sue,'
    'Good luck with that!' joked Humara.
    'I miss it here,' said Simon.
    'Why though?' asked Humara 'it is boring at times and they now want us to start debating,'
    'What about?'
    'It is since 'The Lion' became 'Leader Of The Free World'* the tutors are trying to make us argue,' said Humara.


    *The Sim known as 'The Lion' has replaced 'The Gray Lady' Names changed to keep it forum friendly :smile:
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    sassygray5sassygray5 Posts: 546 Member
    It seems Humara doesn’t make plans with Simon a priority by never giving him a definitive answer on hanging out. Her responses come across as “Sure we can meet up if something better doesn’t come along first.” Poor guy.
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @sassygray5 Thanks for the comment :smile: Humana is confusing!
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member

    Simon really missed the skills centre. It sounded like everyone was having fun while he was away on placement. He would get paid no less if he could go to the skills centre every day so he hoped to find Sue and try to get out of it.

    'I have to go back to class now,' said Humara 'text me later or something?'


    Simon had thought that their meeting had gone ok and he hoped that she would be up for meeting him after the skills centre the following day. Afterwards he went up to the counter and spoke to Jamie while Nick was in the distance washing up.

    'So anything happen while I have been away?' Simon asked him.
    'Not really,' replied Jamie 'it has been a quiet week,'
    'I wish that I had a quiet week,' said Simon 'what happened to everyone the other night after I went home?'
    'Not much really,' replied Jamie 'I would keep an eye on him though,'
    'Him,' replied Jamie looking behind him at Nick washing up.
    'What has he done?' asked Simon feeling nervous.
    'He has been following Humara around,' added Jamie 'but I am keeping an eye on him for you,'


    'Is Sue here today?' asked Simon.
    'She is here now,' replied Brenda noticing that Sue had walked in.
    'Simon? What are you doing here on your day off?' she asked.
    'I was wondering about changing placements,' replied Simon.
    'Why though?' asked Sue seeming surprised.
    'Just not keen on it,' replied Simon.
    'But we worked hard getting you that placement,' replied Sue sounding disappointed 'we managed to get someone a job there before and we hope to get people more jobs this year,'
    'Could I not come back here though or work somewhere else?' asked Simon.
    'We cannot have you back here all the time. You can still come here one day a week but Brenda does not need anyone working in the canteen as she is full now,'
    Simon was disappointed. It seemed that Sue did not care for people as much as she claimed to.
    'I am sorry but I cannot talk about this now,' she added 'I have a meeting and trying to get other students placements as well. You are one of the lucky ones with a placement. Give it a few more weeks and when it is your review we can see how you feel then?'
    Simon was not impressed. He did not feel like one of the lucky ones at the moment!



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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member

    It was good for Simon to be back at the skills centre on Friday. It was nice weather and everyone got to spend the day together. Luckily there seemed to be nothing planned for the weekend so Simon had hoped to spend time with Humara after college although he still felt that he had to keep an eye on Nick.

    The tutors had another debate session planned for everyone about their views on the new prime minister. Everyone was sitting in tables that where placed around the room in a circle with the girls on one site and the guys on the other.


    'Okay, everyone. Let's have a discussion about the new leader of the free world and what he could do for young people,' said Jean at the front of the classroom.

    'Shall I start?' suggested Sue who was also in the room.
    'What do you think of this?' asked Jean.
    'I personally am worried,' said Sue 'I just do not know if I can trust him!'
    'I think that he is alright,' added Jamie.
    'Really?' asked Sue 'I would have thought that most people would have been against him?'
    'I like him,' added Ben.
    'I don't!' exclaimed Cassie 'he wants to give funds to rich Sims,'
    'Where did you hear that?' Jamie asked her.
    'I read it online,' replied Cassie.
    'Oh, online!' joked Ben 'they can write anything on there,'
    'It is true though,' said Humara 'he wants to cut poor Sim's benefits,'
    'Maybe people should get a job then?' joked Jamie.
    'Some people cannot get one because they have children to look after,' argued Cassie.


    'What about The Messiah? What do people think of him?' asked Sue.
    'No thank you!' exclaimed Jamie.
    'He couldn't even run a bath,' joked Ben.
    'I like him,' added Cassie.
    'I think that he is alright actually,' added Humara.
    'I would vote for him,' said Nick.

    Simon was annoyed. Was Nick agreeing with Humara just to impress her. Simon was not sure who he supported at the moment. That was the last thing on his mind.

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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    edited July 2019

    'Okay, maybe this was not such a good idea,' said Jean.
    'Yes, I thought that we could have had a good debate without name calling,' added Sue feeling disappointed that the debate had not gone well.
    'Maybe instead everyone could perhaps write something on someone that they inspire to and tell everyone else?' she suggested.
    'That would be a better idea,' agreed Sue.

    *Removed parts to appear on my blog*

    'I see that your girlfriend likes The Messiah?' added Damien.
    'My girlfriend?' replied Simon awkwardly knowing that Damien was talking about Humara.
    'Well, maybe not your girlfriend but her other follower seems to like to agree with her,'
    'What do you mean?' asked Simon.
    'Well all I will say is that you need to keep an eye on your so called mate as when you are not here he is following her around like a lost puppy!'

    Was Damien trying to play games? Simon never trusted Damien but he did not like the fact that he seemed to have observed everything.

    The rest of the morning had go by okay and during the break Simon managed to sit next to Humara in the canteen and asked her what she was doing later.


    'Are you free tonight then?' he asked her.
    'Well I am not sure,' replied Humara 'my sister wants me to do her hair for her,'
    'Okay,' replied Simon feeling disappointed. As far as he was concerned Humara did not get along with her sister so he had no idea why she was all of a sudden was happy to do her hair when usually she would avoid spending as much time with her as possible.


    'What you doing tomorrow then?' Simon asked her.
    'Not sure yet,' replied Humara 'have you not got work anyway?'
    'I have,' replied Simon 'maybe do something in the week?'
    'Can do,' replied Humara.
    'I just miss us meeting up,' replied Simon.
    'Really?' said Humara 'well we will meet up again soon, it is just that you work all the time,'
    'I am trying to get out of it,' said Simon 'I might just walk out,'
    'They should just let you leave,' said Humara.
    'It is half term the week after next,' said Simon 'they want me to work then,'
    'That is pointless,' replied Humara.
    'Hopefully we can meet soon though?' added Simon feeling that he was already being pushy.
    'We will do, don't worry,' replied Humara 'just sort out your placement first. I don't want to get you into trouble!'
    'I am free Sunday,' suggested Simon.
    'I might be free to meet then,' said Humara 'maybe text me tomorrow and I will let you know what I am doing?'


    At the other end of the table Dom and Warren had a night out of their own planned.


    'Big football match next Friday,' said Dom 'I say that we get all the boys together and watch the game,'
    'No girls?' asked Warren.
    'Nah, they are all Lion supporters!' teased Dom. Sitting opposite them was Stacy and Hana and they were not impressed with Dom's immaturity.


    'Hana fancies The Lion!' joked Dom.
    'No I don't!' replied Hana.
    'Yes you do!' teased Dom 'I think that he is a plum though,'
    'You don't understand what you are talking about,' replied Hana.
    'You don't either,' added Warren 'you just go by what the internet tells you,'
    'She is entitled to her opinion,' defended Stacy.
    'Oh well, you lot will not be invited on our big night out!' teased Dom.
    'I am sure that we will manage without your invite,' replied Stacy.


    He managed to text her a few times in the evening but he was starting to feel lost. He wanted to be with her more than anything but there seemed to be a lot of obstacles. The next evening he had work which he was not looking forward to either. It was another hard day. Simpson and Wes where not in a good mood and took it out on all the staff. Simon was still texting Humara when he could and although she seemed to be okay with him asking how work was going he got a nasty surprise when he finished work. He simply asked her what she was up to and when she replied his heart dropped. She was with Nick.


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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    Simon's got it bad. I think after the first couple of times she wouldn't give him a specific yes, he should have known she was waiting for something better to come along. Simon should move along. Perhaps he will meet a pretty waitress at his job if he opens his eyes and looks around.
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    @king_of_simcity7 I'm once again finally catching up with your story. ;)

    I can very much sympathize with Simon's anxiety and know that he's not meaning to come off clingy. But it seems like Humara is throwing him some hints and he should listen...
    Ok, THIS cracked me up! :joy:
    'You having a good night with us?' she asked Tony.
    'It would be better if you did not hang out with so many weirdos!' he joked.
    'I am not a weirdo!' replied Humara.
    'I am talking about those goons,' said Tony referring to Warren and Dom.
    Good ole Warren and Dom! :lol:
    It's also hilarious that you call the bathroom the "Female Toilets." :lol:
    I'm glad Simon left and decided not to contact Humara. Perhaps him giving her some distance will get her thinking, "Hey, why isn't Simon texting me?" ;) And then maybe she'll come around more.
    Yup. Simon's playing out scenarios in his head just like a person with anxiety does. (Sounds like me. :p ) Poor kid...
    Good boy for Simon not suggesting they meet up. Sounds like Humara really needs her space.
    I love how you throw politics in this story sometimes. :lol:
    Agreed with what you said, Humara IS confusing! :grimace:
    Aww, Jamie is a nice guy. :)
    I don't think it's so much that Sue doesn't care for people like Simon thought, I think she cares a lot and does everything she can to find everyone in the skills centre work. She's hoping they are thankful for the work. Anyway... :p
    I think it's good and healthy for people with opposing views to discuss politics. We can all learn something from each other and see why they believe the way they do. It helps us gain a greater understanding of each other. :) And in turn we are nicer to each other.
    Humara keeps shafting Simon... maybe he should just give up on her. :( She doesn't seem too interested in him anymore and I don't think she's worth his time. He deserves better. There's ALWAYS someone better out there. <3
    One just has to take that leap of Faith.
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @bekkasan Thanks for the comments :smile: I might have someone in store for Simon :wink:

    @emorrill Thanks for the comments :smile:
    It's also hilarious that you call the bathroom the "Female Toilets."

    It cannot be a bathroom if there is no bath in it :D I have found some old plans of schools that refer to them as 'offices' for some reason :no_mouth:

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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    Part 23

    Simon had just finished work and was feeling hopeful that he could text Humara for a while and arrange to meet her the next day but then she told him that she was with Nick, Anna, Tony and Cassie round Doug and Frankie's. They were partying which of course meant that Humara would be in not fit state to see Simon the next day. She would be with Nick and chances are they would be getting cosy together which would give Nick a very strong vantage. Nick had won and Simon went home and sulked. There was nothing that he could do about it now and he felt lost. It has been up and down for a couple of weeks now and it was all down to Nick. Simon was now furious and needed to talk to someone.


    He looked through his phone for people to complain to. He only had a few numbers from college. There was Jamie who seemed to be on his side and he also had some numbers for a couple of other guys that he got along with such as Dorley and Ben. The only girls whose numbers had had was Humara's, Leanda's even though she was old news to him and hardly ever came to the skills centre and then he also had Tammy's number. He decided to text Tammy to see what she thought of it.


    Tammy had also been having a hard day as well as she had found out that her ex boyfriend Laurence was now supposedly engaged to his new girlfriend. Tammy had done well trying to get over him but now she was upset again and had spent most of the day crying.

    Simon sent her a text asking what she was up to and mentioned that he was disappointed in Humara. Tammy asked him to ring her.

    'So Humara is with Nick then?' Tammy asked Simon down the phone.
    'I knew that something like that would happen,' sighed Simon.
    'Well I am not too happy with her,' added Tammy 'when I asked her what she was up to earlier she said that she was just staying at home,'

    Tammy explained that Humara had been neglecting her recently and was disappointed that Humara would rather spend time with other people. They spoke for a while and Tammy mentioned that she had also been hurt lately with her ex boyfriend being engaged.


    As for Nick and Humara, they were having the time of their lives. Humara admitted to Nick that she was no longer interested in Simon and had hinted that she would want to start a relationship with Nick. So far Nick's plan had worked out really well. He felt that he was more deserving of being with Humara and while he felt guilty about what he did to Simon he assumed that Simon would get over it. Nick was in full control and felt that he was the winner.




    The next day Simon received a hostile text from Humara demanding to know why he had been talking to Tammy about her. Simon tried to ring Humara to explain but she did not pick up. He tried to text her a few times but she did not reply to him so he gave up. She had revealed her true colours to him and for the next few days Simon could not stop thinking about Humara and continued to get thoughts of her being with Nick. He had not even contacted Nick about it as he had nothing to say to him. He continued going to his placement which he was now also starting to hate and when it was his day off on Thursday he did not bother going to the skills centre. He would be going there on Friday but for the first time he was dreading it. How could he really face seeing them? Were they a couple now? He had hardly spoke to anyone since he spoke to Tammy but when Friday came he reluctantly made his way in.


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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member

    So now after a couple of months the stories has taken some interesting turns. What started with Simon meeting Leanda and then breaking up resulted in him seeing Humara and now that has not worked. That was my plan all along!

    The idea was he was meant to face some aggressive competition from Nick who was jealous of Simon after Nick threw away his relationship with Stacy. Nick saw a weakness in that Simon was not always available due to the work placement so had been planning nights out on Saturdays when he knew that Simon would be late. This would give Nick a chance to move in behind Simon's back. He had the vantage and took it.

    As seen Humara fell into the trap and this made Simon anxious and thus he responded the wrong way. He would sense something was not right and then become more needy. Nick had sensed this as well so he could play this against Simon and drop hints that 'Simon is clingy' to divert Humara away from him. It worked and Nick won.

    The question would be how would things work for Nick and Humara? Remember Nick had stalked Stacy by getting into her Facebook. Does Humara know this? Could someone use this against Nick themselves if they wanted to?

    Also the friendship between Humara and Tammy is breaking down. Humara seems to prefer the more rebellious Anna. Remember how Humara treated Stacy when they were younger? Tammy is disappointed in this but Anna is also neglecting Megan who gets along with Tammy anyway. Maybe they could swap friends? There will be more to come from Megan and Anna at some point as well as Jamie. The outsider Tony might play some more of a role as well. Things will be getting dark at that point so some parts might have to be left off the forums.

    There are also other characters who need to feature more. Stacy, Hana and Dorley have some stories planned. We will see Courtney return along with Shelly and The Squire (who has been named Ben). There will be more features from Dom and Warren and also the suspicious Damien.

    For now Simon will still be very prominent. Will he ever find love?

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