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What happened in your sims 3 game today?


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    cocococo Posts: 2,727 Member
    It wasn't that long ago we were celebrating page 3000 :lol:
    Still, what an achievement! Hopefully this thread never dies and we can get to page 5000 one day :smile:

    @emorrill I just made comments on your new update in your story thread :smile:
    Thank you so much :heart:
    I loved making the desert scenery so I'm glad you like it. I actually think some of the cactus plants are conversions from TS4 haha.
    Ayana is a lovely name. One of my friends moved to Denmark and she had a baby girl called Aya :smile:
    Haha no way what a coincidence! The song is from 1981 but it's had a resurgence in popularity lately. According to wikipedia it re-entered the singles chart in 2016. That's pretty amazing :open_mouth:
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    So I'm in CAS creating some new sims and for some reason there are numbers on the sliders...Any idea why?
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member
    edited December 2018
    @Silverofdreams30 Bree looks so cute. Love the baby dance by all of them. :grin:
    Cute toddler!

    @CravenLestat They did look pretty good!
    Crystal has a bit of an attitude she is striking in that picture. :wink:

    @deadhaus123 It is an interesting build. Would love to see how you did some of it.

    @emorrill Wow! Thanks so much for all the comments on my updates!
    I've actually thought about having a little side story of Alexandra's career with the acting, but gosh, I got so many stories already. I'm trying to behave and not add anymore! LOL
    It was bad enough when I added Alexandra's family just for the wedding.....and then I fell in love with them and had to play them too!
    I'm glad you like Dimitri's hotness. He's kinda like Victor for no matter the age.
    I did not increase my graphics as when I've done it in the past I just get more issues in the game. I think it had excessive poly count or something for my game. This is the second hair I've used that is a sims4 hair redone for sims 3 that didn't look right in game. I don't think I will be getting anymore of them though.

    @Springfairy556 That can be turned off in MC under CAS if you don't like the numbers.
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    I didn't see that listed in my MC
    I don't know what's going on with that mod, but for some reason its been doing weird things.
    Like when I throw a party, it pops up and asks me to set the criteria.

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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member
    edited December 2018
    @Springfairy556 I'm not in game right now, but it is under MC settings? CAS I think.
    I've never seen that option. You are using MC from Nraas right?
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    @bekkasan Yeah it sounds like those hairs are just bad conversions rather than having a high poly count. :confused: But it could be both. :p
    I totally understand adding sims in that are only meant to play a small part, but then you fall in love with them and wanna tell their story. ;) Dimitri definitely has it going on, but Victor....he's got it MORE going on! :love: (And it's funny because I usually don't dig guys with long hair :p but there is just something about Victor...Mmmm!! :mrgreen: )
    You know who else their age has got it going on? :smirk:
    You're very welcome. :kissing_heart:

    @coco I just saw yours and @Charlottesmom 's awesome & sweet comments in my story thread. :blush: I'll reply soon here.
    I like the name Aya. :)
    That IS amazing that song re-entered the singles chart in 2016! :open_mouth: I guess 80's songs are coming back! :smiley:
    (In my opinion they never went away :p )
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    edited December 2018
    Been working on some new sims.Been thinking about rewriting one of my old stories based on Disney's Haunted Mansion.
    Left to Right: Charles Gracey(Younger son of the Gracey family.), Edward Gracey(Oldest son, heir to gracey manor) and the butler Ezra.

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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,217 Member

    Quick feedback before I head out to the bus stop


    Thank you for the sweet comments. Yes, Alex is a teen but he looks
    dreamy yes hehe. The movies name is 12 days of Christmas and is an American Christmas movie.


    Very handsome looking sims


    Hehe, thanks for the comment.


    I enjoyed your recent update, thank you
    for the comment.
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    CravenLestatCravenLestat Posts: 13,735 Member
    @coco Will get to you in just a moment <3

    Anyway,here is a house I just built,is based off a real life house plan.Not sure who is going to live in it and only thing would change is siding color am torn between a pale seafoam that looked good too.


    I Play Sims 3 On A Potato

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    TinySpaceFoxTinySpaceFox Posts: 1,110 Member
    edited December 2018
    Sorry, no opening picture today. I've got something of a more serious note to share. Perhaps some of you have already noticed, but I'm not going to leave feedback for those who aren't leaving feedback for others. You get out what you put in, that's just what I believe.

    On to the good stuff now:

    Pages 3198-3199

    @PalmArrow Goopy GilsCarbo? If it were up to me, I might've made his last name "Carbonara"! :tongue:
    I love how the inside is decorated too! It looks so lovely and cosy, especially that couch :>
    It's just a feeling, you know, but I can't help but wonder if that Sim in the beret is wearing some outfit that the game pulled out of its butt.

    @king_of_simcity7 Whatever The Creator has to say to Shelly, I hope it's nothing bad!
    Uh oh, no such luck :worried:

    @Brandontaylor Well, if all the gems she's finding are any indication, I think she's well on her way to that life of luxury :)
    Dang, Connor's waaay ahead of the competition! Must be a secret talent of his :tongue:
    Uh, I don't think vomit comes out of the back of your head, Brittany.
    It kinda looks like Brittany's been stabbed in the back of the head with a green crystal dagger thing :tongue:
    So have any of Brittany's admirers sent her gifts? :tongue:
    That is a lot of Sims on one lot :open_mouth:
    Brittany's expression cracked me up :D yep, that's the face I make when I'm in one of my favourite stores and I know exactly what I want...
    She's quite a prolific hunter, isn't she? You go, girl :>

    @emorrill Yeah, you show her Jaron! You're only as old as you feel!
    Yeesh, what a dream! It's gonna be so so awkward for Miriam if she goes out to meet him later :tongue: but I agree with you there, Miriam, personality is a good thing to look for in a love interest!
    I'm sure Miriam knows she's been nothing but a light in Jaron's life, but does she know exactly how big an impact she's had?
    Whoa, Jaron does look like a completely different person :open_mouth: He also looks maybe ten years younger? Gotta admit though, he cleans up beautifully... love that 5 o' clock shadow he's got going on :love:
    Not gonna lie, when I saw that he'd chopped off his dreadlocks and shaved his beard, this was my first thought:
    (Love that movie to pieces <3)
    This is also reminding me a lot of one of @CravenLestat's makeover Sims :tongue:
    emorrill wrote: »
    "So, uh," she started again, in a more composed tone, "what prompted this sudden change in your looks...and yourself?"
    "Well, I should think it'd be quite obvious," he smiled, lowering his head a bit to fully gaze into her eyes.
    I just love the message here :> So true, there are times where all that's needed to change another person's life is for one to just reach out. The change may not always be obvious or immediate, but all that matters is that it's for the better.
    Snowball fight! I love also how Miriam just plays along so gratifyingly, without showing any judgement whatsoever. We need more people like Miriam in this world! :tongue:
    emorrill wrote: »
    "Brr, my chest is freezing!" Miriam declared while rubbing at it, not really thinking about how that would appeal to Jaron.
    Considering she's attracted to Jaron at this point, part of me thinks she chose that wording on purpose. Heh. :tongue:
    emorrill wrote: »
    "'s ok," Miriam assured, as she sat down on the other side of the table, respecting that he needed some breathing space. "You took a big step today," she felt the need to compliment, "and I'm proud of you!"
    Oh yes you did Jaron, yes you did :smiley: That was such a sweet thing for Miriam to say!
    emorrill wrote: »
    While holding him, Miriam said, "Look Jaron, don't worry about what the people in this town think anymore. To h*** with what they think!" That surprised Jaron a bit, but he loved how adamant she felt about it. "What matters now is you," she continued. "How do you want to make your life better? How do you want to mold your future into everything you ever wanted it to be? Let the past go...don't allow it or the thoughts of others affect your desire to begin anew like this. You're stronger than you think and you got this. I believe in you!"

    *slow claps* Once again, your writing has made me smile and left me absolutely speechless :) I really can't comment on this section, except for one thing: Miriam's gesture also makes it clear that she'll be there for Jaron every step of the way. She might not have said that outright, but she really didn't need to.
    Angelica's quite the journalist, isn't she :tongue: I've totally been in Miriam's position before, heh, and I love how you so perfectly captured that one (nice but somewhat annoying) friend who's simply dying to know about every new relationship.
    Aw Ciro, how noble! Understandably hurt, but still wanting to protect the woman who might've just broken his heart! I salute his chivalry. I hope he gets a happy ending too, I definitely think he deserves one!

    Seriously, who goes to the library like this in the dead of winter? XD This town is full of weirdos lol.
    Yeah well, I don't think that's appropriate stuff to wear in the library at all, regardless of season!
    Don't disturb the lovebirds, creepy old guy! :worried:
    Stunning pics of Lynn and Ryan! A horseback ride in the glistening, freshly-fallen snow sounds like something straight out of a fairytale :)

    @CravenLestat Love that new top you chose for Taryn! :) Baby blue is <3 and it matches her eyes so well!
    Getting a bit of a rocker vibe from Christel there... green eyeshadow is quite the unconventional choice, but she pulls it off perfectly :>

    @bekkasan Go Nikita! I believe in you :> I don't think you need to worry about the sandwiches though. As far as I'm concerned, Sims have godly metabolic rates :tongue:
    PB and banana sandwiches (not necessarily fried) are my favourite food IRL... I thoroughly approve of Allyson's breakfast choice!
    I don't know about you, but I find it pretty amusing that Zane has a bit of a bad-boy appearance (with the long hair and dressing all in black) but seems like a nice boy, even helping his nephew with his homework (little side note: that's the kind of feel I go for with my David).
    Now I've always been of the belief that people should be able to enjoy whatever hobbies they like without fear of judgement or stereotyping, but I have to admit I was a bit taken aback to see that Zane liked gardening. Eheh. :tongue:
    Also, Erik's hair is so cute! Mind telling me where it's from? :)
    And just like that, Luka falls asleep just as fast as he woke up :tongue:
    Dang, that is a lot in common! Sure seems like a match made in heaven for Dani and Zane, almost as though some higher authority pulled it all together ;) I hope they have fun at prom!

    @Silverofdreams30 I see Darrel's doing his duty as husband, being so supportive to his wife in labour :tongue:
    Congratulations on Alistair's birth! He's such a cutie with those chubby cheeks :>
    I've been trying to step out of my comfort zone when it comes to making female Sims, and that means fewer tomboys. So I'm really thankful to @CravenLestat for giving me a shot at making over his lovely kitty Sim Taryn :)
    Taryn who hides under kitty face needs a fresh new look,can you help her.Meow :'(


    Now it's time for another episode of: TinySpaceFox fails at lighting and backgrounds! :tongue:

    Yep, this is pretty dang far outside my comfort zone all right...

    Tomboy mode activate! I'm sorry :D
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    CravenLestatCravenLestat Posts: 13,735 Member
    edited December 2018


    I likey!!!! And she even is a hot tomboy.I want to play soccer with her.That short haircut is really cute on her.
    I Play Sims 3 On A Potato

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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    Shelly Meets The Creator Part 1

    Shelly wonders where she is


    The Creator explains the situation

    'So I hear that you are not sure which one of the two guys that you have been talking to is the right one for you... Well, let me show you a few things'


    'Lets say that you end up with Dan. This could be where you live,'


    'Take a look at it,'


    'The houses come with three bedrooms, a living room, dining room, kitchen, upstairs bathroom, second toilet down stairs and a front and back garden. It sounds like a good standard family home and you could be happy here,'


    'It looks nice doesn't it, but maybe you might like to do a bit better. This area classes itself as working class and you supported The Grey Lady, in some people's eyes that makes you middle class and therefore aspiring to do bette,'r


    'Yes you could be happy with Dan but again, maybe you would want someone better. Someone with a better job maybe? Perhaps get you that bigger house?'


    'Check this house out, this is where you could live if you end up with Gareth!'


    'Just look at that pool. Just think of those awesome parties you could have there!'


    'And that view!'


    'This would be great for your image!'


    'You could live amongst the uber rich, the yuppies, the celebrities, you could be well known. Of course some neighbours might look down on people, and there are affairs all over the place but that is just part of the fun. Just do not tell Gareth's friends at your next dinner party that you supported The Grey Lady. This area supports the modern policies of The Messiah!'


    'Much better than that Victorian terraced house isn't it? I mean the neighbours are nice there as well but do you really want to be known as just someone else in a street full of what could be seen as boring ordinary people?'


    'You want better don't you Shelly?'


    To be continued...
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    cocococo Posts: 2,727 Member
    @TinySpaceFox Welcome back :smile: It sounds like you had a really fun time on the farm. That cow was just too adorable :love:
    Your makeover of Taryn is awesome! The soft pink lights really make her blue eyes stand out and I love that kitten choker. She really suits the tomboy look too :smiley:

    Now I'm dying to know... which expansion pack are you going to choose? :tongue:
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    edited December 2018
    @emorrill The notifications didn't work but thinks for the comment :smile: I was busy yesterday so don't know if I missed anyone else's comment

    @TinySpaceFox Thanks for the comment :smile: I have put the first part up now :smile:

    Edited, I tagged the wrong person :D
    Post edited by king_of_simcity7 on
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    I'm the same way.I only leave feedback for those that leave feedback to.
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    TinySpaceFoxTinySpaceFox Posts: 1,110 Member
    edited December 2018
    @CravenLestat So glad you liked my makeover(s) of Taryn :> I had a lot of fun choosing her outfits especially!

    @coco Hello back! :) Thank you, it sure is lovely to be back! I'm happy you like my takes on Taryn :> I'm definitely leaning towards Ambitions at the moment. The new careers sound like a ton of fun, and who wouldn't love a giant trampoline? Plus, getting Ambitions would mean that a certain spi'ky-haired, black-hoodie-clad Sim that we both know and love would finally get to have his motorcycle ;)
    Here's a small update from before I left for the farm. Hope you enjoy~

    David and Martin in Riverview (quick heads-up: they're a couple in this save!)

    Alright guys, I'm gonna give it to you straight...
    Both: ...?

    Today you're gonna be adopting two toddlers! :smiley:
    Martin: Oh boy.
    David: Ha, sounds like fun! Why that face, Martin? Don't you like kids?
    Martin: I do, it's just... this is all so sudden. Why are we even doing this to begin with?

    Because, like David said, it'll be fun (for me at least :tongue:)! And the lady Sims love it! :smiley:
    Martin: And do you think we care about what the lady Sims think?

    ...Okay, point taken. But you're still getting the toddlers!

    I should add that only one of the two toddlers was adopted via the service. I added the other one to the household via mods. His name's Vincent, and he's Martin's biological son from my main save. Just look at him! How could I not include this cutie? :tongue:

    I decided to play hands-off for this session, so I could sit back and see how good (or awful) my boys were at parenting. The screenshots you're about to see are of things that David and Martin did on their own.
    Here's David with Ari, the adopted girl.

    Lots of tickling and air tossing to be had :)

    Despite not having the Family-Oriented or Good traits, Martin's actually a wonderful dad :) Vince had soiled his nappy just before this pic was taken, and Martin immediately walked in from the adjacent room, picked him up, and changed it!

    David's a good dad too, but after a while I guess he decided he'd had enough :D
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    good luck Brittany running the daycare!
    Nope, they expect you to do it along with teaching them to walk talk and use the potty.XD
    Slyvester Riddle is cute!
    Pretty car! Good choice! The festival looks fun.
    Like I said this town is full of weirdos LOL.

    Moonlight falls is so pretty!
    Oh Nikita is handsome! Good luck training!
    Sounds like that could be a tough job.
    They have a beautiful family!

    @Mikezumi Yeah Arguements are never fun.
    I forgot about field trips! I haven't had kids
    in my sim's families in a while.
    No, normally they don't behave like that.XD
    Yeah, she didn't want a kiss under the mistletoe.

    Cute cow XD
    Sounds like fun at the dairy farm! :open_mouth:
    No, its not.But its super cold in Winter, why would someone do that? XD
    Creepy old guy always bugs my sims lol.

    Mmm Chocolate cookies lol.
    I usually decline party invitations.
    Parties are usually dull lol.

    What world did you move them into?-scratch that, just saw where you said SV.
    That kid was a little brat lol.XD
    Yeah, I've seen the recent updates, still feel sad for Ciro...

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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    @emorrill I'm glad you like my older guys! I do think they are special and love when others think so too.
    What a great picture of Scott! He will always look great.

    @Springfairy556 The men look awesomely handsome! :love:
    Thanks so much for the comments. :) Moonlight Falls is my favorite town. Love the small town feel to it, and lots of empty lots to play with.

    @Silverofdreams30 I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks so much for commenting. :smiley:

    @CravenLestat Lovely little house. :) Got Taryn loaded this morning, maybe see what I can do with her later today.

    @TinySpaceFox Thanks so much for the comments. :) I do appreciate them.
    Zane is the only one who inherited his Dad's green thumb. He had a bit of trouble when he first got into his teen years, but, he is a good kid.
    I'm not in game right now so will have to check which hair I put on Erik later, but will post here once I figure it out. I'm pretty sure it is one of Wings hairs.
    Your version of Taryn is beautiful and I do love tomboy's too!
    Love your guys and the toddlers. Such adorable kids and of course the boys without question are hot, hot, hot even when not straight. <3 I'm glad they did show the kids some attention and didn't ignore them!

    @king_of_simcity7 Depends on what her definition of better is. I think the second version is very questionable about being better. Depends on what you want out of life.
    Your welcome for the comment, now, go back and find my update and comment on it. :tongue:
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,217 Member
    edited December 2018

    Thank you, yes I have to go around to edit the families cause
    I lost my earlier save. OMG, those toddlers are both adorbs,
    look like they did great as parents.


    The kid turned out really nice aged up, I love
    how different they look from toddlers to kids and sometimes from kids to teens too.


    So I guess she will have an easier time deciding who to be with later
    then hehe, great update.


    Tornado chaser seem like a cool but very dangerous job indeed,
    I have seen Dantes peak great movie.

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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,217 Member
    edited December 2018
    Here is another skin that I have in my game it looks nice too.
    it is a none default skin.
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    msbeckycatmsbeckycat Posts: 3,445 Member
    I made some changes to the blog. I thought it needed a post page. I changed themes. My birthday is in 4 days so wanted a change. I am still following the forum. Great job everyone.
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @Silverofdreams30 The next part will be up soon :smile:
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @bekkasan Sorry just realised I tagged you by mistake :D Not sure what happened there but I didn't get the notification yet got one when you commented on my recent thread. Will check by on your posts later :smile:
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,217 Member
    edited December 2018
    Here is another update


    Friday morning everyone was off to school


    Ty and Audra had come back safely from the free vacation


    Ty cleaned up the home


    Paid the bills and other stuff


    Then he sat down to write a new book





    Teens doing their homework when school finished for the day

    All for now

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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @bekkasan Nice family scenes from Moonlight Falls :smile: Was it fall in the game or where some pictures just taken during the sunset?

    @Silverofdreams30 Congratulations on the new baby :smile:

    @CravenLestat Cute Sims :love:

    @Nikkei_Simmer Interesting scenes by the pitch :smile:

    @deadhaus123 Nice house :smile:

    @Springfairy556 Nice new Sims :smile:

    @TinySpaceFox Cute toddler scenes :smile:

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