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What happened in your sims 3 game today?


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    TadOlsonTadOlson Posts: 11,380 Member
    @friendsfan367 -Thant's like when a lot my family lived on gltiched and I couldn't edit it and make any changes stick and it resulted in the family's baby being removed by a social worker and the save ended up corrupted from that.
    @Nikkei_SImmer -Great update!I'm hoping to win a lottery so I can relocate to my ideal rurual property and I found one for 1Million$ that had 2000 acres with it.
    @Karritz -I didn't initally want that Mod either though I got it because my saves got corrupted by social workers taking children away and that started after Generations so you would've been lucky if the social worker took that child away in 2009 since that was before the coding for it changed.I started after that change and it's always been bad if a child is removed by a social worker for me with my base game being a 2011 version.
    @lanlyn -Great update!It's actually been going on for more than three days and it ended after six days.
    @king_of_simcity7 -Great update!
    @Mikezumi -Great update!Thanks for the comment.It's winter there and winters could get very cold sometimes.
    @bekkasan -It's just what happens in the winter and it was the 16th century.It can be a warmer winter and not be below freezing at all.
    @plushtrap_107 -It looked like it would never end and it took six days before ti was downgraded to just freezing rain.
    @PalmArrow -Great pictures!
    Here's another 100 baby challenge update below.
    Storybrook County,Maine-Winter-1552.
    Eli and Ami Jankowsky were both up so early it was still dark out as they got ready for the day.
    They were still tending to the daily chores as the paper carrier dropped the paper off at 7AM.
    They both stopped to eat lunch just before noon after working on their stories for most of the morning.
    It was about 2PM when they started leaving for work after last minute chores got done.
    They arrived at work by 3PM and got inside after running there on the icy ground.
    They got home from work by 7:30 in the evening and started getting ready for bed right away and were in bed for the night by 8PM.
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    cocococo Posts: 2,727 Member
    Don't have much time today to do comments sorry. But I did read everything that I missed over the weekend. Lots of great updates!
    Just wanted to mention @charlottesmom Congratulations on your son's graduation! You must be very proud of him. I hope there are lots of opportunities for him in the future :smile:
    @emorrill I'm so glad that Audie is doing better. The first sign is when they get their appetite back, I know from experience to start worrying when my dog isn't interested in her food. For a little dog, Audie must have been so brave to take on the German Sheppard. He deserves a big treat after such an ordeal. :heart:

    pg. 2626
    @bekkasan Thanks, they are visiting the Great Wall today.
    @Silverofdreams30 I didn't watch Eurovision, how did Sweden do? Australia did really poorly in the public vote which was disappointing.
    @karritz I enjoyed watching your video. I never really utilise basements in my game because they're not very common here, except maybe more in Queenslander type houses. Interesting to see how you used the CFE cheat.
    @king_of_simcity7 I personally think that Jason is the better choice as Dom kind of weirds me out. But it's all up to how she feels. When you say The Captain... this is all I can think about (How I Met Your Mother reference) :lol:
    The burger looks yummy. Nice shots of the beach. The weather looks great.
    @emorrill I can't say that I've ever seen anything like that sorry. It's really pretty though. I had a quick look and found better matches from searching the word 'bolero'. I don't have the time right now to do a full search but I thought this one was the best look-a-like to the one you linked.
    Sorry I just realised that it comes with the dress :frowning: I will have to have another look later. There seems to be either a lot for TS4, or lots of long sleeve boleros.
    @PalmArrow Stunning scenery :smiley:
    @ZhakiraP Poor Lowell, the meteor hitting his tent was a bit unlucky but at least he could bring in some cash from it. Danielle is pretty. I hope the two are very happy together :smile:
    @Nikkei_Simmer I caught up on all your updates. I kind of spoiled myself by reading the Simone and Jerad one first, and thinking what the heck I miss one day and suddenly someone's had two kids. I know now though :lol: I can't believe that Kunio died. That must have been a big shock for you. I don't have any of those plot nraas mods in my game. At least Alanna got her new love back. She's so cute with that bob haircut.
    Brianna and Alanna must be freezing their rear ends off in those skirts. I can't fathom how they ride their bikes in high heels. I think Kunio will have to have a chat with Haruo at some stage. Especially since the guy pretty saved his life, and now he's dating his daughter.
    Oh Eddy... what has life (and The Watcher) done to you :frowning: Nevermind, my sympathies to Mahmoud he definitely got the unluckiest treatment. Madeleine looks nice.
    @MoonandStars83 Great updates of your families. Congrats on the new baby :smile:
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,935 Member
    @Nikkei_Simmer the problem with so many cats as you need to keep an eye on the scratching poles - they wear them out and can get expensive to replace. I find the cat Condos the cheapest as they have scratching poles that don't seem to wear out.
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,935 Member
    edited May 2018
    @coco thanks - I don't think I've ever seen a real life house with a basement. I just started using them because I didn't want to mess up the landscaping on the surface. And they make great places to have big gardens - except the sprinklers don't work in basements. There are other watering options though - I find the tractor the most useful for watering and weeding etc once the sims have all got their gardening skill up and can plant any seed.
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,935 Member
    @MoonandStars83 Maybe I'll get her to pluck her eyebrows when she gets into the game - but I probably won't.

    @TadOlson my base game is 2009 version. I've worked out ways to avoid the social worker with pets and other sims. I did lose some toddlers recently when I didn't realise I'd left the game running for about 6 hours and for some reason it kept on going. I was also recording it and I was able to look at the video and saw the social worker didn't show up until about 10 minutes before I got back to the game. I didn't want to save as all the progress lost was progress I didn't make as I was doing something else away from the computer the whole time. So I shut down and turned the computer off for the day. I did, however, quite like the look of the social worker who turned up when I watched that part of the video. I deleted the video too as it was a waste of space on my computer.

    @Nikkei_Simmer thanks. I keep building the boarding schools and each one is slightly different. One day I'll work out how to do it.

    Of course, now I've spent days getting the build just as I want it I've decided I don't want a boarding school in this world. But I can't move it and I don't want to waste all that hard work and progress so I'll live with it for a while.

    I'm now thinking Freezer Bunny Island might be the perfect place for it.


    Perhaps I can have two different boarding schools and have a change of scenery occasionally.

    The problem with Freezer Bunny Island is it is so small I won't get all the necessary rabbit holes into it so I won't be able to send sims there who are in specific careers - they'd lose their career on arrival at the island. There is a mod that will let them start again at the same level when they go home but I don't want the hassel right now.

    I think it'll be best to keep the boarding school on a populated island where facilities are available and the students can go and learn some life skills around town. Only time will tell what happens eventually.

    @king_of_simcity7 nice pictures of your day off and of your sims too.
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,935 Member
    I just had a scary moment in game and was wondering how far back I'd have to go to fix it.

    I have a sim, Gene Bombay. Gene is a witch with several children. He is from a game where I got him to have children in as many different ways as I could think of. I have him living with some of his children in a house in Cake Island. But a few of his other children live in other houses and some of them live in Moonfall Island. So I sent a sim from Moonfall Island to collect him. In the end I just sent Gene from Cake Island to Moonfall island.

    Now, there is a family of aliens who have assisted in the genetics of some of the children from Gene's original household and in an attempt to cut corners I added them to his house in Moonfall Island from the library.

    I set treat as vacation False using traveler mod before I added the aliens to his house. I linked the aliens up to the one child one of them had fathered who was living in Moonfall Island.

    Then I wanted to get Gene and the aliens (mother and son plus cat) to travel back to Cake Island. I set Treat as Vacation to True on the computer.

    I got Gene to dial up the travel service to go home. After a while everyone vanished and Moonfall Island was still active but in the Return to Game mode. I couldn't see any evidence of anyone from the household being in Moonfall Island and didn't want to save just in case they weren't in Cake Island either. I tried this twice. had the same result both times.

    So I thought I'd got Gene to travel from Cake Island so I'll just send him home. He vanished and the aliens were still in the house.

    I then told the aliens to travel to Cake Island hoping I'd find Gene there.

    When they finally got to Cake Island Gene wasn't in the world. I checked the alien's relationship panel and it showed Gene was in a different world - presumably he was still in Moonfall Island since there are currently only 2 worlds in this game.

    I set the aliens up in their new home and made it their homeworld and then activated the sim I'd originally sent from Moonfall Island to Cake Island to collect Gene. It was Keith. I sent Keith back to Moonfall Island. Into his original house. Made it his homeworld. He didn't know anything about Gene. Maybe I hadn't introduced them. I clicked on the roof - this was the house Gene and the aliens had been in while in Moonfall Island. No sign if Gene. I checked the population of the entire world with Master Controller. No sign of Gene.

    Then I decided to activate a household where Gene had children. I found the mother of the children knew him but he was in a different world in her relationship panel and she didn't know him well enough to chat to him.

    I was about to admit defeat. I was thinking how can I go get a copy of him and get him back into the game. Then I decided to try his teenage daughter - one of the children I'd sent him there to link to his family tree. She had him in her family tree. In her relationship panel he was in the world.

    I clicked on the roof of their house and this time he was in the list of sims in the world. I added him to the household.

    He arrived. He was completely invisible.

    I tried ResetSim. He was still invisible.

    I got him to change clothes he was still invisible.

    I tried Master Controller Reset Sim. He was still invisible.

    I clicked on the house roof again. I chose Master Controller > Advanced > Edit in CAS
    It gave me a list and I chose to see a list of all male sims. I quickly found Gene in the list.

    CAS opened and there he was - looking exactly as he should. So I accepted the changes and returned him to their household.

    His family tree is still all there. Now I'll have to send him back home as he's left some teens in charge of a few children.

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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,137 Member
    @coco Bolero huh? That one looks lovely on that dress! Perfect! And yeah, too bad it's not separate as an accessory. ;) I'll keep looking. Thank you for searching. <3

    Hopefully I can get to feedback tomorrow. I've just been struggling lately...since hubby has been feeling so awfully sick. :cry: (Really BAD flare up this time around...) I've let this house, and yard, go so bad since the attack on Audie that I had to tackle getting it all cleaned up today and do a few more chores tomorrow. Sorry I haven't been so active on here, but...gotta do what I need to do in real life. *sigh* I love reading your posts as always and send out L&A's. <3

    Happy Simming my friends. :)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    It's the boys' last day at university.
    Greg's waking wish was to call Steve Texas and Euan's was to paint.
    The boys got their report cards just as they got into the hot tub.
    Of course they passed! :)
    Then it was back to what they were doing before they were so rudely interrupted ;)
    I sent the boys to the coffee shop. Matthew Tellmer asked Euan to dance as soon as they arrived and Greg caught up with his friend, Skip.
    Euan rolled a wish to meet someone new so I had him introduce himself to Skip. Greg hadn't met Matthew so I had him do the same.
    Brave Euan was not impressed that Skip is a coward ;)
    He was even less impressed when Skip rebuffed his attempt to boast about his grandchildren ;)
    How could I hold it against such a cute sim? ;)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    It wasn't long before my boys were dancing. If there is music, party animals will dance! ;)
    I saw Euan heading towards Scot Macklamoor. I discovered that he was irresistible so that would explain why Euan wasn't the only one drawn to him.
    Irresistible sims get a lot of abuse as well and Scot was no exception. I have had my irresistible sims slapped for no reason, but usually by NPCs as my townies have good traits.
    I saw Greg reacting negatively to Skip and remembered that Skip is Innapropriate.
    Mahmoud bored Greg when he tried to talk about LeFromage Art School. He actually did it twice and Greg knocked him back again. They kept talking for a while so I assume Mahmoud wasn't terribly offended ;)
    Euan had been reading when another sim asked him to dance. It must have something to do with the community lot speakers.
    While dancing, Euan rolled a wish to boast about his grandkids. He wasn't knocked back this time :)
    I sent the boys home for alone time before dinner and a party they would be attending. Euan grabbed Greg as soon as they walked in the door :)
    Flirting led to the bedroom. They continued flirting after woohoo. I kept hearing a "ting" sound and realized that it was the tiberium that Euan had had cut recently. It "tings" when it flares.
    When the boys had had their fill of loving, they both headed for the board breaker.
    Euan didn't stomp his foot for long and started training on the dummy instead.
    The boys had leftover burgers for dinner.
    Euan got a text that Paris Vanderbuilt's party was about to begin.
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Greg stopped at the door to chat with Jeffrey Dean.
    Euan made a beeline for the stereo in the basement. He turned it on but didn't dance.
    He then headed outside to the bonfire and I saw "throw test tube" in his queue.
    Pretty sparkles :)
    I was hoping it wouldn't be the stinky one!
    Unfortunately, it was :# Because the boys would be leaving soon, I nudged his slider to clean him.
    You did it to yourself, Euan!
    I saw "watch stars" in Greg's queue and nearly choked on my cup of tea when I found him watching the stars with Jeffrey!
    Euan did it again! I cleaned him up but everyone else was still stinky.
    Before Euan could throw another test tube or Greg could do something I would regret with Jeffrey, the boys were pushed home to collect their luggage.
    There was no-one to greet them on their arrival ;)
    Cain and Niall woohooing in bed ...
    and Fife and Brett were rocking the tent.
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    PalmArrowPalmArrow Posts: 4,329 Member
    @Mikezumi , Greg and Euan's faces while they are looking at the report cards! As if they are saying "Bleurgh, what is this disgusting piece of paper that just fell out of the sky ... Oh, yay, I passed!"
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    ZhakiraPZhakiraP Posts: 1,439 Member
    @MoonandStars83 Thank you! There are som interesting sims you got there, I always wanted to try and use one of those multicolored skins just to see how the genetics turn out, but I never get around to it :) The lifeguard career is perfect for making friends, hang around in the sun and picking up dates :p

    @bekkasan Thank you, it was exciting :p

    @Mikezumi Thank you :) I´m keeping him busy (or me) adventuring to try and make married life less uneventful. Congrats on finding the axe of whats his face!

    @coco Thank you, yes it did bring in som simoleons :)
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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,035 Member
    edited May 2018
    Thank you, guys, for all your feedback! :)
    @Karritz, @Mikezumi, @bekkasan, @Silverofdreams30, @PalmArrow, @plushtrap_107, @MoonandStars83, @Nikkei_Simmer, @TadOlson


    @king_of_simcity7 I think Dom tried pushing too much at first and scared Cassie away a little. ...Aaron lying in the heart bed thinking about his 20 "friends!" Love it. ...Cute pic of the party guests watching the one sim play her guitar. ...Wow, and Hana completed her LT Wish as well! Congrats. ...Pretty woodland park. Hmm, Cassie thinks Jason is boring, but gets freaked when Dom moves too fast. I predict the girl is headed for trouble! ...The Captain is Warren! Oh no! ...Lovely RL scenery.

    @Mikezumi Glad to hear Greg and Euan did well on their exams. ...Nice kicky balls shots. ...That screenshot with the streakers while Greg and Euan kiss! Fun. ...I'll have to see about changing the starting location when I tell my sims to Summon Treasure. I've always started from that general area, I think. Good point. ..That pic of the guys and the hearts on their bums! Too funny. ...Congrats on their good grades. ...Fun Shots of Skip. ...And great bonfire pics. ...Welcome home, guys!

    @bekkasan That's right, I thought I'd read at the beginning of your post that the lot was going to be a residence, but I got involved in how elegant and large the building was, and the landscaping, that I forgot. It could easily be a resort. Lovely home!

    @Karritz I watched your basement staircase tutorial. Nicely done. I like the idea of the beach and yard area free for outdoor things. I was amazed that you could do the basement under water. After that one time recently when I found the basement level flooded on a lot near water, I didn't think that would be possible. Of course, that's the only time I've had flooding like that. Although, I do remember another time that I placed an underground house near a lake and there sometimes seemed to be wet footprints when my sims walked. Kind of weird. ...So strange about your invisible sim! Glad you were able to fix the issue.

    @PalmArrow Such beautiful scenery in that world!

    @ZhakiraP Fun lifeguard pics of Lowell. ...And the meteors! Great shots of Lowell running with the explosions behind him. ...Loved the 3 female firefighters. Lowell inviting them to visit him any time! HA!...He and Danielle made a great couple. Congrats on their marriage and upcoming baby.

    @Nikkei_Simmer Whew! Glad Kunio is back among the living. Just a ruse for him to go into witness protection! I like it! But I understand why Alanna was upset by the deception! ...I enjoyed your university screenshots. ...LOL at sketching while sitting in snow! ...Nice night sky scenery. ...My first family participated in the Celebrity system. It was cool for a while, but I really got tired of the rumors and the paparazzi. I've had the system turned off ever since. I can understand why you zap those paparazzi every chance you get! ...So Eddy was thinking of changing his goth look? But Mahmoud seems to be his usual annoying self! OMG, that face! ...Poor Aidan!

    ...I think my sim just got the Stir Crazy moodlet by chance when I told her to play the piano. A timing thing. LOL ...That's amazing that you found Cexavu in Riverview! He gets around. ...No, I didn't get any tiberium yet. I forget what that was, but it wasn't very valuable. The treasure varies.

    @MoonandStars83 Cute pic of Mittens. Fun seeing the variety of sims you play. Are your different families in the same world or in different ones? Just wondered if you play them in rotation.

    @TadOlson It looks like Eli and Ami have had better weather and are getting a lot accomplished during the day.

    @emorrill I looked for shawls, but didn't really have a lot of luck. On a couple, the download links were broken. I did find this though.

    Accessory Shawl by Irink


    I have some updates in the works, but here are a few random pics.

    Early screenshots of the Inspector, pre-weight loss.
    Trying to improve his handiness skill.

    At least he didn't burn the hot dogs!

    Watching Charlie bang that mouse around while playing his video game, I can see why the laptop broke!

    Serenading the tomato plant.

    Apparently you don't have to be Evil to scare another sim!

    I got a notice that the mascot ghost from Boddy Manor, Carie Addle, has found romance!
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @lanlyn Thanks for the comments :smile: A new part of the story will be up soon :smile:
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    Small update: :smile:

    Jason has a message from a girl named Rhiannon. Who is she?


    Dom seems t know her as he mentions it to Cassie


    Cassie is still not sure who she wants to be wit but as it seems that Jason might be seeing another girl then she agrees to meet up with Dom again.


    The thing is, was it Dom who created the Rhiannon profile himself? Was this one of Warren's ideas?


    To be continued...
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @Mikezumi Congratulations on your Sims passing their exams and good to see that your Sims are back from University :smile: I have another week to go in my game.

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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    @tadolson Great update.

    @karritz I follow the advice on the traveler faq on nraas web site strictly for traveling between worlds when I am moving sims to new homeworlds to keep my sims from disappearing, so far so good. Glad you found him, but sure sounds like a lot of work.
    I watched about half of the video yesterday and it was fun to see the girls at the park enjoying the rides and having fun. Will try to catch more next time I have a few.

    @emorrill Hope you get some down time. :) I typed in search on the words 'sims 3 shawl' on google and it gave lots of results, particularly for tsr. I checked the tsr one and they were listed under scarves. Some were accessories but most came with outfits. A lot of them were more like bandana type scarves. Good luck.

    @mikezumi Such funny faces since we know you had them go to classes and study so of course they passed!
    I wonder if I put a hot tub in the back yard if it will smooth the wrinkles out of my face like theirs? :smiley: I can dream!
    Sheesh, Skip and Euan like oil and water. :lol:
    Cute pictures of the crowd at the coffee shop and all the dancing.
    lol with Euan's evil look with the test tube.
    dag, that Jeffrey is a sneaky dude!
    Bummer they have to go back home, but, all good things must come to an end. :(

    @lanlyn It would be a beautiful resort too as the location is gorgeous. I'm selfish that I want it for my sims. :)
    Great random shots! Mayra serenading the plants. :lol:
    I think several traits enable the scaring and ghosts of course can do it.
    Congrats to Carie!

    @king_of_simcity7 Dom would be wise to remember that 'the captain' didn't get the girl in the end. Probably not the best mentor. :open_mouth:
    :lol: Great pics of the story.
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,935 Member
    @lanlyn thank you for the feedback. I've seen the squelching feet occasionally and never associated it with flooding. Just thought it was a bug or something. I don't think they were restricted to basements but can't exactly remember now.

    Whenever I put a basement under water, or on any slope, I am always careful to not change the slope. I don't let the walls of the basement push the terrain up if I can help it. As a result, some of my basements have interesting shapes as I follow the terrain around. I'm wondering if that's the reason I've never had flooding, or if it's just been good luck so far. I have had lots of basements under water over the years. I must admit I was a bit nervous about it at first but now I'd be surprised if flooding were to happen. I suppose my luck will run out one day.

    I'm about to load the next episode of my Perfect Genetics Challenge. It's the wedding.

    Episode 6 was the proposal, Episode 7 the bachelorette party and Episode 8 is the wedding. The next episode will be the honeymoon.
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @bekkasan Thanks for the feedback :smile: It seems that Dom does not yet know the full story of Wacky Warren and his failure to win girls over
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,935 Member
    @bekkasan I haven't read the instructions on the website for Traveler mod for ages. I wasn't sure what would happen. I actually expected sending one sim back home would send him back home though. In any case I had several recent Save files I could have reverted to if I hadn't been able to get him back. I'd just have had to make a decision of just how to handle it if I'd had to recover him some way.

    I'm glad you got a chance to watch some of the video. It's got a lot in it as I had so much to condense down to half an hour.

    I was about to start another one of Caroline and Friends. She's going to buy Hobart's resort and a houseboat in the next episode as she got some badges for me last episode so priorities have changed a bit for her. But it's late and I'm tired and I've currently got the next episode of Perfect Genetics loading. It is only 10 minutes. It's the wedding. The previous two episodes were the proposal and the bachelorette party. This one is the wedding and the next is the honeymoon. Then they get down to baby making. I'll have to start playing that game again soon but I've got enough recorded already for a few more episodes.

    Isla Paradiso Bunch is almost done too. I've decided to end it when they complete the tomb collections for all worlds. Isla Paradiso has become unplayable. I've packed up the household and moved them into Cake Island so they will be in another video at some stage.

    I was going to get them to move around different worlds to showcase my builds but I'm doing that in other videos and it is going to be more interesting to have their household in Cake Island.

    I am currently loading the game in Erewhon with Oscar's childhood home. I thought I'd do another short video of his family. There are more siblings to meet and I got some fun video of them all going fishing together that I want to show. Also have some video of Bluey and Rae fishing that didn't make it into the final Riverview episode of Oscar and Louise.

    Happy simming.
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    plushtrap_107plushtrap_107 Posts: 1,435 Member
    edited May 2018
    @TadOlson, wow, that was a mean storm!

    Have your Sims got some cows? :)

    @emorrill, sorry that your hubby is sick; I hope he will feel better soon! Hope Audie is alright too :)

    @lanlyn, no problem :) I like that pretty guitar :)
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    MrSpacemanMrSpaceman Posts: 382 Member
    edited May 2018
    Sorry, I was busy and didn't play at all, but now I'm back with just another

    Kramer update.

    Ozzy is still being a bad dog. Seriously, he has his own bed and a lot of sofas and benches around the household, but prefers to take Steve's place. I guess, it's because it smells like Steve.



    Ozzy really loves Steve. He loves everyone, but Steve takes a special place in his doggy heart. They've been together for years.



    So Ozzy is a daddy's boy, that's why I started thinking of a pet friend for Sheryl. And we adopted a cat for her. And Crowley was her wedding anniversary gift (Steve's got another guitar, of course).



    Crowley is cute, but proud and internally agressive. Hope Sheryl makes friends with him anyway. They are not friends yet, Crowley just got home, so she played with him for a very short while, and he went to sleep, because he was already tired, when he arrived from the shelter. I'm curious about how he's going to react to Ozzy.




    I've finally completed their living room. They only had TVs in the dining room and in the bedroom, but they've just got a new TV by mail. And I thought that was a good decision for the empty place in the room.


    Steve takes care of his grapes...


    ...And his guitars. He plays for Gardenia (or, maybe, he doesn't know, that she's sleeping).


    Anyway, he's really happy, when he plays guitar. He doesn't make that face again. But I couldn't leave you without it, so here's a #steveface for you.


    Even two #stevefaces. He's trying to prove Sheryl, that he's not impressed by the horror movie they're watching (but he actually is, he's moodlet says, he's scared).


    And one more happy Steve.


    Sheryl went to the gym, and he was "looking out" for Dash. He actually forgot to put him to bed.


    Then he noticed that and got mad, like "Who did this?". I guess, he thought , that it was Sheryl, who forgot to put him to bed. I like when Steve's mad, looks funny.


    Well, Dash looks exactly like Steve (Sheryl won this toy for him). Guess, Gardenia will look like her mother.


    Sheryl tries to teach him everything.


    She and Steve totally enjoy each other.



    And Sheryl changed hair color, but you can't see it, because the difference is small.


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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,935 Member
    Episode 8 of my Perfect Genetics Challenge is now available to view on YouTube

    This episode is about the wedding of Olivia and Dan

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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,219 Member
    @coco Sweden finished 7th place after the judges votes
    did not go well with the viewers vote either.

    @Mikezumi Nice updates

    @lanlyn Great updates

    @king_of_simcity7 Great updates

    I took a small break from sims but here is another


    since Bree is expecting, I moved them all to a bigger house
    in the world.


    After moving in Bree oohed over her ring


    She shows a little now


    Darrel tested the piano


    Bree cooked breakfast



    Ty and Audra enjoyed a good book

    All for now

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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @lanlyn and @Vincent_Vengeance Nice pictures with the pets :smile:

    @Silverofdreams30 Thanks for the comment and nice picture of the house :smile:

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