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Tales from The Sims: Grim Reaper comes calling

EA_MageEA_Mage Posts: 1,354 EA Staff (retired)
Sul Sul all,

Our Sims have all had a visit from the Grim Reaper - sometimes welcomed... often not.

What is your most memorable visit from the Grim Reaper?
How, where and why did it happen? Did you let the Grim Reaper guide your Sims to afterlife or did you pull some shenanigans to get your Sims to stick around?


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    GrumpyGlowfishGrumpyGlowfish Posts: 2,211 Member
    edited April 2018
    My most memorable encounter with the Grim Reaper happened at the science lab. Alex was experimenting with potions and came up with one called ghost serum or something like that. The coworker that she gave it to turned into a ghost after drinking it, causing the Grim Reaper to appear, and when he realised the person whose soul he had come to reap was not actually dead, he complained to Alex for making him come in vain! :D


    This was only the start of a wonderful friendship, though. Soon after the incident at the lab, the Grim Reaper randomly came to visit Alex in the middle of the night to do... well, that.


    And just a little while later, he even joined her astronomy club! (He somehow lost his scythe along the way, though.)


    I love the Grim Reaper in Sims 4, so much more interactive and sociable than his previous incarnations! <3
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    SeaDragonSongSeaDragonSong Posts: 2,324 Member
    The time that sticks out to me also happened at the science lab. I'd made a new Sim, actually built a decent exterior for a house, and was looking forward to decorating the inside. He was a scientist and on the first day on the job, he accidentally set the lab (and himself) on fire. I only knew of one shower on the basement floor at the time. He barely made it down the stairs before he expired, and it also lost a coworker.
    Twists In Time And Space (Updated December 2nd 2018. New discord server!)
    Bob Bobson (Updated August 12th 2019)
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    simgirl1010simgirl1010 Posts: 36,259 Member
    My most memorable visit from the Grim Reaper was years ago in the Sims 3. I had a set of twins girls and they were visiting a friend when I got a notice that one of them had drowned. I immediately switched over to her and there was the Grim Reaper. I was devastated. Then I exited without saving. Even though I'd been playing for several hours. Haven't seen the Grim Reaper at all in Sims 4.
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    astera00astera00 Posts: 267 Member
    The most memorable visit from the Grim Reaper just happened a couple of days ago, all quite by accident but not exactly unwelcome. Mortimer Goth caught Bella having an affair with Marcus, the Mob Boss of town. Poor Mortimer was furious and Marcus just had to rub salt in the wound maliciously by challenging him to a chess game and taunting him throughout >:) He would plant seeds of doubt, subtly debase him and kiss and flirt with Bella right in front of him. Poor Mortimer couldn't take the sight of him anymore and grew steadily angrier and angrier... until Grim showed up! He was so furious over Bella's affair and having the man who did it sitting so casually in his home, that he eventually died of anger. Marcus continued to chat with Grim and they became besties. That's them in the avatar, stargazing together, once Grim's work was done >:)
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    I usually play with aging off and never let my Sims get too emotional so I've only had exactly six encounters with Grim. Three were Sims dying from old age, one from a vampire dying of Sun exposure on the doorstep of my Apocolypse Challenge family, one intentional drowning and one elder from overexertion.

    Out of those six the one that is the most memorable to me was my Sim, Iris Gleason, who died naturally of old age. She was the star of my Homeless Elder Challenge. I continued to play her after the challenge was finished and she married a young adult named Leonardo. Leo was a community gardener she'd met and fell in love with during the challenge. The following screenshots are the story of what happened when she died.

    There is a total of 14 screenshots (not a lot of text though, I promise) so I put them in a spoiler. :)
    Leo had just finished seranading Iris and decided to run across the street to talk to Mila Munch. I was following him when I heard the music for Grim and saw him manifest on the lot. I knew he had to be there for Iris. I was devastated thinking that Leo was going to miss it and not be able to plead for her life.


    Iris hadn't even fully expired yet and Leo had stopped his progress toward Mila, plus Grim was just standing there. I thought maybe, just maybe Leo could save her afterall.


    This image just breaks my heart... :'(


    Finally Leo runs over and is shocked and saddened by what he sees. Meanwhile Grim stands back and just watches.


    While he stands there sobbing over his dead wife, just like ambulance chasers, Mila and the Fryes girl decide to come over to gawk at Iris' body. Iris didn't know them. Her only friend in the world was Leo. I guess as the community gardener, he could've met them at some point. *shrugs* Grim still keeps his distance, watching...


    Even MORE passing by Sims show up and Leo looks at them as if thinking, "Who are you people and how dare you intrude?" Grim still silently watches, not moving an inch.


    Finally Grim floats over and...stands inside of Leo! o.O You can see Leo's feet and arm. Mila decides she's seen enough and leaves the scene.


    Look at Leo's face! He's incredulous and a bit freaked out by having death touch him so intimately. Another Sim wanders over.


    Incredibly more Sims arrive while Leo continues to sob and Grim stands motionless. What is he waiting for? The whole time this is happening, I'm clicking madly on Grim waiting for the 'Plead' action to become available.


    Finally Grim reaps Iris and "plead" is available. Unfortunately, he can't plead. His guitar is in the way because of where Iris' tombstone appeared.


    Poor Leo, the look on his face just says it all. *sniff* Grim still hangs around for some reason, not moving except to look at Leo. At least I think he's looking at Leo out of that dark, hooded void where his face should be. The Fryes girl is either bored now and checking messages or maybe posting pics of her 'exciting' day on Facebook or Instagram. Who knows!?


    I was so upset/livid that Leo couldn't plead for Iris' life, I was clicking around on the actions available for intereracting with Grim to see if he could fight him, throw a drink in his face, yell at him or anything mean. But the only thing he could do was "complain about problems." I had Leo do that to Grim and this is what Grim did. He looks all shocked, like he really cares. Pfft...


    Since I don't encounter Grim very often, I thought, why not have Leo take his picture? This is how Grim posed. lol


    Lastly, I had a brainstorm! Leo is Level 10 in Guitar skill and had finished the Musical Genius aspiration. He had a lot of actions available to him that I had never tried. One of them was 'play to sleep.' >:)

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    afai1261afai1261 Posts: 2,030 Member
    This happened sometime last week at the bar in Oasis Springs. I sent a couple of my sims there for a date. Turn around and there's Grim! No-one's dead or dying, he's just hanging out.


    I also remember in another save where I had a couple of sims at the pool in Windenburg. The sun's coming up, and a vampire townie doesn't get out of the sun in time. What's more, who should try to break in but Vlad! And, of course, he immediately stops 'breaking in' and goes to react to the death of his fellow vampire. And, because he's thin-skinned, Vlad dies too. And neither of my sims could leave the lot so I exited without saving and haven't opened the save since.
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    AmandèleAmandèle Posts: 378 Member
    I don't have the pictures anymore but I once spent hours planing a wedding. All the guests arrived, the event was going very well and all of a sudden the parents of the groom both died of old age. The Grim Reaper took them and then stayed until the end of the party, eating cake and socializing with the bride and her friends.
    Sorry for the mistakes, English is not my first language ^^'
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    PastelMermaidPastelMermaid Posts: 1,298 Member
    One of my sims saw mr reaper at the gym and became friends enough that they helped one another train :smiley:

    "wahoo" - aquaman
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    simerizersimerizer Posts: 38 Member
    edited April 2018
    After entering the Temple, my sim Sam called her friends to come entertaining her while she was digging excavation site, we did not expect they were all super unprepared for the Selvadorada jungle so they fell like fragile autumn leaves during the first wave of bees/spiders/fireflies attacks, Sam had to marathon around begging for mercy, and all of them were crying rivers of tear, it was so miserable.
    (After that one, I kinda understand the decision of giving the Reaper the faceless hood now because mine came smiling lol so she looked like a serial killer psychopath)

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    TerraTerra Posts: 1,353 Member
    Mine was all the way back with TS1 or TS2 on console, one of my first ever Sims experiences. We were at a friend's house and he built a lot with just a sofa in front of a fireplace. The Sim caught on fire while napping on the sofa, and the Grim Reaper dutifully showed up. But then he caught on fire too, and after stamping out his robes, he disappeared. We were left with no Sim, no sofa, and no tombstone.
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    LadyTachunkaLadyTachunka Posts: 1,454 Member
    well the first one was in the sims 3. i had 3 vampire sims. two sister and a husband to one of the sisters. the one sister was pregnant with her husband's child and i left to go eat my dinner forgetting to pause the game at the moment. i come back and the husband was dying from going out to the sun. i literally facepalm at him. i felt so bad. more so to his poor pregnant wife

    speaking about pregnant sims i had a bad habit in the sims 2 killing them :joy: i would try to get them to eat but everytime they pass out into their food and it got annoying because it was hard to get them to eat so they didn't die but they ended up dying. i try having the grim reaper to give them back but it didn't work. then ex pregnant wife start scaring the next wife when the next wife of the guy i had. im surprise she didn't kill them. but all this happening i wasn't used to the game i was starting out :#

    death must love my sim because everyone that she interacted with death comes even at her work :joy: the 3 sims in one day

    another one is when my sim was out on a date with her lover and she complained to the chef that the food was bad. the chef died because it and my sim decided to take a picture at the time i was taking a picture of the dead sim to ask what happen :joy: but later i found out she was married to the sim that my sim was dating she seen him was mad then my sim complaining to her killed her in a fit of rage XD

    then i started having my sims 'kill' other sims so that they could date the grim reaper :joy: im a big ball of joy, i also wanted to see all the deaths that happen as well i have done it in both 3 and 4
    8a35839c629b9a9f3643198909b278c0.gif Been simming since the end of sims 2~Sims Gallery ID:BSAAWaifu
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    EA_MaiEA_Mai Posts: 1,800 EA Staff (retired)
    edited April 2018
    Lots of funny stories! :D Grim Reaper's visit can really surprise us, turn the game around and completely change the story!

    I remember the first death I saw in the game - as @Terra, I was at a friend's house and she was showing me the game... she decided to show me what happened if you removed the stairs from the pool as well!

    @MelissaStarbees I didn't know pregnant Sims could die in The Sims 2! The only time one of my Sims died while being pregnant - took me completely by surprise! I think I closed the game without saving :P

    The most memorable visit -or visits- for me, however, happened looooong time ago when I tried my Sim and Grim Reaper be friends, fall in love and even have children. It involved helping lots of neighbour Sims die, and it got me a hunted house with lots of ghosts! It reminded me of Goth's garden ;)
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    LadyTachunkaLadyTachunka Posts: 1,454 Member
    @EA_Mai oh yeah it took me by surprise as well. i was so sad that it happen and felt bad for my sim

    ahaha my sim had a hard time getting the grimmy but then my computer died so i lost all my progress DX i need to redo that
    8a35839c629b9a9f3643198909b278c0.gif Been simming since the end of sims 2~Sims Gallery ID:BSAAWaifu
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    EmmaVaneEmmaVane Posts: 7,847 Member
    edited April 2018
    This happened in my current save.

    The fire couldn't be completely extinguished (one piece had no extinguish option) and kept spreading even with 2 sims fighting it and the sprinklers on (I have a mod for more intense fire).

    Unable to stop the fire I had 2 choices: Quit without saving and lose a chunk of progress (already did that once this save due to computer randomly restarting) or kill them both for a game over.

    Sunny was the first to perish once I sent them close to the remaining fire. Grim wasn't in any rush to reap her body though. He just hung around and browsed his list before getting to work. db5e47a779.png

    Her husband Coty followed shortly after, and Grim cleaned the place up a little. ceb7c1e01d.png

    One piece of fire just wouldn't go out. I think something to do with placing stuff off-grid disables the ability to extinguish fire in spots sometimes. I'm guessing it's a glitch/bug, because it's happened at least 3 times with now, and always when things have been placed on the half tile or slightly off-grid using Alt. Never had a problem when everything is on full tiles.
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    AfterMidnightAfterMidnight Posts: 1,020 Member
    edited April 2018
    The most memorable moment I had with Grim was in TS3 when I witnessed a pet die for the first time.

    The founder of my legacy was just starting out when an elderly stray cat started swinging by his shack. They visited frequently and often slept outside the door while my sim busy working, skilling, and tending to his own needs. He didn't have the time nor money for a pet, so I ignored the cat despite having the "cat lover" trait myself. One night, ominous music began to play and I looked outside to see Grim approaching the stray, scythe in hand. I watched as he picked the cat up, cuddled them, and then sliced the sky open before pulling out a toy mouse from his robe (he must have a pocket in there somewhere lol) and tossed it into the beautiful portal he created. The cat leaped after it, ascending with ease, and just like that, they were gone.

    I'm not the type of simmer to get upset when my sim dies. You won't see me with a "in mourning" moodlet for two days after Grim comes to collect my sims, but I was gutted about that poor stray cat. It legitimately made my heart ache to think they died without a home, so when my sim was given the "oh my ghost!" opportunity a day or so later, I jumped on it without a second thought. That cat never had a family in life, but in death, they would never be alone again.
    Post edited by AfterMidnight on
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    SherryRNSherryRN Posts: 45 Member
    In my current game, started back in October or so, I neglected to peruse the "auto age" options... and well that was interesting, I came back around to the Goth household, Bella and Mortimer were gone, and the sister whose name I forgot, and only Alex was left. Okay, and he was a full grown adult. Fixed the settings to auto age only the household I'm playing. Okay! And so I got to playing Alex, got him some stuff to do, skills to build, he threw a great costume party and some random chick died in the hallway. No, I haven't gotten around to taking photos. I thought maybe he should hurry up, get married and have some kids before his time's up? Sure? And all I could get him to have interest in, was the maid. Well it's a start...

    And my computer got a hard drive wipe and reinstall... eventually I found my old saved game in the cloud somewhere and restarted playing. Yeah that was fabulous until I got a message that "Alex's spirit is losing touch with the world...." I'm like WHAT. Are you kidding me? Yep forgot to fix the settings AGAIN. Okay. So I just said "humph" whatever... played some other households, until the game decided to put a cranky old lady in the house, with the old fixings still in place, who just wants to fish. I decided to see what I could do with this. Marched her into Caleb's house, he was nice enough to turn her, got her to play for a little while, fish, garden and enjoy the outside a little bit before she turned... well. She was probably half a sim's day away from turning when Grim showed up and took her, right next to the fishing sign behind her house.

    So I made a nice elderly lady, a little batty but fun to play, with the express purpose of moving her in and making her the nice little vampire of the neighborhood. Used the "motherlode" cheat code to get her a little money, she marched into Vlad's house and darn near married him, but managed to refrain and be turned instead. The fun came a few days play later, when I realized the ghost of the nice fisherman lady was hanging around, trying to learn to play the violin. They struck up a friendship and come to realize, the ghost can do some vampire interactions. They can talk about vampire stuff, spar and train each other. That one is really odd.

    Oh yes and Grim is pretty fond of going to bars and hanging out, it seems. He also loves to play chess in the sims 4. I love how you can do stuff with him. Some things when you ask him, his answers are funny.

    I need to practice some and learn to take screenshots!
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    comicsforlifecomicsforlife Posts: 9,585 Member
    my most memorable time with grim happened not once but many times I had a sim that was forever dying in sims 4 but grim would always laugh and bring him back to life then when my sim would go to town and run in to grim
    grim would laugh at him I could never understand why :)
    more for sim kids and more drama please
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    Dao_TuiDao_Tui Posts: 8 New Member
    No pics, sadly enough. But I made an evil witch and have her 'fireball' everyone and everything around her. Grim reaper didn't know what hit him. He had sooo much work to do XD ashpiles everywhere hahahah :')
    Eventually he gave up and disappeared. ^^ mwuahhahahahahahaaha
    I'm so sweet and innocent (sarcasm cough cough)
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    Sonata13SingerSonata13Singer Posts: 183 Member
    The first time I ever played Sims 2, (which was the first The Sims game I had ever played and I had read the whole manual prior to playing) I created a huge country styled family with cowboy hats and stuff. A fire started out of nowhere (I guess one decided to cook something while I was not looking) and killed half of the family of seven. I had no idea how to stop the fire at that time and kind of panicked especially when I the grim reaper who, at that time, I couldn't bear to look at because he sort of scared me.
    Origin ID: Sonata13Singer

    I also create music and art (search up Sona13Singer on google... but I haven't been uploading a lot recently)
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    SimburianSimburian Posts: 6,916 Member
    I pasted this on another thread lately...

    I don't like killing my Sims off, especially if it is the mum or dad so didn't know that the Grim Reaper would actually use a fire extinguisher himself to save someone from the fire but little Noah Higginbotham managed to successfully plead for his dad when all the rest of the family failed and The GR put the whole lot out and went in to watch TV. After a shower for Markus life went on as normal.

    Have you noticed that these things happen when you take your eyes off them for a minute or two and I am sure that I put a fire alarm on the wall above the barbecue!

    PS: I would love it if the Sim on fire could jump into the pool (if one) to put himself out. It's only commonsense innit? :)
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    EA_MageEA_Mage Posts: 1,354 EA Staff (retired)
    edited April 2018
    These are great thank you all for sharing <3

    For me one of the funniest stories actually comes from when me and EA_Mai were playing with our "work" Sims - EA_Mage and EA_Mai on a Jungle Adventure.

    This is going to be a little long, so find the story about the reaper's visit in the Spoiler...
    During the adventure (happening at night as Mage is a vampire), Mage got a little peckish and decided to snack on Mai who promptly went to sleep after being feasted upon...

    Also, being the self assured and confident person that she is, Mage chose not to purchase any helpful items from the town... So while Mai was laying there passed out...Mage was attacked by fireflies...

    With no fire foam at hand and Mai lazying about, Mage caught on fire :neutral:

    And in the end Grim Reaper showed up

    Mai was super sad and looked for solace in the stars

    And even tried pleading for Mage's life...

    All to no good end...and so I closed the game without saving :smiley:

    PS! The shoes are ALL Mai's fault!
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    I had to think about it I've had a lot of sims die on me and there are three moments that come to mind but I'll only post one and I found five pics that just go together for it so I'll put four of them in spoiler.
    See it was a Christmas party for my family everyone was just arriving and I was putting them into groups so I could rush them inside where I wanted them to be...
    I moved the camera and saw that we had just barely invited Damien here when it was too bright outside.
    Now the woman behind him was his fiancee they had teenagers but hadn't planned on getting married yet until he'd asked the other day. Everyone isn't so close, got to watch for that because the flirts start flying sometimes, but he was a part of the family. Slowly they were coming outside to mourn him, he'd spent a lot of time alone with his racoon, fox, and little dog he didn't know much about people but he had a lot that cared about him in the end.
    See these were very close together if he had just waited a handful of sim seconds it would have fine but I think he was outside before we invited him. Anyways Grim showed up and his would be niece tried to plead for him but Grim wasn't having it.
    She went back with them immediately to put him to rest, now I was able to bring him back but he almost got culled.
    I think Grim is just bitter I keep trying to find him
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    paradiseplanetparadiseplanet Posts: 4,421 Member
    I've got a few memorable moments of the Grim Reaper's visits, but one I seem to find memorable the most was for a deliberate death:

    So this is Matthew Waters, lazy slob best-selling author extraordinaire:

    He and his husband I just moved into the most lavish penthouse in the city but didn't have the funds to properly keep paying for it. So I had a grand idea to take the Waters' family inheritance to Matthew. Problem was...the family inheritance instead passed down to Kenya Waters, Matthew's nephew from his eldest sister Maliyah and last remaining living relative. By this time all other family members died so I thought why not move his nephew into live with them? Turns out instead the game flashed me a game error which broke my save and I couldn't do that. SO I had another plan...

    I refurbished Salim Benali's old appt into a cursed death trap that I moved Kenya into in which I started playing him. I had Gremlins on it too and they broke EVERYTHING in the appt, and I was like "Alright, time for some electrocution!" Well several self-repairs later and surprisingly Kenya came virtually unscathed from electrocution and that annoyed me, but at least he and the welcome wagon remained uncomfortable throughout the time living in the appt. So instead I took a different approach. I had Kenya track down where he could learn and eat some pufferfish nigiri and after I took the recipe home, I had him make and eat it while he was uncomfortable, and boy was I not disappointed at the death!


    Grim ofc came and did his business, and since he was the last one of the household I was promptly kicked out to Manage Worlds but left the death-trap appt as is. I hadn't had anyone die from that yet so it was a very nice thing to see too! And all of this was done so I can magically funnel in 60k simoleons to the Waters' remaining member. >:) I have much more funny occurrences but this one was most memorable for me.
    Origin ID: paradiseplanet27
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    comicsforlifecomicsforlife Posts: 9,585 Member
    EA_Mage wrote: »
    These are great thank you all for sharing <3

    For me one of the funniest stories actually comes from when me and EA_Mai were playing with our "work" Sims - EA_Mage and EA_Mai on a Jungle Adventure.

    This is going to be a little long, so find the story about the reaper's visit in the Spoiler...
    During the adventure (happening at night as Mage is a vampire), Mage got a little peckish and decided to snack on Mai who promptly went to sleep after being feasted upon...

    Also, being the self assured and confident person that she is, Mage chose not to purchase any helpful items from the town... So while Mai was laying there passed out...Mage was attacked by fireflies...

    With no fire foam at hand and Mai lazying about, Mage caught on fire :neutral:

    And in the end Grim Reaper showed up

    Mai was super sad and looked for solace in the stars

    And even tried pleading for Mage's life...

    All to no good end...and so I closed the game without saving :smiley:

    PS! The shoes are ALL Mai's fault!

    and thats what you get for not packing anything lol also you were asking for it with the shoes
    more for sim kids and more drama please
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    HopeFlowers05HopeFlowers05 Posts: 1 New Member
    Most memorable Grim Reaper moment I've had was fairly recently. A sim died and I begged for them back, and so he brought them back to life. About a few minutes later, the sim died again. Guess he isn't good at reviving much lol
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