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What do you do with your elders?


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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Make their last days as happy as possible (e.g. granting most wishes, letting them do things they enjoy, etc.)
    @ARRensch It's your game! ;)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Make their last days as happy as possible (e.g. granting most wishes, letting them do things they enjoy, etc.)
    Jordan lived through another day and now has two great-grandbabies :)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Make their last days as happy as possible (e.g. granting most wishes, letting them do things they enjoy, etc.)
    Jordan is still going strong! I think John was 3 days over when he passed so John must be about 7 days over which is a lot given the elder stage is only 8 days! He surprised me this morning by choosing the training dummy instead of the board breaker. Whatever he wants, he can have :)
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    TadOlsonTadOlson Posts: 11,380 Member
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    I would allow elders to stay with the family if they'd had their last child young enough and thee was room in the house to help with a grandchild so the parents could work or have them taking in foster children and some might move in with an orphaned child until that child aged up.They only have a dying off epidemic if there's too many living past their lifespans and the town is too full.I might pretned a flu epidemic spread through the town and a lot of elders died from it.A few might have accidents because they can become clumsy or forgetful as they're preparing to move on to the next phase in life.I will let them enjoy their last days before triggering an age transition with MC.
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Make their last days as happy as possible (e.g. granting most wishes, letting them do things they enjoy, etc.)
    TadOlson wrote: »
    I haven't had any sims get to that stage yet though I would plan on them doing whatever they needed to do like helping out grown kids with the children wheil they worked or any other option depending on the town.I would let them have a death epidemic if there were too many of them compared to other age groups or if they were causing a population overload.

    @TadOlson Although you already commented about elders in your game, it was good to read a more detailed description of how you cope with elders :)
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    Simtown15Simtown15 Posts: 3,952 Member
    Business as usual - age is just a number
    @Mikezumi What a huge family! I've never gotten that far before with my sims! It's nice to see how well you treat your elder sims. They must be getting a lot of lifetime happiness points!
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Make their last days as happy as possible (e.g. granting most wishes, letting them do things they enjoy, etc.)
    @Simtown15 My sims have lots of lifetime happiness points before they reach elder - way more than they will ever need. I am all about the wishes and try to grant wishes that trigger lucrative wish chains.
    Hang in there and you will have a big family one day. This is not such a big family for me but I have lots of spare time on my hands ;)
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    Simtown15Simtown15 Posts: 3,952 Member
    Business as usual - age is just a number
    @Mikezumi I don't know. I just don't have the patience. My sims tend to have a lot of happiness too though. They usually get 1,000-2,000 points/day, even if they have the grumpy trait. I haven't played Sims 3 properly in such a long time though, maybe 2 months. I've been playing Sims 4, but I miss Sims 3. I just don't feel like going through the process of building something up all over again. I made it to the grandbabies in my last one, then rage quit as I always do. I guess I have anger issues.
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Make their last days as happy as possible (e.g. granting most wishes, letting them do things they enjoy, etc.)
    Jordan's time finally ran out :'(
    Jordan was 10 days over a full life bar which is better than I could have hoped for given the elder stage is only 8 days.
    He went quietly and with dignity.
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    Simtown15Simtown15 Posts: 3,952 Member
    Business as usual - age is just a number
    @Mikezumi Another sim gone. :'( Sorry to hear that. It's rare that I ever reach a sim's death by old age though.
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Make their last days as happy as possible (e.g. granting most wishes, letting them do things they enjoy, etc.)
    Thank you @Simtown15 but it's not so bad since he has already visited and I don't see death as final.
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Make their last days as happy as possible (e.g. granting most wishes, letting them do things they enjoy, etc.)
    I had my first visit from Jordan <3
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    EvalenEvalen Posts: 10,223 Member

    This is my elder, Bo Dexter that I just made, I like him and put him on the highest level to live, I want to keep as long as I can. I really like Bo Dexter he came out just the way I wanted him to
    He just took in his grandson, Riley Dexter, he is a teen, who's parents just pasted away in a auto accident.
    I am trying to get him to level 10 in MA he is now in level 4 and his grandson who is taking after him is on level 3
    They get along great, I have never played a MA Sim and it is a lot of fun, can't wait until he can do sparring. right now I do not see a way to do so. Maybe when Riley gets to level 4 they can spar.
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Make their last days as happy as possible (e.g. granting most wishes, letting them do things they enjoy, etc.)
    @Evalen Bo looks great and congrats on reaching level 4 in MA :)
    If his grandson is level 4 the option should be there. From memory, it should be available under the main interaction options and not under "friendly" or another sub-menu.
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    EvalenEvalen Posts: 10,223 Member

    @Mikezumi Sorry :'( to hear about Jordan, it is always sad when they pass away. we kind of get use to them and hate to see them go. I wonder if anyone has put them back in the family as a elder and keep them around. :)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Make their last days as happy as possible (e.g. granting most wishes, letting them do things they enjoy, etc.)
    @Evalen Thank you. Jordan has died before and he's okay with it ;) He knows he will be replayed from his youth in the near future as he is one of my favourite sims.
    I can't afford to keep my elders around as I like a dynamic town. There are new babies being born all the time and elders would bog things down. I am happy for them to have their time but no more.
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    EvalenEvalen Posts: 10,223 Member
    @Mikezumi I understand, actually I made his grandson from him as a teen and when he gets to be a elder he will look just like him and have the same traits, I know that is strange, but I just wanted to keep his blood line going, of course his grandson Riley is now going steady, and will marry when he is an adult so their baby will not be the same. It will be a long time as I set them all to the highest level except baby and toddler.
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    igazorigazor Posts: 19,330 Member
    edited March 2018
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    Mikezumi wrote: »
    @Evalen Thank you. Jordan has died before and he's okay with it ;)He knows he will be replayed from his youth in the near future as he is one of my favourite sims.
    Wow, someone told him this or do you think he just senses it from prior gameplay patterns? Or do you think he has a forum account here and is watching what we've all been posting about him? :o
    NRaas has moved!
    Our new site is at
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Make their last days as happy as possible (e.g. granting most wishes, letting them do things they enjoy, etc.)
    igazor wrote: »
    Mikezumi wrote: »
    @Evalen Thank you. Jordan has died before and he's okay with it ;)He knows he will be replayed from his youth in the near future as he is one of my favourite sims.
    Wow, someone told him this or do you think he just senses it from prior gameplay patterns? Or do you think he has a forum account here and is watching what we've all been posting about him? :o

    @igazor Jordan knows this in his sim bones! Any sim loved by Mikezumi is always dusted off from the bin to live again. Besides Jordan shares my belief in reincarnation ;)
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    Simtown15Simtown15 Posts: 3,952 Member
    Business as usual - age is just a number
    @Mikezumi Your sims are lucky. Mine have never been played by me more than once.
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
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    Well, I have a pile of elders in my Sims family now. :D But they have 228 days before the time starts ticking on them with regards to % Chance of Death.


    Yes, @Mikezumi, I'll be nice to them. :D

    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    igazorigazor Posts: 19,330 Member
    edited March 2018
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    Clan, group, herd, gaggle, flock, troop, kindle, coven, colony, mob, sleuth...are we certain that "pile" is the best collective noun to be using here? o:)
    NRaas has moved!
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    puzzlezaddictpuzzlezaddict Posts: 1,877 Member
    Business as usual - age is just a number
    igazor wrote: »
    Clan, group, herd, gaggle, flock, troop, kindle, coven, colony, mob, sleuth...are we certain that "pile" is the best collective noun to be using here? o:)

    Maybe posse? If they travel in packs in matching cardigans, high-waisted pants, and sensible shoes, and try to intimidate the younger sims with their cantankerousness and variety of canes? And some elders can be real turkeys.

    I suppose you could pick any term from "pride" to "infestation" and it would give a lot of insight into how you feel about them.

    I personally would never compare my favorite elder sims to cackling crows, but given some of the less-than-compassionate answers on this thread, I feel like I have to point out that you neglected to include "murder."
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    edited March 2018
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    I look at Yasunobu (Haruo's Sim-Dad)...and I see my real-life "late" Dad (Rest in Peace, Dad... - His real name was Yasutsugu - every one called him Bill) That's why I want to make sure that that Sim-Dad lives to a ripe old age; real Dad passed away from a massive heart-attack 9 years of the toughest decisions I ever had to make was to "let him go" in peace (flat-line; no brain-activity on the monitor and even if he was able to be kept alive, he'd be nothing more than a body kept alive by a machine and I knew for a fact that he would not have wanted that - if it wasn't for @Featherbelle, I don't know how I would have gotten through that day - just seeing the strong man that he was, helpless in that motion other than the rise and fall of his chest kept alive by only the life-support system - it's an image that is still emblazoned in my mind; that and my very last image of him...before we closed the casket.) and to turn off his life-support. Just the feeling of utter loss has stuck with me for years. In Japanese culture, we have a "memorial" picture of the deceased in our house framed with the picture surrounded by a black border. The picture that was used at the funeral was one that I had taken a few years earlier. One hangs on the wall in my mother's home, the other in my living room.

    Yasunobu - My dad always used to have that blue t-shirt of his and a pair of black-grey Dickies workpants...and that's why I chose to dress Yasunobu in that.

    So, those of you Sims 3 players who are still kids, remember to hug your Dad/Mom... because times with them are all too fleeting and there will come a day when you look around and see that they're no longer there. So many times while I'm raising my kids, especially when Chris achieved something in hockey, and I think, "Man, Dad would have been just as proud of Chris as I am..." and Dad's not there to see it. Be grateful for the time that you have, especially if you have parents that love you and care about you.

    I was lucky in that I had at least one parent who cared about me, even though I lost him too early (at least in my books).
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Make their last days as happy as possible (e.g. granting most wishes, letting them do things they enjoy, etc.)
    @igazor If it were a group of elders like me, it could only be a gaggle! ("a disorderly group of people" and nothing to do with geese) ;)

    @Nikkei_Simmer It's great that you dress Yasunobu in homage to your father :) I can't image what a sad decision that must have been. My father, fortunately, passed away very quickly (massive stroke). He will have been gone 40 years come June. I can't even imagine a whole sim lifespan at 228 days, let alone one stage!
    Thanks for sharing your pics and I am glad you will be looking after your elders :)
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