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What happened in your sims 3 game today?


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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,218 Member
    edited December 2017
    @emorrill Yayyyy another Sam chapter. I loved the photos you used here
    and glad he is as healthy as a horse now.

    @Emily4331 Yeah I will try to only download from known tsr creators that are good, but some stuff from other sites have messed up
    more than once but for now I have only good cc in game. Your sim was gorgeous.

    I am planning a wedding in my game just waiting for the party to start .
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @Mikezumi Beautiful pictures of aged up Beckah :smile:
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    Yay! Beckah grew up which means I can kick her out! :p

    ^Lol @Mikezumi ! :lol:

    @Silverofdreams30 Thank you <3

    There are reasons I am looking at these videos, but I can't help sharing.......
    Sam Scott looks SO adorable in this scene!
    (Gives a good laugh too :lol: )

    Sim on my friends. :)
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    aricaraiaricarai Posts: 8,984 Member
    Remember this little minx? Check out where she'll be starting out in Generation One of my FIRST Let's Play (Part One coming Friday!!)
    Click on the picture to watch on YouTube
    Enjoy m'dears!
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,218 Member
    @Mikezumi looks awesome

    Here is a sneak preview from tomorrows wedding update


    more tomorrow
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,933 Member
    I'm back. Had a huge day yesterday and got a few things done - mostly outdoors.

    This morning I'm back to my Sims 3 videos.

    Yesterday morning I had recorded some video showing Muriel constructing sarcophagi from fragments found in tombs.

    She made two Blessed sarcophagi a plain sarcophagus and another ordinary sarcophagus. I was a little disappointed she didn't make a Cursed Sarcophagus.

    Then I had to go out and a few things went wrong with the toddlers and had a mixup with which world they were traveling to so I crashed the game using Task Manager | End Process.

    I had the video recorded so didn't worry about losing progress due to this being a replay of an old save just to get some good video.

    This morning I was going to just send them off on their journey I started yesterday but decided I'd get her to construct the sarcophagi again. This time she made 1 Blessed and 1 Cursed plus 2 plain sarcophagi.

    Then I panicked - hoping none of my sims would sleep in the black one. But I needn't have worried - Muriel set off across the room and sat in a chair to read a book while Meryl strode purposefully across the room and climbed into the Blessed Sarcophagus. I read up on the Cursed Sarcophagus and apparently if she'd slept in it her Evil trait would have changed to Good. She wouldn't have been her usual evil self it that had happened. But of course, whatever happens in this save will have no bearing on the game going forward as I've got hundreds of saves that progress the game well beyond this point. I only need to re-record it in places when they do tomb adventures as I now am doing tomb walk throughs in my videos and initially I was just sending them to the other worlds without bothering too much about showing them actually completing the tombs.




    I just got a bit excited because I don't usually bother with reconstructing the pieces they find in tombs, but did so in this game. And occasionally in the Big Game. But I don't recall ever getting a cursed sarcophagus before.
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @Silverofdreams30 The wedding looks like it got off to a good start :smile:

    @Karritz Nice pictures of the sarcophaguses :smile:
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    mycami21mycami21 Posts: 752 Member
    @emorrill Yet another GREAT Sam update. :) It's very sweet of Sam worrying so much about Emma getting hurt. Al told Sam what I think all of us want to say to him. (It's a shame that Al is a hologram otherwise he could have included the swift kick in the rear Sam needs)

    I will admit during some of the scenes I was chanting to myself KISS....KISS...KISS....KISS..... :p
    Daily Deal Thread
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    Pictures and descriptions of the Clue characters and of Boddy mansion I created can be found here

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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,933 Member
    edited December 2017
    @king_of_simcity7 thanks for the comment. I was looking at your sims queuing for the all-in-one bathroom. It reminded me of a lot of things. Like someone, a few years ago posting pictures of hundreds of ice cream trucks filling their roads - and people queuing to get into a concert - and 'they could do with more all-in-one bathrooms'. I assumed you dragged their bathroom need down close to red to get them to queue like that. You would have had to be quick to get the pic before they started standing in puddles.
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    mycami21 wrote: »
    @emorrill Yet another GREAT Sam update. :) It's very sweet of Sam worrying so much about Emma getting hurt. Al told Sam what I think all of us want to say to him. (It's a shame that Al is a hologram otherwise he could have included the swift kick in the rear Sam needs)

    I will admit during some of the scenes I was chanting to myself KISS....KISS...KISS....KISS..... :p

    Thank you @mycami21 <3 {{{{Hugs}}}}

    We all know Al would've kicked him in the bu'tt if he could! :lol: I love it!

    In bold: Just the reaction I was going for. :p
    (I've had a similar reaction to @Charlottesmom 's Secret Obsession story with L and Meggie! :mrgreen: )
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    I have started a new thread for anyone who wants to discuss my new story: :smile:
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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    edited December 2017
    Secret Obsession Part 19: Lies...

    L woke up at 6:00 am and realized he was wrapped around Meggie, he pushed himself back, he felt so disgusted with himself, she was his friend, his very much underage friend and he shouldn't be doing this. He had felt her when she first got on to bed, he felt her when she slipped under the covers, he was the one that snuggled up to her, it felt so good and that was the problem, he couldn't let this go on anymore, it was killing him, and it certainly wasn't fair to Meggie, she was just a kid!


    He knew he should have gone out to the couch the second he felt her crawl under the covers, he shouldn't have let it get to this. He frowned and sighed deeply as he got out of bed...he knew what had to be done, his heart was aching but he felt it was the only course of action for his own sanity. He jumped in the shower and tried to scrub away the dirty feeling he had surrounding him, he felt like trash..


    Meggie was awake a few minutes later, she wondered where L was, she remember him snuggling up to her and had the most peaceful night's sleep she had had in recent memory...All thoughts of being dumped by her gay "boyfriend" or whatever Ethan was vanished from her brain. L was the only person on the Earth she trusted fully, the only person she truly loved, she smiled to herself with that thought.


    She got dressed quickly and decided to make the bed, it was a nice gesture while L was in the shower.


    After L got dressed he asked Meggie to come into the kitchen he needed to talk to her...

    He asked if she remembered last night, what he did to her.


    "Yeah, you snuggled with me, why?"


    "I'm so sorry" he started getting very upset.


    "Why are you so upset L, you didn't do anything wrong..."

    "Meggie, you're just a child, I shouldn't be touching you like that!"


    The mention of her being a child confused Meggie, she was going to be 17 in a week, she could drive a frigging car, she was not a child! She decided to get to the bottom of this...

    "Why are you calling me a child L, I'm going to be 17 next week.."


    "Self preservation...." L mumbled to himself...he couldn't be with her, she was too young, it was wrong..he had to make excuses to himself to keep away from her...she needed to grow up and have a life of her own. He knew severing ties with her would be best for both of them, they were both too dependent on each other. He was going to do it even though he knew it would break his heart.

    "I need us to not see each other for awhile..." he blurted..

    "What....." she asked stunned "Why?" was all she could think to ask..

    "I need some time alone...I...I just need to be alone for awhile"


    "Fine!...." With tears starting to form in her eyes...Meggie grabbed her jacket and ran out into the hall..she was sick of everyone dumping her, if he didn't want to see her she would vanish.

    L grabbed his jacket and ran after her, thank God the elevator seemed jammed..

    Meggie was crying, she was mumbling about everyone dumping her..


    "Meggie, I'm sorry, I can't tell you why I need us to spend time apart but believe me it's for a good reason.."


    "Are you gay too?" Meggie asked seriously...


    "What??...NO!! Who's gay?"


    "Ethan, that's why he dumped me, he and Parker are boyfriends..."

    "Geeze......" was all L could think to say.."So your first two ex boyfriends are gay and now boyfriends..with each other!...What are the odds!"

    "Pretty good with my luck!" Meggie almost laughed..she then got very serious "Don't leave me L..."


    "Lets go for a walk and I'll try to explain myself.." L dreaded this but now knew he had to be honest if he didn't want to lose Meggie forever, she was going to hate him he just knew it.

    "Okay L what is the issue?" Meggie asked...

    L paused the truth on the tip of his tongue he chickened out and blurted "I have a girlfriend and she doesn't want me to have any contact with you.."


    Meggie was stunned..."Since when do you had a girlfriend?" she asked

    "About two weeks now..." L lied..

    "What's her name..?" Meggie questioned..

    L panicked, he wasn't prepared, he had never lied to Meggie before ever, he said the first female name that came to mind.."Addie"

    "Your across the hall neighbor, the vampire?"


    Meggie was a bit shocked though last time she met Addie she was acting a bit strange, she didn't want to say anything negative about L's that word sounded weird in conjunction with L she thought. In all the years she knew him he had only briefly dated a few women, her mom being one of them, it never lasted long. She really was actively wondering if L was gay or what lately, he just didn't seem to want to be with any females...or males for that matter.

    "Meggie thought about what he said, and said "what does she have against me L, we're just friends!"


    "Maybe she's jealous..."


    "Of what, I'm only 16, I'm not a threat.." Meggie said as they slowly walked..they found themselves down by the water...

    "Maybe it's because you're beautiful..." L whispered, he knew she heard because she answered in an equally low whisper "I'm not beautiful L..."


    "You are beautiful Meggie...."


    "Why can't you be older..." he asked, she answered with "Why can't you be younger.." she sighed then turned to the water and just stared with a blank look on her face, he knew she was thinking hard about something but didn't want to disturb her, he just watched her, his heart aching.


    He reached over and held her hand, Meggie closed her eyes cherishing the feeling....he was so perfect.


    They slowly made their way back to the apartment, L took the couch that night and Meggie had the bed, neither slept well...

    L told Meggie he had to meet Addie for lunch and took off for a few hours, in reality he went to the library and just sat...he was disgusted with himself for lying to Meggie, he couldn't face her. He would be home in time to take her to the subway station so she could go pick up her car from it's parking area.

    Meggie met L by the subway stop. Right when he got there Jared called and asked Meggie when she would be home, she told him she was on her way to get her car right now.


    L pulled her into a tight hug, he whispered that he would miss her...


    Meggie was sad, but she knew she would see him again somehow. She fully planned on texting him whenever she wanted girlfriend or not..


    "Love you Meggie..." he said sadly


    "Love you L..." she answered just a sadly.


    She quickly crossed the road and went into the subway station before she could start crying again..


    L stood there for almost 1/2 hour...I'm such an as*shole he thought to himself. There would be a lot of beating himself up because of his lies.


    Post edited by Charlottesmom on
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @Charlottesmom Sad update to the story :( How old is L again?
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @Karritz That was a nightclub with a lot of Sims in it and when I changed the lot type for dance club to visitors allow all of the Sims where thrown outside and standing there like it was a queue lol
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    polrbearpolrbear Posts: 939 Member
    edited December 2017
    I have a lot of work to do now...It's my own fault. I guess I save as'd too many times, and now, although it is successfully saving, the main menu refuses to load as many saves as I have in the folder. Though I did double check, and they did save in there thankfully... Though for a second I thought they hadn't, since they hadn't shown up in the main menu. I guess I need to check which saves are backed up, do that yet again, and de-clutter my save folder... lol.

    Natasha showed up as homeless after being brought back to life, and so I tried to add her back to her parents' household. I went straight to their house from the map, the way I usually do to add someone. Clicked on her parents' house and tried to add a sim through nraas. But she wasn't on the list. A lot of sims were missing from that list, even...?

    I knew she wasn't gone, as she was still in Samantha's relationship panel.

    I added her to my own household then, which worked, and added her back to her parents' house from there. :)
    I play Sims 2, Sims 3, Sims 4, and The Urbz: Sims in the City on gamecube and ds. Main Game: Sims 352033322186_3a08467dc6_o.png
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @polrbear Don't panic! Your saves should be fine. The main menu only shows a certain number so you might think your saves are missing but they are not. I do a few save as each sim day and every now and then I move them into another folder, only keeping the two most recent days. Next time I open the game, the saves show.
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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    Trying to step fully away from this thread is near impossible! Will do more feedback tomorrow, today was very busy.

    @Mikezumi , Still need to leave you and @bekkasan feedback, sorry.

    @emorrill , Glad you finally go the upsate together and posted, I know this one was taxing..
    **So glad Sam is all healed up and walking and gaining weight!
    **Al's cigar mod seems to be the one on the blink.. ;)
    **Awww! Al is team Emma! ;) (though he has been for awhile)
    **Leaping sure puts a crimp in Sam's lovelife..
    **Emma's so silly! Teasing Sam with the God's time travelling servant..
    **I love that she already thought up a cover for Sam's absence...clever Emma!
    **I though fro sure Sam would be leaning in to smooch Emma and he would leap! Glad it didn't go down like far!

    Great update, worth the wait!! :smiley:
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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    @king_of_simcity7 , Meggie is 16 L is 29...13 years separation. :'(
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    polrbearpolrbear Posts: 939 Member
    Mikezumi wrote: »
    @polrbear Don't panic! Your saves should be fine. The main menu only shows a certain number so you might think your saves are missing but they are not. I do a few save as each sim day and every now and then I move them into another folder, only keeping the two most recent days. Next time I open the game, the saves show.

    Thank you! I was worried, but that is what I was hoping, that if I moved them out the new ones would load. :) Got a lot of work ahead of me now though, gotta sort through all of these...and wow are there a lot...
    I play Sims 2, Sims 3, Sims 4, and The Urbz: Sims in the City on gamecube and ds. Main Game: Sims 352033322186_3a08467dc6_o.png
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @Charlottesmom Well L is still slightly younger than me lol
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    @CravenLestat She is very pretty!

    @TadOlson Sorry to hear about your issues. Good luck with your town.

    @Nikkei_Simmer It sure is cool that Allan is already selling paintings! Alanna is adorable. She grew up so fast....overnight it seems! :lol:

    @king_of_simcity7 Your video looked great.

    @emorrill I enjoyed the update very much! It is nice to see Sam up and moving and thinking about the future even though I am not happy about how his thoughts are going! Sigh, Sam needs to understand it is her decision too, not just his! I thought/hoped Emma was going to grab and kiss him. I love the last two shots of them on opposite sides thinking the same thing!

    @Mikezumi Beckah actually looks prettier than I thought she would. :)

    @Silverofdreams30 pretty outfits on them.

    @Karritz Nice haul from tomb raiding. :)

    @Charlottesmom well dag! I just want to shake a bunch of sims and whack some heads together today. L and Meggie, Sam and Emma. Sorry L felt like he had to lie. Meggie seems mature enough to handle the truth. She might tempt him more though, so maybe that is why. The pictures are great. I just ache for them both. Do they make an age up potion in supernatural? I don't think so. :(

    @polrbear move your older saves into a folder on your desktop, call it whatever you will remember. I call mine by the family..."Ballan saves" etc. I go through periodically and cull the old ones to recycle bin. The game loads better if you don't have too many saves in the save folder anyway.
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @bekkasan Thanks for the feedback :smile:
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    @bekkasan - Y'know me. I just am not 'into the baby object lump" life-stage. Even toddler-hood gets a little wearing after a while. Child-Teen and YA seem to be the most interesting.

    Gotta go out for a little while...will be back later. ( insured...(for a few days) mobile...
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~

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