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What happened in your sims 3 game today?


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    venusdemilosimsvenusdemilosims Posts: 1,918 Member
    edited November 2017
    @CravenLestat Needed that laugh today :) Coming down with a 'slight cold.' This time of year *rolleyes* Yeah, Savannah Jolina (Jamie's granddaughter) may look the part of a wealthy socialite there drinking tea, but an ex-adventurer and ghost hunter is not someone you want to mess with. Even if it's her own brother - and he knows it. She claims to be apolitical but she basically has the govt in the palm of her hand due to her father and grandmother being super famous and basically one of the town's founding families.

    @blazerntq Thanks for the comment! Yeah, my computer time has been scarce lately due to back and forth trips to the dentist. Fun. Not. I do have a blog where I *tried* to keep a running diary of my entries here - that didn't work, lol: (Apologize for some of the pics, Photobucket changed its policy in July so I haven't had a chance to get back a lot of my screens)

    @Silverofdreams30 Your sims are always so lively and lovely :) I forget what generation they're on, lol

    @emorrill Hi topic starter! *hugs* Sorry your daughter is ill. I have issues with anxiety myself. She isn't on medication now is she? Thanks for the comment!

    @jillbg Hi! Yeah, she and Cherise have been friends almost since the wedding, which is surprising because Savannah doesn't befriend just anybody. She's very selective of her friends (in game and in story). I think they got close when they realized Kaydence had run away bc of an argument with Sebastian. Savannah loves her brother, but she hates his behavior. She didn't just automatically take his side, she knows he misbehaved.

    @bekkasan Hi there! Sorry I couldn't comment to you earlier. Yeah, I did catch that little wry smile of Cherise, she does seem to like Savannah's idea. Whether she acts on it or not though remains to be seen.

    @Namaya92 Great story! Naughty Jamie! Lol in my game she had a one night stand with my founder Nigel and got pregnant with their son Nathan. They never had 'relations' like that again but remained friends the rest of their lives.

    @MoonandStars83 I guess it's coincidental, I didn't change anything of her in the game, lol. They started flirting on their own. As it is, the husband's daughter despises her with a passion.

    @Charlottesmom Best of luck on your book! I'm sure it'll be great!

    jpnbanner2_zpscb7d2475.jpg header_zps436f0053.jpg

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    blazerntqblazerntq Posts: 2,409 Member
    @Charlottesmom When I bought my betta fish I went with the most active one that I saw. Set my betta fish up in a nice tank with a heater also. Thought that a betta fish would be a good starter fish. All of the betta fish at the petco that I went to all looked okay. I did see the baby betta fish also at petco. My crested geckco is also from petco. I also want a bearded dragon but my apartment will not allow them. They are only okay with small reptiles.
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    I love certain posepacks. Especially those dealing with Martial Arts because well, I've gotten hooked on Sim Fu after World Adventures. As varied as the in-game actions are, there are certain poses that aren't in the game...and I went hunting for pose packs a couple months ago, but never really used them. They are poses for one scene shots which help the story line along and which I'll probably be using in a few games. I found a pose pack for Bruce Lee Kung Fu moves and managed to snag it getting this nice little shot in the process (would have been nicer if I had taken the shot out of "build mode"

    But this is how discipline is meted out in the Chikamori household. Heh heh heh... (in RL I can't do any martial arts to save my life - definitely not an Asian kung-fu/karate master)

    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,934 Member
    edited November 2017
    @Charlottesmom I have all of Sims 3 on disk now. I had to order KPST from Amazon to get it on disk. I thought I'd originally purchased the disk but it turned out it was a digital copy from Origin. So back in 2014 I decided to not trust EA to let me play on Origin for as long as I might want to play Sims 3 I went out and took advantage of sales in local game stores. I got all the missing disks at half price or less. But KPST wasn't available. I finally caved in and got a new disk online at Amazon. I still have all the digital downloads registered on Origin so I didn't register the new disks as well. I probably couldn't have if I'd tried to. I have the original Base Game disk I got in June 2009.

    EDIT: When I set up my new laptop to play Sims 3 in mid 2014 I downloaded most of it and didn't use the disks I'd just bought. It took me 3 days to get it all set up and working.

    With this new computer I used my disks - some were a bit difficult to get into - and I got them all installed in a few hours. I did do Base Game first and kept only Base Game for a few days. then I installed up to Showtime and kept it like that for a few days and then I installed the rest but it was a very quick process not having to wait for anything to download.
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @CravenLestat I will check your video out tomoorw :smile:

    @lisasc360, @Karritz and @Nikkei_Simmer :smile:

    Listening to music at the moment and in my element! :smiley:
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,136 Member
    Better catch up before I get too far behind. ;)
    @emorrill Sorry to hear about your daughter's anxiety. The only good thing about it, is that you've been there and understand her and take her seriously. I really hope she'll get better soon. :) Sending hugs and good wishes! :)
    @jillbg ^You are SO right about this and I am thankful that my daughter is blessed with an understanding parent, because I know many who suffer from mental illness who were not blessed that much. :( Thank you. {{{Hugs}}}
    Good rewriting! :) The problem is, when you go back after a while, you've become more accomplished as a writer and you'll want to change a whole lot of things... That's why I'm rewriting my Grey Witches... :s
    ^Oh goodness I am noticing this too! :lol: I keep telling myself to not nit pick every single little thing. ;) It's been a joy though.

    @emorrill It disappeared into the sunset :D I really should work in a bar as I'm such a bouncer, I'll start playing a game & then get an idea for something else & I'm off!
    @imdragonit ^You crack me up! :lol:
    I agree with what @CravenLestat said to you about this. :)<3

    @lisasc360 Nice Waldo Wilma pics! :p

    @Charlottesmom Yeah it's funny how the sims can creep us out sometimes. :flushed:
    Connor doesn't look great as a fatty (lol!) but he's still a good lookin' guy, especially in your game. ;)

    @mycami21 Betty and Bree eh? ;) I could see them calling themselves "B Squared" :lol:
    Hope you are doing well. <3

    @Namaya92 Jamie and Izanami...Oh my! :lol:

    @Mikezumi Sorry it's so hot for you over there. :confused: Do you have air conditioning at all? Or swamp cooler? I hope so! ;)

    @MoonandStars83 *Waves* Hey buddy! Hope you're doing well. :)

    @bekkasan Thank you lady. <3 I just wish daughter didn't have to suffer through anxiety like I always have. :cry:
    But then again we wish for a lot of things don't we?

    @CravenLestat Beautiful video. :star: And I firmly believe in just "being you."

    @Nikkei_Simmer Beautiful pics of Champs Les Sims. :)
    I imagine graveyards would be pretty interesting to see there. ;)
    Shower woohoo! :lol:
    Your meme makes me think of:

    @venusdemilosims Medication as in antidepressants? No, we haven't resorted to that yet since she is still so young. If her anxiety interferes too much with her social and academic life than we will have to, but for now she's doing well. :) Thank you. <3

    To close, I heard this gem of a song today (it's been FOREVER) and I mean, how can I not rock out to it!? :p
    (Adam Sandler's cover was pretty awesome on The Wedding Singer. :) )
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    imdragonitimdragonit Posts: 1,019 Member
    @CravenLestat <3 the GIF you posted to Karritz. I just all around look forward to your posts, lovely patterns & vid btw
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member
    @CravenLestat Beautiful video, sims and patterns.

    @lisasc360 Cute poses with 'Wilma'.

    @Karritz I'd say Oscar has good priorities, woohoo first then fix tv. :)

    @Nikkei_Simmer Choo-choo! You caught the train while you were waiting on the exploring. Good job! :grin: lol, they almost rocked the tent into the lake. :)
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,934 Member
    @bekkasan I do enjoy your responses to my posts. You made me laugh again.
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    CravenLestatCravenLestat Posts: 13,735 Member
    Thank you guys for the response on my video.

    If anyone can understand inner beauty it is the girls in my video...Did I say girls,silly me I meant "The Girl" as in...

    Sloppy Sandi modeled every outfit :o

    @lisasc360 That avatar,thank goodness she is not standing in a candy cane forest full of barber poles or I would need Dora the Explorers help.

    @emorrill Thank you very much,I just bought two Ponies today both were doubles Flitterheart and Sapphire Shores :(

    @Nikkei_Simmer See that tent got off the ground..going to write it off as a earthquake.Nothing to see here moving along.PS: Better not be Earthquaking with Betty :#
    I Play Sims 3 On A Potato

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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    @CravenLestat; Nope, River all the way. :D
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Page 2056

    @bekkasan I would definitely not want the stirrup stuff if I were looking for birth poses! :o
    My boy was born quick because I was induced as my blood pressure was getting a bit high but it certainly wasn't all sparkles and smiles like the sims have ;)
    I love the baby bumps and I am always excited when my boys get a topless sleep outfit. When they get a sleep outfit with a top the naked top outfit isn't in the pregnancy clothes options unless I just don't know how to find it!

    @Emily4331 Sorry you had a bad day *hugs* I've never had vertigo unless you count an alcohol induced feeling of vertigo ;) I hope you feel better now :)

    @Karritz I have had kids inherit freckles. The moles seem to be inherited more commonly though.
    I used to keep notes on the slider positions of my sims in long-term saves so I could quickly tell if I got a clone or not when it wasn't instantly obvious when they aged up to toddler.
    Oh dear! Louise won't be able to keep her hands to herself with the new nanny! ;)

    @Namaya92 Ferdinand does look lonely :(
    A pet was the right medicine for him :)
    Angel is a cutie!
    Sorry for the loss of Billy :(

    @imdragonit Love the pic of them howling together outside the diner :) Great update!

    @CravenLestat Mimi's house looks great! Very colourful but in a happy way :)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Page 2057

    @Karritz That's a lot of kids already but congrats on the pregnancy since you are going for 15 :)
    Do you have the mod for water-breaking or was the water from the broken sink? In any case, it worked out perfectly ;)
    Congrats on the birth of the quads!

    @king_of_simcity7 The hotel is beautifully decorated :)

    @TadOlson Thanks :) Bank accounts would be interesting! Great pic :)

    @thuggishsplicer Thanks :) I don't make my bed every morning but I am not a very disciplined person ;) When I am controlling my sims I do make them make their beds but the boys are neat when they woohoo even though I can't control them ;)

    @LunBeauty Great makeover for Sloppy Sandi :)

    @coco I can't sleep when it's humid either. Today is not nearly as warm as they had forecast and the cool change seems to be coming through early if the wind is any indication.
    Thanks for the lovely comments :) Talking about Saville, when will we see another update from you?

    @Silverofdreams30 Thanks :)

    @SunshineEmma Sorry you were feeling so poorly :( I hope you are feeling better now.
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    edited November 2017
    Page 2058

    @king_of_simcity7 Thank you :) I am playing in SV but I placed a small park (perhaps from a set) near the family house.
    It's great that you found early pics of the hotel being built :)

    @Nikkei_Simmer Nice update!
    Haruo and River are giving that shower a workout ;)
    Poor Mayumi being unable to torment her family in death :(;)
    Looking forward to seeing the honeymoon in Champs les Sims :)

    @bekkasan Thanks for the lovely comments :)
    The small park seems to attract a lot of NPCs and I have seen several social workers in my recent saves. I've never heard of sims having their kids taken off them so I just ignore them.

    @silverofdreams30 Great update! Do you know why Liam fainted?
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    edited November 2017
    Page 2059

    @emorrill Sorry that your daughter was sick :( An anxious child does not make for a happy mother :( For me, there were feelings of guilt (although I can't think where I went wrong) to deal with as well as my son's anxiety.
    Hope your neck is feeling better now.
    Thanks for the lovely comments :)
    Do you use SP? This is the first child I have seen doing a bake sale but that is probably because I only recently installed Ambitions.
    I did find a mod to remove the hearts and blue thingies from dates and groups but I haven't tried it out yet. I got it from MTS.

    @Charlottesmom LOL How appropriate that Thayer is talking about the pool after what happened!
    Awwwww the secret made me sad :(
    I once saw Grim walking on water in one of my old saves!
    Poor Connor! What a blimp! LOL
    Congrats on the birth of Skye even if she isn't a boy :)
    How could I forget Riley!
    Thanks for the lovely comments :)
    I suspect you will be seeing Stein in a future save ;)
    The inner Zumi is not a skinny dipper! LOL Okay, so I did skinny dip in my youth but no-one wants to know about that ;)
    I suspect the male pregnancy baby bump looks like it does because it is a mod mesh and not EA.
    My boys must have too comfy a bed and they only sleep until they are refreshed because I can't stretch their sleep bars (or even see them) like I can with my other sims.

    @lisasc360 I found Waldo! ;) Great pics :)

    @mycami21 LOL Great pic of Betty and Bree :)
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,934 Member
    edited November 2017
    @Mikezumi no mod for the water - the sink broke as she went to wash her plate.

    I haven't noticed any interactions between Louise and Jamie. He may as well not be there. She's busy with all those babies and toddlers. They're reading toddler books now. Jamie has no romantic traits though - he just looks dangerous. That paparazzi she was chasing after is flirty and may be hopeless romantic too but I can't remember now he hasn't been around the house for ages now.

    The children are being useful cleaning the potties out autonomously. I must have a mod in that gives the children more activities. I think I've got the one that gives toddlers more actions so that might be the one doing it, but the children are reading toddler books to the toddlers. Very handy considering the number of books they need to read each. They will read them all. Even if the children just manage to get the toddlers started on a book there is less time the young adults have to spend reading to them.

    Alex is proving a bit of a handful. He wants to do his own thing instead of homework, or sleep or just about anything I want him to do. He did read to a toddler for ages though so he isn't all bad. His own thing is generally rock on the rocking horse, or check under the bed for monsters and then refuse to go to bed, and waking up in the middle of the night (after I think I've finally got him to sleep) to go and find a nanny to read him to sleep.
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Page 2060

    @Namaya92 Great update! I wonder if Nick's feelings for Izanami would change if he did see his daughter's ghost!?
    Pure evil! Knowing Jamie it wouldn't have been that difficult ;)

    @king_of_simcity7 We call him Wally here too :)

    @bekkasan The overnight low was 21C (70F). It's starting to cool off a little now. Thanks :)

    @Karritz I didn't get as hot as they forecast but it is still uncomfortable because the overnight temp was quite high. A cool change will be coming through this afternoon and we will have 3-4 cool days.
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    CravenLestatCravenLestat Posts: 13,735 Member
    @mikezumi Before I go to bed ;)
    I Play Sims 3 On A Potato

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Page 2061

    @CravenLestat Great video and beautiful patterns as always :)

    @lisasc360 Very cute! I can see you are having lots of fun with the Waldo look and the poses :)

    @Karritz Great update! No flirting with the new nanny? ;)

    @Nikkei_Simmer Lovely honeymoon pics :)

    @emorrill No AC or swamp cooler. I need to get the house rewired before I can add major electricals. Besides, I believe that AC is not good for the health. We are meant to experience real weather, although the laptop doesn't like the heat ;)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @Karritz I don't have a mod that makes kids do more but mine all autonomously empty potty chairs and clean toilets and showers.
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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,361 Member
    @lisasc360 That avatar,thank goodness she is not standing in a candy cane forest full of barber poles or I would need Dora the Explorers help.
    Hehehe, don't give me any ideas as I may just have to make a lot with a bunch of columns on it with the red and white stripes on them and have my SS "Where's Wilma?" sim go blend in with them... :p

    Nice video.. :)

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