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What is the reason you keep coming back to the sims 4 rather then play 2/3?


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    AmySims09AmySims09 Posts: 1,227 Member
    edited October 2017
    Sims 4 is better. I can make prettier sims.
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    PugLove888PugLove888 Posts: 674 Member
    AmySims09 wrote: »
    Sims 4 is better. I can make prettier sims.

    True, TS4 has better graphics IMHO, and prettier Sims. :) (Although I do miss collecting the various colored fireflies in TS3! <3 *SIGH!* :'( )
    Home is where your Pugs are! <3
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    FurSimsOfficialFurSimsOfficial Posts: 2,362 Member
    Once i heard about the new improved features in the sims 4, i had a hard time playing with the sims 3. The thing i desired most was the multitasking and seeing the trailers and new ways of playing, made the sims 3 very outdated for me despite all the expansions and other things in had which the sims 4 obviously didnt.

    They make gameplay easier and less stressful in general every time they bring out a new version of the sims, the lag in the sims 3 was horrible, the same happened in the sims 2 after i had all the expansions and an older pc. Thats also why i desired the newer version of the sims where that should be easier and more fun to play with.

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    charlesbergcharlesberg Posts: 88 Member
    I don't play sims 2 anymore due to the camera movements (up/down being inverted), my dyslexia makes it a chore.

    I play sims 3 when I'm up for waiting 10 minutes for the game to load the main screen and another 10 for the loading a save, when I feel like waiting a while for all my expansion/stuff packs to load in CAS.

    I mostly play sims 4 because it's fast, simple and easy to work with.
    Signature here. No here. Never-mind.
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    mortiamortia Posts: 1,155 Member
    edited October 2017
    Total opposite for me. I gave up on this game and went back to TS2 over a year ago. I now have all the creative freedom I need to create exactly the game I want for myself. There are parts of TS4 that are great, but being able to load it quickly isn't a good enough reason for me to force myself to play a shallow game.

    I wander back here every few months or so to see if anything has been added that would fix the broken base or give players the kind of freedom they had in TS2 and 3, but it never has. So I just laugh and log again for another few months.
    Post edited by mortia on
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    Paigeisin5Paigeisin5 Posts: 2,140 Member
    The Sims2...sigh. It changed everything for me. But after spending hundreds, if not thousands, of hours playing it, it lost a bit of it's appeal once TS3 came along. Then the war began. The number of mods I had for TS3 was ridiculous. I believe I downloaded every module Twallen created for his Story Progression mod along with the mods other modders produced, and TS3 still kept me on pins and needles waiting for it to lag, stutter or flat out crash. But I loved the open world concept and CASt. And there were so many activities for my Sims to do, I had a hard time playing families. And the weather....gosh. I loved the seasons in TS3. But the lighting, and how that made all the Sims look the same, was hard to deal with at times.

    I was on again, off again with TS4. I went back and forth between it and TS2 and TS3 for a long time until toddlers came along in TS4. Up to that point I felt the game had been de-railed and turned into something I would never enjoy playing. But from the very beginning I was loving the graphics and pretty worlds, so I was hoping something would happen to grab me and hold my attention. Toddlers finally did that. Then along came Parenthood and now we are waiting for Cats and Dogs. Weather and new vacation destinations are the only things left on my wish list for TS4. Occasionally, I load TS3 and play a favorite family for an hour or two, but TS4 is finally in a place I can relate to. It has many new game play features that the others did not have. I miss the memories, though. CAS is a lot of fun, and building is much, much easier in TS4. TS4 is finally getting to a point where I can become immersed in playing for more than an hour; sometimes I find myself forgetting about how much time has passed altogether. And, to me, that is the true test of a game's greatness. If it can grab and hold my attention like that, it's well worth every penny I spend on EPs, SPs and GPs. TS4 is entertaining and that's why we play games. We want to be entertained and still have control over what happens in our games. TS4 delivers what I want in a game and that's why I play it.
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    kabeane219kabeane219 Posts: 3 New Member
    I just wish I could find all of my Sims 2 games. I miss the clothing and hair downloads and the expansion packs that aren't available with the Sims 4. I definitely miss the Seasons, University, Generations, & the packs with the cars, etc. I also miss the Sims 1 makin' magic. I keep playing the Sims 4 because it is the only downloaded on my computer, I can't find the discs from when I first started playing, and I don't think my computer could handle any other games (Its slow and freezes up with just the one game installed). The more I think about it though, the more I want to find my Sims 2 games and start playing them again.
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    surraaaaaasurraaaaaa Posts: 859 Member
    I already commented in this thread a few weeks ago, but yesterday I went back to sims 2 and im staying until pets comes out.
    The lag and time distortion is starting to make my game unplayable, and then the game started freezing. I went back to sims 2, and yea I'm sure ill miss the customization in s4 by the time pets comes out.... But it runs so well! I can let the time go and not have to pause to let the game catch up! I cancel an action and it actually cancels! No walking all the way to the action for it to actually cancel. And rotational play, its a dream, and its achieved with NO MODSSSS **nearly faints**
    Its amazing and frustrating. Why can't sims 4 run this well??
    So even though there are things making me come back to s4 (cas, building, newness... I guess that's it) sims 2 will always take the cake if maxis doesn't fix their game.
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    bixtersbixters Posts: 2,299 Member
    I keep coming back to the Sims 4 because it just looks better than the other games. The sims have more personality, and I really like their ability to multitask. I'm not as happy with the lack of long-term gameplay, such as likes/dislikes, fears, attraction and reputation system.

    I recently downloaded The Sims 2, and while I do enjoy it, I cannot tolerate the camera controls. They are so frustrating. As far as Sims games, I think it is probably the best of all of them in gameplay value. BTW does anyone know a mod to make the camera more comfortable?

    I tried playing the Sims 3 a while ago, and while I did enjoy it back in the day, it hasn't aged as well visually. The sims just look plastic, and their clothes look like they're painted on. Also, even on my new 2015 gaming laptop, the game doesn't run that well. The worlds are beautiful, and the gameplay is solid, but aesthetically I could not get into it.

    I haven't played the Sims 1, and I'm not even sure it would run well on a new computer. I did enjoy it back in the day.
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    xDeeDeeRamoneXxDeeDeeRamoneX Posts: 35 Member
    I find the Sims are more alive in 4 and I have a better sense of their wants, as well as better graphics. Performance in TS3 is horrible for me and I can play any other game I own on Highest/Ultra settings with a steady 60fps. Well unless they're badly optimized I guess. TS3 also used to crash to desktop and I haven't had a single crash on 4. So I'm staying with 4 :)
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    NorthDakotaGamerNorthDakotaGamer Posts: 2,559 Member
    Cheekybits wrote: »
    I remember sims 3 had a ton of content but most of it was just stuff. I always try to go back and play sims 3 because of everything you could do. I'll build my family and then my house and start to play then my sim will wave in the air and get stuck or they put there food down to talk. I realize once again why I'm playing sims 4 even though there is a lack of content.

    I was just carious, I know a lot of people play both on and off.

    I only played Sims 1 until 2015. After that I researched amd decided I would much rather play Sims 4. I saw gameplay footage of both Sims 2 and Sims 3 and that was enough to tell me that I made the right choice.
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    Rflong7Rflong7 Posts: 36,589 Member
    If I could get better Camera controls for The Sims... I'd play it before TS4.

    I enjoy playing TS2 and Building in TS3. I don't know what it is but TS4 building leaves me uninspired and it was one thing I was counting on enjoying the most.

    Oh, well... I have many other games and not hurry to move on. :cookie:
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    basslinewildbasslinewild Posts: 268 Member
    I love 2 but the graphics drive me nuts after playing 4. As for 3, every time I play on my new computer, it glitches.
    Tessa :)
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    ladybreidladybreid Posts: 3,455 Member
    I play them all (except for the original because I no longer have the cd's or the pc it was on).

    More and more though over time I have shifted my play mostly to ts4 because the graphics in the others kill it for me now and ts4 tots are the best even over TS2 tots which I had always prefered over 3's tots.
    Saying "not to be rude", then blatently being rude does not excuse rude behavior.
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    Rhiannon58Rhiannon58 Posts: 806 Member
    edited October 2017
    I'm an oldie but a goodie. I started with TS1 15 years or so ago. I don't remember buying many expansions but I really enjoyed it. Then TS2 came out. Looking over my shoulder right now, I can see all the expansion and stuff packs on my bookshelf (I really miss game boxes). I think I have everything but one stuff pack. I played the HECK out of that game. I loved everything about it. Being a control freak, I created my own city with no other Sims living in it except the core families I created. I could name my own city! Having all of the expansion packs and stuff packs gave me SO much content. I think I grew my city to eight generations before I had a catastrophic computer failure. Lost two hard drives, which included my game.

    Jump ahead to a new computer, an across country move, busy life, etc. Shortly after TS3 came out, I thought that might be the way to go instead of reinstalling TS2. Then: Play for 20 minutes crash. Play for 20 minutes crash. Repeat enough times and it's not fun. But it had some improvements I liked a lot. After it stabilized, I discovered I couldn't control my neighborhood! People were having babies, moving around, dying. I hated that aspect. Yes I know it was a different game but the lack of control turned me off. To entertain myself, I did a legacy challenge and that helped me enjoy the game for a year or so.

    Jump ahead again to a new computer, moved back across the country, busy life, etc. I needed something less demanding to play than my hard core MMORPGs and saw that TS4 had been out a while. Got the base game. Hum. I could control my neighborhood. Supposedly anyway. It had some of the very nice features of TS3 like the gradual baby bumps (instead of the Sims belly popping every few days), My Sims didn't have to make a zillion friends to advance in their careers, looks promising. Now I'm having aging problems and no one in the tech forum has responded to my many posts/requests. Rosemow has (I swear they should pay her) but I can't get an answer on the problem I'm having. I'm really missing all the amazing content I had in TS2. I started TS4 with four families and at second generation, I'm already out of room in the city I'm in to move my Sims to. They will have to expand into other cities with the younger second generation of children having families.

    All the years I played TS2, I never once had a problem. Not a single crash. No bugs. Solid as a rock.

    I'm right on the cusp of either reinstalling all of TS2 or continue to expand my collection of TS4 (I see they are on sale again). I don't know if TS4 will become what TS2 was only a ton better with the graphics or if it will continue to have issues and end up abandoned like I felt they did with TS3.

    To answer the original question, I keep coming back to TS4 because I am hoping it will replace TS2 as my favorite Sims game. So far, it's not QUITE there.

    EDIT: I just popped up my Origin account and noticed the TS2 Ultimate Collection was on there. Apparently anyone who had registered their TS2 game got this put in their account. So, I'm downloading it. Might as well! Stay tuned...
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    hmae123hmae123 Posts: 1,912 Member
    For me it’s mostly a cosmetic thing. I feel like both sims 2 and 3 have more in gameplay then 4. Sims 3 has a lot of fun and unique expansions, like back to the future and the open world to explore. Sims 2 has the best sims personality-wise and tons of fun drama to watch play out, like the potential of being left at the alter, or the surprise guests that would show up at parties.

    But I end up coming back to sims 4 because I don’t need to use CC. I find the sims attractive and the that’s huge for me. The amount of CC needed to play sims 2 and 3 just isn’t worth it and it and it ends up making the game run funny. I also prefer to build/buy mode in sims 4 over the others.

    The perfect sims game for me would have sims 4 looks and build style, sims 3 open world and large variety of aspirations, and sims 2 personalities, as well as their wants and fears.
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    hmae123hmae123 Posts: 1,912 Member
    Out of curiosity... if sims 5 came out tomorrow would you guys give up sims 4 to play it or keep both? I’d probably jump ship pretty quickly depending on if 5 has better sims/gameplay.
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    MidnightAuraMidnightAura Posts: 5,809 Member
    hmae123 wrote: »
    Out of curiosity... if sims 5 came out tomorrow would you guys give up sims 4 to play it or keep both? I’d probably jump ship pretty quickly depending on if 5 has better sims/gameplay.

    It depends, if it is I think it will be, it will be even more DLC and even further toned down and mobile game like. I can just imagine it: "Do you want to change your sims outfit?" =stuff pack. But probably not if I'm honest. I don't think I would be interested.
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    Rhiannon58Rhiannon58 Posts: 806 Member
    hmae123 wrote: »
    Out of curiosity... if sims 5 came out tomorrow would you guys give up sims 4 to play it or keep both? I’d probably jump ship pretty quickly depending on if 5 has better sims/gameplay.
    I probably wouldn't. At least until I found out if it had all I wanted in a Sims game. While reinstalling TS2 this afternoon, I remembered some of the things I have missed that TS4 doesn't have (yet if ever): cars, garages and driveways, the ability to open ANY business you want in your home (I usually just build on a little shop next to the house for convenience) that includes complex employee system, weather, creating my own custom city complete with name, features I wanted and connecting the expansion features to that city, colleges to send the Sims to which opens up more careers for them, registering home businesses so my authors aren't showing as unemployed (the list will grow while I play TS2 the next few days).

    However, it's possible that I'll get frustrated with the graphics (and difficult to fill needs) and flip back over to TS4. Any idea how long the sale will last this time?

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    Stina1701AStina1701A Posts: 1,185 Member
    In my case. Regarding Sims 2, I don't own it anymore and would have to buy all the disks all over again. Concider its age, for me it's not worth it.

    Sims 3. Same case as above. I don't own the original game anymore which means I can't install it. Buying it again...consider how much it costs replacing it, going straight to Sims 4 is more better for me. Luckily I like Sims 4. As much as I loved Sim 3 and do miss alot from it, I have to admit, it was limiting regarding my preferred play. Rotation play. I love rotating between households.

    Second reason, Sims 3 was at times nerve wracking and I was NOT able to play it without the supermod (can't remember its name) that gave me more control over the overall neighbourhood and town and fixed some annoying bugs. Especially regarding birthcontrol. Townies and premades are like rabbits in Sims 3.

    With Sims 4 I play atm with only one mod. The nocullingmod. Becausing culling. NO!

    I prefer to do my own pruning, thank you very much!
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    Stina1701AStina1701A Posts: 1,185 Member
    hmae123 wrote: »
    Out of curiosity... if sims 5 came out tomorrow would you guys give up sims 4 to play it or keep both? I’d probably jump ship pretty quickly depending on if 5 has better sims/gameplay.

    Oh and I only noticed this. My answer is, no. I just got the game, not two months ago, don't own all expansions/game/stuff packs and those I do have, I am only now dipping my feet in. Not a chance on this earth will I touch Sims 5 until at least a year or even three has passed.
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    simlandersimlander Posts: 196 Member
    I play Sims 4 because my PC doesn't work anymore so now I only play 4 on my macbook. I like Sims 4 a lot but I still miss the Sims 2 days. The graphics on 2 may not be great but I still prefer building in 2 over building in 4, maybe it's just that I have more experience with building in 2 but I think that in 4 it takes an awful long time!
    In 2 I was 50/50 builder/live mode player but in 4 I'm 99% live mode, I only build my own houses when I run out of the premade ones. I had a ton of cc in 2 though, so that may be why it was more fun :smile:
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    fruitsmisfruitsmis Posts: 82 Member
    For me, s1 is where it all started and when s2 came out it was ground breaking to me because of "generations" and being able to age up your sims. With s2 I couldn't go back to s1 and the same thing happened when s3 came out with its "open worlds" and once again when s4 came out. I've always moved onto the newest edition and have a hard time going back to one of the predecessors.

    I've tried going back recently, when cats and dogs was first announced, and I got a few hours of game play out of it. I tried to relive the feeling I use to get, but found myself having a hard time getting over the graphics. In my opinion, the graphics make the game (s3 or s2) feel outdated and I find myself missing certain features of s4 (build mode, emotions, multi-tasking, etc...) However, there will be things I miss of s2 and s3, but I find myself not missing them enough to go back and play with the old graphics, kinda feels like a "been there done that" attitude.

    For the reasons I stated above, there are more, but graphics to me a big reason I play the sims 4 over s2 or s3.
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    ShadowmarkedShadowmarked Posts: 1,054 Member
    I don't play 3 because it keeps crashing my computer.
    I don't play 2 because it's customization of sims is limited and it only works on my one really old computer that is starting to have issues with it's hardware.
    i don't really play ts4 much either though, only in short bits then I don't play for a few months. However when I do sim, it's with ts4.
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    ladybreidladybreid Posts: 3,455 Member
    hmae123 wrote: »
    Out of curiosity... if sims 5 came out tomorrow would you guys give up sims 4 to play it or keep both? I’d probably jump ship pretty quickly depending on if 5 has better sims/gameplay.

    No, because while I am *finally* enjoying TS4 after 2 years of hating it, if this was it and it got shelved at this state for 5 I would be done with the franchise. I'm not up for another 2 years of utter disappointment and when/if 5 ever does come out if the base game is in the same state that TS4's base game was I'll be done too. This first 2 years of TS4 won't be repeated for me.
    Saying "not to be rude", then blatently being rude does not excuse rude behavior.
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