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TS3-Lisa Dawnlight adventures in Riverview


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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,390 Member
    So after I got through the haunted house, I saw a special seed just laying on the ground, so I went over to pick it up to use for later.

    And since I had some extra clothes in my car, I went and changed into my outwear clothes. Then I get a text from @CravenLestat inviting me to his house for a party.

    So I get there and I need to use his bathroom as I needed to throw up from eating too much pie in the contest. So while I was in the bathroom relieving myself, Craven was fixing some food for his party.

    Banana Jones was one of Craven's guest, so she wanted to talk to me and came into the bathroom after I got done barfing every where... :s
    Banana: Are you okay? You look a little green around the gills.
    SS: I'm okay and thank you for asking. I just won the pie eating contest at the Fall festival and it's just now catching up with me.
    Banana: Okay, that's good to know then. I saw your umbrella that you had when you got here and I like it. Where can get that from? I could certainly use it for all of this rain that we've been having.
    SS: Oh I know this rain is just too much. It seems like that it's been raining all season long. And thank you about my umbrella. I special ordered it using one of patterns that I have at home. The company that I got the umbrella from also can personalize other things such as computers, clothes hampers, chairs, etc. You name it and they will do it... :)
    Banana: Oh cool! That's nice that you can send in a pattern and have it put on an umbrella. Maybe I will get the company address or web address if they have one from you later so that I can personalize some of my stuff.
    SS: I'll be happy to give their business address and website address... :)

    Now why Craven was laughing at Banana Jones, I do not know. Maybe he's never seen a yellow genie before... :p

    Craven had even invited Donny to his party... :)
    SS: Hello Donny, it's a surprise to see you here.
    Donny: Hello Lisa, it's a surprise to see you here also. I was surprised to have gotten an invite to Craven's party since I haven't yet had a chance to meet him. What about you? Do you know him?
    SS: Yes, I know him. He's one of my good friends here. He probably invited you here to welcome you to the neighborhood and hopefully to become friends with you. He is a very friendly guy... :)
    Donny: Hey Lisa, would you like to watch the stars with me?
    SS: Sure, I love to watch the stars with you. I love watching the stars when I can get a chance.

    SS: Donny, don't be trying to look up my dress as I'm sitting down... ;)
    Donny: I'm sorry, I didn't me to look up your dress. It's just an interesting dress that you have on. I've never seen anything like it before.
    SS: Well thank you. I just recently got it a few days ago... :)
    Donny: Do you mind if I ask you where you got it from?
    SS: I'll tell you some other time. Now lets watch the stars, okay?
    Donny: Okay... :)

    SS: You know, you picked a good spot to watch the stars, Donny.
    Donny: Well thank you... :blush:

    Donny: UM, I've enjoyed myself at this party and watching the stars with you that I would like to give you these... :)
    SS: For me? Thank you for the flowers. I will put them in water when I get home... :)
    Donny: You're welcome and I'm glad that you like them... :) It's getting late and I really need to go to work tomorrow, so I will talk to you later, Lisa... :)
    SS: Okay Donny, sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite. And have a nice day at work tomorrow... :)
    Donny: Thanks, I will. Goodnight and see ya later.
    SS: You're welcome! Same to you... :smiley:

    So it was getting late and so I headed on home where I decided to attempt to carve a pumpkin... :)

    SS: OMG, this pumpkin has a lot of pumpkin seeds in it... :)

    So after I finished carving my pumpkin, which I didn't do too bad on, I took a picture of it... :) Not too bad for a first timer at carving pumpkins... :)

    Then I decided to take a picture of my 2 sprites in the window... :)

    Now let me upgrade my stove to get high quality food from it... :)

    Then after I had upgraded my stove, I want to change the sound of my doorbell to a haunting sound for Spooky Day that should be coming around soon. I really need to decorate my yard and house for the day. I just love Spooky Day... :)

    Random shots... :)

    Moon setting for the day.

    Sun rising for the day... :)
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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,390 Member
    So the time portal came alive again to let another future visitor come out to Riverview to play. And he too take off in a driverless taxi cab.

    While I was at the recreational center, there was a few people out on the basketball court shooting some hoops.

    I went to practice some soccer kicks... :)

    I went in to do some karaoke but ended up getting a call from Donny who just wanted to talk for a little bit... :)

    After talking to Donny, I went to do some karaoke... :)

    Now it was off to do some skating. (I really should swap out the roller skating rink with the ice skating rink.)

    Then I decided to try the claw machine again. So on one of my tries, I picked this up for it to only fall back in but I did end up picking up 3 more to only get 2 to come out.

    Then I ended getting several of these different bears.

    Then I got a Crystal Ball cut gem.

    Then Yuri's daughter, Tatiana Ivanor wanted to do some karaoke with me... :)

    Then when I tried to get back to playing the claw machine, @CravenLestat called to talk for a little bit... :)

    Then after playing with the claw machine, I had to do another commissioned street art project, so I chose to tag the wall by the pool tables... :)

    Here is some of the toys that I had gotten out of the claw machine... :)

    The 2 Ghosts of the Darned... :)

    My bears that I got... :)

    The 6 moneybags that's worth about 5,000. (I haven't collected on them yet but will when I get back in the game)... :)

    Talking to and washing the sprites to get their mood to high... :)

    Another sim from the future came through the portal and she too left in a cab... :)

    And another one is getting ready to jump through the portal... :)

    She must be very glad to had made it through the portal. Or she must be happy to be here in the present day Riverview.

    So while all of these Future residents were coming through the portal, I was tending to my little garden... :)
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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,390 Member
    Had 2 more Future residents coming through the portal again... :)

    So I went back to the graveyard to collect some more seeds that was laying around and Norman called to chat.

    Then I went back to the alchemy shop and brought some more potions. One of them that I brought was the Skill booster elixir that I am now drinking.

    So when I got home, I decided to do some laundry and finish up a painting that I had started. After I was done with the painting, I went out to pay my bills but ended up getting abducted yet again. (The hubby had wanted to know what the aliens do to the abductees when they have them. I told him that we really don't know since we don't see anything but that some players have made up stories with their Sims and the aliens.)

    So when the alien ship brought me back, I had a ghost outside of my yard just roaming around. The ghost is Norman Joy's late wife, Jenny. As you can see, one of the ghost of the darned disappeared from my room to the outside and that is where Jenny appeared at... :)

    This is the look that my SS has from seeing a ghost in her

    SS: Excuse me Mrs. Joy but I don't think that you can posses my body as you please... :s

    So since I had my front door locked to everyone but myself, Jenny couldn't go inside to read her book, so she sat on the porch to read.

    Then I go inside to read the newspaper only to see yet another ghost in the house. Since the other ghost of the darned is still sitting on the shelf in my room, so Jinny Samura appeared in the house and proceeded to make everyone mac & cheese. Well at least she was considerate enough to fix a meal for everyone... :)

    And since my front door was locked and Jenny needed to use the bathroom and since she is the wife of one of my best friends, I had unlocked the door for her to go and use the bathroom... :)

    So when I left my room after reading the newspaper to grab a bowl of Mac & Cheese, I made this face when I saw Jinny out in my kitchen/living room.

    So while I was eating, Jinny decided to haunt one of the cups on my counter while Jenny haunted something in the bathroom.

    Jinny & Jenny... :)
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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,390 Member
    So Jenny decides to haunt the dryer out on my back screened-in porch while Jinny floated off to my bedroom to go to sleep in my bed.

    Then Jenny decided to go talk to one of my plants in my mini greenhouse garden... :)

    Then afterwards, she goes to sleep on the couch.

    Then Jinny gets up from her slumber to use the bathroom and then they both disappear for the day.

    And so since Jinny and Jenny was sleeping in my bed and on my couch, I went and pulled out the sleeping bag and went to sleep out on the screened-in porch.

    Then I ate my pancakes outside on my porch.

    Then it was off to tend to the garden until I got a call from Norman who just wanted to chat... :)

    SS: Hello and good morning Norman. You won't believe the night that I had last night.
    Norman: Hello and good morning to you too Lisa. And I've told you before that you can tell me anything and I won't laugh at you or make fun of you as I believe anything that you tell me. So what happened last night?
    SS: Well yesterday when I was at the new recreation center playing the claw machine, I won 2 ghost of the darned and then placed them on a shelf in my bedroom as I thought that they were pretty neat. Well one of the ghost of the darned had disappeared from the bedroom and reappeared out by the front porch. Well I go and get myself abducted again only to come home and find a ghost out in my yard.
    Norman: Oh I wish that I knew about you getting the ghost of the darned earlier or else I would had warned you about them and how they attract ghosts to your house. Do you know who the ghost was that showed up last night?
    SS: I actually had 2 ghosts that showed up with the first one being your late wife Jenny who sat on my porch to read her book and then came inside to use my bathroom. Then when I went inside and since the other ghost of the darned was still in my room on the shelf, I had Jinny Samura in the house who had went and made mac & cheese for everyone.
    Norman: Did my wife say anything to you?
    SS: No, she just read her book and then haunted a couple of the items in my house and then she talked to one of my plants in my greenhouse.
    Norman: Well she was a bookworm when she was living and she had a green thumb and just loved to plant and had wanted the perfect garden which is why she was talking to your plants. The 2 of you have some things in common besides being a bookworm, you both are the artistic types also.
    SS: Then after she was done talking to my plants, she went and fell asleep on the couch as Jinny was sleeping in the bed, so I had ended up sleeping in my sleeping bag in the screened-in porch. Then after they got up and used the bathroom, they disappeared for the day. I had thought about giving you a call last night to invite you over to visit with your wife but it was almost 11:00PM and I didn't want to bother you at that time of the night.
    Norman: Oh I wished you had of called me last night as I would had just loved to see my wife again as I miss her so much. You know that you can call me at all hours of the night to talk if you want to. And I'm glad that you told me about my wife paying you a visit last night. She really is a very nice sweet lady and the love of my life.
    SS: Well Maybe if she shows back up tonight, I will give you a call to invite you over to see her. And thank you for listening to me and my stories even though they do seem far fetch at times.
    Norman: Nothing is far fetched to me as I have seen many strange things in my lifetime... :) Well it was nice chatting with you this morning but I must go as I have some things that I must do today. I will talk to you later Lisa... :)
    SS: Well thank you for calling me this morning as I just needed to talk to someone about what happened and I really don't know a lot of people in town that would listen to my stories. I'm glad that you're one of my best friends around here... :)
    Norman: Aww, well thank you as you are also my best friend... :)

    Well some of my plants had died on me after harvesting them, so now I am sad to see them die on me but at least I have some more seeds to plant later.

    So later on in the day, I get a text from Donny inviting me over for a party, so I accepted the invitation of course... :)

    So Donny pulls out some hot dogs to cook on the grill on back porch.

    So I get there and Rhoda Bagley is there and she comes up an insults me for no reason whatsoever... :s
    (Sorry that this pic is so dark.)

    Donny grilling the hot dogs and ends up burning them. He has 2 plates of hot dogs on the table that he grilled already and they too are burnt. But no one could get inside of the house or in his back yard to go eat them.

    So while I was on Donny's porch, Craven calls me and I tell him about how Rhoda had humiliated me. I wanted to go over and visit with Craven since I couldn't get into the house or backyard for the party but Craven was out and about when he called to talk to me.
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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,390 Member
    So after I returned home from Donny's party and since Craven wasn't home at the time, I decided to chat with Yuri on the computer. And I learned that Yuri is now single. (I had already knew that from NRaas SP mod.)

    So then I noticed that the other ghost of the darned that was sitting on the shelf in my bedroom has now disappeared and reappeared in the greenhouse while the other one is still outside in the front yard.

    So as I was chatting to Yuri, I got interrupted again by the strange lights outside in my yard. So yes, she is getting abducted yet again while she has Celia Chung out in her front yard... :s

    So while she was getting abducted, Eileen Remington was helping herself to a bowl of mac & cheese that was in the refrigerator.

    At least Eileen was nice enough to clean up after herself after eating her mac & cheese... :)

    Then they both end up in my bedroom and this is the motion that Eileen does when she sees Celia in there as

    Celia floating towards the mirror to float through the wall and back in to the room.

    Then they both proceeded to go and haunt the ghosts of the

    And once I was delivered back to my house, I go and start a new painting... :)
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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,390 Member
    So while I was out on the porch doing my painting, Eileen decided to haunt the kitchen counter stool while Celia is resting in my bed.

    Then Eileen decided to crash on my couch to sleep for a little bit.

    The 2 ghosts of the darned are both meeting in this corner of the house in the front part of the backyard.

    Celia decided to haunt one of my garden tools and then one of the potted plants in the greenhouse.

    Then Celia was floating over to the frig to get a bite to eat while Eileen was checking out the bookcase... :)

    Then about 10:20am, Celia and Eileen disappear back to the netherworld. I didn't see Eileen disappearing, so I wasn't able to catch her ghostly essence like I did with Celia.

    Then I made my favorite meal, Fruit parfait for breakfast and ate it out on the porch again.

    Then I went out to make out the bills and to collect a gift from someone as I didn't get a notice on who it was from. Maybe one of the random ghosts left it there for me to thank me for allowing them free roam in my house... :o

    Yuri was bicycling pass my house while I was outside paying my bills.

    Just a random sim driving the limo... :)
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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,390 Member
    edited May 2017
    So I decided that I wanted to go to the rec center after going over to visit Craven but he was leaving as I was walking over to his house, so I left. So I wanted to climb the wall again on the medium setting this time... :)

    YAY, I've it to the top without any problems... :) And no, I wasn't racing anyone at the time as I had started climbing the wall before the other guy started... :)

    So after I get to top and dropped back down, I answered my phone and it was Craven calling to chat for a little bit... :)

    So while I was there, Norman shows up to the rec center and calls everyone over for a ghost story.

    Ghost story telling time. It will be in the spoiler as I have 8 pictures. Even though there was more images that popped up, I didn't take pictures of all of them as some of them were the same as the earlier ones.

    hehehe, she has Craven on her mind while she's listen to Norman's ghost story... :*

    Then it was off to skate some more... :)

    Then it was upstairs to do some bowling... :)

    WOOHOO, I knocked down 9 out of 10 pins... :)

    WHOOPS, I fell down this time around... :(

    This is where the ghost of the darned has gotten off to. No hauntings tonight... :)

    I finally was able to sleep in my bed tonight... :)

    Then it was off to make waffles for breakfast... :)

    And it was back out to the porch to eat my breakfast... :)

    And this is me getting out the 3 letters that I had received from Norman, Angel and Donny... :)

    So I decide after receiving letters from 3 guys that I would send out love letters to some guys since I am such an Hopeless Romantic person... :)
    So I send Craven, Donny, Yuri, Brian and Jeffery Dean love letters. So let's see if I can any back from them... <3

    Here it is 1:00PM and I have 2 ghosts outside in my front/backyard. Mimi Krakel and Carlito Tamelpan has come out to play today... :)

    This is what Mimi looks like in the stylist... :)

    And because I kept seeing her in the ITF clothes in my mind, so I dressed her in one of the outfits from ITF and changed her hair style and took off her glasses to take this picture.

    And this is her info on her... :)

    This is what Carlito looks like in human form.

    I didn't change his clothes for him.

    This here is his info.
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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,390 Member
    So while I was reading my book, Mimi and Carlito both enter into the house and make themselves at home for a little bit... :)

    Of course there is that look again from seeing a ghost in the

    And now Mimi is doing that look when she saw

    And I'm doing that look on

    Just floating around the house.

    Carlito floated out to haunt one of the ghost of the darned.

    While Mimi was checking herself out in the mirror.

    So while the ghosts were doing what they wanted to do, I read up on a new recipe... :)

    A random screenshot of the night sky.

    So I was wondering why my 2 speakers and my stereo in my bedroom were on and it's because Carlito had turned them all on to listen to kids music. So here he is dancing to kids music out on my back porch.

    And now of course Carlito gets the hearts for me.

    So while Carlito is dancing outside, Mimi is playing video games on my PC.

    Mimi grabs a bowl of mac & cheese but then doesn't sit down to eat it. Heck, she doesn't even eat it all, so I had to put it back in the frig.

    Rhoda Bagley texted me to remind me of the party that she was throwing to remind me not to be late.

    So since I was leaving, Carlito and Mimi both disappeared. Carlito is the blue essence while Mimi is the yellow essence. She was sitting out in the lounge chair when she disappeared.

    So I get to Rhoda's house and this is what I see upon walking into her yard. What a pig sty?... :s

    So after I get up on the porch and ring the doorbell, @CravenLestat calls me up to chat for a little bit... :)

    So I go inside of the house for a little bit and then I head on to the backyard to get to the workshop where everyone else is heading out to. It would seem Ma Bagley must had liked the design on my umbrella as she had to buy herself one with the same design on it... :)

    And then right after I had talked to Craven, he shows up at the party. He is such a little stalker... :p

    So George Dean was the first one to come out to the workshop and turned on one of the 3 radios so that he could dance to it. There is also 2 TVs in there. One of them has a short to it and I was afraid that it would cause a fire but it didn't. I have no idea why Ma Bagley is booing at Craven for, she had also booed at George while everyone was still in the house.

    So I start to dance with Craven and we both have the "attractive company" moodlet... :)

    Craven and I both have the dance moves. Don Lothario shows up to Rhoda's party and heads straight for the stairs to go up and play a game up there while he has Craven in his thought bubble.

    Ma Bagley looks like she's taking a picture of George.

    So my SS gets this look after Craven leaves to go

    So afterwards, I leave to head on home and seen Craven arriving at his house on his bicycle... :)

    Stalker moment from behind the bushes... :)

    And one of the ghost of the darned is in the bedroom listening to the music on my stereo.
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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,390 Member
    So I get home from Rhoda Bagley's party and the first thing that happens once I get home is to get abducted yet

    This is where the ghosts of the darned ended up at... :)

    So once I returned home by my alien abductor, I went to attend to my plants as the needed to be harvested, weeded and dispose of the dead ones. And of course my SS cried over the dead plants.

    So morning has come and I go out to my mailbox to check on and get my mail while the paper delivery girl brings my paper to me.

    So I get letters and gifts from Donny and Norman today.

    Then I go inside to read today's news to see what is what in Riverview today... :)

    This is the present that I got from Donny... :) I just love it... <3

    So while I was checking out all of the gifts that was given to me by my admirers, I noticed that I was given a fortune cookie machine.

    So I go and upgrade it right away to always give out good fortunes... :)

    So now I'm going to make my 1st fortune cookie. I just hope that it's a good one... :)

    Here is my 1st fortune cookie. I hope it also tastes good... :)

    Let me see what my fortune says... :)

    Well for one thing, I'm not afraid of computers... :smile:
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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,390 Member

    So I go off to the consignment store to browse around for a little bit. So while I am there, I run into Banana Jones and Hal Breckenridge. Hal is a bit skunky today... :#

    So Banana comes up to me to chat for a bit.
    Banana: I really love PB&J sandwiches as it's my favorite food. What's your favorite food, Lisa?
    SS: Oh wow, I too love PB&J sandwiches. I could eat those all of the time myself.
    Banana: Oh me too. Have you ever had peanut butter and banana sandwiches?
    SS: Why, yes I have had peanut butter and banana sandwiches and they are yummy... :)

    Then Hal wanted to chat to with me.
    Hal: My favorite food is Cheesesteak sub.
    SS thinking to herself: Hal, you really need to shower as you smell skunky today.
    SS: That's cool that you like that. I've never had a cheesesteak sub before as I'm not much of a cheese eater.

    Me: I don't think so Hal. First off, you stink. And second off, you are with Becky Black ( @Charlottesmom ). And third, you have a child with Becky. So I don't think that I will have Lisa hook up with you.

    So after I go and buy a couple of used books from the shop, Hal wants to pay me a compliment.

    Next I go over to the party warehouse and use the DJ booth again... :)

    Becky Black shows up there to listen to the music that I'm playing.

    Then Ginny McDermott wanted to hear some funk music as I was playing dubstep music. So once I started playing some more funk music, Ginny tips me and starts to dance to the music... :)

    Then Rainer Kowling wanted to dance with me but once I stopped playing the music to go dance with him, he decided that he didn't want to dance since the music had stopped playing.

    So I get a phone call from Donny wanting to chat for a little bit.

    So while I was out having fun, a burglar breaks into my house, so I had to get home really fast.

    So while I was on my way home, James Reed shows up to arrest Julie Singer who is the burglar.
    Officer Reed: Freeze, you are under an arrest.

    But first they get into a fight.
    Julie: Not without a fight.

    It would seem that James had mopped up the floor with Julie... :p

    Officer Reed: Now place your hands over your head while I pat you down.

    Officer Reed: Now put your hands behind your back while I'll read you your Miranda rights.
    Julie: Yes officer Reed, I understand my rights that you have read to me.

    Officer: Now go out by the car and wait for me as I have go and investigate around the house and talk to the home owner.
    Julie: Yes Officer Reed.

    Oh great, now Officer James Reed has a thing for my :p
    Officer Reed: Everything looks okay outside and here is your stuff that Miss Singer stole from. If that's all that you need tonight, then I will be leaving to take Miss Singer down to station to write up and put her away for the night. If you want to press charges against her, then you can come down to the station this morning and someone will start the charging process as we will be holding her for 24 hours before we have to release her.
    SS: Thank you Officer Reed. I really appreciate you getting here fast after the break-in. And no, I don't need anything else tonight. I think that I might just let it go for now. But if she comes back again, then I will press charges the next time.
    Officer Reed: Okay Lisa. Have yourself a good night and make sure that your doors and windows are locked. But if you should need anything else or change your mind about pressing charges, just come on down to the station and ask for me.
    SS: Sure will Officer Reed.

    So afterwards, I go out to my screened-in porch to play a video arcade game that a friend had gifted me from the in-game gifting system... :)
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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,390 Member
    So after I was done playing the game, I went to do some painting... :)

    So I went out to check my mail and noticed that the flag was up on the box.

    I received a letter and gift from Donny thanking me for the letter that I sent him... :)

    So since it is Sunday, I decided to give Donny a call to invite him over for a little bit... :)

    SS: Hello Donny! Just give me a second and I will be over to greet you... :)
    Donny: Okay sure... :)

    SS: Thank you for coming over... :)
    Donny: You're welcome... :) And thank you for inviting me over. I've been wanting to see where you live... :)
    SS: You're welcome... :) This is my very first house that I ever owned.
    Donny: Well it looks very nice... :)
    SS: Thank you... :)
    Donny: You're welcome... :)

    Doing a little flirting with Donny... :)

    SS: I have a cute funny cat video on my phone. Want to see it?
    Donny: Sure I would love to see the video... :)

    SS: So I've been over to the Riverview Recreation Centre that I told about when I met you and it's pretty neat. Have you been there yet?
    Donny: No I haven't been there yet.
    SS: Well do you want to go over there now?
    Donny: Sure why not. I don't have anything else to do today... :) What all do they have there?
    SS: They have a soccer ball net, a basketball court, a rolling skating rink, a karaoke machine, rock climbing walls, a bowling alley, pool tables as well as video game machines... :)
    Donny: Want to do some karaoke with me? I bet you have a sweet smexy singing voice.
    SS: Sure I would love to do some karaoke with you... :)

    Getting boo'ed... :(

    SS thinking to herself while singing: Gee Ma Bagley, go take a shower as you stink. You will soon have flies flying around you... :s

    SS thinking as she's getting ready to kiss Donny: Please don't let him deny me and let him kiss me back.

    Donny thinking to himself: OH WOW! I didn't expect this but I sure do like it... :blush:

    Donny thinking to himself: She's a great kisser... :blush:

    Donny: Well I hate to end our date so short but I really do need to head to bed now to get up for work tomorrow. So thank you for a great date... :)
    SS: You're welcome and I'm glad that you had a good time. Hopefully I will see you later... :)
    Donny: You can count on it. I'll call you later Lisa... :)
    SS: Okay. Later Donny... :)
    Donny: Later Lisa... :)

    Then after Donny leaves, Norman calls to chat for a little bit... :)

    SS: Oh yummy, they have cotton candy here... :)

    SS: Oh yummy!

    Grady Elfman decided to come out and play this time... :)

    And this is Jasper Remington floating through the wall... :)

    SS thinking to herself: I think that I want to try my hand at writing a romance novel. So let's see what I can come up with.
    The title of the book is called: Lavish Lace Llamas.
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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,390 Member
    So I go and start writing my book, Lavish Lace Llamas... :)

    So I go and submit a few of the chapters and get paid for them... :)

    Grady is sitting in the rocking chair while Jasper is floating up to the roof... :)

    Jasper was floating to the roof to get to the ghost of the darned that was up there... :)

    So after Jasper got done haunting the ghost gnome, he goes and takes a little nap in the lounge chair. I guess haunting things takes a lot out of

    Grady finally gets done using the rocking chair and went looking for the gnome that was in the front yard only to be disappointed as it wasn't where he thought it was at. The ghost gnome disappeared to the other side of the front yard to meet up with the other ghost gnome... :)

    So Grady floats back in the house and starts cleaning my kitchen counters even though they weren't dirty... :)

    Then he goes off to use the bathroom and turns around to look at something behind him. Now what it was, I don't know... :p

    Then he washes his hands afterwards. At least he has good hygiene for a

    Then Grady floats into my room and watches me while I'm writing my book.

    Then Grady goes over to make sure that my bed is all straighten up... :)

    Jasper was getting ready to read a book when both he and Grady disappears back to the netherworld. So the book that Jasper had ended up on my desk, the book is titled Seances and Sixth Sense Abilities.

    So I decided to take a break from writing my book to go and deliver the picture of George Dean that Jebidiah Wilson had wanted me to take of him. I got $310 for taking the picture... :)

    Pictures of Grady in human form... :)

    Jasper in human form... :)
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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,390 Member
    So after I got done over at Jebidiah's house, I went to graveyard where I picked up another seed and then explored the catacombs again while the storm was raging outside blowing the trees every which way... :)

    So when I got home, I noticed that I had mail in the box. It was a gift from some guy that I haven't met yet but we could had been on the same lot at the same time.

    This is the gift that was sent to me.

    So I'm learning a recipe for Ratatouille... :)

    So I go back inside and finished up my book which didn't take that long to do. So I get this notice about my book. Not too bad for someone who just wrote their very first novel ever... :)

    So after finishing up my book, I go to attend my garden to do some weeding and planting more seeds to replace the plants that had died on me... :)

    It was getting late and I was hungry, so I fixed me some Ratatouille up for dinner... :)

    Time to try ratatouille for the first time... :) Oh Yummy, this is delicious... :)

    Here it is midnight and I just got done cleaning up the dirty dishes that I used to fix my dinner in and I got abducted by aliens again. (My SS had rolled a wish to woohoo with an alien as she was getting

    So after I was returned back to my house, I had 2 more ghosts that came out to play tonight. We have Sasha Shallow and Kirsten Remington that has come to visit tonight... :)

    Sasha Shallow in human form... :)

    Kirsten Remington in human form... :)

    And this was an in-game gift that one of my friends on my TS3 friends list had sent, it's the Obelisk Vine... :)
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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,390 Member
    edited May 2017
    Kirsten and Sasha talking outside in the front yard... :)

    A stray kitty decided to use one of my chairs to sleep in for the night... :)

    Poor Sasha, every time she tried to float into my house, she would get stopped by Kirsten that either would keep asking her questions or she just wanted to talk.
    Once the little kitty woke up, it went over to see the ghosts... :)
    I'm chatting with Kurt Shallow on the PC while Sasha, his late wife is there. (What's the odds that my SS was going to chat with Kurt on the PC when I hit "Chat with Someone" on the menu?

    Yes little kitty, they are (You can't see his/her thought bubble as the bush is in the way but it has the ghost icon in it.)

    Kitty walking towards the gate but can't get in the backyard... :)

    Okay so while I was chatting with Kurt Shallow on the PC, I had one of those 'head banging the keyboard'

    Sasha and Kirsten returning to the netherworld... :)

    So I see that I have mail again today, so I go out to see what it is... :)

    It's my very own copy of Lavish Lace Llamas that my publisher sent to me... :)

    It's time to make me some breakfast, so I guess that I will fix me some waffles... :)

    But then I get a phone call from Jebidiah Wilson who just wants to have a little chat... :)

    After talking to Jeb, I went back to preparing my waffles... :)

    Just as I was getting my waffles out of the oven, Kurt Shallow calls to chat for a little bit... :)

    Now let me go outside on my patio to eat my breakfast. Hopefully I can eat without anyone else calling

    Me: Do you really think that's the best place to wash your dirty dishes at? You do have a kitchen sink, don't you?
    SS: Mind your own business where I wash my dishes at. This sink is self cleaning, so it's safe to wash my dirty dishes or whatever I want to wash in here. So butt out of my business and let me live my own life you crazy sim God.

    So I go out to the Gazebo in town as there was a chess competition going on, so I joined it with Vadim Simovitch. I got my logic up to level 3 and I was suppose to go to a party that Hal Brekenridge was having but he wasn't even home at the time it was suppose to start... :)

    And of course the hearts go flying over our heads... :s I don't think so... :#

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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,390 Member
    So after doing some of those in game poses, I decided to carve out another pumpkin... :)

    The mailman comes and delivers the mail and then runs into the bush in front of my bedroom window and pops his head inside to let me know that the mail was here... :# (I think that he wanted to go and check out what the ghost gnomes were

    So since my first novel is doing good so far, let me try my hand at a sci-fi novel. It's title is Space Spy. (This is a game generated title, so I kept it. It seems kind of ironic with how many times my SS has been abducted, so maybe she is some kind of space spy.... :p )

    So while I was writing this book, I get a call from Donny asking me out on a date... :)

    Now these are the pictures that I had to lighten up as they were dark... :)

    So I go to were Donny said to meet him at and that was at the Riverview Fish Hatchery where he was fishing at while he was waiting on me... :)

    SS: Hello Donny... :)
    Donny: Hello Lisa. How are you tonight?
    SS: I'm doing just fine, thank you for asking... :) I see you like to fish, I just started fishing, so my fishing skill isn't very good yet.
    Donny: I'm glad that you're fine. I've been thinking about you a lot since our last date, so I wanted to see you again... :) And yes, I like to fish. If you want, I can give you a few pointers on fishing when we have more time for some fishing, like on a weekend when I'm not working?... :)
    SS: Ah, our last date, now that was pretty fun that night, doing karaoke with you... :blush: And yes, I would love a few pointers on fishing. I really need to read up on some fishing books as well... :)

    A deer jumping on past the kissing couple... :)

    Donny: Hey Lisa, do you want to watch the stars with me? I really did love watching them when we were at Craven's party... :)
    SS: Sure, I would love to watch the stars with you... :)
    Donny: Cool... :smiley: Sorry that I don't have a blanket or even a tarp to lay down on the wet ground so that we don't get our backsides wet from sitting down... :(
    SS: No worries about it, I'll be okay... :)
    Donny: Maybe I should try to keep a blanket or something in the back of my car for occasions like this. I just got off of work and didn't have time to go home to get one.
    SS: It's okay, so don't worry too much about it.
    Donny: I just don't want you to get sick on me and then I will feel like it's my fault that you got sick by me not being a proper gentleman.
    SS: Well I'll tell you want, if I get should get sick, then you can nurse me back to health then. Deal?
    Donny: Deal... :blush:

    SS thinking to herself: Awww, how sweet that he placed his hand on top of my hand... <3<3<3
    Donny thinking to himself: I just hope that she doesn't slap me for putting my hand on top of hers. It's just that I love to be close to her... :love:

    SS whispering in Donny's ear: I'm glad that you called be up for another date. This is fun despite that it's raining tonight... :blush:
    Donny: Well I'm glad that you accepted the date tonight... :)

    Donny: Look Lisa, there's a shooting star. Why don't you make a wish and hopefully it will come true... :)

    Funny faces

    SS: So how was day Donny?
    Donny: It wasn't very good today. I had to clean the bathroom at the base using my toothbrush.
    SS: OMG, that's terrible! What did you do to deserve that?
    Donny: I got a little out of line with my drill sergeant. And so after I had to do 50 push-ups, I was also ordered to go clean all of the men's bathrooms using only my toothbrush. It's a good thing that I carry a toothbrush with me. And no, it's not the one that I use to brush my teeth with as I have that one at home in my bathroom.
    SS: Awww, shame you on for being a bad little soldier.
    Donny: It's okay now that I'm with you as it takes my mind off of it and allows me to think about you... ;)

    Then we went back to watching the stars again while Don Lothario and Kiwi Birdie just stroll on by.

    Donny: Here you Lisa, why don't you get under my umbrella and I'll keep you from getting wet?
    (I was thinking about using the MOO on her and placing her under there but didn't do it.)
    SS: Well, why thank you Mr. Lord, that's so kind of you to do... :blush:

    SS: How about we get under the cover over by the bathrooms to get out of the rain for a little bit?
    Donny: Sure why not... :)
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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,390 Member
    edited May 2017
    SS: Hey Donny, I need to go use the restroom real quick.
    Donny: I'll be waiting right here if you should need me... :)
    Donny: What's wrong Lisa?
    SS: There's this big nasty looking spider in here and I need someone to come and kill it for.
    Donny: On my way in to kill it for you. I will protect you from anything that might be in there... :*

    Me: What could they be doing in there?

    Oh yeah, he sure looks happy as heck... :p
    Me: Shame on the 2 of you for whatever you 2 did in a public restroom. What if someone had walked in on the 2 of the you?... :o
    Me to my SS: Shame on you, you are a hopeless romantic and so you should had wined and dined him in a romantic setting and then did what you did. And how gross to do it in a public restroom as you don't know want kind of germs are in there... :s
    SS silently talking to the sim God: Why don't you shut the heck up? I will do as I please as I am my own person and I don't need you to be telling me what to do and when to do it. And besides, I am a rebel and I will do outrageous things if I want to do them, so just mind your own business.

    Donny: I got a little something for you Lisa!
    SS: What it is?

    SS: For me? I love them... <3 Thank you Donny... :)
    Donny: You're welcome Lisa... :) Anything for my Princess... :love:

    SS: These smell good... :)

    SS: You feel a little tense now. How about a back massage?
    Donny: A back massage sounds good right about now. Thank you Lisa... :)
    SS: You're welcome and now turn around so that I can rub your back for you... :)
    Donny: Yes, your highness... :)

    All of this was going on inside the bathroom while Kiwi Birdie was sleeping out on the bench... :p

    Romantic picture time... :)

    Making goggly eyes at Donny now... :love:

    SS: Now I'll leave first in case there is anyone outside that might see us leaving out of here together, then that way they won't know what we were up to.
    Donny: Okay, that sounds like a plan. See you outside soon... :)
    Donny thinking to himself: Oh boy, that Lisa is sure a wild one but I can handle her... B)

    Back to watching the stars again... :)

    Donny: Well it's time for me leave as I need to be getting ready for work now. It's a been a pleasure being here with you tonight. Thanks again for accepting the date... :)
    SS: Well have fun at work today and don't make the drill sergeant mad today so that you don't have to clean the bathrooms again with your toothbrush. And it has been a fun and wild date night with you. Maybe we can do this again some other time?
    Donny: I will try my best to do better today at work and not make the drill sergeant mad at me. And you can count on this happening again. I'll call later. Bye Lisa... :kissing_heart:
    SS: Okay, you better do good today... :) And I'll be waiting for your call... :kissing_heart:

    Once I got back home, I finished up my novel and sent the rest of it in to the publisher. I just hope that she's happy with this one as well... :)

    Now that I'm done with this novel, I get this notice from my publisher:
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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,390 Member
    So I received a call from Donny inviting me over for a Spooky Day party at his house. So I go as an astronaut... :)

    Donny dressed up as a doctor... :)

    Donny: Well hello there Lisa! And Happy Spooky Day... :)
    SS: Well hello there yourself, Dr. Donny... <3 And a Happy Spooky Day to you too... :love:

    SS: You know, I've always wanted to kiss a doctor... ;)
    Donny: Well here is your chance to kiss one... :kissing_heart:

    Oh boy, someone has a leaf pile in their yard... o:)

    Norman Joy was also at the party... :)

    SS thinking to herself: He sure does look good dressed up as a doctor... :)

    So while I was at the party, @CravenLestat calls to chat for a bit. He sure has a habit of calling me when I'm at parties, so I'm wondering if he is spying on me... :p

    Donny had went and got himself a little doggy named Scout... :) Cute little doggy. Luke McDermott was also at the party... :)

    So I go inside and feed Scout a doggy treat... :)

    I also wanted to pick up Scout and hold him for a little bit... :)

    Donny needed to use the bathroom... :)

    After playing with Scout, I went to fix Donny's washing machine as it was broken and to mop up the water puddle that was in there... :)

    SS: I need your help doctor.
    Donny: What can I do for you?
    SS: I think I need another kiss from you!
    Donny: I can help you with that. Now come over here so that I can help you.

    Then he asked me to watch the stars with him again... :) He sure does love watching the stars with me and I feel the same way... <3

    Some more smooching went on... :)

    Donny must think that Bennie Dean stinks or something. Of course Bennie had just used the bathroom, so that could explain the smell... :#

    Me: Oh wow, I've never seen anyone getting ready to get in the shower dressed like that... :o

    These last few pictures will be in a spoiler... :)
    Me: That's much better than what you had on before getting into the shower... :blush:

    Me: And just what do you think your doing there Little Miss?
    SS talking to the Sim God: Don't worry about what I'm doing. I'm doing what I want to do, so leave me alone.

    Donny: Well hello there Lisa... <3
    SS: Hello there yourself... :love:

    Me: So you went ahead and did what you wanted. Happy now?
    SS talking to the Sim God: Yes I'm happy now... :smiley:

    Me: Oh gee, why don't the 2 of you get a room?
    SS talking to the Sim God: Well at least we're not in a public bathroom.
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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,390 Member
    SS: I've really enjoyed myself tonight at your party. Thank you for inviting me to it... :)
    Donny: Well thank you for coming to my party as I have enjoyed having you over here... :)

    Me: Of course you have to go to outside to check out those lights again when you're having a romantic moment... :s
    SS talking to the Sim God: But I like those pretty lights, so I can't help myself... :/
    SS: Really? You stinking aliens tracked me down over at Donny's house just to abduct me! Why can't you all just leave me alone or at least leave me alone with my guy?
    Me: I'm really to beginning to think that this is all @CravenLestat SS fault as he called my SS up yet again while she was over at Donny's house to chat. I bet he was tracking my SS down so that he can send his minions over to abduct her. Or was he hoping that the aliens would had abducted Donny so that he could come and comfort my SS and try to make his move on her... :D

    Once I was returned back in front of Donny's house, I went home and got my mail out of the mailbox. I had received my copy of my book titled Space Spy... :)

    So after I went inside, I made me some pancakes for breakfast and to put my book away... :)

    And then I took some time to watch the cooking channel so that I could learn some new recipes and try to get my cooking skill up... :)

    So a little later on in the day, I sent Donny a text telling him that I'm thinking about him and to invite him over for a little bit... :)

    So when I let him in my house, he went straight to the shower so that he can get cleaned up... :)

    Me: Okay you 2, what are you up to now?

    A little bit of smooching... :)

    The pride walk... B)

    So we went out to my backyard and played some horseshoes where I had beat Donny at the game... :)

    SS: So Donny, how was day today?
    Donny: Work was okay today but a little stressful. I didn't get into any trouble today. But now it's a better today since I got to see again... :)
    SS: Well I'm glad that your day was okay but hate that it was a little stressful.
    Donny: I don't mind a little stress at work as that's to be expected at my job.

    SS: Well I can help you get rid of the stress.
    Donny: How can you help me with the stress? Are you going to give me another back massage like you did the other night?
    SS: No I'm not going to give you another back massage. I've something else that will work on getting rid of stress.
    Donny: And just what are you suggesting?
    SS: Pillow fighting!
    Donny: Pillow fighting? How will that help?
    SS: Yes, pillow fighting. It'll help relieve the stress because you can hit me with the pillow.
    Donny: But I don't want to hit you with anything because I don't want to hurt you.
    SS: Oh don't be silly, you're not going to hurt me with the pillow.
    Donny: Okay, if you say so.
    SS: I say so! So let's get started... :p

    Donny: Oh wow, you're so right about that getting rid of the stress because it worked. Thank you for suggesting this as that was so fun. I didn't hurt you any, did I?
    SS: See I told you that it would work... :) You're welcome... :) And no, you didn't hurt me one bit... :)

    Donny: Come to me because I want to give you a kiss... :kissing_heart:

    Me: Oh no, not again... <3

    So after Donny left to go home, I went to sleep... :)

    So while I was sleeping, Grady Elfman comes back for a visit... :)

    I also had a visit from Ramid Russoue... :)

    So Grady decides to fix himself some waffles for breakfast... :)

    Ramind Russoue in human form... :)
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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,390 Member
    So since Grady had made a serving of waffles, I go out to get me some only to see Grady sitting at the counter eating his plateful of waffles. (And no, my SS wasn't doing the swooning reaction over Grady even though it looks like she is but after she was done swooning, she did the seeing a ghost interaction that she does when she sees one in her house. I think she was only doing the swooning motion to what had happened the evening before with Donny.)

    So after I go and grab me a plate, I go out to my back porch to eat my breakfast. Thankfully I brought this umbrella to use on my table so that I won't get wet when it rains... :)

    So after I got done eating and cleaning up my plate and putting the extra food away, I tended to my garden as I have been neglecting it since I've been spending time with Donny... :)

    A stalker moment as I had seen someone leaving the laundromat and went to zoom in on who it was and saw that it was Yuri leaving in his ripped up shirt.

    So while I was tending to my garden, Grady was on top of the roof over the greenhouse... :)

    Grady floating down through the ceiling to go talk to Ramid who was out in the front yard... :)

    These 2 were evidently talking about films before they vanished back to the netherworld... :)

    So after tending to my garden, I went to upgrade my bathroom sink to self-cleaning since I went and brought a new sink for the bathroom... :)

    Another moment as I had seen someone crossing the street and so I went to zoom in to find Donny crossing over to the laundromat... :)

    Someone appears to be tired and heads on home to go to bed... :)
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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,390 Member

    So after upgrading my sink, I took me a nice long bubble bath... :)

    After my bath, I went to play on my arcade machine for a little bit... :)

    Then I went over to my painting easel to paint a painting that was worth $661... :)

    So I heard some music playing and I know that it wasn't me that turned on the music, it was one of the ghost of the darned that turned it on to listen to... :)

    So after I was done with my painting, I went to get my mail out of the mailbox... :)

    I received 3 letters from 3 different guys, Norman Joy, Craven Lestat and Jebidiah Wilson... :)

    Norman Joy:


    Jebidiah Wilson:

    So I went to write Craven Lestat a love letter out on the back porch... :)

    While I wrote Donny a love letter in my room on my desk... :)

    I've decided to write another book, this time it's a romance novel titled Lover's Landing. I just hope that this book is just as good as my other 2 books that I wrote... :)

    Then I noticed that I had more mail in the mailbox, so I go out to get it... :)

    It was another letter along with a gift from Jebidiah Wilson... :)

    The note from Jebidiah:

    The gift was a set of pictures... :)

    So while I was talking to Donny on the phone, the ghosts of Sam Bagley and Tamantha Dearborn decide to pay my house a visit... :)

    SS: Hello Donny! Do you have time to talk to me?
    Donny: Hello Lisa! Well why yes, I do have time to talk to you... :) What's on your mind?
    SS: How are you today?
    Donny: I'm doing just fine today. How about you?
    SS: I'm okay today. I just did another painting that I sold for $661.
    Donny: Oh that's good. I wished that I had of seen it before you sold it.
    SS: Well maybe the next time I end up painting that 1 again, I will let you see it... :)
    Donny: That'll be cool. I really would like to see your paintings if I could... :)
    SS: I would love for you to see some of my work one of these days... :)
    SS: I'm also calling you to let you know that I'm going to take my aptitude test for the university again so that I can go for a third semester... :)
    Donny: Oh that'll be good that you want to go back to school. Are you still going taking your Fine Arts classes?
    SS: Thank you... :) And yes, I will taking my Fine Arts classes to try to get my degree in that field... :)
    Donny: That's good. I wish you luck on your test. And I will miss you so much when you leave. You need to come and visit me or call me up so that I can come over and see you before you leave for your classes... :)
    SS: And I will miss you too... :) And yes, I will want to see you too before I leave... :)
    Donny: Cool. Well I got to go for now but I will talk to you later. Bye Lisa and kiss kiss... :kissing_heart:
    SS: Okay then, we're talk later then... :) And right back at you... :kissing_heart:

    So Sam made himself right at home using the rocking chair while Tamantha took a bath in my tub... :)

    Sam was floating up behind me while I was working on my book... :)

    Sam in human form.

    Tamantha in human form.
    This is what she had on when I took her to the stylish... :)

    And this is what I put her in to take this picture... :)
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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,390 Member

    This update is a bit long, so I will put it in a spoiler... :) This update took me some time to do. I was going to post it last night but it was getting late and I didn't want to rush it along, so I've decided to wait until today to do it. It's taken me quite awhile today to type out what I wanted to say in it, so I hope that you all enjoy it... :)
    So Sam was coming over to the rocking chair to use it but couldn't since Tamantha was in it. So he proceeded to laugh at her for no apparent reason.

    So when Tamantha was done with the chair, Sam sat down in it while she want floating off to another part of the house... :)

    Tamantha decided to haunt the umbrella while Sam haunted one of the ghost of the darned... :)

    I had called Donny earlier in the day to invite him over but he said that he couldn't come over at that time. So I don't know what he was up to them but I decided to zoom in on his house and seen that he was on his way home. (Plus I wanted to get a picture of the house with the lights up and snow on the ground. But you can't see the lights due to the hanging icicles off of the roof eaves... :) )

    Both Sam and Tamantha have disappeared back into the netherworld... :)

    So I've decided to rearrange some stuff in my house so that I can buy me a canning station and a bakers oven. So I'm making me some watermelon preserves as my first canning project... :)

    Next is to try out the bakers oven by making me some wheat bread... :)

    The wheat bread is good but I got a crumb stuck in my throat... :#

    After eating my wheat bread, I decided to go and paint another painting. When I was done painting, I got a phone call from Donny who just wanted to chat for a little bit... :)

    SS: Hello Donny! How are you today?
    Donny: Oh um, hello to you too Lisa! How did you know it was me?
    SS: Caller ID on my cell phone silly... :p
    Donny: Oh yeah, that's right I forgot about that. Silly me...hehehe
    SS: Yeah silly you that you forgot about the caller ID. Or did you?... ;)
    Donny: Okay okay, I'll admit it, I didn't forget about the caller I just wanted to play around with you a little bit. And to answer your earlier question, I'm fine today. Have you taken your aptitude test yet for your classes?
    SS: No not yet but I will soon.
    Donny: Well what are you waiting on? The sooner you get this over and done with and get to the university, the sooner that you can come home to see me... :)
    SS: I'll do it this afternoon or evening but I wanted to do other stuff before doing the test and enrolling for another semester... :)
    Donny: Okay but don't wait too long to do it.
    SS: Are you trying to get rid of me that quickly?
    Donny: No I am not trying to get rid of you. And if is was up to me, I would keep you here all to myself but I understand that you want to go and better yourself so that you can go and get a degree. And that's a good idea to do that as I have never went to college or any type of university as I just went straight right into the service so that I can serve my country... :)
    SS: Well that's good to know that you're not trying to get rid of me. I thought that maybe you are getting tired of me so soon.
    Donny: Me get tired of you? Oh heck no, I'll never tire of you... :wink:
    SS: Well that's good to know. Well I really do need to get off of the phone now. But if you're not busy right now, would you like to come over for a visit?
    Donny: Sure I would love to come over and visit with you... :)
    SS: Good I'm glad that you want to come over. See you when you get here... :)
    Donny: See you to when I get over there which should only be a couple of minutes... :)
    SS: Okay until then... :)

    So when I went out to get my mail, Donny showed up. It was a letter from @CravenLestat wanting to discuss our feelings for each other... :blush:

    SS: Hello Donny! Aren't you cold wearing your shorts in this type of weather?
    Donny: Hello Lisa! And no I'm not cold wearing my shorts in this type of weather as I'm used to it. I'm from a cold climate town anyhow.
    SS: Ah okay. And if you don't mind me asking? Just where are you from?
    Donny: I don't mind if you ask me where I came from. I was born and raised in Hidden Springs.
    SS: Ah okay. Hidden Springs sounds like a nice name for a place... :)
    Donny: Hidden Springs is a very nice place. It is a mountain town resort with a big lake that's between this mountain range and the shore line where the houses and businesses are. Have you ever heard of the fountain of youth?
    SS: That sounds like a very nice place to visit or live in. And I bet it's beautiful in the wintertime with snow on the ground and making everything white. And yes, I've heard of the fountain of youth but don't where it was at as there are many legends about the fountain and the places where they're supposed to be at.
    Donny: Oh it is very pretty in the wintertime as well as all of the other seasons but you're right that it is very pretty with snow everywhere... :) Well the fountain is right there in Hidden Springs. And yes, it's the real fountain of youth... :)
    SS: Oh cool. I would so love to go and visit there one day to see for myself.
    Donny: And I would love to take you there to show you myself on what a beautiful place it is... :)
    SS: I'll keep you to your word on that then... :)
    Donny: Then it's settle then, it'll be a future date for us to go there. Maybe I can take you there if we should ever get married or maybe move there to raise a family of our own... :)
    SS looking away from Donny blushing: hehehe, already planning our wedding and future already?
    Donny: Well it is something that I would like to do one of these days, is to get married and have a family with that special someone... :blush:
    SS: Well there is nothing wrong with hoping for that to happen one day. And I'm sure that you're make some lucky woman a very good husband and father to your kids... :)

    Donny: Well thank you for thinking so. I do have a lot to give to that special woman and our future kids... :)
    SS: You're quite welcome... :)
    Donny: Now shut up and come over here so that I can give you a kiss my love... :kissing_closed_eyes:

    Donny: Oh before I forget, these are for you... <3
    SS: Red roses for me? Well why thank you very much for these. I will put them in water when I get inside... :)
    Donny: You're welcome my sweetie pie. Red roses for the woman that I love... :)
    SS: Oh stop Donny, you're making me blush now... :blush:
    Donny: You look very nice in that shade of red... :kissing:

    Donny: Um Lisa, I have something that I want to ask you!
    SS: Sure you can ask me anything. So what's on your mind Donny?
    Donny: Well I, um, I would like to know that since we have been getting along very well that maybe you would want to move in with me?

    SS blushing: Oh wow, that's pretty heavy there!
    Donny: Well what do you think of my question? Do you want live together with me?
    SS: Oh Donny that would be nice but I'm not ready to move in with anyone just yet as I'm still trying to find my place in this world. I've only been out on my own for a few short months and I really need time to grow into myself and see what I want to do with my life before thinking about moving in with someone. I sorry if I hurt your feelings on this as that isn't my intentions. But thank you for asking me that question and I hope that it's something that you still want to do later on down the road. Just maybe by then, I will be ready for such a commitment to take that next step with someone. But for now,I just need my own space and be my own person for the time being. I hope you understand what I'm saying... :)
    Donny: Yes, I understand what your saying. And I hope that the next that I ask you to move in, then you will be ready to take that next step with me... :) I understand that you still want to be yourself and all and that's okay to do. I wasn't too sure how you would react to such a question but I had to ask it anyhow just to see for myself.
    SS: Well I'm glad that I didn't hurt your feelings so much as that isn't what I wanted to do to anyone ever... :)
    Donny: The only thing that you hurt was my pride but I can get over that just as long as we can still see each other and have fun dates and such. Okay?
    SS: Sure, it's okay by me... :)

    SS: Oh got this new funny cat video that I want to show you. Do you want to see it?
    Donny: Sure I would love to it... :)

    SS: How about we do another romantic selfie together Donny?
    Donny: Okay sure, let's do another one... :)

    SS: Say love.
    Donny: How about a kiss when we do this?
    SS: Okay sure, that'll work... :kissing:

    SS: Let's build a snowman together Donny?
    Donny: Okay, that sounds like fun... :)

    Donny: Not too bad if do say so myself... :)
    SS: Yes, not too bad either... :) Good job on it Donny... :)
    Donny: I should say good job to you as you're the one that started working on it first... :)
    SS: It's a good job for both of us together as we worked as a team to build one... :)

    Mind melding :p

    SS: Donny, I would like to watch the stars with you before you have to leave and before I have to take my aptitude test.
    Donny: Sure I would love to watch the stars with you... :)

    SS: I really would love to ask you to stay over for the night but I'm afraid that if I do, I'll never get around to doing my aptitude test for my next semester. So I guess this is so long for now but I will call you or send you a text when I get to the university to let you know that I got there okay. Okay?
    Donny: Yeah I would loved to had stayed over too but I do have to get up early in the morning for work. So maybe we can do this on a weekend say starting on a Friday night and staying for the weekend once you get back from your classes? And yes, do call or text me when you get there to let me know that you made it there safe and sound. And write to me while your there also. I do love getting letters from you
    SS: That sounds like a plan to me then. By doing it this way, we can test the waters on how we're be if we should end up living together someday... :) We should be taking our time on something like this as we don't want to do something that might ruin our relationship or any friendship if this doesn't work out. But I'm hoping that it does work out for the both of us... :)
    Donny: I agree with you, we should take our time and get to know each other better. I hardly know that much about you other that you love to paint and play video games and that you love to write. I don't even know where you came from or what you were like as a child.
    SS: I will tell you about myself some other day when I'm ready to open up about the other stuff in my life.
    Donny: Well I'll be waiting on that day to come as I really would love to know everything about you, good or bad... :)
    SS: You might not want to know the bad stuff about me... :(
    Donny: I really do want to know everything, even the bad about you. I'm sure that whatever it is, it's something that's not going to change who you are and how I feel about you.
    SS: And what do you feel about me?
    Donny: I feel like that you could be the one for me. Or I should say that I am positive that you are the one for me... ;) You do seem like a very good person and very kind to others, so I can't see how you could ever done anything bad. But anyhow, I still want to know all about you. Okay?
    SS: Okay, I'll sit down with you one day and tell you all about me... :)
    Donny: Good, that's what I wanted to hear. Okay, you better get inside so that you don't freeze to death and to take that aptitude test for your next semester, so good luck on your test. And Lisa, I will miss you while you're away. And I will think about you while your there.... :kissing_heart:
    SS: Yeah, I am a little cold even though I do have this sweater on but no winter coat... :) Thank you, I'll need all the luck that I can get... :) And I too will miss you while I'm away... :kissing_heart:

    A random screenshot of the town in a blanket of snow... :)
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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,390 Member
    So after Donny leaves to go home, I go inside to take my aptitude test for the winter semester at the university... :)

    My scores for the aptitude test. Not too bad... :) So I leave in a couple of days to go back to classes. I am kind of hesitant to go even though I got myself a boyfriend, Brain who's waiting for me to return back to the university but I don't really want to leave Donny alone back here in Riverview even though I know that I will be back to see him as well. I'm thinking of breaking up with Brian as I have been having fun with Donny and we seem to have some things in common, plus the fact that someone had seen Brain kissing another guy last semester and took a picture of the kiss and sent me the picture to my phone but I didn't get the picture until sometime after returning home from that semester. So Brian's got some explaining to do... :o

    I had Pete Kent visit tonight as well as Mimi Krakel who decided to visit my house again... :) I already got a picture of her in human form but forget to get Pete Kent in ghost form, only in human form... :)

    Mimi had just got done haunting one of the ghost of the darned... :)

    So after taking my aptitude test, I decided to do another painting. This painting was an attempt to try to paint the picture of Baby/Johnny from Dirty Dancing... :)

    This is the picture that was added to my game so that my SS can add it to a wall and then take a picture of it to frame. When I clicked on the easel for her to paint, I clicked on paint still life and then took the picture of what I wanted... :)

    The picture of the painting is next to the bird picture... :)

    Oh yeah, before I forget, I got a job as an Art Appraiser when I reached level 10 of the Rebel group. So this is me leaving from work on my first day there. I'll give it a try and if I don't like it, then I will go back to being a self-employed painter... :)

    So I get home to find a letter in the mail from Donny... :)

    Tonight's ghosts that came to visit is Jim Sharnk and Ramid Russoue who had already visited me one other time... :)

    Jim Sharnk in human form... :)

    Ramind is watching the highlights from the football game... :)

    So I go outside and see a wild horse running by... :)

    And of course I'm getting abducted yet again... :s

    And as I'm waiting to get pulled up into the UFO, I'll be getting run over from someone riding their bike... :#

    The return home.

    So after I get home, I go back in to write some more of my novel titled Lover's Landing... :)

    So after Ramid had finished watching the game, he wanted to exercise... :)

    So my ghostly visitors left and I went to work on my 2nd day. And when I returned home, I had a letter in the mail from Hal Breckenridge.

    Yeah I don't think so Hal.

    Some extra pictures that my SS took using a method that CravenLestat had showed in another thread... :)

    These were done by adding a picture to the CAP tool and then placing a panel of paint to my wall and adding the image to that panel. Then I had my SS stand right in front of the image and snapped a picture of it with her camera so that she can get the out of the camera ti hang on the wall... :)

    My birdie... :)

    Rick Springfield and Bret Michaels in top row and Baby/Johnny from Dirty Dancing and Poison in the bottom row... :)
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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,390 Member

    So I'm all set to leave to go back to the university for this next semester. I really hope that I do well again this semester since I have been doing really well and getting on the deans list... :)

    Thank the sims God that I made it here in one piece as that was a bumpy ride on the plane and then the roads was a bit icy due to the snowstorm that just came through about a day or so ago. It would seem as we will be having some snowy weather while I'm here and the winds will be kicking up some also.

    So the first thing that I do when I get here is to go and claim my bedroom and put my stuff away before I go and check out the activities board. Once I'm done upstairs, I went to the board to look for any day jobs that I can do while I'm here. I found one that might be fun to do, it's at the Busche School of Science grading papers.... :)

    Then afterwards, I go back inside to see if last semesters mess was cleaned up. Just right before it was time to leave, the toilets, sinks and showers all broke and was flooding the bathroom. None of my roommates made any attempts at trying to repair anything, so lucky for them I have a high handiness skill and can fix these things so that we can use them. Sometimes the kitchen and dining area can be a mess and then I have to go out to eat at the burger joint so that I don't feel disgusted from the smell of the food going bad.

    I did find 1 water puddle in the co-ed bathroom that must had gotten missed from the cleaning crew

    So then I go back outside to greet all of my roommates since I was the first one to arrive to our dorm again... :)

    The 1st to arrive is Tiffany Angles. Hello Tiffany and welcome back... :)

    Then next is Tammy Parker, our resident werewolf. She wasn't a were on the first semester but got turned into one on the second semester because she kept insulting her classmates and roommates. I forgot to get some of the potions out of my safe back at home in case I need to use them on her or anyone else who gets in my way. Oh well, I still have the voodoo doll on me so Tammy better just watch herself this semester if she doesn't want to endure my wrath on her yet again... >:)

    Next is Derek Khan. Last semester, I threw a keg party at the dorm that I had invited my bf, Brian Petersen and others from around the campus. Brain was the first one to go streaking around the yard and it caught on with some of the other students including Derek who acted somewhat modest as he kept running past Brian and I. Derek sure had nice bod though... :blush:

    A flashback of Derek Khan acting all modest while he was streaking... :blush:
    Me: Sorry Derek but I had to show this picture of you acting all modest while streaking... :p

    Next we have Tiberius Willard and Millie Grubb. On my first semester here, Tiberius had followed me to the campus pool but ended up going back home to go to bed as he was tired. We also played juice pong where he came out the winner. After our first semester here and I went home, I was abducted by aliens and placed on this strange planet called Lunar Lakes where I had saw Tiberius and a couple of my other classmates there... :)

    Next we have is Asala Karam followed by Anoki Moon. The whole gang is back again this semester... :)

    SS: Hello Tiffany and welcome back. How was your time away from here?
    Tiffany: Well Hello Lisa and welcome back yourself... :) It was very good. I got to spend it with my family as we went deep sea fishing. It was fun to hang with them. Thanks for asking... :) How about yourself? What did you do while you were away?
    SS: Well I did some of my paintings that I sold as well as writing and selling 2 books and now I'm on my 3rd which is a romance novel titled 'Lover's Landing'. The first book is a trashy romance novel titled 'Lavish Lace Llamas' and the 2nd book is a sci-fi one titled 'Space Spy'. And both of them are best sellers, so I'm hoping that the next one that I'm writing will also be a best seller.
    Tiffany: Oh cool, that sounds awesome. And I am glad that your first 2 books is doing really well. Do anything else during your time off? Have you been abducted any more?
    SS: Well when I got home, I met this really nice guy who just moved into town while I was here. He's in the military and plans on making it a career. And yes, I've been abducted several times while I was at home. I was even abducted while I was over at that guy's house for a Spooky Day party... :s How about you?
    Tiffany: That sounds nice that you've met someone nice. I hope he treats you well and not cheat on you unlike some other guy that we know. And yes, I've been abducted a couple of times since being home.
    SS: Donny and I are good friends and have been out on a couple of dates already but that's about it. He did ask me to move in with him but I wasn't ready yet as I need to have my space to be my own person for now.
    Tiffany: Well that's good that you 2 are good friends to start off with. And wow, he asked you to move on with him and you have only known him for a short time. You must really mean something to him for him to ask you that. Did you get the picture that I sent you of Brian kissing some other guy?
    SS: Well Donny and I do have fun together and he does seem to adore me a lot. And yes, I did receive that picture of Brian. Sorry that I didn't text or call you after getting it as I was stun by what I saw.
    Tiffany: So what are you going to do about him?
    SS: I'm not too sure yet but I do need to confront him about it. I mean, don't pretend to be all into me and care about me if you're into guys. I don't play like that. It's one or the other but not both, so he'll have to make a choice.
    Tiffany: Are you going to confront him soon or wait?
    SS: I'll probably wait for a few days before confronting him to see if there is another incident like that so that I can be sure of his intentions toward me. We started going steady a few days before it was time to go home, so the relationship is still new to us. So hopefully if I have to break up with him, then no one will get hurt over it.
    Tiffany: Well I hope for the best for you as you seem like a nice person and I would hate to see you get hurt by someone that just isn't right for you. And let's hope that what I saw was just a mistake and that he's not into guys. It could had been that the other guy came onto Brian and put him in a awkward situation, but from the reaction that I saw from Brian says otherwise... :/ If you should need to talk to someone about this, then I'm here for you. Okay?
    SS Thank you Tiffany, I really appreciate your honesty in this situation. I think that I will need someone to talk to during this time.

    Tiffany: Well enough talk about guys for the moment, so let's change the subject to something else. So any good TV shows coming on lately?
    SS: Yes, let's change the subject as it's getting me down. Well I just got done watching 'The Walking Dead' as they are now on their mid-season break for now. Other then that, no I really haven't seen any good shows on now.

    So after talking to Tiffany, I went to check the mail as the flag was up indicating that I had mail... :)

    It was a letter from Steve Texas who had came up to Brian the last semester that we were here to insult him and to tell him to leave me alone as he was nothing but a pest.
    SS: ER, I don't think so Steve... :s

    So now it's off to the Meet and Greet at the lecture hall building. It's a good thing that I packed some warm clothes for this semester.

    Now it's off to the free goodies table to get a free soda from there... :)

    After getting my free soda, I get a call from no, it's not Brian but Jeffery Dean who wants to chat with me. Wow, that's quite a surprise that he wants to chat with me... :)
    SS: Hello!
    Jeffery Dean: Hello, is this Lisa? This is Jeffery Dean... :)
    SS: Yes this is Lisa. Oh Hello Jeffery! How are you doing?
    JD: I'm doing just fine. How about you?
    SS: I'm doing just fine. So what's on your mind today?
    JD: Well that's good. I've been thinking about you during our break and just wanted to know what you were up to and how you're doing and all... :)

    SS: Well thank you for asking... :) I've been doing okay and all. I've done some more of my painting and sold some of them... :) I've become an art appraiser back home and just started that. But they're giving me some time off so that I come back here for another semester, which is good that they're allowing me to do that since some jobs don't allow for this when someone just starts work right away.
    JD: Well that's good that you're still doing your painting. And congrats on your job, I know you're be good at it... :)
    SS: Thank you Jeffery... :)
    JD: You're welcome Lisa... :)

    So we talked some more before Jeffery Dean had to hang up... :)
    JD: So it's been a pleasure talking to you but I have to go for now, so I will talk to you later Lisa. Oh and welcome back this semester Lisa... :)
    SS: Well it's been a pleasure as well Jeffery. Thank you for calling me... :) And yes, we'll have to talk some more later. And thank you, it's good to be back on campus for this semester... :)
    JD: Bye Lisa. I'll look forward to chatting with you again... :)
    SS Bye Jeffery. Same here... :)
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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,390 Member
    edited May 2017
    So after I got done talking to Jeffery Dean and playing an arcade game, I gave Donny a call to let him know that I've made it safe and sound... :)
    SS: Hello Donny, it's Lisa.
    Donny: Hello Lisa! And I knew it was you calling me... ;) So where are you at? Are you home or at the university?
    SS: Of course you knew it was me because of caller ID on your phone, silly I'm at the university, I just got here a few hours ago but had to do the meet and greet which is why I didn't call you earlier... :)
    Donny: So you made it okay then? No problems getting there due to the winter storm?
    SS: Yeah I made it okay here even though the plane flight was a bit bumpy and the roads was icy leading into the campus because of the snow storm that they just had about a day or so ago. And it's still snowing here with the wind blowing every once in awhile.
    Donny: Well I'm glad that you made it there safe and sound. So you're still taking your Fine Arts classes?
    SS: Yes I'll be taking my Fine Arts classes. Thanks for asking... :)
    Donny: Well that's good that you're going to do that. How many more credits do you need to get your degree?
    SS: I'm at 24 credits out of 48 at the moment but I will get there soon enough though... :)
    Donny: Cool! I know you're do good there... :) Well I got to go for now but call me later so that we can talk some more. Okay?
    SS: Thank you, I appreciate the support from you... :) Okay, I will call you sometime later to chat for a bit... :)
    Donny: I'll miss you while you're there. And don't get into any trouble while you're there also... :):kissing_heart:
    SS: I'll miss you too and I will behave myself while I'm here... :kissing_heart:

    So after talking to Donny, I got myself a drink from the bar... :)

    So I got a pop-up telling me where Brian was as he wasn't here at the lecture hall for the Meet & Greet this time. He was at home with a visitor.

    So later on, Jeffery Dean and Brian was at the science project machine doing some work on it already. I wonder what they are up to together?

    Now I'm off to a party at Ashley DeSorrento's house... :)

    So after I arrived to the party, Brian calls me.
    SS: Hello Brian!
    Brian: Hello Lisa! How are you doing?
    SS: I'm doing just fine. How about yourself?
    Brian: I'm fine but better now that I'm talking to you... <3
    SS: Well that's good, I'm glad that you're doing fine... :)
    Brian: So when did you get in today?
    SS: I got here this morning. I was the first one at my dorm again... :)
    Brian: Oh, I see! How come you didn't call me when you got in? I was worried about you... :worried:
    SS: I'm sorry that I didn't call you when I got in but I was putting my things up and I needed to rest some as I was tired when I got here. The flight was a little bumpy due to the storm, so it made it impossible to sleep on the plane.
    Brian: Ah, okay then but that still doesn't excuse you from at least sending a text to let me know that you're here and was going to take a little nap so I wouldn't be worrying about you, now does it?
    SS: No and I'm sorry for not calling you... :(
    Brian: Apology accepted. Now don't let that happen again. Understand?
    SS: Yes, I understand!
    Brian: Good then. Now that we got that out of the way, what are you up to now?
    SS: I just arrived at Ashley DeSorrento's house for a party but I'll probably won't be staying too long since my first class tomorrow starts at 12:00 pm.
    Brian: That sounds like fun... :) Well don't party to hard and don't drink too much tonight. Oh and by the way, I've missed you and can't wait to see you soon... :)
    SS: Okay, I won't party too hard tonight... :) And same here... :)
    Brian: Same here? What the heck is that?
    SS: I'm sorry, I'm just still a little bit tired and I really don't want to be late to the party.
    Brian: Well okay then, I'll let you go so that you can go to the party. Talk to you later and hope to see you soon again... :)
    SS: Okay bye Brian! And yes, we'll talk later... :)

    So I go around back and go into the garage as Samantha Grey needed help doing a keg stand.
    Samantha Grey: Oh hey Lisa, can you help me do a keg stand?
    SS: Okay sure, I can help you... :)
    SG: Cool, thank you Lisa... :)
    SS: You're welcome Samantha... :)

    SS: OH NO Samantha, I'm losing my grip on you.
    SG: You better get a grip on me as I don't want to be dropped.
    SS: I'm trying to get a hold of you but I can't. Sorry!

    SS: Are you okay Samantha?

    SG: Don't touch me! You've dropped me on my face... :D
    SS: I said I was sorry and I mean it. I didn't mean to drop you but I was losing my grip on you and couldn't get it back.
    SG: Just leave me alone now. I don't want you to help me again.

    So then Ashley comes in and helps Samantha do her next keg stand.

    So after Ashley helped Samantha and got herself a drink, I went to get myself a drink... :)

    UH OH, it looks as if the juice had been spiked or something... :open_mouth:

    So I go back to my dorm and decide to write Craven a love letter... <3

    Then I wrote one to Donny to tell him that I miss him... :love: Then it was off to bed... :)

    After getting up early, I went to finish up the painting that I had started last semester... :)

    Now it's time to go to my 1st class for the week... :)

    So while I was in class, some of the students built some snowmen outside... :)

    Now it's off to the science building to help grade some papers... :)

    A random screenshot of a sailboat out in the water... :)
    Post edited by lisasc360 on
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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,390 Member
    So I get to the front door of the science building to go and do my day job today and saw Jeffery Dean standing outside using his phone. As I was walking past him, he took my picture and it looked like he had sent it in a text to someone. Now why would he be taking my picture and sending it in a text to someone?

    So while I was inside doing what I needed to be doing, Jeffery Dean was catching snowflakes with his tongue and in his hand to look at them... :)

    Tammy Parker walks over to where Jeffery Dean and I believe Jacob Salaman(?) was standing. Tammy started walking around Jeffery just sniffing him.

    I finished my job and got paid $250 for grading papers. Not too bad... :) So I started to leave and had walked up to Walter Fullman who had his phone out taking a picture of me and then sending it in a text to someone.

    And then he took another picture of me again. What's up with all of the picture taking?

    I get back to my dorm and received a text from Jeffery Dean inviting me to his party that's due to start in an hour. So I accepted the invite to the party... :)

    So I arrive to only find out that no one is even home to let anyone in. So I check out the board to see what's posted for any dares or day jobs. I took another day job at the science building as an organ donor again... :)

    So while I was there, I decided to build a snowman while I'm waiting for someone to come home to start the party... :) This is Ludo Vicco walking pass me on his home. He's one of Jeffery Dean's roommates... :)

    Then Harold Assange walks by and waves at me. He also is one of Jeffery's roommates. I went out on a date with Harold last semester to the bowling alley. The first semester here, he snubbed me when trying to introduce myself to him, so I dropped him on his face when I helped him do a keg stand.
    Harold: Hello Lisa... :) Nice start for a snowman... :)
    SS: Hello Harold... :) And thank you... :)
    Harold: You coming inside soon?
    SS: I'll be inside right after I finish the snowman... :)
    Harold: Okay, I'll see you inside then. Don't freeze out here while you're building your snowman... ;)
    SS: See you when I get inside... :) And yes sir, I'll try not to freeze while I'm out here... ;)

    My finished snowman... :)

    I get inside and start making faces with Mahoud Yavari as Harold is walking on by... :)

    Then it was off to help Harold do a keg stand again... :)
    Harold: Oh hey Lisa, can you help me with my keg stand?
    SS: Are you sure that you want me to help you since the first time that we did this, I dropped you on your face?
    Harold: I'm sure that I want you to help me. I trust that you won't be dropping me this time around... ;)
    SS: Well, okay then! But don't get mad at me if I should drop you again... ;)
    Harold: I have confidence in you that you're not going to drop me this time, okay?
    SS: Okay but don't say that I didn't warn you... :p
    SS thinking to herself: I just hope that I don't drop him again... :s

    Harold: See, I told you that you weren't going to drop me this time around, now didn't I?
    SS: Yes you did... :blush:

    Then I got myself a drink from the keg afterwards... :)

    Then I went to the other keg and got me a drink from that one as well... :)

    That's Rex Lovelace in his graduation robes walking into the bedroom... :)

    I then get a phone call from Steve Texas asking me out on a date... :s I said no of course... :/
    SS: Hello!
    Steve Texas: Hello Lisa, this is Steve Texas. We've met last semester at the meet and greet when you were talking to Brian Petersen.
    SS: Yes I remember you. You insulted Brian by calling him a pest for bugging with me when he wasn't bugging me at all. What do you want?
    ST: Well I was calling you up to see if you want to go out on a date with me. So do you?
    SS: Let me think about that for a second. NO, I do not want to go out on a date with you. I don't date people who insult my friends.
    ST: I was insulting him because he is a pest that likes to harass women. And he was harassing you whether you know it or not. He is not to be trusted. You deserve to be with someone better than he is and that would be me... :smile:
    SS: Blah! Blah! Blah! That's what I hear coming from you is Blah! Blah! Blah! So now stop calling me or I will block you on my phone. And stop sending me love letters as they will just get thrown away in the trashcan. Do you understand?
    Harold: But, but...
    SS: There is no but about it. DO NOT EVER CALL ME AGAIN!... :s

    SS thinking to herself: I need a drink after that annoying phone call... :s

    Jeffery Dean finally arrives home and changes out of is outerwear into this outfit... :#

    While Rex Lovelace was listening to Mahmound Yavari playing the guitar, I go into the bedroom to turn on the radio and start doing the smustle to Luke Bryan's Country Girl (Shake it for Me) song... :)

    After dancing to Luke Bryan's song, I go out to get me another drink but the keg was empty... :#

    Then it was back to helping Harold with another keg stand. And I didn't even drop him this time again... :)

    Jeffery Dean went to start a fire while I was doing the smustle

    I get back to my dorm and noticed that someone had built an igloo while I was gone... :)

    After returning to my dorm, I decided to go ahead to the science building to do the next day job... :)

    This is what I made afterwards. Not too bad... :)

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