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Just when I start feeling good about liking Sims 4...



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    DeservedCriticismDeservedCriticism Posts: 2,251 Member
    agent_bev wrote: »
    KatyJay88 wrote: »
    OEII1001 wrote: »
    Well it isn't everyone, but he certainly has a very devoted following among some circles within the forum. For me, he's the only talking head for the series that I am aware of, mostly because his devotees come running to the forums to tell us each time he descends from the mountaintop with new tablets of stone. That sort of thing doesn't happen with other YouTubers here.

    @DeservedCriticism I have to say that was quite the interesting read there.. but if I may I think you're reading too much into OPs post. For me, it's like a little child showing off their new toy that they're so excited about to their friend.. and the friend comes back and spits on it. I, for one, refuse to state where I stand on the whole LGR fanbase because that's a can of worms I don't want to open.. but all I'm saying is that OP perhaps feels as though someone brought down the mood of excitement around something they're looking forward to.

    I completely understand your post and found the read rather enjoyable. I'm just not sure it's that deep for OP.

    ...But it's not a new toy! OP doesn't even have it yet. And OP isn't a child!!

    Like honestly now, I would understand your point if we were talking about children, but we're not. When you grow up, you learn not to get upset when something you're looking forward to starts to seem it might not be as great as you thought. A child has a birthday party and the dog eats his birthday cake? Kid cries, the parents scramble to comfort him, and someone runs out to buy a new cake regardless of price or difficulty in getting it. Adult has a birthday party and the dog eats the cake? Adult sighs, everyone cracks some jokes, then we all order a pizza and say "plum happens."

    I'm sorry, but I do think there's a level of emotional maturity to being able to cope with letdowns and criticisms of something you've shown interest in. A child views such criticisms as a personal attack, an adult understands those aren't done maliciously. LGR is not maliciously trying to hurt people's feelings, he's giving his own opinionated advice on the worth of a pack to try and advise consumers. And granted as I said, I'm not faulting OP for making what I consider to be a mistake, because I've made that mistake myself. I do think it can be a bit difficult to get a grasp of it the first time since much of it is subconcious, but I also feel it's important to do it, so I view it as unwise to excuse such behavior as "justified." Understandable? Yes. Justified? No.

    If you like something? You should like it because you like it, not because others like it. Obviously that's not what's going on here, because some people's opinion of this game is so fragile that all it takes is one critical review of a youtuber and everyone's having second thoughts.

    I have to disagree with you on that one....this phenomenon doesn't go away just because you are an adult. We see this in business, in politics, in movies. Look at how many grown ups were personally offended that people didn't like the 2016 Ghostbusters movie. Because some people identified with the movie, it became a personal insult that there were people criticizing it. Likewise on the otherside of the coin- the die hard fans took it personally when the movie creators did not stay true to the original style of writing.

    Hehe well sadly you may have a point there, but that doesn't mean we should encourage, condone or allow such behavior to go uncriticized. We are fully capable of reducing how frequently people act this way, so we should make every effort to do so.
    "Who are you, that do not know your history?"
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    aricaraiaricarai Posts: 8,984 Member
    PoKiTauru5 wrote: »
    aricarai wrote: »
    PoKiTauru5 wrote: »
    LGR? Who is that? The only opinion about Sims that matters to me is mine. Period. (Seriously, who is LGR?)

    He's a Youtuber who has been reviewing Sims games ever since 2009. (He also has a lot of other stuff he does but those are irrelevant to the Sims).

    I try to avoid watching his reviews cause they make me dislike the game, a lot of criticism he has.

    @PoKiTauru5 - why does someone else's opinion of a game affect how you feel? You should expect able to form your own opinion of what you do and don't like.

    Do I even know you? Why do you keep quoting me and harassing me on every single thing I post on this place

    Harrassing you? Every single post? A bit over dramatic isn't it @PoKiTauru5? A bit of hyperbole?

    I think this is only the second time that I've ever directly addressed you and I was curious as to why a negative review would affect how you feel about a game you like. If you like it, you like it, if not you don't and someone else's opinion of it shouldn't be able to change that FOR you.
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    FabooshFaboosh Posts: 160 Member
    I watch L.G.R'S reviews and I enjoy them. I'm also a big fan of The Sims 4 now and wasn't when the game first came out.I was giving the Bowling Pack a very slim chance to impress me when I watched his review and it really isn't for me.It doesn't take away from the bigger picture of the fact that I love the game. I think most have already made up there mind if they want the pack before the reviews even came out.It did confirm for me that this isn't worth ten bucks of my money.I'm happy for those who wanted and needed this for the game
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    LinamintsLinamints Posts: 952 Member
    edited March 2017
    I'm sorry but....

    I am a firm believer if a critic can get you down by acknowledging the flaws of a game...? You probably see the flaws yourself, but you supress that in an attempt to try and enjoy what you subconciously consider a lackluster product. It's not their fault for ruining it for you, they've just evoked a subconcious thought in you and turned it into a concious one. I speak from experience here; I know I've done it in the past.

    I've referenced this before, but there was a study on consumer-brand relationships that found people are often personally invested in their brands. What this means is...say you like Xbox and I like Playstation, and we have some talks about which system is better. Both release their new console, and lo and behold Playstation's gets great reviews while the newest Xbox is bombing. You are likely to not only be disappointed that this product you were excited about has failed your expectations, but you are also likely to subconciously register this as a personal failure. What this means is subconciously, you're asking yourself if you're not very smart for betting on a failed product, or if you have bad taste. Your subconcious is second-guessing if the failure of the product is also a failure of your own. As such, what do people do? Console wars. Console wars are largely explained by this study, as what's typically going on is that the consumers themselves want their selected console to be the best so they can feel better about themselves and don't run into subconcious self-esteem issues.

    In the end? It's all a joke. A brand's failure isn't really proof that you're not smart or have poor taste, it's just that: a failure of the brand and NOT of the consumer. Since it's subconcious though, it can be rather difficult to come to grips with, and does require some degree of self-reflection to really grasp.

    From what you've described, I would definitely question if perhaps you yourself are personally invested in this game. If LGR made some criticisms of the upcoming stuff pack and showed some cracks and flaws with what? This shouldn't affect you. What do you care? Maybe you still enjoy it, maybe you'll agree with him after all but you're still capable of enjoying other games. He's not dissing you, he's dissing Sims 4 and it's newest stuff pack.

    So I do say that with all due respect, but I think this is more of a time for you to self-reflect rather than to be upset with him. I'm not saying that in a lecturing manner either like I'm upset with you or something; I think it's to your benefit to ask yourself why this bothers you so much.

    This is one of the more interesting posts I've read and think it explains a lot about the attitude some people have towards critique. It was very insightful and I enjoyed reading it. Thank you for your post.

    Personally, I couldn't afford to buy the pack right now either way. But having seen the list posted on sims community I don't think the pack is for me. I had kind of hoped for maybe a couple different styles of lanes (like they did with water slides), and found that the hair, clothing styles, and build mode items don't quite jive with me. I'll probably pick it up the next time they run a 50% coupon sale. But right now it's in the same area as patio stuff. I can't bring myself to pay $10 for only one feature. This had nothing to do with LGR's review, which I did enjoy. I like LGR because he is very no nonsense when displaying things, and his reviews are concise. I don't think his word is god. I have disagreed with him on several reviews he has done on packs that I wound up really loving.

    I think this is likely why he's one of the only well know reviewers of sims content. Don't get me wrong, I love Sims related youtubers but other reviewers have on average a minimum of 15-25 minutes reviews. I don't personally like sitting there for that long for very little information for the time spent. I prefer concise reviews, and this is the primary appeal LGR has to me.

    "Parenting is just like gardening, except if you let your garden die you don't go to prison." - Anna Blast
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    elanorbretonelanorbreton Posts: 14,616 Member
    edited March 2017
    @DeservedCriticism sadly, I think you hit the nail right on the head. I can see now that this has been the case for me. I have never truly been happy with ts4 but just could not see it, and I have always let people's derogatory comments about the game upset me and never knew why.

    With ts3, I can read all the terrible comments about it and not care one bit, because I know that I love the game and nobody else's opinion of it will change that fact. I can see its flaws too, but they don't stop my enjoyment because they are tiny compared to all the good stuff in it.

    I have seen tons of LGR reviews - the ones for ts3 always made me laugh, the ones for ts4 tend to just make me feel uncomfortable...

    I have enjoyed playing ts4 from time to time and liked some of the new content, but there has always been 'something wrong' deep down in the back of my mind. I think I finally need to admit that ts4 has failed for me and say goodbye.
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    james64468james64468 Posts: 1,276 Member
    @elanorbreton I admit that after watching LGR TS3 he was funny in them videos. He going to be harder on newer Sims games if they don't meet his standard. Even the Sims 3 had criticism for it. Some people don't like it when their favorite game gets criticized. I started off with Sims 4 and get gradually boring. I feel Sims 4 sims are to happy for their own good. Emotion states in my view is bad wrap. In previous Sims games we could tell the emotions. I have played Sims 2 UC. I still feel that Sims 2 and Sims 3 have a lot more emotions than Sims4.
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    AineAine Posts: 3,044 Member
    rofl! The only reason anyone would be affected by LGR's reviews is if they really realize that he is right. No really, why else would you care? ;)

    ---> Afterlife Game Pack Idea - improved ghosts, cemeteries and funerals, psychics, new skills, new career and more! <---
    ---> Burglary Stuff Pack Idea - Burglars, alarm systems, and diamonds to steal!<---
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    tmcevoy1121tmcevoy1121 Posts: 304 Member
    SimFan298 wrote: » comes LGR with another review that really brings me down. It's a shame that we have different views on it. I used to like his videos, but all he does is complain now. And since everyone takes his word as law here, I feel like the odd one out.

    I have learned to ignore reviewers. I learned that a few years ago with SWTOR. Some of them didn't like it and they complain loudly enough and so I learned this fact, if I like it then that is all that matters. So what if someone else disagrees, that is their opinion and I don't have to believe it. I have my own mind and my opinion (a fact my boyfriend reminds me of a few times lol) and can make my own choice.
    A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous. A girl should also always be a lady even when arguing
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    TheGoodOldGamerTheGoodOldGamer Posts: 3,559 Member
    JoAnne65 wrote: »
    Brussel sprouts are right up there with broccoli and cauliflower on the "why in the world do we eat this stuff?" list for me. :p
    Vitamins B)

    I find it kind of funny by the way people say you could predict what LGR would say, the package being 'terrible, unenjoyable and not worth the time'. He doesn't even say that....

    Given the choice between a pill and the sprouts, I'd take the pill. It wouldn't taste any better to be fair, but it'd be quicker torture. :p;)
    In the nicest way possible you shouldn't allow another fans opinion to bring you down. If you are excited for the game and the latest pack why would a video make you feel bad about it? I don't understand that. LGR isn't saying "If you like this game you are silly and have nothing better to do" He is giving his view because EA asked him too, they sent him a copy early.

    For example I feel like I'm the only fan in the world of Sim City 2013. That game was trashed so many times and there's no denying the game has a lot of flaws but I don't care that many you tubers criticised it. I agreed with many of their points but I still enjoy the game.

    I honestly don't know why LGR gets such bad press around here, I find it sad. He's a fan like we all are. It seems he ruffled a few feathers within the community when he did the "Two years of meh" video. People either seemed to agree with that video and felt he was standing up for a lot of simmers who at that point felt their voices were being ignored and for those that didn't agree with it seemed to take it as a personal insult and I'm really not sure why.

    LGR is allowed to say he doesn't like the game as we all are and just like many of the posts and feedback on her and on social media it's not always gushing with praise and excitement over say a decorative drink dispenser. It makes me laugh when people say I won't watch LGR because I know what he's going to say, he's going to say it's rubbish when actually if those people bothered to watch him he said he feels the game play object could have been better and gave examples as to how that could have been implemented I.e being able to track the score, having bowling leagues, being able to enter funny names into the game. He acknowledges there's a lot of cas items and decor.

    I just don't get why he gets so much hate. Other you tubers have said they wouldn't recommend the pack over say Glamor Life or the kids stuff pack, they said bowling could get boring fast and once you have seen bowling once you have seen it all but they aren't criticised (Nor should they be) for not being all "OMG look we can pick a ball colour, look at that hair!!!" When it comes to reviewing the game play object I.e bowling their views weren't that different to LGRs.

    At the end of the day if EA didn't like LGR's views I don't think they would keep sending him packs early and I don't think they would have invited him to be part of their influencer program.

    I don't get the venom over SimCity 2013 either. It's not like it's one of the piles of garbage on Steam that doesn't even run or is some asset-flip or something. I still have it and play it now and then and quite enjoy it for what it is. I think it got better with the offline mode (less lag and better performance if nothing else). I always played it single player anyway. I like a lot of the ideas it introduced. Smaller cities, sure, but you could work toward a communal big goal in the middle for each region. And structure it so the cities could support each other with trade and whatnot. This may be one of the few things we really agree on, so high-five, lol.

    (Sorry for the long quote since I just replied to one line but it's there for context or whatever.)
    Live, laugh and love. Life's too short not to.
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    krista8626krista8626 Posts: 2,923 Member
    edited March 2017
    LGR has been playing Sims before some of y'all were even born, so I get his negativity and complaining as a long time simmer.
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    MidnightAuraMidnightAura Posts: 5,809 Member
    JoAnne65 wrote: »
    Brussel sprouts are right up there with broccoli and cauliflower on the "why in the world do we eat this stuff?" list for me. :p
    Vitamins B)

    I find it kind of funny by the way people say you could predict what LGR would say, the package being 'terrible, unenjoyable and not worth the time'. He doesn't even say that....

    Given the choice between a pill and the sprouts, I'd take the pill. It wouldn't taste any better to be fair, but it'd be quicker torture. :p;)
    In the nicest way possible you shouldn't allow another fans opinion to bring you down. If you are excited for the game and the latest pack why would a video make you feel bad about it? I don't understand that. LGR isn't saying "If you like this game you are silly and have nothing better to do" He is giving his view because EA asked him too, they sent him a copy early.

    For example I feel like I'm the only fan in the world of Sim City 2013. That game was trashed so many times and there's no denying the game has a lot of flaws but I don't care that many you tubers criticised it. I agreed with many of their points but I still enjoy the game.

    I honestly don't know why LGR gets such bad press around here, I find it sad. He's a fan like we all are. It seems he ruffled a few feathers within the community when he did the "Two years of meh" video. People either seemed to agree with that video and felt he was standing up for a lot of simmers who at that point felt their voices were being ignored and for those that didn't agree with it seemed to take it as a personal insult and I'm really not sure why.

    LGR is allowed to say he doesn't like the game as we all are and just like many of the posts and feedback on her and on social media it's not always gushing with praise and excitement over say a decorative drink dispenser. It makes me laugh when people say I won't watch LGR because I know what he's going to say, he's going to say it's rubbish when actually if those people bothered to watch him he said he feels the game play object could have been better and gave examples as to how that could have been implemented I.e being able to track the score, having bowling leagues, being able to enter funny names into the game. He acknowledges there's a lot of cas items and decor.

    I just don't get why he gets so much hate. Other you tubers have said they wouldn't recommend the pack over say Glamor Life or the kids stuff pack, they said bowling could get boring fast and once you have seen bowling once you have seen it all but they aren't criticised (Nor should they be) for not being all "OMG look we can pick a ball colour, look at that hair!!!" When it comes to reviewing the game play object I.e bowling their views weren't that different to LGRs.

    At the end of the day if EA didn't like LGR's views I don't think they would keep sending him packs early and I don't think they would have invited him to be part of their influencer program.

    I don't get the venom over SimCity 2013 either. It's not like it's one of the piles of garbage on Steam that doesn't even run or is some asset-flip or something. I still have it and play it now and then and quite enjoy it for what it is. I think it got better with the offline mode (less lag and better performance if nothing else). I always played it single player anyway. I like a lot of the ideas it introduced. Smaller cities, sure, but you could work toward a communal big goal in the middle for each region. And structure it so the cities could support each other with trade and whatnot. This may be one of the few things we really agree on, so high-five, lol.

    (Sorry for the long quote since I just replied to one line but it's there for context or whatever.)

    I agree. High five! :p
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    DivieOwlDivieOwl Posts: 1,161 Member
    SimFan298 wrote: » comes LGR with another review that really brings me down. It's a shame that we have different views on it. I used to like his videos, but all he does is complain now. And since everyone takes his word as law here, I feel like the odd one out.

    Why are you letting someone else's opinion change your own? If I like something, I don't care if others do or not. If I don't like something, I don't care if it's the most popular thing in the world.
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    CupidCupid Posts: 3,623 Member
    if you enjoy the game that's all that matters OP
    i don't know who LGR is but i'm sure he's just giving his opinion and doing his job
    no one's going to make me feel bad about being able to enjoy it, that's for sure
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    DegrassiGenDegrassiGen Posts: 2,168 Member
    SimFan298 wrote: » comes LGR with another review that really brings me down. It's a shame that we have different views on it. I used to like his videos, but all he does is complain now. And since everyone takes his word as law here, I feel like the odd one out.

    I don't think "everyone" here takes his word as law. I see plenty of dissent in every thread that gets started about his reviews. (Personally, I don't watch any video reviews - I get too impatient with them - but if I did, I'd do what I do with any other review: check some past reviews to see if I tend to agree with their opinions. If not, then I know they're not the reviewer for me.)

    I watched his video and I'm getting the game cause I was excited about it from the start. Yes he was extremely negative about the pack but that doesn't mean I have to be in fact I'm looking forward to playing with balls this weekend. Anything new that is added that my Sim can do naked or in a group is a plus for me.
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    stilljustme2stilljustme2 Posts: 25,082 Member
    krista8626 wrote: »
    LGR has been playing Sims before some of y'all were even born, so I get his negativity and complaining as a long time simmer.

    I've been playing Sims games since Sims 1 -- actually, my very first Sims experience was SimCity on the SNES if we want to get really technical. Is Sims 4 perfect? No -- as the saying goes, it is what it is. But does it have the basic functions of a Sim game -- creating and controlling Sims? Yes.

    If you look at the history of The Sims, it could easily be argued that the real outlier isn't Sims 4, but Sims 3. Yes, open world was beautiful, but simply did not work for many players. I lost many saves due to Error Code 12 and 16 corruption before I installed mods like NRaas Overwatch and Master Controller, the latter to turn off features that contributed to bloat like the memory system (remembering when your mom died is fine, remembering the 20 times you grew a perfect plant not so much) as well as features that didn't work as I wanted in games (when almost everyone in town is a celebrity at some level, it dilutes the concept). The final straw for me is when I moved a Sim and his half-alien half-brother from Sunlit Tides to Isla Paradiso using the game's Move function introduced with that game's patch, and they arrived as just good friends, no family relationship whatsoever. That totally ruined my story plans and in-game family tree.

    I enjoy playing Sims 4. I don't play for the hours at a time that I did with Sims 3, but that's also because I don't have to -- I don't have to spend time watching my Sim walk or take a cab down the road to get to their destination, only to have to turn around and go home after a short time because they're tired or hungry or need to pee. I don't spend time staring at a building and interacting with chance boxes when they're dining out; I'm actually interacting and directing my Sim when necessary. My game playing is more efficient. And if I want to move my Sim from one town to another, I don't have to worry about starting from Square One with new friendships and an empty family tree.

    Again, it's not perfect but it's still a Sims game. Could we get an open world, be able to add new worlds, and still keep them connected where you can travel between them and not lose friendships or family relationships? Twallan was able to do it with NRaas Traveler, so maybe a future iteration of Sims will bring that back into the game though it might mean limiting the game to players who can afford more powerful machines. And that's the big issue Maxis/EA has to deal with -- do they turn The Sims into a niche game only available to the select few with top of the line gaming equipment, or do they make a slightly underpowered version that's available to more potential customers?
    Check out my Gallery! Origin ID: justme22
    Fun must be always -- Tomas Hertl (San Jose Sharks hockey player)
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    calaprfycalaprfy Posts: 3,927 Member
    I'd have the bowling place just for my sims to hangout and socialise while my clubs are autonomously bowling in the background.

    It's like I bought DO just to eat out someplace.
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    UltraUltra Posts: 826 Member
    I feel like people complaining about his reviews don't actually watch them. Clint is extremely fair in his reviews. Lets take his review for the bowling pack as an example. His main complaint was that a game pack dedicated to bowling (which would normally be tagged onto an expansion pack) is lacking in bowling type gameplay. It's completely a fair point. I agree with him. The main object is the bowling ally and it doesn't do a whole lot except watch your sim throw a bowl at some pins. No scores, no team game play, simple things like sims can't pick a ball or change into bowling shoes. That is disappointing for a game pack entirely dedicated to bowling. He expects better from the sims and he is right to. He also mentioned positive aspects of the the pack, saying he was a big fan of the furniture that came with it.

    As for his Vampire pack review, first of all he started out very positive about the toddlers addition to the game. Then he makes it clear that he is not a fan of supernaturals of the game but actually the pack is quiet good and recommended it to those who like that content (again very fair). His only criticism being he is worried about supernatural content being sold to us piece meal, making more money for EA while its fans lose out.

    Clint overall is my favourite reviewer because he gives credit where credit is due (sometimes I even find him a little too generous) but he will also calls out where the game is lacking and his disappointment comes from his love of the series (like many of us haterz). Any other reviews (usually from lets players) do nothing but praise the game and will completely skirt around the bad points. To me it comes across as dishonest.

    For most of LGR's reviews Clint was not sent review copies by EA. Props to Clint for remaining true to his opinions now that EA sends him review copies. And Props to EA for continuing to send him review copies even though he doesn't shy away from the bad points of the game.
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    MidnightAuraMidnightAura Posts: 5,809 Member
    It baffles me why LGR is singled out for his review when actually I've watched several reviews and when it comes down to reviewing the actual bowling alley his review is similar to that of Urban Sims and Starlight Sims who both point out the flaws but they don't get flak for pointing out the obvious. Nor should they either of course. It is after all an opinion.

    Everyone has different opinions. Live and let live.
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    FairyGodMotherFairyGodMother Posts: 7,406 Member
    It baffles me why LGR is singled out for his review when actually I've watched several reviews and when it comes down to reviewing the actual bowling alley his review is similar to that of Urban Sims and Starlight Sims who both point out the flaws but they don't get flak for pointing out the obvious. Nor should they either of course. It is after all an opinion.

    Everyone has different opinions. Live and let live.

    I blame it on "Ralph"
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    MidnightAuraMidnightAura Posts: 5,809 Member
    It baffles me why LGR is singled out for his review when actually I've watched several reviews and when it comes down to reviewing the actual bowling alley his review is similar to that of Urban Sims and Starlight Sims who both point out the flaws but they don't get flak for pointing out the obvious. Nor should they either of course. It is after all an opinion.

    Everyone has different opinions. Live and let live.

    I blame it on "Ralph"

    I have no idea what the Ralph thing is, I'm guessing an old inside joke?
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    FairyGodMotherFairyGodMother Posts: 7,406 Member
    edited March 2017
    It baffles me why LGR is singled out for his review when actually I've watched several reviews and when it comes down to reviewing the actual bowling alley his review is similar to that of Urban Sims and Starlight Sims who both point out the flaws but they don't get flak for pointing out the obvious. Nor should they either of course. It is after all an opinion.

    Everyone has different opinions. Live and let live.

    I blame it on "Ralph"

    I have no idea what the Ralph thing is, I'm guessing an old inside joke?

    To me, LGR can be pretty negative about his opinions. He says it like it is! I don't always agree with him though. I said right off that he actually threw some positive things in when watching his bowling review.

    I have watched a few other reviewers, but they seem to make it long and positive (which is a good thing I guess ). I prefer simple, short, and to the point (LGR)

    Now, onto Ralph. Nothing wrong with throwing a little humor in with a review. I am more drawn to watching LGR reviews than any of the other ones. I guess, because none of them are going to change my mind about if I purchase it or not, not even LGR.
    *Poor Ralph*

    Edit: dang spelling
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    elanorbretonelanorbreton Posts: 14,616 Member
    Lol about Ralph, that poor guy.

    I find it impossible to watch most people's reviews because they are filled with too much chatter and get to things too slowly. I find them boring and am too impatient to then watch the whole thing.

    At least LGR keeps them fairly speedy and adds humour to keep us entertained. I will never forget spitting out my drink at his review of the sims 3 Master Suite stuff pack with the eye mask, I can still lol at that now when I think about it.
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    agent_bevagent_bev Posts: 1,313 Member
    JoAnne65 wrote: »
    Brussel sprouts are right up there with broccoli and cauliflower on the "why in the world do we eat this stuff?" list for me. :p
    Vitamins B)

    I find it kind of funny by the way people say you could predict what LGR would say, the package being 'terrible, unenjoyable and not worth the time'. He doesn't even say that....

    Given the choice between a pill and the sprouts, I'd take the pill. It wouldn't taste any better to be fair, but it'd be quicker torture. :p;)
    In the nicest way possible you shouldn't allow another fans opinion to bring you down. If you are excited for the game and the latest pack why would a video make you feel bad about it? I don't understand that. LGR isn't saying "If you like this game you are silly and have nothing better to do" He is giving his view because EA asked him too, they sent him a copy early.

    For example I feel like I'm the only fan in the world of Sim City 2013. That game was trashed so many times and there's no denying the game has a lot of flaws but I don't care that many you tubers criticised it. I agreed with many of their points but I still enjoy the game.

    I honestly don't know why LGR gets such bad press around here, I find it sad. He's a fan like we all are. It seems he ruffled a few feathers within the community when he did the "Two years of meh" video. People either seemed to agree with that video and felt he was standing up for a lot of simmers who at that point felt their voices were being ignored and for those that didn't agree with it seemed to take it as a personal insult and I'm really not sure why.

    LGR is allowed to say he doesn't like the game as we all are and just like many of the posts and feedback on her and on social media it's not always gushing with praise and excitement over say a decorative drink dispenser. It makes me laugh when people say I won't watch LGR because I know what he's going to say, he's going to say it's rubbish when actually if those people bothered to watch him he said he feels the game play object could have been better and gave examples as to how that could have been implemented I.e being able to track the score, having bowling leagues, being able to enter funny names into the game. He acknowledges there's a lot of cas items and decor.

    I just don't get why he gets so much hate. Other you tubers have said they wouldn't recommend the pack over say Glamor Life or the kids stuff pack, they said bowling could get boring fast and once you have seen bowling once you have seen it all but they aren't criticised (Nor should they be) for not being all "OMG look we can pick a ball colour, look at that hair!!!" When it comes to reviewing the game play object I.e bowling their views weren't that different to LGRs.

    At the end of the day if EA didn't like LGR's views I don't think they would keep sending him packs early and I don't think they would have invited him to be part of their influencer program.

    I don't get the venom over SimCity 2013 either. It's not like it's one of the piles of garbage on Steam that doesn't even run or is some asset-flip or something. I still have it and play it now and then and quite enjoy it for what it is. I think it got better with the offline mode (less lag and better performance if nothing else). I always played it single player anyway. I like a lot of the ideas it introduced. Smaller cities, sure, but you could work toward a communal big goal in the middle for each region. And structure it so the cities could support each other with trade and whatnot. This may be one of the few things we really agree on, so high-five, lol.

    (Sorry for the long quote since I just replied to one line but it's there for context or whatever.)

    The venom came from the fact that it was always online, so a lot of mods could not be used. This was the 4th game in the series and came out 10 years after the predecessor. Everyone made a lot of noise about the importance of mods, a lot of mods were developed, and it was clear that people wanted mods. Being always online meant you can't really play the way you want aka with mods, because it would break the game for everyone else not using mods.

    Tiny maps was a huge issue, and so was broken traffic. Somehow the AI was less advanced with their agent-based model, as it didn't matter where the sims lived- they just went home to a different house every night. It broke city layouts and traffic. There was also no terraforming, which is crucial to a lot of players. Finally, say you wanted to be city neighbors with friends. It starts out fun at first but over time other players stop playing, which means their cities deteriorate and crime starts to spread into your city and there was nothing you could do about it whatsoever. Small maps means you can't even have buffer zones.

    The major issue was they lied and said the game had to always be online because that was the way the engine was built and it was impossible to play offline, until a bunch of modders did it. What would have happened if they never figured out a workaround to go offline but shut off their servers because most people stopped playing? You could never play that game again. It was a triple A game that cost over $60+ (more if you wanted the starting DLCs), but it was not worth half that.

    This is the same thing that would have happen if they made an online sim game. You start a relationship with other sims, what happens if the players don't want to play anymore? You will never have full control of your game, which is what sets The Sims apart with other games like Second Life.
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