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Just when I start feeling good about liking Sims 4...


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    kmariakmaria Posts: 282 Member
    I agree with his review on this one. It's the first pack I won't be buying. It's too light on content, a scoreless bowling lane where sims don't really compete is not worth it to me. If it had been flushed out with more furniture or cas I would have purchased.
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    MidnightAuraMidnightAura Posts: 5,809 Member
    jackjack_k wrote: »
    At the end of the day, he's a fan. He's not a professional reviewer, he's just a fan.
    He only liked around 4 EP's from The Sims 3, when you watch this:

    I don't know why people consider him "gospel" when he has very specific taste.

    Isn't he a full time You tuber? I.e makes a living from You tube? I would consider that more than just a fan. Clearly EA also do as they keep sending him packs and they wanted him as an influencer.

    Not saying by the way that You tubers are more important than fans. They can be both.
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    jupiknowjupiknow Posts: 4 New Member
    I don't understand why the sims community takes his opinions and transform them into facts. He just stated what he thinks, you may not like it, but it's his opinion. If you don't like what he has to say then disagree and move on, he's just a human after all ;).
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    BrittanyChick22BrittanyChick22 Posts: 2,130 Member
    edited March 2017
    How can a review get you down? I love his reviews, in fact I'm watching it now.

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    DevilNDisguiseDevilNDisguise Posts: 2,225 Member
    I haven't watched an LGR video in years. Then again, I never watch review-videos to help me make my decision in buying something. If anything, I'll watch 'em for the fun of it, but that's usually after I've bought whatever they're talking about.
    I agree to disagree if opinions differ, and go off of my own judgement. I'll usually watch The Sims live-streams to get a better look at what's in a pack, but in the end, my own opinion is all that matters to me.
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    PHOEBESMOM601PHOEBESMOM601 Posts: 14,595 Member
    I haven't watched an LGR video in years. Then again, I never watch review-videos to help me make my decision in buying something. If anything, I'll watch 'em for the fun of it, but that's usually after I've bought whatever they're talking about.
    I agree to disagree if opinions differ, and go off of my own judgement. I'll usually watch The Sims live-streams to get a better look at what's in a pack, but in the end, my own opinion is all that matters to me.

    Like you I make up my own mind.....and I do make up my pwn mind about purchases. Clint did help me out on this one though. I was considering this pack but when I saw what was and wasn't in it I decided not to. Maybe some day when it's on sale and I need a minimal Sim activity.
    jackjack_k wrote: »
    At the end of the day, he's a fan. He's not a professional reviewer, he's just a fan.
    He only liked around 4 EP's from The Sims 3, when you watch this:

    I don't know why people consider him "gospel" when he has very specific taste.

    Isn't he a full time You tuber? I.e makes a living from You tube? I would consider that more than just a fan. Clearly EA also do as they keep sending him packs and they wanted him as an influencer.

    Not saying by the way that You tubers are more important than fans. They can be both.

    He is a consistent reviewer. He also has a Patreon account so he does earn money from his reviews.
    "People really love to explore 'failure states. In fact, the failure states are really much more interesting than the success states." ~ Will Wright
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    Renamed2002180839Renamed2002180839 Posts: 3,444 Member
    edited March 2017
    Not everyone takes his word as law-LOL- I can take him or leave him. I certainly don't let his opinion bring me down or change my mind about stuff. I haven't even looked at the new review because I like the pack already from the Maxis teams Twitch feed. Same with most of the packs anymore- I was set against buying CL until I watched the Twitch feed and that actually sold me on the pack- not a youtuber or a blogger but the Maxis team actually playing through it for real. They were so excited I couldn't help feeling a little excited too, even if I was still plummed off about a certain key aspect, ha ha.

    LGR has gotten almost a little bitter about the game I think and I get it, I get why he's disappointed but personally I would just walk away for a while if that's the case. Take a break- not saying HE SHOULD but just that I WOULD, so save the flames for a dryer forest- it'll make a bigger fire that way. In the end LGR does plenty of other good videos for people to watch if he really is just done with the game for now.

    In the end OP just be happy cause YOU are happy and enjoy it.
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    trulyoutrageoustrulyoutrageous Posts: 245 Member
    Like many people here, I used to watch LGR reviews because he gave a good overview of gameplay, objects and so on, which I liked because I want to know exactly what I am buying. I stopped watching though when he completely dissed the vampire pack, which in my opinion is the best pack of TS4 so far. He didn't really review it - he was just complaining that he doesn't like vampires and thus it doesn't appeal to him. That's cool and all because he has the right to his opinions, but that was basically all his review was: complaining that he doesn't like vampires. There was barely any actual review information in the video and I was very frustrated at wasting my data to watch it, as I don't have wifi. His reviews have become quite biassed and thus I generally now just read SimsVIP's game guides because they cover EVERYTHING, exactly how I like it.

    Really? I got a completely different impression from his reviews on the vampire pack.
    supersonic, simobotic, disconnected, not respected, who would ever really wanna go and top that?

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    Lomelindi7Lomelindi7 Posts: 1,339 Member
    I don't really understand this at all. Personally, I don't watch Sims game reviews. Why? Because I love the Sims and I already know what Sims expansions and extra content have to offer me. If the content doesn't interest me, I don't buy it. If it does interest me, only I can really decide if the content lives up to MY expectations.

    People should feel free to criticize or praise the game as they wish, but I'm bot required to go watch a review for a stuff pack (or any game for that matter). If I'm debating a big purchase I will read reviews, but if I already bought something and am enjoying it, why would I bother going to look at what others thought about it?

    You don't have to agree with the critics and you don't have to watch the reviews. If you like the pack, great! Go play it! Don't worry about what other people think about it since they are not in your game and shouldn't affect your own enjoyment.

    Anyway, just my two cents. I'm sure you've gotten similar responses already :)
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    BlueR0seBlueR0se Posts: 1,615 Member
    edited March 2017
    asesina wrote: »
    Like many people here, I used to watch LGR reviews because he gave a good overview of gameplay, objects and so on, which I liked because I want to know exactly what I am buying. I stopped watching though when he completely dissed the vampire pack, which in my opinion is the best pack of TS4 so far. He didn't really review it - he was just complaining that he doesn't like vampires and thus it doesn't appeal to him. That's cool and all because he has the right to his opinions, but that was basically all his review was: complaining that he doesn't like vampires. There was barely any actual review information in the video and I was very frustrated at wasting my data to watch it, as I don't have wifi. His reviews have become quite biassed and thus I generally now just read SimsVIP's game guides because they cover EVERYTHING, exactly how I like it.

    Really? I got a completely different impression from his reviews on the vampire pack.

    Yeah??? If my memory serves me right, while the video was short and he wasn't super hyped about it; he did talk about quite a few things he liked and considering this is the kind of content he just really isn't into (and his past sims 4 reviews have been rather frustrated in terms of tone) i thought it reflected good for the vampire pack in general. It was a step in the right direction, but he just doesn't like supernatural stuff. For that one, i do agree he should've put a little more info/effort in terms of details of the content, but all in all I think he took it pretty well.

    This bowling one is actually the most lighthearted sims 4 review in a while, thanks to quality ball jokes.
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    Renamed2002180839Renamed2002180839 Posts: 3,444 Member
    Not everyone takes his word as law-LOL- I can take him or leave him. I certainly don't let his opinion bring me down or change my mind about stuff. I haven't even looked at the new review because I like the pack already from the Maxis teams Twitch feed. Same with most of the packs anymore- I was set against buying CL until I watched the Twitch feed and that actually sold me on the pack- not a youtuber or a blogger but the Maxis team actually playing through it for real. They were so excited I couldn't help feeling a little excited too, even if I was still plummed off about a certain key aspect, ha ha.

    LGR has gotten almost a little bitter about the game I think and I get it, I get why he's disappointed but personally I would just walk away for a while if that's the case. Take a break- not saying HE SHOULD but just that I WOULD, so save the flames for a dryer forest- it'll make a bigger fire that way. In the end LGR does plenty of other good videos for people to watch if he really is just done with the game for now.

    In the end OP just be happy cause YOU are happy and enjoy it.

    Isn't that leaving room for more biased reviews though? I count on LGR to show the pros and the cons. The devs probably would not say that you can reach the top level of the bowling skill in under half an hour or wouldn't point out things like no scoreboard. There are too many squealing, gushing reviews out there. LGR tells it like he sees it.

    @PHOEBESMOM601 You're right in that it could lead to that. I didn't really mean I was impressed by what the gurus had to say, although I found their excitement infectious. I think it's the length of the Twitch feeds coupled with questions asked directly and real time by the other viewers that helped me make up my mind. The length especially gave me time to see the pack more indepth and see what it contained while the viewer questions helped give me the answers to stuff I might have missed like not having a scoreboard. In fact, I believe scoring was brought up during the feed- I could be wrong, maybe it was a Guru question on Twitter- but in any event I already knew early on that there was no function available for it. During the CL feeds there were numerous times that the Gurus did clarify something was not available in the pack or not possible based on questions as well- very much cons, along with the pros. To me, that's a missing facet of Youtube-real time questioning of the presenter but I hope LGR continues and does well and I might check back with him later- like during the Sim 5 launch, lol.
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    Simfan923Simfan923 Posts: 5,551 Member
    When it comes to any YouTuber who reviews these packs I just see what is actually in the pack. Not whether or not I'll buy it or not. Just because ABC loves the pack and XYZ hates it with a fiery passion does not mean I'll feel exactly the same way with either one. I might be in the middle and think the pack is okay content wise but not for the asking price. The only thing I wish that could be done with SPs is that they go on sale more often or we could pick and choose which items we want.
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    CinebarCinebar Posts: 33,618 Member
    SimFan298 wrote: » comes LGR with another review that really brings me down. It's a shame that we have different views on it. I used to like his videos, but all he does is complain now. And since everyone takes his word as law here, I feel like the odd one out.

    I disagreed with him about what was great about a pack in TS3, lol. I find him very entertaining but that doesn't mean I always agree with him. It's healthy not to agree with everybody. Hive mind.

    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.
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    PoKiTauru5PoKiTauru5 Posts: 105 Member
    aricarai wrote: »
    PoKiTauru5 wrote: »
    LGR? Who is that? The only opinion about Sims that matters to me is mine. Period. (Seriously, who is LGR?)

    He's a Youtuber who has been reviewing Sims games ever since 2009. (He also has a lot of other stuff he does but those are irrelevant to the Sims).

    I try to avoid watching his reviews cause they make me dislike the game, a lot of criticism he has.

    @PoKiTauru5 - why does someone else's opinion of a game affect how you feel? You should expect able to form your own opinion of what you do and don't like.

    Do I even know you? Why do you keep quoting me and harassing me on every single thing I post on this place
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    nanashi-simsnanashi-sims Posts: 4,142 Member
    SimFan298 wrote: » comes LGR with another review that really brings me down. It's a shame that we have different views on it. I used to like his videos, but all he does is complain now. And since everyone takes his word as law here, I feel like the odd one out.

    Cognitive dissonance in the form of belief disconfirmation... it'll getcha every time :smirk:
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    stilljustme2stilljustme2 Posts: 25,082 Member
    I don't hear anyone trying to silence LGR or any critic of the game -- just to take what he says with the appropriate sized grain of salt. That should be the case with any reviewer. A movie might get really bad reviews but you might find it to be your favorite movie...or it gets awesome reviews and you walk out halfway through because you're bored or disgusted. Some reviews can be better than others -- if a restaurant review says that the food tastes like slop and the service is slow, you might be better off eating at home. But likes and dislikes are very objective, and one person's opinion shouldn't be the only thing that dissuades a person from buying music or seeing a movie or reading a book or whatever.
    Check out my Gallery! Origin ID: justme22
    Fun must be always -- Tomas Hertl (San Jose Sharks hockey player)
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    Katlyn2525Katlyn2525 Posts: 4,201 Member
    edited March 2017
    What any reviewer thinks is just their own personal opinion. Good or bad, it doesn't really matter, because the bottom line is it is up to you. You are either going to decide that you want the features in the SP, GP, or the EP, or you don't. Trying to turn the LGR's into a mountain does absolutely nothing. It is on you.
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    CiarassimsCiarassims Posts: 3,547 Member
    Why are we all getting salty over LGR's reviews??? :neutral: I like him personally and his reviews helpful to make up my mind if I want to get a game, watching many other reviews too to help settle my decision. However I think people here are forgetting that what he says are his opinions, not facts therefore they shouldn't be treated as facts just like ever other youtubers review. And OP I wouldn't say him expressing his opinion over the stuff pack is "complaining" either. I really don't see the problem with people expressing their opinion over the game, if we was all ea's cheerleaders and never said anything we disliked about the game or found something to suggest about the game ea wouldn't have much feedback upon how to improve the game so "complaining" is not necessarily a bad thing at all.
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    MendotaMendota Posts: 794 Member
    mellbella wrote: »
    Honey u gotta grow up. The Sims 4 is bad, but if you like it, go ahead and play.

    That was uncalled for and I reported you for the personal attack.

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    Bagoas77Bagoas77 Posts: 3,064 Member
    Mendota wrote: »
    mellbella wrote: »
    Honey u gotta grow up. The Sims 4 is bad, but if you like it, go ahead and play.

    That was uncalled for and I reported you for the personal attack.

    Really? I'm not seeing an attack. It looked like a constructive suggestion to me.
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    agent_bevagent_bev Posts: 1,313 Member
    KatyJay88 wrote: »
    OEII1001 wrote: »
    Well it isn't everyone, but he certainly has a very devoted following among some circles within the forum. For me, he's the only talking head for the series that I am aware of, mostly because his devotees come running to the forums to tell us each time he descends from the mountaintop with new tablets of stone. That sort of thing doesn't happen with other YouTubers here.

    @DeservedCriticism I have to say that was quite the interesting read there.. but if I may I think you're reading too much into OPs post. For me, it's like a little child showing off their new toy that they're so excited about to their friend.. and the friend comes back and spits on it. I, for one, refuse to state where I stand on the whole LGR fanbase because that's a can of worms I don't want to open.. but all I'm saying is that OP perhaps feels as though someone brought down the mood of excitement around something they're looking forward to.

    I completely understand your post and found the read rather enjoyable. I'm just not sure it's that deep for OP.

    ...But it's not a new toy! OP doesn't even have it yet. And OP isn't a child!!

    Like honestly now, I would understand your point if we were talking about children, but we're not. When you grow up, you learn not to get upset when something you're looking forward to starts to seem it might not be as great as you thought. A child has a birthday party and the dog eats his birthday cake? Kid cries, the parents scramble to comfort him, and someone runs out to buy a new cake regardless of price or difficulty in getting it. Adult has a birthday party and the dog eats the cake? Adult sighs, everyone cracks some jokes, then we all order a pizza and say "plum happens."

    I'm sorry, but I do think there's a level of emotional maturity to being able to cope with letdowns and criticisms of something you've shown interest in. A child views such criticisms as a personal attack, an adult understands those aren't done maliciously. LGR is not maliciously trying to hurt people's feelings, he's giving his own opinionated advice on the worth of a pack to try and advise consumers. And granted as I said, I'm not faulting OP for making what I consider to be a mistake, because I've made that mistake myself. I do think it can be a bit difficult to get a grasp of it the first time since much of it is subconcious, but I also feel it's important to do it, so I view it as unwise to excuse such behavior as "justified." Understandable? Yes. Justified? No.

    If you like something? You should like it because you like it, not because others like it. Obviously that's not what's going on here, because some people's opinion of this game is so fragile that all it takes is one critical review of a youtuber and everyone's having second thoughts.

    I have to disagree with you on that one....this phenomenon doesn't go away just because you are an adult. We see this in business, in politics, in movies. Look at how many grown ups were personally offended that people didn't like the 2016 Ghostbusters movie. Because some people identified with the movie, it became a personal insult that there were people criticizing it. Likewise on the otherside of the coin- the die hard fans took it personally when the movie creators did not stay true to the original style of writing.
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    justdancerebeccajustdancerebecca Posts: 1,334 Member
    SimFan298 wrote: » comes LGR with another review that really brings me down. It's a shame that we have different views on it. I used to like his videos, but all he does is complain now. And since everyone takes his word as law here, I feel like the odd one out.

    he has been complaining about it since ts4 came out. why does an opinion of some random person matter to you? it shouldn't ruin the game for you. i don't understand.

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    justdancerebeccajustdancerebecca Posts: 1,334 Member
    SimFan298 wrote: » comes LGR with another review that really brings me down. It's a shame that we have different views on it. I used to like his videos, but all he does is complain now And since everyone takes his word as law here, I feel like the odd one out.

    You shouldn't let anothers opinion diminish your enjoyment of something. Like what you like. Play what you enjoy. If you really don't like his content just don't watch them. There's many other content creators out there. And I'm sure (in fact I've seen the posts) there's many people on this forum that also share your view. So buck up chum

    Exactly, this. Thank you. I doubt LGR cares about whether or not you enjoy the game or not. I'm not saying that to be rude to him, but really. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Shouldn't stop you from liking and playing the game.

    I don't know about taking sides, maybe they agree upon reasons why they don't enjoy the game like other people do. Nothing wrong with that.

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    trulyoutrageoustrulyoutrageous Posts: 245 Member
    BlueR0se wrote: »
    asesina wrote: »
    Like many people here, I used to watch LGR reviews because he gave a good overview of gameplay, objects and so on, which I liked because I want to know exactly what I am buying. I stopped watching though when he completely dissed the vampire pack, which in my opinion is the best pack of TS4 so far. He didn't really review it - he was just complaining that he doesn't like vampires and thus it doesn't appeal to him. That's cool and all because he has the right to his opinions, but that was basically all his review was: complaining that he doesn't like vampires. There was barely any actual review information in the video and I was very frustrated at wasting my data to watch it, as I don't have wifi. His reviews have become quite biassed and thus I generally now just read SimsVIP's game guides because they cover EVERYTHING, exactly how I like it.

    Really? I got a completely different impression from his reviews on the vampire pack.

    Yeah??? If my memory serves me right, while the video was short and he wasn't super hyped about it; he did talk about quite a few things he liked and considering this is the kind of content he just really isn't into (and his past sims 4 reviews have been rather frustrated in terms of tone) i thought it reflected good for the vampire pack in general. It was a step in the right direction, but he just doesn't like supernatural stuff. For that one, i do agree he should've put a little more info/effort in terms of details of the content, but all in all I think he took it pretty well.

    This bowling one is actually the most lighthearted sims 4 review in a while, thanks to quality ball jokes.

    My thoughts exactly. I remember him saying how he was impressed with it, which surprised me, because I'm, personally, not a vampires fan at all.

    Ah. You know what? There can never be enough ball jokes. All the ball jokes, all the time.
    supersonic, simobotic, disconnected, not respected, who would ever really wanna go and top that?

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