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2 times the FUN! A Randomacy ~ NEW Chapter, 9.11


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    tanubanuetanubanue Posts: 4,116 Member
    edited July 2015
    Tanu's Game ~ Generation Four ~ A Party Missed

    Ava loved watching her Mom practice spells. Of course she was still a bit too small to really understand that it was a gift to have the type of magic her family had. She just thought it was funny when things weren't there and then they were again.


    And she was a super quick learner !



    And Zach continued to visit nightly although he was being a bit more creative with his time.


    As for Jasper the years were catching up to him and he was now the top of his career and about to really look like the Grandpa he was ~



    "What time is the party for my little Princess again Jenna?" He said scooping up a giggling Ava.


    "I asked people to be here between 5 and 5:30 Dad." She said catching the soccer ball she was playing with. Owen put down his guitar.

    "I need to see someone before that." He said heading to the bedroom to change.

    "Owen, You promised you would be here." Jenna said getting angry.

    "Don't worry I wouldn't miss it for anything. I just need to tie up a few loose ends before the band hits the road in a few days. I'll pop over to the concert hall and be home before you know it." He disappeared into the bathroom.

    Jasper noticed the change in Jenna's body language. He didn't know how he could help her and make Owen understand what was happening.


    Even Rorie tried to stop him on the way out the door but he just walked right through her.


    The family all gathered for Ava's birthday and Jenna waited as long as she could but it was finally time to blow out the candles and cut the cake.


    Even Jaci was home for a visit for the big event.


    Jenna tried her best to be happy but Owen had not kept his word and was missing his daughters birthday.


    It was time to blow out the candles but everything didn't quite go as planned ~


    All of a sudden there was complete chaos in the Snyder home with everyone running around to try to put out the fire before it spread!


    Thankfully the fireman showed up in time and no one was hurt.


    And Ava aged up just perfectly!


    "Mommy why wasn't Daddy here for my party?" She asked Jenna right away.

    "Daddy had to work honey, he'll be home any minute and we'll have some fun together ok?" She pulled her daughter in for a hug. "I'm so proud of you Ava you are so big now!"

    "I know look I'm this tall now!" Ava stretched her hand up as far as it would go and stood on her tippy toes.

    "You will be soon enough!" Jenna laughed. "I'm gonna go talk to Uncle Jase sweetie. Have some fun with everyone, ok?" Ava nodded and skipped off.


    Jenna asked Jase if he had talked to Owen at all but Jase hadn't. He told her that Owen was always running around crazy busy and hadn't met him down at the bar in a long time. He promised her he would try to catch up with him soon though.


    Everyone was starting to get a bit concerned with whether or not Jenna and Owen were going to make it to their next anniversary.
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    tanubanuetanubanue Posts: 4,116 Member
    Tanu's Game ~ Generation Four ~ Wanna build a Snowman?

    The guests had all left and everything was cleaned up. Ava asked Jenna if she could go out and build a snowman before bed. Jenna decided to let her even though darkness had fallen over the world. The yard was safe enough and she grabbed her outerwear to join her smiling as they headed out into the chilly air. A light snow was beginning to fall and Jenna closed her eyes letting the flakes land on her face. It felt good and refreshing.

    When she opened her eyes Owen was just getting home. Jenna didn't have to say a word. Ava stomped right up to him and demanded to know why he had missed her party. She crossed her small arms and stamped her foot at him.

    "I'm so sorry baby girl but I had no choice. The band is going on the road next week and Daddy had to make sure everything is ready for them. I hated missing it Sweetie I really did but I need to make sure that you, Mommy, and I are ok. I need to support us so Grampa can enjoy himself now." He playfully pulled on one of her pig tails. "Forgive me?"


    "Ok Daddy but I missed you!"

    "I missed you too!" He leaned down and hugged her.


    The three of them spent the next hour playing tag, building snowmen, and making snow angels



    But all good things must come to an end and Jenna sent Ava inside to get ready for bed.

    Owen came over to Jenna. "Do you forgive me too?" He snuggled into her hair. "Please forgive me baby I'm doing all this for us."

    "But your missing the best parts of our lives Owen. I don't want you to miss so much."

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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,704 Member
    Ava is so very cute! :) I hope that Owen can spend more time with his family. It was nice that they could have fun playing in the snow as a family. It wasn't good that the kitchen got set on fire in the middle of the nice birthday party! It is great that Jasper is now an elder. He is very caring towards his family. He has changed a lot since he was younger. He is still the same Jasper but at the same time, having children has brought richness into his life.
    Thankyou for the updates! :)
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    tanubanuetanubanue Posts: 4,116 Member
    Thanks for your comments Rose it means so much to me the words that you have said. I really wanted Jasper to come around and Love the way he was meant too so being that you saw that in my story makes me so happy!

    The kitchen catching fire was actually a lot of fun in game. I sat here and watched them all and the way they all reacted. Jenna was still holding Ava as a toddler and she just kind of stood there with her while all this went on around her. By the time the fire department got there Hannah's hubby and Jaci had the fire out and Jase was actually eating the burnt cake lol.

    Ava is a cutie and my first blond heir! <3
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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    You snuck in some updates while I wasn't looking. We've had lots of rain, so I have spent a lot of time snuggling my anxious dog. He actually took a nap in my lap yesterday.

    I love the updates. We always seem to learn too late that missing out on time with little ones won't come around again later.

    I always love the hair color variations in a family. :dizzy:
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    cmbaker16cmbaker16 Posts: 9,172 Member
    Ava is so cute and Owen needs to get his act together before he's kicked to the curb :*
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    tanubanuetanubanue Posts: 4,116 Member
    cmbaker16 wrote: »
    Ava is so cute and Owen needs to get his act together before he's kicked to the curb :*

    Yeah I wonder if he'll be able to........

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    ADWilsonADWilson Posts: 6,755 Member
    edited July 2017
    Addy's Game:
    Generation 4 ~ More Chaotic Fun

    Raising triplets is three times the fun, but the workload is multiplied because everything falls around the same time ~ as soon as one is hungry, they’re all hungry! Add in learning to talk and walk plus toilet training… you can easily see why Nate & Alice are so happy that Grandpa Reiley & Grandma Alice are around to lend helping hands!

    Kristy realizes that things are about to get even busier in the Snyder household…

    To continue reading, please go to
    Have I Got A Story For You!
    Post edited by ADWilson on
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    ADWilsonADWilson Posts: 6,755 Member
    edited July 2017
    Addy's Game:
    Generation 4 ~ Triple Things

    Rosie must think Anderson is special because they are dating again.
    May the third time be the charm!

    Grace, Gina and Gabby think that three is a fine number.
    Three times the fun, three times the toys and three times the…

    Happy Birthday, Gina!

    Not to be outdone by her younger sister…
    Happy Birthday, Grace!

    Big sisters, wait for me…
    Happy Birthday, Gabby!

    To continue reading, please go to
    Have I Got A Story For You!
    Post edited by ADWilson on
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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    I love the photo of them all together. That must have been challenging! Isn't ir interesting that they all had the same tot hair, yet grew up wearing different styles? Yay for more updates. Thank you both! Does a little happy dance.
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    ADWilsonADWilson Posts: 6,755 Member
    edited July 2017
    Addy's Game:
    Generation 4 ~ Birthdays Galore!

    Reiley was heading home from a work opportunity when he suddenly jumped out of the car…

    Happy Birthday, Reiley!

    To continue reading, please go to
    Have I Got A Story For You!
    Post edited by ADWilson on
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,704 Member
    The updates are very nice! :) The triplets and little Gabe are very cute! It was nice seeing the sims ageing up. It was special family updates that you posted. Thankyou for sharing their lives with us through your posts and pictures :)
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    ADWilsonADWilson Posts: 6,755 Member
    Thanks @ciane and @rosemow :)

    Gabe is a real cutie! I don't think his reddish hair is the same shade as that passed down from Zach to Kayla to Reiley, but I could be wrong. I'll have to check when I am next in the game.

    I purposely had the triplet toddlers look alike because their parents and grandparents bought their clothing and also made the decision regarding their hair. When they aged to children, I figured they would start to exert some of their own personalities (traits!) and dressed them accordingly. I also selected hair that would suit the face and personality.

    I'm looking forward to moving into the 5th generation, but at the same time I am enjoying writing and sharing these stories with all of you so am not in too big of a rush. Yet. LOL
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    cmbaker16cmbaker16 Posts: 9,172 Member
    awww....the triplets + 1....Their all so cute :D ...that on again/off again marriage I think would have annoyed anyone who liked reading the little stories SP gives :)
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    ADWilsonADWilson Posts: 6,755 Member
    Thanks, @cmbaker16 :)

    I think they're cute, too... but I'm certainly not an impartial judge in regards to this!

    I probably should have paid more attention and thought about looking into finding a fix sooner than I did because I recall texting Tanu when they got engaged a second time. I'm still learning new things about this game on a fairly regular basis and think that is really neat.
    **purposely ignores the long list of Sim things I haven't tried yet**

    Twallan's SP is a marvel! Yet one more thing about this legacy challenge that makes me glad I tried it.
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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    I just assumed they grew up with those different hairstyles as the sparkles were still there. And yeah, I thought that as they aged they all show their different styles and individuality more too. I like it when the grandparents actually look like grandparents. :smiley: So you are both really at the same point in your legacies. The last generation are elders and this generation has children who are starting to develop their own personalities. Before too long you'll be rolling for the next generation game play. I am definitely enjoying the stories. Thank you both for sharing.
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    anettesbanettesb Posts: 39,168 Member
    Nice up date
    I think there is a way to delete the if using NRaas mods
    🌺 streaming at 🌻come join the Sylvan legacy, and help control their life. 🌳
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    Catdog123Catdog123 Posts: 1,024 Member
    edited July 2015
    Nice updates! Your stories are both so fun and realistic with bits of drama and real life issues. :)
    A fire at a birthday party certainly makes it unforgettable, a shame Ava's father couldn't make it to the party. :(

    I do wish Imaginary Friends were a bit more rare or that there was a different way to acquire one like one appearing for a child that plays a lot of make believe rather than a toy that is randomly given that way we could actively seek one. I keep meaning to turn one human some day though think that would make for a fun story.
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    ADWilsonADWilson Posts: 6,755 Member
    Thanks, @catdog123 :)
    It truly is interesting to see how each game is going!

    Your idea for acquiring an IF is a good one and I really wish EA had thought of it. I think it is silly for every single child to get one.
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    anettesbanettesb Posts: 39,168 Member
    It is defently to easy to get 1...... could also be able to find 1 If you were lonly
    🌺 streaming at 🌻come join the Sylvan legacy, and help control their life. 🌳
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    tanubanuetanubanue Posts: 4,116 Member
    I'm so happy Ava didn't get an IF this time! Yay!! Happy Dance! Lol

    I don't mind so much that we get them but I do mind that you can't get rid of them if you don't want them. Every time I see a toddler with one I redirect them to play with something else.

    I had one named buttons back soon after they were added to the game. Buttons was played with constantly and I allowed him to become a 'real boy'. Well when they were both old enough Buttons flirted with the little girl he had belonged to and was evicted from the house really quick. It just had a weird Ewwww factor for me for some reason. lol

    And don't hurry along those rolls Ciane, lol, I got a fairly easy one this time around so next time may get even! ;)
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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    I was just thinking how quickly time flies...
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    tanubanuetanubanue Posts: 4,116 Member
    It really does!
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    cmbaker16cmbaker16 Posts: 9,172 Member
    so long as you don't want them you can put in the testingcheatsenabled cheat and click on the IF and delete it...I usually do that when there's already too many sims in the house I don't want to have to bother with keeping an eye on IF too :D
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