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Play and Share continued


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    IreneSwiftIreneSwift Posts: 6,247 Member
    edited April 2014
    Simmer999 wrote:
    My save file is gone. Totally gone. It totally disappeared.

    That's terrible! I feel so bad for you! Is there no backup you can use? I hope you didn't lose your sim too.
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    Simmer999Simmer999 Posts: 863 Member
    edited April 2014
    IreneSwift wrote:
    Simmer999 wrote:
    My save file is gone. Totally gone. It totally disappeared.

    That's terrible! I feel so bad for you! Is there no backup you can use? I hope you didn't lose your sim too.

    I'm not sure if I have the Sim, no backup was created, and I just checked the saves folder and it seems like something is missing in the file folder that made it like disappear. I'm going to go see if I have the Sim. I hope I do, it's legit the best Sim I've ever made. That house was also my best house... :(
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    Simmer999Simmer999 Posts: 863 Member
    edited April 2014
    Sim still there. Good luck does happen some times.
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    Simmer999Simmer999 Posts: 863 Member
    edited April 2014
    So I was in love with my story, but I have to tweak it a little now to get the show on the road. Less money and a smaller house. Just so I don't have to try to build some massive mansion again.
    Unless, of course, my save shows up. Then I keep it.
    I gotta go to bed, almost 10:30 where I live and I am TIRED. Let's hope something good happens overnight! *crosses fingers*
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    LBellLBell Posts: 3,511 Member
    edited April 2014
    Simmer999 wrote:
    I had the whole lower floor done and now it's gone. :(
    My house "might" be done in 24 hours at the earliest.

    Sorry about your game... Next time make sure you save regularly and make backups of your saves (save them to a USB or make copies). Good luck ok recovering it. :)
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    TadOlsonTadOlson Posts: 11,380 Member
    edited April 2014
    and-it-is-on Thanks for the comment.
    FuzzySlipers45 Hi there!
    MayaRose1138 Hi there!I'm glad you decided to fence off the pool and I do that to all outdoor community pools so I can lock it up in the winter.
    Unlockedinferno Hi there!Great update!
    XKidsinLoveX Hi there!Welcome to the thread.
    LunBeauty Great update and thanks for the comment.
    Simlish1 Hi there!
    Painterly27 Great update!
    GBA91101Nver4get Great written update!
    IreneSwift Hi there and welcome to the thread.
    Simmelina1 Hi there!
    Simmer999 Hi there!You had a great start and it crashed.I would use "save as" often and make multiple files and build gradually over time.I lost a few games myself for different reasons including EA's SP ruining the game on me though that isn't likely going to happen again because I use NRass story progression.
    Nik24X7 Thanks for the comment.I find CAW very easy to use.
    Puddinroy Hi there!
    Baker9793 Great update!
    KatieTerrorFace Great update!I use NRaas register to turn off paparazzi.
    dreamerz13 Hi there!
    Samr883 Hi there!
    Mikezumi Great picture!
    LBell Hi there!
    wickichick Hi there!It's great to have this thread kept going.
    I'll have my update a little later.
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    TadOlsonTadOlson Posts: 11,380 Member
    edited April 2014
    Here's my Oak Leaf update.
    Tanner and Tracy Ivanovitch got up early and got their breakfast ready and the kitchen sink broke and them so Tracy fixed it.
    They both went out to tend to the planter box garden and got the produce harvested and got the dead plants disposed of.
    They went in to have dinner at 8:30 and got that done and were wanting to play and could only play chess for a bit on their computers.
    Tanner and Tracy got into bed by 9:30 in the evening.
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    rednenemonrednenemon Posts: 3,208 Member
    edited April 2014
    Oh, gosh! Page 8 already! :shock:

    Yep, I made it here! I'm just a bit amazed that the old thread was locked so quickly.

    Yeah, he doesn't seem to realize that he can't fly. But that doesn't stop him from trying! :lol:

    Oh, those outfits are so pretty! Are they from the Palace of Versailles set (or whatever it's called)?

    Nothing wrong with getting a lamp for Gift Giving Day! It's when the bills are raised with it that there's going to be problems. :lol:

    Liam is indeed a cute pre-made Sim.

    Haha, that would've been cool! I just decided to name the baby Locke if it were a boy. (Had Locks been a girl, I probably would have named her Pamela)

    Oh, that sounds awful! Sorry you lost your save file. :(

    I'm glad to see some new posters! :D I'm hoping to see what everyone else posts up in the future. :-)
    AO3: Silver_Shortage_in_Markarth <(Where I'm usually at nowadays)
    Part One(Complete 9/24/16) /Part Two(on hold)/Short Stories(on hold)/Twinbrook 1996(on hold)/Ten Crystal Hearts (on hold)
    I own the TS3 Store as of 12/11/16 (sort of. It's complicated)
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    wickichickwickichick Posts: 11,130 Member
    edited April 2014
    Rednenemon: I am honestly surprised about the thread being locked, too.
    It makes me want to know, why?
    It can't be because the thread was over 200 pages because there are other threads over a thousand still functioning.
    It is locked, too! I was gonna go and post a message for Zabeth to see and wham, locked! Why?
    I guess it is one of those things we will never know.
    I don't mind starting a new thread, it's not the number of pages that makes a thread fun, it's the people in it. I'm glad you found us!
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    wickichickwickichick Posts: 11,130 Member
    edited April 2014
    Rednenemon: Yep, this thread is the shiny!
    What a shame you haven't had time to play! I thought we were getting more
    Locke, but nope! heheehe oh well baby locke is a cutie and bears repeating.
    from the old to the shiny new!

    Zumi: Well, the real mystery is WHY? I dunno. Please feel free to lurk
    as often as you wish.

    TadOlson: It did...the old thread was glitched, but they locked it. I guess
    I would like to know, why. Keep up the good work in your new world.

    Unlockedinferno: Nice outfits for Charlotte. Isn't it fun to recolor and mix
    various outfits?
    Gus is a strange oooooweeeeeoooooo kind of guy. Ya can't blame Charlotte for
    mistaking the vibes Fio puts out there....oh how humiliating to offer a first
    kiss opportunity and be turned down...yikes he is also her boss. Oh I feel for
    her. Still, look at how he looks at her. He's holding back. Why? Is it Gus?

    GBA91101Nver4get: Jack and Jill...cute. I had to giggle cuz when you said Jack
    is climbing up the medical career ladder...I immediatately thought...oh and a
    hill, jack is climing up a hill! I must be in a goofy mood tonight, right?
    Jill is a cook...yep, one of my favorite careers. Cept, they always have to
    work the week-end.

    XkidsinLoveX: Well, so should join! The more the merrier, yes? Hi, Tracey.
    LOL, hey you! Funny...think I am the same way. Nice to meet you! Ps: I left a
    welcome to the thread comment earlier...but this is my offical comment. I was
    in a hurry this morning. I had to go to work. Darn work.

    Colorist: Your mechanic is Chris, too? Ooooh that is funny. I sure don't wanna
    buy a new vacuum. I might take one more look at it before it goes to the shop.

    LunBeauty: *waives* good to see you found the place.

    Simlish1 *waves*

    Painterly: Good shot! I know how it is to be running out of time...I had to go
    to work this morning and was rushing around like a madhatter! Hope you had a
    good day.

    XkidsinLoveX: I like the "new to town" starters. I dunno why, I just do. This
    is fun cuz Franchesca acually had a reason to come to town, her great Aunt's
    Trailer. Well, I hope that Franchesca wasn't closely connected with her aunt cuz
    then the recent death would make her first days in town so sad.
    A job with the police would be fun...yeah, being called a snitch would be kinda
    insulting...odd reference to a job position. I think she is more than a little
    taken with the handsome romance!
    He seems like the serious type..very taken with his work...he hardly notices
    her efforts to be noticed, by him! Men!
    Ah, but she got his attention and sorta a date in the bargin.
    Looks like the two of them are having a pretty good time together. This
    relationship could be promising.

    GBA91101Nver4get: Sounds like Jack and Jill are doing pretty good. They have
    two kids already...the family is growing. Ambitions is a fun's fun
    to do what you did...I do that often myself.
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    wolfkomoki1wolfkomoki1 Posts: 5,053 Member
    edited April 2014
    So I just got sims 2 seasons so I started a new family in RiverBlossom Hills.
    Jake and Ryan are dealing with an adopted baby who is now a toddler. Jake potty trains Mark.

    It just became spring, and little mark is playing with his toys.

    Ryan decides to visit downtown.

    There she finds a plantsim.

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    RawkxyRawkxy Posts: 43 New Member
    edited April 2014
    Hello everyone,

    Happy to see this thread remade, I couldn't for the life of me figure out the old one n_n

    I love reading about everyone's little sim lives! I especially love sharing and looking at shared content in-game so ya'll should add me to your friends list if you're into that.

    I've started a new Legacy game which begins with George Foxdale and the love of his life, Markiah Rosado. Here is the TL;DR version ;3

    The two of them grew up together on Isla Paradiso. They were highschool sweethearts and spent almost every summer together on the island.



    Unfortunately the George and Marikah's parted as George was accepted into University. Marikah's family was unable to afford the higher education that George could... but George knew it was for the best, so that one day he could return and provide for the both of them and their family. George did not say goodbye to Markiah, instead he promised her he would return.

    George is Charismatic and has a real passion for politics, so he chose to major in Communications.
    He spent 3 Terms total in University before finally graduating with a perfect grade.

    While off attending University his father passed away, leaving a small inheritance in his name. With a heavy heart George returned to Isla Paradiso and seeked comfort in the only person he had left, Markiah. The two of them decided to start a new life, on the mainland. They packed up and headed for Appaloosa plains. Marikah aspired to live on a farm, and George was looking for a small town to start his Politcal career in. It was perfect...
    ...too bad the move was not n___n;;; Spent a bit too much on building the farm...
    ...and didn't have much money left over for furniture lol! At least with George's degree he was able to get a great job quickly!~ It will be a fun challenge at least :P Since I don't use money cheats lol
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    dreamerz13dreamerz13 Posts: 9,927 Member
    edited April 2014
    Okay so we'll be checking in with Sienna and Olivia this time. For those who don't know Sienna and Olivia are twin sisters, being the 3rd and 4th children of 8 total (from the father's 2 relationships). It's a large family and I rotate between households, so I'll try and recap who everybody is for those who don't know.

    Sienna, checking her mail one morning received a sphere of ivy with a letter attached (because who doesn't get potted plants in their mailbox?),

    I was just thinking of you and thought you might like this. Call me.

    it was from Vanessa!

    Vanessa is Sienna's co-worker and friend, but Sienna is interested in being more than just friends.

    Sienna eagerly called Vanessa and they agreed to go on a date later that evening.

    They had a nice candlelit dinner at the bistro, one of the townies was even playing some lovely music with his guitar for everyone at the bistro. Sienna and Vanessa were getting along great and Sienna was really happy.

    Caught up in the moment Sienna went in for a kiss before they parted ways, Vanessa kissed her back. She couldn't have been happier.

    The only problem is that she's completely unaware that Vanessa is also seeing her older brother, Tyler (and some other guy for that matter, but that's a bit less important).

    I don't even remember where I last left off with Olivia but she's currently unemployed, which given her poor work ethic is not surprising.

    She's become less obsessed with staying home and playing on the computer though, fortunately.

    She even went to the summer festival, where she took an interest in the food merchant. She loudly (and obnoxiously) introduced herself.

    He though she was hilarious, and hearts flew.

    In an attempt to flirt she told a ghost story (I didn't say it was a good attempt), he sat and listened (Nobody needs food anyway), and hearts flew.

    I think Olivia has found herself a boyfriend.
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    UnlockedinfernoUnlockedinferno Posts: 208 Member
    edited April 2014
    @simlish1 Congratulations on the two new arrivals I look forward to seeing how they turn out.

    @Mikezumi Hey, nice looking lads you have their.

    @LBell good luck with your exam, I want to see you do better than your sim-self and get A*.

    @IreneSwift I love Danielle’s look the freckles are so cute.

    @TadOlson Nice little update.
    wickichick wrote:
    Unlockedinferno: Nice outfits for Charlotte. Isn't it fun to recolor and mixing various outfits?
    It’s so much fun and so addictive. I spend so much time just messaging about with patterns and colours.

    @Rawkxy beautiful pictures, Marikah is absolutely stunning. Good looking of getting some money together for more furniture.

    @dreamerz13 I sense trouble ahead for Sienna and Vanessa once Sienna finds out Vanessa is seeing her older brother.
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    and-it-is-onand-it-is-on Posts: 1,364 Member
    edited April 2014
    7 new pages already?! :shock: You guys are too fast
    wickichick wrote:
    and-it-is-on: *waves back* Yay, you found our new place!
    I did :mrgreen:
    dreamerz13 wrote:
    and-it-is-on- Hi, good to see you in the new thread. :mrgreen:
    You too :mrgreen:

    MayaRose1138- Your superhero duo are fun

    Unlockedinferno- Charlotte's new hair is nice. Oh no Jared turned down the kiss, that's never fun.
    Omg "At least Gus is doing something important..." :lol: I love that but it resulted in a fire so that's not good. I would have yelled at him too, it's probably a good thing that she ended the relationship. It's nice that she ended it on a happy note. Things seemed to go really well with Jared that night. Gus calling was classic :P especially right in the middle of watching the stars haha.

    Colorist40- That conversation between Shrek and his dad was intense. Poor Fiona, I can just imagine what her reaction is going to be when she hears about it.

    Interesting other family, I like Kristopher Ralston, Precious Hope should be happy :wink:

    XKidsInLoveX- Hi, welcome :D I mean hey you :wink:
    I love Chessie and Andrew, they would make a cute couple. Can't wait to see what happens with them.

    Painterly27- Your sims look interesting

    LunBeauty- I love the faces the kids make when they do homework, I do feel sorry for them though :lol:
    Very good James, declining the date. I'm sure Olivia wouldn't have been very impressed if he said yes.
    They mostly all got pretty good gifts from the gift giving party. I hate when everyone gets something useless.
    Yay they had a girl! I love the name Hadley by the way. Omg she's adorable!!! I just want to cuddle her :D

    Simmer999- Welcome :D
    Ooh that sounds interesting, waking up with 100 million in her pocket. There is definitely more to this story, I'm intrigued :D

    simlish1- That house is cute and so is your sim self. Aw Liam proposed. Welcome baby Lincoln :D He looks just like his dad. Oh another baby, welcome Nelson :D

    KatieTerrorFace- Typical paparazzi :roll: :lol:
    Marina sounds like she has had a great life and what an interesting life! I like her style, she seems fun.

    Simmelina1- I like the name Enrique

    Mikezumi- Those boys are cute

    LBell- Your simself is cute :D You're right Javis is not bad looking at all, it will be interesting to see what their baby looks like.

    IreneSwift- I like your family, they are so cute. The background story was great. It is funny that you didn't want a big family but now you have 7 in the house. When things like that happen, things you didn't plan sometimes make it even more fun :D

    TadOlson- Nice update.

    AiHaou- I hope you enjoy seasons :D
    Mark looks like a cutie. Ryan is pretty.
    I've never really seen a sims 2 plantsim before :O

    Rawkxy- Aw I thought you were going to say George and Markiah broke up. I'm glad he is coming back, they are cute together :D
    Good luck with getting more furniture, it would be a fun challenge. They will appreciate things more that way :wink:

    dreamerz13- Oh it's not normal to get potted plants in the mail? :lol:
    Aw Sienna and Vanessa :D but Vanessa being with Tyler will definitely complicate things. Awkward.
    Olivia definitely needs to hook up with that guy, if he is totally into her after that introduction and attempt at flirting then he's a keeper (he's cute too :D )

    Phew that was a lot to get through :P Sorry if I missed anybody.
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    FuzzySlipers45FuzzySlipers45 Posts: 1,343 Member
    edited April 2014
    Hi all! I'll do comments after this post, don't worry :mrgreen:

    I created a sim who is a government scientist investigating the recent incline of UFO sightings in Twinbrook. However, to maintain the integrity of the investigation, it's all being done far from town, in an underground lab.


    Mizuki Koyanagi
    Rank: Scientist
    Traits: Brave, Loner, No Sense Of Humour, Disciplined, Computer Wizz.
    LTW: Master 3 Skills

    And this is her lab! Well, the above ground part of it anyway. The 1st basement floor contains her living space, 2nd basement floor contains a small lab.


    Mizuki spends most of her time studying, since interacting with the locals would risk blowing her cover.




    When she has a bit of spare time before bed though, she loves to play her bass.


    She hasn't found any signs of aliens yet, but she'll keep looking!


    I always forget how pretty Twinbrook is.

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    and-it-is-onand-it-is-on Posts: 1,364 Member
    edited April 2014
    FuzzySlipers45- Mizuki is super cute. I'm sure she'll find aliens one day :D
    I played in Twinbrook once and I thought it was boring but I keep hearing lots of people saying how good it is :?: It must be just me, or maybe I didn't give that world a chance. Hmmmmm...
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    LunBeautyLunBeauty Posts: 2,734 Member
    edited April 2014
    Simmelina1: Enrique is a cutie as well. :)

    Unlockedinferno: Gus seems to be a good father, but I'm glad that he and Charlotte decided to remain just friends. He just doesn't seem like good husband material. I'm kind of on the fence about Jared. I just think that Charlotte can do so much better. But that's probably just my finickiness when it comes to guys talking. :lol:

    Simmer999: It's coming along pretty nicely. :)

    simlish1: Aww, red headed babies for the win! I love it! Elise is going to have her hands full raising two boys. :lol:

    Colorist40: Wow, congratulations on getting an elder on the epic setting. Those sims are gorgeous. :) Hailey is still my favorite. Her eyes are just, ugh! I'm so jealous! D:

    Mikezumi: Ooh, nothing like nice eye candy to make my day. ;)

    LBell: Your simself seems mildly scary, yet entertaining at the same time. :lol:

    IreneSwift: This seems like an interesting story. I definitely want to read more. :)

    TadOlson: Great update!

    AiHaou: Congratulations on getting Sims 2 Seasons. :) Riverblossom was always one of my favorite places. :)

    Rawkxy: I don't think I've seen you before. Welcome to the thread! Your sims are so good looking Marikah is gorgeous! I love her dark hair and red lipstick. It contrasts nicely with her fair skin. :)

    dreamerz13: Nice update. :) I like Vanessa's hair. Ooh, I sense some drama in the future. Lol, maybe I should try Olivia's tactics. :lol: Yell really loudly at the guys through a megaphone and then tell cheesy ghost stories. Apparently, that's the best way to get a boyfriend these days. :lol:

    FuzzySlipers45: Mizuki is such a little nerd. I love her! :D
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    KatieTerrorFaceKatieTerrorFace Posts: 480 Member
    edited April 2014
    Rawkxy wrote:
    Unfortunately the George and Marikah's parted as George was accepted into University. Marikah's family was unable to afford the higher education that George could... but George knew it was for the best, so that one day he could return and provide for the both of them and their family. George did not say goodbye to Markiah, instead he promised her he would return.


    So many stories, but all fun to read! Good stuff, everyone. ^^
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    FuzzySlipers45FuzzySlipers45 Posts: 1,343 Member
    edited April 2014
    Okay comments!

    Pg. 7

    XKidsInLoveX You're welcome! That's the great part about this game, no save file is ever like the rest! You did a good job on Andrew! I don't have Supernatural, but from your pictures it looks lovely!

    LBell If only real life we're that easy! If I never passed an exam I'd be beyond failing lol. Javis, eh? Sometimes I wonder where EA get's their names from, never heard that one before!

    Simmer999 So sorry to hear that! Atleast you have pictures to go off of!

    IreneSwift I always ALWAYS tell myself I'm going to have small families, and I never do. Danielle is very pretty, she looks a bit like your avatar? Is there a relation there? I can see Nathan pretty clearly in all 3 girls, lol, especially Daisy. Very unique names for the adopted boys! Unique names are always my favourite. A photo booth as a wedding gift! Sims always get the coolest things.

    Simmer999 I'm glad you still have your sims! Have a good sleep!

    Page 8:

    TadOlson Hi! The Ivanovitchs sure have a lot to do, being settlers!

    AiHaou I miss Sims 2, seeing your pictures makes me tempted to install it, but I know my computer wouldn't be able to handle both 2 and 3. Lovely update!

    Rawkxy Welcome! Aww, that picture of George and Markiah playing in the water is so precious. What a beautiful farmhouse! That covered porch is gorgeous! Who needs furniture anyways :wink:

    dreamer13 Potted plants, how romantic :lol: Uh oh, watch out Sienna, Vanessa might be trouble! Good to see Olivia has found herself some who understands her way of doing things!

    and-it-is-on I've only ever played Twinbrook twice, but I'm liking it so far! Thanks for the compliment on Mizuki :-)

    LunBeauty Thank you very much! I'm very proud of how she turned out, I haven't made an Asian sim in awhile.

    And that's that!
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    MayaRose1138MayaRose1138 Posts: 1,798 Member
    edited April 2014
    LunBeauty wrote:
    MayaRose1138: It's nice to see people using the Movie Stuff Pack on their sims. A superhero family would be interesting. :)

    I'm going to have to find all the superhero stuff from the pack to outfit their house when I decide where they're going to live. I've decided to play through the three families I have at the moment and then I'll play a couple of silly ones :)
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    MayaRose1138MayaRose1138 Posts: 1,798 Member
    edited April 2014
    Nik24X7 wrote:
    @MayaRose1138 - Yes, Darren is a fast mover in this story. Normally, I wouldn't rush it. But he's already several days into his Young Adult life stage at the beginning of play, so I didn't want to wait too long before having him marry Darleen and ultimately have a son, Dirk. But I'm getting ahead of myself. As for names for your Superhero Sims, I suggest Magenta and Magneto.

    I read Magenta as Magneta originally! They are good suggestions and I'm leaning towards Magenta at the moment but Magneto I associate with the X-Men :) I went to the name generator that dreamerz13 suggested and I'm partial towards Blizzard or Maverick. Or Griffon, maybe. Then I'll have to figure out last names! Thank you for the suggestions :)
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    and-it-is-onand-it-is-on Posts: 1,364 Member
    edited April 2014
    I have an update yay!

    Toby invited his girlfriend over so she could have her birthday. I figured out her name! :lol: it's Megan
    It was a horrible day, it was hailing when she arrived so they celebrated inside
    She is gorgeous! Oh my gosh I love her so much
    Toby couldn't keep his hands off her, they are such a good couple
    Toby asked if she wanted to stay the night, of course she said yes. Dante took an opportunity to introduce himself to her

    The next morning was graduation day for Toby and Megan
    Toby was valedictorian and voted most likely to have a million dollars :P
    Toby and Megan took a photo to celebrate and remember the day
    They spent the rest of the day together at the festival then went on a date later that night which they ended by watching the stars together
    Oh yeah they are definitely getting married lol

    I took so many pics of them but I wont spam you with them :P
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    MayaRose1138MayaRose1138 Posts: 1,798 Member
    edited April 2014
    I really love your sims attire! Are you playing a period game? Or are they dressed for something special? I think its awesome youve found a good use for the versallies set, Ive yet to use it in game! Cant wait to see more.

    Yep, I am doing a game set somewhere in the 18th century (1700 - 1800). It's really fun to do something different. I have quite a few pics now, so I'll get more up as soon as I can.

    Oooh, that looks lovely :) Are the outfits part of the set or another set/pack? I would love to play in that type of world. I might go download the world Nik24x7 recommended and send my fairy family to live there... or create an entirely different family :)

    Edit: I downloaded the town and shifted my fairy family there but I can't get into the house I want. The Argamanac Homestead or something like that (I forget the spelling). It won't let my sims enter the building so I guess I'll have to wait and figure that out another day!
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    MayaRose1138MayaRose1138 Posts: 1,798 Member
    edited April 2014
    dreamerz13 wrote:
    MayaRose1138- Lovely sims, a superhero duo sounds pretty awesome. No name ideas, but I would probably browse Seventh Sanctum and see if I could get a good name, they have different name generators, dunno if any would work for your superheros though.

    That gave me a few ideas. For the woman: Spirit Song, Tempest Eternity or Magenta Knight. For the man: Maverick, Blizzard or Griffon (none of the last names were particularly good :)) Now I just have to narrow it down!

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