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Grey Meadow, the Industrial Hub


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    QuailhogsQuailhogs Posts: 933 Member
    edited February 2013
    Thank you, that means a lot. While I cannot say that I dislike Bridgeport, I do think a lot of the premade worlds overuse modern architecture, which I have never been a huge fan of. My worlds are built to my own liking. I do try to leave some room for customization, but I am not here to supply people with a blank canvas to build their own paradise on. I do not see the appeal in putting in my own time and effort into supplying a base template, for it just seems boring to me. There are a lot of nicer, more selfless people then me to take to that task instead. I am just happy that others can appreciate my deranged imagination.

    Regarding this world, the designation could have gone either way. I'm not too certain, but as a city, the world would not be able to spawn wild animals (I think). While Fortress Rock/Stoneshields has green space, the vast majority of the world is urban. Here, it would in fact make more sense to see animals roaming around. Even if you see a deer frolicking through the industrial park, I guess that emphasizes how weird this world is.

    I am done rambling and not actually responding to what you said.
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    Writin_RegWritin_Reg Posts: 28,907 Member
    edited February 2013

    It is indeed your unique take on the world that makes your worlds such an adventure in their selves. I always try and play them a bit different than a general world as they are different and really try to keep with the program - so to speak. I like theme worlds for that very reason, it is like having another totally different game. I would not enjoy playing in worlds that was just remakes of other worlds or use the same style of play in all worlds. I do try hard to stick within the themes and times I feel like I am stepping into.

    I agree I absolutely could not see modern in this world or actual any of these three worlds I have of yours. They are perfect the way they are. When ever I need another lot I generally just copy one of yours that fits and change the interior a little, and the yard make it a bit different than the one it was copied from. I stay in your style and pattern so it fits and looks like it belongs.

    I like to treat most of your residents as refined old school wise people set in their ways and not about to change. I do enjoy the new proper manners trait and the brooding one as well - it works well in your worlds.

    But I fully agree your worlds are like a fine work of art and shouldn't be messed with and should stay within your vision. I often recommend all three.

    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.

    In dreams - I LIVE!
    In REALITY, I simply exist.....

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    Writin_RegWritin_Reg Posts: 28,907 Member
    edited February 2013
    Quailhogs - one way you could change the sims age back to YA is get the reward for it for the sim you want to turn young again. I did change out your houses for the matching ones with the ghosts, and want to try that with the family ghosts if my sim can get to know them well enough so he can bring them back proper like. So it may taker my sim a bit, but he ranks up the reward points rather quick. He is a male witch at the top of his game - has mastered everything just about and sells elxirs for a living. So hope to see how it all works out.

    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.

    In dreams - I LIVE!
    In REALITY, I simply exist.....

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    QuailhogsQuailhogs Posts: 933 Member
    edited February 2013
    Yeah, I kind of gave up on trying to age everyone back a while ago and now I have lost interest in doing such. It's enough work to add pets to all of the households that I originally intended on giving pets to.
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    QuailhogsQuailhogs Posts: 933 Member
    edited April 2013
    No, I haven't given up on this update. It has just been coming along rather slowly. By that, I mean I worked on it yesterday for the first time in about a month. Here is a list of things that will change.

    Old Places:
    -Exclusive Lounge, Asian Fusion Lounge, and the Poolside club are all gone, sorry.
    -Some of the apartments in the old town district are also gone. Sounds like a great update so far, right?
    -Numerous buildings have been modified ever so slightly with objects from Supernatural.

    New Places:
    -There is a new Fusion lounge that is located in a grain elevator.
    -There is also a supernatural hangout in a storage facility along with an alchemy shop and all of the lots to accommodate my newest expansion pack... the one that came out in the fall.
    -There are two tunnels added. One is purely for decoration while there is a house above the other.
    -I built a new City Hall. So if you dislike rabbit holes in the basement, you are not going to like it at all. The same thing goes for the hospital.
    -New housing projects in the industrial park.

    -Relocated the old town district to be closer to the industrial park. Carved a giant chunk out of the plateau for it.
    -Moved the church and historical museum to the old town district.
    -Moved the school and baseball field to the downtown area.
    -The middle class suburbs have been moved to where old town once was.
    -A new waterway was added, connecting the pond in the center of the gorge to the river.
    -Mountains were converted into hills. They just looked silly.
    -The water is now routable for the Seasons expansion.
    -Put in a wharf facility with a new diner by the loading area.
    -Modified the roadways in the industrial park.

    Existing Families:
    -Got rid of the Sludge family. I didn't find them too interesting.
    -Evicted Gary Radford. The town has enough loners.
    -Modified the appearance and traits of some of the Sims. Nothing too drastic. Not like anyone plays this world enough to identify any difference.
    -I noticed that a lot of people download this world without the included stuff packs, so I changed the clothes of anyone equipped with items from Outdoor Living and Fast Lane Stuff. Most of the buy mode items I left, however.
    -Some of the Sims who were not in a supernatural state before are now. I tried not to go overboard.
    -The Blightwood family has been divided, finally.

    New Sims:
    -The Silva Family: the token faeries of this town. I made it quite clear that I am not a big fan of faeries.
    -Cornelius Wright and his dog, Betsy. They live in the new housing projects.
    -Brian Grimebell, Patrick Grimebell's younger brother.
    -Olivia Dermody. She's not really new; I just transferred her from Fortress Rock.
    -Pets have been added to several households.

    -Two new custom paintings, as I have posted on a previous page.
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    Writin_RegWritin_Reg Posts: 28,907 Member
    edited April 2013
    Sounds like a lot of hard work and can't wait to see it. I am totally loving Supernatural - the witches the most and love to have that stuff added for sure. Apartments gone don't bother me - I'm a house player mostly although I do try and play all the sims in a town a little bit so the game does not get any bright ideas about moving them out (as I do play EA story progression), so I do see your apartment dwellers and their apartments. For some reason I am drawing a blank on the Sludge family. Now I have to go back in my game and go look them up, as perhaps I missed playing them. Weird. They must have been real unpopular. hehehe.

    Anyway, looking forward to the update as this world will always be my fav I think out of all of yours.

    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.

    In dreams - I LIVE!
    In REALITY, I simply exist.....

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    QuailhogsQuailhogs Posts: 933 Member
    edited April 2013
    Sorry this is taking so long. I would have been finished earlier, but I was having problems with saving. I deleted all of the cache files, and I am not having the problem anymore, at least. Perhaps this update will be finished by the start of next week, if the saving dilemma does not return.
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    PurpleRosesPurpleRoses Posts: 3,796 Member
    edited April 2013
    Quailhogs wrote:
    Sorry this is taking so long. I would have been finished earlier, but I was having problems with saving. I deleted all of the cache files, and I am not having the problem anymore, at least. Perhaps this update will be finished by the start of next week, if the saving dilemma does not return.

    Awesome possum! Can't wait!
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    Writin_RegWritin_Reg Posts: 28,907 Member
    edited April 2013

    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.

    In dreams - I LIVE!
    In REALITY, I simply exist.....

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    QuailhogsQuailhogs Posts: 933 Member
    edited April 2013
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    screechingvilncescreechingvilnce Posts: 37 New Member
    edited April 2013
    were elm row and east tower intentionally set up as visiting areas? also, one of the town parks is labeled as a swimming hole.

    I use the latest version.
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    PurpleRosesPurpleRoses Posts: 3,796 Member
    edited April 2013
    Oh yay! I'm so excited to see what changes you've made!
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    QuailhogsQuailhogs Posts: 933 Member
    edited April 2013
    Screechingvilnce, I'm wondering how the hell any of that actually happened, especially considering how there is supposed to be a family living in the West Tower. Fortunately all of those problems should be easy for me to fix.
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    Writin_RegWritin_Reg Posts: 28,907 Member
    edited April 2013
    Well I already downloaded and reinstalled - so it will just stay that way if I can't fix it in my end - as otherwise it was running great. I didn't stay in long as I am busy with another project at the moment, and I mainly was just checking out stuff - maybe tomorrow I will get more time but I am sure I can reset those houses as residences and change the pool to park or visitors welcome - I think anyway. hehehe

    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.

    In dreams - I LIVE!
    In REALITY, I simply exist.....

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    KarinLKarinL Posts: 3,989 Member
    edited April 2013
    I haven't played the game at all for months, but I just recently started a new version of Grey Meadow because my old one loaded so slowly... I haven't gotten far, though, so I'll get the latest and greatest now. (I did save poor Radford and the Sludges to the bin, though - I've grown rather fond of them.)

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    PurpleRosesPurpleRoses Posts: 3,796 Member
    edited April 2013
    There is something wrong with the elevator in Building A. My Sim is not able to get into the elevator to get to the floor where her apartment is.
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    PritzoooPritzooo Posts: 227 Member
    edited April 2013
    Oh no, I tried to open the updated version in game and it crashed; looks like I really do need Showtime (nooo!). Nevermind, guess I'll just keep playing the older version. However could someone post pics of the new version? :roll:
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    PurpleRosesPurpleRoses Posts: 3,796 Member
    edited April 2013
    I was finally able to take a better look around the town without it crashing on me (it crashed on me three times on me yesterday, if you can believe that).

    I'm absolutely loving all the new changes! ^.^ I especially love what you did to the arboretum! That was was so creative, and I've never seen anything done like that!

    The only issues I've noticed is that some of the lots are incorrectly marked which you already know about, and the elevator in Building A. I tried to test the elevator for Building C, but the game crashed on me before I could do that. Assuming that Building C is basically just a copy, the elevator won't work in that building either.

    I'll definitely report back anything else I find, but for now, I'm just going to go enjoy it. : D
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    QuailhogsQuailhogs Posts: 933 Member
    edited April 2013
    Is the crashing caused by the world or by some other factor?
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    PurpleRosesPurpleRoses Posts: 3,796 Member
    edited April 2013
    Quailhogs wrote:
    Is the crashing caused by the world or by some other factor?

    It's my computer. It is being a major butt these past few days.
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    QuailhogsQuailhogs Posts: 933 Member
    edited April 2013
    Pritzooo, I posted pictures as I was working on the update. You can find them on page 23 of this thread.
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    PritzoooPritzooo Posts: 227 Member
    edited April 2013
    Quailhogs wrote:
    Pritzooo, I posted pictures as I was working on the update. You can find them on page 23 of this thread.
    :shock: it looks amazing! :-(
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    QuailhogsQuailhogs Posts: 933 Member
    edited April 2013
    Yes, you were right that buildings A and C function exactly the same. Fortunately, I was able to fix the elevator glitch without editing the external structure too much. I managed to neglect the fact that Sims need an absurd amount of space in order to enter and exit the elevator, so I had to reconfigure the hallways and make them look dumber for the sake of routing. I did not even need to go into the game to fix the incorrect lot types. Has anyone run into anymore problems?
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    QuailhogsQuailhogs Posts: 933 Member
    edited May 2013
    Okay, try <a href="">this</a&gt; one. I fixed the errors you pointed out.
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    QuailhogsQuailhogs Posts: 933 Member
    edited August 2013
    I've gotten to the point in my world in progress, Huntsborough, where I am just adding in sims, editing the terrain, and doing interior decorating, which gets boring rather quickly. I am going to take a break from that and update this dump of a town for Island Paradise.

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