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The Sims3 is my love and I appreciate all of you Simmers!

FairyGodMotherFairyGodMother Posts: 7,406 Member
edited March 5 in Nominated Threads
I have been Simming for 15 years now. I have met a lot of wonderful people in the Sims3 forums. Everyone is so nice, friendly, and helpful!

I have had a blast with the Sims3. A lot going on in RL, I miss coming here and seeing what you all are up to!

I take one day at a time, one step at a time..........but don't even think you all are getting rid of me! I will be here when I can and watching you all!

Post edited by EA_Cade on


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    FairyGodMotherFairyGodMother Posts: 7,406 Member
    Now to start out, I played the Sims3 over the weekend and made me a Fairy (yes, the pink fairy with blonde hair, LOL) I wanted a fairy baby!

    She met a townie, fell in love and married him. He has scales on his legs :o

    She became pregnant and I was so excited for my Sim! The baby wings........but scales :o


    Of course the townie ages to elder in 10 days (now 6). Just my luck :s
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    slimey01slimey01 Posts: 172 Member
    The opposite happened to me in my game! I had a fairy and was actually trying to get a baby mermaid, but the baby ended up being a fairy instead! I was going to try again, but the guy wasn't cooperating :stuck_out_tongue: So now I'm stuck with a pretty little fairy :smiley:
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    FairyGodMotherFairyGodMother Posts: 7,406 Member
    slimey01 wrote: »
    The opposite happened to me in my game! I had a fairy and was actually trying to get a baby mermaid, but the baby ended up being a fairy instead! I was going to try again, but the guy wasn't cooperating :stuck_out_tongue: So now I'm stuck with a pretty little fairy :smiley:

    Did your Sim have the baby at the hospital? Maybe they switched our babies :o
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    slimey01slimey01 Posts: 172 Member
    slimey01 wrote: »
    The opposite happened to me in my game! I had a fairy and was actually trying to get a baby mermaid, but the baby ended up being a fairy instead! I was going to try again, but the guy wasn't cooperating :stuck_out_tongue: So now I'm stuck with a pretty little fairy :smiley:

    Did your Sim have the baby at the hospital? Maybe they switched our babies :o

    Haha no she had her at home :p Unfortunately there was no switching involved. I guess I'll just have to find another mermaid and try again :stuck_out_tongue:
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    Carmen0908Carmen0908 Posts: 2,721 Member
    Hello *waves* Nice to meet you :smile:
    Aww, the merbaby is very sweet, a fairybaby would be cool though, I don't have SN so I've never played with fairies. Can you get merfairies, lol?
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    slimey01slimey01 Posts: 172 Member
    edited January 2015
    Carmen0908 wrote: »
    Hello *waves* Nice to meet you :smile:
    Aww, the merbaby is very sweet, a fairybaby would be cool though, I don't have SN so I've never played with fairies. Can you get merfairies, lol?

    No merfaries :stuck_out_tongue: I wish you could have them though :confused: They can only be one or the other. None of the different supernatural types can overlap.
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    FairyGodMotherFairyGodMother Posts: 7,406 Member
    *waves back @Carmen0908 Thank you, she is a cutie pie! Guess I will try again next time I play and hope for a fairy baby, LOL

    A merfairy sounds great and interesting ;) Cant have them though :(


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    FairyGodMotherFairyGodMother Posts: 7,406 Member
    *yawns* Well, its bedtime for me then working tonight!

    *hugs to everyone*
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,736 Member
    Hello :) It is great that you have started your own thread. Your mermaid baby is very cute! :)
    Enjoy simming! : )
    I hope that you have a restful sleep and that your work goes well tonight.
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    njwilson1986njwilson1986 Posts: 629 Member
    I own the store YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    YellowJaneYellowJane Posts: 6,589 Member
    I'm glad you have a good time here ^_^ I hope you continue to have, too!
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    CandySims14CandySims14 Posts: 475 Member
    LOL @njwilson1986! :D

    Hi @charlotteprice! *waves* :) I'm really happy that you're enjoying your game! I can't believe the baby didn't have wings though! <slaps forehead> :\
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    njwilson1986njwilson1986 Posts: 629 Member
    Do I need supernatural EP for this? I would cross breed the hell out of this game lol
    I own the store YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    simgeek79simgeek79 Posts: 2,173 Member
    Hi @charlotteprice congratulations on your first thread!! Looks good :D Thank you for updating us on your fairy. I was wondering what the outcome of your sim union was. I had typed up a post on my phone the other night at my son's hockey game and accidently lost the whole thing and couldn't bear to re-type it on my teeny tiny keypad (bad eyes :s ) She is cute despite her scales and lack of wings. I haven't played with my supernatural ep yet (not enough time in the day!!) I'm curious though, which occult gives scaly legs? Hope work went well and you didn't get covered in ink again - haha : ) Enjoy your sims <3
    I now Own the Store!!...Thank you to everyone who helped me get here <3

    Are u new to the Store? Then check out: the Daily Deal Thread
    - Cascades & Daily Deals & Love Kids Stuff? Check this out!
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    FairyGodMotherFairyGodMother Posts: 7,406 Member
    I am on my tablet. Still at work will reply to you all when I get home.

    I never use this but the screen is bigger than my phone. Where is sierri when you need it not that she understood me anyway. I am not smart enough to have a smartphone much less figure a tablet out. Not use to this technology stuff B)

    I must be missing you all to spend my lunch hour typing this, lol
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    ShannenShannen Posts: 2,811 Member
    Awwww your Merbaby is adorbs! Her mermaid scales looks so cute on her though. It's a shame that she wasn't born a fairy, like you had hoped but maybe there is time for your sim to have another baby? Or maybe when Merbaby grows up she will meet a fairy man?
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    FairyGodMotherFairyGodMother Posts: 7,406 Member
    rosemow wrote: »
    Hello :) It is great that you have started your own thread. Your mermaid baby is very cute! :)
    Enjoy simming! : )
    I hope that you have a restful sleep and that your work goes well tonight.

    Thank you rosemow! I need to put her in a pink dress to match her scales, LOL

    Work went well, was hoping to get out a little early, but that seldom happens :(

    Sorry I have not been over to Sims4 to offer support and hugs. I find the Sims4 forums still toxic (LOL) and I get so disappointed when I visit those threads :s That is not a good excuse though but I am trying to stay away from there now.

    Thanks for visiting me over here, really appreciate that :D

    *BIG HUGS "
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    FairyGodMotherFairyGodMother Posts: 7,406 Member

    Yes, me too :D I just had my Sim jump in a relationship and get married so I could have one. But that didn't happen, LOL
    The one she married becomes an elder in about 6 days last I played. I cant stand that! Why are most the townies turning elderly AFTER your sim gets involved? *sigh*

    You would think I would learn a lesson and just go with making my own Sim for her, LOL


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    FairyGodMotherFairyGodMother Posts: 7,406 Member
    YellowJane wrote: »
    I'm glad you have a good time here ^_^ I hope you continue to have, too!

    I do have a good time, it just doesn't last long like it use to :(

    I was so set on Sims4 that it was such a disappointment. I know I will get back in the swing of things with time :s

    I played Sims3 (and the previous series) sooooo much. Played it from the time I got home from work till bedtime. Then played it constantly on my nights off work.......all night long. I did do "chores" at home in between though :D

    Thanks for visiting my thread B)

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    FairyGodMotherFairyGodMother Posts: 7,406 Member
    edited January 2015
    LOL @njwilson1986! :D

    Hi @charlotteprice! *waves* :) I'm really happy that you're enjoying your game! I can't believe the baby didn't have wings though! <slaps forehead> :\

    <<reaches over and slaps your forehead......... :o

    Guess my Sim needs to find another man because I bet if she had another baby by him, it will have scales too :(

    I have never played a mermaid, but don't really have the desire either! Maybe I will try being a werewolf? ohhhhhhhhh, but they are so f u g l y :s
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    FairyGodMotherFairyGodMother Posts: 7,406 Member
    simgeek79 wrote: »
    Hi @charlotteprice congratulations on your first thread!! Looks good :D Thank you for updating us on your fairy. I was wondering what the outcome of your sim union was. I had typed up a post on my phone the other night at my son's hockey game and accidently lost the whole thing and couldn't bear to re-type it on my teeny tiny keypad (bad eyes :s ) She is cute despite her scales and lack of wings. I haven't played with my supernatural ep yet (not enough time in the day!!) I'm curious though, which occult gives scaly legs? Hope work went well and you didn't get covered in ink again - haha : ) Enjoy your sims <3

    Thank you!

    I am not sure if the mermaids came with IP or SN?

    Yeah, you should have seen me trying to type on the tablet early this morning.......geezzzzzzz

    I didn't get covered in ink, I learned to put gloves on :D However, I did wear my white shirt and ended up with chocolate on it (lunchtime) :s

    I cant win for loosing, LOL

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    FairyGodMotherFairyGodMother Posts: 7,406 Member
    Shannen wrote: »
    Awwww your Merbaby is adorbs! Her mermaid scales looks so cute on her though. It's a shame that she wasn't born a fairy, like you had hoped but maybe there is time for your sim to have another baby? Or maybe when Merbaby grows up she will meet a fairy man?

    Yes, she is cute even with the scales!

    I usually don't play any of my Sims too long before starting another Sim in another world, LOL

    I have this one saved, so will be playing it and as for the fairy man? Seems the men carry most all traits on to their kids? She didn't even have blonde hair :o

    Thanks for visiting me ;)

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    FairyGodMotherFairyGodMother Posts: 7,406 Member
    My Sim WILL have a Fairy Baby! LOL


    I am a dreamer.......always have been! When I saw this I had to post it! Beautiful!
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    simgeek79simgeek79 Posts: 2,173 Member
    Lol @charlotte price, the white shirt magnet, never fails to get slopped on - haha :D
    I've been picking up the fairy sets from the store hopefully I'll get some time soon to try my own fairy family - you have inspired me :) Off to work now in my busy print dark shirt where no slops show ;) Have a great day <3
    I now Own the Store!!...Thank you to everyone who helped me get here <3

    Are u new to the Store? Then check out: the Daily Deal Thread
    - Cascades & Daily Deals & Love Kids Stuff? Check this out!

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