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What happened in your sims 3 game today?


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    jordandjordand Posts: 262 Member
    @Cororon, is the yoga mat and aerobic step in your pictures a CC item?
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    jordandjordand Posts: 262 Member
    @Beck1590, I hope you'll keep posting updates! It sounds like the makings of a very cute story! :)
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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,398 Member
    Great updates everyone... :)

    Well we just got back not too long ago from looking at the baby birdies at the pet store and we have put down a down payment on one of them. The guy had 3 green Quaker Parrots when we got there, so the hubby brought out one of them for me to see and then went back and got another one. After he brought the 2nd one out, the 1st one didn't want to stay there with me, so I passed that one back to the hubby while I took the 2nd one. So he took the 1st back into the room with the baby birdies were at and put that back down and brought out the 3rd one. So the 2nd one didn't want to stay and be petted, so I passed that one off to the hubby and took the 3rd one. The 3rd one took to snuggling next to my arm right away and then climbed up on my shoulder and snuggled as close to my neck as it could get. Then it would look right up at me whenever we had placed him/her back on the counter so that I could look at the baby. It then gave my hand hugs which our little birdie would do all of the time, so we knew that as the one that we wanted. So we will go back hopefully at the beginning of July to pick it up. The babies are still being hand-fed 3 times a day with the eye dropper. I could had brought it home with me and did the feedings myself but didn't want to as I have never did hand-feedings before, so I will leave the hand-feedings to store workers until they are done being hand-fed... :)
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @CravenLestat Nice pictures of Lola :smile:

    @Beck1590 Sorry that your hard drive crashed :( I always try to back everything up
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    CororonCororon Posts: 4,276 Member
    @Cororon Can I download them anywhere?

    I make them when I get ideas for pics, and I don't bother making them pose list compatible (that would take more time) and I often cheat a little, like not posing bodyparts that won't be seen in the pics. And most of the time they go in the trash can when I'm done. I have never uploaded a pose, but I might do it in the future. :blush:

    How about learning how to make your own poses? It's relaxing and as fun as playing your game. :smiley:
    aricarai wrote: »
    @Cororon: Absolutely loving the layerable socks and poses? Do you make loads of CC?

    Thanks! :smiley: I make some simple CC, like changing the pics in paintings so I'll have family portraits and stuff, and I put pics on shirts. Socks and stockings are simple to make, because you don't have to make/change meshes. I'm scared of meshes. :lol:
    jordand wrote: »
    @Cororon, is the yoga mat and aerobic step in your pictures a CC item?

    The step and dumbbells are CC, and the mat is EA's that I recoloured in CASt. They are deco only, but I used poses I made for them, and OMSP (One More Slot Please) and Tipsy OMSP to put the dumbbells in the sims' hands.
    @Cororon I think that hobo pretending he is sleeping next to you on the subway stole your purse to buy booze.How the heck did you still buy gym equipment,he had all your credit cards.At least he didn't steal your shell toe Adidas :p

    It's my grandsim Josefin, and she kept her cards well hidden. :wink: The hobo sure needs new shoes, but Josefin's Adidas would be too small for him, and they are worn out anyway. :tongue:

    Hm... I'm looking at your pics, but can't see what the Body Sculptor did? Is there a difference? :open_mouth:

    @Beck1590 Nice update!
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    TadOlsonTadOlson Posts: 11,380 Member
    @CravenLestat -I should build a community garden for you to use and one visit to that build would change things.I've allowed harvesting to be one way of making money in games like yours except that I was starting a new town out.Great pictures!
    @jillbg -Great picture!Thanks for the comment.It's for marking a lot as residential without issues in the game.
    @ZhakiraP -THanks for the comment.I'm getting ready to start going live.
    @aricarai -I've got to watch your videos.
    @bekkasan -Thanks for the comment.
    @PalmArrow -That corrupted save sounds like the way things started in my one with Claire Ursine dying and her baby getting taken.It started that way and careers got assigned to wrong ages.It also started with that in the one where my family's baby was taken.
    @Cororon -Great update!
    @Beck1590 -Great start!I've been buying external hard drives to keep back ups on and move overload files off my main hard drive.
    @lisasc360 -Thanks for your comment.It looks like you might get to have a new friend soon.
    Here's my Sunset Valley2 update below.
    Salisbury Beach,Massachusetts-Under Construction.
    Lot got flattened for placing a junkyard or building.
    I ended up placing a pre-built junkyard to get it down quickly.
    Here's inside the building on the lot.
    The junkyard's location in map view from edit town.
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    msbeckycatmsbeckycat Posts: 3,445 Member
    My website and household went nuts so started fresh. I want to have it more organized. Working on chapter 5 of my main household.
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,141 Member
    edited June 2017
    Hey everyone :)

    It's been a busy Father's Day Sunday (sending wishes out to those of you who are Fathers <3 ) so no time to do feedback today, but I wanted to get on and say that I have enjoyed reading your posts and of course have given out Likes and Awesomes. :) Thank you to those of you who replied back to me.

    It might take another evening to finish and perfect Part 2 of Sam's update. This one is a little deep..... I appreciate your patience as I work to get it up and posted for your enjoyment. :blush:<3

    Have a great evening everyone and as always: Happy Simming! :mrgreen:

    Edit: dang typos. :p
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    DyingLightDyingLight Posts: 309 Member
    edited June 2017
    It's been a while since I posted on this thread. I took a break a few months ago, but I started playing The Sims 3 again back in April. I'm playing a gay household with 2 teens (a girl and a boy) and a simbot, they also have a cat, a dog and a horse. Today I decided that my simbot hated humans and humanity (after being a slave for many years.) Lol, here are some of the pics I took:

    "Hey look! an asteroid is going to destroy earth and kill us all look out!!!" The poor maid was peeing herself LOL. "Woah! Noo! I still have dishes to do!"

    "Littering is so much fun!!! You see I told you!!!" "OMG I'm having so much fun!!!"

    "Do you mean humanity is doomed? Yay!" "Yes, you've done unrepairable damage by teaching sims how to litter and scaring them to death by telling them that the earth is gona get hit by a HUGE asteroid. The slim chances simkind had in order to live peacefully in the future are over. I hope you're happy you EVIL robot!!! *disappears*"

    Then my simbot went into the future in order to visit his boyfriend. "Kisses taste so much better in the middle of a post-apocalyptic cesspool" "Are you as miserable as I am? I bet you are! I wuv u!!!!"

    But oh oh... my simbot's bf's wife was also in the park that day. :( "You're cheating on me with this??? This thing??? OMG, I want a divorce!!! This sucks!!! Everything sucks!!! And you suck! You haven't taken a shower in 2 weeks! This is it. I'm leaving!"

    In the meantime my human sims were visiting with their descendants. But all of them were dirty, so I made one of my witch sims cast a hygiene spell on one of the females. "Oh please don't kill me! If you kill me you'll never be born! Oh wait... :neutral:"

    It didn't work. The sims are still dirty! "Sorry I scared you. I was just trying to help." "It doesn't matter! Give me a hug!" "Yes, but keep away from me please..."

    One stranger asked my sim for an autograph "Oh, thank you so much! I have all your CD's! They are such classics!!! I'm a huge fan of you" "Umm really? I never realized my music was.... so old."

    And this is the dystopian future I'd never played with before. It's so deppresing... My sim's house was hit by an asteroid 2 days after they arrived and it started a fire (I had to call the fireman) which sucks, but the thunderstorms are pretty cool. I tried to take a picture of the thunder, but they were so fast I wasn't able to. I just managed to take a picture of an asteroid.

    And all the buildings are dirty. I <3 ITF, it's one of my fave EPs. So underrated. :) LOL.
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    CororonCororon Posts: 4,276 Member
    Made more poses and a pic today, but will wait until I have a few before I post.

    @CravenLestat Oh, now I see! :smiley: Yeah, she looks better with more body mass. :smile:

    @TadOlson Thanks! :smiley:
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    Kaylie883Kaylie883 Posts: 180 Member
    Hi guys! Loved all of your updates. Here's my latest episode to my series Coming Home.
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    LimeLime Posts: 2 New Member
    @PalmArrow Nice! Its cool to see it went well!

    @ZhakiraP His face is priceless! XD

    So much has happened since my last post!
    My sim had a son named Lemon and he named a star after his son. We got a flood of pets for some reason, the two dogs they already had, had a puppy named Bear (which Lemon took with him when he moved out) they're third dog Ginger passed away.
    Oh! and Lemon Adopted a horse named Kitkat! and his house got broken into XD

    (sorry idk how to post images here QwQ)

    my sim Lime and his two dogs Apple and Peach~
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member
    @PalmArrow Love the plans you have for William. The boarding school looks awesome. Love the colors and style you've chosen.

    @aricarai That is so sweet looking.

    @Cororon Cute poses and cool cc stuff. I've never been on a subway, but that is how I've imagined they look....used. Love the clutter on the floor with newspaper and liquor bottle. :) Your stockings look very pretty. The girls are adorable in their outfits.

    @CravenLestat Nice wedding gifts! Lola is adorable in her new outfit.

    @Beck1590 Your story sounds interesting and fun. Look forward to more.

    @lisasc360 Your new bird sounds super.

    @TadOlson Nice update.

    @DyingLight Enjoyed the update. Lots of crazy things going on. Cool pics of the dystopian future

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Page 1600

    @msbeckycat Sorry Ahmed's performance was ruined :(

    @lisasc360 That's great that you made a wallpaper in your bird's memory :)
    It really sux that you and your husband need to keep calling them! They are providing a service, for crying out loud! They need to get their act together :#

    @venusdemilosims I hope the pain settles soon *hugs*

    @emorrill Congrats on page 1,600! :D

    @CravenLestat Great video! I love seeing my sims dance on counters :)

    @thuggishsplicer Hi! Nice to see you popping in :) You have set yourself a huge task reading all those back pages! :o
    Sorry you lost your screenshots but sometimes a fresh start is a good thing :)
    My son was clearing out files on his laptop yesterday and said he found 25GB of my sim saves. I didn't even look at them and told him to delete the lot!
    Lovely seeing your family :)
    I am currently playing in Sunlit Tides and although it is pretty I find the layout frustrating.
    Looking forward to seeing what happens in your game :)

    @TadOlson Sorry about your internet problems :(
    Thank you :) Great update :)

    @jillbg That's a great teaser picture for your chapter :)
    Since my sims don't have new relationships when their partners die I don't mind them having a little fun with their dead partners until they get to join them permanently.
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Page 1601

    @PalmArrow Although you directed your post to thuggishsplicer, I just want to say it was lovely seeing your surfing boarding school :)
    Thanks for the lovely comments :)
    Although I don't often play clumsy sims, I have played several over the years. There are some cute animations that come with the trait :)

    @aricarai Cute shack! :)

    @cororon Great pics! I think I may have traveled on that train! ;)

    @CravenLestat You made out like a bandit with the wedding gifts! :o Congrats :)
    I like Lola's new look :)

    @Beck1590 Enjoyed the screenies of your game. Good luck with the fairy baby :)

    @lisasc360 Sounds like you found the perfect new bird! I am happy for you :)

    @TadOlson Great update! Seeing your junkyard reminds me I need to reinstall Ambitions!

    @emorrill Enjoy Father's Day :) Father's Day is in September in Australia.

    @DyingLight Great pics of your game :) I have ITF but haven't tried it yet.
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    Beck1590Beck1590 Posts: 145 Member
    Thanks so much for all the kind comments :) - I thought that I had everything backed up on iCloud but a lot of stuff of folders within folders (such as my sims games) did not properly back up and most of my important stuff was folders within folders.

    I was able to get most of it back thankfully, but I opted not to get my sims back because basically there had been a really bad bug in it with a mod that even though it was not anywhere in the game.. was still operating. Igazor and I tried to figure it out months ago but neither of us could and he said it seemed really shady. I couldn't remember where I got it or even how it worked and we couldn't find any trace of it - but I knew it was a mod because it removed the censor blur.

    Having to do a hard re-install of all the games took care of the issue, but I'm nervous that my save files and sims might be corrupted with whatever rogue mod that was so I let them go :(
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    ilikethesims30ilikethesims30 Posts: 556 Member
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Beau and Lotta

    Day 6

    Lotta had the most Tristram wishes so she got him up and ready for the day.
    After feeding Tristram, Lotta joined Beau for breakfast.
    Beau had a wish to take Tristram for a stroll. I decided he could have a short one.
    I got distracted by granting Lotta some gardening wishes and Beau went a little further than I had planned. Rather than risk him walking back in broad daylight, I teleported them home.
    While Beau and Tristram were on their stroll, Lotta worked on their small garden.
    Beau's second painting. It's a little cutesy for an evil vampire ;)
    Beau and Tristram chatting <3
    After shower woohoo, Lotta wandered off to pick up Tristram. Beau stood there in the altogether for the longest time until I made him get dressed! LOL
    While he stood around nekkid, I had Lotta read with Tristram :)
    I had Lotta prepare plasma fruit cobbler for Beau.
    After dinner, they watched the stars :)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Nevan, Brogan and Michael 5x5

    Day 257

    No ghosts visited during the night so the family had a quiet breakfast ;)
    Douglas is a neat sim and had a wish to take a bath. My sims normally take showers because baths take too long but I let him have it as I am all about the wishes ;) I saw him holding his breath and zoomed in as he was coming up for air.
    I saw Douglas and Ita heading for the hottub. I was very disappointed when Ita shooed her family back into the house even though they were nowhere near the hottub - she can't possibly be one of MY sims! :# I am wondering if it has anything to do with her snob trait.
    I was going to keep them a little longer to grant some more wishes but the hottub incident was a deal breaker! They were moved out immediately after woohoo. This is the house that Finnian lived in. When he died, I turned SP off on the house so no-one would move in before I needed it.
    I found Michael and Brogan flirting while Nevan watched on smiling - I think he is happy that his son is so happy :)
    Although Michael has had the opportunity to deliver excellent cheese for the ability to grow steaks and patties for some time, I kept forgetting to do it. I didn't have any excellent quality cheese but had some outstanding quality ones put aside for this opportunity. The family has been eating perfect cheese since Cliff was alive.
    While Michael was at the diner Nevan and Brogan were boasting about their gaming skillz. I don't think either of them games that often! LOL
    When Michael got back from the Bistro Nevan boasted about his grandchildren :)
    The teens both had wishes to talk with Brogan on returning from school. I let them take care of that once their homework was completed.
    Although not a virtuoso, Dermot had a wish to play the guitar.
    Shay worked on his mixology skill. He got to level 3. He is now able to make party drinks :)
    Nevan had a wish to go out on the town. When Maeve got home from school after Scouting, the family headed to the Diner :)
    A lot of sims showed up while the family ate and were just hanging around outside the door.
    Michael and Brogan watched the house. Shay was heading to the hottub to skinny dip :)
    Maeve had a wish to go on a joyride. Nevan sketched nearby :)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @CravenLestat I have absolutely no idea but I can assure you she is pretty because I don't have any ugly sims in my town ;)
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    CravenLestatCravenLestat Posts: 13,735 Member
    I fell for that once with your ladies @mikezumi not sure if this one is legit.Remember that one girl of yours.

    Excuse me Miss :smirk: ....




    :# Nevermind I just realized I have to go light myself on fire now...bye

    I Play Sims 3 On A Potato


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