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We care! Supporting Simmers going through hard times.


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    ChloeDeCookieChloeDeCookie Posts: 2,467 Member
    Well, I'm scared for my health because my doctor said I could have a brain or heart problem and I'm barely even a teen..also, I have a crush on someone and in upset over it coz I know they need better and they r older than me
    To all you beautiful people out there, have a lovely day.
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,736 Member
    Well, I'm scared for my health because my doctor said I could have a brain or heart problem and I'm barely even a teen..also, I have a crush on someone and in upset over it coz I know they need better and they r older than me

    Hello @ChloeDeCookie . I am sorry to hear that you are having health issues. I send big hugs to you <3 It is a good step that you have gone to your doctor to talk over with him about how you have been feeling and about how your physical body is going. It is good to get pain, tiredness and other health symptom issues checked over. Your doctor will do tests ( or may have already done them ) to find out the cause of your health issues, and then will be able to provide the most beneficial treatment . It would be concerning for you because you are uncertain as to what the cause of your ill health is . Your doctor will be able to explain more things to you after he has got results from tests that he has done or will do. I will keep you in my thoughts in the days ahead as you await results and see your doctor again. Try to take a day by day and a step at a time. When you get results and see your doctor again, he will then be able to better explain the way ahead that will help your health.
    Try first to make friends with the person that you have a crush on it, and slowly get to know them. It can develop into a great friendship.
    I send another hug to you <3
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    ChloeDeCookieChloeDeCookie Posts: 2,467 Member
    @rosemow I confessed to my crush and now I'm cryin coz I got rejected
    To all you beautiful people out there, have a lovely day.
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,736 Member
    @rosemow I confessed to my crush and now I'm cryin coz I got rejected

    Hello @ChloeDeCookie l am so sorry. It is not a nice feeling to be rejected and would be very upsetting for you. It is hard for you at the moment because it has just happened, but the pain of how you are feeling will slowly ease. There will be another person in your life ahead that will be your special one. You have a lifetime ahead and will meet many people as you travel through your journey in life. You will make friendships and one day there will be a person that will be your partner. If that doesn't eventuate you will still have friendships and your family .
    I send a hug to you <3 You will feel a bit better tomorrow.
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    HappySimMaxHappySimMax Posts: 79 Member
    ---WALL OF TEXT---

    I've been going through some issues for the last 12 years. I was diagnosed with muscle cancer in the left hip and again in the right hip at 8. Not fun at all. At the time, my parents were suffering the most.
    After I got through the chemotherapy, radio therapy and multiple surgeries, I was left with mild kidney disease, missing a muscle crucial for walking in my left leg (which the doctors promised I'd need support for the rest of my life) and my hip was doomed from the amount of radiotherapy it had received as well as the sadness from everything that no child, or anyone should have to go through. I missed out on years of school and education and I'm still burdened to this day.
    After I had the muscle removed, they told me I was doomed to a wheelchair, crutches or a splint until the end, because they said I couldn't be able to lift my foot or my leg or do much at all. I used a splint (which is like a plastic leg mold you strap to your calf and foot that keeps the joint at a right angle) for a few years, then I made a choice that affected my life in the most positive way - I decided to prove them wrong. I took off my split, and said to my mum with utter determination I didn't realise existed in me "I WILL NEVER WEAR THIS SPLINT AGAIN!". And I kept my promise. I never wore it since, and with that said, I practiced using muscles that no one else uses. Now, I can move my foot around and go up stairs. Of course, I'm limited - I can't do a lot of it. If I walk too fast or long distance, my hip begins hurting and after a few minutes of pushing it, my whole leg becomes numb. Though, truly, it's not that bad considering the docs told me I'd always need support. After all, the doctors told my mum that I might even have had to removed my leg completely in case the cancer had spread, so this is hardly anything in comparison to the limitations I have now. After the illness, I mostly just had to go through things everyone goes through. School drama and loss.

    I lost my budgie when I was around 9. He was what kept me awake from the nightmarish life I had gotten through. He died at quite old age. I still miss him. After his death, I was falling in to depression. You could say I had nothing but my parents. They definitely helped me as well as the foundations that invited me to go on camps with other sick children and learn how to ride a horse, the kind of thing kids enjoy.
    I was too sad to have motivation for anything. I spent all my time playing Sims 2 during these times, to escape the haunting reality of my life. That is when my mum bought me a Labrador puppy for my 10th birthday. It was the best day of my life.
    She made me alive again. She is my best friend. I used to cry a lot, and every time, my Labrador, Tiara would come to comfort me. She'd wag her tail nervously, then walk out and come back with a squeaky toy to distract me. She still does it, and it's the sweetest thing.
    I lost most of my friends from primary school as I was out-casted. Tiara was my only real friend.

    I made new friends in high school. They would come and go, until I met a girl named Sophie. She was British and had such an entertaining accent and laugh. We were best friends. Then, when we were 15, she drowned after having an epileptic fit. It ruined me all over again. This time, I was lucky to have the support of not only my parents, but my friends who understood how much I loved her, as we all loved her dearly. Even though she left us so young, she introduced me to a whole group of friends that I stayed with until the end of senior year.

    During school, I went through 2 boyfriends - both dumped me after Valentines' Day. The first one was just rude, selfish and immature, and I had planned to break it up the same week anyway. The second was my first love. His mother was a controlling llama, and he had to break up with me for some really dumb reasons, which I assume the true reason was because she didn't like me anymore, which was okay - I didn't want to be with a mumma's boy. The worst thing was I lost my virtue to him, and he continued to toy with me after the split. Playing with my feelings and then began to bully me, spreading things that were personal to me that I didn't want people to know, like the illness thing mentioned above.
    I lost my friends a couple of times after two girls, named Simone and Cassandra made my group of "friends" turn on me. Only one of my friends stayed loyal to me after everything that happened.
    I graduated and had a gap year. I had planned to work and earn some money so I could at least fend for myself, until my hip decided to give me trouble again.

    Over the same year, I was going through some pretty bad stuff emotionally. I met a French Canadian and we began a long-distance relationship. It turned out he was a complete plumming llama - put simply, he messed with my head and controlled me, and I wasn't allowed to go out with anyone (not even my best friend or my own parents, not even my dogs) and I let it all happen because I was lonely and wanted a companion that would get rid of the loneliness that only could be helped with a lover. Basically, he gave me what a lover would give without the love, and with a lot of mental abuse.
    During this time, every morning, I was walking around for exercise and I was eating very healthy to lose a couple of kilograms (as my kidney doc told me that putting on weight would mean more stress on my already suffering kidneys). One morning, I wanted to hurry, so I walked faster than what I usually would, maybe 6km/h. I hurt my hip, and didn't realise how bad it was until I had x-rays - I had fractured my hip a little - just a small crack. I didn't find this out until later, though, because I saw a doctor that seemed to be unknowledgable though I did find out my hip was pretty unhealthy as a result from the radiotherapy I had 11 years earlier. I couldn't walk more than 15 mins would too much pain, and then I'd be in pain for 3 or 4 days after it. Now I realise that is from the fracture, but this doctor told me otherwise. He basically said that the more exercise I did, the worse it would get and I was wearing down the cartridge as it is brittle and scarred, as well as the bone itself. I lived in fear of wearing the cartridge for a whole year until I seen a professor only a few weeks ago, which told the the opposite - I should be exercising now that the bone is healed from the fracture, and it's still possible that the bone can recover itself from the radiotherapy scarring. Regardless, if that weren't the case, I would probably just have a hip replacement when I'm 25 anyway, depending on how much pain I am experiencing. They want to put it off as long as possible, since I am still growing, which I am pretty okay with as just the thought of having to go through surgery again is screwing with my head. It's pretty scary, especially now that I'm older and understand what's going on instead of my parents dealing with it all instead.
    Back to the french-canadian; I eventually came to my wits and broke off the long-distance relationship, and spent weeks trying to remove all communication he had with me. Ever since my first love left me, and during the 11 months of abuse after that, I had buried myself deep within World of Warcraft.
    That was when I fell for one of my male internet friends (I had secretly made new friends because I was under the control of the mental abuse). We had been friends for about 6 months, and after a couple of months passing since releasing myself from the past long-distance plum, we started a long-distance relationship. We've been together for 4 months now.

    I'm 19 now. I'm doing okay, I guess. I'm coping, at the very least. I've been hovering around the early stages of depression/anxiety for the past how-many-years, but I am so lucky to have so many people that love me and support me to help me get through those days that I'm just feeling down.
    After everything that's happened in my life, I'm truly thankful that I am here, writing this now, two legs on the ground literally and metaphorically with my parents in the room next to me and in a Skype call with my lover. I'm going to the movies with my best friend from school next week to watch Kung-Fu Panda 3. I'll be doing a course in Interior Designing in June. I went to the beach with my dogs and collected shells and felt the sand between my toes for Easter. I enjoy the time I spend at home, not needing to visit the doctors regularly. I'm thankful to have the bravery and determination whenever I've needed it, and I'm truly thankful to have someone tell me they think I'm beautiful every single day.

    I may no longer believe in God, but I still believe in miracles. My life is proof of that.
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,736 Member
    Hello @HappySimMax . Thankyou for sharing about your life experiences with us. You have been through such a lot in your life. I send big hugs to you <3. Through all your hard times, your determination in life shines through the words you have written, and brings encouragement to us all as we read them. You have needed to endure though much in your life and though it has taken a toll on you physically and mentally, you are very bravely living your life positively and fighting through all that your life has been holding. I am glad that you have the support of your loved ones to help you day by day. Our family and friends help us very much in their support as we endure through what our lives are holding. I am so glad that you are able to both physically walk, as well as walk through your day by day life in all that it holds and the effects of what has happened in the past. You have a special future ahead of you. Your interior decorating course is an exciting step in your life. You will have good days and then other days that are not as good. Happier days and sadder days. Through it all, you wil endure though it all with the support of your loved ones and your ongoing determination. May your journey through life hold much specialness and may flowers be lining the pathway edges when you need encouragement.
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    MissBirdieMissBirdie Posts: 3,003 Member
    My grandad passed away yesterday. My mum went to go and see him in the hospital but she was too late, so she had to see him in the mortary. Apparently when he was found, he told them to get his family to come see him, as he knew this would be the end. Only 2 of the 4 kids went to see him.. which breaks my heart. My mum is so upset that she didn't get to see him before he died. Because me and mum were the only family he had seen in the last few years, apparently all he talked about was me and my mum haha. Which is lovely. I'm just so upset for my mum's loss. It's a hard time. <3
    “Lying, the telling of beautiful untrue things, is the proper aim of Art.” – Oscar Wilde.
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,736 Member
    MissBirdie wrote: »
    My grandad passed away yesterday. My mum went to go and see him in the hospital but she was too late, so she had to see him in the mortary. Apparently when he was found, he told them to get his family to come see him, as he knew this would be the end. Only 2 of the 4 kids went to see him.. which breaks my heart. My mum is so upset that she didn't get to see him before he died. Because me and mum were the only family he had seen in the last few years, apparently all he talked about was me and my mum haha. Which is lovely. I'm just so upset for my mum's loss. It's a hard time. <3

    Hello @MissBirdie I send big hugs to you <3 as you caringly and lovingly support your mother with the passing away of your grandad. It is a very sad and hard time for you both. I am sorry that he passed away before your Mum was able to see him. It would be upsetting for her, both not being able to see him and his passing away. It was nice that he talked a lot about you and your mother to everyone. He is now out of pain. It is hard though for his family here who remain and are needing to cope with his passing away and how they are feeling as a result of his death.
    I will keep you and your mother in my thoughts in the days ahead.
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    MissBirdieMissBirdie Posts: 3,003 Member
    rosemow wrote: »
    MissBirdie wrote: »
    My grandad passed away yesterday. My mum went to go and see him in the hospital but she was too late, so she had to see him in the mortary. Apparently when he was found, he told them to get his family to come see him, as he knew this would be the end. Only 2 of the 4 kids went to see him.. which breaks my heart. My mum is so upset that she didn't get to see him before he died. Because me and mum were the only family he had seen in the last few years, apparently all he talked about was me and my mum haha. Which is lovely. I'm just so upset for my mum's loss. It's a hard time. <3

    Hello @MissBirdie I send big hugs to you <3 as you caringly and lovingly support your mother with the passing away of your grandad. It is a very sad and hard time for you both. I am sorry that he passed away before your Mum was able to see him. It would be upsetting for her, both not being able to see him and his passing away. It was nice that he talked a lot about you and your mother to everyone. He is now out of pain. It is hard though for his family here who remain and are needing to cope with his passing away and how they are feeling as a result of his death.
    I will keep you and your mother in my thoughts in the days ahead.

    Thank you rose <3 Your kind words are always so helpful <3
    “Lying, the telling of beautiful untrue things, is the proper aim of Art.” – Oscar Wilde.
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,736 Member
    It will soon be the start of a new month. We don't know what each day may hold, but we do know that each day has a sunrise and a sunset and all over the world there are people viewing the lovely colours that a sunrise or sunset has. There may be painful or sad or tiring days, just as there will be happier times and unexpected special moments that encourage our hearts. May we take a day by day, an hour by hour, and enjoy the little everyday things that are a part of our days and lives.
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    SennieSennie Posts: 2,708 Member
    rosemow wrote: »
    It will soon be the start of a new month. We don't know what each day may hold, but we do know that each day has a sunrise and a sunset and all over the world there are people viewing the lovely colours that a sunrise or sunset has. There may be painful or sad or tiring days, just as there will be happier times and unexpected special moments that encourage our hearts. May we take a day by day, an hour by hour, and enjoy the little everyday things that are a part of our days and lives.

    Thank you rosemow that is a really beautiful message <3
    My dad passed away last week, so these past few days have been really hard for me and my family. Things are getting easier as each day goes by but his funeral is on April 14th 2016, so that's really sad and is worrying me a bit. March hasn't been the best month for me so I am hoping April will be a lot better.

    I'm still really sad but my Elvis music is helping me get through each day. I am also back posting on the forums which has helped a lot as well.

    I hope you have a lovely April rosemow and @everyone else as well :)

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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,736 Member
    Sennie wrote: »
    rosemow wrote: »
    It will soon be the start of a new month. We don't know what each day may hold, but we do know that each day has a sunrise and a sunset and all over the world there are people viewing the lovely colours that a sunrise or sunset has. There may be painful or sad or tiring days, just as there will be happier times and unexpected special moments that encourage our hearts. May we take a day by day, an hour by hour, and enjoy the little everyday things that are a part of our days and lives.

    Thank you rosemow that is a really beautiful message <3
    My dad passed away last week, so these past few days have been really hard for me and my family. Things are getting easier as each day goes by but his funeral is on April 14th 2016, so that's really sad and is worrying me a bit. March hasn't been the best month for me so I am hoping April will be a lot better.

    I'm still really sad but my Elvis music is helping me get through each day. I am also back posting on the forums which has helped a lot as well.

    I hope you have a lovely April rosemow and @everyone else as well :)


    Hello @Sennie. I send big hugs to you with the passing away of your Dad <3 I have been keeping you and your family in my thoughts and will continue to do so in the days ahead. It is a very sad time for you. It would have been an big l shock to you and your family when he passed away. You were so very close to him, and you would be feeling his loss. I will be especially thinking of you all as you prepare for his funeral. It is hard to approach the funeral of your loved Dad, and at the same time it will be a very special time of beautuful loving tribute to him and his life.
    It is good for you to listen to your Elvis music. Music has a deep comforting effect on our inner side and can help us though our grief and sadness. It is good that you are posting on the forums again. You have many simming friends here who as supporting you through this time. You know that you can post here or send a pm if and when you need to talk. We all care about you and how you are feeling.
    You will always hold treasured and very special memories of times with your Dad in your heart. If you feel upset, please cry. Crying is a part of the grieving and healing process.
    I send more hugs to you <3
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    MissBirdieMissBirdie Posts: 3,003 Member
    @Sennie I am so sorry to hear about your dad, I will keep you and your family in my thoughts <3
    “Lying, the telling of beautiful untrue things, is the proper aim of Art.” – Oscar Wilde.
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    aroseinbloomaroseinbloom Posts: 3,456 Member
    Stopping by today to send love, joy, and hope to those who need it.

    Things have been painfully hard the last couple of months--I'm going through a divorce despite just getting married, but we all make mistakes, huh?--and it was quite dark.

    I feel as thought I'm coming out of it and wished there were more people around me sharing their love when I needed it, so I know the importance of sharing when you have extra!

    Love and light to you all <3
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    SennieSennie Posts: 2,708 Member
    I'm not coping very well at all. This morning I woke up at 4am this morning, and for quite some time now I've felt really tired and have had a sick feeling in my stomach and also pains in my stomach area as well. I just don't know how I can overcome all these problems, sometimes it feels like I'm locked in a room and i can't find the way out!

    I just want the sick feeling to go...It's horrible, and nothing subsides it at all.

    Please, I just want to feel normal like I did before I was diagnosed with ASD in 2011!

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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,736 Member
    Stopping by today to send love, joy, and hope to those who need it.

    Things have been painfully hard the last couple of months--I'm going through a divorce despite just getting married, but we all make mistakes, huh?--and it was quite dark.

    I feel as thought I'm coming out of it and wished there were more people around me sharing their love when I needed it, so I know the importance of sharing when you have extra!

    Love and light to you all <3

    Hello @aroseinbloom l send big hugs to you <3 as you go through the painful and hard time of your divorce and it's effects on your life. Thankyou for your thoughtful and caring kindness of sending love to others in the midst of what you are yourself going through. Thankyou for your caringness <3
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,736 Member
    Sennie wrote: »
    I'm not coping very well at all. This morning I woke up at 4am this morning, and for quite some time now I've felt really tired and have had a sick feeling in my stomach and also pains in my stomach area as well. I just don't know how I can overcome all these problems, sometimes it feels like I'm locked in a room and i can't find the way out!

    I just want the sick feeling to go...It's horrible, and nothing subsides it at all.

    Please, I just want to feel normal like I did before I was diagnosed with ASD in 2011!


    Hello @Sennie . I send big hugs to you <3 You have been going through a very hard time with the passing away of your Dad. It would be affecting how you are feeling physically and mentally. It is awful that you are having pain and feelings of sickness. What you have been through this last week would have accentuated the effects of your underlying health issues that you are enduring through day by day. Perhaps talk over how you are feeling with your family. They care very muchly about you. They are going through this hard and sad time as well, and by talking things through together, you can support each other. Try to take a day by day, an hour by hour. Listen to some music and see if that will help to ease your pain, and subside the sick feelings.
    I send more hugs to you <3 and will continue to keep you in my thoughts.
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    xLunaSimsxxLunaSimsx Posts: 6,719 Member
    My sister was just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer a week ago. She isn't doing very well. Also, my niece Monika got hit by a car and she's been hospitalized in a coma for two and a half weeks now.

    I just need someone who cares because this is a very hard time for me. Keeping them in my prayers <3
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,736 Member
    My sister was just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer a week ago. She isn't doing very well. Also, my niece Monika got hit by a car and she's been hospitalized in a coma for two and a half weeks now.

    I just need someone who cares because this is a very hard time for me. Keeping them in my prayers <3

    Hello @xlunalovegoodx I send big hugs to you <3 I am so sorry to hear that your sister has been diagnosed with cancer and your niece was involved in a car accident and remains in a coma in hospital. It would have been a big shock when you were told of these things. It is a very hard and upsetting time for you and your family. The medical staff will caringly look after and support your sister and niece through what day by day holds . I will keep your sister, niece, yourself and your family in my thoughts in the days ahead. Sending more hugs to you as you lovingly support them, think about them and care for them and your fellow family members too. <3
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    xLunaSimsxxLunaSimsx Posts: 6,719 Member
    rosemow wrote: »
    My sister was just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer a week ago. She isn't doing very well. Also, my niece Monika got hit by a car and she's been hospitalized in a coma for two and a half weeks now.

    I just need someone who cares because this is a very hard time for me. Keeping them in my prayers <3

    Hello @xlunalovegoodx I send big hugs to you <3 I am so sorry to hear that your sister has been diagnosed with cancer and your niece was involved in a car accident and remains in a coma in hospital. It would have been a big shock when you were told of these things. It is a very hard and upsetting time for you and your family. The medical staff will caringly look after and support your sister and niece through what day by day holds . I will keep your sister, niece, yourself and your family in my thoughts in the days ahead. Sending more hugs to you as you lovingly support them, think about them and care for them and your fellow family members too. <3

    Thank you, you're really sweet <3
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    Fairy_HappyFairy_Happy Posts: 8,914 Member
    edited April 2016
    Found out today that my dad is suffering from depression and anxiety. He is getting a bit better but he's irritable and doing too many things and it's worrying us. He is going to a class for exercising and nutrition. My niece is here too and nothing says stress reliever like little kids. But all the stress that's going on right now: His job, his catering business, my little brother being back in jail and all of that is stressing him out. I suggested to my mom to get him an aquarium. My dad loves fish and aquariums so I think it would help him with stress since it would be a nice hobby for him to take his mind off all the mess that's going on. But I'm still worried. He's doing fine right now but I don't want him to have a heart attack or stroke over all this stress going on.
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,736 Member
    Found out today that my dad is suffering from depression and anxiety. He is getting a bit better but he's irritable and doing too many things and it's worrying us. He is going to a class for exercising and nutrition. My niece is here too and nothing says stress reliever like little kids. But all the stress that's going on right now: His job, his catering business, my little brother being back in jail and all of that is stressing him out. I suggested to my mom to get him an aquarium. My dad loves fish and aquariums so I think it would help him with stress since it would be a nice hobby for him to take his mind off all the mess that's going on. But I'm still worried. He's doing fine right now but I don't want him to have a heart attack or stroke over all this stress going on.

    Hello @friendlyone20 . It is not nice that your dad is suffering from depression and anxiety. The caring and loving support from you and your family is an encouragement to him as he endures through how he is feeling. It is good that he is attending a class for exercising and nutrition. It will help him physically and mentally. He is undergoing a lot of stressful situations in his life, and this can cause the resulting depression and anxiety he is experiencing. Having an aquarium is a great idea. I hope that he will get one. It is understandable that you are concerned about him. You are a very caring daughter that wants the best for your dad and doesn't like seeing him struggling , stressed and unwell. Your support of him would be helping him muchly. Try encouraging him to see his doctor to talk things over with too. The doctor will listen and be able to offer help and support through how he is feeling, as well as keeping an eye on and check over the health of his physical body.
    I send hugs to you <3
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    Fairy_HappyFairy_Happy Posts: 8,914 Member
    Thank you @rosemow

    He's spending a lot of time with my niece. They just went to the park. I will continue to talk to him and try to do fun things. It seems like he's getting a bit better. My mom says that last week it was the worst. This week, he seems to be calmer.
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,736 Member
    Thank you @rosemow

    He's spending a lot of time with my niece. They just went to the park. I will continue to talk to him and try to do fun things. It seems like he's getting a bit better. My mom says that last week it was the worst. This week, he seems to be calmer.

    Hello @friendlyone20 . Spending time with your niece would be very helpful. It will help to relieve the effects of his stress, and will focus his attention on his granchild. Also with them going to the park, it will be very helpful him being oudoors , breathing in the outside air and seeing the natural surroundings, I am glad that he seems to be calmer this week.
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    KayeStarKayeStar Posts: 6,715 Member
    Learning my mom is schizophrenic has changed a lot of things for me.

    My mom was an abusive parent when I was growing up. Not 24/7, but overall, yes. After learning what I know now, I've started wondering how much of that abuse may have been her acting out on thoughts caused by her being ill. No, that wouldn't make it okay, but what if she couldn't control herself or somehow didn't always know what she doing? How do I blame her for what she did then? It makes moving past that so much harder because I don't know what to think anymore. She may not even remember some incidents.

    It's not so much I want to blame her as it is I just want to know who - or what - I should consider responsible for that past. She's only been diagnosed with it since 2015, but I believe she's had it for much longer than that. Going undiagnosed for so many years makes me think it's possible it played a part.
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