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The Watcher Watches


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    AlexaKryAlexaKry Posts: 2,706 Member
    @DivaDoodle : :D:D:D<3
    Your therapist is on work now... ;):pB)

    No, if Dante asks Belinda to break up with Don he´ll get a bad relationship bar with Don, he won´t become Belinda´s new crush.
    I use this sometimes when Haldir or Travis don´t like the new partners of their children. o:)
    Perhaps you should go out with Belinda and let her get to know other men? There must be many who will be much better than Don!

    I´ve never played Aiden either, he is dead in my save, burned while he was too long in the sun. There is a rumor that his gold digger wife arranged his death by not letting him in. Travis and his dad Tristan still try to find out what really happened, while the widow now has inherited lots of the family´s wealth and spending it on several young lovers.... Good that Tristan got a lot of the family´s wealth as a present from his father earlier, so the house is still his and he still is a very rich man.

    No, saves can´t bleed into each other, but if you´ve saved Don from your former game and then placed him in the save now, changing his traits there will be still some actions from the traits you´ve changed. So he "remembers" some of his old traits.

    I´ve never sold a wand of a witch leaving her/him without one. Doesn´t the game generate a new one immediately? At least it does when you´ll change families again.

    I still think Bianca and Don will be a "good" couple, cheating at each other most of the time, that will lead to much drama!!
    :D in my game only Belinda has had a good, lifelong relationship, Bea happened to kill herself while eating a bad jelly bean and Bianca had an on and off relationship with Joe MacDuff, having a few kids and leaving them often only to come back and marrying Joe again.... :o

    I hope you´ll get back to the teens soon, although I understand that you don´t like the relationship between Fawn and her parents she has to work on her past. Maybe Marigold can help her to gain more self-confidence?

    "''Don is such a [insert every offensive word you would like]!!'' omg :D you make me laugh!!! I just love you my friend LOLOL"Thank you my dear! The same from me to you! :D

    Next update, please!
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member

    @AlexaKry Here is all my simoleans and cookies in advance!!! :) Thank you for your comments and help and sharing about the game and well Everything! <3

    OK Maybe that is what is happening with Don, I think he is 2 personalities! Until coming over to Belinda's house he was always pleasant, now I see half pleasant and some hotheaded! he slapped someone at the park out of the blue with no reason! Then is so tender with Belinda. I don't want him to be heartbroken, but if he is a True non-commitment guy he shouldn't care.

    Bianca -yes she and Don do seem So alike. her flirtiness is different though, I never had such a ''woohoo maniac'' before. and she seems to have the hots for Ayden!

    Yes I need to get back to the teens very soon, but also a big need at Dante's because I went there for a minute to see if someone would comment to Belinda or Don about the cheating and as they were talking outside I saw upstairs Tulip gave Oscar a Bite and he turned! Right Then!!! LOL I was so shocked I didn't even get a pic! no one is allowed to turn unless I'm playing them because I want to see it ALL I want to see the wish for it too! LOL :D so I changed him back but he looked AWESOME as a Vampire! heheheee

    OK Here is what happened today!
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member

    66 The Watcher Watches: The Crumplebottom Sisters -3-

    It's not yet 5AM. Don awakens, having gone to sleep at 8PM, and his first action is to go look at the new object, a rug I placed when everyone slept, to fulfill wishes and fix up Bianca's room, with her new painting and laptop. I don't want him in here. If he is going to do anything I do not want Belinda on the property he is doing it on. That's Don's car. He really likes nice things, he might as well be a snob.
    He leaves to go talk to his friend the Magic Mirror. lol Don, you nut! he really likes the magic mirror a Lot!

    Is it my imagination or does Belinda look a bit like Fawn? maybe it's the hair. I think she's nice looking! Don primps at the mirror
    and Ayden drinks his plasma orange juice! Good boy Ayden, to not die!

    Ayden wants to look good too! Oh My but what a bit of primping can do for a Vampire! ;)

    The girls are up! Belinda watches TV

    Bea talks to Magic mirror
    And Bianca bathes. They all wish to go to the Spring Festival that just arrived in town!

    Watcher hears horrible irritating Yelling! Where is it? # dang this house, there are too many levels! :#
    AHA! Now don't you start! Don! I make Don stop it and take Ayden to the Festival, with the girls!

    Everyone wants to kiss at the kissing booth!
    Baylee I thought you gave tattoos? "I'm moonlighting Watcher" ok

    And for the girls? someone Nice I hope! Ah Victor Bean! Hi Victor! ''What did you do to me this time, Watcher?" lol
    Just different hair, and sweeter lips for kissing. It IS your job, after all! (Watcher loves Victor Bean! )
    "Out of my ways, sisters, Age before beauty!" says Bea. aw Bea you look nice!
    "She almost ate his whole Face, that slobber monster" thinks Belinda

    Belinda's turn, "I won't be slobbery gross like Bea" she thinks
    Victor LOVES the effect he has on Belinda! He made her blush!
    Hey where are your cute purple glasses I gave you? they were just like Watcher's!
    "But Watcher, guys don't make passes at girls who wear glasses" Belinda tells me. OH? OH! so you are thinking of someone? "I'm not saying anything"
    hmmmmm interesting

    Bianca's turn, but Victor takes one look and walks away! :D but really, poor Bianca!
    Watcher takes this opportunity to have Belinda do a friendly introduction to fulfill her wish.

    She almost gets to say Hi when he has to get back on duty.
    Bianca is displeased and walkaway "there are plenty of fish in the sea, Watcher" yes, that there are.

    They dance and have fun then hearts between Belinda and Stan Bahl.
    Watcher checks him out. not one trait in common and he is EVIL, lol What is with you and evil dudes, Belinda?
    Hi Gladsten! " Hi Watcher!" Gladsten, If Frida is here stay close, Don wants to see her ghost!
    "Well he should have met her before I married her then, because it is Not going to happen!" He says.
    OK you heard the man Don! And Frida thinks its hilarious!

    Hang on, is that?
    yep, Don's Partner...that he wishes to are Not going to do it in front of Belinda, Don!
    But it seems harmless and Don goes to use the love tester and Abby wants a kiss from Victor but he walks away lol

    Then this happened
    yes that's better Ayden!

    I looked for Bea, she somehow got out of the group. I had Don go invite her back in
    Bea says "I'm not sure I want to hang, out we should socialize first" hmm ok I have her sister do it.
    her sister Bianca who I have had to stop 3 times here at the park, from woohooing with Ayden.
    That love spell should have worn off, Bea doesn't seem interested in Ayden today.
    Bianca gets the same icky mean reaction from Bea.
    Bea gets a retaliation bad luck spell for being a Big Ol' B

    Belinda gets her chance to fulfill her friendly introduction wish to Victor. They chat a bit and get to know each other.
    All this time Don has been waiting patiently to scare Frida, who ignores him and dances up a storm LOL

    ooo Bianca! what will you choose? "I'm going to surprise you Watcher!" ok!
    oh no! Go get a shower! poor thing! "ok"

    Work time!

    Once the sisters are off the lot I let Don makes his move to fulfill his wish to kiss his partner.
    But the sisters aren't the only ones who love Belinda
    aw sorry townie friends. *cries* For punishment I make Don apologize to every single person that needs one! he doesn't want to, but he must. hopefully that will ease their pain.

    Also good news for Bianca, Watcher did not stop her 4th try for woohoo with Ayden. Ayden seemed pleased. I have no idea why she is so into him. must be good chemistry.
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    @DivaDoodle I have enjoyed the updates on the Crumplewhosit sisters and Don. :grin:
    I don't allow Don in any of my saves! He has tried so many times to interfere in my sims relationships when I've played in Riverview that he ends up getting TA'd by an angry creator! :grin:>:) Even when they had the faithful moodlet, he would still try. Most of the time the sims (including the few times he tried to flirt with the guys) would rebuff him. I just got tired of him so poof blamalama, off with his head! Love MC TA! :grin:
    I saw you got rid of Ayden's veins and ruby red lips! LOL
    I was happy to see Gladston and Frida and they are still happily together.
    I hope the others are behaving while you are messing with these sims! :smiley:
    Congrats on the mention in the Friday highlights!
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member

    @bekkasan <3 TY my dear bekkasan for your comments I always love to hear what you say and share with me!!!

    Oh that Don! I have a love/hate feeling for him! sorry to say! He was so wonderful in one of my saves (with total switched traits of course) that I loved him! So now even when he is bad I always forgive him. And this version of Don was the good Don, then I made his traits more like "original Don" so he has that remembrance of his other self, I should not have done that! :#
    I think I'm like Belinda loving a bad guy! :( Also I love silly Don in TS2!!! ... it is only Now knowing him in ZeeGee's story I see just how Bad he is! I am tortured about him, needing therapy!!! LOL :D

    LOL you TA'd him! :D but that is the kindest way!

    :) Hey TY for telling me about the mention in the Highlights!!! Wowie! I went over there to say TY to Leeloo! I always forget to go read that thread! Don't ever get Old! I forbid it!!! :D

    ''The Crumplewhosit sisters'' :D:D they are giving me a run for the money, what a nutty family! I need to get more used to witches I don't know the first thing!

    ''I hope the others are behaving while you are messing with these sims! :smiley:'' They Are Not! I have to hurry up with the whole saving Belinda thing! :D
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member
    edited January 2021
    67 The Watcher Watches: The Crumplebottom Sisters - 4 The Bad Dream -

    Note: I trashed this save, I'm just posting it so you can see what happened, if you want to. My BFF found it funny but it's going in a direction Watcher doesn't like one bit! so poof! It's now but a dream!

    After Don's kiss with his partner, After the humility of being forced to apologize to everyone, Don realizes his partner ran away off the lot. He didn't know where, but he now really didn't seem to care. What he wanted to do was get some evidence somewhere because he needed to make a police report!
    Don you could maybe make a report on yourself!
    "That is silly Watcher, that would blow my cover" Don says, and he takes off for Dante's house.

    Don rummages through the trash!
    But Oscar catches him! And Don has the quick thinking of becoming better friends with Oscar!
    "Oscar the funniest thing! There are false rumors about me being a ladies man hahaha isn't that funny?!" says Don
    Don has enough evidence to write a report on Oscar! Don is thinking about going against his nature and writing a Good report, to have an Ally! oh very evil Don!

    Meanwhile a naughty sim left work to rummage trash! Bea get back to work! This is not making a good impression, it is your first day for pete's sake!
    "No Watcher, there are too many people in there, I don't like it!" says Beatrice '' leave me to my trash collecting!"

    Back home, Bianca is thinking "I DO want to get married someday, just like Belinda is married to wonderful Don! I don't care that my traits say I have commitment issues!"
    "Oh sis, you are just being influenced by the movies" thinks Belinda. yes they can read each others thoughts! can't everyone?! ;)

    They chat about Bianca's great broom riding skills and Bianca tells her what a great guitar player she is! (lvl 2, still. she never practices!)

    Belinda and Bea have a wish to see a movie, so watcher sends them to Oscar's Outdoor theater, it never closes, so sims can catch a movie anytime!
    Don gets home from Oscar's, he needs to use a computer to write his report and knows Bianca has a new laptop, maybe he can borrow it.
    Bianca is making it hard for Don to resist. But has Don ever resisted?

    And now Don loses his eternally faithful moodlet (why the kiss with his partner let him keep it, I don't know!) he now has the naughty reputation, thanks Bianca.

    His next action is to ask Bianca to an evil water balloon fight. His next wishes are to write a romance novel and visit the neighborhood pool!
    The game's Loki probably wants to kill him! :o No! Loki! I already told you, No one dies in my games!
    So Watcher clicks away both wishes, he needs to write reports not novels!

    And what are Bianca's wishes? She wants to date Don! You have to wait till he is single, Bianca! She also wants to date Ayden, kiss Ayden, and go to the movies. Don is now her first romance? What about Ayden? Crazy game!
    She and Don himself, just ruined Don's marriage. Bianca and Don are now romantic interests.

    I just now noticed Belinda and Don share zero traits. I go check her Bio, I had written way back in the beginning: "Belinda is crazy about Dante. She wants a baby, but not Dante! Dante is really Mad she asked him to forsake Vampirism! He's kind&tender but not in love with her. Now she loves Don! they are going steady! Belinda is amazing, how can she know Don has wishes to break up?! Belinda just asked Don to forsake Vampirism and he is happy to agree! Now Belinda wants to marry Don! Oh! she just cast a love spell on both of them and it made Don wish to propose! hahaha I wonder if it will last? I better find some mods, these witches are nuts with their casting on everybody!"

    Here is Don's bio: "Don is bewildered by finding himself in Moonlight Falls! He is so attracted to Belinda Crumplebottom, they are already going steady. Don decided he wanted to become a Vampire and asked Dante to turn him. His commitment issues keep him from thinking about wedding rings? (but Dante thinks about them! All the time when he is with Tulip!) Gah! Don's hotheadedness is changed to Evil, because I can't stand it anymore! Don has another wish to breakup! Belinda asked him to forsake Vampire, instead of getting angry he gladly agreed and was turned on! LOL Belinda cast love spell on herself and Don! it made Don wish propose ! :):D "

    hmm so was it witchery and not love then. Watcher had forgotten!

    Don and Bianca chat instead of evil water balloon fight. I think Bianca was too tired.
    Tired they go to bed separately.

    Don chooses a new bed for himself. The room that has Magic Mirror.

    Belinda and Bea come home, it's late!
    Belinda tries, twice, to go to sleep with Don in the other bedroom. It is too heartbreaking for Watcher, to take pics.
    I make her go to Bea's room instead, I have Bea tell her.
    ''You know I love you little sister, and I want always to protect you."
    "Don's behavior is not proper at all!"
    ''You need to break up with him, and not share his bed any more.''
    ''Thank you big sister, for telling me. you know, you are right, things are over between me and Don" says Belinda.

    And the marriage bed is replaced with something more to Belinda's tastes, she gets her own tv too.

    Don had awakened and I assume was super Mad at Bea, but I got there too late, and when Don realized that Bea was already asleep again he got back in bed to go back to sleep.

    Bea is now his enemy and betrayer, their like bar all the way red. Still he dreams of babies. and now has a wish to see Bea's ghost! :o I click it off!
    There was one more dream of an engagement ring! (sorry my C key got stuck! no pic) I think he might want to get married again! to Belinda? Bianca? but he has commitment issues!

    Don wakes and talks it over with Magic Mirror.
    The mirror is telling Don something for along time, while Don looks dismayed.

    then, No Way! How does a mirror give an apple?!!!
    Don takes it. OH NO! It is a poison Apple! I throw it away! Nope not happening! No murder is allowed!

    I Just get a pop up that Belinda has a Cheater Reputation!!! What?!? How? She is still asleep in bed! Grrrr! :#
    Arrrgh! This is too Crazy! Nope, Not happening! Not sweet Belinda! *cries*

    Silver Fox has to come over to see why his wife is all in a dither! He is shaking his head at my awful game and sims, saying "Hon, Why are you playing this drama family when you hate drama? This storyline involves infidelity and possibly murder! Where are those nice teens and Dante?'' *agrees*

    I quit without saving and will try something different. This isn't for me. We'll just say it was a Bad Dream. A Gnightmare!

    *shakes cane at Loki* and stay off my lawn as well! :#
    Post edited by DivaDoodle on
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    AlexaKryAlexaKry Posts: 2,706 Member
    @DivaDoodle : and once again I´m rushing after your updates! :D
    Don is really obsessed with the magic mirror, he even asks him for advice! I wonder what advice a mirror can give? Something like "you are looking good, todays your day???
    He even talks to him while Bianca is sleeping in the same room, how rude!!! She could have waken up!
    Oh, good that you changed Aiden´s make up, I always find his red lips and the venes ugly on him, especially the lips!!
    Seems as if Aiden and Don can get along quiet good!
    Lol at "everybody wanted a kiss from the kiss booth", you´ve made a great choice of the cast, they look much cuter than the normal kiss booth casts! (Although I find the concept of kissing booths disgusting, to be honest. One kiss after the other, all from different people, ugh, how unsanitary :s )
    :D:D:D ""Out of my ways, sisters, Age before beauty!" says Bea", she is really stomping straight to Victor.
    Hehehe, Bianca isn´t kissed by Victor! He knows her reputation!
    So Belinda likes Victor? Do they share some traits? Will he be a better husband than Don?
    Oh my god, Don! Making out with your partner, In front of nearly the whole town!! What is he think- oh wait, he doesn´t think when it comes to flirting, right?
    Aiden woohooing with Bianca? What a strange combination! I really think he looks crazy with his pants and the socks! :D

    OOOOk, well,
    I like your deleted alternative! B)
    Don trying to compromise Dante and Oscar, as if he can outwit Dante!!
    Bianca and Belinda talk to each other, no wait, it´s only Bianca talking, about, who wonders? herself. Man, she is selfish!
    Ugh, leaving Bianca and Don alone at home, of course that has to go wrong!
    So Don was bewitched by Belinda? Well, that explains that he isn´t faithful, so it´s not all his fault.
    Oh mey, Belinda, it´s not wise to get a husband through spells!
    Finally Belinda and Don are parted, that´s good fro both of them.
    I really would have liked to know to whom Don wanted to give the poisoned apple? Bea or Belinda?
    Oh, I loved the drama of this!!!!
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member
    edited January 2021
    68 The Watcher Watches: The Crumplebottom Sisters - 4 - Reboot .... Danny

    The Watcher is witnessing Very weird Juju in the game! This time Belinda takes action!

    She mocks law enforcement

    Accuses him of being Evil
    He keeps that ring thought

    And she breaks up!


    No Don, sorry.

    Then they chat. I see they are ex husband, ex wife. But they aren't even mad at each other! They still have a good relationship at 90! ???

    Then this happens!
    Just 2 lovey-dovey flirts and Belinda wishes to woohoo with him! what?! LOL

    Guess WHY? the game now says they are married! How? I give UP! it is Obvious to Watcher that they love each other. They Want to stay together. Their stats have changed though. Now both have No Reputation, and they have only been married 14 days instead of 79 days.
    He did kiss the partner, but his stats never said he cheated, hers said she had never been betrayed.
    I quit with out saving again, just to see if there is a different outcome.


    Belinda goes to Don to chat
    She immediately tells him he is her jewel
    He says we should go on a vacation, away from here.
    Belinda says I wish you had traits like the good Don, but I do love you.

    Don looks at his wonderful wife, with love. He obviously loves her, even if he had bad behavior.

    ''Watcher please, please keep us together'' Ok. But there is only one way.

    And AlakaZam *poof* Belinda's Good, and Devotion was transferred to Don, erasing his evil and noncommitment.
    Also he looked a bit different ;) Had to be done so Watcher could believe in Him. in Them.

    Belinda noticed the change Right Away and for the first time ever, in the 79 days they had been together, she wished for a child with him. also to go on a date with him, and to the movies!

    All night long Dan can only dream of love and Belinda and babies.

    That's right, 'Dan'! Danny had decided on a name change. Because he was no longer a 'Don' Lothario.

    I Watch to see if Belinda likes his new look. He wakes up, Belinda is looking at him! He feels her loving gaze and immediately turns to her.

    Belinda smiles "I do like his look Watcher." Yes I can see that.

    "Thank you Watcher" says Danny
    You're Welcome, Danny. Be Good!

    Post edited by DivaDoodle on
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    TamijoTamijo Posts: 1,072 Member
    edited January 2021
    @DivaDoodle "66"
    What does the Magic Mirror do, haven’t got that ?
    So Hot that girly in the Kissing Boot
    Poor Bianca, Victor just walks away just are she is “ready”
    Really cute Belinda in those close ups, she should get that baby soon D
    Wonder why Bea suddenly got so angry
    Ohh Don always in trouble
    Good that Bianca finally had some fun after being neglected in the kissing boot.

    (comments on "deleted" 67 later – time to play a bit)
    My active stories: Appaloosa County..*.. Sinful Sisters.....*.....Earlier stories:..*..Survivors the River..*.. A Memoir of Grace "Slick" Joplin
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member

    @Tamijo hey thanks for coming over here to read and comment I love it!! :) OK so the magic mirror can give you a magic make over and you can chat with it to fill your social. Sims seem to love it! What the magic mirror did in the deleted save, I have never seen or heard of before! :open_mouth:

    Baylee Howler is a pre-made werewolf townie who lives in Moonlight Falls/Supernatural EP I like her!
    She usually is the Tattoo person in my games. Howler is a pre-made werewolf townie who,move in. She has a random lifetime wish.

    I think I finally figured out Bea, she is a loner and grumpy, so maybe there were too many people around, then the grumpiness kicked in!

    I know poor Bianca! But she finally got to woohoo with Ayden so she went to work all happy! lol

    Both partners have to wish for a baby, in my game, for it to happen, unless extenuating circumstances like Louise & Oscar.(Plus I really wanted them to have one! Karritz told me she made Louise have 15 :) )

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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member

    @AlexaKry HI! :) so glad you came to comment I wanted to read your views! :)<3
    yes they all love that Magic Mirror! I never had a sim wake up unless they were a light sleeper though.

    Yes Ayden wanted to be pretty, too! ;) Don used to be a Vampire and they got to be good friends, also Tristan was always over so that helped as well, Ayden would come check up on his son!

    Thank you but I did nothing to Baylee, she always looks like that. This is the first I even saw her in this game so far!
    I always change Victors looks a bit, he is too nice not to look Hot! lol

    It seems like everybody who meets Belinda likes her a lot, she is good, and friendly and easily impressed so even snobs like her after the first shock of the trait incompatibility. Yes Belinda and Victor shared traits! BUT she is hopelessly in love with her husband. She just refuses to have kids with him.

    Bianca has the Hots for Ayden, she won't stop thinking about him!

    What do you Mean you don't like Ayden's black Socks? I JUST bought a pair for all your men to wear with Every Outfit! :D:D:D

    I thought you might like the deleted! you seem so much like my r/l bff and she was laughing so much and begged me not to delete the write up. so it became a bad dream! lol :D but truthfully my heart just can't take that kind of game play! I Can read it in others stories though and I do enjoy reading it. But playing it was making me sick! :s

    No one can outwit Dante!!! ;)<3

    Yes that love spell is probably all she/Belinda could think to do with a commitment phobic like Don, but after they married Don never wanted to break up anymore. . and he had Gladly gave up Vampirism for her! (when she had asked Dante he got angry and refused.) I think the occults only will give up their occult for love.

    Yes it was Bianca who instigated with Don, but Don didn't refuse the flirts, he just changed the subject lol but Don had the wish to kiss his partner. I could have clicked it off, I should have clicked it off! bad watcher making my own self sick----Do you see why I need therapy from you! LOL

    Don wanted to give the poisoned apple to Bea. Bea had made the break up happen! and that made Don want to see her ghost! This teaches us 'do not beak a long marriage of an evil person! :#
    The magic Mirror told Don to do it! and MM gave the poisoned apple!

    Have you Ever seen or heard of that before? I was so shocked and sickened!

    I'm happy you liked the drama! :) but I need my normality.... and Dante! or the teens heheheee
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    TamijoTamijo Posts: 1,072 Member

    Reading your trashed 67 i somehow understand why you crashed it, considering the way you like to play.
    My story is made for drama, I dont mind it taking unexpected new directions so please send some of that in my direction B)

    Poisonous apple - O boy I love that mirror.

    My active stories: Appaloosa County..*.. Sinful Sisters.....*.....Earlier stories:..*..Survivors the River..*.. A Memoir of Grace "Slick" Joplin
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    @divadoodle Ah, I see that you changed his traits but apparently not enough with the trouble he is causing. :wink: Yes, I didn't need him to continue messing with my farmer's wife and sister! I'm pretty sure I had a farming family in that world. I then moved them to Dragon Valley when I got it and fell in love with that town.

    Too late! I am already old! I expect I am older than you.

    I actually enjoyed reading all the troubles they gave you and don't blame your for trashing it one bit! Kinda hard to make lemonade out of pig slop. Sheesh, they were just on a roll with terrorizing you!
    Shame on Don kissing his partner but what do you expect from him! I guess the partner wasn't sure she liked it or not since she ran off.
    How could he have bad evidence on Oscar, he's a good guy!
    lol at Bea leaving work to dumpster dive.
    I get those sisters so confused I would never keep them straight. (see comment about old above)
    sheesh! that is your sister's husband you are oogling! Take a cold shower!
    Oh no! They kissed! Such a @!*#. You know the forum will censor whichever word I wanted to type in.
    Seems like Bianca has a problem only wanting what her sister's have. I bet she used to steal their toys and break them too!

    I love that you make your own bio's for the EA sims you play. I play EA sims so rarely that I just use their own background. I did change Marshall's name. I had a bad experience with a Mitchell once and I couldn't stand to keep the name the same. :lol:
    Don didn't even officially break it up with her and she couldn't get in his bed? Strange.
    Glad sister finally told her, but her other sister's behavior is tacky too.
    Pretty new room!
    lol at Don and the mirror. Oh boy! Poison apple. Slower death than a TA would be! :grin: I've never seen the magic mirror give an apple before but I think that is cool. I usually have one in my saves in a shop like the consignment store where townies can use it. So fun seeing what the mirror puts them in. LOL
    Bye bye save! Hope the reboot is better.

    Oh good, she broke it off with him.
    How strange! I don't have memories set in my game as it slows things down too much and I've had them off for years and never thought to turn them back on for the desktop. Maybe in the new save I will test them, but I don't want them if they are not accurate and can change on a whim. I know there is a mod out there somewhere that lets you select the memories to save so you don't get all that 'visited a bookstore' stuff.
    Good idea trying again.

    I do believe they will be much happier now!
    I do believe sims can change and grow just like us so I change traits when it is time in my games. :smiley::heart:
    I like his new look, definitely not as leering as the old Don, new Dan. :grin:
    You got to fix that other sister, the one who wants all her sisters toys!
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member

    @bekkasan Thank you for taking the time to read and comment! I know you are so busy!! I really appreciate it so much and just love reading you views!!! <3:)

    ah yay if that is true! I like the company! when can you retire and turn all your fabulous writing into novels then? or a movie scripts?

    yes it's fun to read but not to play! haha! pig slop Exactly!!!

    that partner of his is a cutie, she is a coward and too funny! why is she a cop then? :D I love it that she ran away! LOL Anyway that kiss is my fault, I should have clicked it away as soon as I saw it.

    There is no bad evidence to be found on Oscar, he doesn't seem to like drama, he will walk away to dance or paint or play his guitar. Such a pleasant fellow!

    Bianca is a flirty instigator! :# since she loves to brag about her possessions she probably wants to collect men as well!

    Yes I love to make all the bios, I started doing it in Sunlit Tides, my sims were so interesting I didn't want to forget Any of it! also, it helps remind me what happened! :D LOL Hey that happens to me too about names, and I will change them too! LOL

    No I was keeping her out of Don's bed, Belinda didn't know yet, it was too sad and %#@ up for her to sleep in the same bed (for me).

    OK TY I have never even Heard mention that the Mirror can give a poisoned apple! I will try searching more later, it freaked me out that after Don had the wish to see Bea's ghost and the mirror tells him things and gives the poisoned apple! What in the world?! and the game is Teen rated?!?! :o

    I must have written something confusing/ not clearly. :/ . I didn't and don't allow memories, it is too hard on the laptop. what I meant is sims seem to remember. so I had to deleted the 67 save, and quit without saving on the first part of 68 so it didn't happen.

    Dan was a typo! but I Liked it!!! How could a boy named Danny ever be bad?! LOL

    ty for your thoughts dear bekkasan! <3
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member

    @Tamijo ahh well just give them hideous traits and Keep them on high free will! LOL I found I can encourage any type trait behavior by which wish I fulfill for them! I noticed once I take off high free will, or direct them too much,
    sometimes my sims won't revert back to how they once were, exactly.
    You probably already have a Don Lothario, he is in Riverview the free town, and is in the tiny place next to the McDermott's Big farm. He is always good for Drama, but might make you crazy when he tries to seduce sweet Slick! and Every member of the household!!! :#

    yes you see how I play :smile: I want all my sims to have a happy life, I really feel for them. There is another person on the forum that goes even farther, I wish she would post more. She mw1525 (I think she's a she) Study her sims and correct the bad and stuff she feels like was a mistake that EA made for their situation. It is so so interesting to me what she discovers!!! This post always sticks in my heart mw1525 A Mother's Love
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    TamijoTamijo Posts: 1,072 Member

    Wow, that was a great sim moment, thanks for sharing.

    The way I need to play my story can not handle stuff like that, as I do a lot of interruptions all the time, deliberately control almost every move of my 5 active sims + doggy, might do a different story later, to see more of those free will interactions.
    My active stories: Appaloosa County..*.. Sinful Sisters.....*.....Earlier stories:..*..Survivors the River..*.. A Memoir of Grace "Slick" Joplin
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    TamijoTamijo Posts: 1,072 Member
    edited January 2021
    Thought you would just force a divorce and find her another man. Anyway as long as they are good together this may be the better solution.

    NB: I dont want Don, such an ..., I like surprices but not him.

    Have a little bit of this in my story too, since Davids wife aged up (some time ago) he does everything not to be with her. He do not have other women but he is just not home unless he sleep. They are hardly acquaintances even though they share the same bed. I fell sorry for her, but I wont interact outside my household unless it has to do with my main storyline.
    My active stories: Appaloosa County..*.. Sinful Sisters.....*.....Earlier stories:..*..Survivors the River..*.. A Memoir of Grace "Slick" Joplin
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    AlexaKryAlexaKry Posts: 2,706 Member
    @DivaDoodle : Now way that my stylish men wear such ugly black socks in bed!!!!!!! If they have cold feet they have to suffer, they are NOT allowed to wear socks in bed! NEVER!!!!! :D

    I´ve never played the Crumplebottom sisters, so I can´t say anything about their character. Furthermore my family never had much contact to them. So I don´t know how friendly Belinda was. She/they is/are already dead in my game.

    :D I can relate to your real life bff, I always like my Sims to take actions I coudn´t foresee. The only time I really didn´t know if I should go on with the direction my Sims took me was when Stella cheated on Tyler with his brother Thore. As I already told you, I was tempted to delete that day, I´happy that I didn´t, I can see how much Tyler loves Sif, much more than he loved Stella ever. So I like to play out such unforeseen actions now.
    I can understand that you don´t like that though! I always love my Sims to be happy all the time, too!

    Did you directed Belinda to ask Don to give up vampirism? Cause if I direct Sims to ask, when the option is there, all asked Sims give up their supernatural state. If you didn´t direct it it is scary, because I have a mod in play for automatic friendly/funny/romantic/mean interactions, so when they do it on their own I have to watch my Sims even more, because I don´t want any of my Sims to neglect their supernatural power!!

    Hehehe, you wanted to fulfill Don´s wish to kiss her, I don´t think that you didn´t pay enough attention to your Sims!

    Lol about your replaying! Sorry, I just had to! :D:D
    I only replay a save when Error 12 hits me while saving, I once had to replay one day 11 times, that drove me crazy!!!! I was shortly before throwing my PC and the Sims discs out of the window! I was literally mad at the game! >:)
    Do you now have the result you wanted to achieve or can we read another alternative day? ;):p

    I have to say that Don looks HOT with his new hairstyle and his three-days-beard, wow! <3
    I can understand Belinda why she still wants him as her husband! She had problably seen his cuteness between his ugly beard and his sleek hair before!
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    AlexaKryAlexaKry Posts: 2,706 Member
    @DivaDoodle : Oh, I´ve forgotten: no, I´ve never seen that happening with the magic mirror and the poisoned apple, I didn´t even know that the mirror was abled to pass an object to someone!!!! That is so great that that happened to you!!!
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member

    @Tamijo That is really sad they fell apart. I understand the not acting on the townies, for your story. I usually end up playing the whole town, so when I see a problem in my town, I like to see what went wrong where, and see if I can fix it.

    ''I dont want Don, such an ..., I like surprices but not him.'' hahaha i know!!! :D

    I was willing for them to beak up & get new partners, but the first time resulted in possible homicide. :# so that was out, and the 2nd they just magically became husband and wife again, 3-5 mins after being divorced, just from chatting and flirting & looking at each other! so since it seemed they really wanted or were meant to be together, I just restarted so they could have their long relationship back. they have been together just one week shy of the games beginning. :)

    @AlexaKry :D ok ok no ugly black socks, I will give them all to Mr VanGould, he LIKES them! :D LOL

    Belinda is the nice one and the other two sisters are the problem!!! :D

    Yes I directed Belinda to ask Dante when they were Romantic interest, he got so Angry and refused! I think because he wasn't in love with her. Then I directed her to ask Don and he was happy to give it up, but they were Steady girl friend and boy friend, and in love.

    I usually allow them to do what they want and I step in to help fulfill the wishes they can't. So when I said Don could now go kiss that partner it was my direction that started all the terribleness. That is a lesson for me to let them be Free!

    same with the breaking up, it was me not them. I told Bea to tell her to break up. the rest happened naturally. but that was the insane Game at the end, that said Belinda was now a cheater, when she was asleep in her bed! :o it was a lie! I was Furious!!! that is the main reason I trashed that save!
    God I would have to be at their horrible house for years to get her reputation back.
    And the next one I told Belinda to break up, she had no wish to do so but I was thinking along with you, she needed a better partner. so really, no one ever wanted the break up. Then the game only let them be divorced for about 3-5 mins and as soon as they started flirting again POOF the game said they were married! :o *shrugs* so I reverted back again to let them have their 79 days relationship, instead of 14 days. it was just So Weird!

    Yes, I feel satisfied that they truly want to be together, that's why I changed his traits, and hair, and I fixed his nose since she now wants his kids LOL :D:D:D

    ty for thinking he is Hot! I tried Blonde hair on him and love it too! he is nice! but I decided to keep his hair black, I want that style in Blond for maybe someone special and very sweet, I haven't tried that hair yet on him! ;)<3

    yes I am just about to post! the continuing saga of saving Belinda! LOL

    I should try to find out more about the magic mirror!! that was amazing, i wonder what else it can do? Ty for telling me your experience!
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member
    edited January 2021
    69 The Watcher Watches: The Crumplebottom Sisters - 5 -

    When Belinda told Danny of her wish to have children, last night, it made him think, do we really want to add to the Witch population?

    (ok ok Watcher was thinking that! They are annoying with all that casting and playing with magic! There I said it! hehe)

    "Honey how much do you like being a witch, I mean, well, would you ever give up your Witchery?" asked Danny

    And without even needing to think about it, Belinda replies "Yes, I would give it up in an instant! I don't consider it a part of me, just something I do. I remember how you so willingly gave up your Vampirism when I asked you!"
    "I have an opportunity to visit the science lab to get this done, but, well that seems so clinical, I wish there were another way." sighs Belinda
    " We could go visit Louise, she is a Master Alchemist, maybe she could brew something up?" offered Danny
    "Oh yes! Let's go visiting, I love that household" Belinda says. "We really need to keep in better touch with them!"

    And off they went a visiting, leaving Bea and Bianca playing chess!

    What the? Bea! where are you off to?
    ''I want to dumpster dive instead of learning chess!" Fine lol
    It is Bianca that needs to learn, anyway.

    But just then, the new maid Musa, arrives,
    and Bianca wants to meet him!
    Bianca wait till he at least cleans or makes one bed!
    "No Watcher, I like him!" You don't even know him! "but I will! .lol
    and in the next 2 seconds

    lol get to know him, at least a bit, Bianca!
    "oh okay, if you insist"
    They find some traits in common --- Watcher checks, ok looks good for Bianca!

    Their stars signs are compatible!

    Bianca wants to impress him imitating a celeb!
    And somehow imitating a celebrity lets them know they are both snobs! :D Hooray!

    The attraction is strong in this one! thank you, Yoda.
    Watcher is wondering if this guy can get Bianca's mind off Tristan's Dad, Ayden!
    Bianca confesses attraction, just to get to kiss him! and fulfill her wish! He is her first romantic interest. and she is very interested.

    hmm, I don't know why Ayden, Tristan's Dad, was not a romantic interest after all her chasing him, and finally woohooing him at the park, but maybe my quitting without saving did something?

    Danny wants to get to know the new guy. I see that he has been getting a new outfit from the magic mirror. Danny & Belinda came back home, since no one was at home at Dante's.

    Bea! why are you at the festival? And why do you have a skill point in Alchemy? I see your wish for a jelly bean bush! Were you dumpster diving at the Alchemy Shoppe?
    "yes, I told you I was going!" ok
    aww Clammy :( the pop cup says :please spray disinfectant on the Love tester." aw :( poor Bea!
    she has a bad moodlet that says 'frozen loins!' :D

    I get the popup that Danny and Belinda are Eternally Faithful just now.
    I really should stop being so surprised at this sort of Koo-Kooism in my game, by now!
    The Main thing is everyone seems happy! :)
    Really Happy! They all simply Must celebrate this wonderful event of eternal faithfulness!!!

    Musa, are you even worse than Bianca? ;) "No Watcher, we are about the same." ok lol
    Because Danny and Belinda are so polite, they give the new lovers privacy!

    "Hon let's go see that new cooking comedy movie!!" says Bianca

    Poor Musa! he looks like he really likes Bianca! So it is sad that I must report their little romp resulted in Bianca wanting to go on a date with Ayden, again!!
    Even though she still really likes Musa! He likes money and so does she! they are made for each other!

    I check on Bea and she actually went to work! But she doesn't like so many people in there! I guess she will leave when at her limit, and there is her beloved Dumpster too! I buy her the jelly bean bush she wanted.

    Ha! Bea runs away from work again, it is just too much for her! this time she runs across the street, to the movies, she knows there are 2 dumpsters here! She sees Ayden and they chat!

    I see Mr Hopcraft trying to impress Tulip. he fails.
    But Tulip, being a polite and kind Vampire, steers the conversation to something Everyone can agree on, her wonderful daughter Tana!" ;) hehehe Tulip & Dante are extremely proud of their children!

    Bea! :o "I have stress, Watcher!" omg *shakes head* I thought you were over him?
    "No, not quite" Bea tells me.

    Then Bea attends to other Very Important matters!

    Danny and Belinda now see Louise is home! They arrive at their dear friends house. The home they used to share with Dante and Tulip. Danny is happy to be here again. he loves this house too!

    Danny hopes Dante comes home soon, he wants to talk with him, and apologize for being such an a$$, and tell him he has changed. He knows very well how close and how fond Dante is of Belinda.

    Belinda is able to ask Louise her important request "Ah Louise I have a big favor, could you please give me a potion to cure my Witchitude!"

    "Of course my friend! I would so happy to help out!" Louise is secretly delighted that there will be one less spell caster in the town!

    Danny over hears and is so happy! "Honey this is so great, thanks to Louise, now we can work on our family!"
    That happy thought puts them in a moment of bliss, imagining what it will be like, "wow, how nice" they think.

    "Honey I've got to tell you, I've got the baby hunger, Bad! I've been wanting kids for such a long time now, I might want to have more than one child!" says Belinda
    "oh this is so great!" thinks Danny "I'm finally going to be able to give her what she's always wanted!!!"

    Dante arrives home, and Danny greets him right away
    "Dante, so good to see you! I want to apologize for my rotten behavior and making you worry so much about Belinda! I know I acted horribly, and I want to assure you that I am now a changed man.'' Belinda looks on with love.

    Dante can tell the change in him right away. Vampires are very intuitive, can read minds, see into souls.
    "I'm glad you have the courage to come here, And the courage to change. I can see it, I can feel it.''

    ''This is the way you are meant to be Danny. As when you were a a child, before what ever happened to you to make you acquire your bad traits. And this path you now walk, can lead to lasting happiness for you and Belinda,
    if you allow it."
    Danny nods.

    "Good. Thank you Watcher"
    <3 Dante <3

    Danny turns to Belinda "I'm sorry, I won't let you down again Belinda, I want to be the man you see in me"

    Belinda believes him. Dante is determined to keep him at his word.

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    TamijoTamijo Posts: 1,072 Member

    Hope the visit to Louise can solve it for them
    Bianca wants to meet him Hopeless to try learning those WoHo hungry sims anything
    Bianca for Crist sake get a grip, your reputation is at stake (if you have any left), you have to focus on one man (at the time)
    Might be time for Bea to get a better job with less people, painter, writer that kind of thing.
    Belinda believes him Nice update seems like Belinda will get all she ever wished for, more worried about the other sisters actually.
    My active stories: Appaloosa County..*.. Sinful Sisters.....*.....Earlier stories:..*..Survivors the River..*.. A Memoir of Grace "Slick" Joplin
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member
    edited January 2021
    I'll try to play today. had a hideous reaction to a new med, couldn't understand anything yesterday, nothing made sense! to read 2 posts took 2 hours, could barely see, couldn't play, couldn't hold a coherent thought, couldn't even understand the stupidest shows on tv, finally just went back to bed ! :# not going to ever take it again. sheeesh!

    @Tamijo Thank you for your comments! :) Bianca and Bea are hopeless! LOL They are so entertaining to me! I'm just trying to figure out what and who they really want! :D

    Yes! Those would be a good job for Bea but when I leave this house I know she won't work at either painting or writing. Bea was unemployed when I got here.

    Yes I'm happy for Belinda and Danny, finally seems to be going in the right direction, just needs Danny's actual wish for a child, and for the potion to work!
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member

    70 The Watcher Watches: The Crumplebottom Sisters - The Cure -

    Amelina passes by, as Dante, Belinda, and Danny continue to talk.
    "Who . is . That!" She thinks, "Oh. Oh No!"

    ''Well well well, Watcher, I see you are giving that Don another chance!" she humphs to me.
    Yes, Amelina, he is changed. His bad traits removed and good 'family man' traits applied.
    "Well! I just don't know, Watcher! What 'safe guards' have you put into place? Belinda is such a softie, at least at work she is, she is practically a doormat!" Amelina tells me in disgust.
    "If Don ever tries anything again, Belinda will probably just look the other way! I just don't like this. No, not one bit!"
    Amelina, Queen Amazon, Loves to tell Watcher exactly what she thinks!

    But, She may have a point. I mull this over, while I watch Amelina keep their house spick and span.
    "Louise, your husband... He's doing it again" she sighs witheringly, as she passes by.
    "Umm Hmm" is all Louise says.
    Louise and Oscar are free spirits, so what if he decided to get new swim fins, while Watcher wasn't looking.
    And who cares if Amelina doesn't like them!

    Oscar is such a loveable guy, a truly gifted artist, why should He care what others think, he just likes expressing himself!
    He walks through the room cheering Dante, gleaning bits of the conversation going on.

    Upstairs, Belinda smashes the potion on herself!
    But nope, it has no effect on her witchcraft!!
    It does make her wish to cast a love potion on Louise! :o No Belinda! Watcher clicks it off!

    Danny hears the conjuring of an apple! "Hon didn't the potion work?
    "So now what do we do, Belinda?"
    "I have 2 more of the potions to try, Louise gave me 3 in that gift"
    ''Here you throw one on me as I apply the other one to myself!''
    And Belinda feels like something happened!
    Something is Very different! Is this strange new feeling, normalcy? Yes! Belinda is cured!

    Belinda is elated "Oh Honey this is so great! Now we can start our family! Since we both have the baby wish, right, Danny?"
    'mmm" mumbles Danny, as realization hits him.
    Now, a bit mystified, he is looking at his wishes. That's right, Danny has no wish for a baby.
    He doesn't understand it, after all those many baby thoughts as 'Don', continuing on, even after as 'Danny'.
    Where is the all important Baby Wish? Danny is well aware of the rules of parenthood, in this Simverse the Watcher watches over.

    "What now Watcher?

    I don't know Danny, it is up to you! I can't create wishes! There must be something in you still, that is preventing the wish.
    Some unfinished business, perhaps?
    I don't really know, as I took away Everything that made 'Don', and replaced it! So Danny you tell Me!

    Danny doesn't say anything more about it, to me, or to Belinda.
    "Come Sweetheart, let's go to sleep. And they retire to one of the many guest rooms.

    Back home I see Bianca and Musa having a bite to eat. At least she takes good care of her guest!

    And Bea is still at the movie theater, having fun playing with magic! Watcher sends her home.

    Watcher watches sweet Aiden and his wife.
    For some reason Aiden sleeps up here, probably just too tired to go to his room.
    Dante sleeps in the vampiric bed downstairs and Tulip in the vampiric bed upstairs!
    Why is everyone sleeping in a different bed all of a sudden?
    But Watcher has no control in this house, it will have to wait until later.

    Amelina, dreaming of baby blocks. Hi Tana!
    "Hi Watcher! When is it our turn?''
    ''When will you come back here to our house, to play with us?! We like you the Best!"
    Aww, I know honey! I like you guys the Best, too!

    Why aren't you asleep, Tana?
    "I dreamed of a ghost! so I want my Dad!"
    Well he is asleep, I just saw him.
    "No Watcher, I call him here to me" Tana tells me.
    ~~Oh yes I remember how she always cried for her Daddy! Now with her growing Vampiric powers,
    she can call to him in her mind.

    'Hi my Angel" Says Dante
    I love this family!

    Watcher goes to check on Bianca, She just had a nice long bath. She is tired and going to sleep.
    Bianca has wishes to talk about herself to Musa; go on a date with Mr. VanGould. and to Kiss Mr. VanGould;
    The latter after her first woohoo with Musa.
    The maid, Musa has also retired for the night.
    I have no clue why he didn't choose to sleep in Bianca's bed after woohooing with her all day.
    Maybe she told him of her wishes for Mr. VanGould?

    Bea is home, and for some reason, likes practicing magic, in a dark room! Why doesn't she turn on the light?! :D
    Bea! Why are you in this dark room? Why don't you go to bed?

    Bea complains "Watcher there is a maid in My bed!!!"
    :o ~~ Bea is right! That is indeed Beatrice's room! Why is Musa in here, in Bea's bed?
    They don't even know each other! (I don't think). There are guest beds in the house he could have chosen!

    I look through my pictures, ahh, aha!
    But Watcher had forgotten to show you all, the very first picture I ever took of Musa, when he first arrived to the house, to clean.

    Well now, I need to see what Bea will do.
    Hmmm Bea looks happy! Musa is her acquaintance at 25% liking scale.

    And through out the night

    While Bianca dreams of worldly things and disco balls.

    Who knows with these two girls? I sure don't!
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member
    edited January 2021
    71 The Watcher Watches: The Crumplebottom Sisters - The Wish -

    I go back to look in on my more sane acting simmies. Belinda and Danny were sleeping over at Dante's house.

    Belinda and Danny are joking around with Amelina. Then Danny asks Amelina
    "What do they say about me?"
    Amelina replies, ''They say you have been together so long, you both are Eternally Faithful."
    I wonder if this is Danny's ploy to make Amelina think he is OK enough for Belinda now?

    Danny asks Belinda to come with him, he needs to stop by his work.
    He goes inside for a minute and comes right back out!
    "Hon, I just quit my job." Danny says
    "Danny! What the heck! You were at the top!"

    Then Bianca composes herself.
    "I don't know why you would quit just when we are thinking of starting a family, but Danny, you know I'll support you in your decision.
    Is there some other job you would like to do?"

    Danny is glad Belinda is not so mad at him now.
    It mattered not that He was the top man there. He just no longer wanted to work at a job, having to sit next to a partner,
    a reminder of who He had been before. It just felt icky. Made him sick.

    He could get just about any job, he was so highly skilled. He wasn't worried.
    ALL that mattered was Belinda.

    "C'mon Hon, let's go home, I'll make you breakfast, read the paper, and find a new job!'' says Danny

    Danny gets busy making both their favorite foods, while Belinda reads to him from the paper.
    "Honey there's an opening in the Science Career, Creature Maker? Do you know how to fish? Or garden?"
    ''What sushi lover doesn't fish?" laughs Danny
    "Yes I know how to garden, We got good at it when Dante needed all those death flowers!"

    "Here's one in the Military! But didn't you already work there before, with Gladsten?" Bianca asks.
    "Yes that is how we met, He was my co-piolet" Danny answers.

    "Oh here is one, Star News Anchor, but you need very high writing and either charisma or speaking skills" offers Belinda.
    "Hmm well that sounds interesting, I have taken a bunch of writing classes so that my police reports would be better." says Danny.
    He smiles as he makes Belinda's peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
    He thinks it's cute that a Grand Chef would have such simple food as her favorite!

    "Let's eat sweetheart" Danny serves his wife then himself.

    "I hope you will choose a job today, Honey!" Belinda looks at her handsome Danny, noticing for the first time, his hair is starting to grey.
    *Gosh I hope we have babies before He turns Elder* Belinda thinks.

    Musa comes downstairs "Good morning! Boy that smells good!"
    "Morning! Please help yourself, Musa, I made plenty!" says Danny

    Musa chats a bit with Bianca and Danny "Did you know, I've written an autobiography!" says Musa.
    "wow that is great! I'll have to look it up sometimes" says Danny

    "Thank you Danny for cooking! It was swell!" Musa says
    "Oh my pleasure, I'm glad you liked it." Danny replies

    Musa heads to Bianca's room,
    he looks at her, still asleep, he goes on her computer for a second, then gets up and feels insulted that she sleeps
    when he is pinning for her attention!!!

    Musa uses the bathroom and when he comes out Bea is there. Bea wants to introduce herself.

    "hehehe Hi I'm Bea, Happy to meet you. I noticed you slept in my bed last night!"

    "Hello there, I'm Musa, I- I-I Must kiss you this minute!" says Musa, and kisses her.
    And Musa is under Bea's spell, even while thinking of Bianca! :o

    I zoom to Bianca, to see her thinking of Musa.
    Bianca heads inside! Watcher doesn't want to see a fight! Watcher is a wuss!

    Bianca flirts with Musa
    The 3 stand there, Bea staring and making flirt sounds to Musa. Bianca stands there, also making flirt sounds to Musa.
    And Musa doesn't know what to do!!

    "Yes I do Watcher!!!"

    Oh I beg your pardon! Musa takes it all in stride, making flirt sounds to each sister! One, then the other!
    And the weird thing is No one is mad! :o
    Danny heads upstairs with his wife. Watcher follows, leaving the 3 nut jobs to figure it out.

    Danny is about to have a heart attack! "Watcher what is SHE doing here?"
    I had nothing to do with it, Danny, Watcher doesn't have the ability to choose the maids!
    Poor Danny will probably have performance anxiety, since he isn't Don any more! :#

    "Argh! Watcher please don't say that, I am Not having performance anxiety, Geesh!" says Danny

    Why is Belinda smiling? What is she up to?
    Belinda spins around and says to Abby
    "Listen You! You can't be his partner at work, and then when he quits, come work Here as our maid!
    You Are Fired!"

    This makes Danny so Happy! His beautiful wife did know about his transgression! She knew Why he quit!
    Belinda is making a Stand for him! He feels his performance anxiety leaving.

    "Watcher Quit it! There isn't any performance anxiety!"

    ok ok sorry.

    Danny is bewildered there was no option for him to fire Abby! He wanted to!
    *That is so creepy that Abby came here in disguise as a maid! What a creeper!* he thinks.

    Danny comes to high five his wife, He is so impressed with her! Danny wants to give her flowers, She is just So Great!

    "I'm so sorry she showed up here, Belinda, I had no idea"
    "Well I had been thinking she was a bit 'off' '' says Belinda, and smooches Danny.
    You did Good! "Thanks Watcher, He is worth it to me."

    And feeling empowered Belinda grabs him and smooches the living daylights out of him!

    Watcher hears the woohoo sound from downstairs and sees this
    NOW someone is mad!

    Bianca is that an angry threat, to wish an engagement ring on someone? Is it because you both are commitment phobic?
    Does that make it a threat?

    "Of Course it's not a threat! But, He must pay, Watcher!"
    Rot-Ro Just don't kill him!


    Seriously? :D

    Musa thinks this is The Best House to work for!

    Watcher follows Danny.

    "WOOO I Got it Watcher!" Danny says excitedly.

    The job? That's Good!

    "I got The Baybay Wish!!!" Danny shouts to the Heavens

    YAY! Good boy! Get home!!! ;)

    Post edited by DivaDoodle on

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