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What happened in your sims 3 game today?


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    HillyBethHillyBeth Posts: 3,505 Member
    Well, I need to reinstall pose player and my poses. I moved the folder and accidentally deleted it(then emptied my recycle bin like a dingus)!
    Here are pics of what happened to the Covington family!
    Origin ID
    P.A.C.E- Positive Attitude Changes Everything
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,223 Member

    So are Emily and Shane becoming your favorites? Hehee *teasing* :D:p
    I really liked the start though, I'm not too big of a fan of the two characters they are good together.
    the start of the chapter was great, and I can't wait to read more <3


    Thank you, I use custom eyes, and I tend to use the aline sliders a tiny
    a tiny bit to create nice looking eyes.


    Thank you for the comments.

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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,223 Member

    I have enjoyed the recent updates.
    Yay good job of Quigley learning to cook.
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    @Nikkei_Simmer Look forward to whatever you decide is appropriate. :grin:
    I enjoyed the survival story when you first posted it. I was amazed at how fortunate they were to find all the stuff delivered right to their 'front door' to help them survive in comfort.
    Congrats to Haruo and River. I enjoyed the update and love that River is not the least scared of Mayumi and actually enjoys infuriating her.

    @Brandontaylor Nice to hear you are getting some playtime.
    The family tree is nice and full.
    I do wish we could expand them properly but guess that would take up too much space.
    Great family pics. I know Daisy doesn't need to eat but she might have kids some day that do. :grin: I see you had her learn in the next update. That was a good idea. :grin:
    Quinton looks great on his motorcycle.
    I don't play the way most simmers do so I need the long lifetimes. I don't like letting anyone die and I like taking my time and having adventures with them.
    Poor Irene missing school and getting yelled at.
    Glad to see Quinton and Melanie had some fun together.
    Thanks for the comments on my recent pictures. :smiley:
    Happy Birthday to Irene! She turned out very pretty, once you got rid of the pigtails! :grin:
    Nice family party.

    @GraceyManor lol at Linda and getting bored and using the megaphone. Yes, read a book dear.
    Those clouds can also be ghost invasions and unattended fires. I was able to click on the high rise in Bridgeport and use debug to stop the fire that cause one of those to appear in my Bridgeport save.
    She looks so cute in her pink outfit and hat.
    I think Linda needs to learn martial arts since she doesn't like having body guards.

    @Tamijo Comments on your story on the thread.
    Thanks for commenting on the pictures from Supernatural Island. A few more posted today. :grin:

    @DivaDoodle Your game might be a little stressed about something with the weird glitches going on.
    I'm guessing you had someone die in the pool once. Reset sim in MC advanced will send them to a safe place in the game! Usually back to their home if it is not an active. If active, usually the front of the house. Ask me how I know. :grin: Yeah, no one is dying in my game either.
    Glad Quigley learned to drive. Hope the glitches are gone.
    Faelie looks very happy about her job and Max always looks happy.
    I'm guessing Faelie is going to have to propose to Max if she wants to get married. :grin:
    It is Supernatural Island one of Rflong's partially finished worlds.
    I think it is a good idea letting Faelie be in charge since Max thinks it is already done anyway! see comment above. :grin:
    The house looks great, and spacious too!
    I had to laugh at Quigley's attempt at cooking.
    I love all your romantic pics of Belinda and Danny.
    I'm looking forward to seeing who you manage next.

    @MamaSimTee Thanks!! I do hope you enjoy the new job.

    @Gguy Bummer that Dad scared them in his ghostly form. Perhaps they will get used to him popping in and out as time goes by.
    Nice pics of your girls and their strange day.

    @emorrill Comments on your thread! :heart: Love the songs!!

    @HillyBeth Love the pics of your sim family.

    I've put two subways in Supernatural Island since it is such a huge world. I tested the time with Jorge and Judy. It took 1 1/2 hour game time to go across from one to the other with the subway. I'm not sure if I can make it faster with retuner, but will check. I can't remember if I've set relativity in my settings yet so I do need to check that when I play again too. I can't use the Llama's because they don't play well with Nraas 'go here' mod and I love having that mod in play more than the llama's. I'm going to eventually try to limit vehicles in the world so they can rely on horses, bikes and brooms.

    I gave them both level 5 riding skill and they rode from one subway to the other in just under 2 hours. Huge world! :grin: I loved watching them ride through the countryside on the horses. @Rflong7 does such a beautiful job on her worlds. This subway I placed in the pirate area. I forgot to take a picture of the other subway that connects. It is in the main part of the island that is the vampire area.

    Ignore the taxi (I probably can't stop those) but look at that cool broken bridge Jorge is riding past.

    The entry into what I call the pirate area.
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    TamijoTamijo Posts: 1,072 Member
    edited January 2021
    Episode 5 – Five Precious Stones

    Franz Liszt : Chasse-neige (1851)
    The French title of this work has been translated as “snowstorm,” though It is widely accepted that a more accurate translation is “a wind whipping up snow that has already fallen”. Maybe we can actually hear that in the music, when we know that was the intension.

    Jenny Richards Diary 13th of November 2724 AD.
    I went back to my old shelter to pick up the last possessions I had there, it was just a few books, some kitchenware and my old guitar.


    Greg Preston’s Diary 28th of November 2724 AD.

    The month have passed as I like it best, Jenny and I are very good friends by now, but we did not see each other too much this month. Plenty of time for me to enjoy my solitude. I just did some work outside the house to get rid of the leaves before winter time, and messed around with the typewriter without actually doing any serious writing.


    Greg Preston’s Diary 6th of December 2724 AD.

    It was now wintertime in our small community, but the weather was quite nice the first few day of December, I could have my supper outside.


    Jenny Richards Diary 9th of December 2724 AD.

    After spending all my time near the River in Greg’s or my own house, for the first time I took some days to explore the area. Did not find anything useful to us, but it was a nice to get around a little bit although I generally do not like being outside too much.


    Greg Preston’s Diary 20th of December 2724 AD.

    The last two weeks at night time protected by the darkness, I have explored a large part of the area surrounding out branch of the river. I found a spot that looks great for fishing at the river, Jenny told me others do, so I guess it is safe. Haven’t attempted it yet as I need to prepare fishing gear first.

    What I have also found to my great surprise is that some of the area must have been populated recently, as there is still paved roads and functional bridges. I guess they abandoned the site for some reason.


    Greg Preston’s Diary 27th of December 2724 AD.

    What I was actually looking for, was precious stone and similar valuable items, that I could sell in the mountain village when I returned at springtime. This was an old mining area. Looking alongside the river bank, I was able to find 5 stones with a combined value of more than 500$

    The last stone was a diamond, that I found quite near to our community on a small peninsula in the river, containing an ancient Neolithic construction. A beautiful sight with the snow falling silently to the ground.


    Funds after this episode: Greg: 6.757 - Jenny: 8.079
    Funny enough after both playing a bit on the same guitar, (Jenny play a lot and is now quite good) they have both reg. as a self-employed band, something I have wanted to do in my Janis story but was never allowed too. :'( In this story it makes no sense at all. As far as I can tell no band was actually formed yet.
    They both have the wish for “jamming” & “adopt a horse” coming up all the time. Janis also seek to sculpture and become a stylist.

    At the end of November, two community lots have been added. A large fishing “resort” at the river and a hangout (the one Jenny visited), this latter will be turned into a wild fruit and vegetable “resort” at least for one season attempting to get the community interested in gardening.
    Greg only use the typewriter to raise his fun-meter.


    Quite a great strike with Natural Cook for Irene when not allowed to choose. Still in love with anything Daisy <3

    Amazing quality – every pose perfect, her wet face almost made me get a bit of moist myself.
    As said before 3 Doors are great, that album (Self-titled) was the first I got of theirs, been listening to that so many times
    More comment over at your story.

    @HillyBeth: Lovely that close-up on the child

    Thanks for comment
    Nice shots from the Island again, especially like the one with the sub.

    Now also squirrels come near the houses, a lot of wildlife at this part of the map


    Post edited by Tamijo on
    My active stories: Appaloosa County..*.. Sinful Sisters.....*.....Earlier stories:..*..Survivors the River..*.. A Memoir of Grace "Slick" Joplin
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member

    @SilverofDreams30 Ah thank you for telling me the CC, well you are very good at making eyes! I love all your sims, so gorgeous, and a sims eyes is just about my favorite part!

    I'm glad you enjoyed the recent updates thank you for saying so! oh yes, good that Quigley is learning to cook, I like when they can take care of themselves! :) (so I don't have to worry!)

    @Bekkasan oh-oh I might have a stressed out game? I hope it doesn't break! :#:'( I'm already in love with everyone!
    I am kind of liking Some of the weird glitches though, it makes it unusual and fun for me! like Quigley running made him learn driving :):D and he ran for a really long time too! :D I was having such a good time watching him!

    my first born sim drowned in my first ever game. the family had been thinking of swimming pools, so naturally I took them to the pool, but I didn't know anything, back then. Shocked me and shook me to the core. Now I don't let the game take anyone, ever.

    Yes I remember you reminded me of the reset sim when Belinda first almost drowned, I just get so shocked, and almost paralyzed it is hard to think or remember what to do! the pause button is my now best friend!!! :)

    btw I always love your input and tips! TY you are just a sweetheart! <3

    Yea Faelie is amazing to Max; and now that she knows Max is ready for marriage, she can plan!

    Doh now that I am getting ready to leave them, I don't want to! They are probably being extra endearing on purpose, so I'll stay! lol :D

    I have several of CK's buildings, I really like them! I remember he said he was a builder not a writer, but man those stories were so entertaining! I still have several bookmarked. What a sad world w/o the talented makers of buildings and sims and story writers, and worlds!!!

    Wonderful world of Rflong! She is a genius! Your pictures are amazing!

    @Tamijo I wish I had the EP to know how to advise or help on the band thing!

    lovely update and I love all the pictures! I can't figure our if they live together or not? of course you already know I want them too lol! <3 I love your story!

    @emorrill Crazy good update! I am so happy that Shane is staying, I really love them together! <3

    I love what they expressed to each other, so heartfelt, so emotional! really perfect! :)

    The romantic in me was just reveling in each word they said! <3

    @HillyBeth I love your update! I really enjoyed your pictures! perfect wedding pictures, so natural! and they are so in love and having fun! <3
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    TamijoTamijo Posts: 1,072 Member
    edited January 2021
    They don’t live together, it is two lots, placed close. Only see each other if they chose to visit.
    As for now very good friends but have seen no sign of romantic gestures from them, he is a lot older than she is. My guess is that “we” have to find a younger bull somewhere.
    My active stories: Appaloosa County..*.. Sinful Sisters.....*.....Earlier stories:..*..Survivors the River..*.. A Memoir of Grace "Slick" Joplin
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,141 Member
    Hey friends. :)

    Thank you in advance to all of you who have commented on my recent story post. 🤗 Waking up and reading them first thing this morning made my day. <3 I'm glad y'all enjoyed it so much and...sorry I got you worried that I might break Shane and Emily up. ;) It was for character development.

    Anyway, I have much to catch up on so here we go! :)

    It's not. I'm enjoying them too much to end it.XD
    ^Wonderful. :) I look forward to seeing more of their story and what you have happen. ;)
    Looks like Linda enjoys being in the spotlight...for now. ;)
    Ryan's head smacking. :lol: Nice capture!
    I've seen those clouds appear in other people's sim games and I believe it's from something Supernatural related. I haven't played with the EP long enough to know, but I'm sure someone has answered it for you already. ;)
    What? They kidnapped Linda? :open_mouth: I wonder what they want from Ryan... ?

    @bekkasan Would you believe that I have NEVER seen "Dirty Dancing?" :open_mouth: It's true...and I need to remedy that according to a lot of people. :lol:
    That building next to the Elixir store rocks! :smiley: And yes, what a gorgeous view! :love:
    I'll be heading to my story thread to make comments after this. ;) I'm glad you liked the songs. <3 They can really be such an inspiration for me.
    2 sim hours in the Subway!? Wow! :open_mouth: I wonder if the world is as large as Praaven because that place is GINORMOUS! Biggest world I've ever played in Sims 3.
    Love the pics of Jorge on his horse. <3 Looks medieval, besides that taxi. :lol:;)

    @Nikkei_Simmer Thanks for the reply comments. :) Yes, it is good to write what we love. <3 I find that it becomes our best work.
    Oh Haruo, of course River would stick up for you! She loves you. <3 Oh yay they expressed it. :star: Nice kiss!
    "And frankly, as long as I can be a thorn in her side, by loving you, that'll give me absolute pleasure in putting one over on that hag." River stated, an malevolent smirk on her face as she just absolutely reveled in the idea.
    Haruo had dropped to one knee reaching into his pocket and said, "How would you like to go on ❤️❤️❤️❤️ my mother off to no end for the rest of our lives?"
    ^Lol! :lol: Alrighty then.
    What a cute proposal, and in the light of the moon and stars no less. <3
    Hauro's speech. <3
    I think the middle name Annette really fits and is pretty. :)
    Awwwwww! Great chapter! :star:
    Hey, you're back to your JAG Fanfic. :)
    I could watch Animal going about his business shirtless all day. :smirk: I'm sure Leah would too... hee hee!
    I can't stand it when I bite into even the slightest bone on a fish fillet. :confounded:
    I can't imagine how it would be being stranded on a desserted island in the middle of the ocean, least they have each other. That's a huge plus! :star: If I were alone, I dunno how I'd survive. :flushed: *Lots of prayers*
    This picture is gorgeous! <3
    Hee hee, she saw him nekkid! :p And liked it! :smirk:
    Aww, they'll get through it together.
    I completely understand Leah's reaction. She be like, "Show a little more emotion man!"
    I knew they were going to kiss and become intimate. :blush: Yay!
    Gosh I wish I could crank out the story updates as quickly as you do. ;) 👏

    @CravenLestat *Gasp!* :open_mouth: There you are my friend! Great to see you pop in! Was getting worried about you. <3
    Guess you've been busy eh? Especially working on new patterns. ;)
    Gosh you really made that outfit look 1000 times better! :star: Don't be a stranger, PM or email me anytime. I can't wait to see your flowers this year. :blush:

    @lisasc360 *Waves* to you lady. :) How's life going? I'm always glad to see you are still around and lurking. :blush:

    Hehe, Dani is like these older South Korean actresses, they never seem to age. Young adult is my favorite stage to play next after teens, I do not enjoy the adult/elder stages as much so I have my sims in the young adult stage for quite a long time.
    ^Lol! :joy:
    Same. I used to play Adult stages more often, but then Craven and others showed how different sims can look from the YA stage to the Elder and I never noticed it before, but once I did I was like... :neutral: So I keep my sims at YA as long as possible too. Until I'm ready to have them looked aged. ;)
    So are Emily and Shane becoming your favorites? Hehee *teasing* :D:p
    ^Maybe. ;) I'm really growing to love all of them at this point, even Sam and Haley in small ways. :lol: I think Harvey and Penny will always be my favorite couple though. <3
    Thank you. I'm really glad you enjoyed it. :kissing_heart:

    @Tamijo How very nice of Greg to build up a shelter for Jenny. <3 It's always nice to have someone, especially a friend, during a time of survival. Man is not meant to go at it alone...
    Her home turned out lovely. :)
    The Rap by “Weird Al Yankovic”
    ^Right. 🤦‍♀️ (Geez my brain sometimes.)
    The man is a hyper, musical genius! :star: (He's literally a genius actually, you should read up on him.) Another hilarious rap one he did is "It's all about the Pentiums."
    Allow me to share with you one of his famous 80's song parodies that I think you will enjoy (we tease daughter with it sometimes. :lol: ) and one of his more recent parodies which I love the heck out of because...I'm a writer. :mrgreen: So is Jenny's hair going to grow out anytime soon? :p
    Aww, cute little chipmunk!
    Is it wrong that I am like...expecting that Greg and Jenny might get a little romantic? :p (I think it's the romantic in me. ;) ) I guess he is old enough to be her dad huh? :neutral: That makes things a little weird...
    (^I see you provided an answer on that in your answer to Diva. :lol: 👍 )
    Amazing quality – every pose perfect, her wet face almost made me get a bit of moist myself.
    ^Aww, sorry about that. ;) Thank you so much. <3
    3 Doors Down is one of my absolute favorite bands! :star:<3 (Next to Plain White Ts). :blush:
    I'll comment on my story thread after this. :)

    Quinton had a wish to buy a motorcycle so I got him one. He seems very happy with me now.
    ^LOLOLOLOL! :joy: I was gonna say he doesn't look real enthusiastic about your gift. :lol:
    Oh my Flo needs to update her makeup style. :confounded:
    I have never seen "Dirty Dancing." :open_mouth: I know, everyone tells me that's an abomination! :lol: I will eventually.
    (I've Had) The Time Of My Life and Hungry Eyes are two of my favorites from the movie.
    ^Yes! :star: Great songs!
    Well hello there IF! :lol: (Those things still creep me out, I dunno why. :( )
    Speaking of shower woohoo: So when my daughter last played Sims she was like, "Mom! Did you know they can have sex in the shower!" I was like, :flushed: "LEAH! Gracious! It's woohoo..." :lol: Then she was like, "Well that's what they're doing..."
    And that's when I facepalmed. 🤦‍♀️
    She laughed at the pixelation and then asked if it can be taken away and I'm like, "There are mods out there that remove it, but not for your game kiddo..." *sigh* Sometimes I worry about her. :lol:
    Those dreaded pigtails. :confounded: Irene looks great after your makeover. 👍
    I kinda like seeing a little bit of Quinton's chest there. :smirk:

    @DivaDoodle Yeah Frank is a total hottie. :love:
    Oh my all those sims in the pool! :scream: That makes me nervous, especially seeing the drowning bubble. :flushed:
    I love acheiving the Eternally Faithful status. <3 It has a whole lot of extra meaning to me due to my faith. ;)
    Max teaching Quigley to drive, so cute. :blush:
    Yes Max and Faelie need to make babies. :mrgreen:
    Aww, they're discussing their future home. <3
    I'd be very thankful to you if I were Quigley too. :blush:
    Burnt grilled cheese...eww. 🤢
    That house is very pretty! I love all the tall windows. :)
    emorrill Crazy good update! I am so happy that Shane is staying, I really love them together! <3
    I love what they expressed to each other, so heartfelt, so emotional! really perfect! :)
    The romantic in me was just reveling in each word they said! <3
    ^Aww, thank you so much sweet lady. <3<3 It's one of my favorite scenes in the whole story so far. I'm so glad my brain cooperated with me on it to deliver it exactly as I was hoping. I'm so happy you enjoyed it. :kissing_heart: Now I gotta figure out what to write next. ;) He's still gotta get out of that room! :lol:

    emorrill stop making me feel old by calling songs from my youth "oldie but a goodie" LOL I'm only 50!!!! I was 17 when that movie came out. I saw it 3x in a row when it came out, because my boyfriend at the time worked at the movie theater and let me in for free. :smile:
    ^Nice! :)
    My apologies sweet lady. <3 I did not mean to make you feel old. That song is actually older than the movie Dirty Dancing (1960) so that's what I meant by saying it's an oldie, but a goodie. ;):kissing_heart:

    @HillyBeth Love the wedding pictures. They are a beautiful little family. :)
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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,390 Member
    @lisasc360 *Waves* to you lady. :) How's life going? I'm always glad to see you are still around and lurking. :blush:
    Waves back at @emorrill... :) Everything is fine except my anxiety is a little high at the moment because the hubby is going to get his 1st shot of the vaccine tomorrow as he's in the next group of people that can get it. He's considered as an essential worker by being in pest control and so they are next to go and schedule themselves an appointment for the vaccine. And of course I'm worried about it as well as others out there even though I already know of a few of my family and friends that already got their 1st shot. Other then that, I doing fine.

    Been playing World of Warcraft and a little bit of TS4 last week. I played that as I wanted to explore this tree that is in the neighborhood of Willow Creek where my SS and Donny lives at because I saw something in my email about watering this specific tree a few times and talking to it for a little bit and then it opens up to allow your sim to explore it. You can either explore where the noise goes to or follow the light in it. It's like when we explore the tombs in the cemeteries except that if you go one way, you come out in a hidden area called Sylvan Glade that has a small pond that you can fish in as well as a river with a water fall that you can fish in as well. Plus I had updated my thread over in The Sims 4 Stories and Legacies section since I hadn't done that since last year and I had pictures from then up until my last game play. I just need to add the new pictures to my thread so that it could be caught up... :)
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,935 Member
    Hello All

    I just dropped in for a second to say I've been giving out Awesomes and Likes and basically lurking while I endure the heat here and work on Episode 23 of the 30 Grandchildren Badge.

    Larry and Lynette have gone on vacation. I chose a very interesting world and I got side-tracked trying to do too much with them. It looks like it's going to be an approximately 1 hour episode. I don't want to cut it all out. I've done the first 25 minutes. I just added all the video I've recorded since that point and it comes to about 3 hours. I know I will be able to cut a lot of the extra out but also know I won't get that additional 2.5 hours down to 5 minutes. So today I'm focusing on getting it down to around 35 minutes and if I am successful the eventual length of the video would be approximately 1 hour. If I can make it shorter I will.

    Happy Simming all.
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member

    93 The Watcher Watches: Danny & Belinda <3 Max's Proposal <3

    As I watch Danny & Belinda sway to the pretty music. Quigley asks Fern to stay over, I have him ask her to slow dance too.
    This is her answer. Hopefully Quigley will get his ''make out with Fern'' wish fulfilled!

    When ever I think about aging up the toddlers, I find Danny like this:

    Maybe I should leave them as toddlers. Or maybe I should leave a birthday cake out for a few days so Danny can get used to it.

    ''Pwease don't keep us babies forevah, Watcha'' says Beau, very concerned, that I may consider it.

    just like on earth, can't please everyone, all the time. :) but I like to try to come close.


    "So tell me, my lovely, does the house seem ok for you and our babies? What would you like changed? I want it perfect for my perfect wife and children!" says Max

    Faelie laughs "Well my love, if we have so many children, I suppose we ought to buy more cribs and napping mats, and toys that can help teach them!"

    "Ah Aha. right, now what toy is best for our little philosopher, Zeke, I wonder?" murmurs Max

    Faelie softly laughs again. It is so endearing to her that Max sometimes lives in his future world in his mind. She especially loves that his future world includes her!
    And now Max has revealed one of their future child's name! :D
    Silly man! She loves Everything about him, she finds Max utterly delightful!
    "I love him with all my heart, Watcher."

    "Oh Maxy, you darling man. The house is just right, but there is one thing missing.
    Look at my hands, there is no ring to adorn them."

    "No ring!?" gasps Max with mock astonishment
    "Why would such lovely hands be without a ring?" teases Max
    ''But you must think I am a doofus not to remember to give you a ring!" Max's eyes twinkle.

    ''Oh Max, how I do love you. so very much!!" says Faelie, shaking her head at this silly, wonderful, genius.

    ''You know Faelie, I do love when you remind me, and bring my mind back to this time, where You are.''
    ''I love how you accept me, and love me, with all my many flaws. You amaze me Faelie, the whole wonder of you.''
    ''I hope you know how much I love you."

    ''As I look at you, here beside me, on our land, where all our future dreams will come true ... ''

    "What? Now where did you get that, Maxy?!"

    "Family heirloom. if you don't like it, we will get what pleases you most." says Max

    "Will you marry me, Fair Faelie, and join me in this most fascinating life?"
    "Yes Max, I will. I will always be here beside you." Faelie smiles

    Max pretends to struggle to get the ring on
    "Does it fit? Does it pinch? Oh perhaps the gem is much too large and you don't like it?!" teases Max.
    Faelie giggles at his silliness.

    "My wonderful wife"

    "My dear, dear Max"


    The lovely couple decide to sleep over in the new house, Max purchasing a future bed as he had heard the wonders of the moodlet it gives! "For Science!" Max tells Faelie.

    Back at home, the rest of the household are effected my Max's proposal! Whether by the telepathy or the loving vibes spilling over the backyards to reach them.

    And Watcher sees the very first of Danny's willingness to maybe allow me to age up his toddlers.
    He has never had this dream or thought before.

    Max awakens and comes home, sensing someone needed tucking in.
    "They are in the wrong beds Watcher!"
    Yes Max, but these are not your children, you know that right?"

    "yes of course, Watcher! but that doesn't prevent me from loving them!"

    "Max, I'm really happy you are so fond of children" says Faelie
    "Ours are the most wonderous of all, Faelie." says Max
    Faelie smiles, what parent doesn't think that!

    And Faelie is right, of course.

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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member

    @Tamijo yea gotta find a nice lookin bull, then! ;) Will there be a nice Grammy, too then, wandering about I wonder ;)

    @karritz wow that is a lot of video! It sounds like it will be interesting and Fun to watch it!

    @Brandontaylor Quinton in his leathers on his motorcycle is the bombdiggity! <3
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    CravenLestatCravenLestat Posts: 13,735 Member
    Here are the two kimono patterns from yesterday hope you guys like them and remember they are also great on many other outfits and chairs couches beds or rugs etc


    I Play Sims 3 On A Potato

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    CravenLestatCravenLestat Posts: 13,735 Member
    edited January 2021
    Treehouse Of The Swamp Witch

    I am in Lucky Palms so ignore the background. :D Anyway is a old treehouse for a evil reclusive witch


    Still building it got to add a few more touches to the exterior like vines hanging off the roof probably the ones from Al Fresco Market set then design the interior.Will try to add more pics

    EDIT: So far



    Post edited by CravenLestat on
    I Play Sims 3 On A Potato

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @CravenLestat The treehouse looks great and would suit anyone, not just reclusive wicked witches! Missed you and hope you are well *hugs*
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    TamijoTamijo Posts: 1,072 Member
    DivaDoodle wrote: »
    @Tamijo yea gotta find a nice lookin bull, then! ;) Will there be a nice Grammy, too then, wandering about I wonder ;)
    We have to see about that, wandering grammy's are rear :)

    My active stories: Appaloosa County..*.. Sinful Sisters.....*.....Earlier stories:..*..Survivors the River..*.. A Memoir of Grace "Slick" Joplin
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    CravenLestatCravenLestat Posts: 13,735 Member
    edited January 2021
    @Mikezumi Thank you, its hard to focus with all that sand and see the potential but the lot can be placed in Riverview or SV etc

    Wait for it..................


    Also hi to everybody <3

    I Play Sims 3 On A Potato

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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,435 Member
    edited January 2021
    @emorrill, good thing Shane decided change his mind and stick around or he should have gotten smacked (with closed fist) for being such an ID10T because he'd be hurting Emily a lot.

    Working on my next part of Chapter 7. Hopefully it should be up tomorrow.

    OOooh... Weird Al. :D

    "Why do you have to be such a fussy young man?
    Don't want no Cap'n Crunch; don't want no Raisin Bran,
    Well don'tcha know that other kids are starvin' in Japan,
    So eat it...just eat it..." Oh man... love those lyrics.

    Ah... remember listening to that on my boom-box with my friends in my mid teens and giggling my rear-end off. It came out in '84. Ah Gr. 9.

    My favorite out of Weird Al's was this one. It was a "break-up" song. :D And absolutely a freaking riot.

    Some of it was rather extreme.
    So I pulled your name out of my Rolodex
    And I tore all your pictures in two
    And I burned down the malt shop where we used to go
    Just because it reminds me of you

    Yes, I'd rather jump naked on a huge pile of thumbtacks
    Or stick my nostrils together with crazy glue
    I'd rather dive into a swimming pool filled
    With double edged razor blades
    Than spend one more minute with you

    A lot of people have tried to copy him; but all seem to fall short.
    Post edited by Nikkei_Simmer on
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    anskuplaysanskuplays Posts: 52 Member
    I personally don't have The Sims 3, but I sometimes play it with my friend who does have it. The last time I played, I created a sim slightly based on myself irl and I played with her. She went to France (I think) and fell in love with an Egyptian explorer. They had a long-distance relationship, but then they broke up when I got bored with him. Then she fell in love with a pizza delivery guy. After a while they got married and had their first son.
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    anskuplaysanskuplays Posts: 52 Member
    > @anskuplays said:
    > I personally don't have The Sims 3, but I sometimes play it with my friend who does have it. The last time I played, I created a sim slightly based on myself irl and I played with her. She went to France (I think) and fell in love with an Egyptian explorer. They had a long-distance relationship, but then they broke up when I got bored with him. Then she fell in love with a pizza delivery guy. After a while they got married and had their first son.

    Oh, and I forgot that I originally had an intention to make her a little like "a man eater" but when she met the good-looking pizza delivery guy, I changed my mind. :smiley:
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,223 Member

    Thank you for the comments, always enjoy reading your replies to


    You are welcome, custom eyes content can really live up
    the eyes a bit, there are some on TSR and mod the sims for example.


    Great update


    * waves*


    * waves*
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @Silverofdreams30 *waving back* :)

    @CravenLestat I kind of liked the sand in the background because it feels like an oasis :) Thanks for the lovely hug <3
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    TamijoTamijo Posts: 1,072 Member

    Episode 6 – Friends

    Friends - Where would I be without friends to take good care of me - My friends
    What would I do, I would be alone on my own
    Enemies, some say add spice to your life - But I've always hated to be so disliked
    I can't see why in this short span of time - Anyone does without friends
    Greg Preston’s Diary 17th of January 2725 AD.
    The first month of the year have passed by, it had been very cold and we primarily stayed inside to keep warm. I mainly came out to feed the chickens although they haven’t produced any egg’s to supply my food reserves. My main source of food this month has been salad.


    Jenny Richards Diary 21th of January 2725 AD.

    Gregg built a scarry snowman. “To protect us from evil spirits” he said with a smile, but I did not like it.


    Near the end of the month Pongo saw someone, at the area with the old wagons, but of course neither Greg nor Jenny would know about that.


    Greg Preston’s Diary 16th of February 2725 AD.
    I spend the first two weeks of February again searching the Riverbanks for gems and other valuables. This time I dared to go out in daylight and it was a lot easier than last time. Found several expensive items amongst which a large luminous gemstone and a piece of palladium the most valuable. Together they should be able to be sold for at least 700$. I also found a Lizard that I sadly lost again and a small bird.


    The small bird was a parakeet, not every valuable so I decided to built a cage and keep it.


    Jenny Richards Diary 20th of January 2725 AD.

    Being alone most of January, both of us I separate houses, due to the cold weather. We saw each other much more this month. I often came over to write a little poem or song on the typewriter, while Greg would cook a meal or make a salad for us to enjoy together.


    Greg Preston’s Diary 24th of February 2725 AD.
    Jenny have become like the daughter I never had. We have spent a lot of time together recently. Sometimes she falls asleep on my bed, then I will use the couch, cos I do not what to wake her up. I think this is the best time I have ever had.


    Jenny will join Greg visiting the mountain village shortly. She will get an invitation to join classes in painting. Should he:
    A: Take the master class at 1750$ to gain 4 skill point.
    B: Take the beginner class at 400$, to gain 1 skill point
    (If tied or no one answers default will be the last option)

    Funds after this episode: Greg: 5.748 - Jenny: 8.048
    The henhouse does produce egg’s but Greg do not harvest. :'(
    She uses the “typewriter” to chat – but we can’t use those words in this story.
    Gregg do actually serve the meal and they share it together, friendship bar maxed.
    Don’t ask, I don’t know who that was :o


    Is it not awfully silent here at the moment ?

    @emorrill: Thanks for comments.
    The Yankovic songs are very funny. Sort of reminds me of some of the funnier stuff Frank Zappa did some decades earlier, although the sound is very different.
    @CravenLestat: Thanks for the Kimono, already got an Asian family planned, so fit me perfect.
    Is the woman also your creation?

    The river and woods at sunrise, our small settlement and the right just above the bridge to the peninsula.

    My active stories: Appaloosa County..*.. Sinful Sisters.....*.....Earlier stories:..*..Survivors the River..*.. A Memoir of Grace "Slick" Joplin
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member

    @anskuplays Welcome! It's nice when the game gives you reason to change your mind in the game! :)

    I like the NPC's a lot! they are fun to get to know! And they can give the hidden traits to your offspring too! the pizza guys will give the love of pizza, the maid will give the never makes messes, the firemen give the immune to fire or pyromaniac, it's fun to engage with them!

    What version of the sims do you play, 1.2.3 or 4?

    Thank you @Silverofdreams30 about the custom eyes! I don't know why I am so scared to try them, I'm always thinking I am going to 'wreck' something! But I will go look! :)

    @CravenLestat I like the Treehouse Of The Swamp Witch! You do such a good job! what size lot is it on?

    @Tamijo B. beginner class.

    I like the pic of Greg with the pretty gems in the foreground.
    Bleh, salad in winter, poor Greg!

    That is so sweet that having Jenny over and her falling asleep and feeling like she is like the daughter he never had, is Greg's best time in his life. This whole paragraph was so touching to read.

    Greg doesn't harvest eggs because you aren't directing the sims in this game, correct? that is too bad. because sometimes they get an expensive egg to sell. So no direction at all? Or is it your hen house is acting up? You can reset it, with MC or add eggs.

    Beautiful picture!
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    TurjanTurjan Posts: 1,717 Member
    edited January 2021
    Comments come later.
    DivaDoodle wanted to see more uni pics, so she only has to blame herself that she is subjected to more :smiley:
    As my main family all had their degrees now, it was up to Frederick Frio and Sue Cooper, who had managed to become Mrs. Sue Frio during those few days, to organize the next round.
    As you can see, they just about broke even with that mix of financial aid and tuition.
    The next bunch of students approach Mallan Hall.
    Frederick and Sue are in the back and hardly visible, but they are the only ones to return and have been shown in my last post. The blond girl in the front is Sonia Langerak, the two brown-haired girls are the sisters Judith and Betty Lucas, the two darker haired guys the brothers Kristoffer and Avery Sekemoto, which leaves Robin Oz (the blond guy on the left), Barney's husband Lazlo's little brother (the latter two were part of the last batch).
    I didn't know how much money we needed, so I sent them to pick up the 20,000 simoleons starter money immediately, with Betty Lucas in the lead.
    What would university be without the mascot.
    It looks as if Kristoffer Sekemoto and Sonia Langerak got to know each other quickly. They both left their partners at home, and I'm afraid that's just game mechanics that sims simply don't remember their homeworld partners, unless they are part of the traveler group.
    The two easiest subjects are Arts and Science&Medicine, the latter mostly because of the Group Science Project, which got used intensively during the first week.
    Kristoffer and Sonia are both Virtuosi, and at least Kristoffer loves to sketch (Sonia had a medical lifetime wish though). Sonia seemed pleased with the result.
    Kristoffer and Sonia were both playing instruments as often as they could, with the usual side effects, like cancelling every action of all other sims, keeping them from going to sleep or eat, waking them up in the middle of the night, or, in other words, the whole bunch of reasons why I "love" that trait so much...
    Here Judith is smooching Kristoffer. He was also flirting around with Sue Frio, which tanked his relationship to his brother Avery to "acquaintance" status.
    Funny enough, Sonia didn't care even one bit.
    Graduation day was the usual chaos, and I'm already using a mod that lets students use all doors of the building. There are more queues at the doors on the other side of the building.
    This time, seven of the eight graduations went fine, but Judith canceled her graduation five times, until she got reset. On the next attempt, I simply reset everyone who was in line in front of her. Still, she was eaten by a werewolf in the end. She didn't seem to mind though.
    Needless to say, she was the last one to arrive at their dorm.
    With a final exchange of a few last niceties, it was time to return home.
    I liked the return spawn blob this time.
    Post edited by Turjan on

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